August, 2020
Picking up from July
-- this is the seventh month we've been following the Great Hoaxes of 2020. First, it was CoVid, now we're in the early
stages of the Second American Civil War.
A longer update on our current state -- (shot July 11).
Coronavirus® & Other Scams of 2020
News & Developments for August
 his is now the seventh month I've been maintaining this blog.
As more and more of the structural elements of the official CoVid narrative fell apart last month, more and more
of the news media's attention fell on the social unrest being generated by Black Lives Matters, Antifa, and other
militant far-left organizations -- all heavily funded by the likes of billionaire George Soros and other
members of the Elite.
 As the remainder of America's social capital is frittered away, so, too,
is its financial wherewithal. Fake News is being redefined almost day, and just when you think that what is being
presented shouldn't possibly get any more ridiculous, it does. Also of note, is the growing violence being
perpetrated by organized groups that the media absurdly labels as "peaceful protesters."
 To undermine the values and core principles that unite the people of
a nation is to undermine the country itself. The U.S. is a test case for world tyranny and limitless global
governance and enslavement. Many writers, thinkers, and social commentators have written about this phenomenon
for years. Many have seen it coming. And now it's here.
 Unless divine intervention occurs, we are witnessing the early stages
of the end of humanity.
August 31, 2020
The Racist, Anti-White Propaganda Organization Called National Public Radio
Justifies Mass Looting as Liberation from White Oppression -- (PCR) I could even
finish the article, it was so nauseating. To think that tax dollars are used to support
this demon-possessed media organization. Disgusting.
- Bad for Rittenhouse to Shoot Criminal Thugs Trying to Kill Him --
But Good for Black Lives Matter to Shoot Trump Supporter -- (PCR) If you're white and you live in the U.S.,
take the concerted effort to exterminate you, like a cockcoach, seriously. These people mean business, and they have the entirety
of the Democratic Party, Big Tech, and the mainstream media behind them.
- Hillary Says Democrats Will Steal the Election to Prevent Trump from Winning --
(PCR) If looting the majority (76%) is now perfectly acceptable, why wouldn't stealing an election away from the majority and
upending the very foundation of Democracy be just as acceptable? This is how demon-possessed communists think.
- More Consequences of White Liberals Teaching Blacks to Hate White People --
(PCR) After thousands of years, ordinary humans haven't figured out that dividing humans through identity "politics" is a
well-worn method of keeping humanity divided. It works because most humans are ever bit as stupid as the Elite have believed they are.
These People Want To Convince Everyone That Looting Is A-Okay -- A whole bunch of irrational people are being given microphones
and they're trying to tell us all why looting is not just okay, but actually awesome. These mutant zombies have the support, once again,
of the Democratic Party, Big Tech, and the Mainstream Media -- that is to say, the Elite.
Biden Finally Condemns Violence After Trump Supporter Murdered In Portland -- Yeah. So genuine. Like hearing an incarnation of
Satan telling us how evil is bad. Laughable.
Rapper 50 Cent: Cancel Culture Is "Unfair" And "Targets Straight Men" -- Some people are beginning to figure out
how bullshitty "cancel culture" is.
Cloward-Piven Strategy To Destroy America Resurgent Amid BLM / Antifa-Led Riots --
"The spearpoint of the Cloward-Piven strategy involved nothing less than economic sabotage against the US..." Their primary obstacle --
or at least it appears to be so on the surface -- is Donald Trump. He's not cooperating with the communist takeover of the U.S.
Suddenly Fear Of Social Unrest Is Everywhere -- "In a year that has experienced a global pandemic, Depression-level job losses,
a bevy of large-scale natural disasters from wildfires to Cat 4 hurricanes to derechos, the #1 current concern we’re now hearing from
our readers isn’t any of these. Instead, it’s the danger of social unrest breaking out in their local community."
This is why the Democratic strategy is so ironic. Demon-possessed people have a difficult time
grasping logic. Just think about it, for a moment -- running a party platform that sounds like this (and forgive the use of the venacular):
"Please -- vote for us. Because if you vote for us, we promise to fuck you running backwards every day we're in office!"
Greenwald: America's Social Fabric Is Fraying Severely... If Not Unravelling -- Just among the
Americans 18-24 years, over 25% have considered suicide in the past 30 days. Part of the problem is that the Elite are working overtime
to create conditions so uncomfortable where even the simplest pleasures of everyday living are extinguished. These conditions are
most severely felt by the young. The next post is a good example:
'Blatant Disregard For Public Health' -- Brits Can Now Be Fined $13,000 For Organizing Large Gatherings --
"The UK government this week announced tougher measures against organizers of "dangerous" parties, whom the Home Secretary said showed
'a blatant disregard for the safety of others.' " What you mean is: blatant disregard for ridiculous rules that have nothing to do
with public safety and everything to do with the exercise of anti-human, tyrannical power.
China's 'Debt-Trap' Diplomacy With Third-World Nations -- We know all about this in Ecuador. Our government
recently had to "sell"
one third of our Amazon jungle to a Chinese oil company.
Is COVID-19 The Trigger For A 'New World Order' Of Economic Stagnation & Social Destruction? --
"Modern man is now entering realms of dystopia only imagined before by the likes of Aldous Huxley and George Orwell,
with more than a hint of Philip K. Dick [Minority Report, Blade Runner, etc.]"
"She Hasn't Done Her Job": Looting, Riots, & Mayoral Ineptitude Prompt Mass Exodus Of Chicago Residents -- Once again,
this is what you get when you vote Democrat leftists into power.
'The Saker' Asks: Will Hillary & The Dems Get The Civil War They Are Trying To Provoke? -- Of course, they will.
Demonic entities and those that serve them LIVE for death and destruction. It is the very air they breath. It is what sustains them.
Doug Casey On Whether It's Possible To Find Freedom In An Unfree World -- It may well be impossible. That's because
the world has become infected with a virus -- not CoVid, but something worse -- the virus of statism and collectivism.
NPR Claims That Calling A Riot A "Riot" Is Racist -- More demonic, left-wing poppycock.
"Return Of The Dust Bowl? The "Megadrought" In The Southwest Is Really Starting To Escalate -- In India, one of the oldest
and most highly regarded philosophical systems, Vedanta, teaches that the earth "records" the violations of Natural Law by its inhabitants
and responds with unkind physical events, like hurricanes, volcanic explosions, plagues, etc. The serious megadrought currently ongoing in the Western U.S.
would certainly fall into that class of events.
In The Long Run --We Are All Alive -- "The world as it was once known -- where a dollar was as good as gold -- has come and gone.
Today, in life after the end of that world, we are witnessing the illusion of wealth, erected by four generations of borrowing and spending,
crumble before our eyes. Moreover, contrary to Keynes, in the long run we are not all dead. In fact, in the long run we are all very much alive.
And we are all living with the compounding consequences of shortsighted economic policies.
Tennessee Teachers Are Worried You'll Overhear What They Teach Your Kids -- I covered a similar article a week ago.
Truth is, if parents had been paying attention to what left-wing communist professors were teaching their children, starting 50 years ago,
we wouldn't be in the mess we're in today.
- SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers -- Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone --
Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses -- Let that sink in. For this politically-motivated bullshit YOUR political
representatives permanently destroyed your world.
- Biden Accuses President Trump of "Recklessly Encouraging Violence" in Statement on Deadly Portland Riot
Shooting -- Reverse projection at its worse. Reverse projection that would be hysterical had not someone actually been shot to death.
Biden to Leave Basement This Week for Mystery Campaign Stop to Blame Riots on President Trump --
Again, as I've said before, the reverse projection of kindergartners: "I know you are, but what am I!"
German COVID Civil Rights Protestors Appeal to Donald Trump: "Help Us!" --
"Tens of thousands of protestors gathered in Berlin today outside the U.S. Embassy to protest the COVID lockdown and demand civil rights and call
for a restoration of national sovereignty, liberty and democracy." Translation: "Trump, you seem to be doing a relatively good job of
keeping the activities of the Satanists in your country at bay. Do you think you could help us manage ours?"
Antifa and Black Lives Matter March Through Oakland Chanting 'Death to America' --
"But still --- remember to vote for our Democrat backers!"
- President Trump Gets HUGE Bump from RNC -- Polling Shows President Trump Is Way Up in Polls -- Overall Vote,
Electoral College and Swing States -- Final conclusion after reviewing the numbers:
"The Democrats are in a panic. They created the riots. They own the riots. Their candidate is Joe Biden."
- "I'm at the Point Where I Want to Burn the White House Down!"
-- DC BLM Protesters Threaten White House and Police Lives (Video) -- "But, again, please -- vote for our Democratic Party backers,
funders, and supporters! We need your help to destroy what's left of your lives! Thank you!"
Interesting. You know -- there was a time when
you could get into trouble for threatening to assassinate those in charge. I guess assassinating politicians is okay now, as long as
they belong to a political party that Democrats, Big Tech, and the Mainstream Media don't support. There is no way you could call this
Democracy. I guess we'll have to come up with a new name. Communism, perhaps?
Richie From Boston & High Impact Flix Terminated; Links Are Below To Back Up Channels (MIRRORED) -- The demon-possessed High Tech censors
are working overtime.
Martial Law Is The Next Step -- Now that Richie from Boston has been shut down, here his latest here before it is taken down, too.
Shows how military is training to capture and detain citizens. Video of 30 people being apprehended and taken to a camp for violating curfew
by being out past 8 pm in Minneapolis. (Capital punishment! -- go to 4:08).
Agenda 21: Rolling Out Under Cover of Pandemic -- (Bichie from Boston) This was posted in June, but it's more relevant now, in light
of video seen in the previous post.
- Nancy Pelosi Claims Trump Is Responsible for "Vigilante" Violence in Kenosha --
"I know you are, but what am I?"
Snuff film: There will be no coming back from an injection altering your DNA -- "I just love the way Bill Gates and Dr. Fauci gently caress
their hands in gleeful anticipation of the lives they plan to snuff out by infecting everyone in the world with the true curse of medical technology
-- an improperly tested vaccine."
Kaminski's wrong. It's tested alright. Tested to ensure maximum control and maximum covert lethality.
August 30, 2020
Wake Up Now Or Die Trying -- (Richie from Boston) The United States is being taken down, using numerous high tech techniques.
More "Ordo Ab Chao."
Ordo Ab Chao: Order Out of Chaos -- (Richie from Boston) The Elite "are going for all the marbles."
Tucker: Democrats do nothing to discourage rage mobs -- Strangely, half of American voters have no problem with real racism,
real prejudice, rape, theft, arson, or murder -- as long as the victims have politically-incorrect views, and often those who don't.
This is the first time in American history that any political party has been so openly in support of violent anarchy.
- Massive Die-Offs Occurring Because of 5G. Extremely convincing evidence suggests that humans are next -- by design --
beginning in the fall of 2020
-- Let's review some of the evidence over the past year.
I'm covering this now in light of reliable information from a source that is reporting that 5G installers are noticing that after "turning on
5G at 40%" birds starting falling out of the sky to their death. It's something you can observe in real time.
Now before I get started, I undersetand that if you Google "5G" and
"bird deaths" you will get dozens -- DOZENS -- of sites that try to pooh-pooh the idea. Yeah. Comes from the same people who are still
supporting the "single bullet" theory behind the JFK assassination. You either think for yourself, or rely upon professional liars -- which
include the vast majority of people in the government, Big Tech, and the mainstream media -- areas of society devoted not to informing humans,
but to help control them. You know. Like the zoo animals they think we are. Let's get started:
Radiation From Cellphones, Wi-Fi Is Hurting the Birds and the Bees; 5G May Make It Worse -- This came in Newsweek (surprisingly) in
May, 2018. The article proceeds to intimate how 5G is harmful to all life. Spoiler alert: That includes us, humans.
For the longest time, hardly anybody seemed to care. As one poster put in the comments at the bottom:
"I was beginning to think no one wanted birds or insects in their world.anymore."
- The roll out of 5G wireless service is 'a massive health experiment,' public health expert warns as cell companies
install 800,000 towers across the U.S. -- It's been happening in the absence of any meaningful, official studies on the effects on human health,
or that of any other life forms. That's really the amazing part.
Hundreds of bees drop dead around '5G towers' in California -- Totally normal, right? Not to worry!
5G health risks are the internet's new favourite conspiracy theory -- And there's a good reason. The "conspiracy theories" of one
general, with few exceptions, end up being the "indisputable fact" of the next.
Three Reasons People Are Worried About 5G Deployment -- This comes from a 5G industry publication! They narrow it down to
three things: health, environment, and property values. The first two are intricately linked. This came out in August, 2020, and the
publication ADMITS that people have legitimately concerns about 5G because "effects on humans and environment have barely been studied."
Hundreds of dead birds found in North Wales could have been 'avoiding bird of prey' -- Yeah, right. Official cause of death?
"The birds died from impact with the road, avoiding a birdo of prey." Question: Are you stupid enough to believe this official bullshit?
This is happening around the world. The official explanation must be, inferring from what read above, that birds all over the world have
forgotten how to avoid a bird of prey and they are all comming aviary harikari by suiciding themselves into the pavement.
How do they get away with this? They have every confidence in the world to believe that you're stupid
enough to believe it. And why not? They've gotten everybody to wear masks that impede the ability to breath properly and do nothing to
protect you from CoVid. If you're stupid enough to believe the CoVid narrative, you're stupid enough to believe anything else they tell you.
Hundreds of Birds Fall From the Sky during 5G Test in the Netherlands -- Same event, this time in the Netherlands.
This came out in 2018: "The roll out of 5G technology is a 'massive bio-experiment' that will have 'disastrous consequences'
for the human race, according to the first major university study into the controversial wireless service -- and a coalition of 200 leading
scientists and doctors are calling for an urgent stop to the roll out." Did anybody listen? Of course, not. The Elite behind 5G and an
intention to use it to cull life on earth have the resources to suppress it.
Hundreds of Birds Dead During 5G Experiment in the Hague, Netherlands -- Same event. Differenet angle.
Are 5G Experiments Killing Birds: Is This A Conspiracy? -- This came out in November, 2018. By then, enough cases of
bird and bee die-off from just 5G EXPERIMENTS was surfacing to cause broader concern. It was beginning to look far more like a conspiracy
than a conspiracy theory -- all you had to do to see it was avoid the many industry and government "hacks" who were being paid to
defend 5G at all cost.
How the 5G coronavirus conspiracy theory went from fringe to mainstream -- This is a disinfo page.
But there is still a point to be made here. There are ENORMOUS resources being spent to convince the public that there is NOT a connection
between 5G and CoVid. Me thinketh they protesteth too much. When you see the government and its evil minions putting
this much attention on "debunnking" a "conspiracy theory," it invariably means there's something to it. Where there's smoke, there's fire.
When you see this much official pushback, is it (a) because a fake conspiracy theory is afoot? or (b) because an effort is being made to discredit
something they don't want you to know. Pick one. A or B?
The correct answer is B.
Dead Birds because of 5G -- Read the comments. If you dare. Note that YouTube links showing you the evidence have been taken down.
Hundreds of Birds Drop Dead During 5G Experiment in The Hague, The Netherlands From another angle?
Again -- cause of death? The birds dove recklessly into the pavement. Who knows? Maybe it happened on a Sunday, and the birds had
too much to drink the previous night. Our conclusion here? If you believe this, you're stupid.
"Deadly Rainbow": Will 5G precipitate the extinction of all life on Earth? -- This is a review of Arthur
Firstenburg's book, The Invisible Rainbow, which I have been recommending to friends, relatives, and customers for months.
I am of the personal opinion that, indeed, it is the unspoken goal of the Luciferians who run the world -- those at the top of the
power structure -- to kill all life on earth. In the service of their "God," they are willing to make the earth sterile, even though
it brings about their own death. It is that insane.
If you don't have the time to read The
Invisible Rainbow, at least read this one article, because it covers the basics.
The Risks Of 5G Technology May Outweigh The Benefits -- Really? An early death versus faster internet? Golly gee! Life is
full of such difficult decisions!
Linda Emmanuel -- Been watching this site. I cannot attest to whether or not the SHTF in September or not.
We'll know by September 15th -- a little more than two weeks from now. However, the "kill plan" outlined by Linda
makes perfectly good sense. It logically follows from what we've seen so far in 2020.
Urgent Information About Your Future -- Latest from Max Egan (theCrowHouse). Skip the loopy song in the beginning.
The New Transhuman World Order -- "The CoVid Vaccine Will Permanently Alter Your DNA" (also from Crow House).
The Non-demic is now an IQ test -- No kidding. A trap for the extraordinarily stupid -- people who shouldn't have a right to vote, but do.
Michael Moore & Bill Maher Beg Dems To Wake Up: "Enthusiasm For Trump OFF THE CHARTS! Are You Ready For Trump Victory?" -- Somebody is
figuring out that supporting looting, arson, rape, and murder wasn't a great campaign message. Can you imagine that?
- "This is the America Democrats Are Fighting For" -- GOP Unveils Hard-Hitting Ad Showing Violent Biden Supporters
Taking Over Cities (VIDEO) -- "This is the America Democrats are fighting for: violence, chaos, and no rule of law."
"We About to Go Get that MotherF***er! -- It's Time for Revolution!" -- VIDEO -- BLM Threatens to Rip President Trump
from White House -- So good to know that the left is so thoroughly supportive of the democratic process.
At Least They Admit It? Black Lives Matter Marches Through DC Chanting 'Who Do We Protect? Black Criminals!' (VIDEO) --
Has How to Win Friends and Influence People ever been translated into eubonics? Is there a Dr. Seuss version?
Above: Here you see "before and after" pictures of the
Capital One Tower in Lake Charles, Louisiana.
No other building in Lake Charles comes close in size and majesty to this one.
Cathryn and I know it well.
Our home on Hodges St. was about a half mile from it, where we lived
together for our first 15 years. In 1985-86, with my direct sales company, Consumer Express, grossing several million dollars a year,
my partners and I rented over half of the 15th floor of this 22-floor (official, 24-floor unofficial) structure.
(That chapter of my life is the subject of the book, MLM Fraud).
In those days, the building was
called the Calcasieu Marine Tower, after
the bank that
originally built the tower. (The building that the Tower replaced is still so magnificent
that it is still used to host
lavish social events.) I banked at Calcasieu Marine / Hibernia / Capital One, or had business of one form or other with the bank
at this building from 1984 to 2018 -- yes, 34 years.
 The destruction that took place early Thursday morning (Aug 27) is only the latest in a long history
deadly storms on the Gulf Coast. Fifteen years ago, Hurricane Rita
created massive damage to Lake Charles, as well. We were sure we would lose our house.
 Judging just from the pictures circulating on the internet over the past two days,
the damage from Hurricane Laura looks worse.
August 29, 2020
The Fed And The Looming Capital Market Meltdown -- ". . . We are approaching the breaking point of the modern financial order."
U.S. Dollar CRATERING -- IMPORTANT UPDATES. By Gregory Mannarino -- It's coming.
1,000 German Doctors Say CoVid-19 is 100% a SCAM -- It's become so obvious, you look intelligent as a tapeworm if you
agree with the official common narrative.
A Brave Italian Doctor's Warning To ALL People Don't Get Tested, Refuse The Vax -- 'Covid' Is The Name Of The Plan Of
Worldwide Mass Depopulation -- It's that obvious.
- The Sheeple are Beginning to Take Notice: They Have Lost The Coronavirus Narrative -- Now Yale University Is
Attempting To Manipulate People Into Taking The Vaccinations (Video) -- A critical mass of people are beginning to understand that
a CoVid vaccine has nothing to do with improving the health of the recipient. Not a damn thing.
Protest Violence and the See-No-Evil Media -- The Democrat-backed terrorists scared a poor raccoon out from under a car
and then beat it to death. Makes sense. Everyone knows that raccoons are symbols of white supremacy. This is how demon-possessed zombies think.
Soon, they will all have to be eliminated.
Ordo AB Chao: Order Out of Chaos -- Worth watching.
Biden/Harris Urge Voters To Ignore What They Heard at DNC Primary -- "Ignore the man behind the curtain!"
Democrats essentially CONCEDE the election: Nancy Pelosi demands "no debates" as Democrats face the truth that Joe Biden
is a walking Alzheimer's patient who belongs in a nursing home -- (NaturalNews). What? The people who are threatening to kill
people and ask for their vote at the same time are concerned about the outcome? Imagine that!
Democrats are GOING DOWN and will SELF-DESTRUCT in 2021 -- . . . if the current trend line continues.
How humanity and God can defeat the rising Luciferians -- an interview with Scott Kesterson -- And that's what they are:
demon-possessed Luciferians.
