Code 800K (22 g.) -- Price: $24.95
Code 800KX (120 g.) -- $59.95
Main Cansema Page
August, 2008 Update:
All original versions of Cansema are now
available online.
This variation, made with
Lugol's Iodine, now comes in both the original
22 g. (net weight) container and a larger 102 g. (3.59 oz.) jar --
both available in our store.
The ingredient declaration for this product, along with the questions to many
other questions about Cansema® is available in Cansema's
FAQ section.
ike Cansema Salve - Deep Tissue,
this product provides variant properties on our standard skin cancer
removal product, Cansema Black Topical Salve.
Cansema Salve with Iodine
is prepared using 20% Lugol's Iodine (which
is itself 2%
potassium iodine (KI); 1%, iodine crystal (I); 98%, distilled water).
This product possesses all the usual escharotic and cancerolytic
properties you would expect of the original
Cansema Salve formula - in addition
to the added antimicrobial potency of iodine.
Cansema Salve with Iodine
has a level of transdermic action that exceeds that of
the original formula -- but
not Cansema Salve - Deep Tissue.
This product should not be used by those who are
allergic or sensitive to iodine. Additionally,
unless used by a knowledgeable naturopath or CAM physician, it
should not be applied by an end user over an area of skin that
exceeds a half inch squared (roughly two square centimeters).
Although there is no
difference in price between this and the regular
Cansema Black Salve product, as in the case of
the Deep Tissue formula,
we do not wish to infer that this
product is necessarily better. Not all applications require
added antimicrobial action. Most skin cancers should
still be treated with the regular Cansema® product.
All other information,
including User Instructions and the
bulk of material in the Cansema FAQ
pages will still apply.
Given the
newness of this product and its incomparable capabilities with
anything else on the world market with which we are now aware,
we invite any inquiries from any
of our practitioners or end users.
To U.S. Users: Neither
this product, nor the statements made herein, have been
evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration.
Therefore, this product
is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Comments to
Cansema variation was first produced
by one of our practicing physicians,
while research was being conducted
on Deep Tissue.
One of our observations was that those who
pretreat an area with Lugol's
often have a shorter escharization phase.
 There are
several possible explanations for this -- theories
which, at this point, rate as little more than
educated guesses.
iodine (the chief component of Lugol's, after
the distilled water) is a prominent ingredient
in many 'cancer adjunct' products in the
alternative community. (We mention its use
in the Hoxsey
internal formula elsewhere.) Given the known
antimicrobial characteristics of iodine,
it may be that any viral or even pleomorphic
organisms that assists in 'triggering'
cancinogenesis or its later stages may
be eliminated with the use of "KI" or iodine
crystal, assisting other cancerolytic agents
in better doing their job.
 A better
explanation or healing model may be developed
in time; for now, this is our best theory.