Code 820B | 100 Vegetarian Capsules x 300 mg. |

Used primarily as a support
tool for
Cansema (Amazon) Tonic III,
Cansema® Bloodroot Capsules are a potent blend of three
anti-cancer herbs: Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis),
Pau d' Arco (Tabebuia impetiginosa), and chaparral (Larrea mexicata and/or
Larrea divaricata). The "on-label" dosage is one capsule daily.

The use of Tonic III and
Cansema Bloodroot Capsules replaces our earlier reliance of
Cansema Capsules (see below) and
(later Botanical Support) products.
Instructions: Start out taking one capsule, 1x a day,
with a small meal. Every three days, you can graduate to a higher dosage: 1 capsule, 2x a day;
1 capsule with breakfast, 2 capsules with your evening meal; 2 capsules, 2x a day, etc.
Bloodroot contains powerful alkaloids that are emetic (i.e. can make you nauseated). If you get
nauseated taking the product, stop taking the capsules entirely for 24 hours, and then resume
at the dosage level you were consuming
before the incidence of nausea occurred.
The nausea indicates that you are exceeding your body's tolerance threshold.

Following in the tradition of our
Cansema Black Topical
Ointment, these two products offer the same cancerolytic, virocidal
herbs, and are the latest in a long history of similar
botanically derived formulas. The formulas themselves were
patterned after medical U.S. patent filings that drew their
efficacy from botanicals, as well as work in academia, including
the monumental work by National Cancer Institute researcher,
Dr. Jonathan Hartwell, entitled, "Plants Used Against Cancer."
(Please note: the patent information we use is expired and therefore
its content is available for use as part of the public domain.)

The formulas were further refined in working with other practicing
master herbologists. We feel that our resulting "nutritional
supplements" make an important adjunct to other nutritional
supplements or pharmaceuticals used by cancer patients and sufferers
of a wide range of viral infections. Our customers must agree:
despite our generous money back guarantee, few individuals have
taken advantage of it.

Each ingredient services an important function and contributes to
the overall efficacy of the formula. Below we list the important herbs
which are the basis of the botanical extracts contained in our
internal Cansema products.
Chaparral (Larrea tridentata,
Larrea mexicata) -- An herb long reverred for its miraculous
medicinal properties by Indians of the Southwest U.S., chaparral's
secret is known to be contained in a substance known as NDGA
(nordihydroguauretic acid). This organic anti-oxidant is the
basis of several recent cancer cures which have been filed with
the U.S. patent office, most by Chemex Pharmaceutical of
Fort Collins, Colorado (USA). The FDA has granted drug status to
Chemex for a remedy for a pre-cancerous skin remedy (actinic
keratosis) which uses NDGA as its base. Our products contain
specially harvested chaparral which have been specimened and
known to contain 16-18% NDGA by weight for maximum concentration.
Galangal (Alpina officinalis)
-- A relative of ginger, the root of galangal is effective
in making the actions of
Cansema products milder to the
stomach. It is also a suporific, helping to cleanse the system
through perspiration and acting as an adjuvant to the overall
action of chaparral.
Rhubarb (Rheum palmatum)
-- Rhubarb root is a potent tonic; in the concentrations
contained in
Cansema products it also acts as an astringent
to counteract the laxative effects of a number of the compounds.
Burdock (Arctium lappa)
-- The root is used in
Cansema products as a detoxifier,
diuretic and mild laxative--it is frequently used by herbologists
in their treatment of cancer sufferers.
Buckthorn (Rhamnus frangula)
-- The action of aged buckthorn bark is similar to rhubarb and
serves as a synergistic adjuvant.
Red Clover (Trifolium pratense)
-- Red clover blossoms, like chaparral, contain cancerolytic
hydroquinones. A tea made from red clover blossoms has been widely
reported to help reduce tumor size in a great many people. In
Cansema products, it works together with chaparral and purple
Purple Lapacho is a South
American botanical, and like red clover, is used because of its
hydroquinone concentration.
Zinc Glutomate / Zinc Chloride
are used to impart zinc, which work as an adjuvant. It is not known
why zinc increases the antineoplastic and antiviral activity
of NDGA, but the effect has long been known.
Ascorbal Palmitate
is a combination of ascorbic acid and palmitic acid. This fat soluble
version of Vitamin C is added to increase the overall effectiveness
of NDGA--both of which are anti-oxidants.
Warnings & Contraindications
This formula may cause nausea or an emetic response in some users.
Always, always take with meals. Vomiting indicates that the
dosage is too high. Reduce. If problems persist, discontinue
use. Purgatives in the formula may cause diarrhea for some users
at the beginning of use. This should pass within a few days.
If not, discontinue use and see your naturopathic physician.
Pregnant women should AVOID using this formula--as it
may act as an abortifacient, or otherwise harm the fetus.
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