December, 2020
Picking up from November
-- this is the eleventh month we've been following the Great Hoaxes of 2020 and the final month of what may be rightly called
the most bizarre and politically charged year in American history -- perhaps even world history.
Coronavirus® & Other Scams of 2020
News & Developments for December
 his is now the eleventh month I've been maintaining this 2020 blog.
As we approach the end of 2020, we reflect back on what has to be the most bizarre and "republic-threatening" year in U.S.
history -- one that has serious consequences for the rest of the world. When I began this blog on February 2nd, I was
motivated by serious reports I was getting in January from China concerning the CoVid outbreak. That remained the primary focus
until May when BLM and Antifa riots began to surface. With the passage of time and the introduction of harsh CoVid
restrictions that ran counter to our scientific understanding of the "pandemic," it became apparent that there was
were overriding and inescapable political components driving the "scams of 2020."
 These political components acquired further clarification when elements of
the political left essentially began promising that by hook or by crook, they were going to take over the White House
and proceed with a far left progressive agenda, with or without the permission of the Amerian people. The idea that
the U.S. was witnessing a Bolshevik resolution turned from a conjecture to a promise. The prospect of democracy ending
as an element of Western Civilization became apparent. This is a level of turmoil I saw in my ayahuasca visions 9 years
ago -- visions that became the basis of my book, The Gospel of 2012 According to Ayahuasca.
 Throughout November, the month just ended, we had a U.S. election so rife with
fraud and corruption, that prominent members of the alternative media -- including Alex Jones and Mike Adams --
began postulating that "they must have wanted to get caught. Nobody -- regardless of pollitical affiliation could
possibly be this stupid, unless it was their intention not merely to hide their crimes, but be able to brag about them."
 Paradoxically, the mainstream media, Big Tech, and their brethren in social media
in the U.S. and other countries vociferously
denied any existence of fraud -- something akin to taking the position that the sun no longer rises from the east and
sets in the west.
 As we enter December, we are caught in a vicious civil war that is on the
verge of "going kinetic." If the conflict goes hot, which it appears it will, we are probably looking at a confrontation
that will go global, as the forces of good and evil engage in a battle for ultimate supremacy.
 Again, what we are witnessing is nothing more than a great
battle between --- as Archbishop Carlos Maria Viganó of the Catholic Church puts it --
"the children of the Light and the children of the dark."

This historical chart shows that the much hyped Covid death rate
is extremely low and does not justify the pandemic designation.
December 31, 2020 -- Afternoon and evening
Asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 didn't occur at all, study of 10 million finds --
"Asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19 didn't occur at all, study of 10 million finds" -- (PCR) -- Okay, we're making progress.
And if they dig a little deeper, they'll find that symptomatic transmission of CoVid isn't happening, either.
Once again -- for the hundredth time: Viruses are not contagious.
As I Asked Earlier, Has Flu Been Relabeled Covid? -- PCR asks the obvious. And, of course, we already know the answer.
People who's overdosed on drugs and shot themselves in the head have had CoVid listed as the cause of the death on the
Death Certificate. It's not called a Scamdemic for nothing.
- WATCH: DeSantis Draws Applause From Elderly When Press Ask Why He's Not Vaccinated Yet --
This article is 95% pure bullshit. The elderly should get the vaccine first? Really? Those are the people who will be most at risk from
the harmful EFFECTS of the vaccine. We live in the fucking Twilight Zone, where dangerous medical propaganda masquerades as science,
pernicious eugenicist policies masquerade as benevolence, and the master plan to bring about human extinction remains hidden from
view and is understood only by its architects and those of us who have spent many years mining for ultimate truths.
Girl Scouts Call on Cookie Bakers to Address Child Labor -- Wait a minute. What if I WANT my cookie
ingredients made in places where small children are put to work and only given enough to barely survive?
- Some States May Be Well on Their Way to Herd Immunity -- Bullshit. Say it. Say it after me:
whenever you see one of these bullshit articles that talks about "herd immunity," just say it: "That's bullshit." Herd immunity
can never occur with CoVid because it isn't contagious in the first place, and the cause is electromagnetic adaptation issues.
Biden plans decriminalization of HIV transmission -- More bullshit. HIV is a virus (exosome) and it's not contagious.
Nor is it the cause of AIDS, another bullshit disease whose cause is lifestyle drugs that I've discussed elsewhere.
The Lockdown Will Never End -- Until People Rise Up And Say, "Fuck you! We've had enough of your phony pseudo-science
bullshit!" -- It will never end without pushback. Not now. Not ever.
Report: Massachusetts school bans 'The Odyssey' as progressives demand purge of classics -- This is worse than
Cancel Culture. This is Culture Cancelled. The bulk of literature of Western Culture was written by, for, and about white people.
Western Culture is Caucasian culture -- as much as Chinese literature has been written by, for, and about Chinese people.
This is another way of saying "All white people must be exterminated." What leftists don't understand is that white people
are at the vanguard of the human extermination effort. After the white people comes everybody else.
Fauci 'lied': Senator rips doctor for 'tricking' Americans on masks, vaccines, COVID -- Remember -- it's
a Scamdemic. It was engineered years ago and only in 2020 did they decide to unleash this riduculous charade.
Mutual Maskerbation -- Too funny. Runs 4:41.
Why I Wear My Mask | Welcome to the Masquerade -- Also put out by YouTuber, "WhatsHerFace" -- hysterical. (1:53)
Welcome to the New Shit Order -- Runs 3:44. Share this with all your friends who are too dumb and obtuse to
have figured out what 2021 -- and subsequent years -- bring.
Merry Scary Christmas -- I missed this 6 days ago. Save this and share it NEXT December -- those of you who will
still be around 12 months from now.
Situation Update, Dec. 31st -- Game-changing bombshells to be unveiled before Congress on January 6 --
"In today's Situation Update for Dec. 31st, we reveal Trump's plan to unleash bombshell evidence in front of Congress on January 6th,
right before Congress votes on which slate of electors to accept."
Boston physician vouches for the Moderna coronavirus vaccine that almost TOOK HIS LIFE --
You cannot trust a single one of these vaccine whores. A brothel may have blondes, brunettes, or redheads, but every single
one of 'em does the very same thing to make a living --- just like conventional medical doctors. The subheader for this one read:
"Vaccine injured doctor encourages people with allergies to get the shot 'in a hospital setting'" This is like a death row
inmate being recruited for a diabetic ad commercial before he gets the lethal injection, urging the public to "always be sure you use
a fresh needle before each injection! -- I insist on it!"
What started as the biggest scam in the history of civilization is now finishing off
2020 as a test of basic human intelligence and gullibility.
December 31, 2020 -- Morning
Newt Gingrich: Why I will not accept Biden as my President -- Newt uses too many damn words.
I could never accept Biden as President, either, but I can say it in fewer words: Biden openly brags before the election
that the Democrats had established, "the most extensive voter fraud organization in history." He also bragged to supporters,
"I don't need your vote to win." These comments weren't just open confessions. Biden was bragging, because his dementia
prevents him from keeping his mouth shut half the time. Biden didn't win the election. Trump won --- easily.
Allegiance to Biden is allegiance to voter fraud. I felt the same way when Bush Jr. won in 2000. It was crooked politics then
and it's crooked politics now.
Robert Kiyosaki: Big Pharma "threatened to have me killed" for criticizing coronavirus vaccine --
Would these kind of heavy-handed mafia tactics be necessary if the vaccine was at least benign, let alone potentially deadly?
Vitamin D could have prevented 90% of coronavirus deaths -- Vitamin D is one of a handful of
widely available supplements I recommended last March which the extent literature has shown would be effective against CoVid.
Read it if you haven't already done so.
Harvard panel claims 'not all who give birth' are women, uses term 'birthing people' -- Goodness. To think I've
been ovulating all these years and I didn't even know it!
Rep. Gohmert sues Pence to grant the Vice President the authority to save the republic from a rigged election --
Six days from today. It's just six days from today. The fate of free people everywhere hangs in the balance.
Swiss Patient Dies Shortly After Receiving Pfizer COVID Vaccine -- You see? What did I tell you?
You can't say the vaccine isn't working exactly as it was intended. Let's hear it for mass global depopulation! Yeah!
Dr. Scott Atlas says America may not survive the corruption, incompetence and FRAUD unleashed by the COVID-19
pandemic -- You have to discount some of the things this guy says. I mean -- come on. He's another pro-vaccine,
pharma whore. But here he has a point.
Priest calls police on mother of 11 praying in empty church without a mask -- It's sickening, really.
So many stupid people who have fallen for all this mask bullshit.
BASED: University professor placed on leave after exposing ‘satanic, globalist elite’ in explosive letter --
Here's an excerpt -- one I can't argue with: "The end result of this hysteria, if unchecked, will be a mandatory vaccine,"
he explained. "No one will be allowed into public places or permitted to buy food in a supermarket unless they present
proof-of-vaccination. Initially, this electronic vaccination certificate will be tied to a person's smartphone, but will soon
after be in the form of injectable micro or nanotechnology in the vaccine itself. If this comes about it will truly be a
fulfillment of a prophecy of the mark of the beast." Read the entire letter before it's taken down.
Get Out of Seattle if Anyone Is Stupid Enough to Buy Your House -- PCR's advice in light of the
super-insane legislation city leaders in Seattle are passing that would basically make it legal for criminals to rob you.
You just can't make this shit up.
Mandatory coronavirus vaccination bill introduced in New York State Assembly -- And get out of New York if anyone
is crazy enough to buy your house. Avoid the Mark of the Beast.
We Sold Our Souls To The "Science" -- "Try, if you can, to find in the MSM a critical opinion about lockdowns, or
facemasks, or about the newly-fangled vaccines. It's very hard if not impossible. This one-dimensionality hides behind "the science".
Which is something that doesn't really exist, as we know because scientists in different countries contradict each other, as do those
in the same country, and scientists even often contradict themselves."
BREAKING -- GAME OVER: Dominion voting machines LIVE HACKED during Georgia Senate hearing --
It seems that no matter how much evidence comes out that voter fraud -- even now -- nothing changes. I have to say,
Mike Adams is more optimistic on this than I am.
Situation Update, Dec. 30th -- CIA, FBI de-cloaking to destroy key evidence of election fraud --
Mike Adams: "Importantly, this bombing is proof that the fight is still on, and the deep state is terrified that Trump is about to
expose their election crimes. (Which he will, it seems.)"
- American White People are more Demonized and under Stronger Attack than Jews were in Nazi Germany --
And white people constitute 76% of the U.S. population. As I said on my previous "general video," it would be like going to
Hungary and trying to kick all the Hungarians out of Hungary.
Alyssa Milano: A Mask Will Protect You More Than an AR-15 Will -- This is why you should NEVER listen to anybody
from the Hollywood crowd. (What a pathetic, air-headed twit.)
I knew this growing up, since I was raised next door in the San Fernando Valley.
Question: Explain to me how you aim and shoot the mask at BLM and Antifa invaders as they're
breaking into your house? I need to learn how a paper mask will protect me more than an AR-15.
Leigh Dundas -- Election update, December 29th, 2020 -- My comeback: I'm sorry of hearing "stay the course."
This cluster has just 6 days to find a way to get unfucked. And every day where only happy talk takes place is not reassuring.
There really ARE standoffs that can only be resolved with a 2nd amendment solution.
Mormon church sued for allegedly covering up decades of Boy Scouts sex abuse -- Is the Mormon Church competing with the
Roman Catholic Church to see which one can be more sexually perverted?
December 30, 2020
First Known US Case of New CCP Virus Strain Confirmed in Colorado --
"A new, potentially more contagious strain of the CCP virus that causes COVID-19 was confirmed in Colorado -- the first time it's
been detected in the United States, according to health officials." This is fascism in the year 2020 -- soon to be 2021.
I hope you've been with me long by now to see that this is 100%
unmitigated horseshit. Because they've gotten away with the complete subjugation of the human race, they've decided to up the
ante. They know that the majority of humans still believe that exosomes (i.e. viruses) are contagious, can be jacked up with fear
to do the most ridiculously absurd things (i.e. wear a mask all day, thus inhibiting the ability to breath), they now feel
they can go for broke. The sky's the limit. As I've said before, we will never see an end to CoVid in any of our lifetimes,
because there's too few people who will stand up and say, "We've had enough of your bullshit."
Remember the "First Ladies Compared" cartoon that
got Bob Garrison is so much hot water with leftists?
I can think of something WAY more offensive . . .
Michelle Obama Named Most Admired Woman in Gallup Poll -- I am like SOOO bummed out by this, dude!
It's unfair! Then who are they going to name most admired tranny? Let's read the official announcement:
With a mouse and a click
We knew the woman to pick
It's Barack's favorite lick
It's a chick with a dick!
Ok --- that'll work.
2021: Empty Shelves -- Shortages in Sight -- Soybeans Explained -- As we head into 2021, this video (which was put on
in Dec. 11) should be reviewed. Signs are popping up everywhere that food shortages are growing dramatically. China has
instructed its farmers to focus only on grains to insure "food security." Dramatic. Food shortages are headed for the U.S.
Instead of stocking up on toilet paper so Americans would have something to wipe their brains, people should be focussing on food.
- More CoVid Nonsense: South Africa Bans Liquor Sales to Stop the Spread of the Virus --
They should really institute minimum IQ requirements for officials over there that run that country. They could start at 50 and use
the next 100 years to try to raise it ten points. Hey -- it's a start.
This is NOT Good! Please Wake Up Trump Supporters -- (HighImpact) -- Trump supporters like to point out how "smart" he is.
No, he's not. Sure, he looks good when compared to Biden, because Biden borders on brain-dead, but the insistence on pushing
QE infinity is only a call to crash the dollar even quicker than it's already crashing. It's difficult to argue that Trump isn't
yet another banker puppet. This came out in September, but it's relevant now in view of all this talk about pumping yet another
trillion of funny money into the system.
The "Bombshell" is used entirely too much online. One of the Kardashians showing their ass in public can be tagged
"Bombshell," and a photo showing the egg flipped over, "Super Bombshell."
(Who gives a shit? What morons listen to this trash in the first place.)
That said, this is one of those rare video posts that really lives up to the
"bombshell" tag. We have 1 hour and 10 minutes of revelations from the Ukrainian government detailing massive financial
crimes involving Democrats of every strike in the U.S. Will it make a difference? Absolutely not. Like HELLary Clinton,
if a video surprised with Biden personally torturing and killing a 4 year old girl, the response from the mainstream media
would be, "She deserved to die! Anybody who could possibly anger Joseph Biden that much doesn't deserve to live."
And rank-and-file Democrats. What would they say? You know what they'd say. "Well, you gotta take the good with the bad,
and since he DID beat Trump in the election, he deserves a free pass."
There is no such thing as a crime so heinous that Democrats do not believe their
leaders are not entitled to commit it -- which brings us to the next post:
- Interfax News Report on Biden's Participation in Ukrainian Corruption --
(PCR) -- "Here is a long report on Interfax News of an investigation into Ukrainian corruption that covers father and son Biden's
role in providing protection for corruption in exchange for money payments. The report gives the larger picture of the extent of
Ukrainian corruption. It seems that it might be the case that Washington applies sanctions to those who participate in uncovering and
revealing corruption involving US financial entities and persons. You can bet this news report will not be reported by CNN,
New York Times, or State Department."
- 80% of People Taking Maderna Vaccine Had Significant Side Effects -- But, by all means,
let's focus ONLY on the 20% who do not have serious side effects yet (but will).
- Situation Update, Dec. 29th -- Extensive evidence of foreign interference in the US election is now
surfacing -- Mike Adams: "Today's Situation Update for Dec. 29th covers the new outpouring of extensive evidence of
foreign interference in the US election."
- Crazy Dr. Fauci Appears to be Vaccinated on Live TV Then the Next Day He Forgets Which Arm Received the
Shot -- "So that begs the question that if these vaccines are the 'only way to stop the pandemic'
why pretend to get one? If they are so 'safe', why the dog-and-pony show? I think you know the answer to that one. We watched
vice president Mike Pence pretend to be vaccinated in a shot that didn't even appear to break the skin, we watch Benjamin Netanyahu
pretend to get the COVID vaccine, but by a 'doctor' who forgot to wear gloves, who held the tip in the needle in his ungloved fingers,
and used a diabetic syringe to boot!"
December 29, 2020
December 28, 2020 -- Afternoon / Evening
Kazakhstan Bodybuilder's Sex-Doll Wife Is "Broken" Right Before Christmas --
They must have had one hell of a honeymoon.
Come to think of it, there is only so much that a silicon vagina can tolerate. Okay, well . . .
here's really what happened: Yuri Tolochko's sex-doll wife has tested positive for CoVid, so Yuri and his plastic wife
are being quaranteened until "Margo" can be administered the vaccine. Stop laughing. Please. There is nothing that
has happened during this pandemic that is any less ridiculous than this.
UK Journalist Hounded After Pointing Out That Only Old And Sick Die From COVID -- How dare you speak
the Truth about CoVid, you evil wench!
'Tis The Season For Bankruptcies, Store Closings, & Tent Cities -- Maybe they'll change the name
of the holiday, and we'll celebrate CoVidamas on December 25. Human pain and suffering is ALWAYS something your Elite
enjoy celebrating. Schadenfreude cake anyone?