There's almost no chance a vaccine for COVID-19 will work at all, warns scientist --
This, according to Professor Giuseppe Tritto, an internationally known expert in biotechnology and nanotechnology.
Chaos in Washington DC as lunatic left-wing mobs assault Sen. Rand Paul on the street -- I covered the assault on the Senator yesterday.
With a little more time to contemplate the consequences, we now know what will result: attacking the Elite or their representatives mean that\
support for the left wing lunacy will be rethought.
Medical examiner reveals George Floyd had "fatal levels" of Fentanyl in his system when he died -- (NaturalNews)
Since this hoax first broke,
I've been reporting how fake it is and how much evidence existed from the beginning that it was a false flag event. And sure enough . . .
CNN becomes laughing stock of fake news for claiming protests "mostly peaceful" while city burns in the background --
The entirety of leftist thinking rests on cognitive disonance.
Dems running cover for Biden's cognitive decline as Pelosi claims "There shouldn't be any" Trump-Biden debates --
Institutionalized political stupidity.
Media finally notices that Antifa/BLM rioters are burning America, because it "is showing in the polls" to be bad for Democrats --
Interesting. Empirical evidence determines political position instead of political position altering the facts. Evident at its face.
Americans Sense Something Is Wrong: Gun Sales Up 72% -- With the Democratic Party, Big Tech, and the Mainstream Media advocating
the indiscriminate murder of white people (who, again, constitute 76% of the U.S. population), I'm surprised it isn't higher.
"Protesters, Your Ass." -- President Donald Trump criticized Democrat protesters in America’s major cities at a campaign rally
in New Hampshire on Friday.
August 28, 2020
Watch Live: Fed Chair Powell Explains Why Years Of Higher Inflation Is Good For You -- Don't you just love being
told by the money-lenders: "We're gonna sodomize you until the cows come home. But don't worry -- you won't lose more than more than
two pints of blood."
More Violence While Dems Look the Other Way in Portland -- 'Let the Bodies Hit the Floor' --
Who thinks like this? Well, we know who thinks like this. Demonically-possessed leftists comprising the hordes of mutant zombies being
supported by the Democratic Party and Lucifer-worshipping globalists.
"I Won't Be Ruled by a Pedo & His Mates" -- Who are most qualified officials to determine when, where and how you will
be mandatorily vaccinated? Why, the pedophiles, of course. Pedophiles and
Prominent Dem Senator's Staffer Calls for the 'Complete Destruction of White Men' --
Brilliant statement. Great campaign strategy. Will see any Dems condemn this kind of rhetoric? Of course not.
Amazing, isn't it? The best way to appeal for votes from a the 76% of the U.S. population
that just happens to be white is to insist on their death.
Democrat Mayor Levels Joe Biden During RNC Speech, Endorses Trump for President -- Some Dems are having
second thoughts about supporting the globalists' demon-possessed minions.
- Black Parolee Says Slavery Justifies His Rape and Brutal Beating of 20 Year Old White Woman --
Black Parolee Says Slavery Justifies His Rape and Brutal Beating of 20 Year Old White Woman. "She was a white girl. She deserved it because
us minorities have been through slavery.” This is the consequence of white liberals teaching blacks to hate white people.
Cracks are forming in the Elite's ancient "divide and conquer" strategy -- on race, nationality, gender,
and even linguistic lines of division.
Germany will pay you to do nothing, but force you to walk your dog -- Why should ANYBODY ever work, if Central Banks
can pump out unlimited amounts of free money? This is the twisted logic of the neomonetary system.
Chaos Erupts In DC After GOP Convention; Rand Paul And Wife Chased Down Street By BLM Protesters -- The Dems want
Max Mad and Thunderdome. After all, the demonic thrives on chaos and when you allow yourself to be possessed, this is what you live for,
as well. Keep this in mind if you ever find yourself meandering into a voting booth.
Subprime Mortgages Fall Massively Delinquent Leaving Taxpayers On Hook As Housing Market Splits In Two -- "The numbers are skewed:
There are on average 460,000 people buying a home every month. But there are now millions of people behind on their mortgages, including 1.4 million
whose mortgages are insured by the FHA."
Is Biden Ceding The Law-And-Order Issue? -- "Eventually, the country is going to go with law and order, for, no matter how the liberals'
recoil from the phrase and its associations with Goldwater and Nixon, without law and order there is no justice and there is no peace."
India Smashes Global Record For Most New COVID-19 Cases Reported In A Day: Live Updates -- When you have a bullshit PCR
test that will show you're positive if you've had a cold, the numbers become meaningless. What the media is hoping you'll do is pretend that
these numbers are meaningful. They're not.
MGM Resorts To Fire 18,000 Employees, A Quarter Of Its Workforce -- "But it promises to recall additional workers as demand returns."
Yeah. There are so many millions of broke people just dying to get into a Las Vegas casino, so they can lose more money.
Virginia's Senate Votes In Favor Of Reduced Penalties For Assaulting Police --
"Today in 'throwing the baby out with the social justice bathwater', Virginia's senate has passed a measure that will give judges and juries
more control in reducing charges for assaulting police officers. The charges can now be dropped from a felony to a misdemeanor if the officer is
not harmed during the altercation, ABC 8 reported." When you vote in retards, retarded policies is what you get.
- Top Beijing Official Warns: Chinese Consumers Will 'Abandon' iPhones If US Bans WeChat --
"No matter how good Apple is, it's just a phone. It can be replaced..."
Germany Imposes Fine For All Non-Mask Wearers In New National Crackdown -- The fine isn't because you risk infecting anybody.
The fine is because you were uppity enough to intimate that you're not a slave, a worthless eater, a disposible cockroach in the eyes of
the Elite who rule your world. It has nothing to do with anybody's health.
'Empty Highways' -- About 61 Million Americans Have Stopped Commuting In Post-Covid World -- Well, that's good.
Many of America's highways are in such disrepair, that itself is becoming a health hazard.
Science Is Not About Consensus -- I've been making this argument in countless essays for many years now.
 Frank Zappa (1940-1993),
the ever-irreverent musician, did a album in 1979 called "Joe's Garage."
Among the many memorable (or forgetable, take your pick) numbers was the piece Why Does It Hurt When I Pee.
The references to veneral disease and adolescent jokes about its cause are both obvious and hysterical
-- ("I got it from the toilet seat").
 The hoax principles supporting CoVid are no less adolescent and
obnoxiously ridiculous. Ignoring that viruses are lifeless exosomes. The fact that mask-wearing does
nothing to prevent the spread of a virus that isn't alive in the first place. Ignoring the 5G etiology,
which makes CoVid, as I've said many times, "an electromagnetic adaptation syndrome." That people
could be so stupid as to accept all this CoVid nonsense is enough to drive you crazy.
 Maybe that's the point.
August 27, 2020
Traces Of COVID-19 Found In Abandoned Apartment Bathroom Offer New Clues About How It Spreads -- Such horseshit.
More "viral" disinformation. "I got it from the toilet seat."
Hand Sanitizers Can Be Dangerous to Your Health! -- The actual title of this article is:
"Leiper's Fork Distillery owner refutes recall claim." The FDA has a list of 80 different producers of hand sanitizers that it says
are highly dangerous because of detected "methanol contamination" that is transdermal! It's probably bullshit. After all, when ISN'T
the FDA bullshiting the public to the benefit of its Big Pharma clients. But let's give them the benefit of a doubt and assume it's
true. If so, it means that the use of these completely worthless hand sanitizers -- (again, pertaining to the virus, you can't kill something
if it isn't alive and you can't kill something if it's already dead) -- are dangerous. It's a game of Russian roulette. You're taking
a chance with your health every time you use them. Think about that, you leftist geniuses.
- McCloskeys Receive Threats After Speaking Out Against Violent BLM Mob and Missouri Marxist Candidate for Congress
Cori Bush -- We live in an age where "rape victims" have something worse to worry about than the rape itself: it's the threats you
get when you speak out about it.
- CONFIRMED: China Launched a Massive Social Media Campaign in March to Get Countries to Adopt Stringent Coronavirus
Lockdowns and Destroy Their Economies -- Naturally. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
City Fines Up to $5000 and a Year in Jail for Not Wearing a Mask -- unless you're a protestor who is out there, burning down buildings,
blowing up cars, and killing white people. Then you don't need a mask. After all, killing white people and destroying their businesses is
hard work. It wouldn't be right to make you wear a mask then.
Dr. Petrella: 'It is Going to be the Most Terrible Vaccine of All' -- Lasted One Minute on YouTube --
"It is literally a descent into hell." He covers how the CoVid-19 is all about mass extermination. It has nothing to do with making
you healthy. As a doctor, he says he will die before he takes the vaccine. No wonder it was taken from YouTube after one minute!
You're not allowed to tell this much truth!
FIGHT for your LIFE: Stunning video shows moment armed security man had to shoot multiple rioters from the ground or be beaten to
death by Black Lives Matter thugs -- A friend sent a comment on this NaturalNews article that read: "America had better wake the
fuck up and right quick. We either take out all these Soros-funded cockroaches, killing every last one of these sons-of-bitches, or
they'll end up killing all of US. It's that simple. Take your pick. There's no middle ground."
Everything Changes After Kenosha... "Divided We Stand" -- This is the moment where normal people finally said,
"Enough. There will be consequences. This is a war between radicalized lunatics bathed in unquenchable envy and self-pity and those who refuse
to act like victims . . . We are victims of a vicious program to divide and conquer the U.S. through a culture war designed to dehumanize
each other."
5 COVID-19 Charts That Democrats Definitely Don't Want You To See -- "Democrats are entirely invested in making the coronavirus
pandemic look worse than it is in the United States." Here's the problem: the epidemiological facts simply don't support their narrative at all.
17 Facts That Prove The US Economy Is A Complete And Total Disaster-Zone At This Point -- All done so that Democrats
and their globalist backers could gain a political advantage in 2020. Tens of millions of lives destroyed.
Marxism Is Coming At Breathtaking Speed -- Do This Before It's Too Late -- "If you realize that the Bolsheviks are coming --
which they are -- realize that they will come after anybody with any wealth. The ramifications are that the West is committing suicide."
Cultural Marxism's Origins: How the Disciples of an Obscure Italian Linguist Subverted America --
If you haven't heard of Antonio Gramsci, you should. His ideas on cultural marxism are the foundation for the U.S.'s current sorry state.
What Are You Going To Do As Our Money Dies? -- "The official response, tremendous monetary stimulus by the central banks paired with
massive fiscal stimulus from national legislatures, has been pitched as "saving the system." Yet, in reality, it has merely served to accelerate
the transfer of capital from the public into the pockets of the already-rich. Anyone with eyes can see how the central banks have abandoned all
pretense of monetary fiduciary responsibility and have simply cranked their printing presses up to "maximum."
- "We Will NOT Stand for Looting, Arson, Violence and Lawlessness" -- President Trump to Send Law Enforcement --
National Guard to Kenosha -- This should have been doing from the beginning of this social unrest. It was clear from the
beginning that this was not peaceful protesting. These were the actions of modern Bolsheviks.
- Twitter Allows This: BLM Leader Shaun King Threatens to Name Innocent Cops Who Arrested Kenosha Shooter
So They Can Be Hunted Down -- Yeah. Hunt down the cops who enforce the law, prevent property destruction and murder, and
keep the peace. Great idea, Marxists.
'On the cusp of economic catastrophe': Experts warn about more lockdowns -- Do you really need to be an "expert" to see this?
Won't the possession of a little common sense be sufficient?
Find a 5G-free "safe zone" -- If the things that
Linda Emmanual talks about on her site
are true -- namely, that they plan to fry millions of people to death this fall using 5G,
then you'll need to click the image above to go to the site that can
help you find a "safe location." For people who don't think this is real, you might remember the YouTubes from earlier this year
when you
saw drivers dying suddenly behind the wheel in their cars or people dying suddenly while walking down a street
in Wuhan, China. That wasn't caused by CoVid. That was caused by exposure to
60 GHz radiation which causes massive asphyxiation throughout the body. Death is almost instantaneous, as you'll
see in the video. Unlike CoVid, there is no cure. The Chinese
government was testing the deadlier frequency sets through 5G. It was for military applications, though,
so it was for a good cause. So calm down. If you're gonna make an omelette,
you have to break a few eggs. However, some people might want to move so they don't end up being one of those eggs.
 Closing thought: Let's pray that what Linda is being told does NOT come to pass.
August 26, 2020
AL GORE: If Trump Refuses to Concede, Military Will Take Him Out Of White House -- Typical view of the demonically possessed.
When you wear blue-shaded glasses, the whole world looks blue.
Hillary Clinton Says Biden Should Not Accept Results Of The 2020 Election -- They are already bracing themselves for a loss, and as is
typical of leftists, applying reverse projection.
First Night of RNC Delivers NEARLY SIX TIMES THE VIEWS on C-SPAN as DNC -- I'm so disappointed. I was so sure that most
Americans wanted to live in a dystopian world of abject poverty under communist rule while wallow around on their bellies -- a la Mad Max --
looking for food.
At What Point Do We Call the COVID School Regulations Child Abuse? -- Fauci, the WHO and the CDC are Monsters! -- The abuse was taking
place long before CoVid.
Families Reportedly Trapped in Building Set on Fire By Black Lives Matter Rioters in Kenosha -- Hey, stop bitching!
Setting buildings on fire and killing everybody inside is the new cool! Ask Joe Biden.
- Charlotte Black Lives Matter Rioters March Down the Street Chanting 'F-ck Your Jesus,' Cover Street Preacher
With Silly String -- Only demonically possessed people behave like this.
Democrat Congressman Blames Gun Ownership on 'Small Genitals' -- Yeah. That't it. Has nothing whatsoever to do with a man's desire to
protect his wife, children, business, home, or his person.
- 'You'll be with Jesus soon:' Pa. teen who beat, robbed 72-year-old in her home can't dodge long jail term --
This is how violent criminals think. They are never far from the influence of the demonic.
Gov Evers Declares 'State Of Emergency' As Wisconsin Braces For 3rd Night Of Violence -- Shows you how worthless politicians
are. The whole state of Wisconsin could burn before its politicians get off their privileged fat asses and do something to protect ordinary, law-abiding
A Closer Look At The States That Stayed Open -- There is no definitive evidence to suggest that stay at home orders are effective at
addressing COVID-19 -- CoVid is a politically exercise, so CoVid mandates are root in politics, not medicine.
- Truth for You -- Show this to your liberal friends and
watch their heads explode.
August 25, 2020
- Kenosha Riot Livestreamer Urges Violent Arsonists and Looters to 'Go Raid Some White Owned Businesses' --
Think of it as just another peaceful Democratic National Convention.
Peaceful Protest: Black Lives Matter Torches Car Dealership in Wisconsin -- Before and After Video --
I'm sure some people might think it cruel when I say that my fellow Americans have become among the stupidest people on earth.
Well -- here's Exhibit A. Look at the before and after pictures. Look at the extensive damage that the Democratic Party-supported
BLM has done to this WI town. Then tell me that the Democratic Party's support by 50% of the American people isn't indicative
of mindnumbing stupidity.
Kenosha rioters wield rifles against Sheriff's Dept. vehicle in latest escalation that shows Leftists are actively trying
to spark CIVIL WAR -- (NaturalNews). If you wondering when America's Second Civil War went hot. Now you know.
It's already started.
- What Happens Next? -- (Capitalist Exploits) -- I feel
this document is so important that I'm storing it on my own server, in case they take it down. It came to be from a close friend and associate
with this note: "This sums matters up better than anything I've read in the last 6 years. Must reading.
- The Linda Emmanual Site -- I received this from a good
friend with the following note: "This woman has a website with lots of info that comes from a being she calls 'Mosh.'
(Apparently an Ascended Master, but aren't they all?) She discusses kill zones set up across the country
that will be locked down and folks
actively murdered from Oct. 28 through Dec 17 or so -- compelling. Using Smart Meters and cell towers deploying rising frequencies to cook
people slowly like the frog placed in cold water and slowly boiled. GHz will be raised from 7 to 60 GHz over a 15-day period or so."
If you're brave enough, just read the two page PDF, entitled 5g Agenda and Strategy.
The bottom of the page has a series of audio presentations called Alternative Revelations. She's
up to #149 now. Head spinning. Be sure you're sitting down when you hear this. If any of this material is true, they're redefining the coming
Holocaust, ramping it up orders of magnitude in terms of the sheer horror of it all. If that's the case,
this is the most important news event I've ever put out. On the other hand,
if this material is not true, then this is the most elaborate, friggin', fear porn psyop I have ever seen and this woman is working
overtime to earn a privileged place in hell. If they go into strict lockdown around September 15, followed by widespread blackouts,
then game is on, and this site gets a huge DING.
The most frightening part for me is that Linda sounds legit, and everything she says sounds
completely plausible.
NFL Had 77 False Positive Tests for COVID-19 from 11 Teams by Same Lab in New Jersey -- I've covered this many times.
The PCR test for CoVid is a bullshit test. Meaningless.
Unhinged Leftist Assaults Democrat Gathering Signatures To Recall Oregon Governor -- This is what Leftists do.
This is what Leftists are. But by all means --- keep voting these rat bastards into power so that your tax money can continue to be used
to fund your own destruction.
- BREAKING: Armed Militant Leftists Block Police Vehicle and Threaten Officers With Rifles in Wisconsin --
It's good to know that all those Democratic Party donor dollars (think Soros) are going to a worthwhile cause.
- BREAKING: Violent 'Protest' Underway in Wisconsin Over Officer-Involved Shooting, Cop Knocked Out, Incendiary
Weapons Launched at Officers -- No other adversarial group in the history of the U.S., no foreign government or army, no force of nature,
no opponent regardless of origin, has been a greater threat to the health and well-being of the American people than the Democratic Party,
and their Luciferian cronies in the MSM and Big Tech. The army committed to America's destruction and the demise of the American people
has a battalion in every major city in the U.S. While most Americans sit in silence, their strength grows daily.
- HUGE! Noted Yale Epidemiologist: Dr. Fauci and FDA Have Caused the 'Deaths of Hundreds of Thousands of Americans' that
Could Have been Saved by HCQ (VIDEO) -- As I've written many times, modern medicine has nothing to do with curing the patient, and
everything to do with its own power, profits, and privileges.
Oklahoma Woman Says Her Pet Cat Was Tortured and Mutilated Because Her Boyfriend is a Cop --
Take me seriously. These people are demonically possessed. I'm not speaking rhetorically. I'm being literal. The Democratic Party
Luongo Exposes Dems' Strategy: Use COVID To Destroy Everything, Blame Trump -- "the official arbiters of "Science!" have done nothing
but lie, delay, obfuscate and oversell the threat of this virus. And their miscommunication, intentional, well-meaning, or just incompetent,
has cost humanity hundreds of billions if not trillions in accumulated wealth and time." Ahhhh --- no. In the aggregate, it has cost humanity
tens of trillions of dollars, taking into account costs, YTD in 2020, and in the foreseeable future.
"Main Street Is Struggling Severely" -- Nouriel Roubini Warns Wall Street Euphoria Ignores Main Street Crash -- The people
who control the money supply have incredible power to manipulate perceived reality, and they are making use of that reality-twisted capability
like never before.
As More Children Learn From Home, The State Is Cracking Down On 'Virtual Truancy' -- The penalty for small, unintended consequences?
Having your child ripped from your home and put into foster care.
If mask mandates are justified by people "testing positive" for coronavirus, they will NEVER end, because the tests will never stop
reporting fake "cases." -- (NaturalNews). Again, the PCR is a bullshit test, so "positives" can be used to enforce any
tyrannical act they want.
Global Bankruptcies Soar Despite Trillions In Liquidity -- "Misguided lockdowns have destroyed the global economy and the impact
is likely to last for years."
Pelosi Labels Republicans As "Domestic Enemies," "Enemies Of The State" -- Somebody explain to me how this isn't an open
Declaration of War, justifying the mayhem and murder that the Democrat "peaceful protestors" in BLM and Antifa are now committing daily.
BLM activist fantasizes about babies being strangled to death as crowd cheers for sick monologue -- Imagine. Half of Americans have
no problem putting people who think like this into public office.
Watch Live: RNC Day 1 "Land Of Promise" - Trump Jr., Tim Scott, & The McCloskeys --
The 2020 Republican National convention kicked off late yesterday with President Trump and Vice President Pence officially securing
their re-nomination.
"Death to America" --
Regardless of what their puppet policians say publicly, the Left (i.e. Democratic Party) have declared war on America --
its institutions, its values, its people (particularly the 76% who are white), its private and public property,
all of it. Again, it is a movement of the demonically possessed.
