the monthly webzine for AO Labs' customers
December, 2017
"Depletion of Ozone so Bad / Mass Extinction could be within 7 years."
First we had Guy McPherson's estimates
of human extinction by around 2025.
Now an aeronautical engineer who
dubs himself, 'IRay' is indicating that crops
won't grow outdoors within 7 years
because of ozone layer collapse.
Does it make any difference that
remote viewers in the 90s provided
exact details that match what's
happening in the atmosphere now?
Or can we simply sweep all this evidence under
the rug and agree to relegate it to 'doom porn'?
June, 2017
"First we ban Black Salve . . . Then We Ban Water."
"A global culture that cultivates all things fake --
fake news, fake education, fake medicine, fake science --
as long as it serves a financial or political agenda, is the
hallmark of a system that can ban anything useful to man . . .
or even things vital to the sustenance of life on this planet. "
May, 2017
The Unmasking of Conventional
Medicine As Fake Health Care,
Medical Authorities as Shock Jocks.
" Fake clinical studies, fake journal reports, and Dr. Oz . . .
Just when you thought it couldn't get any more surreal . . . "
February, 2017
Forget Fake News . . . The greatest challenges of our time are Fake Science,
Fake Medicine, and Fake Education . . . confronting
a horrifically suppressive, global system designed to keep
us misinformed, chronically ill, and just plain stupid . . .
June, 2016
Article: Modern Medical Demonology: How Intentionally Misdiagnosing Healthy Patients
as Having Cancer to Make More Money Became a Standard Medical Practice
November, 2015
Article: Countering Wikipedia Disinfo: How My Bio Would Read if Truth Mattered
June, 2015
Article: When Big Pharma Shills Rule the Blogosphere
April, 2015
Article: Official U.S. Position: "Only Idiots Take Herbal Products"
September, 2014
Article: Orthodoxy's Pathetic War Against Escharotics: Melting Noses & Holey Heads
August, 2012
WOT: Latest Big Pharma Slander Campaign /
What Unfettered Rot Orthodoxy Has Wrought
July, 2012
Are You Guys The Real Originators of Cansema®?" -- Our Response to
The Confusion Generated by an Onslaught of Counterfeiters
June, 2012
A Most Extraordinary Vision of "2012" . . . or why we are
closing for the month of December
March, 2012
When Only Tyranny Prevails: Reflections on My Illegal
Kidnapping; Two Additional Years in Prison & The Ascension
of Opportunistic Counterfeiters
No Ashwins for Nearly 2.5 Years - Nov., 2009 to Mar., 2012
October, 2009
Title Article:
Mediated Experience & The End of the Pharmaceutical Age
New Products:
HRx (reintroduced)
September, 2009
Title Article:
How Cansema® Secured Its Own FDA Approval
New Products:
AO III Herbal Toothpaste (re-introduction)
Cansema® Salve with Aloe Vera Gel
Cansema® Nuwais
AO Chima Matiku (for wound healing)
August, 2009
Title Article:
Understanding Just Why It Was Never Possible For Orthodox
Medicine to Heal More People Than It Maimed, Poisoned & Killed --
(To Grasp Modern History is to Realize That Ours in the 'Great Age of Iatrogenesis')
New Product:
Ajo Té
June / July, 2009
May, 2009
Title Article:
Dark Messages from the Amazon: Preparing for the Ecological
Apocalypse & The Revenge of Gaia - (Greg Caton)
April, 2009
Title Article:
Quackwatch & Swine Flu: Confronting the MIC's Unending
Cavalcade of Pathological Lies - (Greg Caton)
March, 2009
Title Article:
The Consequences of Executive Power in Support of Executive Lies:
McAdams' Unstoppable Lying Machine - (Greg Caton)
January / February, 2009
Title Article:
Modern Medicine as Organized Crime : The Truth Behind
the Attempted Kidnapping of My Husband & AO Labs'
Founder - (by Cathryn Caton, N.D.)
December, 2008
Title Article:
A Devolutionary World: The High Cost of Suppression.
November, 2008
 The latest racketeering activities of the U.S. FDA --
documented by Mike Adams of Natural News is
discussed -- and the latest Cansema® counterfeit activities.
October, 2008
September , 2008
 The first Ashwin
edition since the raid of September 17, 2003 . . . our move to Ecuador . . . and the
resurrection of Alpha Omega Labs.
No Ashwins for 5 Years - Oct, 2003 to Sept. 2008
September, 2003
Tesla Photon Model 2000
AquaMarine Life Force
Potassium Iodine Hoxsey Solution
Transfer Fact Rx
August, 2003
Essex Botanical, Hoxsaic & Mojave Nectar
Prospero IV
Reforma CCVI
June / July, 2003
Artemis II
Raiza Creme
May, 2003
Manual for the Duna "Sputnik" --
or "Silver Bullet"
Shen Min (for male pattern baldness)
April, 2003
AO Bone Builder
Gotas "GS" Drops
March, 2003
Stevia Extract &; the battle over artificial
The Prologue & introduction of its new
User's Manual
Coral Calcium
February, 2003
AO Natural Suppositories --- Cansema,
Chelatox, and Neem
Discussions on both the Prologue and
Tesla Photon Machine
January, 2003
Omega UR Tonic
Latest media coverage on our Dr. Robert Wickman
December, 2002
Enchanted Ruins Healing Clays
Duna Sputnik Russian Zapper
(for parasite / stone control)
November, 2002
Medicardium Revisited
October, 2002
Cansema Salve with Iodine
Techno AO Electromagnetic Bioprotection Antenna
Emu Oil
September, 2002
Introduction of the
Tomsk (AES GIT) Autonomous Electrostimulator for the
Gastrointestinal Tract
Phyto Rx
Olive Leaf extract
August, 2002
Introduction of the
Ecomed Electronic Normalizer.
July, 2002
Introduction of
and Chickweed Ointments
H3O Update
"Ask Dr. Wickman" introduced
Health Zone Book Review section
Mailbox Excerpts (for July, 2002)
June, 2002
Introduction of
Cansema Salve - Deep Tissue
AO Labs'
Liver/Colon Cleansing Program
Tru-Derm Scar Cream
May, 2002
Introduction of Protocel line of products
Artemis (Wormwood extracts)
April, 2002
Introduction of the Immune Building
Ellagic Acid
Beta 1,3-d Glucan
March, 2002
Introduction of the 'Heart Healthy' page
AO Bioenergized Flax Seed
AO Heart Drops
February, 2002
Agaricus Mushroom Extract (ABM)
Apricot Seeds & Laetrile
Old Amish Dewormer
New Methods of Communicating with Our Staff --- ("ET, Write Home!")
January, 2002
The Year in Review at AO Labs for 2001
Cansema Revamped,
CanSupport Introduced
December, 2001
The Perfect Dental Care System? (Omega III / H3O
The Amazing Story of
Phoebe Latham
November, 2001
New Uses Reported for "pH Solutions"
Scalar Wave, Revealed as Basis of New "pH Solutions"
Enormous Potential in OB/GYN Applications
Arthritic Pain...
Sports Drinks that Work
The Fountain of Youth
October, 2001 ---- (Premier Issue)
Reintroductions of
Cansema Tonic
Omega III Dentifrice
H3O for Spas
Eczema (introduction)
When Healing Becomes a Crime.
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© 2004-2017 Alpha Omega Labs · Guayaquil, Ecuador. All
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