he idea that
controlling parasite activity in the body is critical to
good health is not new -- nor is the observation that parasites
thrive in a host that is diseased.

In North America,
colonists left extensive writings describing parasites
they would encounter and the remedies employed to get rid of
them. Well into the 20th century, grandparents on our side
of the Atlantic were still instructing their children and
their children's children on the value of a spring tonic
and molasses,
the former being a general vermifuge (parasite-killer).)

None of these ideas are new.
They are lost.

The transition into ignorance,
in our collective opinion at AO Labs, was aided by the migration of
Western society from one this primarily agrarian to one that is
overwhelmingly urban. At the
turn of the 19th century, a little more than 10% of Americans, to
pick one example, were urbanites - the rest of the population essentially
"lived on the farm." One hundred years later, these ratios
roughly reversed themselves. Dealing with parasites on the farm,
where both humans and livestock live close to the soil and bio-waste,
is a simple fact of

What has resulted from this
descension into ignorance concerning this facet of good health
maintenance is nothing short of an epidemic (see sidebar at right).
The "Hulda Clark" Controversy

So ... you have a disease? Hulda Clark
the cure!

In a series of books that even exceed
Dr. Strauss's strident health claims, Hulda Clark
claims that parasites are the cause of most, if not all, disease. Her high profile,
"in-your-face" approach has made her famous in the alternative cancer
care field -- and a perpetual target of U.S. regulatory officials.
Her outreach foundation provides
books and video materials
that are equally audacious -
providing gris for the internet mill, where one can find
a treasure
trove of web pages deriding various aspects of her approach.

Although her books deal
in other therapies besides vermifuges - the vast majority of them
involve products and devices which are sold elsewhere to the public.
The linkage between her
unconventional claims and the products to which they are connected is what
has gotten her in major trouble in the U.S. Moreover, her tactics have
enabled some orthodox observations to offer
compelling arguments to refute her positions - (this link provides
a comprehensive attack by Dr. Stephen Barrett, M.D. that, from an
impartial reader's perspective, can be found to be meritorious on many

What is unfortunate
about this turn of events is that Hulda's excesses have served to make
the entire area of deworming look like pure quackery. Quackery it is not --
and long before the dawn of modern medicine, it was considered a matter of
fact that deworming through such combinations as the aforementioned "sulphur
and molasses" was an essential, if irregular, practice to maintain health.

Several years ago, we happened to
speak to Dr. Patrick Quillin, author of
Cancer Through Nutrition, who provided us a good analogy concerning
Hulda's claims that the cure for cancer was the elimination of parasites.

"Hulda has the causal relationships
backwards," he noted. "If you didn't know any better, you might be inclined
to think that fireman go around and set houses on fire. After all --- when
you see a house on fire, don't you usually see firemen at the scene?
The truth is, it isn't the parasites that cause the cancer. It is the
cancer -- this condition that suppresses the immune system and weakens
the body's defenses -- that creates an environment where parasites
can thrive."

Concerning Hulda's testimonials,
Quillin was not surprised, "The body has amazing healing powers.
With some cancer cases, if you get rid of the parasites and improve
nutrition, it is entirely possible that the body can mend itself.
I can believe that you may bring about remission in some instances."
A Veritable Fountain of
Fraud & Price Abuse

Dr. Clark's activities have lead
to a plethora of followers who bundle her book and sell
ineffective, often diluted, extracts of black walnut, wormwood,
or cloves. A true vermifuge produces results: you will see the
worms come out in your stool. In one instance of which we're aware,
a medical doctor in Arizona was bundling the Hulda's first cancer
book with a 2 oz. extract of black walnut and selling it for $50.
When confronted by an associate of ours as to the lack of
efficacy that 2 oz. sample would bring, he replied, "Well, it's
better than nothing at all."

One prominent wholesaler
retails a gallon of her parasite brew for twice the retail price on the
Alpha Omega Labs' web site, and yet, its contents are no different.
How do we know this? Because we are contracted with one of
the Clark organization's former manufacturers.
Colon Hydrotherapists:
"The Canaries in the Mine"

Another development
that came to our attention and alerted us to the growing
problem with parasites were the reports we were getting
from practitioners in one of the less well-known
modalities, colon hydrotherapy. (We have quite a number
of reselling practitioners who are hydrotherapists.)

Colon hydrotherapy
can be effective in the case of impacted colons, where
adjustments to the bacterial flora of the lower tract
are desireable, to improve muscle tone and peristalsis,
prep for coloscopy,
and when desiring to take advantage of
therapies administered in the colorectal area (i.e.
Gerson's 'coffee enemas' are often administered by
colon hydrotherapists).

intestinal worms is part and parcel of hydrotherapy work.
Many colon hydrotherapists
deworming as a benefit of their treatment - (though we believe
for most people, the deworming benefits of colon hydrotherapy
with just water is quite negligible). Nonetheless, practitioners
have expressed to us the observation that the number and
quantity of expelled parasites from hydrotherapy has increased.

"You always see worms, if
you're going to work in this business," noted one therapist, "but
I see more parasitic activity going out through the 'viewing tube'
than I ever used to see before."

In this respect, we view
colon hydrotherapists as the "canaries in the mine." Since the
vast majority of their customers are adults, the proliferation
of parasites (and this just concerns those species of parasite
that are either intestinal, or can be readily expelled through
the colon) is alarming.

If this phenomenon can
be verified through other impartial sources, it should be
something that concerns health authorities in the countries
affected. But we doubt that even in the face of strong, supporting
evidence, the medical establishment will not respond in kind if
there are not newly constructed, strong profit motives.
Our Position & Our Formula

Deworming is an important
part of health maintenance. It should be more about maintaining
good health than it is curing disease. In our work on the
Western Amazonian project, we were
surprised to learn how many different cultures in South America -
even those quite backwards by Western standards understood this
principle. Our
Vermifuge formula
from South America, though no where near as strong as
Old Amish Dewormer is a testament to the indigenous
people's understanding of this principle in Brazil.

We provide our Dewormer,
free of health claims, not because of the legal implications
in certain countries (like the U.S. and Canada), but because
the faintest attempts at exaggeration or overstatement
are counter-productive to educating people about this
important aspect of good health maintenance.
Our Formula:
Our research indicates that
Old Amish Dewormer is the
on par with the strongest, most concentrated vermifuge now
available on the market. You only need one tablespoon per
day for five days, and three tablespoons per week taken
thereafter for maintenance. The product costs $84.95 for
32 fl. oz., or 64 one tablespoon doses. Comparable products
sell for nearly as much and come in 4 and 8 fl. oz. bottles.
(Original Formula): (Code 235, 236) ---
Tinctured extract of black walnut (green hull, bud, stem,
and leaf), olive leaf and stem, clove, pumpkin seed,
and wormwood. Preserved in apple cider vinegar and
grain alcohol (40%).
(Glycerine Extracted Formula):
(Code 237, 238) ---
Tinctured extract of black walnut (green hull, bud, stem,
and leaf), olive leaf and stem, clove, pumpkin seed,
and wormwood. Extracted with glycerine and preserved
with less than 6% alcohol.
(both formulas): As a dietary supplement, take one tablespoon
(15 ml.) per day for five days, and then three tablespoons per week
for general maintenance, or as directed by a health care professional.