he foundation for most of the formulary work at
Alpha Omega Labs has been phytopharmacology - what
most people call "plant medicine" (we expand on this in our
introductory page).
The result of this work has been the creation of specific,
combination formulas created to address specific health
care concerns.
Phyto Rx (tm) is
a departure from our established formulary work in that
it uses well-established extraction methods, using
an alcohol base, to create traditional, reasonably
priced herbal tinctures.

The vast majority of
these formulas are well-known to practicing medicinal
herbalists - with informational pages and monographs
available from any search engine. Nonetheless, you
will find our own monograph
pages below -- including descriptions, links to clinical
studies (where available), and helpful links.

As always,
email our staff with any
comments or technical questions.