January, 2021
Picking up from December
-- this is the twelth month I've been following the Great Hoaxes of 2020, having just finished what may be rightly called
the most bizarre and politically charged year in American history -- perhaps even world history.
Continuing: The Scams of 2021
News & Developments for January, 2021
 s we enter 2021, we reflect back on what has to be the most bizarre and
"republic-threatening" year in U.S. history -- one that has serious consequences for the rest of the world.
When I began this blog in February, 2020, I was
motivated by serious reports I was getting the previous month from China concerning the CoVid outbreak. That remained the primary focus
until May when BLM and Antifa riots began to surface. With the passage of time and the introduction of harsh CoVid
restrictions that ran counter to our scientific understanding of the "pandemic," it became apparent that there was
were overriding and inescapable political components driving the "scams of 2020."
 These political components acquired further clarification when elements of
the political left essentially began promising that by hook or by crook, they were going to take over the White House
and proceed with a far left progressive agenda, with or without the permission of the Amerian people. The idea that
the U.S. was witnessing a Bolshevik revolution turned from a conjecture to a promise. The prospect of democracy ending
as an element of Western Civilization became apparent. This is a level of turmoil I saw in my ayahuasca visions 9 years
ago -- visions that became the basis of my book, The Gospel of 2012 According to Ayahuasca.
 Throughout November, we had a U.S. election so rife with
fraud and corruption, that prominent members of the alternative media -- including Alex Jones and Mike Adams --
began postulating that "they must have wanted to get caught. Nobody -- regardless of pollitical affiliation could
possibly be this stupid, unless it was their intention not merely to hide their crimes, but be able to brag about them."
 Paradoxically, the mainstream media, Big Tech, and their brethren in social media
in the U.S. and other countries vociferously
denied any existence of fraud -- something akin to taking the position that the sun no longer rises from the east and
sets in the west.
 As we enter 2021, we are caught in a vicious civil war that is on the
verge of "going kinetic." If the conflict goes hot, which it appears it will, we are probably looking at a confrontation
that will go global, as the forces of good and evil engage in a battle for ultimate supremacy.
 Again, what we are witnessing is nothing more than a great
battle between --- as Archbishop Carlos Maria Viganó of the Catholic Church puts it --
"the children of the Light and the children of the dark."
January 30-31, 2021
- Jan. 30 and 31 are combined because I am on the road this weekend:
Has The Robinhood Exodus Begun? -- "There's no telling how many Robinhood users are infuriated with the discount brokerage after
last week's GameStop snafu following trading restrictions and forced liquidations. Still, the evidence is mounting of a possible mass exodus.
First, Google spent late last week removing nearly 100,000 negative reviews from the Robinhood app in the
Google Play Store. Disgruntled Robinhood users, many of whom were restricted in buying GameStop shares or options or were forced to liquidate
after the "mother of all short squeezes."
Meanwhile, internet searches for "delete Robinhood" have gone parabolic in recent days, with other search
queries including "how to delete Robinhood," "delete my Robinhood account," and, "how to delete a Robinhood account" surging across the country.
- Dave Portnoy Calls for Robinhood CEO and Others Be Jailed After Banning Trading for Little Guys in Order to Help
Hedge Funds (VIDEO) -- "Stockholders and buyers are livid after the actions of Robinhood's CEO and other trading firms prevented
stock buyers from purchasing select stocks which ended up helping the hedge funds who had shorted these stocks."
- Big Tech to the Rescue! Google Deletes Nearly 100,000 Negative Reviews for Robinhood App After Freezing Shares of GameStop --
It's all downhill from here and those in the media, Big Tech, Big Finance, and Big Medicine now know that there is no such a thing as a crime
so heinous and indescribably evil that they can't get away with it. Once again, the rest of us are on our own.
FedEx shipping out massive numbers of Cadaver Bags -- I've been saying for months that they are planning for a mass die-off.
It's even in my video (see top of blog above).
Amid "Shortage", Ecuador Police Bust Clinic Giving 1000s Of Fake COVID Vaccines -- Damn. I live here. I could have gotten a fake
CoVid vaccination certificate for just $15. I don't mind an injection of purified water -- (which I'll bet you is what this was and would
be much better for you than any CoVid vaccine.)
Would You Be Considered A Domestic Terrorist Under This New Bill? -- Do you have any appreciation at all for what's going on right now?
Very soon, what you are doing in this very moment is a felony: reading unapproved online material. And I committed a felony by writing it.
That's what the Dems are now putting in place. We are well on this way with
The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021. That's right. The DTPA, as it is now affectionately called,
"is essentially the criminalization of speech, expression, and thought. It takes cancel culture a step further and all but outlaws unpopular opinions.
This act will empower intelligence, law enforcement, and even military wings of the American ruling class to crack down on individuals adhering to
certain belief systems and ideologies." Welcome to 1984 on STEROIDS!
Testing the limits of political profanity:
Zappa's "Dirty Love": Biden admin's official theme song (?)
"Like you might surrender to some Dragon in your dreams . . .
I'll just put you in a coma with some . . . "
January 29, 2021
- Opinion: A DHS warning about domestic extremism points to unexpected challenges --
"But Elizabeth Neumann, a former Homeland Security official during the Trump administration who became a critic of the former president,
told me this is very likely a reference to lies about the election’s legitimacy."
We've reached a point where the common narrative has gone beyond fake and fraudulent. Now it becomes
violent. In the grand American experiment, this is a sharp departure from the past. Instead of it being okay to rape the girl and leave
her bleeding in the field, government takes it one step farther. "If you tell whimper, scream, or even say anything to anyone about this,
I'll kill you." Modern history has shown us that when leftists get into power and their authority is unchecked, this is what you get.
And there are tens of millions of people in the U.S. who actually, willingly, and knowingly voted for this. You've heard the expression,
"Karma's a bitch." We're about to see that axiom play out on a grand scale -- in the U.S., and the world at large. As Chris Hedges says in
his short documentary, "American Psychosis" (see first post for the morning of Jan. 25 below), "the danger is that this time when we go down,
the whole planet is going to go down with us." (fast forward to 3:52).
"General, CONUS impact from 60 Russian ICBM's
in 15 minutes! Should we respond?" Again, just
remember: tens of millions voted for this demonic shit.
- Comment from a Friend: -- "Have you ever asked yourself: how come that all ranking politicians all over the world got
indoctrinated by Klaus Schwab's twisted mind? What was offered to them in return for following him blindly all the way to a total destruction
of the Earth?!"
- Comment from Someone Close to Me: "In my line of work, I meet a lot of different people
everyday. After listening to what most of them think and believe, I'm here to tell you, we're fucked. They are beyond
Chris Hedges gives you the same message in
"American Psychosis," but this is the vernacular version,
greatly condensed.
"You arrogant ass! You've killed us!"
This is what tens of millions of Americans are thinking,
if not saying, to Biden supporters everywhere.
John Kerry, Gina McCarthy: Laid-off Oil, Gas Workers Will Have ‘Better Choices' -- You almost have to laugh at the
arrogance of these political rat bastards. Here's a translation:
"Relax. You energy and construction workers will be able to feed your families again and pay the rent -- someday. Someday.
I have no idea when that will be, but you won't be jobless forever. Besides, you got $2,000 in free money last year, so don't be
ungrateful!" Spoken like a true leftist. Still happy you voted for Biden?
More insulting still, Kerry told workers who'd been laid off to
make solar panels. Translation: "Go fuck yourself."
- Pro-Trump Meme Maker "Ricky Vaughn" Indicted For Using Twitter to 'Spread Election Disinformation' to
Hillary Clinton Voters in 2016 -- Faces 10 Years in Prison -- This is the kind of treatment we'd expect from Joseph Stalin's
Soviet Union. But no. It's Joe Biden's United States. If this doesn't show that the First Amendment is dead, I don't know what will.
Interestingly, liberal activists who did the same exact thing are being let off, scott free.
- The Same Clandestine Companies Involved in the Certification of Dominion Voting Systems and the 2020 Results
in Georgia Were Chosen for the Upcoming Arizona 'Audit' -- If you insist that the wolves guard the hen house, don't expect
to end up with any hens. If you insist that wolves be chosen to attest to the reliability of the first set of wolves, what do you get?
- Antifa-Insurgence Leader John Sullivan Speaks Out in Infowars Interview: Biden's Victory Is 'Fishy,' Massive Support For Trump
'Speaks For Itself' -- Even Biden's former supporters -- those who voted for him -- are figuring out that they are royally fucked and
they've been used as a tool for a much darker agenda.
'He's Half There': Biden's WH Stenographer Insists President's Mental Capacities Have Declined 50% -- Really? Half there?
Have you heard this guy lately? He's gone. Call it what it is.
Shitting your country down the toilet was easy.
Now try retrieving it.
January 28, 2021
The Time Machine (1960): Rod Taylor played H.G. Wells and in
this scene he is taken to a future civilization's library only to find
that the books all crumble into dust. It's been thousands of
years since anyone's read a book. That's where WE'RE headed.
Where are car makers getting nuked? The U.S. or China?
You pay a steep price when your legal
representatives sleep with your competition.
January 27, 2021
- "Inside The Industry, We're All Pretty Panicked": Global Semi Shortage Continues To Slam (U.S.) Auto Industry --
Yes, lockdown orders mean more people at home and more PC sales. But something much bigger is going on.
Biden To Halt Oil, Gas Leasing On Federal Land -- That includes fracking. This means that contrary to his representations, Biden is in
fact banning fracking despite his Aug 31, 2020 proclamation that, "I am not banning fracking. Let me say that again. I am not banning fracking,
no matter how many times Donald Trump lies about me." Biden couldn't even last a week without lying his ass off. And it only goes downhill from here.
"Your Order Is A Direct Attack": Utah Tribe Seeks Exemption From Biden Drilling Pause -- This is more proof that
Biden's job is to destroy the U.S. economy and impoverish the people. In total, the energy edicts he is pulling in place will
disembowel what is left of the U.S. economy. This much is certain.
Everything Is Broken -- "One shared trait of these broken service systems is that they're all digital and all online. Wasn't everything
supposed to become faster, better, easier and cheaper when it was digitized and put at our fingertips via websites and mobile phone apps? The opposite
is often the case: the digital systems are broken and nobody on either end -- staff or customer -- can figure out why or how to fix what's
Earlier today Verizon was down affecting millions of customers, and I have two vendors -- very big
companies -- whose bills I pay online, and 75% of the time their respective payment gateways don't work. How is this possible? It doesn't
matter how, but my point here is that it is this environment that your Elite expect to get everyone to swallow a digital currency.
And as I've said before, down here in Ecuador, the general population, on the whole, want nothing to do with it.
Dr. Anthony Fauci: The Highest Paid Employee In The Entire US Federal Government -- "Dr. Anthony Fauci made $417,608 in 2019, the latest year
for which federal salaries are available. That made him not only the highest paid doctor in the federal government, but the highest paid out of all
four million federal employees."
This doesn't even include what he makes on the side with his buddies at the CDC pushing
highly profitable vaccines. Who says crime doesn't pay? It sure as hell does.
January 26, 2021
- Henry Makow: What is it with the
Elite's obsession with snakes? -- You have to wonder.
Currency Wars Are Back -- The biggest mistake the Biden administration can make is to follow the siren calls of its competing economies to
massively devalue the US Dollar, print endlessly and go full-MMT (Modern Monetary Theory), which is not modern nor a theory. Destroying the currency's
purchasing power to finance bloated government spending has been used for centuries with the same final effect:
Collapse of the economy.
Communist Subversion | A Plan For Total World-Wide Control | Part 1 -- Just in case you haven't put all the pieces together quite yet.
You Tell Me Why Americans Elected Biden When All Knew Biden Did Not Represent Them -- (PCR) -- Here is how it opens
and it goes downhill from there: "Sexual deviants, pedophiles, Antifa, Black Lives Matter, illegal aliens, feminist-indoctrinated women who think they
are superior, defense contractors, organized interest groups that pay well and their Washington lobbies are Biden's base. Numerically Biden's base is
very small. It is comprised of the least desirable elements in the country."
- Fauci Says One Shot Vaccine Coming
Soon -- "Dr. Anthony Fauci, the most prominent member of President Donald Trump's COVID-19 task force, has said that the United States is
now "real close" to approving a third COVID vaccine that doesn't require two shots. It's the first vaccine in the world that uses double-stranded
DNA and doesn't need to be administered twice."
Let me translate this one for you: "Too many people are discovering how dangerous the vaccines are!
So why would we now use two vaccines to take you out, when we can accomplish the same thing with one? The greatest risk here is that after
the effects of the first vaccine, you won't want to take the second. We can't allow that. We need to accomplish everything with the first punch!"
They're never going to stop trying to cram the fake,
fraudulent RT-PCR CoVid test down your throat.
Actually -- up your nose. But you know that by now, right?
January 25, 2021 -- Evening
Public schools were pumping out airheads WAY before CoVid.
Now these idiot teachers don't even wanna show up because of this
fake virus. The situation reminds of me a job interview I had in the
90s when Cathryn and I still ran Lumen Foods in Louisiana.
A very attractive young woman was applying for a position as a bookkeeper.
She was an accounting grad from a local college with a 4.0 grade point average.
In the course of the interview she said, "You don't sound like you're from here."
To which I replied, "I'm not. I was born and raised in Los Angeles." Her reply?
"That's so cool! That must be close to California!" . . . I declined to hire her.
True story, by the way. I shit you not. Went like the YouTube interview above.
If you're confused, stop reading this blog. Permanently. Please.
Hospital beds that turn into coffins. With CoVid vaccines,
we'll need a few billion more of these suckers.
Question is: do we have enough trees? LOL
January 25, 2021 -- Afternoon
Coronavirus Scandal Breaking in Merkel's Germany. False Positives and the Drosten PCR Test. I've been talking about
this for almost a year, from the beginning of my blog. The PCR test is a bullshit test. It's all bullshit. CoVid itself is
an electromagnetic adaptation problem.
- There are Many Reports from Around the World of People Becoming Seriously Ill After the Vaccine --
Martin Armstrong closes with: "Somehow we have to separate politics from medicine. This is just getting way out of control. Our computer has warned
that the disease cycle begins to hit in 2022. Is this a mutation of COVID? The fundamentals always seem to unfold to fit the model’s forecast."
My sense is that when you combine the deadliness of the vaccine with the delayed reaction that most people
experience after taking it, we could see billions dying in 2022. Not millions, billions. Things are working out splendidly, just like Gates,
Fauci, the CDC, and their co-conspirators and CoVid architects planned it.
"The centralization of power always fails" -- Martin Armstong interview -- We must keep in mind that what we're going through is
a temporary phenomenon. It's been tried before and it always fails. And it fails because such extreme concentration of power is contrary
to Natural Law itself, which builds ecosystems based on countless decentralized, reciprocal relationships and moment-to-moment transactions.
The Universe is a giant network -- not a hierarchical power pyramid. This, too, shall pass.
As Soon as Joe Biden Was Sworn in the Chinese Regime Started Threatening Americans and Taiwan -- Biden doesn't represent
U.S. citizens. He hates you and would just as soon see you dead. He told you countless times and in countless ways. People actually voted for this.
Incredible, huh? That's how stupid people really are.
Chris Hedges explains the collapse in under 15 min.
January 25, 2021 -- Morning
THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE: UFO documents made available online -- Who cares? I live in a place at 10,000 feet in the Andes
mountains and there is no such thing as a night with a clear sky when I can't clearly see UFO's. ETs have been running things
for thousands of years. It is only a ridiculous common narrative designed to keep people stupid that prevents the average
person from clearly seeing this.
Germany preparing for electricity rationing to stabilize green power grid -- "Germany once had one of the most stable and
reliable power grids worldwide when the business of power generation was in the hands of engineers and experts. However, the rise of climate alarmism in
the 1990s empowered activists and their political allies to push for "green energy." Fluctuating and intermittent energy supply could be easily
managed at a low cost, they insisted."
- President Trump Is Drafting 'Enemies List' of Dirtbag Republicans to Primary -- Is Moving Forward with Plans to Create
"Patriot Party" for the People -- Don't get sucked into this circus. It's another clear demonstration of "American Psychosis" (see above).
We learned one thing from the 2020 election if nothing else: voting is meaningless. Trump could have gotten 95% of the vote and Biden 5%,
and Biden would still have won. Whatever ails America, the solution will not be found in a voting booth. For further evidence, read next post:
SHOCKING: The Democrats' First Bill of 2021 Is to Lock In Fraudulent Election Maneuvers and Steal Elections in Perpetuity --
"The fraud in this past election was massive, the worst ever in recorded history, but it is nothing when compared to what the Democrat (Communist)
Party has in store for the future of the USA and the world."
- BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Accurate List of 2020 Election Fraud Cases Shows 81 Cases Total, 30 Still Active --
And NOT ONE SINGLE COURT Has Allowed Evidence to be Argued -- One of the reasons I left the U.S. in 2007 is that because of my legal
entanglement I learned that truth has no meaning in a federal court of law. This is the subject of
Chapter 3 of Meditopia. A society where truth has no meaning and law is disconnected from any real sense of justice, ethics, morals,
or adherence to nature is doomed. Chris Hedges makes this point quite elegantly in the 15 minute documentary above.
January 24, 2021
Plandemic: Indoctornation World Premiere -- Watch it. Watch it now. It won't be long before this kind of information is
completely banned and even talking about it is illegal. Put out by London Real. At the bottom of the page are clips that you can use
to share with friends.
- Psy-Op Exposed! Why Are These People Lying To Us? --
Posted on the 21st. I'm actually shocked it hasn't been taken down yet. He opens with the following:
"Operation Trust" was as Bolshevik counterintelligence operation run from 1921 to 1926 aimed at
neutralizing opposition by creating the false impression that a powerful group of military leaders had organized to stop the communists' takeover."
Then he refers to Soviet defector, Anatoliy Golitsyn's book, New Lies for Old (p. 13-14).
The presenter targets Simon Parkes --
(keep in mind that Parkes tells the public that "The FEMA camps are for the bad guys!" What a crock of shit) -- Doug Billings, X22,
Dr. Steve Pieczenick, Michael Flynn, Q-anon, Mike Lindell, Lin Wood, Dave Hayes (Praying Medic), Pompeo.
Then the presenter makes a strong case that "Trump was in on it."
These are people who ran around telling the public that they were "100% sure that Trump will be
president for the next 4 years." You've been played by people you thought were upright, honest, and God-fearing. None of them were.
Steve Quayle: Humanity is Being Forced Into Extinction -- I make this argument in my book, Living on the Precipice (2018).