Situation Update, Dec. 27th -- Nashville a data wipeout operation. New details -- Mike Adams
takes a stab at this Nashville bombing / missile strike fiasco. One of the more disturbing revelations:
"Warning from a self-proclaimed ex-Antifa military veteran who says 'comrade Biden' will set up commie roadblocks across
America and enforce nationwide masks and left-wing obedience."
- 'The Smartest Man Alive' Is Convinced the 2020 Election Was Stolen and Recommends Another Vote Free
From Fraud -- Never going to happen. Maybe he's not that smart afterall.
Woman Has Courage to Say What Millions of Americans Are Thinking "I'm Done" With this COVID Insanity --
The problem here is that CoVid insanity is so prevalent, "the democracy of psychosis" has taken over such that the
occupants of the insane asylum feel that they can dictate what constitutes normal, sane behavior to everybody else -- and
this is typically behavior you see manifest from the left.
- Austrian Lawmaker Tests Coca Cola for COVID Infection Before His Colleagues and Drink Tests
Positive -- Even the inventor of the CoVid RT-PCR test told the public that it should not be used to test for
any disease, and here we are, seeing our world destroyed by the zombie apocalyptic CoVid horde of demonic, desencephalated
retards who are still buying this CoVid bullshit.
Situation Update, Dec. 28th -- Orbital weapons platforms reveal Trump is in a WAR much bigger than any
election -- "It is now increasingly clear that the explosion in Nashville was not caused by an RV bomb, nor a
conventional missile but rather a 'Directed Energy Weapon.'"
The disappointment grows and reality needs to be faced -- Mike Adams is throwing in the towel:
"I think it's time that people start facing reality. As of right now it appears that President Donald Trump isn't going to do
anything to save our Republic from this fraud of an election and the theft of our country."
Public School Libraries Teach Children How To Be Kidnapped And Murdered By Pedophiles -- Did you ever think you'd
live to see the day when your society became this gross and disgusting?
December 28, 2020 -- Morning
- Fauci Defends Deliberately 'Moving the Goalposts' and Lying about Covid-19 Herd Immunity (VIDEO) --
"Ok -- so I lied my ass off. So what? It's not like you miserable cretins are in a position to do anything about it!"
Who's murdering all the COVID scientists? -- "Doctors, scientists and other medical experts involved with research into
the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are mysteriously turning up dead all around the world in what appears to be a mass culling of people
who know too much truth about the plandemic."
Here's Cuomo complaining about Americans being skeptical about the vaccine. And here he is two months ago saying
Americans should be skeptical about the vaccine. -- The thing about
politicians liars is that
they can't keep their story straight. So if you listen carefully, you'll find that they end up tripping over themselves
at every turn.
- Major Covid Vaccine Glitch Emerges: Most Europeans, Including Hospital Staff, Refuse To Take It --
With so many stories of horrific side effects (not the least of which is death -- see earlier posts yesterday) -- no wonder
a "screw you" movement against these vaccinations is building.
China Will Be The First Country To Launch A Digital Currency: What Happens Then -- First of all, it's not
true at all. Ecuador was the first country to introduce a digital currency. You read that right. Ecuador. The country
I live in. The rollout was reported around the world. What happened next was not. I'm about to tell you: NOTHING.
Neither I nor anybody else that I know of here owns any of it. In fact, I've never met anybody in Ecuador who
owns any cryptocurrency, Ecuadorian, Bitcoin, Etherium, whatever -- PERIOD. At Alpha Omega Labs, we accept eight different
currencies through BitPay. I also accept crypto on my
bookstore --- and to date, only a handful of people have
actually paid using any of these eight different cryptos, which include Bitcoin.
So why did Ecuadorians say no to digital currency?
Well, it's a matter of two factors: trust and practicality. The lack
of trust comes from the fact that millions of Ecuadorians lost their asses when the national currency here until 1999, called
the "sucre," went belly up. People don't regard the government as being, in any way, financially responsible. Secondly, there
is the practicality issue: electrical systems can fail; often there are problems connecting to the internet. When there are
either power or internet service problems, you have no connection to your money. With physical money, you are never disconnected
from it, unless you get robbed or you loss it.
I suspect that Ecuador is not the only place on earth where people feel like this.
Strangely, there is a tangential connection between the CoVid vaccine and digital currencies: both suffer from poor reputation,
or, as we would say here: "La gente no tienen confianza." The People dont' have faith and confidence enough in either of
them to get near them. It's going to be a bumpy ride on the way to the NWO. I can see that.
December 27, 2020 -- Evening
- Bill Gates' Savior Complex Spirals Out of Control, Funds Sun-Dimming Plan To Save the Human Race --
It's a BS article. We have just entered Solar Cycle #25. I've talked about this before. The Arctic may be heating up,
but worldwide temperatures, on average, are cooling. Perhaps Robert Felix was right -- ("Not by Fire, But By Ice").
We're going to need more sunlight, not less. Russian scientists are reporting that "#25" looks like it will be a shorter version
of the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715), and this cool cycle
will last
from 2020-2055 (35 years, or roughly 4.5 solar cycles). We just entered Solar Cycle #25 earlier this year.
Not satisfied to train wreck humanity with the introduction of deadly vaccines,
now Bill Gates wants to destroy the rest of life on earth. Now THERE'S an overachiever! Lucifer is so proud!
Tiffany Dover took the vaccine. Now she's dead!
Intel agencies now looking for body-double replacement?
December 27, 2020 -- Afternoon
Tiffany Dover Dead -- Another Vaccine Casualty -- Remember the nurse from
who took the new, untested, highly dangerous,
soon-to-be-mandatory Pfizer vaccine on then passed out on live TV just 17 minutes after taking the damn thing? No?
Her name was Tiffany Dover, and she was just 30 year old. I posted the story and the video of what happened on December 18th.
Here is the original video I posted -- just a minute long. After the incident we saw a flurry of
explanations from medical apologists in the whore media, as the talking head sluts minimized the situation with their usual
flimsy, non-sensical, goof-ball explanations.
Well, minimize this, you cum-guzzling, vaccine-promoting, road
whores: Tiffany Dover is now dead. (Skip to 4:48 where the poster discusses it.)
Quite predictably, Big Tech and all social media outlets (except for a handful of
alternative media platforms) are censoring any mention of her death. You have to search hard to even see mention of it.
Fortunately, this poster was able to find Tiffany's fresh death record online. He was able to catch it before the
"fact checkers" were able to bury it. No doubt, intel agencies are now working together with officials in the Medical
Industrial Complex to find a body double! Why not? It's what I would do if I were a satan-worshipping, vaccine-promoting,
humanity-hating bag man for the medical Elite!
In the Comment section, some observers doubted the report, thinking that this is just
another psy-op. Anything is possible, I suppose, but I seriously doubt that.
Black Nurse in Nashville: Warning About the Vaccine's Effects! --
Shortly, after I received the news about Tiffany, a black nurse in Nashville
posted what's happening to her now that she's taken the vaccine. She now has
Ball's Palsy and is experiencing severe
health consequences as a result of having taken the vaccine. See and hear the post for yourself before it's taken down.
Dr. Vernon Coleman: URGENT NEWS about the CoVid-19 Vaccine -- This ties into the previous post.
The vaccine is unbelievably dangerous. It's going to destroy millions of lives -- at the least -- far more than CoVid ever
could have. Dr. Coleman warns, "The CoVid vaccine rollout has to be stopped! Now!" What Dr. Coleman doesn't understand is
that the vaccine is dangerous by design. It's is doing precisely what it was designed to do.
The Plot to Steal America -- DOCUMENTARY by Seth Holehouse of Man in America. Summarizes the evil political
machinations that undergird all the weird, twisted, contradictory events we've witnessed throughout 2020. I don't believe
it presents the entire picture. Nothing that I've seen does. But as it relates to the political angle, it's pretty complete,
and in just 17 minutes it presents a pretty comprehensive picture.
- "When It Is All Over -- WE WILL WIN!" -- President Trump Lays Out the Case for GOP Senators
on the Historic Election Fraud -- Ahh. Wait. When does this happen? Easter weekend, 2022? Come again?
- Developing: Dominion's Anti-Trump Executive Eric Coomer Owns Patents on Adjudication Process That
Investigators Found Skimmed Votes From Trump in Michigan -- Ok, so listen up. First, we find out that the SARS
virus that SUPPOSEDLY causes CoVid-19 is patented. (It doesn't cause CoVid. But bear with me here.) Now we find out that
the Dominion Voting Co. that switched votes to Biden and is filing fake lawsuits, crying about the discovery, has an executive --
(we've talked about this scumbag before) -- who OWNS PATENTS to the process that assists with the vote theft. What's the word
for this? Chutzpah?
Nashville explosion was actually a missile strike, and the target was the AT&T / NSA hardened switching
facility "sky hub" -- "We now have video evidence that an incoming missile initiated the explosion in Nashville. The following
skyline video, embedded below, shows quite clearly an incoming missile trail immediately before the explosion."
Anthony Fauci lectures Americans over COVID-19: It spread because we have too much freedom -- I don't know. Maybe it's just
me. Somehow the ever-popular expletive, "Go fuck yourself" doesn't seem quite strong enough to respond to this one.
December 27, 2020 -- Morning
December 26, 2020
December 25, 2020 -- Merry Christmas
What The Great Conjunction Of Jupiter And Saturn Means For Your Zodiac Sign -- The conjunction reached its closest point
last Monday -- winter solstice, 2020, for those in the northern temperate zone. These two behemoths hadn't been this close -- from
OUR perspective -- since March 4, 1226. The effects, for those who follow these
things, are ominous and unexpected changes, at least throughout the coming 2021.
"Black Swan Astrologer" Predicts Currency War in 2021 -- The U.S. dollar is finished in 2021. All this
profligate spending by the whores in Washington? 5 Trillion in 2020 alone? That's the party goers celebrating one last hooray
before the punch bowl is taken away -- permanently.
The American Revolution 2.0 Is In Our Stars And It's Already Begun -- Disturbing how often these historical, astrological
positions correspond with both war and currency changes.
Will the US Really Experience a Violent Upheaval in 2020 (and 2021)? -- This was posted in August 3, 2012. You read that right.
Over eight years ago. Since 2020 saw hundreds of billions of dollar in property damage due to liberal media approved BLM, Antifa terrorist
attacks. It appears that happens in 2021 will overshadow this.
What the Astrologer Who Predicted the Current Economic Crisis Is Saying About the U.S. Presidential Election -- This was posted in
September, and this Russian astrologer nailed it fairly close.
Tucker Carlson Tonight 12/24/20 FULL | FOX BREAKING TRUMP NEWS -- December 24 ,2020 -- Posted late on the 24th.
Tucker underscored just how ludicrous the anti-Christmas rhetoric is -- with CoVid being used by leftist politicians everywhere
to warn the public about the dangers of Christmas. Yes, folks, it's a world gone mad.
Situation Update, Dec. 24th -- Pence fails, options collapsing, DECLASS priority -- The news is not good.
Options are collapsing as RINO's turn their back on Trump and ignore the massive election fraud. Increasingly, Trump is
looking outright complicit in the whole thing.
Barack Obama Relaxes as Michelle Obama Does All the Work and Muscles Through Christmas Kayak Trip in Hawaii --
Look at 'em. I'm serious. Look at 'em. Michelle is the one with the upper body of a man -- not Obama. Marry a "chick with a dick"
and you, too, could sit back and let your muscle-bound tranny cover all the heavy lifting!
- MSNBC Doom and Gloom Doc: Don't Get Overly Optimistic About the Covid-19 Vaccine, We're in For a
"Decades-Long Battle" (VIDEO) -- Then why on earth would anybody with more than two marbles rolling upstairs ever agree
to take this stupid vaccine? Because people REALLY ARE that stupid.
- Robert Kennedy Jr. Again Warns of the Authoritarian Surveillance State and Coup to Overcome World Democracies --
"Robert Kennedy, Jr., son of the former Attorney General for his brother John F. Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, has warned about Big Pharma and Big Tech
joining forces before. He's warned about Bill Gates' bio security agenda, the rise of the authoritarian surveillance state and the Big Pharma
sponsored coup d'etat against liberal democracy in a protest in Germany this past August."
Newt Gingrich Says He 'Will Not Accept Joe Biden As President' -- Nor will about 100 million+ other American citizens.
Joe Biden: Our "Darkest Days" Are Ahead -- "Joe Biden is reminding people once again that we aren't out of the woods with regards to the
tyranny planned for the remainder of this winter. After many in the ruling class have already promised the 'darkest winter,' Biden doubled down
saying our "darkest days" are still ahead of us."
Will we go quietly into the night? -- "We're living in a world gone mad. Lawlessness and criminal behavior have become a norm, and no one
does a thing to stop it."
- The Globalist-Controlled Democrats Announce Their Plans to Persecute Christians -- "As we celebrate Christmas is it
important to remember that you are practicing a belief that will soon be outlawed. With so many of our leaders controlled by the CHICOMS
(eg Pelosi, McConnell, Feinstein, Kemp, et al.), does any pragmatist really think that the CHICOMs will ever allow Christianity to survive?
The evidence makes it abundantly clear, that Christians are probably a year from being placed on the Endangered Species List."
Did Fauci Just Admit He Lied About Herd Immunity To Trick Americans Into Vaccine? -- Of course, he did.
That's his job.
Peter Schiff: Government Sedating The Economy With Stimulus --
"...all of it is paid for by the printing press, by inflation, and that means the dollar is going to collapse."
We're Being Told South Africa's "Scary" Mutant COVID Is Even More Dangerous Than The UK's "Super COVID" -- Nothing is
more important now to World Government than unending fear porn, and the message is, has been, and will continue to be clear:
"Do what we say, or you're gonna die, you're gonna die, you're gonna die!!!!"
- Poll: 96 Percent of Democrats Say Biden Elected Fairly, Majority of Republicans Disagree -- If that's not
a recipe for civil war, I don't know what is.
Top Catholic Cardinal Warns COVID-19 Being Used to Usher in "Evil" Great Reset -- What? This cleric is not
a practicing satanist like his boss? (Pope Francis?)
December 24, 2020
December 23, 2020 -- Evening
WAYNE ROOT: A Christmas Message for President Trump: You Must Win Now, You Can't Win in 2024 --
That somebody this close to Trump has to say this out loud -- as super obvious as it is -- tells me that there's one of two things going on:
first, that Trump isn't nearly as bright as some people think he is, or, second -- and here comes the frightening part -- that Trump Is
very bright, but he's complicit in the theft, which explains the lukewarm theft against the election theft.
- Socialist Calls Into Hannity Radio Show and Says the Quiet Part Out Loud, "We Don't Want to Unite with You,
We Want to Destroy Every Last One of You" (AUDIO) -- Listen carefully to this 8 minute call in. As he says, "The fix is in."
Basically, if Biden/Kamala gets in, humanity is finished.
- The Chinese and Russians Are Preparing to Carry Out An All-Out Invasion of the United States -- I talk about
my experiences with my mother growing up in The Gospel of 2012 According to Ayahuasca. She was remarkably psychic, and she told my brother and
I when we were barely teenagers that we would live to see a great war between the U.S. on one side, and China and Russia, on the other.
Dave Hodges makes the case that this is exactly what's in the works. My mother didn't see things working out for the U.S. in this conflict.
- The 2020 Worldwide Corona Crisis: Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic Depression, Global Coup d'Etat and the
"Great Reset" -- PCR weighs in a review of 2020 means.
Health Workers Are Learning Like the Rest of Us Not to Trust Government, Media, Health Authorities --
This year, 2020, has held many lessons -- chief among them -- those in authority, any authority, exist to exploit. The day you put faith in them is
the day you sign on to your own demise.
One Proof There Was Electoral Fraud Is the Use of Threats and Destruction of Evidence to Prevent investigation --
PCR agrees that this a big smoking gun.
Paul Craig Roberts: US In Advanced Economic Collapse, Already Politically Gone -- Among other tidbits: PCR believes that Trump has
no chance of turning around the election. There are too many forces aligned against him. He can't even trust those around him in the
White House. It runs 43 minutes.
The Great Delusion -- "We are losing control as a nation and as a species."
- Rassmussen Poll On Vaccine Compliance --
(The Common Sense Show) -- Skip to 1:00. Most likely to take the vaccine: it was 53%. Today? 39%. A 14% drop is just a few weeks.
"The Public is growing increasing suspicious of anything the Government says or does." Trust is government has been broken.
The time is now near at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are to be freemen
or slaves; whether they are to have any property they can call their own; whether their houses and farms are to be pillaged and destroyed,
and themselves consigned to a state of wretchedness from which no human efforts will deliver them. The fate of unborn millions will now depend,
under God, on the courage and conduct of this army. Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most
abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die."
 General George Washington
 Address to the Continental Army
 Before the Battle of Long Island
 August 27, 1776
December 23, 2020 -- Morning
- The Gauntlet is Thrown Down. Oathkeepers to President: "Invoke the Insurrection Act or We Will Fight a Bloody and
Desperate Revolution to Throw-off Biden / Chi-Com Puppet Regime" -- There are heroes in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world who
are willing to fight and die to preserve liberty and personal freedom. You just won't find any in the political class.