August 24, 2020
Ungrateful Liberals Say No Thanks To President Trump’s Pardon Of Susan B. Anthony -- Like Susan B. Anthony, wherever
she is, really cares. This link came to me from a friend with a note attached,
"Do you think the nation's problems could be solved in Trump simply told those
on the far left NOT to dose themselves with gasoline and light a match?"
Private company offering "contract air support" using military jet fighters located in Lakeland, FL where live air-to-air missile was just
found -- Well, that's one way to overthrow a governement . . .
BLOOD in the streets: Left-wing Portland rioters display bloody guillotine as they burn American flags; new Democrat logo says
"Death to America" -- Juxtapost this activity, all supported by Democratic operatives, with Biden's speech. They are redefining
The rush to patent, control, profit from the coronavirus dates back to 1999, implicates the CDC, Dr. Fauci --
We don't call it a scamdemic for nothing.
South Carolinians Protest Against Face Mask Mandate -- If you haven't vomited your guts out in a while and want to recall the
experience -- you know, nostalgia -- just grab your nearest barf bucket and
watch the College of Charleston video near the top of this link. It only goes to show that
too often, those with the most formal education are the least intelligent and most lacking in common sense. So -- the folks from SC don't
want to wear their masks, do they? Good for them. From the Leftist perspective, I suppose the thinking is that this is incredibly selfish, immoral, and
unethical. After all, if we could only get more people (especially those who have "white privilege")
to die from asphyxia and respiratory disorders from nonstop mask wearing, think of all
the goodies the Leftists could steal in the name of reparations!
- Google-YouTube Edited Likes and Dislikes on Sleepy Joe Biden’s Acceptance Speech – Eliminating Dislikes (VIDEO) --
"There is no truth other than what we tell you to think and believe. Objective truth is whatever we say it is."
- More Fake News Panic Porn: Latest COVID Study on Kids Included Just 3 Children and Nothing on
Transmissability -- "The fake news media pushed a new report to scare Americans based on a study at Massachusetts General Hospital.
The report in the media included only 3 asymptomatic pediatric positive cases!
And the actual paper did not discuss “transmissability” of the infected children."
- "He Was Not Very Smart Before He Became Incapacitated. He Was Always Kinda Dumb. Now He’s Clearly Cognitively Impaired."
-- Rudy Giuliani on Joe Biden's Alzheimer's -- If the shoe fits . . .
80-Year-Old Grandfather Dies After Brutal Beating and Robbery in Grocery Store Bathroom, Suspect Still Has Not Been Charged
With Murder -- We know have a "de facto" condition in the U.S. where murder is perfectly legal as long as the murder is
committed by someone from the Left. Yeah. "Reparations."
- MSNBC Guest: Donald Trump Invited McCloskeys to Speak at RNC Convention Because "He's Readying His People for Violent Mutiny
if the Results Don’t Go His Way" (VIDEO) -- Wrong. Trump is readying "the People" for violent revolution against this destructive
wave of Satanic, Leftist disorder whether he wins or not.
Dilbert Creator Scott Adams Calls Joe Biden A 'Brain-Dead Race Hoaxer' And Worse (VIDEO) -- Worth watching.
WATCH: Portland Black Lives Matter Whine About Police Not Saving Them As They Get Walloped By Patriots --
"In one of the more hilarious videos to come out of the chaos, a Black Lives Matter militant can be heard whining about how the police are
"just standing there" as the extremist leftists got their butts handed to them by the patriots."
"When the cops are gone, you're gonna deal with us," one of the patriots was filmed warning
the anti-cop leftists.
"Where's Our Fuckin' Bailout?": Ice Cube Slams Democrats For Abandoning Blacks" -- "They just pulled three trillion dollars out they ass
and gave it to they friends."
De Blasio's 'Utopia'? Quarter-Mile Food-Bank Line Spotted In Queens -- New Doublespeak: "Sustained hunger is Fulfillment."
The Tyranny Of Groupthink -- It can be used to refute the irreputable. It is the basis of most fake narratives.
Saudi journalist claims Quran packed with 2,500 mistakes -- "The time has come to amend the errors it contains"
Schools face fierce backlash for asking parents to sign waiver saying they won't observe online class -- Juat think of how much
nonsense they got away with -- up to this point -- BEFORE parents started looking into how their kids are being miseducated.
Del Bigtree - GOOGLE IS NOW A PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY -- Or at least the marketing department for Big Pharma
Left-Wing Protesters Intimidate Diners in Charlotte: ‘White Silence Equals Violence’ -- As I've said many times,
the protesters are demon-possessed.
Chicago Activist Threatens City's Residents: 'We Have Demands... Listen to Us or You Can Get Ran Over' --
Again, these are the darlings of the Democratic Party.
- Virgil: Reparations for Everyone -- What Do We Do if We're All Victims and Victimizers? --
It's getting that loopy. Yeah.
Thank God, it's over.
August 23, 2020
Tucker: There is nothing threatening about Joe Biden and that's the point -- Frightening, really.
Hard to believe that someone this close to needing a chauffer to take him to a nursing home is actually the lead
on a ticket for the U.S. Presidency.
- Steve Baldwin: The Evidence Shows a Biden-Harris Win Will Lead America Into Socialism & We Will Probably Never Recover --
I wonder how many Americans understand the severity of the situation.
PCR gives his take on the Democrat-backed legalization of home invasions, arson, looting, and rape. And they want us
to vote this into ubiquity? That even 10% of Americans would think this is cool and we need to cultivate more of it shows how stupid
the average American is and hopeless the cause for American's resurrection is.
'We're Not Going To Be Peaceful Much Longer': Video Shows Fed-Up Vet Savaging Council on COVID Shutdown --
"I don't blame you for wearing masks, because I'd be hiding my face, too, if I was you for what you're doing.
“I'm a business owner, and I'm telling you, our families are starving . . . You guys can sit here with your jobs, you can sit and
you're going to get paid, you can fall asleep in your chair like that gentleman's doing behind his mask right there."
"You won't stop us when the time comes, because our families are starving. And if you don't
hear the seriousness in my voice, I hope you open your ears and you absolutely listen to what I'm saying.
"This is a warning for what's coming. It's not gonna be peaceful much longer. It's not going to be rah-rah,
it's not gonna be speeches. It's gonna be real."
"I went to war for this country. I've been in combat and I never want to go back again, but
I'm telling you what, I will to save this country. If it has to be against our own citizens, it will happen. And there's a million people like me,
and you won't stop us."
"Open the country, let our citizens do what they need to do, let owners of businesses do what they need to do
to feed their families, take the masks off," he said. "Quit masking and muzzling your children. The psychological damage that you're doing to them
is horrible."
The Barbaric Product of American Indoctrination -- PCR's take on a ZH article. How many parents have spent untold thousands
of dollars to help their kids get through an American university, not knowing they've been paying to have their kids re-programmed at
a communist training camp?
Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe -- It's been out for a few years now, but a friend was telling me that too few people
have seen it. Some background information:
New York's Tribeca Film Festival withdrew Vaxxed -- the documentary you see linked above --
a film about the MMR vaccine's link to autism. Rober Dinero, whose son is autistic and who believes that his son's autism was caused by vaccines,
was going to personally introduce the film at the festival. Dinero is the co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival. It was essentially his film festival.
The pressure put on him by some very powerful interests was so great that he personally announced that Vaxxed would be pulled from his own festival.
It was a film that he previously felt so passionately about that he was going to personally introduce that film at his festival.
In a statement issued following the Tribeca Film Festival's decision, Dr. Andrew Wakefield and the film's producer, Del Bigtree, said that
"we have just witnessed yet another example of the power of corporate interests censoring free speech, art, and truth."
Watch the film that the vaccine manufacturers do not want you to see at the following link before it disappears.
The Devious Plan for Coerced Covid-19 Vaccinations -- Posted last month, but even more relevant now.
"What Have Democrats Done To Solve ANYTHING?": Rose McGowan Goes Ballistic Over 'Rapist' Biden, 'Vacuous' Liberal Elites --
"Actress Rose McGowan has gone on a massive, multi-day Twitter rant against Hillary Clinton, Harvey Weinstein, Bill Clinton, Kamala Harris, the
Democratic Party, and former "Charmed" co-star Alyssa Milano." The curious thing about promoting an ethos that says that it is perfectly
acceptable to rape woman, kill babies, burn down government buildings, destroy private businesses --- you know . . . the usual things that
Democrats love to do, is that some of the victims just might have something to say about it.
Virginia Plans Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations For All Residents -- What have I been saying all along? What have I been saying is
the ultimate objective of these demon-possessed rat bastards?
No, We Don't Need A Government Post Office -- The founding fathers of the United States understood that government is inherently
incompetent. That's why they were proponents (especially Thomas Jefferson, paradoxically the founder of the Democratic Party) for keeping
government as small as possible -- hence the "he who governs best, governs least" position. These sagacious thinkers knew that if you want
to fuck something up beyond repair, just get the government involved. As I argue in The Joys of Psychopathocracy, when Jefferson
said, "Government is a necessary evil," the operative world there isn't necessary. It's evil. The U.S. Postal Service is fighting for its
right to continue to waste many billions of dollars a year on providing a service that would cost a fraction of current costs if run by
a responsible private company. You don't see FedEx, DHL, or other large carriers running to governments for billion dollar bailouts every
year. The folks at U.S. Postal Service feel it is their divine right. How typical.
Double Tropical Trouble Brewing For US Gulf Coast -- "It is really unprecedented..." -- Might this be an omen, perhaps?
Governments Are Faking It, And Copying Each Other -- Is this really surprising? The truth is we already have One World Order,
and have had it for many years. That's what the United Nations was all about: power consolidation. When you have a few people running the
show, who give the world one common narrative and suppress all other points of view, you get intellectual arteriosclerosis. You get
a kind of philosophical hardening of the arteries. You get decisions made across all governments on earth that are so breathtakingly
stupid, that you have to wonder how "sapiens" ever made it into our species' scientific name.
Social Distancing Sign Says: "Look Away When Passing Other People" -- We get these indicators all the time that CoVid was engineered
and that the real motivations behind it have nothing to do with personal health.
UK Officials Exposed For Inflating COVID Hospital Numbers At Height Of "Pandemic" -- Another point I argue in
The Joys of Psychopathocracy is that governments create more problems than they could ever solve. It is their essential nature.
Exposing The Challenge Of Marxism -- "For a generation after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, most Americans and Europeans regarded
Marxism as an enemy that had been defeated once and for all. But they were wrong." And they were wrong, because the Elite that created and promoted
Marxism never gave up on the idea that this left-wing nightmare philosophy from hell is ideal for controlling ordinary people.
- EXCLUSIVE: Artificial Intelligence Psychiatric Diagnostic Filter Confirms Joe Biden Exhibits Multiple
Dementia / Early Alzheimer Patterns -- You don't need sophisticated AI tools to see just how far gone Biden really is.
In most of the 3,000 counties in the U.S., the presiding parties wouldn't put Biden on the ballot for any position.
MORE FRAUD: Arizona Counts Any Death Within 60 Days of Positive COVID Test As COVID Death -- There is no aspect of
CoVid death counting that hasn't been embroiled in fraud. Most cases just haven't been thoroughly documented yet.
- Trump ON FIRE in PA: "They Want to Cancel You, Take Your Job, Turn Your Family Against You While They Indoctrinate Your Children
with Twisted World Views" (VIDEO) -- Like or hate Trump, the weight of the facts themselves are difficult to take issue with.
If the most hated man in the world tells you that the sky is blue, there isn't much you can argue with.
HUGE INSIDER INFO: "Obama Can't Stand Biden. He Thinks He's a Joke. Obama's Crew Thinks Biden Is a Damn Fool" --
Maybe Obama would feel different if Biden, too, had a trannie wife.
Joe Biden's mysteriously disappearing "Dislikes" on YouTube -- But all means let's focus on Russian interference
in the U.S. elections -- when Big Tech's interference is at least one hundred times worse than anything the Russians could have pulled off.
- Scott Adams: Brain-Dead Race Hoaxer Joe Biden Is The Biggest Asshole In America -- The creator of
"Dilbert" has good cause. Read the article.
The Republican National Convention 2020 -- Starts tomorrow. Here's
what to know.
Joe Biden accused of plagiarizing late Canadian politician Jack Layton in DNC speech -- Hey, a guy with this much
dain bramage needs a little help, so stop bitching. Besides, compared to Democrat-approved arson, looting, and murder, plagarism isn't
a political misdemeanor.
Dr. Birx says November in-person voting should be as easy as going to Starbucks -- Ooppps. Guess Dr. Birx didn't
get the memo.
Joe Biden Forgets TWICE When He Was Inaugurated Into Office During Interview With Tom Hanks -- Going, going, going, gone.
Begins at 0:55.
- Coronafraudus Casedemic Parasitico : The Crowhouse (Banned Instantly by YouTube) -- People have had
enough of all this ridiculous fear-mongering.
ABC News Blatantly Lies About Coronavirus Deaths -- Fake news. All day. Every day.
- Pastor Dana Coverstone Prophetic Dream About October 2020 --
I reported on Coverstone's previous "vision" at the end of last month. This one corresponds to many things I was told in a ayahuasca journey
I had on Sunday night, July 26. So I'm posting this.
'Footloose' Comes To Life In New York: Governor Cuomo Bans Dancing -- "There is no dancing allowed in New York's bars and
restaurants, even at a wedding reception, according to the New York State Liquor Authority. To control the spread of the coronavirus, Gov. Andrew
Cuomo's liquor authority has also specifically banned darts, pool, cornhole, karaoke and exotic dancing." No kidding. Cuomo has also banned comedy shows.
So what next? Can we outlaw playing cards, shaking hands, and BBQ'ing? And for controlling world population, let's just outlaw sex.
Outlaw married people being able to sleep together. That'll do the trick.
Michigan College Unleashes "Mandatory" App To Track Students At All Times -- "Colleges that are reopening campuses this fall understand
outbreaks of COVID-19 are certainly possible on school grounds and in the surrounding communities. To safeguard students against the virus,
Albion College, located in Albion, Michigan, is requesting all students to download a smartphone app that tracks their location to create a
"COVID-bubble." It's getting more tyrannical every day.
Catherine Austin Fitts -- Buy Gold for Dark Future -- Greg Hunter's latest interview of Catherine Austin Fitts. Runs 32 minutes, and
covers the global economic reset that is now in progress.
August 22, 2020
Biden to ABC Reporter: 'I Would Listen to the Scientists and Shut the Entire Country Down' to Stop the Spread of COVID-19 (VIDEO) --
The bait is on the hook. Are you stupid enough to bite? You know, it's bad enough "they" picked a candidate with serious dementia and a penchant
for fondling underage girls on camera. But what's worst is in statements like this, he shows that he's a complete psychopath.
Don't Take the Vaccine. The Truth Will Shock You. -- It's just 5:41, and it contains the majority of the core
facts you need to know that justify avoiding "the vaccine" at all costs. See it now. Since it's on Facebook, I'm sure
it will be taken down soon.
The Return : National and Global Day of Prayer and Repentance -- It's September 26th. Having observed the
positive effects of prayer and positive affirmation in very difficult cancer cases, I can't see how this wouldn't help.
I plan to participate.
The Mainstream Media Is the Enabler of American Dysfunction -- PCR also covered this with the tag line,
"Vote Democrat and this is what you get." The looting, the arson, the beatings,
the murders -- these are all things that have the blessings, the encouragement, the enabling of the mainstream media, Big Tech, and the
Democratic Party. It manifests as a facet of demonic possession. I guess I'm going to have to do another video on this one.
Martha gets into heated argument with president of largest teachers union -- When the goal of your education policies are based
on politics and not science, society suffers. We are staring at an entire generation or two of students who will end up even dumber,
more ignorant, and less prepared to navigate successfully as adults in a modern world -- (or agrarian world, stone age world -- hell, pick your world,
ANY world other than a delusional, parasitical left-wing world of dysfunction) -- than their predecessors. Educators no longer need to know
how to educate. They just have to look good. They don't have to be clear.
 "Well I coulda' been an actor, but I wound up here.
 I just have to look good, I don't have to be clear. . ."
 Don Henley / "Dirty Laundry"
- DNC Used Deported Woman To Attack Trump. She Was Deported Under Clinton, Flagged Under Obama. --
"All show and no doe." Emotional fluff. No substance. Nothing real or factual. So this applies to politicians on television, as well,
especially Democrats, such they own the mainstream media: they just have to look good. They don't have to be clear. Or in Joe Biden's
case, fully conscious.
Get ready for your mandatory 'Morality and Compliance Pill' -- "We will use our legislators to force you to take drugs that will make
you think more like a Democrat. And just to make sure you take it, we'll hide it in your food and water, so you won't even know you're
taking it." That's what it amounts to. Can't make this shit up. Please read the article.
- A Nark Sheet for Educators -- "Sorry, sir,
but we're kidnapping your daughter and putting her into foster care. She's missed two online classes in a row, so it is our determination
that you are an unfit parent!"
Get your kids out of public schools -- God help you if an online instructor sees what might be a firearm on the background during
class. The second amendment is so yesterday, so old school!
The Myth of Systemic Racism: In America, Reverse Discrimination is the Norm -- "The only systemic, institutionalized
racial discrimination in the US is the Ivy League's discrimination against white males and Asians."
The last chapter of the plandemic is extermination of humanity -- Latest from Mike Adams
Expert in civilization collapse warns transgender mutilation of children is the final sign of cultural decline -- And it aligns with
our culture's complete abandonment of Natural Law.
CDC Data Confirms COVID Mortality Rates Increase with Age -- Rates for Those Under 24 Almost Nil -- You won't
see THAT reported by the MSM.
- SHOCK VIDEO: "Mom! Call 911!" -- Biden Supporters Attack 7-Year-Old Boy Outside DNC Convention For Wearing
Red MAGA Hat -- It's a different kind of evil we haven't seen in American history.
IRS Projects Millions Of Jobs Will Vanish For Years -- The IRS projects 37 Million less W2 Filings in 2021.
Watch: DNC Uses Duplicate "Fans" During Kamala Harris Livestream -- "Apparently, the DNC couldn't even find 30 [different] people who were excited
about Kamala Harris..." Hillary did the same thing in 2016. She's a real inspiring person, too.
Listen to Trump: He Is Telling You the Truth -- PCR attempts to be pragmatic and even-handed. But now, he's thrown in the
towel in desperation. Here's how I leads into this article by Armstrong Economics:
"Listen to Trump: He Is Telling You the Truth.
"He is the only person brave enough to call out The Establishment, which is every bit as evil and
against you as Trump says.
"You can elect Trump or The Establishment. Trump is our last chance. If he goes down, there will never
ever again be another challenger to The Establishment."
Here is the direct link to the
Armstrong Economics article -- which
opens with a Trump ad that clocks in at 5:42. It shocked me, really. It's the most poignant political ad I've ever seen, and I'm not even a
registered Republican."
 Strangely, Twitter and Facebook will ban any account that posts this official chart released
by none other than the United States Centers for Disease Control.
August 21, 2020
Once upon a time in Hollywood. . . -- Simon Black makes the argument for leaving California,
if not the U.S. entirely. Taxes and regulations are out of control, and if you live abroad (as I have now for most of the
past 13 years) you have no state income tax and no federal income tax up to $107.600 per year per person (so, yes, that
means you and your spouse could make up to $215,200 per year combined if you use the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion
(IRS Form 2555). We don't make anywhere near that, but this is attractive to people who do. This is why so many of the
wealthy are changing where they live -- an event in the U.S. that constitutes both a brain drain and a capital drain.
Trump Throws "Q Bomb" As "Commie Fest 2020" Ghost Convention Dumpster Fire Burns -- As one commentator wrote,
"It doesn't seem possible, but the only logical conclusion you can come to is that Democrats want Trump to win."
It is the most incompentently run convention in the history of American politics.
- This week's best Facebook post:
A man who has traveled to China several times was asked, "Americans
really like to watch a lot of news . . . don't they?".
"Yes," he replied.
The woman asking said, "In China, no one here watches the news because everyone knows
it's all propaganda. I guess Americans still haven't figured it out."
Von Greyerz: Is COVID The Most Perfect Distraction? -- Financial markets never recovered from the 2008 financial meltdown.
They just held the system together with chewing gum, bailing wire, and paperclips by injecting trillions in helicopter money.
They needed a scapegoat to hide all this official theft, racketeering, and corruption. Thus was born CoVid.
Our Systemic Drift Towards Collapse -- Another thoughtful analysis showing that the collapse is inescapable.
Main Suspect In Brutal Attack At BLM Protest Seeks Donations While Evading Policef -- This is how leftists think.