I just didn't know how right I was and how soon the hammer would drop. If you are reading this, you are a member of a species that has been
marked for extinction. Again, read David Jacobs' Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity (2015), because, in actuality,
it isn't so much a plan to control us as it is a plan to kill us all off and perhaps leave a small remnant as re-bioengineered slaves, who are,
for all intents and purposes, no longer human.
The Purge and Reeducation -- How Radicals Are Quickly Implementing a Communist Coup of America -- It's no laughing matter. It is here
and it is now.
The world and many Americans do not realize the US is now a cancel culture totalitarian state in which exercise of the First Amendment
is domestic terrorism -- "There has been abundant and over-the-top discussion about the events of this past week and the so-called
'insurrection' of Trump supporters -- the Deplorables -- at the United States Capitol on January 6. Since that day the major news media
-- the media establishment, including notoriously, Fox News -- have kept up a constant and ranting drumbeat, with dire images of
"sedition" and "treason," and the absolute and (for them) undebatable demand to "suppress" and "cancel" anyone who disagrees with their views.
Not just of Deplorables with a higher public profile, but ANY person who might in the slightest way demur or dissent from their template.
It's long past time for conservatives to find companies and services that don't hate us -- This would have been a more useful article,
and more practical, had it come out three years ago and conservatives had begun acting on it then.
"'If you own the seeds you own the food system': campaigners demand public ownership to counter Big Ag privatization --
A growing number of people around the world are calling for the public ownership of seeds, which they say is essential for a more democratic and
ecologically sound food system, as the coronavirus-driven spike in empty supermarket shelves and the continued loss of biodiversity this year
sparked a rise in the popularity of saving and swapping seeds and shed more light on the negative consequences of allowing a handful of agrochemical
corporations to dominate the global seed trade."
End of the Grocery Store: Major Changes in Food Retail (and WHY) -- "Claims that COVID is spread at grocery stores are driving major
retailers to move to online ordering and curbside pickup. These claims are laughable, but the agenda behind them is not: the elimination of farmers
markets and smaller grocers, and the separation of consumers from the source of food.
In Text Messages, Biden Voters Already Regret Their Vote -- "Boy, did we ever fuck up!"
Do you miss Trump yet?
In less than 72 hours, Joe Biden:
-- Killed 70,000+ jobs
-- Eliminated women's sports
-- Invaded Syria
-- Left the National Guard to freeze in a garage
-- Admitted he doesn't have a plan to fight COVID
-- Broke his own mask mandate EO
-- Ended US energy independence
"Animals are Dirty & Dangerous" -- Hungary to kill 101,000 Hens - Pets Next? -- The Luciferian agenda is a declaration of war on life itself.
Most people don't have the consciousness to see this. It takes time and a desire to know the truth to connect the dots, but that's the path were
headed on: a move in the direction of sterilizing the planet.
CHINA IS EATING OUR LUNCH! - We Are Losing the Food War! -- Posted on Jan. 14, but vitally important. The U.S. has been marked
for starvation. If you have friends who don't understand this, you had better advice that they clear out the earwax and start listening.
Their survival will depend on it.
- Instagram Is Forcing Users to Follow Biden White House Account So That It's Not So Pathetic -- Even When Users Repeatedly
Un-Follow the Page -- It's laughable. "Instagram is forcing users to follow the Joe Biden White House account because the page had less
than a million followers. This is the guy who allegedly had 81 million votes and exponentially more popular than Barack Obama! LOL
"Release Them All, Immediately" -- Joe Biden Orders ICE Agents to Release All Illegal Aliens in Custody -- Biden's handlers are
continuing Obama's drive to destroy the country, and so far, he's doing a superb job. He is able to do this because there were people stupid
enough to vote for him.
British legislator calls for widespread vitamin D rollout following 82% reduction in COVID-19 deaths in Spain --
"British Member of Parliament David Davis is urging the British government to strengthen its vitamin D supplementation program for people at-risk
of COVID-19 following an impressive precedent set by Andalusia in Spain." Won't happen. It would take away from the all-important vaccine
Amazon Demands In-Person Union Vote After Arguing Mail-In Ballots 'Raise Risk Of Fraud' -- The hypocrisy is so thick, you'll need a
damn big knife to cut it.
Welcome to Los Angeles. It's a shithole. 4th World. Biden will ensure that the rest of the U.S. goes in the same direction --
Tent cities everywhere. Starving families. Gang violence directed at stealing from the homeless what little they have left.
The stench of shit and piss everywhere. Take a good look at your future. Somehow Mad Max didn't look quite this bad.
January 23, 2021
- Hank Aaron took the vaccine and died
There once was a baller named Aaron
Who took to online CoVid sharin'
'Till effects well foreseen
From a deadly vaccine
Took his life and now he's hardly carin'
Feeling inspired yet? Hmmm?
- Two Days After Inauguration Walmart Announces They Will Expand Offering COVID Vaccinations in US Stores --
Will the company change it's name to DeathMart?
Woman who suffered convulsions after taking Pfizer Covid jab being screened for permanent neurological damage, son tells RT --
"Mom is getting even worse today and I still don't have any answers from doctors as to how to fix this. Please pray for her. I can't stand to see
my mom this way. It makes me want to cry, knowing I can't do anything to help her. Please don't take the covid19 vaccine," he wrote.
Luciferase -- Pfizar Sars-2 Vaccine Triggers Neurological Damage to 45 Year Old -- A collage of video clips, which, taken together,
tell you everything you need to know as to why you should NOT take the vaccine.
Situation Update, Jan 22, 2021 -- It's already too late for the controllers -- Latest update from Mike Adams.
He has announced that he's going into a kind of reclusive situataion to pray and study.
WTH? Freak Schumer Says Senators Will Have to Decide if Donald Trump 'Incited the Erection' at the Capitol -- Hell, if
they can prove that Donald Trump used Viagra®, that's an impeachable offense right there! It's certainly more impeachable than Russia, Russia,
- Finally! Politico Is First Fake News Mainstream Outlet to Hint at Joe Biden's Obvious Dementia -- Hint?
Is this really a situation where you need a "hint"?
A pres'dent once known as Joe Biden
Had brain rot that he'd been a-hidin'
With the media's free pass
He could talk out his ass
Then it mattered not what he was d'cidin'
- Joe Biden's Approval Rating Sits at 48% as He Enters Office -- 9 Points Under Trump When He Entered Office,
3 Points Under Trump When He Left Office -- But Joe TOTALLY Got 81 Million Votes! -- Here's the part that should scare the livin'
bejesus outta you -- assuming that this survey is even remotely in the ballpark: the idea that more than 1% of Americans approve of this
Alzheimer's patient means that the average American is even more mentally incapacitated than he is. The late Jim Marrs was right:
"The U.S. has descended into a nation of zombies." It is only in this kind of environment that someone like Joe Biden -- with or without
all the massive cheating -- could have ever gotten into office.
- Biden Forgets to Salute the Marines During Inauguration -- Looks Lost --
Kamala Harris Waves at Him Trying to Bring Him Back -- This guy's gone. Totally gone. Your real rulers are laughing their asses off.
Joe Biden And The 'New World Order': This Is No 'Conspiracy Theory' -- Back In 1992, Biden Authored A Paper For The US Senate Titled
'On The Threshold Of The New World Order' -- It's real and it's now.
Friday Live: Democrats Announce Plans to Arrest and Prosecute Trump Supporters as Domestic Terrorists -- This is only the beginning.
The next wave of terror will be proclamations declaring that anybody with an IQ over 90 must be sent to the FEMA camps. You watch. LOL
- GOP Congressman Says $1,400 Stimulus Should Only Be Given To Citizens Who Take The COVID Vaccine --
This reads like Revelations or at least we're headed in that direction -- seriously. "(No one) could buy or sell unless they had the mark (of the
beast), which is the name of the beast or the number of its name." (Helps explain why the Elite have this obsession with the number "666." Rev. 13:17).
The Purge Is On! Former CIA Chief Signals Deep State Coming for Conservatives -- If you thought that these kind of reports
were overblown or exaggerated, don't. It's real and it's happening -- now.
Biden Rescinds Trump Order Banning Chinese Communist Involvement in U.S. Power Grid -- The Trojan Horse has breached the city walls.
Pollak: Biden Kills Up to 70,000 Jobs on First Day in Office -- "A negative times a negative is a positive! Come on, man!
This is science!"
No one was at Biden's inauguration except the National Guard -- `We've seen this for many months.
Both Biden and Obama campaigned and there is no video I have seen where more than a couple hundred people showed up.
3 Governors Order Their Troops Back From DC -- Texas, Florida, and New Hampshire. Obviously the other states who contributed
guard members don't care as much about the welfare of their soldiers.
- The Establishment's Coup and Seizure of Power Is to be Protected by a Domestic Terrorism Bill -- The new bill
will be used to define every challenge to Establishment explanations as an act of domestic terrorism. Glenn Greenwald explains that the First Amendment
and the Constitution that guarantees it are dead in the water.
- America Has Just Had an Inauguration of its First Illegitimate President of a Stolen Election --
"And there was no one there. Biden gave his inauguration address to a non-existent audience. The American Establishment knew that no one would
attend an illicit inauguration, so they closed down D.C. so they can pretend that they kept the teeming multitudes away who wished to show their
great happiness over Biden's inauguration."
"Cut the horseplay, Michael. I just got a call from the Agency.
We can still make the Senate-to-Presidency play, but we'll need to
doll you up, get you to play 'chick with a dick,' change your name
to Michelle, adopt two fuckin' Moroccan kids, and prepare to help
destroy the country about 30 years out. Can't make this gig work if
the dummie electorate finds out I'm gay and you're a dude!"
January 22, 2021
- Mitch McConnell Proposes Postponing Impeachment Trial Until February to Keep Trump Under His Thumb --
Oh hell, they've postponed official true revelations about the JFK assassination for almost 60 years. Let's wait until Trump dies
of old age, mumify him, and then drag in the mummy in February, 2050 and impeach him then. He's dead. He can't mount a defense.
- "This is How Joe Biden's America Treats Soldiers" -- 5,000 Soldiers Moved to Cold Parking Garage with One Bathroom
After Protecting Biden Inauguration (PHOTOS) -- Did you know that Biden and AOC are into human composting? Starting covering that
White House lawn!
The Coming New Order -- In order to maximise compliance in a population, maximise their dependence.
Senate Dems File Ethics Complaint Against Cruz, Hawley For Objecting To Electoral Results -- "If you question are
fake, fraudulent narrative, we will hurt you."
2021: More Troubles Likely -- "Most people expect that the economy of 2021 will be an improvement from 2020. I don't think so.
Perhaps COVID-19 will be somewhat better, but other aspects of the economy will likely be worse."
The Making of US Empire at the dawning of its end -- "Rotting from within, 9/11 merging into 1/6 in a war against 'domestic terrorism.'"
Blue State Economies Will Soon Crumble -- But Will They Take Red States With Them? -- "Over the past six to eight months,
the U.S. has seen perhaps one of the largest migrations of people based on economic and ideological concerns in almost a century. Not since the
Great Depression has there been so many Americans relocating in search of a better life. Today, however, those who relocate seem to be largely
conservatives and moderates. There is a very good, multifaceted, reason for this."
January 21, 2021 -- Evening
Are You A Domestic Terrorist? -- Did you know that if you voted for Donald Trump -- (you know, the guy who would
have won the 2020 election if massive fraud at a level unseen in the entire history of democratic elections hadn't occurred), you're a terrorist?
Did you know that if you're white, Christian, or have conservative values, it means you're an ISIS sympathesizer and you need to go to a
re-education camp? These are the lunatic ideas now being pushed over the mainstream media, and Tucker Carlson lays into them.
Voters enraged as Dems back away from $2,000 checks -- "Biden promised the payments if Ossoff, Warnock won." Politicians?
Fulfilling their campaign promises? "You silly slut." Like or hate him, one of the things that marked Trump was that he took campaign
promises seriously, even if fell short of fulfilling all of them. Don't expect that same treatment from anyone on the left.
McConnell Suggests Giving Trump Two Weeks to Prepare for Impeachment Trial -- Unbelievable. He's out of office,
but it's still important to the leftists to try and shame him. A first in American history.
Venezuelan Dictator Maduro Celebrates: 'We Beat' Trump -- Given Maduro's connection to Dominion Voting, which was instrumental in
switching millions of votes, they sure did.
Former WH Adviser Navarro: 'Forget Unity' if Impeachment Trial -- He's missing the point. They don't want unity.
Because of their gross stupidity, the Republican Party will never take another major U.S. legislative house or the presidency again.
January 21, 2021 -- Afternoon
The Deep State's Stealthy, Subversive, Silent Coup To Ensure Nothing Changes -- "The gravest threat facing us as a nation is not extremism
but despotism, exercised by a ruling class whose only allegiance is to power and money. We are at our most vulnerable right now."
This woman pulls apart a CoVid swab to show you how the fibers (nanobots!) are alive and moving! -- It's bad enough that the RT-PCR
test is worthless, according to its inventor. But worse, it works with the vaccine to reprogram you. Isn't it interesting how they insert the
swab up your nose to a place that is anatomically right next to your brain? Ever think about that. Could they be trying to insert a programming
entity into your brain so that they can . . . Ok, enough, Conspiracy Theorist!
Vaccine skeptics now being labeled part of "extremist" groups in latest merger of Big Pharma and the police state government --
"If you don't let us murder you and your family, then you're an extremist. You should be doing your part to help with world depopulation!"
Biden Orders Quarantines, Mandatory Masks As Team Teases 50+ 'Action Items' To Destroy Trump Legacy; Invokes Wartime Powers
For COVID Jabs --
Situation Update, Jan 21, 2021 -- The astonishing case for optimism and faith -- Mike Adams gives us his latest overview. Primary point:
Freedom isn't free. You have to fight for it. The world is full of parasites, within and without. Your job, if you wish to remain free, is to
keep them at bay.
Right On Cue For Biden, WHO Admits High-Cycle PCR Tests Produce COVID False Positives -- Let me translate this turd for
you: "Yeah, the CoVid test is complete bullshit, just like the CoVid virus contagion myth is bullshit.
We lied our asses off and you believed us. But Trump is gone, so everything is gonna be great now!"
"Even Libertarians": John Brennan Issues 'List' Of Ideologies Biden Intel Community Should Go After --
"Biden intel community 'are moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can about' the pro-Trump 'insurgency'
that harbors 'religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians." Make no mistake about it,
the Biden Administration is a standing declaration of war against the real American people.
- Tucker: Democratic Party is planning a war
on half of America -- What concerns me is that "half of America" is clueless as to the gravity of the situation.
January 21, 2021 -- Morning
What's Next for Us? -- Mark Dice tries to put a positive spin on current events, starting
with the hysterically retarded exchange between Nasty Pelosi and Hell-ury Clinton.
- The Gray State -- It isn't sci-fi anymore.
It's not futuristic anymore. It's not speculation or conspiratorial. It is here and it is now.
After abandoning objective science and endorsing left-wing political agendas, how is the Lancet still considered a medical
journal? -- It's not a real medical journal. It's a medical propaganda rag. I explain this in exhaustive detail in
my article, Official "Medical" Science in Retreat.
Mike Pompeo to Newsmax TV: Hope US Stays Tough on China -- No fuckin' way. Get real. Why would Biden do anything to interrupt
he and Hunter's regular supply line of underage sex slaves?
Biden Swiftly Begins Sweeping Away Trump's Immigration Barriers -- How could the U.S. possibly survive in the absence of
supertanker loads of migrants who don't speak or read the language, don't know the laws, don't know the history, geography, customs, or
culture, and work for $4 an hour? We already know the results of this insanity.
Douglas Murray's "The Strange Death of Europe.".
They have opened the Gates of Hell and it's a one-way passage -- Here is an excerpt and it is chilling:
"The entire American tech stack, which enables Americans to buy,
sell, pay, and communicate, has been weaponized in furtherance
of a radical anti-freedom agenda. This is the single most chilling week in my lifetime, and America's since the Civil War.
If you don't comply with the Left's dogma and agenda, your ability to provide for your family, communicate with your friends, express your
once-free-opinions, and live an American life, will come grinding to a halt."
Biden's Presidency Will Be A Catalyst For Secession -- And Perhaps Civil War -- Perhaps? Are you kidding me?
Somebody give me a scenario at this point where we DON'T end up in Civil War? It's like me saying if I run to the bathroom,
pull down my pants, point my dick and empty my bladder, there might be pee.
- America Up In Flames
Like Democrat-Run Cities Across America Is The Left's Goal For Joe Biden's Presidency: History Proves The Radical Left Have Long Conspired To Rule
Over Us All While Engineering Chaos -- "Informed people know that the far left has desires, designs, and determination to overthrow
America because we have been a beacon of freedom for hundreds of years. They want that light extinguished forever. The light has grown dim in
recent years and is now flickering. Traitors, dupes, and fellow travelers have been at work and the results are obvious in Washington, D.C."
This Will Haunt Joe Biden And Democrats Through Their Time In Office: One Out Of Every Three Americans Believe Biden Will Be An
'Illegitimate President', And The 2020 Election 'Blatant Fraud' -- That it might only be one in three tells you just what retards
the people around you really are.
CNN: 'Don't Be Alarmed' If People Start Dying After Taking The Vaccine -- You can't make this up. Do you remember that twisted joke
when you were in middle school? "What did the leper say to the prostitute? Answer: It's okay. You can keep the tip." Take the CoVid
vaccine, and you'll a lot more than the tip.
"Or would monsieur care to order from the menu?"
Take a good look, because this is how you're going to be
responding to most of Biden's super-radical economic policies.
Biden Will Lead America To A New Depression -- Guaranteed. Leftists are natural parasites -- like intestinal worms or liver
flukes. It isn't enough that they steal food, nutrients, and other resources. They shit everywhere, reproduce more parasites, and
destroy the environment -- in human terms, wreck the ecology AND the economy.
Report: National Guard Turned Backs on Biden Motorcade -- "Members of the US National Guard refused to acknowledge
Joe Biden as his motorcade drove by following his inauguration, footage shows."
- Biden Signs Flurry of Executive Orders, Starting With Mask Mandate, Paris Climate Agreement
& Keystone XL Ban -- The mask mandate requires you wear the mask and keep social distancing on federal property.
My advice: stay away -- as much as possible -- from federal property.
Leftists Call For New "Secret Police" Force to Spy on Trump Supporters -- "in order to 'infiltrate and neutralize armed domestic
extremists,' which according to the media’s latest narrative potentially includes 70 million Trump voters.
They're laughing their asses off at us.
Antifa.com redirects to Whitehouse.gov.
(Domain owner's way of saying, "We won. You lost!")