Situation Update, Dec. 23rd -- Trump chooses declassification option to expose Joe Biden and the deep state traitors --
How many times now has Trump said he's declassifying something and nothing gets declassified. He's still relying on the Deep State to carry
out his orders.
Celebrities paying $25,000 a pop to skip line for COVID-19 vaccines -- Me, too! Me, too! Can I pay $25,000 for you to inject me
with distilled water (after all, I'm a Hollywood celebrity) and get the vaccinue certificate, and fake out the general public into thinking
that the vaccine is safe? Oh, thank you!!!
Because Trump failed to deal with Big Tech censorship, he and the GOP will be forever silenced -- In this area, Trump has been
a colossal failure, and now the American people will pay.
IMF proposes punishing dissidents by lowering their credit score if they go to bad websites -- Here we go. George Orwell and 1984,
here we come!
Sidney Powell accuses White House officials of blocking her access to Trump -- Read the article. This doesn't bode well at all.
There is the appearance that Trump is trying to make it look like he tried but failed. This is not how you'd behave if you had a winning hand
and were determined to play it.
December 22, 2020 -- Afternoon / Evening
Jerome Corsi: Trump Celebrates Christmas Victory Over Biden -- Me thinketh the celebration premature.
But, hey, it's an interesting perspective. Lasts 1:43:26.
Now They Censor Anyone Explaining the Great Reset of Schwab -- Out of the thousands of posts I've made
since I started this blog on February 2nd, this one may be the most important. You ignore it at your own peril.
The war between China and the United States has already begun, and America is the battleground -- We now know that the
"Russia, Russia, Russia" narrative was just distraction.
Our Country Has Been Stolen and Republicans Did Not Prevent the Theft -- Everyone had their hand in the
cookie jar. Democrats just had their hands considerably deeper. Because their political positions demonstrate a considerable lack of
morals and ethics, it only made sense that Chinese intelligence give Democrats more attention, since they are more easily compromised.
Thune Sees Challenge to Biden Win Going Down Like 'Shot Dog' -- What hope do the People have, when the "other party" --
Republicans -- behave in such a complicit manner?
MORE evidence: It looks like Biden outperformed only in counties that used Dominion, HART voting machines -- And this makes
sense when you realize that Trump's rallies of 10s of thousands of people in any given city, compared to Biden's "under 100 people showing
up" performance could not have better illuminated what would result. Biden could not have possibly won, so -- again -- as Biden
himself confessed in one of his usual demented moments, "We have assembled the most advanced voter fraud organization in history."
Democrats must prove how Biden got 13 million excess votes from voters who didn't vote -- I beg to differ.
Democrats don't have to prove anything. They have Big Tech, the MSM, and Democrat governors and leftist federal judges to cover for
them. If Trump had gotten 95% of the vote and Biden had gotten 5% of the vote -- which, at this point, I'm not so sure we wouldn't
have if the election were re-held -- Biden would still win. Every time. The vote-switching voting machines ensure it.
"Very, Very Nervous About It" -- Former Host Says Fox News Is Tanking, Lost 40% Of Audience -- As one person states in the
Comment section, "you reap what you sow."
- History Repeats Itself: Democrats Are Using Tactics of the Marxists of 1917 in Russia to Steal 2020 Election --
As Mark Twain used to say, "History may not repeat itself, but it sure does rhythm."
PepsiCo, IBM, Mars Food, Dow Chemical all infiltrated by CCP loyalists (China Communist Party). IBM sold early computing machines
to the Nazis to process Jews for extermination
December 22, 2020 -- Morning
Biden Got Fewer Counties Than Obama -- How Did He Get Most Votes Ever? -- We don't have to guess. Biden told us in his own
words, "We've established the biggest voter fraud organization in history."
- "I Am Not Impressed. Ms. Powell Retracts Nothing" -- Lin Wood Responds to Dominion Voting Machines Threats
to Sidney Powell -- "On Friday Dominion Voting Systems sent a threatening letter to Attorney Sidney Powell demanding a retraction of her
'defamatory' accusations. Dominion is very upset with the allegations that the Dominion machines were flipping ballots from Trump to Biden something
that was proven in court last week!" The problem for Dominion, among other things, is that
"there are at least five videos of voting machine companies flipping votes from Trump to Biden on live TV on election night.
This has never been explained."
- AMAZING! Congress Got Paid Their Full Salary of $130K for 9 Months While they Argued About Giving Every American $600
of Their Own Money -- If CoVid has taught us anything, it's that the political class, on the whole, views us as expendable slaves.
Useless eaters. Trash to be taken out to the curb.
U.S. senator: Prosecute and jail anyone involved in voter fraud -- Damn! Then you'd need a separate huge prison for senators,
congressmen, governors, and God only knows how many other quislings.
Gen. Flynn Assures Trump Cavalry Is Coming, Reveals 'Foreign Partners and Allies' Were Monitoring Election --
"Former national security adviser Gen. Michael Flynn said foreign partners can provide evidence that will show there was foreign influence
at work in the Nov. 3 election." Hopefully this is cavalry that does more than talk and holds rallies.
PCR Test 'Casedemic' : How Technocrats Intentionally Weaponized Bad Science -- "Real scientists and medical professionals around the world
have balked over PCR testing methods used to determine "cases" of COVID-19. Their scientific opinions are being totally suppressed and marginalized
to keep the Technocrat narrative alive."
Economic Carnage: Medical Tyranny Has Sent 8 Million Americans Into Poverty Since Summer 2020 -- The Plandemic is doing
precisely what it was engineered to do.
Special Interview With Dr. Russell Blaylock on Face Masks And COVID-19 -- It's dangerous to wear the mask, and it does nothing
to protect you from the ever-feared virus.
Concerns and Suggestions Regarding the UK's CoVid-19 Vaccine Agenda -- (UK) --
This letter was put on November 23rd in the UK. It's relevance is that it demonstrates what a crock medical practitioners and professionals
there think the vaccine is. Sing it with me!
"You can stick your poisonous vaccines up your ass!"
PHANTOM voters exposed by Bobby Piton: This is how Biden got 13 million extra votes -- Valuable interview that pinpoints where the
extras votes came from -- votes that were statistically impossible to have come about through legal means.
Democrat Andrew Yang wants to barcode you like a Nazi concentration camp prisoner, forcing you to prove you’ve been
vaccinated -- Tyranny the likes of which we have never seen before in world history.
- Democrats’ "Stimulus" Bill Gives $600 to Suffering Americans -- But Sends More Than $2 Billion to
Africa and Asia -- These "representatives" aren't there for you. They are there for themselves.
Requiem For Donald Trump -- Is Trump up for this fight? Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) isn't buying it. This is an extremely well-written
article that I highly recommend that everyone read.
December 21, 2020
December 20, 2020 -- Afternoon / Evening
- Dominion Whistleblower Accuses CEO of Lying During Michigan Hearing -- Why shouldn't they lie their
ass off to cover their ass? Nobody is ever prosecuted for lying under oath anymore -- unless you're a conservative.
President Trump to Hold Second Rally for Georgia Senators Loeffler and Perdue on January 4th -- He can hold rallies from now
until the cows come home. It won't matter unless the same players who engineered the election fraud in Georgia are removed, and that's
not happening. This makes Trump complicit. Joseph Stalin was right: "It doesn't matter who votes, how many vote, or who they vote
for. The only thing that matter is who counts the vote."
- REVEALED: 'Simple Math' Shows Biden Claims 13 MILLION More Votes Than There Were Eligible Voters Who Voted
in 2020 Election -- Again, all that matters is who counts the vote.
With Another Election Coming Up in Days, Georgia Is Still a Mess with the Same Players Running the Same Processes --
Yet again, all that matters is who counts the vote.
- SOMETHING'S BREWING! Dan Scavino Posts Series of Tweets After Raucous Oval Office Meeting --
Trump Is Ready to Take Action -- Pardon my skepticism, but I'll believe it when I see it. Again: enough with the rallies.
Enough of this bringing a squirt gun to a gun fight.
- 19th December Update Current News --
Latest update from British politician, Simon Parkes. We can only hope it's not more Hopium.
LIVE: Turning Point USA (day 1): Donald Trump Jr, Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk, and more to speak -- Little jewels throughout. Go to
1:15:10 -- if you don't have time to listen to anything else -- and hear Tucker Carlson's presentation.
What Gore, Gates, & Schwab are too Arrogant to Admit -- Alternative energy sources, as currently understood, will never, ever
supply our energy needs. Back to the drawing board.
December 20, 2020 -- Morning
Situation Update, Dec. 19th -- China engineering WAR between USA and Russia -- This explains why the "Russia, Russia, Russia"
mantra has been relentless since 2016.
Pennsylvania warns that attending an orgy without a mask is unsafe -- Forget the condom. What's far more important is that you're
continuing to participate in the global satanic ritualism known as mask wearing.
Trump Blasts Exaggerated Media Claims Of "Russia, Russia, Russia" In Cyberattack After Seeing Intel -- Makes sense in light of
Adams' briefing above.
China Joe's Climate Czar: The World Loses -- Beijing Wins -- This is why you can't trust anything the Elite as saying about climate
change: they are funded by and in bed with the worst offenders.
FDA approves Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine -- "Depopulation isn't happening fast enough. Let's speed it up!"
Vice President Pence receives COVID-19 vaccine -- He gets the vaccine? My ass. Take a good look at the video.
The doctor inserts a needle and uses slight-of-hand to make it look like something is injected, but nothing is injected.
Take a second look. The doctor slides the upper end of the syringe through his fingers, but nothing is injected.
You gotta ask yourself: How stupid do they really think we are?
Answer: They know that the average person's stupidity knows no bounds, and all this mask wearing is just proof of it.
Trump Declares National Emergency! Calls For Americans To March Against The Swamp January 6, 2020 -- Whoppee! Another rally!
An election is stolen. Communists are about take over the U.S. and use it as a stepping stone to take over the world, and here we have Trump
coming to the gun flight with a squirt gun. It's embarrassing. If this is all Trump has, we are all so royally screwed.
Filmmaker: Covid Lockdown is Psychological Programming for Globalist Takeover -- "Jayme Icke explains how authoritarian lockdown measures are
conditioning masses to accept New World Order's "Great Reset"
- CRAZY Dr. Fauci Tells Children He Flew to the North Pole and Vaccinated Santa Claus -- Maybe the Tooth Fairy
got an exemption.
- Army Leaders Join Gen. Milley and Release Statement Saying There Is "No Role" for US Army
in Martial Law in Determining Elections -- This is not good at all.
Catholic bishops 'cowering to Big Pharma' in vaccine advisory -- Then they are morally and ethically compromised and not to be trusted.
December 19, 2020
December 18, 2020
News Announcement in 1956: "Experts predict a deadly virus will spread from Asia to the rest of the world by the year 2020" --
Sure. They "foresaw" this from 64 years out. Again, we're being played for fools. They really do plan these things this many years out.
Start at 1:22. It's only a two minute video.
- And now the latest on your governments' popular new depopulation vaccine!
As vaccine shipments arrive, Department of Veterans Affairs will target blacks and Hispanics first --
Golly. We have a new political action organization on the scene: "Black Deaths Matter!"
The Covid-19 Vaccine and the U.S. Policy of Depopulation -- A caution about the evils of the vaccine coming from America's
black leadership -- the ones who really care about the welfare of black people, not the propagandists.
Four volunteers immunized with Pfizer's coronavirus vaccine developed Bell's palsy; FDA denies jab caused it -- With the rollout of
CoVid vaccines, we are going to see gaslighting reaching heights of absurdity never before witnessed.
Nurse Passes Out After Taking the CoVid-19 Vaccine -- The medical industry, in general, and vaccine industry, in particular, have
every incentive to make sure this doesn't happen, and yet the CoVid is so toxic and injurious that even in this early CoVid vaccine press
conference, they can't prevent a contributing nurse from passing out. If things like this don't tell you not to take the vaccine, then
perhaps an argument can be made that you deserve what's coming.
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler's coronavirus research: COVID-19 vaccines contain ingredients known to cause autoimmune disease -- And why
shouldn't they? They're depopulation tools. They promised you they were coming, and now that they're here, you're going to act surprised?
Pfizer COVID vaccine trial shows alarming evidence of pathogenic priming in older adults -- With this information in hand,
knowing this scandalous history of vaccine development, no rational person would agree to take this vaccine.
"This is a bizarre, lunatic, totalitarian cult." -- Ted Cruz -- The culture developing around the CoVid vaccine movement is so
profounding insane that even a U.S. Senator feels he has to weigh in.
Fraudulent PCR testing led entire world into lockdown tyranny; treasonous politicians to blame -- I've covered this
before. The RT-PCR test is a complete crock of shit.
Mitch McConnell received donations from Dominion Voting Systems and shut down two election integrity bills in 2020 -- We can trust
no one. Again, we're on our own.
Courts haven't decided facts on voter fraud, found excuses to dismiss Trump's cases: Rand Paul -- "Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) rejected the notion
that courts have 'decided the facts' amid allegations of election fraud during the Nov. 3 election." This made news, but the truth is that he's
only stating the obvious.
An Expert Military Analysis of War with China -- "Rand, a thinktank wholly owned by the Pentagon, at least mentally, has wargamed both the
Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea, concluding that the war could be both very long and a loss for America. We no longer live in 1960."
Intel Experts Claim the US Was Hit By a "DIGITAL PEARL HARBOR" -- The U.S. letting foreign adversaries have complete access to its
nuclear stockpile wouldn't be any more insane than anything else we've seen in 2020.
Year Zero -- (C.J. Hopkins) -- Well, this much IS a "Great Reset." We might as well call this Year Zero, because the world we entered into this
year bears no resemblance to what we knew human life to be prior.
CoVid Action Platform -- "As the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation, the World Economic Forum is mobilizing all
stakeholders to protect lives and livelihoods." Tell that to those who are unfortunate enough to get these untested vaccines.
12.17.20 Post Election Update #11: Alliance Moves Indicate Impending Action -- Scott McKay spends 42 minutes to provide the
latest election updates. Lays out evidence that we're on the cusp of WW III.
Situation Update, Dec. 18th -- Cyber Red Dawn attack on USA is prelude to TOTAL WAR with China -- Compounds the things
that Scott McKay is hearing from his sources.
December 17, 2020
- And now for something a little light-hearted:
Daz Nez leads London crowd in singing "you can stick your new world order up your ass" -- Listen to it. Lasts one minute.
Works for me.
Other lyrical tidbits in subsequent verses:
"You can stick your Coronavirus up your ass / You can stick your poisonous vaccines up your ass / etc."
Damn -- the Brits really know how to do it. Notice: 1.4K Likes and 9 Dislikes. Golly: 0.6% were offended. That sounds close
to the ratio of people who voted for Biden versus those who voted for Trump.
- This is how out of control YouTube censorship
is / Their latest censorship act against me -- I did a series of interviews with Paranormal Talks last January.
In one of those videos, entitled, "Med. Secrets: 60 years Curing Cancer, 3 of 3." This morning I got a letter from my friend at
Paranormal Talks telling me that they took down the video because of "age restriction." After appealing, because the objection because
of "age restriction" was absurd, YouTube relented and put the video back. Interestingly, this "3 of 3" segment was on extraterrestrial
issues I've witnessed. The video has nothing to do with medicine. See the YouTube response
to this takedown. What I find interesting is this was a video for a small group. In fact, it only got 50 views over this past year.
Still -- YouTube found it and made up a completely bogus excuse to kill it -- something that was only brought back after a complaint.
Vitamin D and COVID 19: The Evidence for Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus (SARS CoV 2) -- Very important update
on CoVid treatment and the many lies and elements of disinformation that have accompanied it. At 23:50, smoking is discussed.
Interestingly, smokers have faired better than non-smokers who had CoVid, as nicotine is an antiinflammatory. Note, this is
an observation and not a recommendation.
Founder of vaccine safety website, ex-pharma insider found dead -- 'If something were to happen to me,' Brandy Vaughan wrote in
late 2019, 'it’s foul play and you know exactly who and why.'
"Brandy Vaughan, a former sales executive for the pharmaceutical company Merck and the founder of, a website dedicated to educating people on the
risks associated with vaccines, was apparently found dead by her nine-year-old son on December 8." They say it was from "gallbladder
complications." Sure. My ass.
Situation Update, Dec. 17th -- Ratcliffe confirmation of foreign interference hands Trump justification to SEIZE
ballots, voting machines -- You don't have to worry about any of the news in this report ever making it to the MSM.
It will never happen.
December 16, 2020
December 15, 2020 -- Evening
The CoViD vaccine and the commercial conquest of the planet: The Plan -- (Jon Rappoport) -- "If you think the futuristic
vaccine-world I'm describing could only be a fantasy, what would masks, distancing, lockdowns, and planetary destruction of national economies have
been called 15 years ago? . . . Resistance and revolt are not luxuries. They're necessities of life."
Situation Update, Dec. 15th -- Parallel electors chosen by 7 states as Trump accelerates ops to seize evidence --
Mike Adam's urgent update for Dec. 15th.
Vote Machine Company Threatens Legal Action Against Conservative Media -- Smartmatic is going to fry. These lawsuit letters are just
posturing. If a lawsuit were ever filed by these cheaters, it would never make it past discovery and depositions -- if it even gets that far.