It's crazy. It's like a rapist standing before a judge and arguing, "Your honor. I was walking down the street, and this woman put her
vagina in the way of my innocent penis, forcing me to have sex with her." This reverse projection has become the bedrock of leftism and
Democrats. But it wasn't always that way.
Fear Fatigue Is More Dangerous Than COVID-19 -- That's because fear is immunosuppressive. I've discussed this many times.
Ilargi Meijer: Do The Dems Want To Win? -- "No, no matter how much I read and watch, I can't shake the idea (less so as I go along,
actually) that the Democrats don’t really, honestly, want to win the 2020 presidential election."
A "Novel" Breakthrough? New Studies Show Memory T-Cells Offer Long Term And Pre-Existing COVID Immunity --
Does this mean that won't force mandatory vaccinations on the public? Not on your life.
Duke Prof Proposes $12 Trillion In Reparations. $800,000 Per Eligible Black Household -- Any free money for the millions of white Americans
who are provably the descendants of white slaves?
"The Pandemic Will Eventually Go Away... But The Debt Will Remain" -- Maybe we can borrow from all those black households who will be
getting $12 Trillion in free money.
- Convicted Rapist, Torturer and Killer Who Squeezed Her Victim's Testicles with Pliers Speaks at DNC as
"Impactful Community Leader" -- Give credit where credit is due. Dems really know how to go for the moral high ground.
FIRE FAUCI: Country with Strictest Coronavirus Lockdown Policies Now Has Highest Death Rates -- How does it feel where
logic and reason no longer have a place in your culture? Well -- not to worry, Bill Gates / Anthony Fauci's "Mark of the Beast" will save us all.
- NYC Mom and Her Six Children Kicked Off JetBlue Flight After Crying 2-Year-Old Toddler Refused to Wear Face Mask (VIDEO) --
What? This toddler wanted to be able to breath? Kill that kid!
Governor of Maine Orders Restaurant Staff to Wear COVID Visors Like Dog Cones -- Could it possibly get any more dehumanizing, humiliating,
non-scientific, and just plain Satanic?
Hillary Clinton: Do Not Let Donald Trump 'Sneak or Steal' the Election -- This comes to us from the same woman who
had to fraudulently hire actors to fill high school gymnasiums during the 2016 election, while her opponent, Trump, love him or hate him, had to deal with
overflowing sports stadiums.
Donald Trump, Jr. to Democrats: 'If You Can Loot in Person, You Can Vote in Person' -- Too funny.
Chirlane McCray enjoys $2M staff of 14 amid NYC budget crisis -- The nice thing about being in the political upper crust of a communist
society, as NYC has morphed into, is that the rules, even more than in a free market society, apply to the "little people." Your rules do not apply
to you. We saw this with the luxurious benefits enjoyed by the the upper-crust Nomenklatura during the Society Union. We saw it
with Nicolae Ceausescu, in his poor treatment of the Romanians. We see it now with President Nicolas Maduro's handling of Venezuela, etc.
It is so obvious, that privilege of leaders and poor treatment of the people is one of the most poignant theme's of George Orwell's
Animal Farm.
Flu Vaccine Now Required For All Massachusetts Students By Dec. 31 -- Today, flu vaccine. Tomorrow, Mark of the Beast.
USC Dornsife launches 2020 election tracking poll; Biden leads by 11 points -- Polling is fake and fabricated, just like Fake News.
Almost all polls in 2016 saw Hillary winning by a landslide. These miscreants obviously haven't learned their lesson. They're going to get
spanked again. Hopefully, this time, people will do the right thing and begin ignoring the pollsters.
Tucker: Has life improved in Democrat-run cities? -- The first four days of the DNS are gestalted and the composite image were
getting is disturbingly psychopathic.
August 20, 2020
- Tucker: The DNC that Democrats don't want you to see --
I got such a hard-on watching this, I have an appointment with my urologist in the morning to see what he has for priapism.
The Future Is Inflation, Hyperinflation, Worldwide Financial Collapse, Societal Collapse -- In the absence of
intervention, this is where we're headed. In many respects, it's already started.
Storable food FRAUD taking place nationwide as promoters falsely claim "non-GMO" status for GMO-derived foods --
Purchasers of long-term storable foods take note.
Plandemic II: Indoctornation (FULL MOVIE) -- "Guided by the meticulous work of Dr. David E. Martin, Plandemic II: Indoctornation,
tracks a three decade-long money trail that leads directly to the key players behind the COVID 19 pandemic. Plandemic II connects the dots
between all forms of media, the medical industry, politics and the financial industry to unmask the major conflicts of interests with the
decision makers that are currently managing this crisis."
Tucker: The anti-police sentiment of the Democratic party platform -- Tucker points out the extreme absurdities of the
Democratic Party platform.
Flu Vaccination Associated With Increased Viral Shedding -- "So you've decided to inject a live attenuated viral vaccine into
your body. Congratulations: Your "social distancing" radius has greatly expanded." (Comment from a reader.)
Elect Democrats and This Is What You Get -- From PCR: Notice: "No defunded police in sight as people are beat, robbed and sent to hospital.
If you live in an American city, don't go out unless you are well armed."
Melbourne Authorities To Use Surveillance Drones To Catch People Not Wearing Masks -- "Authorities in Melbourne, Australia will use
high-tech surveillance drones to catch people outside not wearing masks as well as to scan for vehicles that are in violation of curfew by being
more than 5km from home." Pure totalitarianism. It's senseless and it has nothing to do with disease apart from the disease of invasive
San Francisco's Cops Aren't Waiting Around To Be "Defunded": They're Leaving En Masse -- Another reasons California's affluent
are getting out of California.
The Devastation Of The Middle Class: It Now Takes 53 Weeks Of Median Wages Every Year To Pay For Basic Needs -- This
was all planned out over 100 year ago, as I argue in The Joys of Psychopathocracy.
Australia Prime Minister Puts Citizens On Notice: All Will Likely Undergo Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations -- It's coming.
What have I been saying for 6 months?
Stolen Mailboxes? Don't Fall For Dems' Latest Conspiracy Theory -- We discussed this. The insanity doesn't just continue.
Dems are testing the outer limits of the absurd.
- Black Lives Matter Supporters Run Over and Brutally Beat Raccoon to Death, Claim Only White People Worry
About Animals (VIDEO) -- This is the true face of the left.
A Warning to America: The Tragedy Caused by Socialism has Devastated the Lives of Millions of Venezuelans -- Like
we don't have enough proof already.
 This week (August 17-20) they have the
2020 Democratic National Convention.
The first night was a disaster and people will access the second throughout today.
August 19, 2020
Trump Adviser Cortes: DNC Was 'an Indictment of America' as 'Dystopian, Racist Hellscape' -- This is why voter fraud is so vitally important --
for a party that advocates train wrecking the country they want to run.
DNC Convention Brutally Mocked Online: 'One Of The Worst Things That's Ever Been On Television' -- Yes. That brutal. I'm
beginning to wonder if somebody is paying the Biden and the DNC to lose the election. It sure feels that way. Strangely,
the most brutal comments came from Democrats themselves:
- "I wanted to like it. I really did, I promise I did." Marianne Williamson, former democratic presidential
- "Someone please talk me off the ledge. I want to win, and the first 22 minutes of this DNC -- I'm scared. Can someone tell me how great
this is or something? David Pakman
- "The cheesy videos that used to be the space fillers in the convention have become the convention." Josh Rogin, Washington Post
- "Not a policy in sight just vibes." Astead Herndon, New York Times
- "This is one of the worst things that’s ever been on television." Leon Wolf, The Blaze, Managing Editor
- "This Democratic convention is like a more depressing version of the Jerry Lewis Labor Day telethon, and that involved kids
with muscular dystrophy." Becket Adams, Washington Examiner
- "Allowing Cuomo to blame the Federal government for New York's coronavirus problems is some chutzpah." Mark Hemingway, RealClearPolitics,
Senior Writer
- "DNC production values just aren't what they were before Harvey Weinstein went to prison . . .
1,700 live viewers of DNC convention even with a link from Joe Biden's twitter account? If cable news didn't cover this convention, it wouldn't exist."
Mike Cernovich, Political Commentator
- "This music video is crying out for live commentary by Beavis & Butthead" Noah Pollak, Political Commentator
- "Andrew Cuomo's coronavirus nursing home orders killed 4x as many New Yorkers as 9/11. Pass it on." Sean David, Federalist co-founder
- "What @GovWhitmer left out about the auto bailout under @BarackObama @JoeBiden; the economy was in ruins because of the 2008 financial crash --
which happened because @BillClinton, Democrats (and Biden) deregulated Wall St in the 90s & repealed Glass-Steagall. #DemocraticConvention"
Jordan Chariton, Progressive Journalist
- "Gretchen Whitmer has such disaster movie president energy." Tanya Sichynsky, Washington Post editor
- "Gretchen Whitmer has psycho ex-girlfriend vibes." Ryan James Girdusky, political commentator
- "What's so annoying about the Fact-Checking brigade is they are quite, QUITE selective about what they choose to fact-check."
David Rutz, Free Beacon, senior writer
- "Imagine having all the awesome creative talent of Hollywood and the entertainment industry at your fingertips and nonetheless this is the
convention you produce." David Sirota, progressive writer
- "They completely shut out Tulsi from this convention even though she won delegates in the primaries and was consistently the most-Googled
candidate." Michael Tracy, progressive writer
- "This convention so far makes me think the Democrats are the party ready to lead America into the '80s." Matt Stoller, progressive writer
- " 'Trump’s authoritarianism is alarming.' And now, allow me to say a few words about Fidel Castro's amazing literacy program, followed by a
slideshow of my Soviet honeymoon." Guy Benson -- etc.
It's one thing when your enemies or opposites say you suck. You'd expect nothing less.
It's another thing entirely when you're friends, stakeholders, and allies say you suck.
The Democrats and Their March Towards a National Jonestown Massacre -- So the Democrats want to play
the Pied Piper of Hamelin. The question is, are you a rat
who's dumb enough to follow the Pied Piper into the abyss?
They're Angry, Not Stupid! Why Trump Is Likely To Win Again -- And this comes from a hardcore liberal.
Lin Wood Posts the Creepiest Video Yet of the Vaccinator Bill Gates -- Since nothing else about CoVid makes sense, let's frame the
issue this way: if you wearing that stupid mask, you have nothing to say about Bill Gates' penchant for raping kids, or why the world
shouldn't entrust their health to a eugenicist, pedophile vaccinator, who's a big believer in reducing world population.
- IMPORTANT: Doctor's Forum on HCQ Fights Back Against Facebook -- Obliterates Garbage 'Face-Check' Site on Deeply Flawed Analysis that
Has Killed Thousands -- One of the good things coming out about the CoVid scamdemic: medical doctors are having to do some soul
searching about taking orders from the High Priests of Modern Medicine.
Watch DNC Night 2 Live: Can Bill Clinton And AOC Salvage Night 1 Ratings Disaster? -- We'll see.
Democratic National Convention Day Two: live updates -- the train wreck continues . . .
Just 12 US Billionaires Now Own More Than $1 Trillion in Combined Wealth -- I talk about this obscene disparity in
equity in Chapter 5 of The Joys of Psychopathocracy.
'Something's Not Right With Biden' According To Former White House Physician -- We covered this before.
But stop bitching. Who, after all, needs a President who can form complete sentences? He's just a puppet to begin with!
America Has Never Experienced A Heatwave Quite Like This -- Look at the bright side. We'll be able to cook our
food outside in 130-plus F degree temperatures and save money on energy!
New Trump Ad Questions Biden's Mental Faculties With Sad 'Before & After' Clips -- Brutal? Are you kidding?
Biden is one step away from not knowing what hole to wipe after he takes a dump.
"This War Can't Be Civil": Berkeley Columnist Calls For "Violent Resistance" -- Excellent piece by Jonathan Turley, who hardly shares
my conservative views. The more centrist liberals are seeing this embrace of the far left for what it is: an obnoxious departure from civil
society that must be put down and out of its misery before this metastasis infects the entire world.
Indoctrination? Disney children's show introduces first bisexual lead -- What's the big deal? For 8 years we already had
a First Lady who was a trannie.
Death toll mounts as FDA denies HCQ for outpatient therapy -- Again, the FDA will fight an effective CoVid cure in the states if it
interferes with the vaccine agenda.
Pastor at DNC: Jesus would tell America it could 'go to hell' -- It's been 47 years since I attended a seminary, but honestly --
I can't recall anywhere in the Gospels where Jesus tells anybody to go to hell. (The "get behind me Satan" line in Matthew 16:23 would be a
bit of a stretch, me thinks). So what is it, in this sermon, that justifies America going
to hell? Well, of course, it's America building a wall so that unlimited illegal immigrants can't come through at will. Makes sense, I suppose,
if you're a non-thinking liberal.
Tucker: Media go all-in on mailbox conspiracy -- It's incredible, really. With a straight face, Democrat legislators and
their lackies in the mainstream media are actually claiming -- with no proof whatsoever -- that Trump is having mailboxes removed around the
country. Trump is single-handedly putting an end to postal delivery in the U.S. You can't make this up. Fake news is stretching the boundaries
of its absurdity.
Gutfeld on the first night of the Democratic Convention -- More commentary on the absurdity of this convention.
August 18, 2020
- Note: I delayed posting for August 18 until the afternoon, because of important late-breaking news.
Nobody's in the CoVid hospital. It's all fake news! -- It's 26 seconds. Too funny.
Good News: Fauci's Out and Common Sense Might Be Returning -- The latest sagacious insights from Lew Rockwell.
California Bill Would Apply Wealth Tax to Residents Who Fled the State in the Last 10 Years -- Retroactively!!! --
California is infested with Dem lunatic Hitlers. I'd like to see them collect on this insanity. Ain't gonna happen.
The truly affluent have seen this insanity coming for a long time now and have been burrowing their money elsewhere
to dodge this bullet. A few days ago I posted a hilarious video about Joe Rogan and his friends in the entertaining business
bailing out of this bankrupt monstrosity. His comments now seem prescient.
BREAKING: The 100 Day Siege Begins! -- This was posted on June 30, but in light of current developements, it's even more
relevant now.
DNC 'Infomercial' Night 1 Post-Mortem: Trump Mocks Michelle Obama's "Snooze" Speech; Even Leftists Puzzled --
"This isn't about Republican or Democrat. It's about a person -- a person decent enough, stable enough, strong enough to get our economy back
on track," former Environmental Protection Agency chief Christie Todd Whitman said. How about sentient enough.
"It was like watching an infomercial," mocks Epoch Times' Roger Simon as ne reflected on last night's first two-hour segment of this week's
'Virtual' Democratic Convention.
This Is One Of The Single Biggest Threats To The Dollar Today -- The China simply doesn't WANT to tube the dollar, it has the
power to do so. That's the problem. The U.S. is in the early stages of WW III with the one power that's in a position to accelerate the
collapse of the dollar even faster than the combined incompetent actions of the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve Bank.
DNC Speaker Blames Trump For Her Father Dying Of COVID-19 -- That He Caught At Karaoke Bar -- This really isn't about Trump at all.
It's about a political party that has created a home -- "safe space" if you will -- for every mental illness you'll find in the
Per CDC Data the COVID-19 Death Rate Peaked in the US in April -- There are More Pneumonia Deaths Than COVID-19 Deaths in 2020 --
We don't call it a scamdemic for nothing.
Corrupt to the Core: Crooked Michelle Obama Tells Democrats to Vote Early by Mail AND to Vote "in Person" (VIDEO) -- That's right.
Get out there and cheat, cheat, cheat! The only way that mentally incapacitated Biden could win is to maximize the votes of dead people,
nursing home occupants whose ballots have been stolen, and illegal immigrants. If each of these people vote 10 times, Biden's got a good chance.
'Are people really this dumb?' City tells residents to turn in guns "Please, everybody! Help us! How do you expect BLM and Antifa terrorists
to have a easy time murdering you and your family if you have a way to protect yourself!"
Profs to white parents: Keep your kids in public schools to show you're not racist -- Wow. Really? How about this: Keep your kids out
of public school to show you want them to get a real education and not turn into mindless, mutant zombie Antifa-type protestors when they grow up.
Fired for accidentally calling a transgender student 'she,' teacher takes case to court -- Make way and bow down to the Trannie Nazis.
California agenda forcing the poor to pay 4 times as much for power -- "Natural gas bans leave electricity as only option."
Lefists don't give a shit about the poor. They only say they do to try to get their votes.
China launches its "Clean Your Plate" Campaign
in the face of collapsing global food stocks and supply chains
in addition to anticipated famines.
August 17, 2020
It's Official: They Are Coming But Taking Your Food First -- This was posted a few days ago by "Richie from Bostohn,"
but it's just as relevant now. You better have your food stocks in order. Seriously.
Getting TOO Close for Comfort Apparently! -- Again, "Richie from Boston," talking about material he's been putting out
that's been heavily censored lately. The people on the internet who are the most heavily censored as invariably the ones who are
speaking the most truth, or candidly covering the most sensitive subjects you're not supposed to talk about. Highlights:
States are heavily stockpiling food, confidant that you're too stupid to follow suit. If you don't think the developing, engineered
shortage of food supplies doesn't merit your're preparation, you're not paying attention. Food will end up being more valuable than
gold and silver. Whoever thought that talking about food shortages would be such a sensitive subject, that you could be censored for
talking about it -- as if it were Top Secret, Special Intelligence military information!
We're in the middle of the biggest Psy-Op in the history of humanity.
China's FOOD CRISIS: Recycling Food, Limiting Orders, Censoring Eating on Social Media -- This comes to us from
Ice Age Farmer (.com) and supplements much of the information that is
summarized in the previous video post by "Richie from Boston." China's new "Clean Your Plate" campaign is discussed.
A government-engineered FOOD COLLAPSE means citizens must practice "extreme preparedness" or be starved into vaccine compliance --
When you look at everything that is being done to destroy supply lines -- deliberately and methodically -- then this is the only logical
conclusion you can come to. It is also consistent with the Elite private memos and other documentation that has been previously cited.
The War On Cash Is Over -- Do This Now -- It's critically important that you listen to this. It is extension on previous
posts I've made on the elimination of cash and the move to digital currencies. It's happening, slowly but surely. I hope you're paying
Synchronicity, Mysticism & The Mandela Effect -- This video series won't be for everyone. There's five parts to the series and
altogether it runs over 10 hours. It's the kind of thing that you listen to throughout the week while you're doing other things.
Nobody has the time to sit down and listen to this all the way through. Nonetheless, if you are able to make it through, it really twists
you noodle, and gives you a very different perspective on things.
Tucker: Kamala Harris may end up running the country -- This was broadcast and posted on the 12th.
Deeply disturbing. If the Democratic Party takes the Presidency in November, the real commander-in-chief will be
President Kamala Harris -- the most far-left communist to ever run for high office in the U.S.
Her position on the irrelevancy of the electorate was made clear in a recent speech she gave, where she openly
declared that "young people, 18 to 24, are stupid." At another event, she openly declared that people 16 and older should be allowed to vote.
Placed juntapost, her position is clear:
"I support stupid people voting in elections -- the dumber the better -- to dilute the opinions of older people who have a
better grasp on what's going on." Is this really who you want as your next President? Someone who openly wants to cultivate the
dummying down of the electorate? See also: Ingraham's coverage of
Harris's radical left-wing views.
- Shepard Ambellas Suspects Major Disaster is on the Way as Dept. of Interior Insider Blows the Whistle --
Runs a little over one hour. The action begins at 3:24. Among the issues covered: The PCR test is completely worthless and CDC has even admitted
that if you've had a cold, you'll test positive. It's absurd. CoVid deaths caused by the ventilators was deliberate.
The architects behind CoVid knew that ventilator-use was contraindicated from the beginning. 9:00 -- CoVid is a cover for something more
serious, even more serious than the NWO takeover of the world.
At 20:16 Shephard shifts gears from the CoVid scam to the Planet X correlation, which we've discussed
extensively. Shepard doesn't actually start talking about this Dept. of Interior whistleblower until 28:40. What is first discussed is the
"Dept. of Interior Emergency Notiication System." Discussions of closing down the government and setting up a "continuity of government" authority.
FEMA is in charge. Trump is just a puppet. (We've covered this.)
Fields of human cages discovered in Caruthers California: Video -- "In what can only be considered a completely communistic and diabolical
plan to enslave the American people, a vast field containing what appears to be human cages outfitted with toilets was discovered in the California
town of Caruthers." This must be a conspiracy theory. Those cages were
obviously constructed for dogs that are 6 foot, 3 inches tall; weigh 220 lbs.; and know how to use a human toilet and a human sized bed.
You see? There's a logical explanation for everything!
