It has been nearly two and a half
years since I posted an "Ashwin" -- our periodic update on current events at
Alpha Omega Labs . . .
begun in 2001 but interrupted frequently, due to
my run-ins with the U.S. FDA over the past nine years. (Inmates have no access to
internet service in U.S. federal prison, apart from a pathetically neutered
email service, called "

the destruction of
our lab in the U.S. by the FDA in 2003, a host of books have flooded the market
concerning the corruption of the orthodox medical community. When Cathryn and I
first began working in this business in 1990, people still talked about
modern medicine. Today, the orthodox community has morphed into a crime syndicate
of such breathtaking magnitude that the concept of "reform" is increasing being
treated as naive. It isn't so much that orthodoxy has been so blatant in
abandoning even the faintest whiff of moral or ethical authority in their
quest for greater profits -- but rather, that they take such enormous delight
in displaying their
contempt for even a modicum of common decency.

A testament to this "over the top" state of
orthodox medicine are the documented facts concerning my kidnapping and extraordinary
rendition on December 2, 2009. Top officials here in Ecuador have acknowledged that
a substantial number of laws were broken during this escapade, all of which I now
document in Chapter 3,
Section 3 of Meditopia®.

Just as nauseating as the behavior of governmental jackbooted
thugs in their quest to please their true masters in the pharmaceutical industry, has been
the audacious acts of counterfeiters of our products.

I can think of none that have been more callous
than the activities of
Bevan Potter and
Elaine Hollingsworth in Australia. Allow me to

In October, 2008, I wrote about a
clearly devious ploy that Elaine orchestrated
in a scandalous attempt to get the public to believe that Bevan Potter was making
"the real
Cansema®" -- and that Cathryn and I were endorsing it! (Whatever
financial benefits were received in turn for promoting this deception, we can only imagine.)
Never mind that
Cansema® is our
U.S. registered trademark,
and we have used this tradename continually since the early 90's -- interrupted only by
five years between my unjust imprisonment and the re-establishment of our lab in Ecuador.
Never mind that Bevan Potter got into the
business only AFTER
he provided
us with a glowing testimonial concerning the effectiveness of our product. He
amplified the problem by ignoring Cathryn, my wife and this company's co-founder,
by repeatedly ignoring civil requests to stop calling his product
and desist from falsely telling the public that I personally gave him "the formula" -- which
has been steadily improved over the past 20 years -- while I was in prison.
Never mind that with the online maintenance
Meditopia®, we provide the most complete history of escharotic preparations
available anywhere. That much of our work is uncompensated, or "pro bono," so as to educate the general public.
Never mind that we are the only ones -- to my
knowledge -- to provide,
free to the public, a
video demonstration of how one can
actually make a basic escharotic preparation in their own home.
Never mind that documented cases of
botched results from dealers such as Jennifer Wilson and Bevan Potter were so great -- with many
clients not being able to get effective customer support -- that for years we maintained a
for Fake Product program so that the entire field of escharotic preparations would not be tarnished
as a result. (We only discontinued the program when it became clear that not even WE could
financially support the compensation of all the deceived parties.)

As in the case of the FDA, there is no moral or ethical
line that cannot be crossed with these people. Elaine, in particular, understands the truth about
the corruption of the unholy alliance between government and Big Pharma and does a good job of
articulating this position in her work. And what's why her latest ploy is so aggravating.
Simply put -- she knows better.

This week (beginning March 25th) we began to get reports
that Elaine Hollingsworth was responding to attempts by Australia's FDA twin sister, TGA
(Therapeutic Goods Authority), to make "black salves" unavailable to consumers. We would
have to applaud such an effort because making people more aware of the tyranny behind modern
medicine is the very reason we put out
Meditopia® in the first place.

But she doesn't stop there.

In a massive email campaign sent all over Australia,
she goes on to tell consumers that they shouldn't deal with Alpha Omega Labs --
"because I don't trust them."
No further basis for her condemnation is provided. Why? Because she undoubtedly remains miffed that
we caught her deceiving the public with her "Cansema video" in the first place, and the temptation
to slander us for having caught her with her hand in cookie jar was just too irresistible.

And the problem doesn't end there.

It isn't enough that we caught her red-handed misinforming
the public at the conclusion of
her previous scandal.
Now we have to spend time addressing scores of letters we have received from frightened consumers
who do not appear to know that when they call us they are addressing the very people who
pioneered the industry in the first place -- the very people whose highly efficacious formulas
form the coattail that Elaine Hollingsworth, Bevan Potter, Jennifer Wilson, and others, have
been riding for years . . . all the while biting the hand that feeds them.

This kind of backbiting saddens me greatly.

On what authority do those of us in the alternative
community operate if we don't behave any better than those in Big Pharma? How are we any
different from these horrifically evil governmental bodies if we can't replace the effort
to "make more money" with a real commitment to safety, efficacy, and low cost? When you
deliberately bad-mouth products that you know are effective just because you want to
re-direct someone to your store or shop, how is that any different from the kind of
"Big Pharma" behavior those of us in the alternative community have been excoriating for years?
We lament the official suppression of the work of pioneers like R.R. Rife, Harry Hoxsey, William F. Koch,
Nikola Tesla, and others -- so how is the underhanded work of
Elaine Hollingsworth any different?

If medicine -- either as taught in the orthodox, alternative,
or integrative communities -- never has an opportunity to ascend to something greater than
money-making, on what basis do we hold hope that the current condition can improve?

Alternative medicine, if it ever hopes to remain
viable at the table of modern health care, must address something more than
what it does.
It must address
what it is. And what it is must stand in stark contrast to the cesspool
that is part and parcel of the current system -- one where only tyranny prevails.

Greg Caton --- Founder
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, Ecuador