Utah Mink First Wild Animal In US To Test Positive For Mutated Coronavirus -- Yeah, right. What nonsense. Interestingly, the cockroaches
in my garage keep testing positive for CoVid. And I'll be damned if I don't have the HARDEST time trying to force that swab up their little noses.
"Talk To Your Twitter-Mob To Find Out If The COVID Vaccine Is Right For You." -- "You can't even take an erectile dysfunction pill
without consulting your physician. But with regards to the vaccine, you're not allowed to ask any questions or raise any potential concerns.
This is heresy."
MSNBC's Dr. Gupta: Just Because You Get Vaccinated Doesn't Mean You Should be Traveling or That You're Liberated
From Masks (VIDEO) -- If these leftist psychopaths have their way, CoVid19 will be with us for the next 5, 10, 20, 50 years.
It has not become a major control mechanism, and they will be loathe to ever give it up.
- U.S. Bishops Say Catholics Have 'Moral Responsibility' to Be Vaccinated Against Coronavirus -- "You have
a moral responsibility to take the Mark." I have to wonder how many Catholics are taking this seriously.
Dr. Fauci Wants Trump, Biden, Harris, Pence All Vaccinated for Coronavirus -- They'll inject them with water and
use that for their marketing efforts: "Do you see how safe it is?"
Trump reverses plan on vaccinations for White House staff -- He's delaying anybody around him getting the vaccine. I can't
imagine why.
December 15, 2020 -- Morning and Afternoon
Recall Gov. Newsom Campaign Gains Traction In California -- "People are fleeing California because of all this mismanagement.
We cannot take too much more of it!"
Elon Musk Just Tweeted A Meme About His "Huge Cock" -- Is there anything about our world in 2020 that hasn't gone completely
batshit crazy? And this guy is the premier techno innovator and genius of our time?
Time magazine celebrates medical authoritarianism, naming Fauci 'guardian of the year' -- Speaking of Psychos, if
Josef Mengele, the famous SS doctor who performed deadly experiments
on prisoners, was "Todesengel" (German for "Angel of Death"), then Authony Fauci -- who is something much worse -- must be regarded as the
"Chief Demon of Human Extermination." Only the propagandistic fog of 2020 disinfo could this man be regarded as anything but the sick, psychotic,
demonic, vaccine executioner that he is. I'm sure there is a room somewhere in hell that already has Fauci's name on the door.
- Democrat Congressman 'Demands' 126 Republican Members Of Congress Not Be Seated For Supporting Trump Lawsuit --
This is why the Insurrection Act must be invoked. Millions of Americans and most of the House of Representatives (most of whom won on the heels
of Dominion Voting Systems, which were designed from the ground up to steal elections) have no problem whatsoever with election fraud. They
encourage it because they benefit from it --- and they have Big Tech and the Mainstream Media to cheer them on.
There is nothing left of the U.S. as a democratic institution if Trump doesn't grow some balls. Maybe he can get some tips from Elon Musk on
how to get a HUGE --- well, you get the general idea.
Judge Allows Release Of Dominion Audit Report; Report Claims System 'Designed' To 'Create Systemic Fraud' --
We've known this for some time now. It's just getting more heavily documented.
Romney on Trump's Claims Election Was Stolen: 'There's Not Evidence of That' -- Isn't it interesting how traitors come
in all stripes. Yeah. No evidence. Sure. Just like there's no evidence that the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening.
It's subjective, right? It's all relative. Plus -- if you believe that the sun rises and sets every day, it only proves you're a racist!
After all, sunlight is white. I guess even talking about that makes me a white supremacist!
- Dr Kory recommends Ivermectin, a powerful anti-viral drug for early treatment for COVID Patients -- This is not
a recommendation. Ivermectin also has side effects. But it brings to light the criminality behind the vaccine makers push to administer a dangerous
vaccine -- dangerous by design -- and suppress alternatives that work better than their vaccine ever could, even if it wasn't integral to a
depopulation agenda.
Futures Jump As Vaccine Optimism, Stimulus Hopes Return -- More proof that even PRE CoVid vaccine rollout, people have lost their minds.
No wonder our satanic ET elite want to get rid of us.
Google caught reminding liberals, but not conservatives, to vote -- Isn't that illegal election tampering? Shut up, Racist!
Left-wing media used Joe Biden to steal the White House; now they're exposing him as a criminal to make way for "President Kamala" --
"Prior to the election, the mainstream media, with the help of the tech giants, systematically censored all damning news about Hunter Biden, Burisma,
pay-for-play schemes in communist China, treason and other such implicating revelations about the Biden Crime Family. Now, those same media outlets are
suddenly shifting gears and turning against Joe Biden, and we think we know why.
"If the Democrat Party is able to get away with stealing the election for Biden, the ultimate goal is not
actually to install this demented senile geriatric, but rather to replace him with Kamala Harris before Inauguration Day. This is a very likely scenario
in the event that Biden is fully outed as the treasonous criminal he truly is, who served his own interests at the expense of America.
NC Scout: Patriots across America are gearing up for the FINAL BATTLE for the republic -- Prepping has taken on whole new flavor.
- PRESIDENT TRUMP Retweets Attorney Lin Wood: Kemp and Raffensperger "Will Soon be Going to Jail" --
"As we have reported numerous times now the election numbers in Georgia are suspect, fraudulent, and impossible."
- IT WAS SYSTEMIC-PURPOSEFUL FRAUD: Clark County Nevada Dominion Machines ALSO Kicked out "About 70% of Ballots" --
It Was in the Settings! -- This is just a sample from today. If I posted every article on all the election fraud that's pouring out
of the woodwork, I wouldn't have time to poste anything else.
- "This Election Is the Climax of the Battle Between Freedom and Communism, Between Good and Evil" -- Lin Wood Claims
President Trump Is Going to Clean Things Up
Obama Trolls President Trump Over "Birther" Issue: 'I Was Able to Get Away with' Not Being Born in the US (VIDEO) --
When the celebration of lawlessness is celebrated at the top, when the culture of criminality is allowed to grow over a span of many years,
you get the world we live in today.
- Joe Biden Delivers Remarks Following States' Electoral College Vote Day -- Gets 4,000 Views on CSPAN Page.
But Joe Got 80 Million Votes! -- It's a complete joke.
December 14, 2020 -- Evening
- Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, and Arizona Republican Electors Cast Votes for Trump --
Republican electors in four states said on Dec. 14 that they would cast their procedural votes for President Donald Trump and
Vice President Mike Pence, the latest update contesting the results of the 2020 election.
Situation Update, Dec. 14th -- Calls grow for Insurrection Act, window of opportunity Dec. 18th -- 24th -- Each of Mike's updates
are getting more urgent and pressing. This one is almost an hour and a half long and comes on the same day as electors submitted their
fraudulent votes.
Audit concludes Dominion voting machines are designed for fraud -- "Report urges Trump to invoke 2018 order to protect national security."
Sidney Powell: Trump could trigger 2018 executive order -- "'It's going to blow the mind of every citizen in the country'"
BREAKING: Attorney General Bill Barr to Step Down Just Before Christmas -- Also confirming article on Zero Hedge:
"Dis-Barred: Trump Says Attorney General Out By Christmas". Long, long overdue.
Rumors Flying That President Donald Trump Will Pardon Julian Assange, Snowden Weighs In --
"Rumors are flying across social media that President Donald Trump will be pardoning WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange."
Attorney Lin Wood: Events Will Unfold Quickly Over the Next Several Days -- Lin Wood: "There should be NO Electoral College vote in any
state today. Fraud is rampant in all state elections. If U.S. Supreme Court does not have courage to act, I believe our President
@realDonaldTrump has the courage. He loves America & freedom.
Biden Wins Electoral College, Will Address Nation At 730 pm -- Well, here's the deal. It's not over until the choir
of fat ladies sing. Stay tuned.
Data Shows Fears Of Overwhelmed Medical System Overblown, Ample Hospital Capacity Nationwide -- More proof of the lie that is
the CoVid Pandemic.
- UK Warns Of Highly Infectious New Coronavirus Strain Discovered In Southern England -- Horseshit.
Bill Gates calls for shutdown of bars and restaurants, claims COVID risk will last until 2022 -- More horseshit.
Stocks Slide As NYC Mayor Warns 'Prepare For Possibility Of Full Shutdown' -- Wait a minute! You mean there is a connection
between the value of stocks and the companies they represent?
Sidney Powell is building a RICO case against Dominion and Smartmatic -- "Attorney Sidney Powell says that her battle over the
Nov. 3 election is far from over, saying that the evidence she is gathering could turn into a major racketeering case under the Racketeer
Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act."
Viral video shows family kicked off flight when toddler, 2, refuses to wear mask -- What? The kid wants to breath? No way!
Send that kid to a FEMA re-education camp immediately!
Gordon Chang: U.S. should shutter Chinese consulates -- "China's influence, intelligence and infiltration attempts are overwhelming America.
Given the emergency, Washington should immediately close down all of China's bases of operation in the U.S., including its four remaining consulates,"
wrote Gordon Chang, author of "The Coming Collapse of China" and a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute.
December 14, 2020 -- Afternoon
- IT'S WAR: Communist China successfully infiltrated vaccine giants Pfizer, AstraZeneca and GlaxoSmithKline as
part of "unrestricted warfare" to defeat the US military and conquer North America -- Well, doesn't that make sense.
Helps explain why the vaccine is so debilitating.
- Situation Update, Dec. 13th -- Trump readies evidence to leverage against Biden, Gen. Perna announces "vaccine D-Day --
the beginning of the end" -- Here is the link to
Mike's latest presentation, released late last night. What Gen. Perna is really saying is, "We don't have to take you Trumpers out with
bullets. We'll do it with the vaccine." Listen to Mike Adams' explanation.
- Frank Shallenberger, MD, HMD weighs in on the CoVid vaccine -- I don't agree with EVERYTHING in his response. For example,
he obviously believes in Pasteur's Germ Theory -- something I've said repeatedly is ridiculously flawed. Still, it has many important point.
He states, "Last week I must have been asked 20 times about the
new COVID vaccines. Here are my thoughts. Please pass this informatiion on to as many as you can. People need to be truly informed when it comes
to injecting foreign, genetic material into their bodies. Make up your own mind but be educated first. Don't make fear based decisions."
- The COVID vaccines are mRNA vaccines. mRNA vaccines are a completely new type of vaccine. No mRNA vaccine has ever been licensed for human
use before. In essence, we have absolutely no idea what to expect from this vaccine. We have no idea if it will be effective or safe.
- Traditional vaccine simply introduce pieces of a virus to stimulate an immune reaction. The new mRNA vaccine is completely different.
It actually injects (transfects) molecules of synthetic genetic material from non-humans sources into our cells. Once in the cells, the genetic
material interacts with our transfer RNA (tRNA) to make a foreign protein that supposedly teaches the body to destroy the virus being coded for.
Note that these newly created proteins are not regulated by our own DNA, and are thus completely foreign to our cells. What they are fully capable
of doing is unknown.
- The mRNA molecule is vulnerable to destruction. So, in order to protect the fragile mRNA strands while they are being inserted into our DNA
they are coated with PEGylated lipid nanoparticles. This coating hides the mRNA from our immune system which ordinarily would kill any foreign material
injected into the body. PEGylated lipid nanoparticles have been used in several different drugs for years. Because of their effect on immune system balance,
several studies have shown them to induce allergies and autoimmune diseases. Additionally, PEGylated lipid nanoparticles have been shown to trigger
their own immune reactions, and to cause damage to the liver.
- These new vaccines are additionally contaminated with aluminum, mercury, and possibly formaldehyde. The manufacturers have not yet disclosed what
other toxins they contain.
- Since viruses mutate frequently, the chance of any vaccine working for more than a year is unlikely. That is why the flu vaccine changes every year.
Last year's vaccine is no more valuable than last year’s newspaper.
- Absolutely no long term safety studies will have been done to ensure that any of these vaccines don't cause the cancer, seizures, heart disease,
allergies, and autoimmune diseases seen with other vaccines. If you ever wanted to be guinea pig for Big Pharma, now is your golden opportunity.
- Many experts question whether the mRNA technology is ready for prime time. In November 2020, Dr. Peter Jay Hotez said of the new mRNA vaccines,
"I worry about innovation at the expense of practicality because they [the mRNA vaccines] are weighted toward technology platforms that have never made
it to licensure before." Dr. Hotez is Professor of Pediatrics and Molecular Virology & Microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine, where he is also
Director of the Texas Children's Hospital Center for Vaccine Development.
- Michal Linial, PhD is a Professor of Biochemistry. Because of her research and forecasts on COVID-19, Dr. Linial has been widely quoted in the media.
She recently stated, "I won't be taking it [the mRNA vaccine] immediately -- probably not for at least the coming year. We have to wait and see whether
it really works. We will have a safety profile for only a certain number of months, so if there is a long-term effect after two years, we cannot know."
- In November 2020, The Washington Post reported on hesitancy among healthcare professionals in the United States to the mRNA vaccines, citing surveys
which reported that: "some did not want to be in the first round, so they could wait and see if there are potential side effects", and that "doctors and
nurses want more data before championing vaccines to end the pandemic".
- Since the death rate from COVID resumed to the normal flu death rate way back in early September, the pandemic has been over since then. Therefore,
at this point in time no vaccine is needed. The current scare tactics regarding "escalating cases" is based on a PCR test that because it exceeds
34 amplifications has a 100% false positive rate unless it is performed between the 3rd and 5th day after the first day of symptoms. It is therefor 100%
inaccurate in people with no symptoms. This is well established in the scientific literature. See the attachment (False Positive PCR testing is up to
100%!) for more information on this. If you go to the CDC site (file:///C:/Users/docto/AppData/Local/Temp/cdc_97230_DS1.pdf ),
you can see that the weekly death rates in the US are now lower than they normally are during an average flu season.
- The other reason you don't need a vaccine for COVID-19 is that substantial herd immunity has already taken place in the United States.
This is the primary reason for the end of the pandemic.
- Unfortunately, you cannot completely trust what you hear from the media. They have consistently got it wrong for the past year. Since they are
all supported by Big Pharma and the other entities selling the COVID vaccines, they are not going to be fully forthcoming when it comes to mRNA vaccines.
Every statement I have made here is fully backed by published scientific references.
- I would be very interested to see verification that Bill and Melinda Gates with their entire family including grandchildren, Joe Biden and
President Trump and their entire families, and Anthony Fauci and his entire family all get the vaccine.
- Anyone who after reading all this still wants to get injected with the mRNA vaccine, should at the very least have their blood checked for
COVID-19 antibodies. There is no need for a vaccine in persons already naturally immunized.
"Here's my bottom line: I would much rather get a COVID infection than get a COVID vaccine. That would be safer
and more effective. I have had a number of COVID positive flu cases this year. Some were old and had health concerns. Every single one has done really
well with natural therapies including ozone therapy and IV vitamin C. Just because modern medicine has no effective treatment for viral infections,
doesn't mean that there isn't one."
- (Clive de Carle) -- "Risk Reduction --
Real Risk vs. Relative Risk Explained. It's 0.8%, not 95% effective." -- More simply put: 0% necessary; 100% harmful.
The COVID Vaccine Is Here -- And So Are Potential Side Effects -- If you knew what I knew, you'd be crazy -- some might say suicidal --
to take it.
Electoral College Votes Today, Here's What To Expect -- Today, members of the Electoral College will gather throughout the day in their
respective states to cast their official ballots for president. Most states will offer livestreams to watch the proceedings, which will take place
at locations chosen by state legislatures -- typically the state's capitol. Exceptions include Delaware -- whose electors will meet in a gym, and Nevada
-- which will be the only state to hold its meeting virtually this year, according to the New York Times.
Is the Press Cheering the End of Freedom? -- "This is the plan. They cannot tolerate dissent." Never forget that Biden voters
allied with those who want you imprisoned and killed.
December 14, 2020 -- Morning
- NIH Director Begs Americans To Swallow Vaccine Skepticism As Bill Gates Eyes Unofficial Role --
"The director of the National Institutes of Health begged Americans to 'hit the reset button' on their concerns over whether the COVID-19 vaccine,
which was developed faster than any vaccine in the history of Western medicine, will be safe." ---
"I would like to plead to people who are listening to this this morning to really hit the reset button on whatever they think they knew about
this vaccine that might cause them to be so skeptical," Dr. Francis Collins told NBC News' "Meet the Press." ----
"Please, people. When you look back ... and you say, 'Did I do the right thing?' I hope you'll be able to say 'yes.'"
Unreal. Ya just can't make this shit up, can you? "I hope you'll be able to say 'yes' -- because if the
answer is "no" do you have any idea how totally fucked you are? You DO know that vaccine manufacturers can't be sued, right?
So you understand that they have no motivation whatsoever to ensure that any vaccine they make is safe, right? But it doesn't
matter --- you should take it anyway, if only to make Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci happy! Plus you'll be doing your part to help
with human depopulation. You don't want Santa to find out you're not helping with depopulation, do you? Of course not!"