Lumber Prices Explode To Record Highs Amid "Supply Chain Screw Ups" -- Golly gee! You mean, if you shut down the
plants that make our goods, supplies may run out on the retail shelf?
Doctors Pen Open Letter To Fauci Regarding The Use Of Hydroxychloroquine for Treating COVID-19 -- They're clinicians,
but they lack understanding of the real world. No matter HOW MUCH evidence is compiled as to the effectiveness of a CoVid cure, Fauci and
his partners in crime who are committed to vaccines, will dismiss it. The vaccine merchants of death have a different kind of disease:
target fixation.
STUNNING PROOF That HCQ Could Have Saved Tens of Thousands of Lives in the US from Coronavirus -- Jail Fauci --
- Coronavirus Is the 3rd or More Likely the 4th Worst Flu Pandemic in US History -- But the First Flu to
Ravage Economy Thanks to Faulty Models, Junk Science and Dr. Fauci -- The criminality behind the CoVid scamdemic has been laid bare.
- FRIGHTENING: Vote For Sleepy Joe Biden and Kiss Your Privacy Goodbye -- Biden Proposes 100,000 Federal Contact Tracers
to Spy on Your Every Move! -- Astonishing that people could be talked into agreeing to this.
- Philadelphia Police, City Council Organize a "Home Gun-Check Campaign" Urging Residents to Turn in Firearms to
'Combat Gun Violence' -- Amazing, isn't it? It's like a rapist telling a woman to strip naked so it'll be easier to rape her.
August 16, 2020
The ShadowGate Documentary -- This evening another update was made by Natural Newson in the case of
Millie Weaver, who produced this documentary. It appears she wasn't arrested after all.
She was abducted by the Deep State and is being held for possible interrogation. I saw the same complete abandonment of law in my own case,
which began 17 years ago next month.
- Is There Even a Pandemic? --
"From CDC data, 2020 has the lowest weekly death rate in a decade -- so far" Even with all the official CDC, FDA, and other health
agency cheating and lying, they still can't get the numbers up to a level that would remotely justify all these draconian pandemic
rules. More proof that CoVid was never about a viral pandemic. It's a political operation.
- What They Don't Want You To See --
More from Millie Weaver. It's going to be taken down, no matter where this video is posted. Download it. Save it. Protect it.
Share it.
Michigan Hospital Tries To Treat Patients with Hydroxychloroquine; FDA Refuses To Allow It -- Once again, as always,
the FDA shows it true colors. It's never about curing the patient. It's always about focussing on the power, profits, and prestige
of the stakeholders in the Medical Industrial Complex.
New Jersey Gym Owners Have License REVOKED After Lockdown Battle -- Your owners, the Overlords, want you dead. If you haven't
learned anything else from the scamdemic, I hope you've learned this much. They're eugenicists, and they have expressed this opinion
in the many documents I have revealed on this blog since starting it last January. If those in charge want you dead, why on earth would
they think that gyms are important or staying in shape? Wouldn't make sense, would it?
It's just a mask. It's just a vaccine. -- Adapted and narrated by Mark Sargent.
This is on Facebook currently, so it won't be up for long.
Clocking in at under 12 minutes, it makes you wonder
how people could be so stupid as to accept the conditions that overnight turned the U.S. into a communist country.
Aficionados of movie score composer, Thomas Newman,
will recognize the background score as coming from Shawshank
Redemption (1994). Thought provoking.
Biden staffers rush the press out of the room before Joe Biden can answer any questions -- Real reporters. Not allowed.
Candid questions. Not allowed. Reporters with any political affiliations other than the Democratic Party. Not allowed. One can only imagine what
would happen, by way of example, if Trump came out and said, "Only the reporters I personally hand pick can come to this presser." One time.
Just one time. The MSM would go apoplectic. But Biden has made it standard practice.
Chicago Shuts Down Its Business District Overnight This Weekend Due To Continued Riots And Looting -- The study of
physiognomy can reveal a lot about what's going on here. At right, we
have a picture of Lori Lightfoot, mayor of Chicago. Anybody who knows me will tell you that I'm not racist, nor am I misogynist, but honestly,
tell me that Lori Lightfoot doesn't look like one of the zombie-ghoul-extras in
Michael Jackson's famous music video, Thriller -- fast forward to 9:20
and I'm sure you'll find Lori dancing in there somewhere. (On a spiritual level, Lori comes off more like
one of the Wight (undead) from Game of Thrones -- [fast forward to 1:10]).
Nonetheless, when it comes to politicians, appearance means nothing compared to the effects of
public policy that one champions while in office, and this
is where Lori's real ghoulish character comes out. Like most Democrat mayors, she has turned Chicago into a living nightmare, by enforcing
anti-gun policies, pro-BLM, pro-Antifa policies. Yesterday, Wirepoints put out an article entitled,
As Chicago Nears Panic, Lightfoot's Partisan Blather On National Television Only Hurts. The shithole that Lori has helped create in Chicago
is a big reason more people are leaving Illinois than any other state in the Union (except one).
Again, this is what you get when you vote in demonically-possessed leftists.
Here's Why The "Impossible" Economic Collapse Is Unavoidable -- "This is why denormalization is an extinction event for much of
our high-cost, high-complexity, heavily regulated economy." Well worth the time to read.
Production Of Russian COVID-19 Vaccine Begins As Asian Demand Soars -- Remember: if nobody on earth had CoVid -- not one
single case -- the globalists would still be insisting that every living human being (and perhaps a few million that are not living) get
vaccinated. This was their agenda from the start. What better way to kill off a few billion useless eaters?
Latin American Economies Will See "Record-Breaking Contraction" This Year -- I'm seeing it first-hand here in Ecuador.
It's heartbreaking. The worst contraction since WW II.
The Evolution Of Fiat Money, Endless War, & The End Of Citizenship (Part 1) -- "This essay attempts to identify the defining events that
facilitated and enabled the West's transition to a fiat based money system, examines cause and effect between the evolution of money and the prevalence
and severity of war, and binds together money evolution with the history of warfare by demonstrating cause and effect between money's evolution, the
rise and necessity of endless war, and the inevitable transition from "citizens" to subjects."
Why Socialism Is The Pursuit Of Unhappiness -- "Where are the happy socialists? The socialists I spot are either snarling with anger or
shrieking with hubris. In fact, they seem intent on pursuing unhappiness as their misguided dictums controvert nature — human and physical. It's
simply hard to be sanguine when going against nature."
School In The 'New COVID Normal': Plastic Bubbles, 8-Year-Old Arrests, & Woke Math -- This article covers this week's absurdities --
like arresting small children for the normal kind of misbehavior all children can be found partaking in from time to time. I found the
article on "woke math" particularly disturbing. As I reported earlier, first we had a Ph.D. student studying mathematics who
Tweeted that 2+2=4 is "because of western imperialism/colonization." Well, these Loony Tune ideas from the Left are apparently catching on.
A professor from Brooklyn College is now claiming that math "reeks of white supremacist patriarchy. . ."
(nevermind that many early advances in arithmetic were from Persian, Arabic, Indian, and Chinese mathematicians.)
If you think I'm making this bullshit up, I encourage you to read the
original article.
What You Will Find When You Follow The Money -- "More and more people are following the money back to its genesis. And what they’re finding
is something so utterly crude, grotesque, and revolting that, like the devil, it hardly seems real. But it is…and it's a catastrophe."
- Multiple People Arrested For Not Wearing Masks in OC Grocery Store -- Store Manager Locked Them in and Called Police! --
Only in the mind of people on the Left is it more important to wear a mask, a symbol of human subjugation, that it is to be able to breath.
It's hot as hell in Southern California right now, but still, there is this incessant insistence by Dems in authority to make people
wear a mask and inhibit their ability to properly breath.
Macy's Looking to Leave Chicago After SECOND ROUND of Mass Lootings -- More 'Protests' This Weekend -- The whole idea
that you impoverish a community when you scare off all the business people escapes Leftists. No matter the IQ, it is a concept they appear
incapable of grasping. This is why communist countries around the world have been shitholes for the past 100 years. The only possible
exception, China, has achieved a respectable level of affluence for a small percentage of its citizens only because it is communist in
name only. The truth is that China has become more capitalist over the past 50 years than the United States.
Barack Obama reportedly skeptical of Joe Biden's 2020 White House run -- Obama: "Don't underestimate Joe's
ability to fuck things up." This has got to be the only meaningful advice I've ever heard Obama give.
- BLM Activists Storm Neighborhood in Seattle, Demand Residents 'Get the Fuck Out!' 'Open Your Purse!' --
Always remember that these are the very kind of thefts, society's bottom feeders, that are at the heart of what the Democratic Party
has morphed into.
Dr. Thomas Cowan, MD on 5G Effects on the Human Body -- A great refresher course (not even 11 minutes) from Dr. Cowan, just in case
you're still naive enough to think that CoVid is contagious, or that anybody could EVER get a benefit, as it relates to CoVid, from wearing a mask.
August 15, 2020
FEMA camps gearing up to provide necessary "slave wage" labor to U.S. corporations as manufacturing returns to America --
Did you really think that the CoVid bailout money was free? It wasn't. There is a plan to make sure you pay it back. All of it.
David Stockman makes the argument that the
Make America Great Again is a bit long in the tooth. It isn't going to happen. How can America compete when the
average factory worker makes $30 an hour, and that same labor weighs in at $5 an hour in China.
Well, Stockman is wrong. He's not taking something into account: the plan to
dramatically cut American labor costs.
To some extent, that's already been happening. For many years now, a sizeable percentage
of the hundreds of thousands of
Federal inmates in the U.S. has been used for cheap labor.
These numbers have exploded in the U.S. in recent years.
From September, 2004 until March, 2006, and then again from May, 2010 until April, 2011, I myself was an inmate at
Federal Corrections Complex in Beaumont, Texas
on charges so bogus, they fill Chapter 3 of the online book, Meditopia.
Let me tell you what I observed first-hand:
I saw inmates reporting to work in a prison factory, for which they were paid $ 0.15 an hour.
You read that right. Fifteen cents an hour.
Sure, federal inmates have a place to sleep, are given three meals a day, and prison garb to wear -- but really?
Think about it. Fifteen cents an hour. The name of the federal inmate slave labor company is Unicor
-- an organization so corruption
it was called out a few years
ago for its corrupt practices.
People who read Mike Adams' article, related to the plans for Americans, are living in a dream world
if they don't see what the globalists have in mind for the American people.
Given Biden / Harris's connection to the Globalists, it is not an exaggeration to say
that a vote for the Democratic Party is a vote for American slave labor.
The next chapter of this plandemic will be the FINAL LOCKDOWN for humanity -- mass extermination, door-to-door medical kidnappings,
forced inoculations and engineered famine -- The extent of FEMA concentration camp creation over the past 30 years is just more
proof that what you're seeing happen now is the result of generations of planning.
Democrats Are Trying To Control What The Media Is Allowed To Say About Kamala Harris -- "Any criticism of (Kamala) will be
considered racist and sexist . . . There should be second and even third thoughts about any criticism of Mr. Biden’s VP pick."
Black Lives Matter Mob Demands White People Move Out of Homes and Leave Them for Black People (VIDEO) -- The Left lives
off the fruit of others. It is the political position of society's parasites and dregs.
Russia's Top Respiratory Doc Quits Over "Gross Ethics Violations" As Duterte Says He'll Be Guinea Pig For Putin's Vaccine --
Medical ethics is an oxymoron. It doesn't exist.
US Bankruptcies Are Already At 10-Year High As Pandemic Takes Its Toll -- What? No V-shaped recovery?
Yale Prof: Hydroxychloroquine Haters Spewing 'Misleading And Toxic Disinformation' -- A fact too obvious to ignore.
Sweden Hits COVID-19 "Triple Whammy": No Lockdowns, Low Deaths & Minimal Economic Damage -- Precisely what common sense and
basic knowledge of real virology would dictate.
August 14, 2020
Who Stands To Benefit? Group Behind 'Occupy Wall Street' Plans 50-Day "White House Siege" -- What other government in the
world would put up with this? None. Here's proof positive that the same Elitists own both parties in the U.S. You don't have anybody to represent
your interests. You've just got the owners and their sock puppets.
Does Anyone Else Find This Ironic? -- "In the age of #MeToo and BLM, the most 'woke' political party in the Land of the Free
has chosen a guy with multiple sexual misconduct allegations as its presidential nominee; and a lady who locked up countless black people
(many for victimless crimes) as its vice presidential nominee?" The message is unmistakeable: murder is acceptable;
raping women is acceptable; pedophilia is acceptable; destroying the public and private property of people you don't even know
is acceptable. The catch? You have to be a member of the right political party.
- Dr. Fauci Confirms "No Reason We Can't Have In-Person Voting" -- And not have massive voter fraud using
people who are dead or don't even exist?
The death of New York? Business leaders warn of downward spiral as chains like JC Penney, Neiman Marcus, Le Pain Quotidien and
Subway permanently close Manhattan branches after mayor's pandemic bungling sees mass exodus -- PCR introduced this with the header,
"R.I.P. New York." This is what happens when you put atheist communists in charge. It's predictable. You voted for it. Live with it.
White Liberals Who Taught Blacks to Hate White People Are Accomplices to Murder -- But they ever be charged?
Mass Looting in Chicago, My Neighborhood Under Siege -- Another perspective on what it's like living in a city run by Democrats.
Flight from New York -- When the Communists are in charge, your best option is to get the hell out. This was
discussed the other day in connection with Joe Rogan's exit from Los Angeles the other day.
Chinese City Finds Traces Of COVID-19 On Chicken-Wing Packaging -- What? Now I have to give up chicken? Giving up bat soup from Wuhan
was bad enough! This is why you can never trust anything government sources tell you. They're all liars.
First it was shrimp and salmon from Norway and Ecuador, now it's frozen chicken wings from Brazil.
Watch: Young Voters Love Trump's COVID Plan... When Told It's Biden's -- This is what happens when you have an educational
system designed to turn young people into mush brains: legions of mutant zombies.
"A Vaccine Or Nothing" -- Philippines Plans Russian Vaccine Trials To Begin In October -- This nonsense is just not going to go away.
You know the drill here, don't you? : "Everybody else is taking the vaccine. Even those horrible, horrible Russians, our enemies!
They know it's important to have a vaccine to beat CoVid! We can't let them beat us! We've got to give our citizens the Mark of the Beast --
errrrr, we mean, the vaccine cure . . . as soon as possible! It's a matter of national security!" Yeah, right.
The New Zealand Story: First They Take Your Guns -- Then They Set Up Mandatory Coronavirus Quarantine Camps -- Same
thing has existed in the U.S. for years. They're called FEMA camps.
Legal Expert Claims Kamala Harris Doesn't Qualify for Vice Presidency -- She’ll Have To Be Replaced -- Kalama is not a
naturally born citizen, making her constitutionally ineligible to run for Vice President. What who cares? The U.S. Constitution is a meaningless
document now, even witin the halls of the U.S. Supreme Court. For eight years, Obama was the U.S. President. His photoshopped Hawaiian birth
certificate, which year ago even Trump used to joke about, doesn't change the fact that he's a Muslim who was born in Kenya, and his Kenyan
brother and other relatives in Kenya, bragged about how proud they were that someone born in their poor African country became president.
Laws mean nothing. Rules mean nothing. Regulations means nothing -- when you're dealing with the Overlords who run your world. Laws are for
little people. Not the Elite.
Americans Are Fed Up -- 72% Are Concerned with Violence in Major Cities -- 62% Say It Affects Their Vote -- Perhaps
the American people aren't quite as stupid as the Left presumed them to be.
University Of Georgia Removes 'Face Mask' COVID Sex Guideline After 'Ridicule' -- The recommendations redefined stupidity.
Wear a mask during sex? Really? "The university sent out notices to on-campus students that said they should 'consider wearing a face mask during sex.
Heavy breathing and panting can further spread the virus, and wearing a mask can reduce the risk." Spending time at a university used to be an
important step in advancing oneself in American society. Today it is largely a waste of time.
Joe Biden Calls for National Outdoor Mask Mandate, Regardless of Age -- The mask ethos is political. It has nothing to do
with CoVid, or preventing transmission (or a non-contagious virus, no less), or saving lives. It's pure bullshit. If nothing else, this proves
that the exercise of power in politics is more important than the safety of the governed.
August 13, 2020
640 European Doctors Gather to Discuss the Overreaction to COVID and How It's Damaging Society -- Unfortunately -- for Bill Gates,
Anthony Fauci, the CDC, and their fellow merchants of death, truth is a stubborn thing. Easy to subvert, but never easy to kill.
Interview: John Moore "The Liberty Man" warns of Planet X fly-by, pole shift, asteroid impacts and government cover-ups --
Mike Adams interviews John Moore with
The Liberty Man. Skip to 10:45 where the action really begins.
(See revised map of the United States: 15:54 to 16:01). This ties into other recent articles on this subject.
Why does COVID-19 strike some and not others? Fauci sees an answer in new study -- Screw Fauci. It strikes some and not others
because -- first -- it's not contagious. (Again, read Arthur Firstenberg's The Invisible Rainbow), and secondly, once you free yourself
of this incredibly fraudulent medical concept called Pasteur's Germ Theory, you understand that it's all about immunity. Interestingly, I got
CoVid last March, as I've repeated discussed, and no one around me got it. Not my wife, not my employees, not my business associates, and
where we live NOBODY wears a mask. NOBODY. The only time we wear a mask is when we travel into the city, and that's only to avoid the
$100 fine for not wearing a mask in public. Were there no fine (here called "multa"), I would never, ever wear a mask. I have this weird
theory that it's actually important to be able to breath. Pet theory, really.
Stevie Nicks: "People are dying because people aren't wearing their masks" -- The entertainment industry is swarming with lunatics.
Pick a star. Pick an entertainer. Pick a major musician. It doesn't matter who. The vast majority are complete retards, and this is just more
of the same.
Michigan man accused of sexually assaulting 96-year-old neighbor -- Calm down! It's all cool. Reparations.
Kamala Harris Opens Her Run as Veep Cheering Rioters, Looters as a "New Coalition of Conscience" in the Streets -- What
horseshit. No wonder we're seeing records broken in the purchase of firearms and bullets. The second American Civil War is a-comin'.
- San Diego City Councilmember Threatens Residents, Demands Sheriff Arrest "People Who Aren't Wearing Masks" and "Who Aren't
Social Distancing" -- Science isn't important in politics. Only control.
Climate Change, Planet X, Nibiru, Bob Fletcher, New World Government, Bush family. -- Mostly an explanation by Bob Fletcher about
the return of Nibiru. I met Bob Fletcher at George Green's home in Hayden, Idaho in May, 2008. He did an extensive video series on the relationship
between the DUMBS (Deep Underground Military Bases) and the future approach of Nibiru.
The Last President | What a 127 yr old book reveals about Donald Trump, time travel & Nikola Tesla --
It doesn't getting any more bizarre. The first 25 minutes are interesting . . . and then the creator of this video can't resist the
temptation to submit to his Trump Derangement Syndrome. This is becoming more common in the age of Big Tech censorship: create an
interesting video, one that is politically neutral, and then hide your nuclear payload in the back of the video as an addendum.
I had to remove a video yesterday that did the same thing.
Black Man Arrested For Allegedly Executing White Five-Year-Old Boy In Front Of Sisters -- Since killing small white
children is now an acceptable practice, I wonder if President Biden will simply issue a pardon.
US Consumer Prices Surge As Food & Medical Costs Jump -- "The food at home index increased 4.6 percent over the last 12 months..."
Complete nonsense. Reports I'm getting from around the U.S. is that certain foods, including meat, eggs, poultry, cereals, have increased
close to 40% since the scamdemic started. To say that food prices over the past 12 months have increased by less than 5% is an insults
to the average citizen's intelligence, but -- once again -- that's what governments and their media do: test your stupidity and measure
your gullibility.
Kamala Harris's Presidential Campaign Owes $1.1 Million to Vendors -- Leftists don't need to pay their bills.
Reparations. If you disagree, it's only because you're a racist.
Peak Idiocy: Wisconsin Government Agency Mandates Facemask Use For Virtual Zoom Meetings -- More government mandated lunacy.
Brace For The Worst Election In US History -- "This time, it literally won't matter who wins, loses, is selected, or elected. The elitists
have already made it clear this election will be a contested one that will seal the division they seek in order to conquer us all. Now they are
mixing in a potential world war narrative that should alert everyone that it's all set up."
Prof: "The Constitution Is Racist" -- Of course. The Bible. The Tao Te Ching. Steinbeck's Of Mice and Men --
Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs & Ham. All of it. It's all racist. Black letters on white paper. Racist. It must be abolished.
