lmost every herbal, ethnobotanical, or medicinal tradition
on earth (with the exception of modern, Western medicine) has
some provisions for the "cleansing" of the organs of digestion
and elimination.

Until recently,
Alpha Omega, to note one example, carried a
complete digestive and urinary
cleansing program from Peru - one quite indigenous
the Amazon. Most other cultures
have similar provisions.

One of the most obvious
examples recognizing the value of periodic cleansing is fasting.
Though it is extolled in almost every major world religion,
in the context of
its spiritual benefits, the benefits
of "
therapeutic fasting" have been also been well-documented.
Benefits of Fasting for a quick summary.)

Currently, there are hundreds of approved
fasting centers
run by licensed physicians located all over the world.
That they are not as popular in the West does nothing
to make this modality or its benefits less valid.
Fasting not only allows for weight-loss, but cleansing of the
organs of elimination as well. (Interestingly, when one
has gone through our Liver/Colon Cleansing program,
fasting actually becomes much easier for those who
elect to use this form of periodic purification.)

The decline of fasting
in the West is, in part, due to the development of working
and dietary lifestyles that do not well accommodate occasional fasts,
and actually make them more difficult than ever.

Whether you ever fast
or not, you can get the benefits of fast, easy, liver and
colon purification with our Program.
"I can't believe what came out .... "
Many people can scarcely believe
the kind of stones that come out of them during a thorough
liver flush. In actuality, the stones above came from both the liver
and gallbladder. Green to bright green stones reflect a relatively
healthy liver and gallbladder. Stones that are anywhere from brown
to black (almost always foul smelling) reflect a liver that is
either in a disease state -- or well on the way. In the photos
above, the left is the stool produced by the flush. The right
photo was taken after the stool was cleaned - in order to clean off
and isolate the stones hidden within the stool.
A Program Easy to Follow...
With Pulpable Benefits in the Very First Day

You don't have to fast
to get the benefit of a thorough liver/colon housecleaning.

The results of our program prove it. (Though we have
nothing negative to say about therapeutic fasting -- in
fact, fasting may or may not be conducted before, during,
or after our Program to achieve additional benefits).
In addition, it should be noted that fasting, for a variety
of reasons, is contraindicated for some - on the advice
of their primary care physician.

In addition, our
Program provides additional elements of purification
that you will not obtain within a three of four day
water fast -- thorough deworming, strengthening of
the colon muscles for improved peristalsis, or
repopulation of the intestines with healthy bacteria.
To Get Started

There are four links in the column at right, which take
you to each of the four steps involved in our
Liver / Colon Cleansing Program. We recommend that
you read the entire program through first, so that you
understand the basic program in its entirety. (You
should allot about 30 minutes to do this.) Then begin
Bowel Cleansing, then
Parasite Removal,
Liver Flush, and
Microflora Restoration.