Translation: -- "I am begging you pathetic retards to take this
God-damn thing. I'm asking you to ignore data on the deaths that CoVid vaccine. Ignore the sordid history of virtually all the vaccines that
preceeded this one. I'm begging you to take the Mark of the Beast, so that you, too, can become a full-fledged, New World Order,
apocalyptic mutant zombie!"
Is it possible that they treat us like total morons because most people really are?
- IT'S HAPPENING: President Trump Issues Warning -- Swing States that Found MASSIVE VOTER FRAUD, which is all of them,
CANNOT LEGALLY CERTIFY these votes -- Blah, blah, blah, blah. Let's overturn the most corrupt and fraudulent election in the history
of democracy by TWEETING the left to death! Can't you hear them now? "Oh, please, Mr. Trump, we'll have Biden concede if only you won't
post any more TWEETS! We surrender!" Enough small talk. Invoke the Insurrection Act and prove to the world that you've got a pair!
- Sidney Powell Asks the Supreme Court to Intervene and Decertify States’ Results in Michigan, Arizona, Georgia and Wisconsin --
Think that'll work? After the Premies just told Texas to take their pleading and stick it where the moon don't shine? Yeah. That'll work.
And if you want to scare SCOTUS into action, just put out more TWEETS! They, too, will be begging you to stop!
- HUGE -- "We Have Serious, Serious Foreign Influence with Dominion Voting Machines" -- General Flynn Says "We Have
Conclusive Evidence of Foreign Influence in US Election Right Now" -- Fine. Okay? Now what are you going to do about it?
Do 50 more talk shows and interviews or call in the military?
China Tells Cabin Crews To Wear Diapers And Avoid Using Bathrooms On Risky Covid Flights -- "Good evening, this is
your Captain speaking! Crew members, please begin dispensing aerosol sprays throughout the cabin. Now that we're three hours into the
flight and most of you are shitting and pissing in your pants, it's important to commense with our anti-asphyxiation measures. The whole
cabin stinks like a sewer already! Damn you! What did you fuckers eat before we left? Do it now! The co-pilot is already knocked out, and I'm having
to go to autopilot!"
How are they getting away with this nonsense? Easy. If you're gullible enough to wear a mask,
you'll gullible enough to walk around all day with a 5 pound load of shit pressed up against your ass!"
Mentally Ill Man Climbs On Wing Of Commercial Jet At Vegas Airport -- The man later told reporters, "You think I'm mentally ill?
I had to get out of there! Crew members were shitting and pissing in their pants, passengers were passing out, and I couldn't breath!"
Cornell Offers "Person Of Color" -- Exemption For Flu Vaccine Requirement -- That's one way to eliminate all the white people!
But wait a minute here. If a guy can self-identify as a "chick with a dick," why can't a white person who identifies as a black person
get the exemption? After all, Elizabeth Warren was able to identify as an indian, even though she's 0.00000000001% pocahontas!
Pfizer Ships First COVID Vaccine Doses From Michigan Distribution Center -- "The first loaded trucks have already left
Kalamazoo, en route to locations across the country as vaccinations are set to begin in the US this week." The vaccines will further be
distributed by specially marked "Dope-mobiles," each accompanied by a mortician.
WATCH: Bill Gates suggests lockdown measures could continue into 2022 -- Are there really people out there who are dumb enough
to take this guy seriously?
- 48% Of U.S. Small Businesses Fear That They May Be Forced To "Shut Down Permanently" Soon --
Oh, who cares? As long as the stock market is doing bigly, who needs small business?
ABC and NBC Blame Trump Supporters for Antifa/BLM Violence in D.C. -- "We couldn't help it! Trump supporters
threatened to kills us if we didn't stab them with sharp knives!"
December 13, 2020 -- Afternoon / Evening
- 'Aliens Exist and Humanity Isn't Ready for the Truth,' Says Retired Israeli Space Official --
Aliens exist? Really? After watching 10 seasons of Ancient Aliens I've been left with the impression that they've been
running the show around here for at least the last 200,000 years. But what do I know? Interestingly, this article completely
trashes this retired 87-year-old Israeli general, like he's in grave need of being institutionalized. But it's a very worthwhile read if you can
read between the lines.
US in Middle of 'Battle of Good vs. Evil': Michael Flynn -- Telling it like it is:
"The battle we are engaged in cannot be fought with only human weapons: It requires the intervention of God because in a war against the forces of evil,
only the Lord can obtain the victory," Flynn wrote in an op-ed published on Dec. 10. "And as American citizens, we must refuse to go to the funeral of
our own independence," he added. "We the people are proud to proclaim that the United States of America is ‘One Nation under God.'"
"We do not want a world governed by tyrants whom no one has elected and who want to have power in order to destroy us," Flynn wrote in his article.
"We understand what their plan is: to eliminate dissent, subdue any criticism and outlaw those who do not submit unconditionally to the dictatorship
of the 'new world order.'"
Ontario to issue proof-of-vaccination cards -- Oh sure, the vaccine is not technically mandatory, but if you do NOT
accept the DNA-altering vaccine, if you do NOT accept the Mark of the Beast, you can't function as a normal human being in society.
So -- for all intents and purposes -- yes, the vaccine is mandatory. It's mandatory when you stop screwing around with DoubleSpeak
and look at the reality of the situation.
Ten year study shows that UNVACCINATED are far healthier than their vaccinated peers who suffer from more respiratory
infections, asthma, allergies, etc. -- Few things in the history of medicine are as scandalous as the 200+ year history of vaccinations.
NJ lawmaker wants MANDATORY corona shot for all kids WITHOUT EXEMPTION -- They're not going to stop beating that drum.
When you hear them say, "It's not mandatory," remember, that's their "song and dance" today. Tomorrow is another day.
COVID19 -- Evidence of global fraud -- "COVID 19, and the subsequent governmental responses, appear to be part of an international
conspiracy to commit fraud. It seems there is no evidence that a virus called SARS-CoV-2 causes a disease called COVID 19." Like I've been saying
since March.
The Left Is Using Covid to Free Criminals from Prisons / But the left won't do this for Julian Assange. -- (PCR) --
Maybe if Assange was a mass murderer or a child molester, he'd be out by now.
Sidney Powell: Trump Could Trigger 2018 Executive Order on Foreign Election Interference -- Forget this Kraken nonsense.
This is what I be talkin' 'bout.
Pence participates in discussion about vaccine distribution -- Damn. Here we go. Operation Warp Fuck.
Where's my ayahuasca barf pale?
After going on and on, jerking each other off with all this happy talk about all the WONDERFUL THINGS they're all doing to protect
Americans, these politicians get into the particulars of this dangerous, DNA-altering vaccine. I couldn't finish it, frankly. Write me back and tell
me if you were able to endure the entire hour without blowing chunks or shapeshifting into a screaming orangutan.
December 13, 2020 -- Morning
Situation Update, Dec. 12th -- SCOTUS betrayal allows Trump to invoke military tribunals and Fourteenth Amendment --
Looks like the war goes kinetic in January. Adams adds: "Breaking big Sunday: China DOES plan land invasion of the USA,
with missile bases in the Caribbean, just 90 miles away from CONUS"
The Democrats are the party of China -- "The Democrats are the party of China, meaning the Chinese Communist Party, not the Chinese people,
who seem to be of little interest to them."
They Are Using Fear to Create Acceptance of Vaccination. Why? -- I've been following Paul Craig Roberts (PCR) for years now.
With each passing month, his language becomes stronger and delivered with a greater sense of alarm
-- even at 81. Here are his comments in connection with the enclosed link to
Read carefully:
"Farrakhan says it is a plot to get rid of black people.
"Actually, it seems to be a plot against everyone.
"The first Covid-19 vaccine to reach the market will be one completely unlike any before. Developed by
Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna is new mRNA technology, never before approved for use in humans in the United States; "m" is for Messenger.
This vaccine does not have the coronavirus in it. Instead, it instructs your body to make the Covid-19 spike protein. Once injected, you create a
threat to yourself and then go to war against the threat you created. This is deliberate manipulation of the very core of our biological makeup.
This vaccine has a very real potential to alter who and what we are. [which, in my opinion, is the whole point -- Transhummie 2.0 anyone?]
"The expression of this mRNA is literally the spike protein from two deadly retroviruses that are in our
own viral gnomes. We have been using aborted fetal tissue and other vaccines. When you add this mRNA vaccine, you are literally putting the blueprint
into every cell of the body and you are making this highly pathogenic (disease-causing) protein. You will kill people who are already compromised and
you will sterilize young women who get this vaccine."
"The elites serving up lies to serve their agendas have destroyed confidence in every institution and every
public authority."
The Bleak Future of American Small Businesses -- It's all part of their Great Reset.
- The American 'Truth and Reconciliation Commission' will be coming for you -- if Trump loses -- That's why
the war will be of such intensity. At least 100 million Americans know that their lives are in the line if Biden wins. Read this article
just so know how serious the leftists are about murdering all Trump supporters.
Rush Limbaugh's Prediction About the Breakup of America -- Dave Hodges talks about Limbaugh's prediction that the
U.S. is going to breakup. Several psychics in Russia have been quite specific about how this happens, and it's distressing to see things
evolving in this direction.
THIS IS HUGE: "It's a Real Simple Fact to Prove that There Was Massive Fraud in This Election" --
Inventor of QR Code Can Prove It -- Understand that no matter how much evidence was gathered together, the media, Big Tech and
their allies would still deny its existence.
Texan Republicans Call for Leaving the Union -- They're serious. Texas was an independent republic before it joined the Union
in 1845. If Texas Republicans have their way, it will return to being an independent republic.
- Crazy Liberal Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice, Jill Karofsky, Claims Trump Case Is "Racist" and Is Filed to
"Overturn the Election So Your King Can Stay In Power" -- This lunatic is saying what MOST Obama-appointed judges think, but are
just not saying it. It's an intolerable situation.
- Sidney Powell Asks the Supreme Court to Intervene and Decertify States’ Results in Michigan, Arizona, Georgia and
Wisconsin -- Intervene? Ain't gonna happen. Sooner or later, patriots will need to accept that this huge, legal jerk-a-thon
is going nowhere, and there's a time to pull out the muskets.
China Furthers Its Hong Kong Takeover -- Now Politicians Who Spoke Out About China Are Targeted and Arrested --
Same thing will happen in the U.S. if China completes its takeover.
- As the 2020 Election Continues In the Courts, The Deadline for President Trump's Executive Order Regarding Foreign
Intervention in US Elections Silently Approaches -- Any person or foreign entity that interfered in the 2020 election is on notice.
The 2020 Election was full of fraud and deceit. Numerous actions have been uncovered by private citizens related to the election. Soon the Director of
National Intelligence (DNI John Ratcliffe) is required to release his report which is to cover an inventory of all known acts of foreign intervention into
the 2020 election. Based on what we know to date, this report should have a litany of observations and evidence."
December 12, 2020 -- Afternoon / Evening
December 12, 2020 -- Morning
- The US Supreme Court stood with the Establishment and not with the Truth and American Democracy -- (PCR) --
"As I predicted would be the case, the US Supreme Court stood with the Establishment and not with the Truth
and American Democracy.
"The picture is now complete. Every American institution is corrupt.
"Notice how the presstitute publication The Hill words its headline.
"Welcome, fellow Americans, to the Third World gangster state in which you now live.
We Live in a World of Hoaxes -- (PCR) -- "Notice that we hear nothing about flu, only Covid. The tests can't differentiate between them.
"Notice that all the years when news reported hospitals overwhelmed by flu deaths, there were no lockdowns
or mask mandates.
"Notice that if the Covid pandemic were real, the reports from skeptical experts would not be banned from
the Internet and presstitute media. It seems that hardly any independent experts believe in the Covid pandemic.
"Clearly, we are being setup for something."
Well, we already know what we're being set up for. We already know that 2020 was about setting us up
for The Great Reset and the enslavement of humanity. They Elite have been very clear about their objectives and how they intend to achieve it.
The subtitle of my 2018 book, Living on the Precipice, is: "Global Corruption, The Supremacy of Fake, and Reflections on Near Term
Human Extinction." I didn't know the timing of events, but I knew the final score of the baseball game. And sure enough, that's exactly
where the Elite are taking us.
The betrayal is now complete: SCOTUS dismissal of Texas lawsuit illuminates final remaining option to save the republic --
(NaturalNews) -- Mike Adams posted this late last night:
"Tonight the US Supreme Court chose to dismiss the Texas lawsuit for lack of standing.
"The court did not hear the merits of the case, nor did it decide on them. It simply declared that
Democrat-controlled states can rig elections, commit ballot fraud, cheat and steal in whatever way they want even if their actions are wildly unfair
to the other states which are impacted by the outcome of federal elections.
"As of tonight, December 11, 2020, we no longer live in a functioning constitutional republic."
Don't cheat yourself. Read the entire article. This should convince you, if nothing
else does, that the United States as we understood it to be, the United States we were born into, the common narrative of what the United
States is, as were raised to believe, is DEAD AND BURIED.
Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes urges Americans to prepare for TOTAL WAR -- Pay attention. It's coming. There's no
avoiding it now.
Not monkeying around: Monkeys "exhibit more cognitive flexibility" compared to humans, say researchers -- Isn't that the truth.
One of the things we've learned in 2020 is that the average person is far more gullibility that anyone could have previously imagined.
DEPOPULATION VAX: Trial subjects injected with coronavirus vaccines suddenly test positive for HIV -- updated --
(Natural News) -- "The coronavirus vaccine is a global depopulation bioweapon. People injected with covid-19 vaccines are suddenly testing
positive for HIV." -- They told you their goal for world human population was 500 million. Do you have reason to doubt them?
December 11, 2020 -- Evening
- BREAKING: US Supreme Court Throws Out Texas Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin --
The End of Justice in America. We're on our own now, with no one to protect our interests.
- Situation Update, Dec. 11th -- DoD de-fangs the CIA, 305th intel proves foreign interference,
SCOTUS maneuvers -- (Mike Adams) -- "All the pieces are falling into place for a Trump victory. The circle is nearly complete."
He adds: "This is the most important update I've done so far."
- GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy Joins 125 House Republicans in Supporting Texas Supreme Court Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania,
Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin -- "At least 18 different states are supporting Texas's case and now the president has the backing
of more than 100 House Republicans."
DEPOPULATION VAX: Trial subjects injected with coronavirus vaccines suddenly test positive for HIV -- updated -- Take the virus and testing
positive for the non-contagious SARS virus is the least of your worries.
- BREAKING: Now the Democrat Attorney Generals Align with Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Georgia --
Nearly Every State Has Picked Sides -- "Texas argued these four states violated the US Constitution because they made changes to voting
rules and procedures through the courts or through executive actions. But these states did not make the changes through the state legislatures as
spelled out in the US Constitution." It's really quite simple: has even SCOTUS become so political such that adherence to the law just doesn't
matter anymore. "Do what thou wilt." Anything goes. Even massive cheating, as long as the paid off Big Tech and the MSM give it their blessing.
- Wisconsin Hearing: Nursing Home Resident Said She Wanted to Vote For Trump -- But Nursing Staff Member Said,
"No, He's a Bad Man. We're Voting For Biden" (VIDEO) -- How many thousands of other institutionalized elderly people were denied the
right to vote?
- BREAKING: President Trump Shifting the Pentagon's and the CIA's Assets Away From International Counterterrorism and
Towards China and Russia -- China and Russia keep coming up. Does Trump know that China and Russia are prepared to take advance
of the current chaos in the U.S. to make its move?
"President Trump Won So Many Votes, He Blew Up Their Algorithm" -- Sidney Powell on Lou Dobbs -- "Sidney Powell was on with
Lou Dobbs last night. She discussed the many crimes she and her team have uncovered in the coup to steal the election from President Trump."
- Is Attorney General Barr
a coward? Has he sold out? -- His actions provide an affirmative answer to both.
The Establishment Asserts Its Power -- (PCR) -- "In One Fell Swoop the Establishment Senate handed over $740 billion to military contractors,
prevented any US troop withdrawals from Afghanistan and Germany, and left in place Section 230 that protects Tech corporations from liability
How much more proof do you want that it is Trump, not the Establishment, who represents the American people?"
Keep in mind: this travesty was passed with the help of both Democrats and Republicans, with super
majorities to prevent Trump was vetoing their dirty work.
Politicians Are Stealing the Basic Right To Earn A Living -- "And the same politicians are oblivious to the pain and suffering
they're created. And the reason is quite simply: the welfare of the People doesn't matter, only the welfare of the political class."
- Fauci Tells Black Americans To Trust COVID Vaccine Because It Was Created By An African American Woman --
I'll bet you didn't know that vaccines work better when the inventor is the same race as your own. What nonsense.
Mask Wearing: "People have become fucking intolerable" -- Entertaining rant from "Rooftop Korean Elect."
Donald Trump: 'Get the Dam Vaccines Out NOW' -- Is he really that ignorant about the vaccine? Or just pretending? Either way this is
bad news.
December 11, 2020 -- Afternoon
Washington, D.C. has been a 5-star corporate brothel for years.
Swalwell just took it to whole new level.
Twitter is looking to further censor conservatives through expanded "hate speech" policy --
"Social media giant Twitter may be looking to further censor conservatives through a a further extension of its 'hate speech' policy.
The updated policy gives the company more power to censor tweets that it finds 'offensive.'"