January 20, 2021 -- Afternoon
Biden Sworn in as US President --
Joe Biden was sworn in as president of the United States just after noon Eastern.
We're in for a wild ride, comrades! Let us never forget those who were on the CIA payroll and swore on their mother's life
that Biden would never get into office, because THEY had secret inside knowledge to the contrary. Their job was to keep everybody quiet while the
job of ass raping America could be successfully completed. You can now expect those cockroaches to quietly return to their nesting holes
under the refrigerator. What you're watching today is one of the reasons they engineered the CoVid scamdemic in the first place.
Situation Update, Jan 20th -- Day of Reckoning: Will the Republic DIE or be REBORN? -- Mike Adams gives his latest overview.
Runs 1:10:45. "Adams opens with 'The TREASON against America is now complete... Biden sworn in Trump pardons Lil' Wayne and Steve Bannon
but NOT Julian Assange."
The Democrats Are Criminalizing Dissent from Their Explanations and Agendas -- (PCR) --- "In Democrat America Truth
Is Disinformation. Insouciant Americans are unaware that a totalitarian police state has seized power."
"We don't think you're that stupid.
We KNOW you're that stupid! LOL.
We could never get this far if we didn't have
confidence that you're all fucking morons!
You trusted the very sources who were committed to
your destruction without giving it a second thought."
Russiagate Redux -- I'm going to quote a sizeable portion of PCR's intro to this RT article, because it underscores what I've
been saying to some time: Americans are too stupid for words. Buckle up. Here we go:
"Hillary & Nancy Say It Wasn't the stolen election that Discredited American Democracy, It Was Putin's
Order to Trump to Cause an Insurrection on January 6.
"Listen to the Idiots Into Whose Hands Our Country Has Been Put:
"Hillary Clinton asks House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if a new Russiagate investigation is necessary in order
to check up on Putin's orders to Trump. Pelosi thinks so and adds, "all roads lead to Putin."
Pelosi says she doesn't "know what Putin has on him
[Trump] politically, financially or personally, but what happened last week was a gift to Putin, because Putin wants to undermine democracy in our
country and throughout the world." Pelosi does know that Trumpers "are Putin puppets"
who "were doing Putin's business" by rallying for Trump on
January 6. Pelosi says a commission is necessary to investigate "and there is strong support in the Congress to do that."
RT Article
"Can this really be real or is RT having fun with us?
"The frightening thing is that many Americans are stupid enough to fall for it.
"Maybe there is a silver lining. Perhaps the Democrats will have such enjoyment from the new run of their
Russiagate propaganda show that they will forget to pass all of the terrible legislation they have promised."
- WWIII imminent? -- I just received this a few minutes ago, so I can't verify the underlying statement:
"Greg, Hal Turner is reporting that road-mobile, Minuteman III, nuclear missile launchers are being set up
in the Lower 48. He has a photo of one that was allegedly set up near Lexington, Kentucky last might.
"Is that true? Do you know anything about it? Can you tell me if nuclear war is imminent?
"If the USSA fires nuclear missiles, whether from silos or road-mobile launchers, then there will be
incoming missiles to the Lower 48 within the hour. WW-III would instantly take place."
My friend is asking me if I know anything, because in a ayahuasca vision quest I had last
Sunday, I saw war brewing that involved massive loss of life in the U.S. I could not determine an exact time frame, but my sense was
that this was coming soon.
January 20, 2021 -- Morning
- Remember January 20, 2021 -- A Day That Will Live in Infamy
- Kagbabe is Back With A Treasure Trove of Declassified Documents -- Don't
know how long it will be up. The last time I posted it, it was banned within the hour.
- Latest Comment from Martin Armstrong -- (Excerpt from "Revolution") -- "It was during the Russian Revolution where the
government expected the military to fire on the people. Yeltsin stood on the tank and begged them not to kill their own people. The troops stood
down and the government fell. We too will reach such a point. However, if you look at the actions of Pelosi and the rhetoric coming out of CNN that
anyone who voted for Trump is a Nazi or a member of KKK, there is no intention of the Biden Administration to be inclusive. This is a leftist purge,
and make no mistake about it, they will NEVER tolerate opposition. It is the very nature of all Marxists -- they need total control to force their
ideas upon the world."
Biden Issues Barrage Of 17 Executive Actions On Border, Climate, Immigration & "100 Day Masking Challenge" -- One thing that
history has showed us repeatedly is that when communists takeover to destroy a country, they move quickly. "With just hours to go before his
swearing-in, Joe Biden and his team have already started Wednesday with a blitz of announcements for Executive Orders that will be issued immediately."
Texas readies for lawsuits against Joe Biden's incoming administration -- Lawsuits have no meaning anymore when involving the federal
government. The U.S. Supreme Court proved that. The U.S. is now a Soviet country.
- Biden picks transgender who encouraged Covid-safe orgies as assistant health secretary -- Whatever defiles
Natural Law.
Portuguese health worker passes away two days after receiving Pfizer coronavirus vaccine -- Keep 'er comin' . . . we got 7.5 billion
more people to kill, so just keep those vaccines coming. This woman was a 48 year old mother of two. No comorbidities. No health issues.
Perfectly healthy -- until she got the vaccine and had this minor side effect we call death. Small thing. No big deal. Could happen to anyone.
40% of L.A. firefighters decline to show up for coronavirus vaccine -- "Wow. You ain't as dumb as you look!"
January 19, 2021 -- Evening
LIVE STREAM tonight, 8pm central: Lin Wood, Gen. McInerney, Mike Lindell, Mike Adams, Mary Fanning, Gen. Vallely, plus prayers. --
We now confront our darkest hour together.
Tragic! Federal Government Bans Conservative Laura Loomer from Owning Guns -- When the Marxists now in power finish with you,
it will be illegal to own a BB gun.
Warning: The Next 24 Hours Will Be The Most Dangerous Time in U.S. History -- Watch What Happens Next -- Good analysis. Runs 12:25.
America's Demise Is Near At Hand -- (PCR) -- "For years I have been cataloging America's decline into collapse, not merely economic collapse
from economic concentration and the offshoring of jobs and investment, but also the collapse of the belief system that created some unity among a
diverse population. Today not only is the economy done for, but so is the belief system that sustained social and political stability."
- It starts: Seattle Fire Department will go door to door to "Adult Family" Homes to Administer CoVid-19 Vaccines --
And God help you if you tell them "No!"
- Professor of Medicine Brags About Wearing Two Face Masks to Inauguration Despite Having Been Vaccinated --
This is cognitive disonance made large. They know this fucking vaccine doesn't do anything to protect you from anything. They're laughing in your
face that you're gullible enough to believe their lies. But most people still do.
Congress From Hell
January 19, 2021 -- Afternoon
- Over 1,000 Experienced Adverse Events And Hundreds Sent To Emergency Room After Getting COVID-19 Vaccines --
"Safe and effective." Yeah. Effective at debilitating your health. Why is it that people never seem to get sick and tired of getting
gaslighted to death by the very people who keep lying to them. Over and over and over again. They should change the name of this program
to "Depopulation at Warp Speed." A little truth-in-advertising, please.
- The Great Reset -- A review of what the Scamdemic
is really about. This came with a note from a friend: "It's an amazing organization and overwhelming number of supporters.
Tough to fight them."
Situation Update, Jan 19th, 2021 -- Declass delayed, DC militarization goes extreme -- Latest update from Mike Adams.
Runs almost an hour and a half.
US enemies may be planning EMP attack as civil unrest hounds Capitol -- "They've" been warning us for years that this was coming.
In countless dystopian stories, movies, and commentaries.
The Future and What is Really Going On -- Seen from another angle, it shows how predictive models show that what we're seeing
now was all foreseen. (Martin Armstrong)
- Foreign leaders are now condemning US regime for brutal censorship of American citizens --
People are wising up to where all this tyrannical nonsense leads. Ultimately no one will be safe.
Americans Love Trump: President Trump's Approval Rating Hits 51% on Day before Inauguration --
"Democrats, their fake news media, the anti-American tech giants did all they could to smother this guy, to ruin him and his family."
- President Trump Issues Executive Order for January 22, Two Days After Biden's Planned Inauguration, Proclaiming
the Sanctity of Life -- Interesting. Is this Trump's way of saying, "News of my departure from the White House have been
greatly exaggerated." In any other context, it's hard to see how it makes sense, unless Biden is being dared to remove it.
- Mike Lindell Responds To Letter from Dominion Lawyer: "I want Dominion to put up their lawsuit because we have 100%
evidence that China and other countries used their machines to steal the election" -- Put up or shut up, you lyin' sacks.
Katie Couric: Trump Supporters Need to Be “Deprogrammed” (VIDEO) -- Deprogram us? Really? Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens.
- Retired Gen. Barry McCaffrey on Fears of Insider Attack on Biden Inaugural: "I'd be Worried About Gun-Carrying Republican
Congressmen Being Near the President" -- Yeah, right.
- Honduran Migrant Heading to US Border: Joe Biden is Going to Help All of Us, He's Giving Us 100 Days to Reach the US
(VIDEO) -- Biden's doing all he can to dilute the will of the real American people.
Trump Tapes Farewell Video -- This doesn't bode well for the narratives that were posted yesterday that were of a more upbeat
nature. Both Trump and Melania are saying their goodbyes.
January 19, 2021 -- Morning
- Grab it while you can:
Files from Hunter Biden's laptop, DNC/Clinton Server Files, and GSG/TAC/CKMS -- Let's see how long it takes for these censors to
remove it this time. Download all you can and I'll get the passwords, where applicable.
- Scott McKay: Patriots, Stand Down! Military Set To Unleash The Kraken! Biblical Event To Take Place! --
I could easily ignore this, except that it matches what Mike Adams is reporting. The tide may be turning.
- Trump Will Be Inaugurated as the 19th President of the Restored Republic -- It IS true that the United
States was incorporated in 1871 and from 1871 to the present day, the original republic has been a non-entity -- something we're not taught
in school. Now do I BELIEVE that we're about to return to our restored republic? I wish it is so, and we have only two more days to find out.
With this in mind, our last REAL president was #18: Republican Ulysses S. Grant. If what this Canadian woman is reporting is true,
Donald Trump will be president #19.
- Thousands Of Chinese Missiles Hiding Off US East & West Coast Ready To Hit State Capitals!? --
Overview with another slip from Mike Adams.
- General Flynn Just Dropped a Bombshell --
His comments are aligned with everything you read above.
- X22Report: The Cure Will Spread World War, Timing Is Everything, Judgement Day! -- It's in the same vein.
More hopium. I'm hoping it's true.
Chinese doctor: Sinopharm coronavirus jab "most unsafe in the world" with 73 side effects -- "A Chinese doctor has dubbed the Wuhan coronavirus
vaccine candidate from a state-owned drugmaker as the 'most unsafe in the world.' Dr. Tao Lina posted in the Chinese social media platform Weibo
Jan. 5 that the jab made by Sinopharm caused 73 side effects. The vaccine expert from Shanghai, who has 4.8 million social media followers, later
retracted his statement and apologized for his 'imprudent' choice of words.
California Halts COVID Vaccinations From Moderna Batch Linked To "Unusually High Number" Of Adverse Reactions -- Fuckin' A.
Large numbers of people are dying from this shit -- because it's a depopulation scheme. Hello! Is anybody home upstairs?
So -- yeah -- I'd call death a disturbing "side effect."
13,000 NY Nursing Home Residents And Nearly Half Of Staff Decline COVID-19 Vaccine -- The "vaccine denial" movement
is growing, and it's no conspiracy theory. Maybe they can take all those tens of million of unused vaccines, put them on ice, and save
them for people who are looking for assisted suicide.
Tucker Carlson 1/18/21 | Fox News | Tucker Carlson FULL January 18 2021 -- Runs 31 minutes. Highlights:
Massive military buildup in Washington, D.C., the largest in American history during peacetime. Soldiers are being forced to
"pledge allegiance to the Democratic Party." Not the U.S. Not the Constitution. No. Allegiance to Pelosi and Schumer. It's shocking.
Democrats move with lightning fast speed to redefine dissent as terrorism -- Tells you just how much all this talk about
"unifying the country" was 100% USDA-inspected, corn-fed horseshit.
WATCH: White mother forces her children to bow & pray to Black women for 'getting Trump out of office' -- It's a 9 second video.
Watch it -- not so you can cringe as you watch this demon-possessed, lunatic bitch abuse her poor kids, but so you have a better view
of just what must be purged from the country. The U.S. doesn't need an army of soldiers as much as it needs an army of skilled exorcists.
More and more is coming out that shows just how well in advance everything we've been seeing over the past year had been planned in advance.
"No matter the origin or true lethality of SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus pandemic has been utilized to implement broader agendas that have been
planned well in advance. One of the motivations for declaring a global pandemic was to make possible the widespread usage of new technology such as
facial recognition, digital IDs and payment systems, mRNA vaccines and vaccine certificates. This is openly stated in books such as
COVID-19: The Great Reset and The Fourth Industrial Revolution.
In Today's America, The Wise Person Willfully Suspends Belief -- "Twenty years ago, I believed most of what came over the nation's
airwaves. Ten years ago, I was becoming quite the skeptic. Today, after years of unrelenting attacks on the President, I don't believe any of
it." One good thing that's going to come out from all the leftist zombie-headed claptrap is that people are going to finally realize that
the official, common narrative is rarely true. About anything.
January 18, 2021
- Large Numbers Of Health Care And Frontline Workers Are Refusing Covid-19 Vaccine -- As more and more people who take
the CoVid19 vaccine drop like flies sprayed with Raid®, intelligent people are saying, "Forget it."
American Politicians Killing People All for Politics! -- Martin Armstrong weighs in on the mass murder that our
politicians are responsible for committing. "Iatrogenesis" is the word we use for physical harm caused by medical intervention, although it is
most frequently used for "death by doctoring." We need to create a new word for politicians who deliberately work with elements of the
Medical Industrial Complex to help murder people -- especially since this now refers to the majority of the world's politicians.
Seven months ago, Kamala Harris bailed out criminal rioters; now she wants to punish Capitol "insurrectionists" --
Classic leftism: "It's right for me, but not for Thee."
The left uses Capitol invasion as Nazis used the Reichstag fire -- Classic leftism: "The narrative's key, not what you see."
The Five Most Obvious Acts of Fraud in the 2020 Election that You Are No Longer Allowed to Discuss -- "Since the US Capitol rioting on
January 6th the Democrat-Media Complex, including the tech giants, will no longer allow ANY discussion on fraud in the 2020 election. Democrats and
RINO Republicans like Lindsey Graham are determined to shut this discussion down."
- Dershowitz: Impeaching Trump After Presidency Is 'Plainly Unconstitutional,' Senate Shouldn't Accept --
The Constitution has already been discarded. Even the U.S. Supreme Court has clearly shown that the Constitution is not worth protecting.
So we should expect this kind of nonsense.
- Parler Coming Back -- Words of encouragement from the company's CEO
on the home page of their domain.
A man who says he threw away a hard drive loaded with 7,500 bitcoins in 2013 is offering his city $70 million to dig it up from the dump --
The price for Bitcoin this morning was roughly $37,000. Ok -- times 7,500 equals $277,500,000. Maybe it's just me, but if I owned a hard drive
worth more than a couple hundred bucks, I'd go to some length to ensure it doesn't end up in the city's dump -- let alone a hard drive worth
the better part of $300 mil. Nobody talks about how easy it is to lose everything if you put the bulk of your wealth in something digital.
Fox News Ratings Plummet After Trump Supporters Abandon Network -- I've covered this before. Fox is bleeding heavily after
deliberately betraying its own audience. It was amazing, actually -- like a vegetarian restaurant telling its customers one day,
"We've changed our minds. Now we only serve beef."
The Great Reset Button Has Been Pushed -- "A Biden administration would be the green light for the New World Order takeover to accelerate."
At this point, it's appearing to be a "fait accompli."
Pelosi Foments Civil War In Congress -- Prepare for wall-to-wall false flag operations. It has become the left's
standard operating procedure.
America's Demise Is Near At Hand -- (PCR) -- "America -- R.I.P. --- For years I have been cataloging America's decline into collapse,
not merely economic collapse from economic concentration and the offshoring of jobs and investment, but also the collapse of the belief system that
created some unity among a diverse population. Today not only is the economy done for, but so is the belief system that sustained social and political
"America no longer exists. A geographical entity exists of diverse peoples and interests, but not a country,
much less a nation. The United States itself has degenerated into an empire. It is no longer simply a country with an empire. The 50 states are
themselves the Establishment's empire, and it can only be held together by force."
Read the rest of the article. Well composed.
Americans No Longer Live In A Free Society -- "And unity is in the trash bin of history. The Establishment Who Control US Media and
Universities Are Determined to Destroy Trump Supporters"
Situation Update, Jan. 18, 2021 -- Game-changing intel grants Trump new pathways to VICTORY -- "I now know what Lin Wood knows."
"Very positive news."
Experts in epidemiology, occupational health, toxicology, physics and engineering agree: 5G radiation is toxic to humans --
No kidding! Almost a year after we discuss the causal relationship between 5G and CoVid, the experts are feeling the liberty to speak
the obvious and provable.
Apple announces $100 million "racial justice" donation to anti-white terrorists --
January 17, 2021 -- Evening
January 17, 2021 -- Afternoon
January 17, 2021 -- Morning
Mexican president, other world leaders denounce Big Tech after Trump's Twitter ban -- "The President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez
Obrador, is going after Big Tech with the announcement that he intends to form a coalition with other world leaders to fight against censorship."
Why hasn't Jack Dorsey been arrested for lying under oath about Twitter's censorship policies? -- Answer: Because the legislative whores
in Washington have basically made Big Tech immune from prosecution. Why? As Tulsi Gabbard has said, "Lawmakers are routinely invited to
conferences where they go, say hello, and pick up their checks."
Amazon Bans Parler for "Violence" But Allows Kill Trump Merchandise -- "Always Remember: The Left is projecting on you what they are doing in spades."
Russian Leader Issues Grim Assessment As Washington Becomes Most Militarized City In World -- "A fascinating new Security Council (SC)
report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing the lengthy grim assessment just published about the United States by Deputy Chairman Dmitry
Medvedev entitled "America 2.0-After The Election," first notes his warning: "Russia-US relations are likely to remain extremely cold in coming
years because it is highly likely the United States will consistently pursue an anti-Russian policy," then says due to his being the former President
of the Russian Federation and its Prime Minister, it bears critical notice his stating: "Many US leaders have at various times admitted, including
to me personally, 'It is true that our system is not perfect, but we are used to it and it is convenient for us.' The problem is that the rest of the
world finds it increasingly 'inconvenient' to work with such a country, as the US becomes an unpredictable partner."