Isn't it amazing that these leftists have no powers of introspection to appreciate how retarded they are?
1986: The Act is a new film by long-time British medical doctor, author, and
vaccine critic, Dr. Andrew J. Wakefield. Anyone who wants to know just how dangerous these vaccines really are needs to see the film.
Watch the trailer.
August 12, 2020
- Dr. Andrew Wakefield
warns about risks of coronavirus vaccines -- A hero in the natural health movememt, Dr. Wakefield gives Mike Adams his latest
thoughts about the dangers of the coming onslaught of CoVid vaccines. He discusses he recently released documentary,
1986: The Act.
Joe Biden just declared Trump's coronavirus vaccines unsafe, but media doesn’t label him "anti-vaxxer" -- We live in a world
where cheating, lying, stealing, extorting, raping, torturing, murdering, they're all acceptable. As long as it's a member of
your political group that's saying or doing it.
BREAKING: Antifa terrorists in Austin, Portland just received a large cache of weapons in preparation for coordinated multi-city
"TET offensive" against America -- No foreign army in the history of the U.S. has been a greater threat. Not close.
Donald Trump 119 911 -- Meet the last president of the United States.
Just like Pope Francis was
prophesied to be the last pope at the Vatican in 1139 AD by Saint Malachy. (Yes, yes, yes --- I'm aware of the controversy surrounding
the "Prophesy of the Popes.")
Chicago BLM Organizer Defends Looting: 'That Is Reparations' -- With this line of fake-reasoning, there is no act of theft on
earth that cannot be morally and ethically justified.
New York Times Forced to Admit BLM Terrorized Seattle Business Owners -- When you're one of the kings of fake news, there's only so
long you can push the "sky is green, not blue" narrative before the limits of credibility have been reached and you have to ask yourself,
"Have we gone too far?"
Joe Biden Selects Kamala Harris as Running Mate -- Presumably because she's part black -- well, you know -- at least more black
than Elizabeth Warren is native American indian.
Public School Teachers Openly Fear Parents Overhearing the Leftist Brainwashing During Virtual Classroom Sessions --
In the world of Leftists, the purpose of parents is to produce robots for the benefit of the State. They are the property of the State.
Biden Pledges to Give All Illegals Access to ALL Taxpayer-Funded Programs -- Fair play or justice has never been
the left's strong suit. Death and destruction is its specialty. Ask Russians who had to survive during the time of the Soviet Union.
No Joke: Michigan and Nevada Declare RACISM "Public Health Crisis" -- Our 2020 Theater of the Absurd shows no limits.
Nevada, for one, is 67% white -- (black: about 8%; asian: about 8%). Michigan is 79% -- four percentage points higher than the
United States as a whole. Both have incredibly liberal programs for the disadvantaged, but by all means, since democracy no longer
exists to serve the interests of the majority, let's complain about racism in the one country in the world whose borders millions of
the world's disadvantaged risk everything to penetrate. Every day of every years. Why do they do this? Why, of course, it's because
people just dream of living in a country where they're mistreated.
POST-COVID: What the streets of Quito, The Mariscal District, Plaza Foch look like now -- I'm going to do something I rarely
do here: share something quite personal. This video discusses one of the most enchanted places in Quito, the capital of Ecuador.
I used to spend time there every time I flew to Quito for business. It was like an adult version of Disneyland -- people socializing
and enjoying themselves. Cute ethnic restaurants. Discos. What is like now? A ghost town. Deserted. Depressing.
Almost creepy. So sad.
How the far-left Black Lives Matter movement promotes a revolution that will destroy America -- A survey a couple months
ago showed that 62% of Americans had a favorable view of this terrorist group. In the minds of your Overlords, there is a point where
humanity, as a whole, can be judged too stupid to exist -- thus, deserving of extermination.
ANTIVIRUS Eccentric tech millionaire John McAfee arrested after wearing 'safe lacy thong as a coronavirus mask' in Norway -- Sounds like
something I'd do to let those in authority know what I think of their unscientific, politically-based rules. Hard to believe, though, isn't it?
You're going to leave Muslim immigrants alone who rape women, burn buildings, and steal from locals, but arrest an eccentric millionaire who
wants to wear woman's underwear on his face, instead of an N95 medical mask.
University Of Georgia Suggests "Wearing A Face Mask" During Sex -- Complete idiots. If you live in the United States and your kid
says he wants to attend a university, and he wants your financial help, it's almost enough to make you say, "No fuckin' way."
Unemployment now at Great Depression levels, food inflation soaring -- Keep an eye on food prices.
That is the best measure for the severity of this ongoing planned crisis.
New Mexico Governor: Registering Voters is BAD, but Violent Rioting is FINE -- Again, violence is acceptable if it's committed
by your political allies.
Flashback: Father of Kamala Harris Details on How Their Ancestors Owned Slaves -- There is no corner of the racial conflict and
reparation movements that are not brimming with hypocrisy.
Mississippi School Reopens Only To Send 100 Students Home When Teacher Appears Sick -- If they'd force schools to issue tuition
refunds when they pull this bullshit, this nonsense would end right quick.
August 11, 2020
The Economy Is Mortally Wounded -- The global financial situation is far more serious than most people think.
Or perhaps it's something most people would prefer to ignore.
Chicago Riots: Woman Shouts "I Can't Breathe" As She Loots Luxury Clothing Store -- More antics from the demonically possessed.
Maybe the health care system needs less medical doctors and more exorcists.
AG Barr Blasts Antifa "Bolsehviks" Who Want "Socialism, Communism" In America --
"It's a new form of urban guerrilla warfare," Barr said. "They are essentially shielding themselves or shrouding themselves in First Amendment
activity..." Question: Does it really take billions of dollars in property damage, numerous capital murders and rapes, and the disemboweling of
America's social capital to come to this extraordinarily brilliant conclusion?
Gold, Silver, Small Caps, & Bonds Are All Soaring As Nasdaq Tumbles -- More indications that the economic situation is on life support
and the dollar is headed for the dustbin of fiat currency history.
Blain: "The Brutal Reality Of Slowdown Is Becoming Clearer" -- The signs of decrescence are ubiquitous.
- NY City Police Pelted by Mob with Ice Bottles and Projectiles After They Come to Rescue Little 11-Year-Old Girl
from Assault in Harlem -- Just remember: objecting to raping, pillaging, burning private and public buildings is racist!
- President Trump Asked About Susan Rice and Obamagate -- Says Obama and Others Probably Guilty of Treason --
Probably? Really?
- Black Lives Matter Chicago Condemns Mayor Lightfoot and 'Racist' Police After Full Night of Looting --
Blame Stores for the Looting -- Right. It's the fault of the merchants.
Nashville Lawmaker Wants People Not Wearing a Mask to Be 'Tried For Murder Or Attempted Murder' -- Proof that you don't
have to be an intelligent person to be a legislator.
A Full 59% of Voters Believe Joe Biden Unlikely to Finish a Four-Year Term as President -- My 24-year-old son, Myron, has
a theory: Joe Biden's gonna nominate Hillary for Vice President. With millions of illegal immigrants, hundreds of thousands of dead people, and
countless of ballots of people who never lived contributing to the voter fraud, Biden is going to win. Two weeks after his inauguration,
Biden is going to be "Jeffery Epstein'd." Hillary Clinton becomes president. Mission accomplished!
Astonishing: Scholars argue 2+2 can sometimes equal 5 -- I need to remember this the next time I figure out my tax refund.
Here is Exhibit A for those wondering why kids go through 16 years of formal education and still end up dumber than rocks -- ignorant,
unreformable, and unemployable.
August 10, 2020
British Nurse, Kate Shemirani -- ("natural nurse in a toxic world") --
calls out the ridiculous mask wearing, the depopulation agenda, and
the delegitimzation of anything truthful that conflicts with fake science -- Almost 40 minutes of pure truth.
Anyone on the Left who watches this will go apoplectic.
They've Planned This For Years -- COVID-1984 -- What were seeing today has been many years in the making, as I've said many times.
President Trump declares war on Big Pharma to save America from the criminal pharmaceutical cartels -- Trump is clearly upsetting
powerful middlemen and their drug monopolies in the U.S. There is no aspect of the drug market that is not riddled with corruption, so
it's not easy to upset these monopolies.
Beirut Nuke Missile Attack Confirmed? -- The proof is pretty convincing that Beirut was hit with a missle -- probably tactical nuke.
The videos don't lie. A bigger source of proof: Big Tech's attempts to suppress this information. Additionally, areas all over the
East Mediterranean are registering high nuclear radiation.
The Great Reset: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump -- This was posted on August 6 (three days ago), but it won't be up for long.
The Great Reset gets kicked off in earnest in January, 2021. The world leaders who had a plan in the creation of the CoVid scamdemic are
referring to CoVid as a "rare, but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world." Says Davos founder, Klaus
Schwab," "The world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and
working conditions. Every country, from the United States to China, must participate and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be
transformed." What's in the way of the global reset? Well, Trump, for one, for more importantly, the United States. It must be destroyed.
And who will help destroy the United States for the globalists? Why -- it's Americans themselves, most particularly those on the Left.
So look for radical change is scheduled, beginning January. God only knows what they'll put us through between now and then.
I Am Giving Away My Covid-19 Vaccine Shot To Bill Gates -- About 11 minutes. Hysterical.
Let's Have an Honest Conversation About Joe Biden's "Gaffes" -- This comes from Dinesh D'Souza.
They aren't gaffes. They're fraudulent slips. If you study Biden's comments, D'Souza indicates how the following is revealed:
Biden, like most Democrats, is incredibly racist (that's why they spend so much energy projecting this characteristic onto others);
he views blacks as not smart enough to think for themselves, so they need guidance from the Democratic Party which "owns them."
Shipments Of 20,000 Fake IDs From China Seized By Feds Ahead Of Election -- Get it through your head: It's okay if
the Chinese government determines the next U.S. president, but the theoretical idea that Russians are interfering is not acceptable.
Bitcoin-Hating Fed President Urges "Stricter Lockdown" To "Save Lives & Save The Economy" -- Idiot.
You know --- I have a problem sleeping at night. So I'm going to start sleeping in my car in the garage and fill it with carbon monoxide.
Baltimore Holds 'Ceasefire Prayer' As Murders On Track For Record Year -- Shut up! There are no problems in Baltimore.
Violent crime is a myth! Just as the New York Times.
Rape Suspect Released From Jail Due To COVID Kills Woman Who Accused Him -- Sure, this woman was shot to death by the very man
who raped her, but she deserved it. She's not a registered Democrat.
Faculty, Students Across US Stage "Die-Ins" To Protest Return To Campus -- Lazy is the new responsible. Slacking is the new industrious.
Another Riot Declared In Portland After Leftists Set Fire Inside Police Union Building -- But it was a PEACEFUL arson, just like
all the people BLM and Antifa murder as PEACEFUL. And if you disagree, you're a racist.
It's Time To Position For The Endgame -- The central bankers are enriching the top 1% like never in history, and impoverishing
everyone else like never before. They are behaving like it's the end of the world, or something. Perhaps -- in a manner of speaking -- it is.
Back To School? A Billion Students Still Hit By Closures -- No biggie. They weren't teaching the kids anything they wouldn't
have to unlearn later anyway.
RUMORS SWIRLING: President Trump's Recent Actions Indicate Something HUGE Is About to Drop -- So it would appear.

"This place is gonna sink. I'm outta here!"
August 9, 2020
Joe Rogan: There is a Mass Exodus Out of California Right Now -- The internet's most popular, successful
podcaster explains why California is doomed and he's heading for Texas. It's a little under 5 minutes and
it's pure entertainment.
Hurry and Watch! Reporter Whines About Lack of Masks At Event -- Trump Fires Back! --
It runs less than 10 minutes. Well worth watching, but do it quickly, now that Big Tech
has been censoring comments coming from the current president.
The Biggest Event In History Is About to Occur, The 20 Year Presidential Curse, John Hogue --
Yes, it's almost two hours, but things getting interesting if you skip the first 40 minutes.
- Killer Cuomo Not Only Murdered Thousands of Elderly In Homes, He Also Targeted
Adult Care Facilities and Group Homes for People with Disabilities -- Don't blame him.
You have no right. He's a leftist. He's a eugenicist sworn to serve Lucifer, so he's doing
precisely what he's supposed to -- thinning the herd. SOMEBODY'S gotta help kill off all these
useless eaters. And Cuomo is doing his part.
Fauci Warns Vaccine May Only Help Control Coronavirus Pandemic -- They're laughing at you. Seriously. They think the
general public is composed of remnants of the zombie apocalypse. Here's the real problem. They're right. That's why they spew
this embarrassing shit. They know they can get away with it. When it comes to playing the public's gullibility, the sky's the limit.
Democrat NYC Councilman Paul Vallone Credits Hydroxychloroquine with Saving His Life -- Of course
hydroxychloroquine works. It's a patent drug version of one of the most remarkable medicines in the history of natural medicine:
quinine -- derived from cinchona bark.
Trump: "This may be the last time you see me for awhile."

RUMORS SWIRLING: President Trump's Recent Actions Indicate Something HUGE Is About to Drop -- I reported on
Trump's remarks yesterday. Now this announcement is picking up traction. Do you remember the cryptic revelations from Israeli News Live:
"By September, there will be no one alive in Earth who doesn't know we're in serious trouble?" If this were true, Trump is behaving
precisely as you'd expect: heading for the bunker. It's looking more and more that we're not going to have an election in November.
People are going to have their minds on far more serious matters.
SATANIC TEMPLE: Abortion is a 'Satanic Ritual' and Should Be Protected Under Religious Freedom Laws -- Another arm
of the Democratic Party makes the case that killing babies was a legitimate form of religious expression. What an abomination.
Inside Look at Chilean Astronomer Carlos Ferrada's Notes: With Brother Robert -- This was posted on July 28, just ten days ago,
but because of the post above, it's relevant to discuss it now. Many have been hearing about "Planet X" for years, but because it hasn't
happened yet, many people think it's a hoax.
It certainly wasn't a hoax to Chilean astronomer, Carlos Ferrada. Fast forward to:
5:22 in the video when Ben asks "Brother Robert," a Christian friend who has carefully studies Carrada's work what his final thoughts
on the arrival of Planet X was before his passing more than 10 years ago. He begins to reply at 6:44, and then gets to the real meat
of things at 7:55, "Originally, he thought it would begin to affect us in 2010 . . . but before he died he redid his calculations and
came up with the later part of 2020 -- the year we're in now."
Fast forward to 12:00 --- it will begin slowly in the July to December, 2020 timeframe,
but by 2021, debris falling from the sky would be larger and in much greater frequency. 13:40: "They storm of objects coming
from the sky could be the size of basketballs." The rest of the phone call between Ben and Robert contains important material.
- Twitter Locks Out Emergency Room Doctor Simone Gold for Posting Non-Approved COVID-19 Information on Their Platform --
Truth must be banned at all cost if it runs contrary to the globalist agenda.
Caught on Video: Far Left Antifa Protesters Call Black and Brown Trump Supporters "F*cking Coons" -- More proof that it was
NEVER about race. It wss ALWAYS about the Luciferian political agenda.
World's Top Epidemiologists -- Masks Don't Work! -- The data can no longer be disputed. Orthodox medicine, the vaccine pushers, and
their minions at brothels like the CDC, FDA, NIH, etc. have been caught with their pants down. Big time.
Gordon: "We're Heading To Complete Financial, Moral, & Political Collapse" -- "... normalization is a Fed lie...
The dollar is being destroyed before us."
While Americans Sacrifice To Survive The Pandemic, CEO Compensation Has Barely Changed -- As always, little people
don't matter. Only the fat cats count.
"Huge Increase" -- Americans Renouncing Citizenship Surges To Record Level -- A 1,210% increase. It's like rats
leaving a sinking ship.
2020's Economic Depression Is Becoming An Endless Nightmare For Millions Of Americans --
"There are so many people out there that want to believe that the future is going to be exceedingly bright -- that it is just a temporary blip
on the road to tremendous prosperity. Spoiler alert: It's not!"
- Letter from a good friend:
"It's Friday night here in my 'mask free zone' at home.
I just checked my email and received the following email message from my friend, Dr Laurence Galant, probably one of the top five health minds
in the World. Dr Galant's expertise on how the body heals itself should be taught at Stanford and other universities of advanced learning.
In his message below I can see it did not take Dr Galant much time to discover as many have that we are
being played on this virus scare. I can only hope that people begin to wake up and understand there appears to be some shady characters involved
in this. I honestly don't know if it's an election gimmick, or something more sinister. Whatever the reason, they sure have lots of people scared
with their Fear Porn.
Here's what Dr. Galant has to say and please feel free to share this if you like.
Dear Friends,
For 45 years I've been telling people that in spite of some technological advancement we are still in the
dark ages in our thinking when it comes to health and diseases. And this year 2020 we have gone deeper into the dark ages.
I have never seen the degree to which people have allowed themselves to be scared and fooled,
and it is quite astounding, especially in the so called "Land of the FREE." However, now for the most part, Americans have rolled over and
willingly surrendered cherished and long-held rights and freedom for the illusion of safety and security.
It is a favorite catch-cry of tyrants to claim they are protecting people as they violate their rights.
Many freedom-lovers have expressed profound shock and disappointment at just how easily people forget their rights, swallowed the COVID propaganda
and meekly "obeyed" governmental decrees, proclamation and rules.
The lockdown may be lifted in many states, but the fight is far from over. Before we go any further,
let's pause for a moment. This whole scamdemic is predicated on the idea that there is a new killer virus on the loose that's so contagious and
deadly that we must protect against it at any and all cost.
Yet, as my previous information (what is a virus) and other research has shown the official narrative
is full of holes and assumptions. No one has conclusively proven there is a novel coronavirus, as no one has isolated, purified and re-injected it.
SARS-CoV2 failed Koch's postulate which is the gold standard in microbiology.
People are getting sick from many causes as always, (America is not a healthy country) and are being falsely
labeled as COVID cases or COVID deaths to wildly inflate the figures, which are essentially meaningless.
The science and data show the fatality rate is around 0.1-0.2% which puts it on par with an ordinary seasonal
flu. (and the seasonal flu is due to poor lifestyle choices anyway) On top of all of this, the tests are useless. Some CDC tests were themselves
contaminated with the coronavirus. Other tests were shown to be outrageously faulty. One study found up to 80% false positive.
The Tanzanian President sent a batch of tests to the WHO, and a piece of fruit, a bird and a goat all came back
as COVID positive! Clearly the tests cannot be trusted. I have video research on how this all started. What are the chances that Bill Gates, the CDC,
Big Pharma reps, the WEF and others unknowingly planned a "fictional" simulation for a coronavirus outbreak 2 months before an actual outbreak occurred?
There are video clips from the actual simulation itself, named Event 201. A big part of this was controlling the
narrative afterward, including censorship of anti-vaccine voices. This is yet more evidence that the coronavirus crisis was a planned event,
(like all other viruses) not a random disease that happened to cross species at a seafood market.
Every few years there is a new epidemic scare that is hyped by the media. This time around it's the coronavirus.
I have the actual 239-min. DVD. And, if you want I can give the source where to go and get it for yourself. Just send me a private email.
My website is:
Most of us have been taught to follow the crowd. We subscribe to "tribal" thinking, which is the thinking of the
masses. It is not easy to break from this type of thinking, or non-thinking. A lot of people find this a huge stumbling block because they believe
what social, political, religious and other authority figures have told them is "true". There is a lot of fear tied up in leaving the tribe. However,
you will never experience true freedom or riches unless you learn to think for yourself. But to do this, you must be capable of critical thought
-- which is something the members of the tribe cannot do.
Put another way -- most people don't know how to think. They have been told WHAT to think for so long,
they no longer know HOW to think. What's the lesson for you?
Dr. Laurence Galant
August 8, 2020
- How to Identify 5G-enabled Small Cell Antennas --
Since 5G is the actual cause of CoVid, you should at least know what the installations look like.
5G will be what they are claiming the pandemic is -- An interesting perspective from Richie from Boston.
- The End of Democracy: New Law Allows Dems to Vote for Dementia Patients Without Their Approval or Signature --
This is proof positive that those in charge have no respect for democracy as an institution. Like everything else in Western Civilization,
it's all for show.
Joe Biden Reveals What Will Become of Border Wall If He Wins -- Letting in millions of illegal immigrants who will have no motivation
to contribute to society in any meaningful way or integrate with existing culture, language, customs, or institutions, will ensure the
death of the U.S., as surely as we've seen in the EU, as meticulously documented in Douglas Murray's
The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, Identity, Islam (2017).