Ben Shapiro: 'Get the vaccine, dopes' -- This is why you can't trust anybody. Anybody. You have to do your own research.
Shapiro is a very respected voice in the conservative community, and here, he demonstrates a complete lack of knowledge about this
vaccine. It's pure ignorance.
22 BLUE States File Brief in Opposition to Texas Supreme Court Election Lawsuit -- The Evil Empire strikes back.
Time picks Biden and Harris for Person of the Year -- Know who you can trust and who you can't. The media has already proven
that it does not stand with the People.
Bill Gates saying the v*a*x*x* will alter your DNA permanently -- 666 Mark Of The Beast -- It's 2:44 in length.
You have no excuse not to listen to it, before making the decision to make the "mark" -- which is exactly what it is.
Those who think this is a joke, should study
Microsoft's international patent which defines what getting the "Mark" is all about. Click on the previous link and once there, click on
the Description tab. Knowing how all Democrats think this is just so great, and the threat they pose to the rest of us.
The correlation with text from the Book of Revelation is most unsettling.
See Rev. 13:16-18 King James Version (KJV):
- 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
- 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
- 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man;
and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
If you take the Mark of the Beast, this is what happens
-- (Rev. 14:9-11 King James Version (KJV)).
- 9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark
in his forehead, or in his hand,
- 10 The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:
- 11 And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image,
and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
If you refuse the Mark of the Beast, this is what happens
-- (Rev. 20:4 King James Version (KJV)).
- 4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness
of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads,
or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
It's something worth thinking about. An intelligent person would ask:
if there is no substance to this nearly 2,000 year old document, then why are the world's elite using it as their global
playbook, following it the way a movie actor would repeat his lines?.
MAJOR Updates to Texas SCOTUS Suit Against 4 States, Several States Joining --
High-powdered attorney, Jay Sekulow, provides interesting insights on the SCOTUS suit. This was posted on the 9th -- two days ago --
but it is still very relevant to this ongoing, historical legal action.
December 11, 2020 -- Morning
- Election Supervisor Shows on Video How Dominion Software Allows Changing, Adding Votes -- "We screwed you
over and changed the outcome of the election. Here's how we did it."
BREAKING / DEVELOPING: "Kraken" intel revealed, PROOF of foreign interference, sent to DNI Ratcliffe and SCOTUS, activates Sep. 2018 EO,
Trump victory clear -- It's a 17 page PDF that shows precisely how the election was stolen.
- Info received from private intel source:
As you know by now, 18 States have joined in on the Texas case before SCOTUS.
Source who works for the Pentagon confirms: "Soon, Trump will take over the National Broadcast System.
Listen and follow Instructions. Don't Panic. Our Military, Law Enforcement and other Great Patriots got this. We will Prevail. Trump 2020.
China has purchased 130k ACRES of land near Laughlin AFB in Del Rio, Texas (even the MSM is confirming this).
Chinese spies have been identified IN CONGRESS. Chinese Parcel Services have been confirmed being received at election centers in US.
Chinese leaders have bragged this week of their influence and control in American politics.
Biden has been confirmed as tied to CCP as well as many high-level US Officials including GA's Gov Kemp.
In 2017 a video shows POTUS stating in Oval Office "a storm is coming." Yesterday 12/7 and today 12/8 the
82nd Airborne posted in 2 separate social media posts: 1.) "A Storm is coming. #CombatReady." 2.) "Final preparations today for Devil Storm.
The morning started with the Combined Arms Rehearsal (CAR) -- the Brigade walk-through of the planned operation, during which Company/Battery/Troop
commanders, along with sustainment leaders, brief the team on the base plan of executing the mission. The day closes out with Sustained Airborne
Training (SAT) for all Paratroopers who will be jumping into the fight. The Storm is upon us. Watch it unfold this week! #StrikeHold #AATW
#DIBP #DevilStorm
Intel points to potential martial law being declared by or on December 14th. Intel is overwhelming that
high-ranking Democrats AND Republicans have conspired and acted in conjunction with the CCP to steal the 2020 election and that the CCP is attempting
to overthrow our government and instill Communism.
Over the past four days, there have been MASSIVE movements of troops, equipment and supplies WITHIN the continental
United States (CONUS). Today (Tue. 12/8), the US Navy is positioning Aircraft carriers and their strike groups off both the US east and west coasts.
It appears we are preparing to defend ourselves from an invasion. China? Late Saturday 12/5, no fewer than 25 C-17 aircraft were in the skies
over the USA, carrying troops and equipment from around the nation -- ALL going to Nellis Air Force Base. Also late Saturday 12/5, no fewer than
12 C-130 aircraft were also on the move, ALSO ALL heading into Nellis.
On Sunday, locals on and around Nellis reported the base was "swarming" with soldiers and Marines.
They also reported seeing a vast array of land fighting vehicles coming out of cargo aircraft.
This morning, according the the US Naval Institute, the Navy has deployed THREE (3) Aircraft Carriers,
plus a Landing Helicopter Dock (LHD) off the US West Coast, and TWO (2) Aircraft carriers and their Strike Groups plus another LHD off the US East Coast.
Off the West Coast is the USS Carl Vinson in the Pacific (NOT AT PORT) along the Oregon/Washington Border, the USS Essex (LHD) off the coast of
San Francisco, and the USS Theodore Roosevelt and its Strike Group off the coast of Los Angeles. Off the East Coast are the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower,
off the Coast of Connecticut; the USS Gerald R. Ford off the coast of New Jersey, and the USS Iwo Jima off the coast of South Carolina.
Given these new naval deployments, and the very large, sudden, movement of troops into Nellis AFB, one gets
the impression that the United States is preparing to defend its homeland from actual invasion.
This comports with two ayahuasca vision quests, where I was shown that Russian and Chinese
troops would both attacks, as they perceive the U.S. to be in a weakened state because of the "civil war."
UK officials warn vaccination will do little to reduce winter coronavirus cases -- It will do nothing to help you, but
we still insist that you take it!
- BREAKING: Pennsylvania Responds to Texas Supreme Court Case -- Says It's Bogus and Seditious --
As one post reads:
"Pennsylvania's response reads like a bad article from The NY Times -- full of the same old buzzwords and lacking any truth or substance.
It reeks of feigned moral superiority. It doesn't address the issues and if we know the SCOTUS, it won't be received well.
- 106 House Republicans Sign Brief Backing Texas Supreme Court Lawsuit Against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin --
"This brief presents [our] concern as Members of Congress, shared by untold millions of their constituents, that the unconstitutional irregularities
involved in the 2020 presidential election cast doubt upon its outcome and the integrity of the American system of elections," states the brief signed
by 106 GOP lawmakers.
- Portland Autonomous Zone Established Despite Mayor's Vow; Police Chief Begs For Peace As Weapons Stockpiled And Assaults Already
Taking Place -- When you vote for communist Democrats, this is what you get.
Philippines' Duterte Vows to 'Resign Tomorrow' if Caught Taking Bribes -- What if every politician on earth took that oath?
December 10, 2020 -- Afternoon / Evening
2020 US Elections & Beyond -- The report itself costs $50. One of the most provocative things that Armstong is saying:
"I warned the objective with these lockdowns is to crush the economy so they can 'build [it] back better,' which means they must destroy the
economy as we know it. They will continue to extend these lockdowns throughout 2021 and use them as the excuse to end democracy and elections
- COVID Ward Nurse Puts Up Christmas Lights At Home, Gets Letter Saying They're A 'Reminder Of Systemic Biases' --
"After a Minnesota nurse who works with patients in a coronavirus ward put up Christmas lights on her home, an anonymous neighbor left her a letter
chastising her because the lights represented 'a reminder of systemic biases against our neighbors who don't celebrate Christmas or who can't
afford to put up lights of their own." This is the insanity of the Bolshevik, communist horde. Damn you if you work hard,
get ahead, and would go to so far as to spend $10 to $80 to put up some Christmas lights.
- UPDATE: 18 States Join Texas in Supreme Court Lawsuit Against Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania
Over Fraudulent Election -- MO, AL, AR, FL, NE, ND, OK, IN, KS, LA, MS, MT, SC, SD, TN, UT, WV, and now AZ.
Russia Readies Nukes After Pentagon Cuts Ties With CIA And Space Force Joins Top Spy Group -- The entire article is shocking.
This site, which usually reveals the Russian perspective, has a series of shocking revelations not stated elsewhere.
China is successfully targeting US members of Congress with communist influence campaigns, warns DNI Ratcliffe --
"The Chinese today are behaving a lot like Imperial Japan did in the late 1920s and throughout the 1930s -- they're slowly but surely implementing a
globalist domination scheme and using their military to enforce and defend it.
"The only exception is that there are far too many American financial and political elite helping them
accomplish their objectives."
President Trump Tweets -- "People Are Upset, and They Have a Right To Be. A Coup Is Taking Place In Front of Our Eyes!" --
Seems pretty straight-forward to me.
Flawed paper behind Covid-19 testing faces being retracted, after scientists expose its ten fatal problems -- PCR's take on this article:
"Is the Covid Pandemic Simply the Product of a Flawed Test?"
Well, we know it is. We've known since March. To fulfill their global objectives, your Elite
pushed this bullshit test so people would shit their pants upon being told they were "positive," and then they could justify their fake
pandemic. Fake -- because -- once again, boys and girls, CoVid is an electromagnetic adaptation illness.
Situation Update, Dec. 10th -- Texas lawsuit with SCOTUS reveals pathway to instant victory for Trump -- Mike Adams is rare form.
Gives a good overview of where we're at. Lasts: 1:12:15.
The coronavirus vaccine is a global extermination weapon targeting the human race -- Same link as previously posted, but read the
section that is 25% of the way down the page.
- World War III "Has Started In Silence" --
"Not Everyone Can Be Saved" -- Came out a few days ago on Few people understand, from a global perspective,
how prevarious our current situation is.
Trump Repeals Alien Treaty And Readies "Samson Option" Defense Of America -- If you don't know what it means, you should
familiarize yourself with the Samson Option.
Why Small Businesses Should Stay Closed Forever! (Humor) -- It would be really funny, if the facts behind it weren't glaringly true.
Elon Musk leaving California for Texas is a 'big warning': James Freeman -- Will California's Democrat, communist politicians
take note and adapt accordingly. Not on your CoVid-infested life!
December 10, 2020 -- Morning
- 17 States Urge Supreme Court to Review Texas Bid to Challenge Election in Battleground States --
"Seventeen states are urging the U.S. Supreme Court to take up Texas's request to challenge the 2020 election results in four battleground states.
The states, led by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, filed a friend-of-the-court brief on Dec. 9 underscoring that the case filed by Texas is of
great public importance and requires the attention of the nation’s top court. Texas on Dec. 7 filed a motion asking for permission to sue Pennsylvania,
Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin in an attempt to protect the integrity of the 2020 election. The Lone Star state alleges that the four key battleground
states unconstitutionally changed election laws, treated voters unequally, and triggered significant voting irregularities by relaxing ballot integrity
The Insurrection Act of 1807: The Case for President Trump Invoking Insurrection Act to Restore Election Integrity --
It may be the only solution left to ensure that any semblance of faith in the electoral process can be preserved. To date, the Courts have,
by and large, proven themselves too cowardly to enforce the law -- the very reason they exist in the first place.
- Newsmax Reports that the Texas Case Before the US Supreme Court Will Determine Whether the Democrats'
Theft of the Presidential Election Will Be Permitted or Voided -- . . . and, in the same vein, this will test whether or not
the Supreme Court is capable of following its own laws. God knows the legislative branch is incapable of it.
MEDICAL EUGENICS: Flu shots are mandatory at Cornell for White people, but "People of Color" (POC) are granted exemptions --
More fueling of extreme identity politics, which leads to our next post:
How the Liberal/Left Destroyed Western Civilization -- It's another masterful PCR essay on how identity politics has eroded the very
foundation of our civilization.
GOP Leader McCarthy Says Democrat Rep Eric Swalwell Should be Removed From Congress After China Spy Report (VIDEO) --
If he is NOT removed, we have effectively seen the legalization of treason by members of the legislative branch.
PROOF: Facebook interfered, tampered with fraudulent 2020 election -- You mean, like Russia was supposed to have done?
FTC and 48 Attorneys General Sue to Break Up Facebook -- It's about damn time.
FDA reveals long list of serious health conditions that may result from covid-19 vaccinations, including death -- Oh, come on.
It's just death. You're kick over sooner or later anyway!
Gen. McInerney says Trump needs to declare national emergency, seize all Dominion machines -- One way or another, my sense is that
we're headed for something close to invoking the Insurrection Act. The theft of the election was so aggregious and over-the-top.
- "Mask mouth," skin disease and breathing difficulties: Experts reveal the dangers of prolonged use of face masks --
Yet Joe Biden wants to make wearing masks nearly all the time a new national law. It's insane. Utterly insane.
- Now That The FBI Has Acknowledged Chinese Spies Going After Politicians, Can We Talk About Hunter Biden's Laptop Now? --
Nawww -- that would be the fair or even logical thing to do. When, since the CoVid Scamdemic have you seen anything fair or logical?
December 9, 2020 -- Afternoon & Evening
December 9, 2020 -- Morning
- "Greg, what can you recommend to help me AFTER I get the vaccine. I work for a company that is forcing me to take it
this month" -- I've gotten three emails like that this month. Mandatory vaccines in some places is already in place. The vaccine
makers are pushing the levers of power to make it as mandatory as possible in as many places as they can.
The Dark Truth About the COVID Vaccine That Even Fauci Admits -- Leftists think the vaccine is the Holy Grail that will allow
society to return to normnal. But even Fauci admits that this isn't so. And the rest of us know why: the vaccine wasn't designed to
address CoVid. It was designed to address overpopulation.
Situation Update, Dec. 8th -- All ballots after Nov. 3rd are NULL AND VOID; Texas files lawsuit with SCOTUS to nullify rigged
elections in FOUR swing states -- We've heard this before, so -- let's see.
Texas sues Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin for election fraud; EIGHT states join the lawsuit --
The battles lines for civil war are already being drawn.
The same organized fraud that took place in Michigan took place in Georgia on election night -- We're seeing the same patterns
of fraudulent behavior repeated over and over.
- "This Is The End All, Be All Case" -- Trump Attorney Jordan Sekulow: MI, GA, PA and WI Are Required to Respond to
Texas Case by Thursday, This is Good News (Video) -- It's coming down to the wire.
ANTIFA: Radio host says Georgia legislators fear 'Atlanta is going to burn' if they call special session -- There is something deeply
wrong with your country if lawmakers are scared to death of gang members, thugs, and paid rioters. And this is happening in a supposed
superpower? Really? What's powerful about it? Maybe defunding the police all over the country wasn't such a great idea.
Shock survey results show 90+% against gov's COVID/vax hoax -- People aren't buying any of it. Good luck with enforcing mandatory
- House, Senate Bills Prioritize Foreign Nationals as 24.5M Americans Remain Jobless, Underemployed --
As I've said before, Americans lawmakers represent their constituencies in name only. Being a politician is a career move, and representing
the "People" exists in "name only." If CoVid has taught anybody anything, it is that the People are on their own with no one to truly
represent their interests. If the election taught anybody anything, it is that politicians do not need to serve the people.
The one weapon they had: voting, has been shown to be a sham, now that we know that the real power brokers have been picking who
they want in power for years.
- BREAKING: Dirty Judge Sullivan Finally Dismisses Case Against General Flynn Following Trump Pardon --
This is a continuation of a story I posted yesterday. A liberal federal judge decides it's better to follow the law after all.
Imagine that. A liberal judge following the law.
December 8, 2020
Company hired to audit Georgia's votes has extensive ties to Dominion -- "The so-called 'audit' of votes that took place in Georgia at the
direction of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, a Republican, was conducted by a company called Pro V&V that reports indicate is a close ally
of Dominion Voting Systems." By all means -- let's have the wolves guard the hen house.
'Tsunami' of vote-fraud evidence rolled out in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan -- Something we already know.
The question is: does it matter anymore how mountainous the proof of election fraud becomes?
Gutfeld on the hypocrisy of COVID restrictions on bars and restaurants -- The lockdowns are heartbreaking, unnecessary,
and financial crushing to millions of people. How does this not make it demonstrable just how divorced the needs of power-hungry
politicians are from those of ordinary people?
If you’re mildly conservative on Twitter, you’re Hitler | if you're mildy leftist, you're Trotsky /
Ricky Gervais | SVT/TV 2/Skavlan -- The relevant part begins at 8:20 and
ends around 11:45. Using the most politically correct language he could muster, Gervais makes the point that intolerance
is killing everything of value. I don't agree with all comments, but he's thought provoking and worth listening to.

"I've Had Enough!"
December 7, 2020 -- Afternoon / Evening
- Glenn Beck: "You and I would go to prison for the
rest of our lives if we did half the things these leftist politicians do in Washington every day, all day, on any given day." (6:19,
paraphrased) -- And it's only gotten worse since Beck kicked this out a couple weeks ago.
Director of National Intelligence: Election ‘Issues’ Need to Be Resolved Before Winner Declared -- We'll see juset how
much traction this gets.
Another Blow to Cuomo and De Blasio: Financial Titan Considers Move from Blue NY to Red Florida -- Ok, we've got
Californians leaving for Texas to get away from Democrat hell,
Oregonians leaving for other states to get away from Democrat hell,
and more recently, Cuomo and de Blasio Get Brutal News --This Could Send NY Off the Deep End, which is about
Goldman Sachs, as New Yorkish as it gets, fishing for better pastures in Florida -- to get away from Democrat hell. This is what
Democrat policies bring: people who will make huge sacrifices to get away from it.
- Trump and Holographic Med Beds -- I have no idea if this is true or science fiction, but if it's true, if it exists,
it is something worth fighting for. For ourselves and for future generations.
December 7, 2020 -- Morning
Democrats say it's okay to vote without ID, but you must have a vaccine ID to walk around society -- The media
has reached a point where even those inside the Ministry of Propaganda are no longer capable of appreciating the cognitive disonance.
Situation Update, Dec. 6th -- China owns DOMINION, and controls all the officials who run the machines at every level of government --
Puts everything that's happened in 2020 into perspective.
Dilbert Creator Scott Adams -- The 2020 Election Was "Non-Transparent by Force" -- It's Illegitimate -- Period --
Now more people in celebrity status need to come out and state the obvious.
World Food Program Director: 270 Million People Now "Marching Toward Starvation" In Wake of COVID-19 -- How long have I been
saying this is by design?
Canada Warns Conspiracy Theorists Could Burn 5G Towers, Claiming Link To Virus -- Golly gee. I can't imagine why they'd
want to do something like that. Can you?
One of Obama's adopted Moroccan daughters posts video of brain-dead Joe Biden walking into a funeral home, and adds the text:
"I have a bad feeling folks." -- He LOOKS like a dead man walking. So what do you have when a dead man walking stops walking?
Still with me? Hello? What color was George Washington's white horse?
Chicago Teachers Union Claims Push to Reopen Schools 'Rooted in Sexism, Racism, Misogyny' -- What some leftists will do so they don't
have to go to work and do their f****** jobs!
- BLM Gets a Lesson in How 'Trained Marxism' Really Works, as Leader Rakes in Millions While Chapters Get Nothing --
George Orwell understood this well, and it's major theme of his novel, Animal Farm. In all communist systems, there is a super priveleged group
at the top -- the nomenklatura as they called it in Russia -- and then everyone else is a slave laborer. This is what Americans voted for
when they voted for Joe Biden.
Experts Warn Against a Rushed Covid Vaccine -- (PCR) -- "A number of experts, including the former scientific director and vice president
of Pfizer, are warning that a rushed Covid vaccine could be more dangerous than Covid itself. These expert voices are the voices that are being
prohibited on social media and are the voices that Google makes hard to find. It seems that it is important for the Establishment to control the
explanations. This should make us suspicious."
COVID-19 Vaccine Bombshell: FDA Documents Reveal DEATH + 21 Serious Conditions As Possible Adverse Outcomes -- Do the FDA documents say
anything about the importance of wearing a mask while in the coffin, after the CoVid vaccine kills you, so that the CoVid virus doesn't
catch CoVid?
The Covid Vaccine Is an Anti-fertility Vaccine -- PCR's short comments on this article are as vital as the article itself:
- The Covid Vaccine Is an Anti-fertility Vaccine
- Eugenics Cannot Be Taught in Universities But It Can Be Practiced by the Global Elite
- The global elite are redesigning women as devices for sexual pleasure that cannot be impregnated.
- This is a very important article. It argues that the global elite have taken control and are in the process of exterminating us.
(I've been arguing this for a long time. It is a theme that is prominent in my book, Living on the Precipice. What is unusual is for someone
of Paul Craig Robert's stature to give it his imprimatur.)
- You can laugh and shout "conspiracy theory" but Mike Whitney backs up his explanation with the evidence. Here is the referenced article itself:
The Covid-19 Vaccine; Is the Goal Immunity or Depopulation?.
December 6, 2020
Oliver Stone: Here's Why Trump Should Pardon Snowden, Assange -- "Why @realDonaldTrump should pardon @Snowden & #Assange:
- It will take the edge off his pardons for his family & loyalists by being unselfish and not self-serving. And at the least,
confound his many critics -- as well as future historians.
- It will drive his enemies in #DeepState and #Media absolutely nuts! A reproof to @BarackObama's #DOJ,
a shock to @JoeBiden, and a well-deserved
finger to one of the worst of the bad losers, @HillaryClinton, who essentially started this 4 years of destructive disinformation. A pardon of
@Snowden and #Assange would be a great shock to this world, and reflect well on @realDonaldTrump. Despite all the negatives he's created, it will
be seen as a purely merciful action. It will not be forgotten."
Snowflake CEO Earns $95 Million Per Month -- These CEO pay packages are mind-numbingly obscene and a slap in the face to the real
workers who run the company. Their comeback? "Greed is good! Didn't you see Wall Street, the movie?" Somehow, I don't think this
is what Gekko had in mind.
"I'm Just Not Buying It" -- Jeff Gundlach Raises Questions About COVID Vaccine's '95%' Efficacy Rate -- Somebody explain to me how
a vaccine is necessary in the first place to fight against a virus that is provably non-contagious in the first place -- a virus where the
true etiology is electromagnetic maladaptation.
The Vaccine Rush Is A Race Against Capital Flight -- "There is no greater story today than the race to get a vaccine for COVID-19 into
the hands of as many people as possible. It’s not because the vaccines on order are so effective or that COVID-19 is so deadly.
"It is needed because of the perception that COVID-19 is so deadly that a vaccine will provide some form of relief.
"That perception is genuine in the minds of those still fearful of the virus.
"But that perception is itself a political agenda created to keep enough people fearful of the virus that they
will welcome the vaccine. This is simply manufactured demand and it has infected the entire market complex."
Moscow Has Begun First Ever "Large-Scale" COVID Vaccinations Saturday -- "Russian officials have announced that mass distribution of the
Sputnik V vaccine has begun in Moscow, which has long been the COVID-19 epicenter in Russia. This on the same day the capital city reported a record
one-day high of 7,993 infections on Saturday." My guess is that they're injecting distilled water. I doubt the Russian government would inject
its own people with a debilitating vaccine. This is a marketing show. The real market for Sputnik V is OUTSIDE the Soviet Union -- er, sorry --
the Republic of Russia. Just like CoVid-19 -- and the perception of its deadly effects -- was and is a pollitical weapon, so is the vaccine,
which now leads me to talk about the latest from Mike Adams below:
- Situation Update, Dec. 5th -- Operation Warp Speed is a CCP-engineered conspiracy to cause mass vaccine casualties
across the United States military -- It's brilliant, really. Use the vaccine to crush the U.S. military by disabling its
soldiers and other military personnel. Far more millions will die from the vaccine than CoVid itself could have ever killed. Just watch.
CoVid, first and foremost, is a part of a military plan. It only SOUNDS like conspiracy theory until you examine all the facts.
- China Whistleblower with Royal Ancestry Steps Forward -- Reveals Video, Photos of Alleged Chinese Counterfeit Ballot Printing
Operations of US Ballots for MS, FL and NC -- "As reported last weekend at The Gateway Pundit -- video was released on Friday in Mandarin
Chinese of a phone call request for fake ballots customized by Chinese factory. The manufacturer is reportedly in Kwangtung, China." And still, still --
the U.S. mainstream media reports that there is NO evidence of fraud -- again, testing the upper limits of extreme gaslighting.
- Comment from a friend:-- Two things: "Recently, after letting out the important details on coming vaccines equipped with tracking
information we should consider a catchy name for this "life saving" drug. How about...COW I.D."
Next: "I have a magazine that says I don't have to take the vaccine. It doesn't contain any pages.
It has rounds."
- HAPPENING NOW: California Trump Supporters Take Over Huntington Beach Pier to Protest Curfew (VIDEOS) --
"A large crowd of Trump supporters have taken over Huntington Beach Pier in protest of Gov. Gavin Newsom's curfew orders."
What? There are people who don't want to stay locked inside their homes and die. How dare they!
- Trump Has 258,000 Watching His Rally on RSBN -- Or 258 Times More Viewers than Joe Biden's Thanksgiving Speech
-- The Most Popular Democrat In Universal History -- Testing the outer limits of human gullibility.
GA: Trump Supporters Rip Into Fox News Reporter Griff Jenkins -- "Traitors! . . . We trusted you!" [VIDEO] --
"100 Percent Fed Up -- It's usually CNN that gets yelled at for being fake news, but today was a different story at this Trump rally. Fox News reporter,
Griff Jenkins, was yelled at by Trump supporters. People yelled "traitor" and "we trusted you" at the lone Fox News reporter standing behind a taped
"Americans are FED UP with fake news and biased, lying media. The election exposed Fox News for being anti-Trump,
so now they are getting an earful from conservatives. Ratings at Fox News have crashed since the election because Americans want truth in the media."
- STUNNING: Michigan and Pennsylvania Secretaries of State Gave Far Left Rock the Vote Activists Access to Sensitive Data on
All Voters -- Makes you wonder. Is there any facet of the U.S. 2020 Election that wasn't marred with illegality, subterfuge, payoffs,
and political and military tactics and manuevers? Just like the Antifa/BLM riots? Just like CoVid? Just like the entire vaccine phenomenon,
going all the way back to the 1790s? To-wit:
- Dominion Advisor Met With John Podesta Offering ‘Anything’ That Would Help Defeat Trump, According to Email Released
by WikiLeaks -- You'll never see or hear this on CNN.
- Breaking: GEORGE SOROS Appoints Lord Mark Malloch Brown -- The Former President of Smartmatic --
to Lead Open Society Foundation -- "By their fruits shall you know them."
Trump in GA: "If you don't vote, the socialists and the communists win." -- My concern is that all too many people will legitimately
counter with; "And if we DO vote, the Democrats will just use their Dominion machines to alter our vote, gsslight us, laugh at us, and make us look
ridiculous for even trying to cast a vote in the first place. Since the Courts, the mainstream media, Big Tech, and many Republicans
now take the position that cheating is okay and goes unpunished, what's the point?"
December 5, 2020
- Meanwhile --- let's open the manila folder marked, "How do we accelerate the mass starvation of all these useless eaters?
The CoVid thing just isn't doing it to ramp up this most necessary mass die-off of these disgusting humans."
'2021 going to be catastrophic,' UN warned it faces worst crises in its history -- WFP chief David Beasley sounded the alarm at a United Nations
General Assembly meeting on Friday, convened to discuss the coronavirus pandemic and worldwide efforts to blunt its impact. He warned that some
270 million people are now "marching toward starvation" and that, in some countries, famine is "around the horizon."
Soybean Shortage & Cyberattack on Food Supply Chain: Achilles' Heel -- It's all coordinated. Don't act surprised.
They hate you. You're disgusting. They've said so. And if they can starve you out, it's just another form of entertainment for
for less-than-human leaders who run your world.
Fun times. Enjoy.
- Flooding in China Wipes Out Crops --
No wonder China has used its influence to buy up Big Tech and the Mainstream Media so that it becomes easier to take over the U.S.'s
food supply. It's brilliant, when you think about it -- you know -- in a satanic sort of way.
Corporate Control of Diminishing Food in Fear & Greed -- When there are diminishing food resources, who do you think is going to be
the first to go? Your ET elite? Or you?
- 2021 Food Inflation --
Skip the hype on precious metals and crypto.
This vodeo has important information on the effects of all the aforementioned phenomenon on food prices in 2021. Skip to 6:32, because
there it gets interesting concerning the effects on food prices. Huge, huge food problems throughout Asia -- in Russia and China.
In South America, droughts in Uruguay and Argentina dramatically cutting food production.
December 4, 2020 -- Evening
Tucker: Experts finally admit they were wrong from the beginning -- This came out on Fox on Nov 30., 4 days ago.
Still quite relevant in light of all the clinical evidence that's pouring out that most CoVid advisements have been based
on pure horseshit. Am I too harsh? Nawww. The only thing that I picked up permanently having had CoVid myself is an
incorrigible, incalitrant case of potty mouth --- with something it's outrageous, it's an easy affliction to pick up.
So let me guess this straight --- because we want to be as scientifically accurate as possible.
Kids shouldn't go to school. Yes, they should. No, they shouldn't. Yes, they should. Actually, studies show that kids are less
likely to get CoVid if they eat their breakfast BEFORE 7 a.m. and have their first healthy shit for the day before 7:32 a.m. -- and
if they don't, then they should NOT go to school. Kids should brought to school in a vehicle with a license plate number ending
in an odd number on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Even numbers: Tuesdays and Thursdays. If they violate this, they'll probably
get CoVid. You understand that there's no end to how ridiculous we could make this, right?
And yet as ridiculous as it is, it is no more ridiculous than anything that has come out of
that bullshitter's mouth, Dr. Anthony Fauci, M.B.S.E. (Medical Bullshit Extraordinaire).
Defense Bill Aims to Halt Drawdown of US Troops in Afghanistan -- Forget it. Bring the troops home. We need them here.
These Democrat communists are a far greater threat to the Republic than any combination of Afghans, Russians, Yemeni, Somalis,
Iranians, or Iraqis. Besides . . . everybody knows that the only reason we have troops in Afghanistan anymore is to protect the
CIA's poppy fields. Yeah -- shut up -- heroin is a good business!
Situation Update -- Dec. 4th -- Offensive cyber warfare mechanisms activated, election outcome now bending toward national
defense scenario -- I don't see any other sensible options. I tend to agree with Mike on this.
Situation Update, Dec. 4th --
Offensive cyber warfare mechanisms all ACTIVATED is the Brighteon presentation with details and clocks in at 1:09:04.
POLL: Republican Confidence In Economy Plunges After Election -- And why shouldn't it plunge. Basement Bi-Deng has all but promised
to destroy the economy with his left-wing lunatic policies as soon as he gets into office.
Basement Biden to CNN: If Kamala and I Disagree on Principle -- "I'll Develop Some Disease and Say I Have to Step Down" (VIDEO) --
You just can't make this shit up. For real. You just can't. We've been hearing for months that senile, wilting Biden is just a placeholder for
Harris, who is even a more mentally dysfunctional puppet than Biden is.
Georgia governor calls for signature audit amid 'smoking gun' evidence -- "Georgia Republican Gov. Brian Kemp has asked his secretary of state
to conduct a signature audit of the ballots cast in the 2020 presidential election after evidence was presented that President Trump's personal lawyer
Rudy Giuliani called a 'smoking gun.' "
This is significant because Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp is a U.S. traitor with connections to
the Dominion Voting Co. He's not a real Republican. He's not even a real American. He is -- to use a favorite word of the Founding Fathers --
an "usurper." This is the equivalent of saying, "Oh shit. We got caught, guys! We're going to have to let the opposing team find out what
we did."
Schumer backs Biden plan to let boys shower with girls -- Do they get to sniff their hair, too --- you know, like Biden likes to do
all the time. Or do the boys get to molest and have sex with the girls, too -- you know -- behave like Hunter Biden does.
CNN chief calls Trump a 'national security threat' -- Of course, he does. More left=wing reverse projection, because the truth is:
CNN really IS a national security threat to the U.S. and its citizens.
San Francisco Orders New COVID Lockdown; CDC Asks Americans To Wear Masks Indoors Unless At Home -- Another ridiculous
set of public policies. Another directive that essentiall says, "Not enough people are getting into auto-asphyxiation, satanic ritualism.
We need to change that, flex our political muscle, and make satan proud." I'm not exaggerating.
Governor Urges Kids To Rat Out Their Parents' COVID-Rule Violations -- I've already reported some of this earlier in the week.
How quickly the U.S. went from "Land of the Free, Home of the Brave" to "Land of the Slave, Home of the Timid."
December 4, 2020 -- Afternoon
Trump lawyer: Biden team should be getting 'nervous' -- "In an interview with Newsmax TV, (Trump campaign attorney, Jordan Sekulow)
said the Trump campaign cases argue that there was enough fraud in the elections in swing states to cast doubt on the outcome. The remedy, he said,
should be to put the outcome in the hands of the state legislatures that select electors to the Electoral College. The electors are selected Dec. 8
and the vote is Dec. 14." Nawwww. I prefer the Insurrection Act.
- Electoral Fraud Is Easy in America / Judicial Watch analysis finds 29 states with voter registration over 100% --
And still. And still. And still --- millions of Americans get their inuformation from the mainstream media and think it's truthful.
Media lose cool when Trump points out the obvious -- "But wait! Wait! The AP has called the presidential race for Joe Biden!
It isn't democratic to not let Democrats cheat and turn the U.S. into a communist slave state! Only the whore faux-media journalists at AP
have the right to determine who the next president will be." Oh, the outrage!
'Treasonous' enemies within: 3-star general pushes Trump to use emergency powers -- "Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney [U.S. Air Force Retired] said
in a no-holds-barred interview that he doesn't believe the courts are likely to come through for President Trump.
"Despite massive amounts of evidence of widespread irregularities, many judges appear either unable or unwilling
to sort through allegations of rigged voting machines and dozens of affidavits from eyewitnesses to ballot stuffing, denial of Republican poll watchers
from observing the process, evidence of more votes cast in hundreds of precincts than were registered to vote, and a host of other irregularities."
Face masks offer no protection from the coronavirus to the people who wear them -- study -- We've all known this for a long
time. I've been talking about it since March, when I myself got a nasty case of CoVid, only to see no one around me getting it, even
though no one out in the country wears them. (I got CoVid because of my frequent trips to Guayaquil, where heavy 5G testing had been
Joe Biden says that when he's president "everyone will be required to wear masks" (except for high-level
politicians who only wear them when the camaras are rolling anyway). Think about that. Mask wearing is a filthy, disgusting practice, but
Biden wants to make it a national law to wear them. Is it even conceivable that millions of people could have possibly voted for this dirtbag?
In fact -- let's check out his latest comments on mask wearing :::
Biden Reveals Mask-Wearing Request He Will Issue to Every American on Inauguration Day -- "Joe Biden said Thursday that he will ask Americans
to commit to 100 days of wearing masks as one of his first acts as president, stopping just short of the nationwide mandate he’s pushed before."
Remember -- there are millions of hopelessly ignorant Americans who actually think this is a good idea
and actually voted for it.
The Shadow Party -- How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party --
I've said it for the longest time: this is NOT our grandparents' Democratic Party. It is something entirely different. Sadly, there are
millions of Americans who don't read, don't investigate, get their "facts" from the mainstream media, and are a grave hazard to the rest
of us.
I'm Not Saying Donald Trump Is Planning a Coup, but He's Doing Exactly What Someone Would Do if They Were Planning a Coup -- This article is
written by an incorrigible black racist from hell, fully onboard with anything and everything progressive leftists could possibly dredge up.
If you're like me, you won't be able to finish it without reaching for the anti-nausea medication, but it's instructive for a different reason:
it tells you what leftists fear. And they have reason to fear. They should be fearful. They're election fraud is being revealed everywhere,
and one things that thieves and con artists of every stripe hate with equal intensity is getting outed.
Well, it's happening, you incompetent demons. Eat it. Own it. Live with it. And then die with it.
I'll be very disappointed, along with about 70 million other Americans, if Trump does NOT initiate
this so-called "coup." A coup is exactly what the Democrats have been executing for the past 4+ years.

"Holy crap!"
December 4, 2020 -- Morning
Situation Update, Dec. 3rd -- Trump invokes foreign interference provision of his 2018 executive order, authorizing military
response to cyber warfare, see NSPM 13 -- Released last night (3rd). Runs: almost 1:10:00.
Here is Mike Adams' take on Trump's now infamous
December 2nd speech.
Obama, Biden and Schiff committed treason against America through cyber warfare election fraud -- The "kraken" is finally being released,
and it is revealing that big Democrat names like Joe Biden, Adam Schiff and Barack Obama committed treason against the United States by engaging in
cyber warfare against our election process.
Georgia officials approve extended mail-in ballots, paving the way to STEAL run-off senate races like they stole the 2020
Presidential election -- With prosecution and severe penalties, there will be no end to this fraud.
Dec. 14 electoral "deadline" irrelevant when treasonous election fraud persists -- We'll see.
It's true if Trump invokes the Insurrection Act.
Democrats and "entrenched interests" want Trump gone, acting like they already knew the outcome of the election --
They knew the outcome because they engineered it. That much is quite clear.
Tsunami of voter fraud evidence is about to sweep away media's claim that Biden won -- Every day, there's yet another deluge
of evidence.
December 3, 2020
Alex Jones Reacts To Trump's Historic Speech On Election Fraud -- One of the most prominent voices in alternative media gives
his take on Trump's historic speech last night. Here is the
actual video by Jones -- runs 6:43.
Situation Update, Dec. 2nd -- Trump readies martial law option for defending the republic -- He may have no other reasonable choice.
- Democrats Pile Body Bags in Front of GOP Senators' Doorways in Disgusting Threat --
Fake News Media Is Silent -- These are the people who want to run the U.S. These are the people who are being
protected by Big Tech and the Mainstream Media. Never forget who your friends are and those who would kill you because
you do not share their agenda or the values of the demonically possessed.
Attorney Lin Wood, patriot group, call on Trump to use wartime executive powers like Lincoln did and order new,
fair elections under military authority -- Trump may not want it. But he has an army of supporters who are demanding it.
Swiss bank majority-owned by communist China paid Dominion parent company $400 million -- Less than a month before the election,
a Swiss bank that is 75 percent owned by communist China forked over $400 million in cash to Staple Street Capital, the parent company of
Dominion Voting Systems.
Trump to veto NDAA defense bill if Congress doesn't repeal Section 230 -- The objective is clear and simple: the U.S. government
shouldn't give a free pass to the very entities that are seeking to overthrow it. What sensible government of the People wouldn't do this?
US corporations lobbying against bill cracking down on products made with Xinjiang forced labor -- Corporate entities who side with
the left are showing their true colors. If they had their way, we would ALL be working in forced labor conditions, one of the very purposes
for which the FEMA concentration camps were constructed.
Trump campaign lawyer says former federal cybersecurity official who committed treason should be "taken out at dawn and shot" --
Some might say he deserves worse.
The fox guarded the henhouse this election cycle -- In a recent statement, the Election Infrastructure Government Coordinating Council (GCC)
Executive Committee declared the Nov. 3 election to be "the most secure in American history." But how can that be when the very entities that we know
committed fraud were the same ones tasked with "protecting" against it?
How George Soros stole our election: A cautionary tale from an Albanian patriot -- "The Albanian people suffered tremendously under brutal
communist dictatorships for the better part of a century. In the post-war order, we were stripped of the basic freedoms to speak and assemble,
let alone hold free and fair elections." This is what the left wants for Americans. This is what Biden-supporters, knowingly and unknowingly
voted for.
Election theft is an act of WAR, and now we must defend our nation from traitorous Democrats and their co-conspirators --
As evidence of election fraud is laid out in front of the state legislatures, Americans can now see that there was a coordinated, multi-layered attack
on the United States. Election theft is not about politics. It's not a petty crime that should be forgiven and forgotten. It's not something anyone
should concede to. Election theft is an act of war on the country, and now Americans must defend their nation from corrupt high-level Democrats,
their army of left-wing street criminals, and other traitorous operatives who have conspired against the USA and did everything in their power to remove
the President so they could install their own puppet dictator to get what they want.
Trump: Dec 2nd -- "Most important speech I've ever given."
December 2, 2020 -- Afternoon / Evening
Situation Update, Dec. 2nd -- Trump readies martial law option for defending the republic -- Things are starting to get wild.
After mounting evidence, FDA, CDC now admit that coronavirus tests are faulty -- The test is faulty? Really? Somebody
tell me something about the common CoVid narrative that is NOT faulty. "If the test itself ain't fit, then the Covid
thing ain't shit, and for lockdowns don't submit!" (There's a rap song in there somewhere, I just know it.)
Attorney Lin Wood, patriot group, call on Trump to use wartime executive powers like Lincoln did and order new, fair elections under
military authority -- Not a bad idea. It would be better than the complete mess we have now.
- This Is What Will Happen If Trump Does Not Enact the Insurrection Act Within 10 Days --
We're out of time. Trump is out of time. My thinking is that if he doesn't do something radical, like invoke the Insurrection Act,
most people will reach the conclusion that Trump has secretly been a part of the global "master plan" all along. It's disconcerting that
Trump's attorneys are showing more enthusiasm and conviction in fighting against the greatest election fraud in U.S. history than Trump does.
If you don't do anything else today or tonight, you should read this article.
Pennsylvania bombshell: Biden 99.4% v. Trump 0.6% -- "Incredible. Impossible. Scandalous."
Time-Tested Three-Pronged Strategy To Bring In 'Dragnet Of Domination And Control' Now Being Executed Across America --
If you understand the plan, you understand why everything around you is being orchestrated. Nothing is by chance.
UK Minister Warns Brits Could Be Denied Normal Life Without COVID Vaccination -- Brits could be denied entry into bars, theaters,
and sporting events if they can not prove they've received vaccination against COVID-19, according to the head of the United Kingdom's vaccine rollout.
Fauci Slammed For Finally Admitting Schools Should Be Open -- Same old, same old. It's 100% politics and 0% science.
Putin Orders Mass Covid Vaccinations To Begin Next Week In Russia -- "The vaccination against Covid-19 will be voluntary, and Russian citizens
will be getting the shots free of charge." For now. That's the point here. For now.
UK PM Boris Johnson: COVID-19 Vaccine Won't Be Mandatory -- For now. Be on the lookout. For now.
British Army Deployed To Handle "Anti-Vaccine Propaganda" And Protests -- "The British Army's Information Warfare Unit is being deployed to
deal with "anti-vaccine propaganda" heading into the rollout of the vaccine, The Daily Mail reports. The unit was launched in 2010 and is part of the
Army's 77th Brigade, which "often works with psychological operations"."
Barr Comments 'Twisted' By AP, DoJ Says Not Done Probing Election Fraud -- Barr is smart enough to know how his comment would be
taken and published.
Project Veritas Infiltrates CNN 'Rundown' Calls; Execs Trash Trump, Call Tucker Carlson 'White Supremacy Hour' --
Project Veritas has done it again -- this time having surreptitiously recorded CNN's 9 a.m. morning 'rundown' calls for months, during which they
recorded CNN president Jeff Zucker and other executives telling their fake news foot soldiers how to spin the news.
One-World Currency Included In The "Endgame" Reset -- "The fate of dollar-dominated assets and their value when the dust finally settles
should be a huge concern but most Americans fail to grasp the implications."
- Overheard at an Arizona Restaurant -- Americans are Seething Over Stolen Election No Matter How Hard the Fake News Tries to
Hide It -- It's a tiny slice of what's happening all over the country. One point of agreement among a proponderance of people:
Trump is not doing enough to counter the election fraud. He's MIA and people are scared.
December 2, 2020 -- Morning
Retired 3-star General McInerney calls for President Trump to invoke Insurrection Act, suspend Habeas Corpus, declare
martial law and initiate MASS ARRESTS under military authority -- I don't see it happening. Trump doesn't have the stomach
for it. He doesn't even have the stomach to fire Bill Barr, head of the DOJ, who's apparently cooperating with the co-conspirators.
(See below.)
Daily Beast Editor Calls For "Humiliation" And "Incarceration" For Trump Supporters -- That's now 80% of Americans. Same
think happened with the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. "History may not repeat itself, but it sure does rhythm" (Mark Twain).
"Superforecasters" Now See 90% Odds 200 Million Americans Will Be Vaccinated By October -- Sufficient to ensure that
there will never be an end to the fake "CoVid waves."
- Report: Bill Barr Says DOJ Has Not Uncovered Evidence of Widespread Voter Fraud -- It's truly outrageous.
We now know that Barr is there to represent the interests of the Deep State.
- AG Barr Destroys His Name for All Eternity --
His Actions Today Confirm He Is Just Another Card-Carrying Swamp Rat -- He's another swamp creature. To essentially say that no
election fraud occurred is beyond irresponsible. Trump should have fired him immediately.
CNBC poll shows 73% of Trump supporters believe he is the legitimate winner of the election -- I'm surprised that it's only 73%.
On the other hand, pollsters haven't proven themselves very reliable for several years now.
- asks important questions:
- Why did the outbreak in China end without a vaccine and why is no one talking about it?
- Why did Fauci write a paper about the Spanish Flu saying it was not the flu that killed so many it was bacterial pneumonia from the masks
breathing in their own expelled bacteria?
- Why did countries that did little or nothing, no lockdowns mask requirements flatten the curve and are now finished with the epidemic due
to herd immunity?
- Why does the recommended mask box say will not protect from Cov-19 and why are they saying masks will NOT protect you from smoke
when a virus is 1000 times smaller?
- Why did the creator of the Covid test state it is unreliable and should not be used, why was he killed shortly thereafter?
- How did 200 tests turn up positive when they were sent in by a team of suspicious doctors and nurses unused, and why did a goat and a pau pau fruit test positive in Africa?
- What are the consequences of lockdowns, shutting down businesses, forced masks, mentally, socially and economically?
- Latest evidence is showing we have a .0001 percent chance of catching and dying from Covid, it is less deadly than previous flus while we still need to protect the elderly and those with compromised immune systems or previous conditions why the lockdowns and mandatory masks now?
- Why is the spike going up and the deaths going down could it be the massive testing with fraudulent test kits and why did some governors of democratic states force infected people into rest homes and hospice care facilities?
- Is there a plan to take down America, destroy the economy, decrease the population, introduce socialism, who is financing it, executing it and how do lockdowns, closing businesses, forced masks fit into this plan?
- Last question is who stands to make billions with mandatory or forced vaccinations, do they believe in eugenics, population control, what is in the vaccinations and why have so many died or had adverse effects to the vaccinations?
- All freedom loving health conscious people need to research and answer these questions no matter what party or affiliation. It is time for critical thinking, do your own research and do not depend on the pathological liars in main stream media or social media and their fakecheckers.
December 1, 2020
And now the latest fix for our chronic, incurable Trumpsturbaters:
(Did you know that reading too much alternative media will make you go blind?
Okay, okay -- never mind . . . Bad joke).
- Situation Update -- Nov. 30th -- Is Joe Biden preparing to CONCEDE? Rumors emerge of Biden seeking pardon deal
from Trump -- I know this is a major wet dream for conservatives, but will it happen? I certainly hope so -- but it seems too
good to be true.
High level arrests and detainment have begun! Be ready for craziness and get lots of popcorn. -- More pol porn for Hopium addicts.
I don't mean to sound so jaded, but I've heard this before. But know that I pray with all my heart that it's true. I'm an honorary
Missourian -- "show me."
Post Election Update #6: U.S. Military 2020 Election Sting Operation Leading to Trump 2nd Term Landslide -- Latest from Scott McKay.
Posted on Friday, but still fresh and current. Trumpsturbaters should beware spending too much time listening to Scott McKay's YouTube channel.
You'll run out of sperm.
DC INSIDER: Gina Haspel, CIA Director, Found Dead From 'Natural Causes.' Shock at CIA Langley headquarters. Right now as this just has
circulated around DC about an hour ago. Now its going viral in gov circles but there is currently a strict news blackout. --
This was put up by British politician on Twitter by Simon Parkes. His name appears nowhere, so you only know this if -- like myself -- you
have followed Simon Parkes' work. The headline is exactly what he says, however, "You have to read between the lines."
Events are occurring that are shaking up things at the top. Massive gun battle occurred in Germany (I've covered this in previous posts)
"like you'd see in a Hollywood movie." Five special forces servicemen were killed. Military flights to Gitmo now running 600 per day.
Trump team did, indeed, capture the Dominion servers. The best part comes after 07:30:00.
Biden family going down. The evidence is plentiful that what Biden and the Democrat Party were involved in was nothing short of
the overthrow of the entire U.S. government. The need for stability as we enter the "clean up" phase will be so great that "Trump may
end up serving a third term." (A Constitutional amendment would be required.) Trump won closer to 400 electoral votes.
Indictments being drawn up for some of the "biggest names." Important to listen to all 17:58. "We are seeing a Reset in the true
democratic sense. Experts will be brought in to strengthen the U.S. Constitution. It's all very exciting news. Justice is coming for
'these people.'"
My Comments After Listening: -- If the things that Simon Parkes is revealing
ARE true, it is very good news, indeed. I thought it was interesting that he himself said, in so many words, "I'm sick and tired of all this
false hope that's been circulating for years." That having been said, he proceeds with caution to lay out what his own intel sources are
telling him, and -- for whatever reason -- he is convinced that it's actually happening." See this before Twitter takes it down.
General Flynn Takes Command Of "Q" Forces -- Warns "This Is Still A Coup In Progress" -- Same information from Russian Intel sources
unconnected with leftist communist forces in the U.S.. Critical information at the bottom of this article. Here's the crux:
Differing from the previous post, Haspel was injured but is not dead.
"Haspel, a true American traitor in the purest sense of the word, was injured during the raid, after which she was
flown to Gitmo and received a tribunal for treason. She agreed to help Trump for a lighter sentence of life which can be revoked if she
chooses to not cooperate. She has now turned over information on the servers, what they were for, what they did, and who was involved."
My Comments: Ok, Trumpsturbaters. Keep your pants on. Were going to find out
soon enough if any of this true. However, if it is true -- and it's coming from multiple sources now -- it truly is cause to celebrate.
[Written in the spirit of Holiday cheer:]
"On the first day of Christmas, my True Love gave to me . . . a box of worthless, f**king N95 masks that do nothing to prevent viral infection.
In fact, I can't breathe with these damn things on. So who knows? Maybe she's trying to suffocate me so she can collect on the life insurance!"
--- (Ok, alreedy. I KNOW it doesn't rhythm! I'm working on it! I'm sure I'll have it ready so we can all sing it
by Christmas.)
Legal Disclaimer: -- This links and comments on this page are intended
to stimulate debate on issues related to the Coronavirus phenomenon of 2020. Since this debate incorporates varying
points of view, readers are cautioned to use their own judgement in whatever they read. Nothing here should be
regarded as a substitute for seeking out professional medical care if and when needed. Nor are any of the comments
here intended to inhibit readers from getting timely testing by authorized practitioners when needed.
Any products mentioned, whether
pharmaceutical or natural, are cited as being in the Coronavirus public debate. However, the page is not intended
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1 Dec 2020 @ 11:00 am