Compare and Contrast: Democrat DC War Zone vs. The Hunger Games (VIDEO) -- "In the days leading up to the Biden inaugural, the nation's
capital has been turned into an occupied military zone like Baghdad. In fact, there are more US troops in the nation's capital today than in Iraq,
Syria and Afghanistan combined. What are they afraid of?
Communist China Gives Official Recognition To Corporatocracy Now Ruling America -- Discusses "Joe Biden's shocking snub of Turkish
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan yesterday by refusing to accept a call from a NATO ally, and Biden further placing back into power former
Vice President Dick Cheney's warmonger protegé Victoria Nuland, says these actions proving that the United States is preparing to escalate its
endless wars around the world have left the Russian Federation with no other option than to withdraw from the Open Skies treaty."
Major events show CNN complicit in Capitol raid -- It was an obvious false flag event, and the amazing part is that the vast
majority of Americans don't even see it.
- Biden Inaugural Like Baghdad: Green Zone, Red Zone, Military Checkpoints to Enter and Leave Downtown D.C., Bridges Into
City to Be Closed -- Once again, you don't need this level of security unless you're in the process of inserting a government that
is willfully committed to policies that that are contrary to the will of the People. It's not an inauguration of a legitimate president.
It's the attempt to legitimize a communist takeover.
Mike Lindell: "Joe Biden Lost on 79 Million Votes for [President] Donald Trump and 68 Million for Joe Biden" (VIDEO) --
"Mike Lindell was at the White House on Friday for a meeting with President Trump. When he left the premises he ensured the faithful that President
Trump would be President for four more years. Mike Lindell has been working hard to right the wrongs of the stolen election. And last night he shared
his information with the president." Trump? President? For four more years. This dribble is getting a little bit long in the tooth.
If this was the sensible course the country was going to take, two days before the inauguration of a communist puppet is a little late
to be making the point.
Harvard Students Demand School Revoke Degrees For Trump Supporters Who Work In Government --
"Students and alumni at Harvard are demanding that the school revoke the degrees of graduates who worked in the Trump administration and
other parts of government."
- Leaked Zoom Call Shows US Federal Employees Conspiring to Sabotage the Trump Administration (VIDEO) --
They have three more days to instigate havoc -- and then the real fireworks begin.
- Joe Biden Holds Inaugural Celebration on YouTube -- Only 24K Tune in to His Channel. Trump Holds YouTube Speech at Alamo
and Got 804,000 Viewers WHILE HE SPOKE #ST0LEN -- The entire notion that Biden could have possibly won the election fairly is an
incredible effrontery on the intellligence of thinking people.
- 13 Israelis Suffer Facial Paralysis After Pfizer Covid Jab -- 29 Dead in Norway Following Pfizer Covid Vaccination --
The Covid Vaccine Body Count just keeps on piling up. It's doing exactly what it was designed to do. A few thousand down;
7.5 billion humans go to.
'They Want to Cancel Our Culture, Our History, Our Liberty': Goya CEO --Robert Unanue, Goya Foods President and CEO,
said on Friday the political left has weaponized the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus to take away God, culture, history, and liberty from the
people of the United States.
Notice to Trump Supporters: "You will be re-educated. We will execute
those who don't comply. You will wear the mask and take the vaccine.
We will take away your children since you're not fit to have them!"
January 16, 2021 -- Afternoon
INSANE! MSNBC Debates the Best Method for Reeducating Trump Voters -- They're coming for you.
They mean business. You can thank anyone who voted for Biden for this communist takeover.
Dr. Pieczenik promises: "Biden will not be president." And "there will be massive arrests." -- Speaking personally,
I don't buy it. Neither does Alex Jones or Mike Adams. But there is always a glimmer of hope. Talk about this interview has been
making the rounds. Three separate people sent me different links to this interview or references to it. Mike Adams has just reported
that he has evidence that Simon Parkes, Charlie Ward, and "Chic 3" are CIA disinfo psyop operatives. I don't know one way or the other,
but it would make sense. Never before has it been more important to exercise discernment.
- Personal Note on U.S. Passport Renewals -- I doubt this is happening everywhere, but a friend in Florida
who applied to have their U.S. passport renewed last September STILL has yet to hear back from the State department. I don't know
that this is happening everywhere, but I suspect that if you have any desire to leave the U.S. soon -- be in on vacation or for other
reasons -- you may find out, like my friend, that getting your passport renewed is nearly impossible. Somebody doesn't want you to
leave. Passport renewal is a simple administrative task from the government's side.
MENACING M@$K SKAM-- Peggy Hall -- Skip to 2:07 to get past intro and commercial.
Remember, the face diaper does not prevent sickness. It IS sickness.
- Tucker Carlson (Fox News) is on a roll. Despite being one of the biggest and most popular celebrities in the
news commentary business, Tucker will undoubtedly get booted soon. Democrats will demand it -- and they'll get it. If you can
steal an election with millions of fake votes, you can certainly get a news personality fired. So let's enjoy Tucker's final
days on television while a few slivers of reason, common sense, and civility still reside in Tucker's corner of the media market.
Let's begin:
Tucker Carlson tonight -- Friday, January 15 -- Jan. 15 -- Tucker does a brilliant rape job on the whole notion that Biden could
have possibly won an election. Anywhere. Other important issues covered: Tucker examines Democrats' pitch to liberate red states; plus, an update
on the police shooting of Jacob Blake. He pokes fun at the whole idea that Dems have any intention of healing or uniting anybody --
noting its hyper-hypocrisy. Notes the newest frightening attacks of any and all Trump supporters. "With Trump gone, Democrats are going to
need a new enemy to hate, because hate is what holds the party together." He clarifies how Dems are now declaring war on a segment of
the population that represents over 50% of its citizens. There are now more troops in DC than the U.S. has in Iran and Afghanistan combined --
admittedly called in because Dems because that a U.S. Republican Representative is going to bring a firearm and murder the President Elect.
(Yes -- see the video clip). It's worst than that. All Trump supporters are now enemy combatants of the United States.
The First Amendment is dead. You will no longer be allowed to say or write anything that isn't approved by the State --- which from
January 20 going forward means anything that upsets the Democrats or interferes with their political agenda.
Owner of largest online gun retailer reacts to website being 'yanked' offline -- Jan 15 -- Guns should all be illegal in private hands.
After all, guns are only used to commit violent acts that leftists don't approve of. The same argument could be used to make all
steak knives illegal. Hide those silverware sets! This happened to AR15.com. It will happen to more and more providers who make or
sell things that people could use -- (God forbid!) -- to defend themselves!
Tucker Carlson Ridicules Ocasio-Cortez's Riot Fears -- Jan. 14 -- How did we ever allow people of such low IQ, like AOL,
to ever get into office?
Parler executive speaks on mass effort to banish their app from the internet -- Jan 14 -- Tucker interviewed Amy Peikoff, Chief
Policy Officer of Parler. She informs that this criminal conspiracy on free speech involved Amazon, Apple, Google, Facebook, Twilio,
and many other unnamed entities.
Gym owner who defied lockdowns claims state emptied entire bank account -- Jan. 13 -- NJ Governor steals $170,000 from the owner of Atilis Gym
in the Garden State, based on an arbitrary judgement. This is your new future, comrades!
Tucker investigates the threats and violence Twitter refuses police -- Jan. 13 -- "The Federalist journalist David Marcus go through
a list of all the things that Twitter is refusing to censor, while they crackdown on conservative speech." It is so interesting that
Twitter helps promote accounts with names like: "Kill Trump," "Assassinate Trump," "Pigs in a blanket, fry 'em bacon" (we need to
kill officers in law enforcement), Antifa and BLM riot organization sites, and other violent, radical, left wing organizations,
with impunity.
Ron DeSantis responds to viral clip of him being 'attacked' by CNN reporter -- Covered this before. Now DeSantis responds.
Goya CEO: 'We got the iceberg of communism ahead of us' -- The barbarians are at the gates.
January 16, 2021 -- Morning
- Don't Fall For The Establishment's Tall Tales. There Was No "Violent Assault on the Capitol"
and There is Abundant Evidence of Electoral Fraud -- (PCR) --- "In this important column I provide you with evidence that there was no assault
on the Capitol, and I provide you with so much evidence that there was massive electoral fraud that it will take you all weekend to go through
the evidence."
Situation Update, Jan. 16th, 2021 - Psyop Revealed, DC prepares for Large-Scale WAR -- Stunning revelations that are very critical.
I'm not exaggeration. This is the latest from Mike Adams.
- Biden Inaugural Like Baghdad: Green Zone, Red Zone, Military Checkpoints to Enter and Leave Downtown D.C., Bridges Into City
to Be Closed -- "In the days leading up to the Biden inaugural, the nation's capital has been turned into an occupied military zone
like Baghdad. Armed troops authorized to use lethal force are manning checkpoints to enter and leave downtown Washington, D.C. Green Zone and and
Red Zone perimeters have been established. Several bridges into the city from neighboring Virginia are scheduled to be closed next week for the inaugural."
- "If You Need All This To Protect Your Inauguration from the People, Maybe the Fucking People Didn't Fucking
Elect You!” -- DC Worker Shows Video of Military Checkpoints in City (VIDEO) -- "A worker in DC filmed the military presence in the city early
in the morning. He asks why would someone need to put up such barriers if he legitimately won the election?"
- UPDATE: Antifa Activist Daniel Alan Baker Arrested for Plotting to Murder Trump Supporters -- Tells Supporters on YouTube
He Received Soros Money -- "Antifa supporter Daniel Alan Baker was arrested for plotting to murder Trump supporters and police
on Inauguration Day. He trained in Syria in 2017 with the YPG, was featured on VICE, and in 2020 participated in the CHAZ insurrection in
Seattle, per DOJ documents."
Parler CEO Flees Home with His Family, Goes Into Hiding After Receiving Death Threats -- "Because of Big Tech censorship, Parler, the free
speech alternative to Twitter, became the fastest growing social media company -- until they got deplatformed by Amazon, Apple and Google in a
coordinated attack. Last week Amazon kicked Parler off their webhosting service, meaning the platform will be offline until they find a new host."
Oathkeepers Issue Warning to American Patriots: "Beware of False Flags and Traps that are Now Being Set" --
"Oath Keepers is a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath
all military and police take to 'defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.' That oath, mandated by Article VI of the
Constitution itself, is to the Constitution, not to the politicians, and Oath Keepers declare that they will not obey unconstitutional orders, such
as orders to disarm the American people, to conduct warrantless searches, or to detain Americans as 'enemy combatants' in violation of their ancient
right to jury trial."
January 15, 2021 -- Evening
- So -- not much happening behind the scenes? Consider:
- The entire
Netherlands government has resigned.
- Angela Merkel steps down.
- Estonia
Prime Minister has resigned.
- Italian government has collapsed.
- Russia's government has resigned.
- Obamagate documents showing massive criminal activity is being declassified.
- DC on lockdown. My sources indicating that 20k soldiers arrived Thursday. Another 25k on Friday.
A good 40-50k if you count non-military by 20th. There are many more military assets in DC now than the media is reporting.
So something fishy is going on globally.
Situation Update, Jan. 15th, 2021 -- DECLASS begins, CNN complicit in capitol raid -- Too many pieces of news to cover here.
Read all the suppressed headlines. It's all on one page.
- The World and Many Americans Do Not Realize That the US Is Now a Cancel Culture Totalitarian State in Which Exercise of
the First Amendment Is Domestic Terrorism -- (PCR) --- Written by Boyd Cathryn --- "Welcome to the Gulag of 2021.
The Aftermath of the January 6 Stop the Steal Rally"
More Highly Transmissible Variant of CCP Virus Detected in 10 States: CDC -- This comes from the same people who insist
that you get the vaccine. Your friendly national vaccine pusher.
Think Twice Before Taking the Covid Vaccination -- (PCR) --- Dr. Gregory Michael, M.D., a 56 year old obstetrician and vaccinue advocate,
"was vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine at MSMC on December 18, 3 days later he saw a strong set of petechiae on his feet and hands which made him
seek attention at the emergency room at MSMC. The CBC that was done at his arrival showed his platelet count to be 0 (A normal platelet count ranges
from 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter of blood.) He was admitted in the ICU with a diagnosis of acute ITP caused by a reaction to the
COVID vaccine. A team of expert doctors tried for 2 weeks to raise his platelet count to no avail. Experts from all over the country were involved
in his care. No matter what they did, the platelets count refused to go up. He was conscious and energetic through the whole process but 2 days
before a last resort surgery, he got a hemorrhagic stroke caused by the lack of platelets that took his life in a matter of minutes."
These kind of reactions are happening all over the country. Still feel good about taking The Mark of
the Beast?
- Fresh Off the Fraudulent Elections -- Georgia Governor Kemp Praises the "Peaceful" George Floyd Protests that Caused
$2 Billion in Damages -- Truth has no place in the world of fake leftist narratives.
- Today's Big Media Is Like Russia's Pravda -- Totally Dishonest and Totally Committed to the Fascists and Elites Addicted
to Power -- "What just happened? The liberal mainstream media, including FOX News, joined hands and pushed numerous lies in hiding the
greatest heist in world history -- the stolen 2020 presidential election."
The Big Shift Continues, Narrative Now: 'Lockdowns Have No Benefit' -- "The transparency of timing is brutally obvious.
Yes, the far-left was willing to put millions of American's through economic pain and hardship in order to advance their interests."
January 15, 2021 -- Afternoon
Heads up! Get Ready Now! -- Heavy dose of Hopium here. Runs 21:13. If any of this is true, you'd better have enough provisions
for two weeks without going to the store. It could be intense. We'll see.
Democratic Congresswoman Nikema Williams introduced a bill to ban President Trump from entering the U.S. Capitol building
for the rest of his life. -- If we're going to REALLY test the limits of human stupidity and lunacy, let's just pass a bill
banning him from the solar system.
US vs. Them -- Can You Believe This Shit Show? -- Planet girl gives her take on this ridiculous "riot" at the capital.
I missed this one from a few days ago. In light of the continued "squabble" over this non-event, this 3 minute tirade is worth seeing,
if only for the 5-star entertainment value.
Wuhan to NWO "GREAT RESET" World Domination and Takerover Plans "Resident Evil" and the "Raccoon" --
A summary of the latest agendas in one 5 minute clip. The "virus," however, that will "cleanse the earth," is not a biological entity.
The viruses are the result of something else. The ultimate virus is 5G.
Microsoft, Big-Tech Coalition Developing Rockefeller-Funded COVID Passports -- "A coalition of big tech companies, including Microsoft
is developing a COVID passport, with the expectation that a digital document linked to vaccination status will be required to travel and get access
to basic services."
Pope Francis, 84, receives his first dose of Pfizer coronavirus vaccine -- And Pope Emeritus Benedict, 93, received his jab early on Thursday.
What bullshit. Probably distilled water.
The Pope has told Catholics it is their 'moral duty' to be vaccinated against the virus. Great. Then please count me among the wilfully immoral.
Did you ever think that you'd see the day when avoiding a potentially legal vaccine makes you an immoral person?
- HUGE! CNN-NPR Photo-Journalist Jade Sacker was Embedded with Antifa Leader John Sullivan During Siege of US Capitol --
Cheered "We Did It!" After Inciting Riot (VIDEO) -- If you can't spot these false flag events when they happen, don't expect to survive
what's coming.
HUGE! Despite Total Media Blackout -- 78% of Trump Voters Believe the Election was Rigged and Stolen -- Fake news is failing
to fulfill its responsibility in keeping the general public dumbed down and stupid.
- Wow! Mexico's Socialist President Leads International Effort to Rein In Tech Giants After President Trump is Silenced Online
-- Something Democrats Cheered -- Why is this happening? Because all over the world, even mildly leftist leaders are realizing that
if Big Tech isn't stopped now, they're next.
A Message To Anyone Who Feels Like 'Winston' In Orwell's 1984 -- Orwell picked a year that was 36 years too early. He should have
entitled his book, 2020. The author here describes perfectly what we have today: "The 'Party' controlled everything -- the economy,
daily life, and even the truth. In Orwell's 1984, 'the heresy of heresies was common sense.'"
- Washington State Democrats Propose Legislation to Ensure They Win All Future Elections and Prevent Any Public Disclosure
of Fraud Embedded in the Process -- This is why the complicity of stupid Republicans is so odd. What we learned from the 2020
election is that a Party had appointed itself -- just like in 1984. There would no longer be a two-party system. By allowing Democrats
to get away with the most massive election fraud in world history -- a fraud that Biden openly confessed to and bragged about -- Americans were
put on alert that an future elections would be only for show. A future Trump would win 95% of the vote, and his opponent just 5% of the vote,
and the opponent would still win -- with the Media and Big Tech saying that any opposition to their fake narrative was a conspiracy theory.
January 15, 2021 -- Morning
- Situation Update, Jan 14th, 2021 -- An astonishing theory:
FEMA and the US military will save America at its final hour -- Latest from Mike Adams:
"Today's Situation Update for January 14th examines the two competing theories for the outcome of the rigged 2020 election. In one outcome,
Trump has given up, Biden will be sworn in, and the United States of America will be plunged into a communist-controlled authoritarian police state
that silences conservative dissent.
Another theory is emerging, however, that claims the United States is in a military coup against illegal
civilian traitors and that a combination of FEMA and the military will actually save America, not enslave it."
FEMA and the military save America? My response -- the short version -- "ain't happening."
Democrats are now moving quickly to reclassify conservative dissent as "domestic terrorism" -- Always remember that those who
voted for Biden also voted to destroy their own Constitution and Bill of Rights -- the last remaining things protecting their civil liberties.
Compilation of recent stories and videos covering covid vaccine injuries, side effects and DEATHS --
Part of the reason Big Tech censors anyone who discusses the truth about vaccine injuries is because they don't want you to find out how dangerous
covid vaccines really are.
Across the USA and around the world, people are dying from covid-19 vaccines. Many others are experiencing
horrific convulsions, partial paralysis, hospitalizations and other bizarre side effects. (See the shocking videos in the article, all of which are banned
on YouTube and Facebook.)
Woman suffers whole body convulsions after taking experimental Moderna COVID-19 vaccine -- "A woman from Oakland City, Indiana in the
United States warned others to not get the experimental Moderna COVID-19 vaccine after she suffered tongue spasms and whole body convulsions.
She posted her videos on Facebook where her entire body is seen shaking uncontrollably. The CDC said such side-effects are 'mild' and 'normal.'
Oh really? And when this woman is dead in a few weeks -- and trust me, it's coming -- will the CDC
then say that the death was 'mild' and 'normal'?
Disneyland converted into mass COVID-19 vaccination site -- What's the slogan for this one? "Don't be a Donald Dick! Get the vaccine
now, so you won't get sick"? Disgusting.
Biden Vows to Destroy Small Businesses with $15 Per Hour Federal Minimum Wage (VIDEO) -- What CoVid didn't destroy with
its lunacy policies, Joe Biden will with his insane leftist policies.
- "The Oligarchs [Are] Taking Control of Our Country." -- Rudy Giuliani on the Capitol 'Frame Up' Last Week and Big Tech
Censorship -- "Rudy Giuliani released a video yesterday where he discussed the set up at the Capitol last week and Big Tech censorship
which is occurring against Trump supporters in the US today."
2021: If It Wasn't For Bad Luck, We Wouldn't Have No Luck At All -- "If we have indeed begun a sustained 'reversal of fortune', it might
be prudent to consider the possibility we're only in the first inning of a sustained run of bad luck."
Biden's Banana Republic -- "Donald Trump is probably the luckiest presidential candidate in history to have lost an election. He doesn't
realise it yet as he suffers from a self-inflicted wound in the final moments of his presidency. Nor does Biden yet realise how unlucky he is to have won.
But that will soon change as his presidency goes from crisis to crisis in all areas from monetary to fiscal to social and political.
Very little will go right during his presidency."
I don't agree at all. Biden was chosen to oversee the destruction of the U.S., precisely as
the CoVid architects planned. This much -- at least to me -- is glaringly obvious.
Rabobank: Why Is George Orwell's 1984 The #2 Best-Selling Book On Amazon -- Because it is relative to what's happeninug now, and
there is evidence that it will soon be banned.
January 14, 2021 -- Afternoon / Evening
It's pretty simple. Wanting privacy in your personal communications is somewhere up there with wanting
to have the privilege of taking a shit and not have the entire family watch. You know. Privacy. Pretty basic thing.
In May, 2007, I was at an Indigenous Wisdom Gathering in Sedona, Arizona, where I got to spend some
time with the late Lakota activist and Hollywood actor, Russell Means. He commented at one point about a tribe that didn't use skirting
on their teepees, asking, "What normal person doesn't understand the need for privacy?" And that's the point. Leftists are not normal people.
Apple wants to delete Telegram app from people's iPhones – here’s how to stop it -- "Word is circulating that Apple is planning to remotely
axe the Telegram app from users' iPhones now that President Donald Trump and millions of free speech advocates have migrated there."
Democrats Ushering In Totalitarian Corporate Dictatorship, Plan Mass Arrests of Trump Supporters: Watch Live -- "May you live in
interesting times" is a Chinese proverb. It's not a benediction. It's a curse. And now it comes from the Bolsheviks who have taken over the
U.S. with the help of brain-dead Biden supporters.
Tennessee health officials gave coronavirus vaccines to family and friends instead of elderly people -- "Vaccine administrators in
Tennessee have vaccinated their family and friends hours after turning away elderly people who had been waiting in line for hours to get the COVID-19
Oh --- boo-hoo --- come on ---
let's everybody starting ballin' for these jack-off relics who would only kick off quicker after they got
the vaccine. Let the leftist idiots take that fuckin' thing first and leave the rest of us alone. If you're so anxious depopulate the world,
you jump first. I'd prefer to die naturally than experience a horrific CoVid vaccine death.
The left's plan to purge military of conservatives under guise of fighting "hate groups" --
"The Left has the executive and legislative branches and the bureaucracy. If they're able to remake the military in their image, will it be game over
for constitutionalists?" It will be game over for any citizen anywhere in society who doesn't cozy up to all this demon-infested, satanic activity.
- New Jersey Government Seizes $165,000 from Atilis Gym's Bank Account -- 100% of Gym's Assets for 'Crime'
of Remaining Open (VIDEO) -- There is a larger point to be made here: leftists believe that the money in the bank is not yours.
It is on loan to you. The government should control you and everything about you. Keep this in mind because what you hold in the bank is
now more vulnerable than ever before.
This is CNN -- Don Lemon: If You Voted For Trump, You Are with the Ku Klux Klan (VIDEO) -- Lunacy. Can't make this shit up, can you?
- Rabbi Aryeh Spero: "They Not Only Want to Cancel Trump, They Don’t Want Us to Come Back --
Like a Reign of Terror During the French Revolution” (VIDEO) -- "On Wednesday morning Rabbi Aryeh Spero joined The Bannon War Room to discuss
the acts of vengeance and humiliation evident today in our political climate. Spero's appearance was just hours before Democrats and ten Republicans
impeached President Trump for the second time in the US House of Representatives based, once again, on false accusations."
- GAB CEO: "I had very close relationships with Facebook and Twitte. I got to see the evils of their business model for many
years. What we’re seeing in America right now is the rise of Communism” [VIDEO]
- Baseball Great Curt Schilling Says AIG Canceled His Insurance Over his Conservative Beliefs -- Same Company that Got a $182 Billion
Bailout from US Taxpayers -- Rethink everyone you do business with. Ask yourself: "Will they hurt me because I'm not a hardened
communist and avowed satanist?"
- More Than 1.1 Million Attended President Trump's Rallies Since Labor Day -- Not a Single Window Broken, Policeman Attacked
or Attendee Killed -- Clearly Trump Wasn't Behind Violence at the Capitol -- "President Trump had more than 80 rallies between Labor Day
and the 2020 Election. In all these events, not a single window was broken, not a single policeman attacked or an attendee murdered."
Trump impeachment trial to be heard after he leaves office: McConnell -- It's like condemning a man to death by lethal injection after
he's already dead. "Dig that corpse up right now! We gotta drag that dead body in here and electrocute it!" The stupidity that began with
CoVid just shows no end of abating.
January 14, 2021 -- Morning
- Marine Corps. Rebukes Pelosi: "We Don't Work for You" -- "A Pentagon source speaking under promise of
anonymity told Real Raw News that Pelosi contacted Gen. Berger late Monday night, and she beseeched him to commit 5,000 troops to help ensure
a peaceful transition of power and to prevent a repeat of the Jan 6 siege of the Capitol. Gen. Berger, our source said, didn't understand why
Pelosi needed additional soldiers to augment an already impressive force assembled by federal and state officials. That force includes 15,000
National Guard from D.C., Delaware, Massachusetts, and Rhode Island, and an undisclosed number of FBI and DHS agents who arrived in
D.C. Sunday night.
Pelosi said she wanted "battle ready" reinforcements because "radicalized Trump supporters and kooky
Qanon conspiracy people" were about to converge on D.C. She implored him to reconsider, arguing that it was the general's patriotic duty to
quell uprisings and guarantee Biden's ascension to the Oval Office.
"Her statement made the general explode, our source said.
"Don't lecture me on patriotism, Madam Speaker. I've served this country with distinction for 40 years.
I've spilled blood for our nation. What have you, a self-serving elected official, done for your country?" Gen. Berger said.
"Pelosi further enraged him by saying he was answerable to Congress.
"I answer only to the president, and as I understand it, Donald J. Trump is still president and
commander-in-chief. I abide in the Constitution as it was written, not your interpretation of it," Gen. Berger admonished Pelosi.
Quoting our source, "When her intimidation tactic failed to sway Gen. Berger, Pelosi tried a different
tactic: Begging and flattery."
Doug Billings And Simon Parkes -- The latest from the Hopium community.
Georgia lawmaker says she'll file Biden impeachment articles on Jan. 21 -- What's the expression? Snowball's chance in hell?
- Just in on the arrest front from a Qnon friend. We'll see. -- Pelosi was on TV yesterday. Was it a body double?
My contact says: "Is it real? Certainly seems to be. N. Pelosi and Biden and M. Pence and AOC Cortez can not be found. Where are they?
The impeachment proceeding in the House this 1/13/21 had a temp stand in for N. Pelosi with NO explanation. Schumer et al, ALL absent during
this House meeting too. Where is everyone? Why were all those in the House absent this 1/13/2021 to again try to impeach Trump?
There were ALL NEW FACES??? Hhhhuummm. Look at the C-SPAN broadcast of the House impeachment meeting
this 1/13/21. Where are all the old well known faces?? Where? No explanation. Also, the many intelligence sources I track each week are stating
this with different angles and using some of the exact same words. What words? One word is 'the next two weeks will be very BUMPY'. No MSM will
touch this. MSM to be dissolved soon, too. All these House Democrats arrested for treason. Treason = execution per the Law.
I said several days ago Biden would be arrested soon per one intelligence source. Remember, the evil cabal
also uses body DOUBLES.andTrump will be sworn in Jan. 20.Trump will be sworn in Jan. 23Trump will be sworn in Jan. 25 And the public will get to
see the perp walk of James Clapper and John Brennen FIRST before we see Hilary or any others perp walk. We should know for sure over the next week.
Keep your ear to the ground.
January 13, 2021 -- Evening
Video Message from President Donald J. Trump 1/13/21. -- I read this as giving up. You may read it differently.
Over 5 minutes are spent telling you how EVIL violence is -- giving the listener the impression, "Ok -- well, then how do we defend ourselves?"
He also rails against Big Tech's massive censorship. Again, more talking, no doing. All show, no doe. I'm disappointed.
Democrats, 10 Republicans Vote for 2nd Impeachment of Trump -- He's going to be in office 7 more days.
Maybe there's enough time to impeach him 15 more times! --- It's beyond ridiculous. Can you believe that these
people actually get paid a federal government salary to pull this crap -- to say nothing about the millions of dollars a year that each
of these Representatives make from foreign lobbyists.
- The swamp is empty -- Doubtful.
January 13, 2021 -- Afternoon
- Just received. Pass it along and pray that it's true. The YouTube link below has already been removed,
which means that YouTube is hyper to remove any and all references to Trump's activities. See below:
Ladies & Gents,
John Darash from National Liberty Alliance.
Expect the emergencey broadcasting system to be activated! (Shut off your software updates they will be blocking the emergencey broadcasting system)
Expect confusion. We are in a battle for our Republic.
Expect high profile arrests.
Expect this to be a bumpy ride to the very end.
Expect more bombshell evidence to be released
Expect some sort of internet blackout or outage
Expect Trump to be inaugurated on Jan 20th
FINAL UPDATE from Congressman Devin Nunes -- Dark Winter will set in shortly for Patriotic Americans. Text "FREEDOM" to 98078 for up to date
information. Keep your heads high and spirits up. Reach out to your Republican elected officials and ask them to defend our
Liberties. [Yeah, right] br>
WATCH WHILE YOU CAN _ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1j7-y7TWFxA
Pass the word.
God Speed
John Darash
- Situation Update, Jan 13th, 2021 --
Breaking the spells of FEAR and SCARCITY -- The latest update from Mike Adams.
- The Smell of Communism -- This was forwarded to me by a good friend:
"Schumer is calling anyone who was in the Capitol Building are 'insurrectionists' despite the fact the police let them inside and most were taking selfies.
Most do not appear to be threats other than they voted for Trump. To ban these people from ever getting on an airplane smells of what is to come. This is
following precisely AOC's call to create lists of people who supported Trump for retaliation. They are pushing the limits which will only split the country
even more. This is not a government that represents everyone -- only select philosophies. This is grossly exaggerating this event calling everyone an
'insurrectionist' without Due Process of Law. That in itself is unconstitutional. Schumer and Pelosi are simply acting politically trying to remove a
president who will be gone in 7 days. This is absurd."
Delta kicks two women off flight for having private conservation about Trump -- "For the 'crime' of speaking privately about their support
for President Donald Trump while aboard a commercial aircraft, two women were kicked off a Delta Airlines flight, shocking new video footage shows."
Mozilla, Firefox planning to censor conservatives at the browser; deplatforming isn’t enough -- (NaturalNews) -- "Banning President
Donald Trump from social media while silencing his supporters who dare to object is simply not enough to stop 'violence and hate' from spreading
on the internet, according to Mozilla, the company behind the Firefox browser.
"In an announcement, Mozilla expressed urgent plans to start filtering out 'disinformation' at the browser
level before it even has the chance to show up in an internet search or on a website.
"Rehashing the same scripted lies about the 'siege' and 'take-over' in Washington, D.C., that resulted
in a handful of people gaining access to the Capitol building on Jan. 6, Mozilla says every tool in the arsenal needs to be deployed to prevent
'white supremacy' from being “reinforce[d]” online.
I'm been saying the same thing for almost two years: dump Firefox, IE, and Chrome and use
Bravo as your browser. Dump Google and use DuckDuckGo as your search engine. Stop using internet services that hate you and would just as soon
see you dead.
Leftist Democrats claims that Trump 'incited violence' when they are the ones who enabled and cheered deadly mobs throughout 2020 --
Coming from the very same people who stole an election that was won by the largest margin of any Presidential election in U.S. history.
Nearly 47 million Americans have been infected by coronavirus, study finds -- Since we're up to our fucking eyebrows in bullshit on
all things CoVid, let's just round up to the nearest billion and say that ONE BILLION American citizens have been infected. Don't laugh.
We'll get help with that billion by including all the dead people who voted for Joe Biden in the last election.
PROOF: BLM activist posed as Trump supporter before Capitol false flag -- It's an American tradition these twisted false flag operations.
The Boston Tea Party of December, 1773, took place with colonists dressing up as indians, destroying 45,000 pounds of English tea on three ships,
and blaming it all on those nasty indigenous people. Again, history doesn't repeat itself, but it sure does rhythm.
China rewrites COVID history, purges 300 studies linking virus to Wuhan lab -- "The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is on a purging spree
trying to scrub all links between the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Wuhan Institute of Virology laboratory where it originated from
everywhere such evidence exists." It's a crock. There is nothing that came out of Wuhan -- not even that sickly looking bowl of at soup --
that is responsible for CoVid. The entire narrative is fake. CoVid is an electromagnetic adaptation condition, as I've shown repeatedly.
Fauci admits coronavirus vaccines don't prevent infection -- Of course, they don't prevent infection. They aren't designed to prevent
infection. They're designed to cause infection. Or maybe you haven't been listening.
The all-out assault on conservative thought has just begun -- "After the white nationalist riots in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017,
the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and others renewed their demands for the suppression of conservative speech on social media. After Trump's
supporters breached the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Big Tech companies clamped down on President Donald Trump and many of his supporters. Incoming
President Joe Biden has said he plans to pass a law against domestic terrorism."
Gene Decode -- Return to the Republic / End of U.S. INC -- A good friend sent me this. Have no idea if the particulars in this Hopium
session is true or not. You'll have to evaluate for youself.
"MILLIONS OF TWEETS" -- But will they succeed? We'll see.
January 13, 2021 -- Morning
Situation Update, Jan. 12, 2021 -- Sources FRACTURE on outcome: Is Trump winning at unconventional warfare? --
This is Mike Adams' latest update. To repeat myself: I've having an increasingly difficult time believing that Trump is either
genuine and/or has the wherewithal to reverse what's taken place. Obviously, I wish it weren't so.
- General McInerney calls for President Trump to declare martial law and investigation of treason --
"In the interview, Gen. McInerney publicly calls on President Trump to realize the seriousness of the cyber-war attack on America by invoking the
Rebellion Act, removing Habeas Corpus (as Lincoln did) and initiating mass arrests under military authority."
- In Speech at Border Wall Trump Says "Freedom of Speech Is Under Assault" and "Impeachment Is a Hoax" --
Admits Joe Biden Is Taking Over (VIDEO) -- "This was his first speech since the Electoral College vote last week. It also was
the first time President Trump suggested Joe Biden will become president next week."
DC Attorney General Looking Into Arresting Trump And Others -- What happened to: "You're gonna be so tired of winning"?
PBS Lawyer Fired After Project Veritas Expose -- The dismissal is just for show, because you know that the entire
left holds to this belief: that the children of Trump supporters, which may be as high as 80% of the electorate, be ripped away from them
and thrown into leftist reeducation camps.
JUST IN: Pence Formally Rejects Pelosi's Attempt to Invoke 25th Amendment --
"Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday evening formally rejected Speaker Pelosi's attempt to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove President
Trump from office."
- Hillary Clinton Labels Trump Supporters "Domestic Terrorists" Who Need to be Tracked and Surveilled Following
Chaos at US Capitol -- "Twice failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton is waging all out war on Trump supporters."
Democrats Launch Their Assault on Red State America -- (PCR) -- "What many Americans and people abroad do not comprehend is that
in the 2020 election Trump officially got 74,222,958 votes. This is the official number, which is understated by the 10 million vote suppression used
against him. In "losing," Trump's 74,222,958 official votes are more votes than any elected president has ever received with the exception of Biden whose
vote count was raised by 10 million fraudulent ballots. How is the country unified by demonizing half of it? Are the Democrats' threats and reprisals
against Trump and his supporters unifying?"
Trump will never concede: America is now two countries. -- There is no way you can have a unified country when you have two
distinct factions whose views and values are this far apart. It's like the Creator and Satan agreeing to promote the same values.
It is not a realistic expectation.
House Judiciary Release 76-Page Impeachment Report -- Let me translate this fuckin' thing for ya: "President Trump remains
a clear and present danger in obstructing our ability to continue ass raping the American people."
L.A. County Tells Residents To Wear Masks Inside Own Homes -- "Things are so bad in Los Angeles County that health officials are now
advising all essential workers to wear masks inside their own home to prevent spreading Covid-19 within their household." Truly, truly insane.
For reasons I've only given a couple hundred times on this blog already.
The Great Purge: Twitter Has Suspended More Than 70,000 Accounts Since Friday
-- "In a Monday night blog post, Twitter lays out all
the latest details of a historic purge that started with the suspension of president Trump and has escalated into the ban of tens of thousands of
conservative voices, or as Twitter puts it, "steps taken to protect the conversation on our service from attempts to incite violence, organize attacks,
and share deliberately misleading information about the election outcome." Odd how none of those considerations emerged during the summer when US cities
were literally burning as a result of countless violent protests and frequent riots, but we digress."
Twitter Purge: Our Orwellian Dystopia is now our present.
Facebook Is Purging All Content Mentioning "Stop The Steal" -- Hypocrisy so rich: ""With continued attempts to organize events against the
outcome of the US presidential election that can lead to violence, and use of the term by those involved in Wednesday's violence in DC, we're taking
this additional step in the lead up to the inauguration."
UK Government May Only Let People Out Once A Week -- "The British government has reportedly discussed upping COVID restrictions even
further by only allowing people to leave their homes once per week."
COVID-19 & The Emergence Of The Pandemic Industrial Complex -- An entire industry has been built on the foundation of completely
fictitious epidemiological figures. Fake Medicine has found its zenith. Medical ethics has found its nadir, if not its extinction.
Nancy Pelosi Enacts Significant Mask Rules -- More Covid lunacy: "House Democrats are implementing a new edict proposed by
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that will fine any member of Congress who does not wear a mask."
Trump Administration Directs States to Release All COVID-19 Vaccine Doses -- "Health officials said last year they projected 20 million
Americans getting vaccinated against COVID-19 by the end of 2020. That number ended up being under 4 million. The 'lag' has been pinned on states by
some federal officials and on the Trump administration by some state officials."
Vaccine will be mandatory for every public school student in major U.S. city -- "Every public school student must be innoculated for the
coronavirus before returning to class, once a vaccine is available, the superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District said Monday."
It's not called the land of fruits and nuts for nothing. I ought to know. I was born there and am a 4th generation Southern Califorian.
I'm certainly glad I don't live there now.
January 12, 2021
French Government "Shocked" at Twitter Banning of Trump -- "The French government has echoed Angela Merkel's sentiment in saying it is
"shocked" at Twitter's banning of President Trump, asserting that Big Tech is a threat to democracy. (No shit.)
North Idaho Internet Provider Blocks Facebook, Twitter on Its Service Over Censorship --
"There are too many people that have called for us to do one [customer] at a time so we will be blocking [Facebook and Twitter] and any other website
that may also be Censoring," says spokesman. (It's about time. Hope this is a movement that spreads).
Situation Update, Jan 11th, 2021 -- The final looting of the American empire is now under way -- Based on input
from his military contacts, Adams believes that the invocation of the insurrection act is real. He put this out after I posted my announcement below.
Real life study: Masked schoolchildren are harmed physically, psychologically, behaviorally and suffer from 24 distinct health issues --
"A first-of-its-kind study, involving over 25,000 children, reveals that masks are harming schoolchildren in many physical and psychological ways and have
a negative effect on their behavior, focus and interest in learning. These negative effects are censored from social media, under-reported by the media,
and ignored by government officials. Of the 25,930 children studied, the database includes at least 17,854 health complaints submitted by parents.
These health issues and impairments were observed in approximately 68 percent of masked schoolchildren who were forced to wear a face covering for an
average of four and a half hours per day." If it's bad for children, would it not be bad for adults? Of course. It's a war on humanity itself.
- Democrats Cannot Impeach Trump, and You Can't Impeach Him After Leaving Office: Dershowitz -- Do we really
need a professor who's been teaching constitutional law for 50 years to explain to us that you can't fire someone who's already left their job.
That's how stupid these zombie Dems have become that they would even propose it.
- Klaus Schwab is a Moron -- But He Sees What's Coming -- No one can escape the
Laws of Thermodynamics, and as I argue in my book, The Joys of Psychopathocracy, if you fail to understand them, you fail to grasp
the forces that are currently shaping the political landscape.
DTP vaccine from Bill Gates killed 10x more African girls than disease itself -- That's nothing compared to how many people will die from
the Covid vaccine.
January 11, 2021
January 10, 2021 -- Morning and Afternoon
Our world has taken a turn for the surreal.
January 9, 2021 -- Afternoon
Situation Update, Jan 9, 2021 -- Emergency red alert America descending into WAR -- Headlines related
to Mike Adams' latest update:
RED ALERT -- Brace for impact. Prepare for all scenarios. Deep state cornered.
Twitter, Apple, Google, Facebook DECLARE WAR on the United States of America
COMMS being taken out, Twitter bans Trump, Flynn, Powell, others,
Emboldened Left following in the tyrannical footsteps of Adolf Hitler
Pelosi desperate to remove Trump by force before he can invoke military rescue
- These 150-plus multinational corporations have CEOs demanding that Biden be made president
immediately -- Can't wait 11 days? It's really that urgent? What is it that all you traitors fear?
I honestly don't know. I'm only asking the most obvious questions.
Big Tech complicit in criminal COUP against America; Facebook blocks Trump for remainder of his first term --
Again, why the sense of urgency? What do they fear?
Marxist sympathizer media using Capitol Building breach as an excuse to deplatform conservatives from
all Internet services -- "With each passing day, the Marxist left, using whatever tools available to it, marches one or
two steps closer to a complete takeover of our struggling, dying republic -- and that includes the disgustingly corrupt
'mainstream media.'"
- Biden Is Not Yet Inaugurated and the Establishment Is Already Fomenting Civil War --
(PCR) -- It's coming. Soon. Brace yourself for Civil War.
January 9, 2021 -- Afternoon
Blog Author Comment: I'm taking more time to go through the posts now, because
I'm finding a lot more dubious posts, from all political sides, and the goal should be to post
things that are true and verifiable, not more propaganda. This could result in less posts, but
I'm going for quality and reliability, not quantity.
- Trump Campaign Banned From EMAILING Supporters After Being Suspended By Mail Service Provider --
"The Trump campaign is now blocked from emailing their millions of supporters after being suspended by their email service provider."
Voltaire said that history is a Mississippi of lies. We are witnessing how those in charge
make it so. Donald Trump -- love him or hate him -- won the 2020 U.S. Election by what is estimated to be the biggest landslide
in U.S. history. There are mountains of evidence of witness testimony of vote fraud. And yet he is now relevated to the dustbin
of history as a has-been and miscreant. We have reached the ultimate saturation point in propaganda. Between CoVid, left riots,
and now the election fiasco, it is hard to imagine it getting any more saturated than this.
January 9, 2021 -- Morning
Left's new efforts to DESTROY BlazeTV reporter: 'Today's the day I feared' --
Runs 14:55. It's frightening what's happening now. The left will destroy any vestiges of what we knew
"America" to be. Beck posts: "Glenn says the day he's feared for at least ten years is here: Democrats have full control of government,
and they're already using their power to shut out those with differing views. Glenn describes the left's latest efforts --
namely CNN and the Daily Beast -- to destroy BlazeTV reporter Elijah Schaffer, who covered the Capitol riot on Wednesday.
- Twitter Permanently Suspends the President of the United States -- This has been reported
before, but here PCR gives his thoughts on it in connection with an article in TheHill:
"As I told you would happen, President Trump, whose reelection was stolen, now has no way of communicating with his supporters
as the Establishment prepares to prosecute him on false charges like Russiagate. Is America any longer our country?"
Make No Mistake -- This Is Genocide -- Written by Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA --
"I don'’t know about you but I find it difficult to keep up with what is going on. The chaos is all deliberate, of course.
As Jean Paul Sartre pointed out, if you fill people with long-standing terror, anxiety and uncertainty you will eventually drive out
their humanity and drive them towards madness."
January 8, 2021 -- Evening
- Situation Update Jan 8th – Trump fighting from secure location, did NOT concede --
I don't care how you parse the language. It certainly sounds like a concession to me. I suppose each person will have
to come to their own conclusions. Email me if you disagree.
California Now Wants To Tax People Who Live In Other States, Too -- Can't make this up.
California wants to tax people who live in other states for a sales tax retroactively back to 2012. In other words,
going back 11 years. Fiona Ma, California state treasurer, previously laid out the CDTFA’s actions as "unlawful,
unconstitutional and impractical," but California is going forward anyway. This is the insanity you get when you put
communists in office.
- Pelosi Says She Will Impeach President Trump If He Doesn't Resign "Immediately" --
Seems to me they tried that a couple times already.
Pence praises Capitol police after they shot unarmed woman dead during unarmed protest -- And to think --
this dildo brain was actually Vice President of the USA.
NY State Assembly Bill A416: COVID Concentration Camps Coming To America? --
"The NY bill is, in my opinion, a litmus test for the rest of the country. The establishment will attempt to see how
much resistance they get in a hard leftist state first, and if they can get A416 passed they will then try to pass similar bills in
other Democrat controlled states."
- Mexico's President Blasts Twitter & Facebook For Acting Like "Holy Inquisition" In Censoring Trump --
"In a rare instance of a Left-wing Latin American leader siding with Trump, Mexico's President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has
condemned controversial actions taken by major US social media platforms to block Trump messages. He's long had warm relations with
the US president even as other regional leaders have remained cold."
- "The Price Will Be High": Biden Calls For "Trillions" In Fiscal Stimulus --
Let's sink what's left of the dollar even quicker than it's already going.
Buchanan: The Worst Of Days For Trump & Trumpists -- Read the article for yourself. My objection: with the use of the
Dominion Voting Machines to steal both Georgia senate races, Dems have confirmed that all legitimate elections are over.
So all this bullshit about Trump running again in 2024, or taking the Senate back in 2022, is just nonsense. The country
is lost, and the Bolsheviks won.
Only In Your Imagination Was That An Attempted "Coup" -- "But the idea that this was a real attempt at a 'coup' --
meaning an attempt to seize by force the reins of the most powerful state in world history -- is so preposterous that you really
have to be a special kind of deluded in order to believe it."
- "I Ain't Going Anywhere": Ted Cruz Fires Back At AOC After She Calls For His Resignation --
"When you and your socialist buddies try to massively raise taxes, pass the green new deal & destroy millions of jobs, when you push
for amnesty, when you try to pack the Supreme Court -- I will fight that every step & stand with the People." Talk is cheap.
Look what just happened to Trump. We'll see.
Sidney Powell Sued By Dominion For $1.3 Billion -- So fuckin' what? Reminds me of a scene
from "Tombstone," click above.
Miami Doctor Dies After Receiving First Dose Of Pfizer Vaccine -- We're getting more and more
of these deaths occurring shortly after taking the vaccine. Who says the CoVid vaccine isn't working as it was designed
to work?
January 8, 2021 -- Morning & Afternoon
- Cuomo goes for broke, threatens $100,000 fines on NY hospitals that don't use all their vaccines
in seven days -- Every day, this Scamdemic does itself for the scandal that it really is:
"New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is prepping his broken, dilapidated medical police state for the next round of medical tyranny.
Under Cuomo's new "Use it or Lose it" vaccination distribution plan, hospitals will be fined $100,000 if they do not use up all
their coronavirus vaccines in seven days. Any hospital provider that does not meet the government's quota for "shots in arms"
can be disqualified from future distribution and be subject to "more serious sanctions."
India's fossil fuel minister says people who don't have "faith" in coronavirus vaccines are
"mentally challenged" -- "If you are one of the tens of millions of people out there who are questioning the safety and
effectiveness of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination, Dharmendra Pradhan, India's minister of petroleum and natural gas, has
a message for you: you're mentally ill.
Let me translate this for you: "If you don't have faith in our ability to kill off
you and your family with these highly dangerous vaccines -- debilitating by design -- then we'll designate you as insane.
Perhaps we should incarcerate you and force you to take the vaccine!
CDC urges Americans to get coronavirus vaccine despite 10 times higher allergic reaction rate than flu shots --
"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) remains headstrong in its faith in the COVID-19 vaccines even though these jabs
are causing more allergic reaction cases than flu shots."
Darkness falls upon America and secrecy fills the air as Democrats cement their coup -- more signs Covid 19 was an act of war to help
the globalists bring in their 'New World Order' -- "With Joe Biden completely 'owned' by China, so the likelihood of truth
emerging about Covid-19's origin in the months and years ahead should Biden ever make it into the White House sadly ranging from
'0%' to 'not a snowballs chance in hell', President Trump's last two weeks in office are absolutely critical if Americans want to
learn the truth about this 'pandemic', or anything else for that matter."
- FBI Has Already Put Together a List of "MAGA Most Wanted" From Yesterday --
Considering Adding President Trump -- If you're not a communist intent on destroying the U.S. then you're now a terrorist.
Wall Street Journal Calls on President Trump to Resign -- The entire establishment is "all in" on the communist takeover.
PCR has to be furious -- (he used to be chief editor).
- "There Will Be an Orderly Transition on January 20th" -- BREAKING: President Trump Issues Statement
Responding to Electoral Certification -- This was posted at 3 a.m. Gateway Pundit says this does not mean that
Trump is conceding the election. Really? As far as I'm concerned, Trump has conceded. He has officially thrown
in the towel. Read the statement for yourself and come
to your own conclusion.
Biden Fans the Flames, Labels Trump Supporters "Domestic Terrorists" (VIDEO) --
"Joe Biden fanned the flames on Thursday following Wednesday's chaos at the Capitol and labeled Trump supporters
"domestic terrorists."
- Political Director Of ABC News Talks About 'Cleansing' America Of Trump Supporters --
"Over the last four years, people in liberal media have called Trump an authoritarian and even a fascist. The truth is that they
are projecting. The professional left is pretty much everything that they have accused Trump of being and this is a perfect
example of that."
- FINALLY SOMEONE WITH A SPINE! President of Chicago Police Union Defends Capitol Protesters:
'There Was No Arson -- Looting' -- Communists always maintain a double standard.
January 7, 2021 -- Afternoon / Evening
BREAKING: Traitor Mike Pence Certifies Biden's Election 'Victory' -- Posted at 2:44 am this morning.
- "There Will Be an Orderly Transition on January 20th" -- BREAKING: President Trump Issues Statement
Responding to Electoral Certification -- It would appear that he had no intention of taking this to the mat from
the begnnning.
- Situation Update, Jan. 7th, 2021 -- False flag attack STAGED to complete the steal --
Mike Adams spends 39 minutes to tell you that he still holds out hope.
All Eyes on Mike Pence as House Panel Calls for Vice President To Invoke 25th Amendment --
House Democrats on Wednesday made one last stab at trying to remove President Donald Trump from office. --
So anxious, they can't wait 13 days.
- Lin Wood Defiant --
Lin Wood posts:
"Time for rest. I had to stay up to watch the conclusion of the greatest attempted theft in history. Now it is a completed crime.
Many traitors will be arrested & jailed over the next several days. President Donald J. Trump will serve 4 more years!!!"
Really? What are the betting odds looking like right now in Vegas? I might want to get in on this action.
Georgia election shows signs of being rigged for Democrats, just like the general election --
That was beyond obvious. I stayed up all night just to watch the theft in real time for myself.
Facebook Blacklists Donald Trump 'Indefinitely' -- Following the events on Capitol Hill, where BLM / Antifa
posed as Trump supporters and created total chaos, Mark Zuckerberg has blacklisted President Donald Trump from the Facebook and
Instagram platforms "indefinitely."
- Mike Pence Condemns Trump Supporters for Storming the Capitol: 'Violence Never Wins' --
Oh really? It run the Revolutionary War, Civil War, two World Wars, etc. No major policy objective of the United States
in its 244 year history was achieved without it.
- 'Just F**ing Shoot Them All': Verified Twitter Accounts Call for Retribution --
We knew this was coming. They promised that it would be.
Trump's lawyer: Mike Pence misrepresented his task in letter -- Pence took the easy way out:
I won't protect the constitution or the enforcement of it, if it could jeopardize my career.
Franklin Graham: U.S. sins 'are a stench in the nostrils of our Creator' -- He states succintly:
"'God's judgment is coming. We are in trouble'"
7th January Update Current News -- Simon Parkes' reflection on what's been happening. Hyper-optimistic, if you ask me.
Sorry if my attitude is, "I'll believe it if I see it."
- "There were too many red flags" -- This is a note from a friend -- as we witness the destruction of
our homeland:
"I campaigned for Trump initially but when I saw the people
around him and in his cabinet, I KNEW something was fishy
as you say. Then he would say something to his base and
turn around and do just the opposite, that was another red
flag and then this Q stuff and all the Russiagate stuff that
went on indefinitely and he could have ended it immediately
and called their bluff, instead he puts in a deep state guy to
oversee the inquisition. I saw all this stuff that didn't add up
and 'Q' was the worst.
"I and everyone in the government knew those voting machines could
be adjusted, ballots should never have been counted after the day before the election and Trump had 4 years to straighten
out election fraud. He didn't do it. Obama ruled from the federal govt. and passed laws that had to be obeyed by the States.
Trump ruled and gave over his power to the States full well knowing
that the Dem States wouldn't comply and as a result did very
little (example Civil war monuments and that couldn't even be
stopped in a Republican state), so I saw so much that didn't add up
and, of course, all my Republican friends thought I was a traitor but
now 00 even yesterday's mess could have been avoided if Trump had
sent orders to the capital not to let anyone in. And, the worse gun
laws were enacted by the Republicans 'the red state laws' that basically
said crazies should not have guns and this debacle yesterday could
play right into it.
"The Deep State sent a message
through Trump. 'You have no power, we are way smarter than you and
don't even try to resist us!'"
Descending Dystopias: America Faces 2021 -- by Alan Sobrosky --
"It is given to few countries to face a future without any bright sides. Those that have done so in the past, have usually confronted
overwhelming external challenges, perhaps compounded by internal difficulties. In the case of the United States today, that is not the
case. To be sure, there are external challenges with both allies and competitors. But in a very real sense, America today -- like so
many Western countries -- is its own worst enemy, and it may well portend the death of our Constitutional order if not the
country itself." This was written on January 3rd, four days ago, and is even more relevant now.
- Latest comment from economist, Martin Armstrong --
"This week was the major event, not the inauguration on the 20th. The politicians see this as the defeat of Trump and have ignored
the fact that 80 million people voted for Trump, and they can claim the fraud claims are baseless while refusing to answer anything.
They have displayed to the entire world that there is no Due Process of Law -- they pronounced Trump guilty and refused to allow
a trial. This was a serious mistake for the question should have been decided and then the civil unrest would have been settled.
Refusing to allow any court to review the claims and dismissing everything on procedure has doomed the country to the festering image
of corruption which will inevitably lead to revolution."
January 7, 2021 -- Morning
Steven K. Bannon -- War Room Pandemic -- Ep #637 (ONLY 1HR BROADCAST) -- Posted at 7 pm last night.
Recorded between 5 and 6 pm EST.
- BREAKING: After the staged "storming" false flag event, Congress to RE-CONVENE tonight and finish
its final act of betrayal against America, under the cloak of darkness. -- I'm posting this Wednesday night.
By the time you read this, Biden will probably already be president (official chosen by the electoral college) and
the co-conspirators will have completed their mission.
FALSE FLAG CONFIRMED: "Viking" who stormed the Capitol Building previously photographed at BLM rally wearing
the same outfit -- The entire event looked fishy from the start.
- BREAKING: Unarmed Woman Shot and Killed by Capitol Police Identified -- 14-Year USAF Veteran (VIDEO) --
If this, indeed, wasn't a false flag, then it is, indeed, tragic.
- Calls Grow for President Trump to Be 'Immediately Removed From Office' via Impeachment or
25th Amendment -- Calls to remove President Trump "immediately" from office are growing Wednesday night from Democrat
members of Congress, a Democrat governor, never-Trumpers and the media. Either impeachment by the House and removal by the Senate
or an invocation of the 25th Amendment requiring the consent of the vice president, the cabinet and Congress. Trump's
term of office ends at 11:59 a.m. EST January 20.
With free and fair elections now a thing of the past, America is preparing for war --
(Natural News) "A White House cyber team investigation has determined that the era of peace in America is over. The fraudulent
2020 election was the tipping point that will push us over the edge into full-blown civil war."
- From Josef Stalin to Joe Biden: "I Don't Care Who Votes, Only Who Counts the Votes" And America's Surrender
to the CCP Is Nearly Complete.
- A Distinguished and Highly Regarded Physican Explains How the Covid PCR Test Has Been Misused to Create
a Fake Pandemic That Is Being Used to Destroy Us -- (PCR) -- PCR adds: "It is very important that you read and understand
this article." I've been saying the same thing for months. Now you're hearing it from someone with more respect.
The actual title of the original article is: "The COVID-19 RT-PCR Test: How to Mislead All Humanity. Using a "Test"
To Lock Down Society"
"Brace Yourself":
The Second U.S. Civil War Has Begun
January 6, 2021 -- Evening
- BREAKING: Pence Releases Statement Ahead of Certification of Electoral College, Says He Will NOT Block
Biden's Electors -- Vice President Mike Pence released a statement ahead of the certification of the Electoral College.
Pence rebuffed President Trump's call to reject Biden’s electors.
BREAKING: VP Pence Just Unfollowed President Trump on Twitter -- It's more than just symbolic.
- 'Pence Didn't Have the Courage to Protect Our Country' -- President Trump Tears Into Mike Pence as
Patriots Storm Capitol Building -- Pence rebuffed President Trump’s call to reject Biden’s electors. "It is my considered
judgement that my oath to support and defend the Constitution constrains me from claiming unilateral authority to determine which
electoral votes should be counted and which should not," Pence said. Defend the constitution my ass.
- Situation Update, Jan 6, 2021 -- America's Day of Reckoning arrives… Trump must now play his hand
With America's day of reckoning having now arrived, President Trump must now play his full hand to defend the republic against
domestic and foreign enemies. Later today, we anticipate VP Mike Pence will betray America, although there is a chance that
Sen. Grassley might step in and help save the nation by rejecting the fraudulent electoral votes and sending them back to the
states for adjudication.
Patriots STORM the Capitol building. House members in panic, warned to "take cover" under their desks.
American patriots FED UP with the TREASON. WEAPONS DRAW -- The U.S. Capitol Building has been stormed and breached
by patriots, causing the evacuation of treasonous traitor Mike Pence as well as several members of Congress on the floor of
the House, where outright criminal treason and fraud are being committed today by the US Congress.
Flynn: Trump Will Remain President -- "My big message is that the truth is going to come out and that Donald Trump
will continue to be the president of the United States for the next four years," he said in an interview with Alex Jones.
Trump Urges Protesters "To Go Home Now" In Video Blasting "Stolen Election" --
Here's what Americans -- real Americans, not the ones supporting a Bolshevik revolution -- learned today. They're fucked.
Totally. They are on their own. Their government has been taken over by traitors and there's going to be no one to save
them but themselves.
Watch Live: Trump Promises Supporters He Will Never Concede -- From early afternoon:
"Getting a late start once again, President Trump kicked off his speech at the "Save America" rally in Washington DC by promising
that he would 'never concede,' while pleading with VP Mike Pence to "do the right thing." Lotta good that did!
New Great Depression Coming In 2021 -- Jim Rickards -- Not sure if I agree with his precious metal assessment, but
I am firmly of the belief that we will have a depression this year. These brain dead lockdowns guarantee it.
January 6, 2021 -- Afternoon
- WE WERE RIGHT -- The Same Election Fraud We Identified in November Took Place Last Night in Georgia Senate
Race As Well -- I watched the Georgia election all night last night. We've reached the point where the fraud is so
obvious, that Dems and their handlers don't care if we know. The cheating has gone from from hiding it, to confessing it, to
openly bragging about it.
- MORE ELECTION FRAUD: 32,400 Votes Removed from Senator Perdue's Vote Tally Live on TV --
Yes, boys and girls, it really was that blatant.
Raffensperger sent armed thugs to Coffee County, Ga., to intimidate recount officials --
During a recent hearing of the Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Elections, Coffee County GOP Chair
Cathy Latham revealed that Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger's office sent armed thugs to intimidate and harass election
officials as they attempted to perform a ballot recount.
Police escorts receive chartered Antifa buses in D.C. ahead of Jan. 6 Trump rally -- Now I'll agree that
THIS is a police force that should be defunded.
New evidence shows every after-hours injection of ballots in key battleground states were ALL for Biden --
"The more the discredited 'establishment' media and their Democrat masters claim there was no vote fraud in the 2020 election,
the more proof continues to emerge that proves they are all lying their backsides off."
Chinese shipping receipt found in trash bucket of shredded fake ballots in Georgia -- But, of course, no fraud
could have possibly have happened.
- Epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski: "Influenza has been renamed CoVid in large part. --
Another expert tells us the obvious. Something those have studied the facts carefully have known for months.
- Statistician: Lockdowns don't work because they force people to congregate in fewer places --
As if the truth even mattered anymore. Like the elections, everything about CoVid is fake and fraudulent, most particularly,
the draconian lockdowns.
January 6, 2021 -- Morning
Biden's Ukrainian Felony -- "How fitting that illegitimate President Elect Joe Biden attempts to roll into the Oval Office as
Congress robs the taxpayers of America. If it were any other President-elect, the media would be in a feeding frenzy to get to
the bottom of the monumental criminality. Instead they are covering it up."
These Seven States Provided Two Sets of Electors to the US Congress -- Tomorrow We See How They Will Be Handled --
We should know by the end of the day.
Live U.S. Senate Results in Georgia -- This Atlanta affiliate's numbers throughout the night differed completely
from CNN's. I can't begin to understand why. (Now I'm lying like a Dem. Shame on me!) You can see that they are rigging everything
for a complete sweep, with both Democratic candidates winning by a small margin.
Brighteon launches LIVE stream video coverage of the D.C. events, beginning today at 10 am Eastern --
You might want to tune in periodically throughout the day.
- Breaking: As GOP Pulls Ahead in Georgia Senate Races, Democrat County Stops Counting Votes for
the Night -- I followed the Georgia election all night. Perdue and Loeffler were winning most of the night, sometimes
substantially, and then they pulled the same shit they did on Nov. 3rd to give the election to Biden. They are now trying to figure
out the best way to ensure that both Democrat candidates win without it being too noticeable. There is a shocking degree of
transparency to all this.
- The Next 24 Hours May Be the Most Important in US History -- Will The US Remain Free
Or Fall to Corruption and Communism? Soon We Will Know -- "One of the greatest 24 hour periods in US history has arrived.
The United States, born in 1776, is now 245 years old. In over more than two centuries of history, perhaps no period is of of
greater consequence than the next 24 hour period that lies ahead."
Catherine Austin Fitts | Full Interview | Planet Lockdown -- Posted on Dec. 22, but just picked it up. Over 2.5 million views.
Discusses the financial forces and influences that are shaping the current landscape. I don't agree that everything is going
digital. Here in Ecuador, as I've said before, it will never fly. Electrical power and internet service are too unreliable,
and the people themselves don't trust things they can't touch and feel. Major points:
Money is no longer a store of value. It's a system of control.
- Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Spars with CNN Reporter: 'You Gonna Give a Speech or You're Gonna Ask
a Question?' -- How to duel with the rudest, most perverse journalists since the invention of the Gutenberg press.
- Chinese Residents Under Virus Lockdown Running out of Food, Supplies -- If the elite could
get away with it, they would keep the entire planet of humans on lockdown until 90% of all humans are dead. We're not there yet,
but fear not. You're beloved leaders are working on it. Vaccines will help.
- WATCH: Romney Boards Flight to DC FILLED With Patriots Who Chanted 'Traitor'
and Grilled Him About Ties to Biden -- A friend of mine with an unrestrained sense of humor sent me this link with
a note: "Who's face do I cum on?"
- Three Grammy contenders decline nomination because everyone in their category is white --
Truly twisted.
It's Official: Democrats Pass Sexless Speech Codes for House of Representatives -- How utterly fucking demented.
Oh God! I'm so sorry! That was probably illegal. Let's start over: How utterly fucking de-women-ted.
Patriots Descend Into The Swamp To Save America -- This was posted yesterday afternoon, but it is a glimpse of
how easy things got started.
Perfect metaphor for what's happening to the U.S.
January 5, 2021 -- Afternoon / Evening
- Are Bitcoin and Other "Non-Official" Cryptos Doomed? --
I got this from a friend this morning, taken from post by Clife Maund:
"While cryptos may be screaming higher for the reason given above, there is also a misplaced belief that you are 'outside the system'
when you buy cryptos, but you won't be outside the system if they decide to 'pull the plug' on the internet, a possibility raised in
this dystopian short film Dark Winter, which they may do because the internet is the only way to find out the truth about
what is going on. The NWO are believed to be developing and perfecting their own cryptos, and when it suits them they will simply
outlaw or block all of the others, or make ownership of them punishable by a jail sentence -- don't forget they are above the law
and can do anything they like, like the current lockdowns, which are illegal. At least with the Precious Metals you can physically
own them and they will not disappear if banks close their doors or the internet is taken down."
Bitcoin is digital tulip bulb MANIA that will COLLAPSE -- Mike Adams and I used to talk about the
tulip bulb mania of the 17th century
back in 1999, when Y2K was all the rage. Yet another bubble has emerged: bitcoin. It's just waiting for the right pin.
John McAfee has tweeted that if Bitcoin doesn't hit $500,000 within the next three years -- (it's at $33,000 now) --
"I will eat my dick on national television." Uh -- oh John? -- do you plan to do that with or without
ketchup and mustard? Amd since you're gonna be dickless at that point, are you gonna pull a Bruce Jenner while you're at it
to increase the ratings?
Situation Update, Jan. 5, 2021 -- Congress will betray; patriots will need to RESCUE the President --
The U.S. is screwed thanks to the overwhelming tide of whore politicians who came to Washington for one reason and one
reason only: to sell out their constituency. U.S. citizens are on their own -- and then woe to the world.
- 'No Crime There, Period': Alan Dershowitz Says Trump Phone Call Taken out of Context --
"I've been teaching criminal law for over 50 years," he added. "I went through every word of that transcript, there is no crime
there, period." Because "Russia, Russia, Russia" didn't work, it's time to invent new fake narravies.
Pharmacy caught dispensing "special" flu vaccine just for black people -- It's the new normal now:
"Black Deaths Matter!"
Dr. Paul Offit demands "mass vaccination events" as medical communism descends upon America --
"Fake News CNN brought on one of their favorite vaccine propagandists, Dr. Paul Offit, to push for 'mass vaccination events'
across the United States. These 'mass vaccination events' could be rolled out in every community across the country as soon as
possible." Meet America's version of Josef Mengele, the
Nazi SS "Angel of Death."
- Gohmert blasts fed court for tossing lawsuit challenging unconstitutional voting changes in battleground
states: "If I don’t have standing, nobody does!" -- "Tens of millions of President Donald Trump's voters have been
relegated to standing by and helplessly watching themselves become pawns in a deep state power play that has disenfranchised each of
them after, one by one, the governing institutions established by our founders to protect their rights and our electoral system fail."
- Mainstream science admits COVID-19 vaccines contain mRNA "nanoparticles" that trigger severe
allergic reactions -- "At least eight people who were vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) in the days
immediately following the jab's initial release back in December suffered severe allergic reactions that mainstream science is
now claiming were caused by toxic messenger RNA (mRNA) nanoparticles."
- BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Evidence China Was Colluding with the Bidens and Providing Information on How to
Defeat President Trump in the 2020 Election -- "The Biden gang's relationship with the CCP included colluding with
the CCP on a strategy to beat President Trump in the 2020 election."
January 5, 2021 -- Morning
Did Ted Cruz Just Pull a Head-Fake on Challenging Fraudulent Election Results? -- We'll see. I'm not
as optimistic as Mike Adams, X22, and the Q-anon crowd is. The fireworks begin tomorrow.
- Is the ultimate Republican Party failure theater about to happen? --
Excerpt: "For the past thirty years the Republican Party has been amazingly consistent in almost every political battle put before it by
the increasingly leftist and radical Democratic Party. Almost every single time, the leaders of this so-called conservative political
party have put on a big show of resisting the leftist and radical proposals put forth by Democrats, only in the end to back down, making
a deal that allows those policies to take effect in some manner or another.
"I am not sure who originally coined the term, but in recent years this incompetence has often
been called 'failure theater.' The Republican Party justifies its failures by citing the big theatrical fight they put on. They then
promise they will fight harder next time, only to fail again. And again. And again."
The Democratic Party is the party of the demonically-possessed -- but the
Republican Party isn't much better: the party of the spineless invertebrate. We vote Republican only because it is the
better of two evils, and we have no other viable choice. Let's examine yet another example:
- 7 GOP House Members Say They Will Not Challenge Electoral College Votes on Jan. 6 --
Spineless. Crawling away with their limp-ass excuses. Totally and completely spineless.
- 'Amen And Awoman': Minister Invokes Hindu God, Offers Gender Lesson During Opening Prayer For
117th Congress -- Yes, I know. I covered this yesterday. But this congressional behavior is just so over-the-top
nuts, it deserves to be read from a different angle. Apparently, the lunacy of the situation is getting around. I was talking
to a woman today about her stomach issues. When I asked about her abdomen, she replied, "You mean my abdo-woman?" We both laughed.
- Kamala Tells Tall Tale of How She Fell Out of a Stroller During Civil Rights March, Then Told Her Mom All She
Wanted Was "Fweedom" -- Story Was Lifted From 1965 Playboy Interview with MLK! -- Have you ever noticed how politicians
behave exactly like the puppets we know they are? No creativity. No common sense. Frequent plagarism because they're in the
theft business to begin with. Maybe Kamala can weasel her way out of this one by proclaiming herself the reincarnation of MLK
who just forgot what lifetime she had this experience in. It wouldn't be any less nuts than anything else we've seen come out
of the left over the past 12 months.
- Watch Live: Official CDC Death Count Numbers Are In -- There Was No Pandemic In 2020 --
We've already known this. But now it's confirmed by the CDC itself.
- Mysterious Cybersecurity Document Exposes How Globalists Stole Election -- Tells Americans To
"Prepare For War" -- It's 15 pages, very detailed. Download
the PDF and read it now.
- Lin Wood: President Trump Must Be Alerted To Child Rape "Blackmail Scheme" Among Elite --
I've known this blackmail strategy has been used for many years. It used to be considered yet another "conspiracy theory."
Now it's so open that Democrats are essentially saying, "Ok -- so it happens. So what?"
"I believe Chief Justice John Roberts & a multitude of powerful individuals worldwide are being
blackmailed in a horrendous scheme involving rape & murder of children captured on videotape. I have the key to the files containing
the videos. I have also shared this information," Wood tweeted.
- EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Maintained a Diary on His Laptop and It's Full of Just Horrible Stuff --
I couldn't finish the article. It was that disgusting. This is the kind of demonic behavior that Biden supporters voted for
in 2020.
January 4, 2021 -- Afternoon / Evening
- "It Would Be an Irreparable Disaster if Joe Biden Were Designated President of the United States" --
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Warns Believers in Latest Interview with Steve Bannon -- I posted comments by Vigano
several times before. I share his position in this matter, which is obviously at odds with his boss (Pope Francis).
Situation Update, Jan. 4th, 2021 -- Election theater is cover for the global extermination agenda --
(Mike Adams) -- Noteworthy highlights:
"Everything is theater. It's all a distraction." Now that over 4 million Americans (alone) have been injected with the
mRNA vaccine, we can expect to see "CoVid" rates climb as never before. "Most of those who have been injected will be dead
or infertile within five years." Why they are targeting pregnant women? / Pandemic Update: "If you're assassinated by the CIA,
you died of CoVid. It's official!" / "They get 160 million Americans to take the vaccine. What happens when 160 million
Americans die from the vaccine or are made infertile?" / Dr. Andrew Wakefield believes the CoVid vaccine will be removed
from the market in six months to a year.
Pathogenic priming? COVID-19 vaccines are actually spreading the pandemic -- "COVID-19 vaccines are
an autoimmune nightmare"
If you refuse coronavirus vaccine plans in Spain, you'll be targeted and put on a government list --
I've said from the beginning that the goal was to make the vaccines mandatory, by hook or by crook.
Pope Francis' new book praises George Floyd/BLM protests, blasts anti-lockdown protests -- A wolf in sheep's clothing.
Father Malachi Martin (1921-1999) wrote extensively about the
devolution of the Catholic Church: from being aligned with Christ's teachings to becoming a mouthpiece for pure satanism.
Pope Francis does a superb job of proving his point.
- Breaking: British Judge Rules Julian Assange Cannot Be Extradited to the US to Face 18 Counts of
Espionage -- A ray of hope emerges in the Julian Assasnge case -- which takes us to the next post:
- BREAKING: Mexico Offers Political Asylum to Julian Assange After UK Judge Blocks US Extradition (VIDEO) --
The question is: if Assange had asylum in Mexico, could he ever be safe? Would the Deep State ever leave him alone?
YouTube is Latest to Censor with No Medical Degree in Sight -- YouTube censors some of the most respected doctors
in the world who do not go along with one or more elements of the "Agenda." The actual censors are leftist kids who know
nothing about medicine. Nonetheless, don't expect any of them to ever get arrested for practicinug medicine without a license!
'It's Easy Money': Nigerian Scammer Laughs about Huge Sums Stolen from COVID Welfare Programs in Bombshell Interview --
If they can steal your election, they can steal your income.
January 4, 2021 -- Morning
In the new year,
the ongoing economic carnage will be so severe that the nation may
not have time for the finer points of Woke theory and philosophy, or the patience to hear tedious explications of identitarian
complaints. Women will have to stop pretending to be an alt version of men, and begin conceiving of some plausible role for
themselves as a complementary division of the human race in a new and harsh struggle to thrive. Woke cries of 'racist, racist,
racist' will no longer be greeted with supplication, apologies, and cosseting. Claims of special victimhood will be laughed out
of the public meetings. For the first time in decades in the USA, everyone will have to pull his-or-her own weight, and shut the
fuck up about it. Hard times will shake America out of its squishy fantasies and concentrate millions of minds on looking after
their basic needs without mommy-hugs, participation trophies, or affirmative action line-jumping."
