o-Q-10 - the abbreviation for "Coenzyme-Q-10"
(or "ubiquinone")
is a fat-soluble vitamin that is central to the body's production
of energy. Co-Q-10 has an interesting history: it was
discovered in 1957 by Fred Crane, M.D., from the
University of Wisconsin, who isolated it from beef hearts. The research
was carried out by Dr. Karl Folkers, who became interested when his
next-door neighbor with terminal metastatic lung cancer started taking
CoQ10 and had a complete remission (source: BC Cancer Agency).
Only recently has the
importance of Co-Q-10 begun to become truly appreciated.
Co-Q-10 is found in all vertebrates (animals with a spine) except
rats, mice, and one known fish (the walleyed pike).
Our Co-Q-10
clinical study
page presents just a few of the many studies which have
been done, highly suggesting that Co-Q-10, as a supplement, has a proven
place in the regimen of those concerned with...
- Antioxidant -Co-Q-10 is a powerful antioxidant.
It has the ability to decrease the amount of harmful free radical
activity in the body (Grieb, P. Antioxidant systems - physiology
and pharmacotherapy trends. Mater Med Pol 1992 24(4):217-222).
- Aging - With age, illness, or environmental
stress, Co-Q-10 levels decrease in the body, some
researchers (Lee, WH et al. PhD, Coenzyme Q 10.
Keats Publ., New Canaan, Connecticut 1987) have
speculated that on account of its its ability to
prevent mitochondrial damage coupled with its
antioxidant properties, Co-Q-10 may well "play a
fundamental role in decelerating aging."
- Breast Cancer- Evidence exists that Co-Q-10 may
be helpful in the treatment of breast cancer
(Lockwood K et al. Progress on therapy of breast cancer with
vitamin Q 10 and the regression of metastases. Biochem Biophys Res Commun
Jul 1995;6;212(1):172-77). Patients should take note that there are
contraindications with Coumadin and perhaps other blood thinners.
- Cardiovascular health -Co-Q-10's ability to increase
oxygen delivery and energy supply has been shown to be
beneficial in clinical trials involving
mitral valve prolapse, angina, cardiomyopathy,
hypertension, and congestive heart failure.
- Memory / Alzheimer's -Impaired memory
is believed to be tied to a lack of oxygen utilization
by the brain. Clinical tests have shown that
when administered for 4 to 12 weeks, Co-Q-10
has shown results in reversing the effects
of Alzheimer's and memory loss.
- Periodontal conditions -Alpha Omega
customers have reported great success in an
Omega III
dentifrice / H3O combination. Co-Q-10
offers yet another approach for periodontal
patients, or as one researcher put it
Co-Q-10 "has demonstrated excellent results
in clinical trials on periodontal disease...
The studies have been positive in showing a speedup
of healing time, reduced pockets, and improvements in other factors associated with
gum disease" (Mayell, M. The Natural Health First Aid Guide. 1994. Pocket Booksj,
NY, NY. p. 298).
A Word About Our Product:
The kilogram price for Co-Q-10 is just out of this world.
Jokes abound within the industry that with each purchase,
the raw material suppliers
should provide a complimentary mirror, razor blade, and snorting
straw. (LOL ... Bad!) ... So, to differentiate their products and
effective "cut" the actual amount of Co-Q-10, a large number of
resellers add far cheaper ingredients and come up with names like
"Co-Q-10 Plus" or "Super Co-Q-10" - when what they are really doing
is "cutting the product." If you really need gingko biloba,
or Vitamin E, or lecithin, or any of the other cheap ingredients
that Co-Q-10 gets mixed with to reduce material cost -- buy them
separately. Whether you get your Co-Q-10 from us, or somebody else,
buy the real thing, the genuine article --- pure and undiluted.
Updated Lab Notes
Among a group of 75 American women with cervical cancer or cervical intraepithelial
neoplasia, a precursor to cancer, lower levels of Co-Q-10 were found in blood
and cervical/vaginal cells, compared with 27 women with normal Pap smears. Another
study among 200 French women with breast tumors, both malignant and benign, found
reduced amounts of blood Coenzyme Q-10. And a later study of 21 Turkish women with
breast cancer undergoing radical mastectomy found lower amounts of Co-Q-10 within
the normal, surrounding tissue. In fact, four of the women had undetectable amounts
of Co-Q-10. In light of a recent clinical study showing Co-Q-10 supplementation
protects immune cells from DNA damage, Co-Q-10 certainly merits further study as
a cancer preventive.
Correlation Summary:
- Breast Cancer
- Coronary Disease
- Alzheimer's
- Memory Loss, General
- Aging
- Periodontal Disease
Useful Web Links
The clinical value of
Co-Q-10 has been well-established since the late 1980's, so
the net has a variety of useful articles to more fully
inform both practitioner and end user of its properties
and applications:
Notable Quotes
Dr. Richard Passwater, Phd.,
reports in 'Whole Foods Magazine', November 2001, "Overall, I am aware of
more than 800 prostate cancer patients who have been treated with CoQ-10,
all with uniformly good results." In the same article, author and
biochemist Wayne Martin noted successes with CoQ-10 treatment of breast
cancer and Parkinson's Disease, especially with long-term usage.
"More recent findings substantiate
the view that supplementation with CoQ10 can cause complete regression of
tumors in advanced breast cancer, including one patient with numerous
metastases to the liver." (Diamond)
"There has been some evidence that
Coenzyme Q has efficacy when used in combination with other cancer treatments
to ameliorate harmful side effects of those treatments (refer to proponent
claims/beliefs section). However, it should be noted that it has not been
proven that CoQ is effective as a cancer treatment in itself."
(BC Cancer Agency)