Republican COVID-19 Bill Becomes War Document As Democrats Prepare To Murder School Children -- The situation is unraveling by the hour.
Democrats Plan Secession, Military Coup as Alternative to Trump Win -- "Heads, I win. Tails, you lose."
Executions Of Black Trump Supporters Meets "All Under Heaven" Communist Chinese Approval --
The paradox is that the Democratic Party, which is always pointing the "racist" finger at everyone else, has tied the knot with
the Chinese Communist Party, which -- under its "All Under Heaven" doctrine, truly looks upon black people are subhuman vermin,
worthy of extinction.
China Prepares 500,000 Strong American Invasion Force In Preparation For Biden Election Win --
"The game is rigged."
President Trump Makes Cryptic Remark at Ohio Speech: "I Have a Lot of Enemies…This May Be the Last Time You'll
See Me for a While" --
For a Russian perspective on this cryptic comment, read comments on
Kremlin report.
- Medical Team Rushed To Biden Basement
As "Trump In Prison" Fervor Grows --
The situation in the U.S. now is so severe that Russia's national airlines, Aeroflot, has abruptly cancelled all international flights until
August 31. (My suspicions is that this August 31 date is artificial. It willl be extended.)
- Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Now Begs Criminal Antifa Terrorists to Stay Home So Trump Won't Use His Failed City in
His Ads (VIDEO) -- "Please, please, don't let Trump use images of my shithole city, made even more hell-like by my backing of criminal
Antifa and BLM armed terrorists." Be honest. Did you ever think it'd get to this?
39% Of Younger Millennials Return Home Amid Crushing Recession -- It's a V-shaped recovery. Yeah. Sure it is.
Wirecard Fraudsters Looted $1 Billion From The Company Just Before 'The Hammer Came Down' -- You're going to see a lot more of this
kind of thing. When murders and rapists are let out because of "CoVid" concerns, why should ANY criminal have second thoughts?
5 Ways "The New COVID Normal" Is Getting Worse And Worse -- "From mandatory masks to mandatory tests to mandatory track-and-trace,
the roll-out is on."
Schiff: People Don't Understand The Significance Of $2,000 Gold -- Short version: it signals that severe hardship is on the way.
New Yorkers, Crushed By Pandemic, See $336 Billion In Personal Wealth Evaporate -- "Many U.S. cities are emerging from the coronavirus pandemic
that has triggered the most severe economic contraction since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Research firms Webster Pacific and New World Wealth
have published a new report (seen by Bloomberg) taking into account the impact of the virus-induced recession on individual wealth. What they found,
on a metro by metro basis, is that New Yorkers lost the most wealth, recorded a whopping $336 billion loss, or -13%, compared with the previous year."
And to think: this is just the beginning.
TIME'S UP! Health Ranger warns we've reached the end of the window of opportunity to prepare -- I hope you've been paying attention.
I know my audience is small, but this blog has been a labor of love, and I haven't been doing it for my health. This is 32 minutes
of Mike Adams giving you his take on where we are. It's the end of the road. I hope you're prepared.
'We cannot stop people': 250,000 are expected at a South Dakota motorcycle rally -- This was posted a couple days ago.
Here is the official website for the event itself.
I saw it. Not thinking it that relevant, I moved on. But a friend send me the link with a note that makes the subject worth revisiting. His
exuberant, expletive-ridden email reads, in part:
"Greg, did you see this? Can you imagine?
250,000 cyclists and well-wishers of this 80 year cycling tradition celebrating. No body is wearing
masks. Nobody is social distancing. Everybody coming, even if they don't say it, knows that the governments of the world and the entire orthodox
medical establishment has been lying through their teeth about this CoVid horseshit. (Look what they're doing: actions speak louder than words.)
I read this when I got up and got the biggest fucking boner. It makes me smile to see so many people join together and in one big, collective
10-day celebration, telling the Rulers, "Take your tyrannical virus bullshit, your social justice instigating and racial bait nonsense, your
ridiculous quarantine rules and murderous disarming tactics, take it. Take it all. And shove it up your ass! I don't think I've ever seen a
social event in my lifetime where so many people got together to basically tell those in charge: 'Go fuck yourself!'"
Homicides Are Up (At Least) 24 Percent in Democrat-Run Cities -- It's dangerous to your health and physical well-being
to live in a place where Dems are in charge. That's why the exodus of people with substance out of Dem-controlled urban areas is creating the
real-estate phenomenon of the century.
Taken from my May, 2009 "Ashwin" -- I took a trip to the Amazon,
about 6 hours from my home, in May, 2009. In connection with the photogragh above, which I shot, I wrote an article. At the time, I stated this:
"Traces of evolving 'end of times' ethos in the Amazon come from the most unexpected places. In Pastaza, women of the Sarayaku tribe are known for
their ceramic work. While visiting one ceramist, I happened to ask about a tableful of various strange looking creatures, 'Oh, those,'
the Sarayaku woman replied, 'Those are demonic entities. They live in the trees, streams, mountains -- but they are not permitted to come out until
the end of the age. When this time comes, which is soon, they will be let loose . . . '"
 If you have been following this blog, then you will know why I say that I believe that time is now.
August 7, 2020
- Phil Robertson: 'Satanic Mob' of Democrats Led by 'Monster' Joe Biden Want to 'Get Rid of Jesus' --
I've made this argument previously. The Democratic Party is the first polity in American history to assiduously work to attract the
demonically possessed. It used to represent working people. Incidentally, demonic possession is a spiritual reality. Just believe you may
not believe in demonic possession doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Not believing that the Sun warms the earth doesn't make it go away.
Russia-China "Dedollarization" Reaches "Breakthrough Moment" As Countries Ditch Greenback For Bilateral Trade --
Americans who don't see the last legs being kicked out from under the U.S. dollar's chair are in for a rude awakening.
Little by little, the stage is being set for the U.S. dollar to lose the last 3% of its 1913 value.
Voting Fraud Is Real: The Electoral System Is Vulnerable -- The U.S. (and most countries that supposedly practice democracy)
haven't had free, fair elections in a very long time. It would be important that they do if the purpose of democracy was to create government
that reflects the will of the people. It doesn't. It wasn't designed to.
John Cleese: Woke People Have "Zero Sense Of Humour"; They're Killing Comedy -- Demonic possession imparts many characteristics
in those who volunteer to partake of it. A healthy sense of humor isn't one of them.
Farmageddon Continues As Bankruptcies Rise 8% -- As I've said before, precious metals will take a backseat to food,
as the food scarcity becomes more apparent.
Water Wars And America's Fate -- Do you remember the forward-thinking, genius investor with
Asberger's syndrome from
The Big Short (2015), who made a killing on the
subprime mortgage market crash in 2008? Sure, you do. Dr. Michael J. Burry, M.D.
is the most memorable character in the flick. (He was played by Christian Bale.)
What did he do with all that money in real life? What did he begin investing in, long term, as soon
as the mortgage crisis ended? --- Water. The billionaire oilman, J. Paul Getty, once joked: "The meek shall inherit the earth.
But not the mineral rights." Soon, we'll be saying the same thing about water.
Pandemic Triggers Rapid Food Inflation As Unemployment Remains At Great Depression Levels -- People should find this
one of the more disturbing things I've posted lately. Like anything else in the marketplace, price adjusts itself as a function of supply
and demand. With demand dropping, we're seeing food prices skyrocket? This signals the true effect of the collapse of the supply chain.
If you've watched any of the videos I've posted from
- Tucker: America was a very different country 7 months ago --
Hard to believe a superpower can fall so far, so fast.
Only 42% Say They Will Submit To COVID-19 Vaccine, New Poll Finds -- By November, that figure will be 60%. You watch.
Will that change the governments' commitment to mandatory vaccinations? Of course, not.
Gen. Flynn Warns Of "Vicious Assault By Enemies On All That Is Good" In 'Letter To America' -- "...the destiny of the United States is at stake,
and it is, the very future of the entire world is threatened." Many others have made the same observation.
Over 70% Of Americans Afraid To Visit Doctor Due To COVID-19: Survey -- Here's what this survey does not reflect: how many
people are afraid eto visit the doctor because they've lost faith in conventional medicine.
The Unraveling Will Accelerate -- "As people awaken to the fact that the V-shaped recovery was a fantasy, sentiment will slide from
confidence to angst . . . Fragile systems break. This is why the unraveling is accelerating."
New Survey Confirms Second Wave Of US Layoffs Is Well Under Way -- "The recovery is reversing."
LA Mayor Threatens To Shut Off Water And Power At Homes Hosting Parties: Virus Updates -- When are the People going to kick this little
Hitler out of office?
- Democrat Group Creates "The White List" of 75 Congressional Democrats Who Will Be Targeted and Harassed Until they Sign on
to Reparations -- I guess this means nothing for the many millions of White Slaves who built the Industrial North?
35-Year-Old Florida Roofer Struck by Lightning Listed as Coronavirus Fatality -- As reported so many times before,
there is no end to CoVid corruption.
The Wuhan Executive Mask Company has just announced the introduction of its newest
model. Called "All Day, All Night!" these masks have special patented openings to give greater comfort for eating, drinking, breathing, smoking --
you get the idea. With "All Day, All Night!" you never have to remove your mask. Ever! Once you put this mask on, you can keep it on! For life!
Having been thoroughly tested by the World Health Organization, they are guaranteed to provide just as much protection
against viral infection as the best surgical N95 masks, yet the cost only slightly more. And because they've been designed by the same
scientists who created the Wuhan virus in the first place, you can be sure they work. Ex-U.S. presidents Bill Clinton and
Barack Obama have agreed to million dollar, multiyear contracts to promote their use. And Michelle Obama will soon introduce her own designer version. Available at finer medical
supply shops everywhere (those that are still open). [This ad was BLM / Antifa approved.]
August 6, 2020
Democrat Senators Seek $5 Billion for "Masks for All" Legislation -- Next up: legal mandate that your mask must have YOUR full name
and social security number stitched into it for identification purposes.
WHO Admits: No Direct Evidence Masks Prevent Viral Infection -- You won't believe their limp ass excuses as to why people
should still wear them.
Say what? Drive our expensive rigs with highly valuable merchandise to cities where there's no police? Endangering the lives of our drivers,
our rigs, and our cargo to ruthless mobs? What are you? Nuts? It ain't happening! -- Let's see how people vote when Democratic
policies lead to widespread starvation.
Residents of Democrat Ruled Cities Have to Protect Themselves< -- Armed residents offer no-nonsense response to 'peaceful'
invaders marching to Seattle police chief's home. One video showed the rude awakening some of the group received by locals who clearly were
not going to put up with their antics.
"This is a private drive, get out of the road," a man can be heard telling the approaching protesters.
"We are peaceful! You pointed a gun at my face!" one protester yelled back to the armed residents.
"That's why you're peaceful," the resident quipped.
The Last Stand Depopulation Agenda: They're Getting the Military Ready to Give You The Vaccines -- It's coming. They've spent the
last 100 years preparing.
- Suppressed CoVid Cure -- Below is a letter from a friend in Texas.
I'm going to reproduce it, making comments in italics as I go:
Posted by a dear friend I trust in Texas.
I found this story rather interesting. So much so that I contacted this gentleman
to confirm his story. He answered my inquiry to confirm it. As it turns out, he has been bombarded with insults by people that don't believe his story.
[From Democrats, no doubt -- since CoVid is a political agenda and not a medical issue for them.]
So I am going to pass his story along, but I am going to change his name. You'll just have to take my word for it. If you know me then you
know my word is gold.
Experience from a friend:
My name is Ted. I am a 48 yr old white male. My wife and I went to visit our grown daughter and husband
in Houston Tx over the 4th of July weekend. The following Monday after, all of us started feeling poorly. Scratchy throat and fatigue at first.
[Makes sense. Texas has had extensive 5G installations and testing over the past year.]
Full body ached like the flu. Headache, bad earaches, pain around kidneys, no energy, scratchy throat. No problems in the chest yet.
My wife and I both went Thursday, July 9th, and got tested for Covid-19. They gave me no prescription and told me to take Zyrtec D and Tylenol.
Test results will be in 2-3 days.
I got worse by Friday night.
By Saturday I was having trouble breathing and getting nauseated just by standing and going to the bathroom. I went back to the doctor on Saturday
to get a rapid test and more help. They would not rapid test me. They said they will wait to see the results of the first test on Thursday. I asked
for Hydroxychloroquine and was refused. She looked at me blankly and said "we follow the CDC guidelines" on what to prescribe. I said, "Oh. I see.
What are you prescribing? She stared at me but said nothing. I asked, "Why should I not take Hydroxychloroquine? Is it harmful? Does it not work?"
She just stared at me and blinked rapidly. So I asked again, "Are the doctors wrong on social media that are
prescribing it? What's the truth about it?" She blinked a few times and said again, "We follow CDC guidelines for Covid" and wouldn't say anything
more about it. She prescribed me Ondansetron for nausea, ONLY! That's all I got from the clinic.
My health deteriorated after that. From Sunday, July 12, to Wednesday July 15, I had to get my family to
bring me food and water. My chest was closed up. My breathing was short staccato breaths. I could not fill my lungs. It was very painful to inhale
and exhale. I could not exhale completely. My chest would spasm and intake like I was drowning. I had the shakes and chills, full body ache, hadn't
used the bathroom in days. Terrible headache and most painful was the earache. I couldn't lay my head on either side because it hurt. I got the little
finger machine that monitors your oxygen intake. I was never above 93 and fell below 92 multiple times.
Wednesday morning I woke up struggling to breath and very afraid I was going to the hospital if something didn't
change. Finger thing was back and forth between 87-92% oxygen intake. In desperation, I reached out to a friend of mine who is a ER doctor. I told him
what was happening with me, and I was scared. He examined me and prescribed me Hydroxychloroquine and a steroid pill called Dexamethasone along with
over the counter Zinc. He asked if I had any allergies or pre-existing health conditions. I said no to everything. I was completely healthy in all counts
before I got Covid. He warn me of possible side effects and that this medicine has caused heart issues in rare cases. I understood. I took my 1st dose
at 2 pm on Wednesday, July 15.
In 1 hour I was 50% better, breathing, standing in the kitchen making food. ALL of the flu-like symptoms
were gone. Headaches, body aches, kidney pains, fatigue all vanished. [We get the same effect here by using tincture of cinchona bark, with its
high quinine content. Ultimately, hydroxychloroquine comes from quinine, as surely as aspirin comes from white willow bark, or digitalis comes
from foxglove. You get the same benefit by taking chlorine dioxide] I took my second dose around 8 pm that night and felt like I wasn't sick.
I even walked around the front yard looking at my flower beds and weeded a little. (My doctor friend jumped my butt for this. He told me to get back
in bed and rest. That it wasn't over.) The mornings were hard because the medicine would wear off over night. I would go to sleep breathing fine and
be jolted awake in the morning when the tightness would come back. I also got Budesonide used in a Nebulizer as a breathing treatment. That really
helped a lot with the breathing and chest inhaling.
By Saturday morning I was waking up fine, no problem.
Saturday, July 18, I get a call from Lake After Hours letting me know I have Covid-19, and that I should rest
and wash my hands. (9 days later).
I still cough every now and again with a feeling of just clearing my throat. No chest pains. I can breath in
and out fully but still feel it. I lost a lot of weight. Light headed. I am not 100% better but ready to go back to work. Light work at least.
I received a text message this morning that my quarantine time is now over. I can go back to work, and I can get
tested again to see if I still have Covid. Without my friend prescribing me Hydroxychloroquine, I am positive I would have ended up in the hospital
with a wrecked financial situation. The doctors that said "We are following CDC guidelines" did absolutely nothing for me. [They're not supposed
to so "something" for you. They are supposed to bad mouth anything that could compete with their vaccine narrative, and then try to make all
competitors illegal when it IS available. That's what the vaccine monopolists do.]
My personal experience with Covid was blocked by Facebook after 900 people shared it. They said it was
False Information and harmful to the community. It's MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with Covid. That's all. And it's ALL True!! And nobody followed up with me
to "Check my facts"!! It's not fake!! Why!? What are they Hiding!? [They are hiding anything that doesn't maximize their profit and contribute
to the political objectives.]
My friend shared this message with me this morning and I felt I had to share it with all of you. Especially
if it could help save someone's life. As we are all aware there seems to be a very strange disinformation campaign out there regarding HCQ.
The big social media giants are censoring any information regarding HCQ. I personally feel it has nothing to do with science and everything to do
with politics. What a shame to risk lives over politics. [Orthodox medicine has been doing this for hundreds of years. I've spent a career
researching and documenting it.]
During my late wife's battle with cancer, I had the opportunity to network with many doctors from around the globe
who helped me with my wife's condition. Unfortunately, I lost her in 2006. But I kept those friendships and connections alive. All 60 of them.
Recently, many of them confirmed to me that HCQ had cured Covid 19 in their patients. Several of the Naturopathic physicians also informed me that
supplements like Quinine and Quercetin could be substitutes for Hydroxychloraquine if I could not get access to it. [Again, we're going back to the
original effective, natural drug itself: quinine.]
So I wanted to share with all of you my friends forwarded testimony, and I also wanted to make you aware that
other options exist in treating this virus. Below is a photo of my personal immune boosting, anti-covid regime.
It's all about keeping the immune system strong, getting lots of fresh air and sunshine, avoiding mask wearing
if at all possible, and taking personal responsibility. My personal covid defense system:
I don't want to get into a mask debate with anyone, but in speaking with many of my doctor friends, they all
seem to agree that wearing a cloth mask of any kind does nothing to stop virus particles. The only mask most agree that stops up to 95% of virus spread
is the medical N95 mask. However, N95 masks may cause headaches if worn at work over an 8 hour period, and they do restrict oxygen.
[As I've said many times, masks are unless against CoVid: for several reasons: the virus is so small it goes through all masks, including N95,
like a sieve. More importantly, the virus is not alive. It is not contagious.] Masks are useless against CoVid -- so the cloth or surgical
masks are basically worthless.
By the way, there was a test performed with a subject coughing into a cloth mask and removing it right after.
Here is what his hand looked like under a black light:
Conclusion: Cloth masks do not stop the spread of virus particles. One analogy I read summed it up this way.
"Trying to stop a virus with a cloth mask is like trying to stop mosquitoes with a chain link fence." IMPOSSIBLE. Again, I do not want to get into
a big conversation about masks, as I feel there are alternative reasons why it is being pushed, and they are not based on science in my opinion.
[It isn't just "Ted." Anyone who has seriously studied this subject, knows that the mask agenda has no foundation in true health care.]
If anyone is interested in the actual science behind Hydroxychloroquine, and it's success against all corona
viruses, please refer to this government study published in the NIH 2005 by Dr Fauci and his team:
Finally, here is a website from the front line physicians all using HCQ to cure Covid patients. Most have
over 95% success. Most of my doctor friends have reported similar results.
I hope this helps give all of you additional information that could save the life of someone you love.
Please feel free to share this email with friends and family.
All the best,
- From a good friend in NW Florida -- "I wanted to give you a report of what's taking place today here in my area of Florida,
the Northwest Panhandle. I experienced of some new stuff going on at Lowe's and at Walmart. Lowes has discontinued carrying I think all paper towels
if I'm not mistaken or a whole bunch of their brands, maybe they carry one but I think that it’s all gone too... so they're trying to,
you know, train us to get used to going without certain things, and then I had to run into Walmart and I went to iPhone/ computer area in the back
of the store to purchase some accessories, and they gave me all nickels back for my change, like a ton of nickels. So I asked why are you doing that
and the cashier said because we are having a shortage of change so, ha ha so anyway, I ended up purchasing something else and went through the front
and when I did they had every single customer on one end of the store at self check-out scanners going through because they were all using cash so
there was a really long line. So smarty me I went to the other end of the store where they have other self checkouts and they were accepting
no cash at all at any of the terminals out of about 8. So one can see this is all just brain training us robots for the cashless new world.
"Yes, they sure as hell are prepping us up! I've also noticed some other signs at places
I've been of late that spell out the same scenario."
 "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil,
 who put darkness for light and light for darkness,
 who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."
Isaiah 5:20
August 5, 2020
Trump Demands Boston Bomber Get DEATH Penalty -- What an interesting development.
It begs the question: Who has done more to intentionally hurt people? The Boston Bomber or Bill Gates?
The Boston Bomber or Anthony Fauci? The Boston Bomber or Democrat governors and mayors whose policies
has killed thousands of Americans? The Boston Bomber or the thousands of mutant zombie BLM and Antifa
members who are making a career of burning down buildings, murdering truckers in an attempt to cripple
food, drugs, and other essential supply lines? The Boston Bomber or the Senators and Congressmen who
deliberately push laws and regulatory policies that will negatively impact tens of millions of their
fellow citizens -- all for the own personal political gain? Helps put things in perspective, doesn't it?