James Howard Kunstler
Excerpt: Forecast 2021
January 3, 2021 -- Afternoon / Evening
- Forecast 2021 -- Chinese Fire Drills with a side of French Fries (Jacobin-style) and Russian Dressing --
This is James Howard Kunstler's forecast for 2021. Very sobering. Coincidentally, PCR read the article and offered the following
take: "Food for Thought: The American Collapse. At the end of the New Year weekend find time to read Howard Kunstler's prediction
of our future. The Democrats do not realize how much worse their stolen election has made things by destroying the element of trust
that all societies require. My outlook for the year ahead will be posted tomorrow." If you don't read anything
else today, or over the next several days, read this article by Kunstler.
My predictions for 2021 are almost fully aligned with James Howard Kunstler: Read the list here --
Having read the very same Kunstler article, Mike Adams offers his own reflections and insights.
- Following in the footsteps of Rush Limbaugh, patriot Dan Bongino is sadly poisoning himself with toxic
chemotherapy, which destroys lives -- I have known physicians who privately call chemotherapy, "cancer treatment for
the ignorant." They administer it, but would never take it themselves. See my article with video:
With Chemo.
Looking for a date? You'll need a COVID-19 vaccine first -- Excerpt: "A paper published in the Journal of the
American Medical Association (JAMA) explains that in order to regain the "privileges" associated with "normal" life, Americans will
need to roll up their sleeves and take an mRNA shot that will permanently reprogram their DNA. This, the paper claims, is the only
solution the plandemic, and the only way to escape the confines of eternal muzzled lockdowns."
Mask mandates are HARMING economic activity, says economist -- What? Could this be true? Could economic
activity be be affected if people are not allowed to breath properly?
DoD and DNI given 180 days to disclose what they know about UFOs -- Please. Give me a break.
My dick isn't big enough for anybody to be pullling it that hard. The DoD and DNI aren't going to tell us shit.
Op-ed: How the FDA ignores the law when approving new chemical additives to food -- The Delaney Clause of
1960 -- yes, passed 60 years ago -- was supposed to make it illegal to put additives in foods that are known to cause cancer.
The FDA has NEVER observed this law. They don't have to. They're above the law. I've given plenty of examples throughout
the blog and in my other essays.
CCP deployed internet propaganda "army" to brainwash Americans about the coronavirus -- Really.
Is that why there are so many American zoombies walking around who know nothing about the real facts surrounding CoVid.
Fauci pushes back on Trump: Covid death numbers are 'real' -- Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday pushed back on President Donald
Trump's false claims that the U.S. coronavirus death toll is "exaggerated." /
"The numbers are real," Fauci, one of the nation's foremost infectious disease experts, said during an interview on NBC's
"Meet the Press." "We have well over 300,000 deaths, we are averaging two-to-three thousand deaths per day."
This is what makes "medical experts" so dangerous. If you had NOT done any research.
It you did NOT know the degree to which hospitals are incentivized to provide fake numbers on CoVid deaths, you might think
he's telling the truth. He is not. He is a paid medical hack and his primary responsibility is to lie to the public.
Simon Parkes: The Plan Now -- Leaked from Trump Team -- Skip to 16:20. This actually was posted on Dec. 20 and is only getting
out now. British politician, Simon Parkes, divulges what he claims has been leaked to him about Trump's plan for January 6th.
Note that the actual interview with Parkes begins at 10:40, but Kerry Cassidy doesn't allow Simon to start talking until 16:20.
Nobody gets down to business until 25:18 when Kerry begins to go over the document in question in earnest.
January 3, 2021 -- Morning
Bitcoin Blasts Past $33K for First Time, Hours After Blowing Through $30K -- More than anything else,
this is a reflection of the weakness of the dollar. These trillions of dollars in helicopter money are sealing the dollar's
fate. The fate of the dollar may end up being the biggest news of 2021.
Anti-Mask Flash Mobs Begin to Show Up in Stores Around the Country, Loudly Encouraging Freedom -- You're going to
see a lot more of this as people figure out that the ability to breath properly is a somewhat of an important human function.
- 100s Of Israelis Infected With COVID After Receiving Pfizer Vaccine Amid Frenzied Inoculation
Campaign -- Based on what: the fake RT-PCR test. What they have now is much worse than CoVid (i.e. flu).
Situation Update, Jan 2nd -- The Big Reveal -- How Trump will change history on January 6th --
"Today's Situation Update for January 2nd covers the 'big reveal' that President Trump has announced for January 6th. On this day,
Trump's team will present information to Congress before they vote on the contested slates of electors from the swing states where
massive election fraud occurred." I'm less optimistic about what happens on January 6th than Mike is. I hope I'm wrong.
I would have posted this yesterday, but I wanted time to listen to the entire 1:10:23 post. Some highlights:
- Mike talks about his interview with Jeffrey Prather, former DIA and DEA official. Jeffrey is confident that Trump "is going
to win," but the civil war will still ensue. The hardline position of the leftists guarantee it.
- Discussed what happens in the Senate on Wednesday.
- Roger Stone on InfoWars: "Trump has something up his sleeve and it's big. What will happen on Jan. 6 is historic."
- Conjecture of Pence plan to essentially give the electoral votes to Trump, ensuring Trump's reelection, and then resigning.
Sen. Ted Cruz to Lead Senate GOP in Opposing Certification -- "Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said Saturday he is
joining a block of about a dozen Republican senators that will raise objections Jan 6 to Joe Biden's Nov. 3 victory, according to a
joint statement from the lawmakers."
Trump Declares Georgia Senate Runoffs 'Invalid and Illegal' -- "President Donald Trump on Friday said that
changes made by Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to loosen the state's absentee ballot signature verification laws were
unconstitutional, making November's election in the state as well as the Senate runoff races 'illegal and invalid.'"
Romney: Lack of Comprehensive Federal Vaccine Plan 'Inexcusable' -- Yet another vaccine whore.
- UPDATE: Letter by Ted Cruz and 6 GOP Senators and 4 Senators-Elect Sign Letter to Reject Election -- Call For
Election Commission 10-Day Emergency Audit Takes Place -- Excerpt: "The election of 2020, like the election of 2016, was hard
fought and, in many swing states, narrowly decided. The 2020 election, however, featured unprecedented allegations of voter fraud,
violations and lax enforcement of election law, and other voting irregularities."
- Gateway Pundit Suspended on Twitter for 12 Hours for Posting on Dr. Fauci's Crazy Statement on
Vaccines -- Fauci's comments of late are so contradictory and insane that social media platforms -- who have vigorously
supported Fauci -- will suspend you if you quote him.
- 100s Of Israelis Infected With COVID After Receiving Pfizer Vaccine Amid Frenzied Inoculation
Campaign -- As the Times of Israel reported that over two hundred Israeli citizens have been diagnosed with the disease
days after getting the Pfizer/BioNTech shots -- Still jones-in to get the Mark of the Beast?
Pence! Pompeo! Pope! Power Punches! -- Skip the ad stuff and go to 1:25.
Cover over-the-top stuff going on behind the scenes that the media would NEVER report.
- Report: Biden's Inaugural Parade Viewing Stands Taken Down -- Parade in Doubt -- They're Afraid it Will
Turn into a Massive MAGA Rally -- Even Yahoo News reports:
"Parade viewing stands dismantled near White House as Biden team seeks to discourage inauguration crowds."
- FRAUD ALERT: Analysis of 3,000 Counties Reveals Joe Biden Received 5.6% More Votes in Counties Using Dominion Voting
Machines -- But, of course, no fraud could have possibly taken place. You can always put your faith in what the MSM
and Big Tech tells you.
- Democrat Raphael Warnock: America Needs to Repent for Supporting Trump and its "Worship of Whiteness"
(VIDEO) -- You can't make this up. Again, the U.S. is 76% white. Caucasians are to the U.S. what Hungarians are
are to Hungary. The article opens: "Raphael Warnock is the future of the Democrat Party. He hates America and hates whitey.
Warnock is running against Senator Kelly Loeffler next week in a Georgia runoff election."
- New York State Democrat Lawmaker Proposes Bill to Detain "Disease Carriers" the Governor Deems
"Dangerous to the Public Health" -- Let Tyranny rein supreme!
- Young and Brilliant Experts Pearson Sharp and Seth Keshel Provide Data and Reasons Why It is Basically
Impossible that Senile Joe Biden Beat President Trump in the 2020 Election -- Proof of the impossibility of Biden having
won an election is pouring in from all sides.
The Kafkaesque Imprisonment of Julian Assange Exposes U.S. Myths About Freedom and Tyranny -- by Glenn Greenwald as
posted on Information Clearinghouse --
"The real measure of how free is a society is not how its mainstream, well-behaved ruling class servants are treated, but the fate
of its actual dissidents."
Why Russia Must Be Demonized -- by Ray McGovern --
"I had a chance to devote the first 7 minutes of an interview to explaining why the MICIMATT (including Wall St., Silicon Valley,
& the Democratic Party) have all joined together to portray Russia (and now also China) as the enemies it desperately needs in
order to "justify" spending more than half of the discretionary budget on "defense". It is necessary, of course, to be able to
"explain" — defense against what?" --- "I believe all successor presidents are quite aware of what happened to JFK, and why.
(The best book on this is James Douglass's "JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters".)
The American System is One Big Grift -- "I learned the facts of life from a drunk uncle. He was not an American, and worked
in international construction in Asia. His main job was to bribe people. Over the course of many tiny glasses of some awful, clear
Asian liquor I learned every yard of concrete poured required money to gangsters who controlled unions and to politicians who controlled
permits. A fact of life, he said. You get used to it. He even had a joke: 'My hands are dirtier than the guys who dig the
January 2, 2021
- Portland Antifa Ring in the New Year by Hurling Molotovs at Federal Courthouse, Destroying Small Businesses
(VIDEO) -- Churchill said it best (see image from post last month): "The fascists will one day call themselves
anti-fascists ("Antifa").
- Chicago Teachers Union Leader Claims It's Unsafe for Teachers to Return to the Classroom While Tanning
Poolside in Puerto Rico -- How many times have we seen this before? The rules aren't for the Elite or their little
minions of Darkness. No. It doesn't work that way. These draconian rules are just for you little peons. Disfruta tu esclavitud!
- Top Trump Attorney, Lin Wood, Claims VP Mike Pence Faces Arrest for Treason, Execution by Firing
Squad -- Somebody -- anybody -- explain to me how this kind of talk, this kind of posturing, doesn't lead to Civil War.
Fauci says mandatory COVID-19 vaccines possible for travel, school -- "Dr. Anthony Fauci said it's possible that
COVID-19 vaccines will become mandatory in order to travel to other countries or attend school." Lucifer must be proud.
- Fauci: Return to Normal Life Depends on Vaccine Rollout and 'a Rather Strict Adherence'
to Restrictions -- This is one turkey that should not have been pardoned at Thanksgiving.
The Great 2020 Seasonal Flu/Influenza Disappearing Act -- Why is there no influenza? Why has flu virtually disappeared
this year? We already know the answer: because the rat bastards who engineered this Scamdemic have relabelled all flu
cases as CoVid. You're being jerked around like never before.
You Can Only Cross The Rubicon In One Direction -- Here is what the author says:
"In 49 BC a Roman general names Julius Caesar marched south from Gaul toward Rome and arrived on the banks of the River Rubicon north
of Rome. By law he was forbidden to continue further at the head of his army. He ignored that law, marched south, entered Rome and,
claiming to be saving the Republic, made himself dictator for life. That Republic never recovered, and Caesar's adopted son Octavius
was crowned Emperor in 27 BC.
"Ever since, the term 'crossing the Rubicon' has had a special meaning. It refers not simply to
making a fateful decision. It refers explicitly to making a decision that cannot be reversed. It is irrevocable, and there is no
hiding from its consequences.
"Such would be the impact of even considering involving the American military in domestic
politics. Losing this election to Joe Biden would be bad. Losing the republic would be worse."
My Response: The Threat of Turning the Republic into
A Nation Made in Hell Warrants Crossing the Rubicon. It Warrants Crossing the Amazon, the Mississipi, the Nile and All
Five Oceans --
What the author fails to understand is that there is nothing the U.S. military could do to restore lawful order to the Republic,
in an attempt to prevent a criminally-engineered communist takeover, that
could be any worse than letting Biden's puppet-masters take over. This is one "path of no return" that should be vigorously
followed if it means the ouster of usurpers who will guarantee the enslavement of the American people -- and that includes the
moronic retards that voted for Biden.
Activist Calling Herself 'Black Panther Of Oxford' Seeks 'Race Offender'
Registry Similar To Sex Offender Registry -- Given how repulsive I find the entire concept, I'll volunteer.
Excuse me, but where do I fuckin' sign up? Get a load of this:
"Johnson, 26, exclusively told the Mail that the race registry would be similar to the sex
offender registry and include people accused of 'microaggressions,' which are perceived discriminations against a marginalized group
that may not even be intentional. In essence, it means that anyone who claims they've been offended by another person would be able
to destroy someone's life by adding them to the registry."

If you haven't seen the movie "Idiocracy," you should, because you're livin' it.
It is only because humans have descended to such a low level of stupidity and gullibility
never hitherto imagined could the massive scams of the past twelve months have ever
happened. Brought to you by "Ow My Balls" on the Masturbation Network.
January 1, 2021
The Split is Coming -- (Armstrong Econoimics) -- Excerpt: "Our model shows that both the Democrats and the Republicans
have made a VERY SERIOUS mistake. There will be no return to NORMAL. We are looking at a 3rd Party rising and this will become much
more dominant in 2022. Their own corruption was shown in the relief package. $600 for American, more for illegal aliens, and endless
overseas bailouts. It was a joke. $600 would not pay one month's rent in many places no less food. It was the government that
deliberately used lockdowns to create unemployment."
X22 Report 2366b -- "Move Slowly, Carefully -- And Then Strike Like The Fastest Animal On The Planet!" --
Interesting perspective. Could be a whole lot of hopium. We will know after January 6th.
2020 Greatest Hits: The Most Popular Articles Of The Past Year And A Look Ahead -- ZH steps backwards
and reviews the most popular posts of 2020.
Kiss My Ass 2020: A QTR Podcast Special -- A review of the dumpster fire that was 2020 and welcome in 2021.
OUTRAGE: Federal judge orders group that exposed sale of baby body parts to pay millions to
Planned Parenthood -- If there be any karma in this world, there will eventually be justice against those
where "no lives matter." They talk a good game, but in the end, only hypocrisy is their strong suit.
Health Ministry gives Israelis "free movement" waivers to convince them to take rushed coronavirus vaccine --
It isn't a conflict between jew and gentile -- but demonic ET forces and Homo sapiens, who are targeted for
extinction. Identity politics is a distraction. Those who voted for Biden were unwittingly voting for their own extinction.
- France forced to POSTPONE 'health dictatorship' vaccine legislation -- "The proposed law
mandates that citizens have proof of a negative COVID test or 'preventative treatment, including the administration of a vaccine'
in order to 'access transport or to some locations, as well as certain activities.' However, the government has been forced to
delay the legislation after angry protests." You see? Pushback CAN make a difference.
How the next Great Depression will be different from the first? About 80% of population will die. -- I believe that
80% is an optimistic figure. The intel-agency funded site, Deagel.com, estimated that
the population of the United States in 2025 would be 100 million -- (they used to estimate it to be 66 million).
That's a loss of nearly 70%. Interestingly, Chinese's population, which was 1.4 billion in 2017,
remains essentially
unchanged in 2025. So, TPTB want to kill off the majority of Americans while maintaining Chinese slave labor at current numerical
figures. This is important as earth is transformed into a global slave labor camp for TPTB here, as well as
clients in the off-worlds.
Near total destruction is planned for the UK, as well.
drops from 66 million to 15 million -- a loss of human life of about 77%. Interestingly, this matches
what the Pleidians predicted about the destruction of the UK in 1987.
The rest of Europe is equally FUCKED. Check out Germany:
81 million down to 28 million -- a drop of roughly 65%, or France --
67 million to 39 million -- a 42% drop. Of course, some fare better: Italy -- which
18 million, going from 62 to 44 million, which means that the Elite only plan to murder 29% of those people. Even
Australia gets their ass kicked, which we're already seeing now.
Their population drops from 23 to 15 million -- a 35% drop. Humanity takes a haircut in every direction ---
check out Israel:
it drops from 8.3 to 4.0 million. Yeah. Deep cut on that one. And why not? Don't get fooled by all that anti-semetic
crap. Most jews are white people! Gotta take them out, too!
When the Elite promise that they're going to take out the white people, they
really do mean business! Although there ARE exceptions:
Russia, for one, has a population of 142 million, and this figure -- just like China -- remains essentially unchanged, which
hints at a WWIII, where China and Russia are basically untouched, but the U.S. losses badly.
Situation Update, Jan 1st -- Trump vs. the globalist genocide machine -- (Mike Adams):
"A global extermination agenda is under way, and human beings are scheduled to be eliminated from planet Earth. The genocidal
agenda of the globalists requires absolute obedience by the masses who are being marched to their own demise, which is why
nationalist / populist leaders are also targeted by the globalists.
Trump's victory in the 2020 election is not merely a political issue but rather a human
survival issue. No human being on our planet is safe as long as the CCP exists, and the CCP is running the global extermination
effort targeting all non-Chinese around the world. The CCP has infiltrated and now controls most of America, including lawmakers,
courts, media and the tech giants."
Google has a financial interest to push the pandemic and the covid-19 vaccine experiments --
Censorship has a financial motive. Most people don't have the intelligence to see that.
Black Lives Matter given $16 million in taxpayer-funded grants to continue hating Whites --
Whoever takes over power, it appears that identity politics will not be taken off the menu.
- Shocking Number of Front Line Health Care Workers Refusing COVID-19 Vaccine --
"What's this? You're not willing to fall on your sword and die for the Great Depopulation Cause? Why you selfish, ungrateful bitch!"
--- On the heals of this article comes another like it:
"I'm Choosing The Risk Of Getting COVID": Over Half Of Health Care Workers At California Hospitals Refuse
Vaccinations -- "Hospital and public officials met to strategize how best to distribute the unused doses..."
Here's a worthy response: "You shouldn't have purchased so many of these deadly vaccines
in the first place, dumbass."
1984? Twitter Mob Cancels English Literature -- With the roll-out of the vaccines, will the apocalyptic zombie
crowd only get more insane?
Legal Disclaimer: -- This links and comments on this page are intended
to stimulate debate on issues related to the Coronavirus phenomenon of 2020. Since this debate incorporates varying
points of view, readers are cautioned to use their own judgement in whatever they read. Nothing here should be
regarded as a substitute for seeking out professional medical care if and when needed. Nor are any of the comments
here intended to inhibit readers from getting timely testing by authorized practitioners when needed.
Any products mentioned, whether
pharmaceutical or natural, are cited as being in the Coronavirus public debate. However, the page is not intended
to provide products that are meant to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.
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1 Jan 2021 @ 12:00 pm (noon)