elcome to the "archive site" of
Alpha Omega Labs -- a private company devoted
to exploring the best techniques and products in the alternative
health care movement. Alpha Omega Labs operated continuously
from 1991 to the founding of its web site in August, 1995 to its
temporary closure on September 17, 2003. It reopened its
office in Guayaquil, Ecuador in early 2008 and its
order center on May 31, 2008. [Early versions of our web site going
back to 1996 can be viewed on the
Internet Wayback Machine --
but a far more extensive history of our
company can be found in Chapters 1 through 4 in the online book,
Meditopia® (2004-2009) . . .
Important Note: This site -- "altcancer.net" -- is an updated version
of our original website, "altcancer.net," which is now a "Joomla"-activated
version of the original. On the recommendations of our FDA attorney, our
lab now operates "herbhealers.com"
for customers in the U.S. and Canada,
and "alphaomegalabs.com"
for customers in all other countries.]

(By the way, the
old welcome notice is readable, but
in light of new developments, we now provide this updated
introduction to our company.)

We are
herbalists, chemists, and manufacturers of herbal concentrates,
ointments, encapsulated, tabletted, and liquid extract formulas
-- as well as researchers of advanced
alternative therapies, which includes "bioenergetics," including
the application of various electromagnetic and scalar wave
technology. About half the products
you see on this site are made, in whole or in part, in our laboratories;
the remainder are third-party products that meet our criteria.
complete product listing -- showing all our products, both
past and present. To view all current products, along with descriptive pages,
the Products section of our Sitemap.].

Our traditional specialty, and the core technology for which we
are probably best known, is phytopharmacology,
or what most people would call
"plant medicine,"
and its related disciplines.
Although our original work dealt with
historic alternatives to conventional cancer treatment, we have
recently branched out into other cutting-edge areas of herbal-based
medicinals and techniques that can be employed to improve their
effectiveness. (Our original formulas still make up the bulk of
our work and business: all our "alternative cancer" formulas
are "non-drug" approaches which have come out of herbal traditions
with very long histories -- going back much farther than 20th century
concepts of allopathic drug medicine.)
Most of our work is derivative: that is, there is a great body of scientific
data already accumulated to support our work by dedicated scientists who
came before us. And over 99% of this work has been suppressed by Western
governments to appease powerful members of what is variously called
The Medical Industrial Complex ("MIC").