- Democrat Seth Moulton: Red States 'Are Getting What Was Coming To Them' With Coronavirus --
This is a frequent mantra of the Left: "Death to those who oppose our self-serving political agenda!" Interestingly,
the pro-mask, pro-social distancing, pro-vaccine position held by the Left has no basis in scientific fact.
They just pretend that it does. Just like medical journals now
publish rigged scientific studies that have no basis in empirical fact. Truth no longer has any
meaning in our culture unless it can be twisted so as to serve a political end.
- Massive Support to Fund Police and Democrats are Stunned -- The "police are bad, violent criminals are good"
movement is losing some ground.
Revolutionary Communist Party Endorses Democrat Joe Biden For President -- And next week, the
United Church of Satan.
The following link is highly recommended,
here Jon Rappoport explains the precise dictatorial mechanism:
How do we know how Corporate America simply folded to central regime-commands by following the orders
of Fauci that allowed US corporations to be destroyed by the COVID-hoax plan-demic? Because the US economy is today controlled by three men only:
Larry Fink (CEO of BlackRock), Joseph Hooley (CEO of StateStreet) and Mortimer Buckley (CEO of Vanguard). Taken together, the "BlackRock, StateStreet,
Vanguard Trio" is invested in US shares to the tune of 11 trillion USD dollars and they are now the largest shareholder in 40 percent of all
companies listed on all US stock exchanges, but no fewer than 90 percent of all S&P 500 corporations. In total, the Trio is chief shareholder in
roughly 1600 firms employing 25 million people. As such, the corporate executives of all those corporations MUST regard Fink, Hooley and Buckley
as the de-facto OWNERS of their corporations. And this disproves naive people who claim we live in a "free" market comprising "independent"
publicly-listed firms.
For centuries, we have observed how the so-called capitalist system always manages to consolidate itself into
a series of monopolies. Because the US economy is now a virtual monopoly, the US was a pushover for the COVID-hoax plan-demic and for sovietization.
A very similar situation applies in most other "advanced" Western countries now falling to sovietized Technocracy.
By pure "coincidence", all three of these fund-managers (Fink, Hooley and Buckley) are completely wired in
to "consensus medical reality" (which is a complete fraud or a total hoax). Buckley is a board member of the Children's Hospital Philadelphia,
Hooley serves on the president's council of the Massacheusitts General Hospital, whereas Fink is the co-chair of the NYU Langone Medical Center Board
of Trustees. The agenda is to vaccinate the people like so many head of livestock. The operation to develop a COVID-hoax vaccine is called
"Operation Warp Speed" and that indicates that its quality will be correspondingly low and that the vaccine may well kill you.
According to financial strategist Michael Pento, one in five US corporations are now "zombie corporations"
which means that they can only pay their existing debt by issuing new debt and are soon do collapse. In Q1 2020, corporate debt increased by
6.4 trillion USD dollars (annualized rate), its highest increase in 34 years. At the other end of the scale, says Pento, Microsoft, Apple and Amazon
together account for 25 percent of US GDP. That is certainly in keeping with Agenda 21, which calls for two classes of corporation only,
mega-corporation or micro-enterprise like "Joe the Plumber Inc", with nothing in between. The market cap of the US stock market is now 150 percent
of US GDP, the highest in history. The coming stagflation will be the single biggest destroyer of the middle classes in "advanced" Western countries.
And that is also in keeping with Agenda 21, which calls for two classes of people only, Proletariat or else stars (Nomenklatura),
with nothing in between.
Meanwhile, the central-banksters are likely to hyperinflate or die.
All the best,
- The White/Jewish Liberal/Left that Forced School Integration on the Rest of Us Avoided it Themselves --
This comes to us from PCR. "There are no rules for me. But I impose plenty on Thee!"
- Veteran Virologist Slams Mainstream Media's "Misinformation" About An Effective COVID Treatment --
"Why is it not being widely reported? Why is the American media trying to run the U.S. pandemic response with its own misinformation?"
Because misinformation is the only thing the mainstream media is producing anymore.
The Underground Bunker Business Is Booming As Global Events Spiral Out Of Control -- "COVID-19 pandemic,
civil unrest in major US cities, and concern about what's next have combined to create a tremendous amount of demand for "survival real estate."
Your Phone Is Spying On You: Companies Are Generating Secret "Surveillance Scores" Based On That Data --
"Nothing that you do on your phone is private..."
"V For Vendetta" -- Was V's 2005 "Sermon" Warning Us Of COVID-19(84) Tyranny? -- "And where once you had the freedom to object,
to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and soliciting your submission..."
Mainstream Media TV Veteran Admits "We Are A Cancer And There Is No Cure" -- "MSNBC producer quits, citing corporate media's
war on "diversity of thought."
Florida Man Shoots And Kills Burger King Employee After Order Takes Too Long -- This is the very behavior that the Left condones.
August 4, 2020
The coronavirus vaccine is the "final solution" depopulation weapon against humanity; globalists hope to convince
BILLIONS of people to commit "suicide-via-vaccine" -- It's all true, of course. You have to be blind not to see it.
But what's surprising is that somebody with Mike Adams' visibility would stick his neck out this far.
Civilization expert Fred Markert warns there's only ONE way to save America from catastrophic collapse -- I make the argument in
The Joys of Psychopathocracy (2017) that the coming collapse cannot be avoided. It doesn't just apply to the U.S. It's a global
phenomenon. More people should read Josesh A. Tainter's The Collapse of Complex Societies (1990).
Demand Letter From BLM Activists To Louisville Businesses Lists 5 'Repercussions Of Non-Compliance' -- You now have a
political party in the U.S. which actively supports gangsters running extortion rackets against legitimate businesses. More than half the
people in the U.S. support the Democratic Party. If this isn't a sign that the U.S., as a country, is on life support, I don't know what is.
Teen Activist Who Rallied to Defund Police and Remove Police from Schools Is Shot Dead in Chicago -- Police?
Who needs 'em! Let's just let criminal gangsters to run things. They're so efficient and effective!
Larry C. Johnson: Yes, New Evidence Shows George Floyd Killed Himself -- Not going to see THAT on CNN!
Sweden's Top Epidemiologist: 'We See No Point In Wearing Masks' -- Oh, come on now. Stop being such a party spoiler!
There's big money in government-based, institutionalized mass asphyxiation!
Holland's Top Scientists Say There's No Evidence Face Masks Work -- And May Actually Cause More Harm -- Wait a minute.
This can't be right. Isn't there a law in the Netherlands outlawing common sense!
- COVID-19 Dr. Zelenko: 150,000 Americans and Many More Around the World Are Dead Because HCQ Stood in the Way of Making
Trillions (VIDEO) -- Same with cancer. Same with diabetes. Same with arthritis. Same with osteoporosis. Same with most heart disease.
The greatest scandal of our time is conventional medicine's support
for mass iatrogenesis.
Portland Antifa Cries Out For Police Assistance After Woman They Appeared to Be Harassing Stabs One of Them -- BLM, Anetifa
and other riot groups have been steadily practicing with firearms from billionaire globalists like George Soros. There's only one small detail
that the mutant zombie rioters haven't taken into account yet: they will ultimately be shooting at more experienced citizens who are prepared
to shoot back.
- In New Interview Bobby Kennedy Jr. Claims Dr. Fauci will Make Millions on Coronavirus Vaccine and Owns Half the Patent --
This shouldn't surprise us. Everybody on the political stage is there to cash in. There are no exceptions. Why is it that you have middle class
people ascend to the position of U.S. Senator or Congressman, and leave one or two terms later as a multi-millionaire. "Public servant"
is an oxymoron for gullible morons.
These Two Charts Should Land Dr. Fauci in Prison -- They should. But we all know that they won't.
- Unhinged Wisconsin Teachers Plant Fake Tombstones to Represent Kids Dying if Schools Are Re-Opened -- In a State with ZERO COVID DEATHS
Under Age 19 -- Wouldn't it have been easier to simply call the school board and say you're a lazy ass far left-wing teacher and
your Trump Derangement Syndrome won't let you return to work.
Democrats Up Stimulus Demand To $3.4 Trillion In Odd Negotiating Tactic -- Oh hell -- the Democrat leadership is destroying what's
left of the dollar. So why not just issue each citizen $10 million in free money -- that would only be $3.3 quadrillion -- and we can just stop
fooling around and take the fast track to making the dollar more worthless than Venezuelan bolivar! Debasing and destroying national currencies
if what leftists do best!
Why Gold $3000 Is Next: Bank Of America's Full 'Must Read' Client Call Transcript -- "It's just astonishing and breathtaking
and you have to sort of pinch yourself sometimes to sort of realize that it's actually happening." - Michael Hartnett, BofA Chief Investment
August 3, 2020
- Federal Government and Yale Are Holding Clinical Trials on How Best to 'Persuade' Americans to Take COVID-19 Vaccines --
The psychopathy of your Elite knows no bounds.
Democrats Just Decided That Pissing Everyone Off is More Important Than Weed -- Popular opinion and the desires of the
mass majority have lost all meaning. The action starts at 11:30 with a video article entitled, "Buzz Killers." Very entertaining.
- Minneapolis Police Department Tells Residents to Cooperate with Criminals, 'Do as They Say -- Give Up Your Wallet,
Purse and Cell Phone' -- Can't make this up, can ya? Democrats are massively supporting the removal of police departments
everywhere. No wonder they support mail-in voting. In the absence of mass, institutionalized cheating, winning would be an impossibility.
Speaking of which . . .
- Biden Gang Must Be Going for the Steal Because 'Hollow Joe' May Be Worst Democrat Candidate in History --
Consider: "The Biden campaign must be working on stealing the election because there is no excitement from his base. Sleepy Joe is a terrible
candidate -- he literally doesn't even know where he is."
For a long time we've thought the polls used in Presidential polling were fraudulent and fake. We saw in
2016 how the polls questioned more Democrats than Republicans and other methods of skewing the results in favor of Hillary and we are seeing it
again this year. These polls are constantly used to discourage Republicans."
- What a Fraud: Dr. Fauci Warned that Trump Campaign Rally Was Dangerous -- Then Refuses to Condemn Leftist Street Protests
and Riots (VIDEO) -- No matter where you sit on the political spectrum, you cannot deny that the "scams of 2020" are all political
at their core. This reminds me of an essay I wrote in 2009 that's included in Living on the Precipice (2009). It's entitled,
"Understanding Just Why It Was Never Possible For Orthodox Medicine to Heal
More People Than It Maimed, Poisoned & Killed / To Grasp Modern History is to Realize That Ours in the 'Great Age of Iatrogenesis'" --
Medicine -- first and foremost -- is about power, privelege, and profit. Curing patients happens only by accident.
Urgent! Everyone will now test positive for CoronaVirus! -- Dr. Rashid A. Buttar explains the incredible level of fraud involved in
CoVid testing now.
World Shocked By Bill Gates Statements On COVID-19 Vaccine -- If they created a Nobel Prize for world-class liars,
Bill Gates would be a major contender.
- "I'm Not Going to Be Silenced!" -- Houston Doctor Stella Immanuel Doubles Down -- When Was the Last Time Fauci
Saw a Patient? (VIDEO) -- Courageous medical doctor.
Stockman Slams "Lockdown Lunacy" -- Your Government Ordered Depression Has Arrived -- So much of this article is
priceless, but the analysis at the end matches something I said in a longer YouTube video I posted last month. Namely, that the anti-Trump
agenda is causing Leftists to push to crash the economy, get everyone to wear masks, etc. Truly, the Democratic Party -- a once noble
institution with worthwhile goals for working people -- has morphed into the party of the clinically insane and those with demonic possession.
Are You Loving Your Servitude? -- "We are now experiencing a dystopian amalgamation of the worst of Huxley and Orwell's imaginations."
Russia Plans For First Mass COVID-19 Vaccinations In October Amid Global Skepticism -- "Local regulatory approval within
2 weeks, with front line workers & teachers to be vaccinated first." The nightmare begins. God help us all.
Dems accused of agenda that 'punishes hardworking Americans and rewards loafers' -- The foundation of any healthy
society is reciprocity. The Democratic Party became the party of destruction when it decided to back parasites over those who go out
and work for a living.
The Left's War on Science: Democrats' pretense of 'following the data' masks a grand scheme to turn America socialist --
This is an extension of a phenomenon that's been going on for hundreds of years that I have extensively documented -- namely,
conventional medicine's war on science and natural healing
Gavin Newsom's 2020 property taxes are 'delinquent' on BOTH of his estates -- This is commonplace. Obeying laws, paying your
taxes, or contributing positively to society are things which politicians loathe. They're above it. They're beyond it. These things
are for the governed, the little people, the "useless eaters."
August 2, 2020
Twitter Is The Pedophile Site -- I seem to have read somewhere that a time would come when good would be called evil,
and evil, good.
Red Flags Soar As Big Pharma Will Be Exempt From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims -- Only irresponsible, immoral
criminals demand immunity from liability for this kind of product. Why ANYBODY would consider "taking the vaccine" with this on the
table is beyond me.
Car Theft Hits Record High In Los Angeles -- Car thefts in L.A. are up almost 60%. Funny how criminals only become more
emboldened when they know there's no consequences for bad behavior -- and they have the support of the media and the Democratic Party
The Consequences Of "Worthless Cash" -- ". . . our bet is that the US dollar will be the major casualty in an era of unbridled
monetary and fiscal stimulus."
- The Pentagon & CDC will join together to mass distribute the CoVid vaccine. --
"A new coronavirus vaccine is right around the corner, thanks to Operation Warp Speed, and it’s distant the Pentagon. Still think this thing,
and whatever is in it will not be mandatory?"
America's Coin Shortage Is Getting Worse -- Covered this before. They want all money to be digital. Why?
Because with digital money, it will be easier to steal from the people and control them than if there's physical money.
Communism Secured: Musk Calls Chinese "Smart, Hard-Working", Says Americans Are "Entitled, Complacent" -- There's an
obvious reason that this is important. Elon Musk is a member of the Elite. He shares their collective opinion. What Musk said during this
podcast was just one small step removed from saying that Americans are worthless eaters and should be done away with.
The Great COVID-Con: Exposing Journalistic Malpractice -- "The failure of major media to report truthfully is inexcusable, since accurate
information would enable our society to deal with this crisis in a more reasonable manner." It is not the job of the media to tell the
truth. It is the job of the media to manipulate the masses -- and nothing short of round-the-clock lying will get the job done.
Russell Napier: Central Banks Have Become Irrelevant -- "Most investors believe in the seemingly unlimited power of today's central banks.
But in fact, they are the least powerful they have ever been since 1977."
Memo From Insiders: Dear Bagholders, Thanks For Buying Our Shares At The Top -- You're on a cruise ship. You're at port and
you notice that all the rats are getting off. Then you look over the rail and notice that there's a huge hole in the hull below the water
line and the ship you're in is taking on huge amounts of water. Should you be concerned?
Again -- the name of the game is total control of the mutant zombie hordes.
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration is advising that this drug is contraindicated for
all its employees, politicians, and middle-level managers in Big Tech and mainstream media organizations.
August 1, 2020
- James Lovelock: 'The biosphere and I are both in the last 1% of our lives' --
On the eve of his 101st birthday, the father of the Gaia theory discusses Covid-19, extreme weather -- and freezing hamsters.
"Edible Vaccine"? PHARMING: Food that Changes YOU -- Ahhhh, so you're going to complaint about taking our DNA-altering vaccine?
Waking up now, are we, you pathetic sheep? No problem. We'll just stick the vaccination in your food.
- FINALLY! Top Dr. Ramin Oskoui on Crazy Dr. Fauci: "I'm Hearing Someone Who Frankly Is Very Manipulative and
Dishonest" (VIDEO) -- We all knew this. What makes this newsworthy is who's saying it.
- VIDEO: Ami Horowitz Goes To Portland; Rioters Promote Violence, Say It's Time To "End The American Experiment" --
How many different ways can these mutant zombies find to tell you in unmistakeable terms that war has been declared on you, your family, your country,
and all that you hold dear? America's wars used to be overseas. Now the war has come to the heartland.
- Florida Couple Arrested For Refusing to Quarantine -- Property Manager Videotaped Couple Walking Their Dog and Gave Footage
to Police -- How dare you think it's okay to walk your dog, wash your car, or go to the grocery store.
How callous and cruel of you! You must be a f*****g Trump supporter!
- COVID-19 Mortality Reporting is Masterfully Misrepresented -- Method of Reporting Makes Current Mortality Appear
Much Worse Than It Is -- How many ways do we have to be told that all the data being thrown at us by officialdom concerning this
5G-generated disease is fake. It's not just a little fake. It's all fake.
- Portland's "Peaceful Protesters" Plant Severed Pig's Head on American Flag and Light It on Fire Outside Portland Justice
Center -- Meet "the new normal" in peaceful protesting.
- Ontario, Canada Govt Medical Official Warns Against Mass Coronavirus Testing -- 'Will Not Actually Achieve Anything',
False Positives 'Almost Half' in Low COVID Areas (Video) -- That took courage.
FAUCI EXPOSED: Jim Jordan’s Grilling Proves It’s All Political (VIDEO) -- Fauci refused to condemn the rioters, who
do not wear masks, perform social distancing, or abide by any of the other crazy rules that have marked the CoVid scamdemic. This is yet more
proof that the scams of 2020 are politically motivated.
Make America Constitutional Again? -- The U.S. was lost when the Elite were able to use the educational system to turn newer
generations into walking mutant zombie idiots. Never before has Ben Franklin's quip made more sense: "Democracy is two wolves and a sheep
voting on what's for dinner."
- Police Confiscate Man's Firearm After Anonymous "Antifa" Members Accuse Him of Being a "Racist" --
These are the kind of wickedly ridiculous tactics that members of the Left will use to disarm those who oppose them, disarm those
who think the U.S., as a country, is worth saving.
The Great Unraveling Has Begun -- We Are Experiencing Economic Devastation On A Scale That America Has Never Seen Before.
For a very long time we have been warned that a U.S. economic collapse was inevitably coming, and now it is here. Fear of COVID-19 and
unprecedented civil unrest in our major cities have combined to plunge us into a historic economic downturn, and nobody is exactly sure what
is going to happen next.
Fitch Revises United States Credit Outlook To "Negative" -- Just over a month ago, Fitch Ratings downgraded Canada from AA+ to AA;
and tonight, shortly after the market close -- with bond yields at record lows -- the ratings agency has revised its outlook for the
United States from Stable To Negative, citing "ongoing deterioration in US public finances and the absence of a credible fiscal
consolidation plan. . ."
The Fed's Dollar Debasement Will Trigger An Unprecedented Structural Shift --
"Whether it is merely the continued debasement of the dollar by a Fed that has gone full-tilt on money printing, or a historic transition away
from the current global reserve currency, the recent sharp drop in the US currency is all Wall Street is talking about, with some such as
Goldman going so far as to warn that "real concerns are emerging" about the US Dollar as global reserve currency (and is a reason why the bank
is buying gold instead)." The U.S. dollar's direction is clear, historic parallels are innumerable, and the momentum unalterable.
We will see a hyperinflated dollar, massive devaluation -- both of which are harbingers of a fiat currency's relegation to the dustbin
of history.
Florida Man Arrested For Enforcing Social Distancing By Firing Shots In Hotel Lobby -- This is a classic examine
of the insanity of the Left.
Breitbart Still Suspended From Twitter After Viral HCQ Video; Doctor Gets Axe Over Involvement --
"Breitbart News is still unable to post to their 1.4 million followers on Twitter, after their account was locked and suspended for posting
the viral video of pro-HCQ doctors at the heart of the latest debate over Silicon Valley censorship."
Colorado to Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis -- Interesting. According to U.S. Census numbers,
from 1970 to 2010 (that's 40 years), Colorado went from 95.7% to 81.3% white. All other minority groups dramatically increased
in number. Obviously, minorities go to considerable trouble to move there. Would they really be doing this if racism were a
problem? Final verdict: this is more radical Leftist nonsense.
Legal Disclaimer: -- This links and comments on this page are intended
to stimulate debate on issues related to the Coronavirus phenomenon of 2020. Since this debate incorporates varying
points of view, readers are cautioned to use their own judgement in whatever they read. Nothing here should be
regarded as a substitute for seeking out professional medical care if and when needed. Nor are any of the comments
here intended to inhibit readers from getting timely testing by authorized practitioners when needed.
Any products mentioned, whether
pharmaceutical or natural, are cited as being in the Coronavirus public debate. However, the page is not intended
to provide products that are meant to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.
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1 Aug 2020 @ 1 am: