September, 2020
Picking up from August
-- this is the eighth month we've been following the Great Hoaxes of 2020. First, it was the CoVid scamdemic, then
the highly orchestrated BLM / Antifa social unrest, now we're in the lead-up to the November election in the U.S.,
which has the entire world watching, which will arguably segue into the Second American Civil War.
Coronavirus® & Other Scams of 2020
News & Developments for September
 his is now the eighth month I've been maintaining this blog.
By now the fake facade of the CoVid scamdemic has been unmasked, and the world is seeing the veil lifted on the
political motivations that set the unfolding disaster that is the year 2020 into motion.
 What comes next is an election -- one I believe that Trump, like him or
hate him, will win, which in turns sets the stage for the second American Civil War.
 Concurrent with this are numerous side shows that are in our
field of vision: information concerning the earth's passage through an asteroid debris field, the
potential use of 5G and smart meters to kill off large numbers of citizens (which is at least
technically feasible with existing infrastructure), and coming martial law.
 It's an interesting mix as we head into the fall.
September 30, 2020
- In full: Donald Trump vs Joe Biden in first presidential debate
| US Election 2020 -- In case you missed it last night. Amazingly Biden managed to commit no major gaffes. Biden strongly denied
his son, Hunter's, massive intake of funds from foreign governments, cashing in on his father's connections. It's been extremely well documented,
yet Biden, quite amazingly, denied it all. The mantra of the evening when confronted with a provable accusation, "That's been discredited."
This debate isn't going to change anybody's mind about anything.
"Will You Shut Up Man?" -- Debate Post-Mortem: Trump Dominant But Biden Better Than Expected -- Good analysis of the aftermath.
Obama was born in Kenya. Not Hawaii. He was never eligible to run for U.S. President -- No wonder he spent 8 years in office
thinking that he could violate any law he wanted, whenever he wanted, and that he could turn his administration into a full-service crime syndicate.
Look at it from Obama's point-of-view: "If you dumbshits don't even care if I'm constitutionally eligible to be in this office, why should you care
what I do once I get here?"
REPORT: Minneapolis Plan To Defund The Police Collapses, City Council Members 'Regret' Making Pledge -- What dumbasses.
You need an IQ of what? 60? to know that this would lead to tens of millions of dollars more in property damage, public violence, looting, and
total mayhem. Every member of this council could have been suffering from autism and they should have still known that this would be the outcome
of this level of stupidity. Their only real regret is that the public caught on.
News Media Declares That Biden's Debate Performance Later Tonight Was Great [Satire] -- Funny.
It Will Happen By DECEMBER!! | [Dr. Rashid Buttar] -- Dr. Buttar gives a brilliant synopsis in this short 6 minute video of the
effects of 5G. It goes way beyond CoVid. Please watch this.
- Will Democrats Have an Antifa Thug Assassinate Amy Barrett to Keep Her Off the Supreme Court? --
PCR weighs in on how the grave state of the left is jeopardizing the lives of anyone who doesn't agree with their demonic agenda.
- The New York Times, once a newspaper, Is Today an Anti-White, Anti-Trump Propaganda Organ --
The New York Times' story about Trump's taxes contradicts itself throughout. The presstitutes rely on the stupidity of readers not to notice the
contradictions but just to delight in each contradictory claim.
Science Is, Well, No Longer Science -- Scientism is a religion. It isn't based on empirical facts. This is a point I made quite
strongly in my article, When Big Pharma Shills Rule The Blogosphere
(2015), and an article I wrote earlier this year,
Officlal "Medical" Science in Retreat. Actually, my book,
Living on the Precipice (2018) is replete with examples.
The Deconstruction of White Confidence -- "You can tell what years of anti-white propaganda in American universities, public schools
and media have done by considering Ilhan Omar, a Somali who got herself elected to the US Congress by running a ballots-for-cash scheme. Omar is
very aggressive in her language about white people and is confident that white people are too guilty to do anything about it. She can bully them
all she wants."
Sayer Ji: Biopolitics, the Corona World Order, and the Human Connection Movement -- "In this livestream, Sayer Ji touches upon
the meta issues we are facing today, both as individuals and globally, focusing on Covid-19 as an event horizon for humanity, and the ontological fork
in the road we are all now being asked to make a decision about which direction we will take."
Trump camp seeks extra debate rule: Third party inspectors to look for electronic devices in candidates' ears -- The Dems cannot even
participate in a simple debate without cheating.
They're Getting Us Ready for Something Big -- (YT: HighImpactTV) -- Did you know how dangerous it was to drink water?
Beware: there are water samples out there with brain-eating amoebas! A small boy supposedly died of this and they interview the mom,
who starts out the interview by laughing. She's obviously a "crisis actor." Several people in the comment section picked up this, too.
If you lose a small child, and you're the mom, are you going to be laughing about it? There is nothing in the news that isn't fake anymore.
How could people be dumb enough to believe this crap?
- The Latest from the U.S. Election "Cheat-Your-Way-To-Success" Newswire:
James O'Keefe: Our Video Is 'Hard Evidence' and 'Smoking Gun' of Voter Fraud -- "Project Veritas's most recent undercover
video investigation provides "hard evidence" and a "smoking gun" of voter fraud operations in Minnesota for the benefit of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN),
said James O'Keefe, the organization's founder and president on Tuesday's edition of SiriusXM's Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
- Project Veritas Releases Another Ilhan Omar Video Showing Cash for Votes Harvesting Scheme -- Just keep that
Cheat-Train a-rollin'!
Houston: Lawsuit Seeks to Remove 'Hundreds' of Noncitizens from Voter Rolls -- What national party could possibly be
pushing something this illegal? You get three guesses and the first two don't count.
Twitter Wants You To Believe Universal Mail-In Ballots Are Safe -- Despite Mounting Evidence Showing Otherwise --
"Twitter fact-checkers don't believe in the mounting evidence of voter fraud across the country due to issues with universal mail-in ballots.
In fact, the social media platform doesn't even want you to question it."
Obama Advisor THROWS Trump Under The Bus -- "(Trump) he has refused to understand the world that we live in, the nature of the threats
we face and done nothing, absolutely nothing when it comes to defending us." On the contrary, we understand perfectly the threats that we face,
and we understand that they are coming from your side of the fence
Nolte: Whole Foods CEO Under Fire for Connecting American Obesity to Coronavirus Deaths -- He should have kept his big mouth
shut and continued lying his ass off like everything who's connected to the official narrative. Instead, he made the mistake of being an honorable
man, telling the truth, and making a clear connection between "CoVid" and a leading viral co-morbidity.
18 of Top 20 Cities with Projected Highest Murder Rates Have Democrat Mayors -- Ouch! That's a 90% correlation.
Coincidence? Shut up, Conspiracy Theorist!
Jim Quinn: The Only Thing 'Systematic' Is The Destruction Of America -- "We are far from the republic Franklin and his fellow patriots gave us,
and as Franklin foreshadowed, we were unable to keep it..."
A friend sent this to me with the note: "They've been playing us for the idiots we are all along.
For these purchases to exist, it means that CoVid was planned many years ago with extreme precision. Somehow the words "scamdemic" or "plandemic"
don't even begin to emcompass it anymore."
September 29, 2020
Just how retarded do you have to be to think that it's okay to hire someone to teach 5 year old kindergartners who looks like this?
This is a kindergarden teacher in France who's
upset about losing his job because of his appearance, but still insists on being a primary school teacher. By the way, he was only fired
AFTER a parent's complaint. Why is Western Civilization turning into one gigantic freak show?
- And now the latest from our "Vote for Biden & Support Demonic Possession!" Newsline:
Woman Caught A Demon Inside Her & Spazzed Out On A Flight To Detroit! -- People think I'm kidding when I talk about the explosion
in demonic possessions, and that such possession is particularly dominant in the left. But it's a reality, and it's growing.
Texas Wedding Photographer Arrested At Ceremony After Allegedly Being Caught Having Sex & Urinating On A Tree! -- Anything aberrant here.
Nahhhh. Shut up, Hater! This is the new normal.
Police: Man Repeatedly Stabs Mom over Text Telling Him to Grow Up and Get a Job -- This is the "new normal" now, too, right?
Catherine Austin Fitts: The Deep State Chaos Op -- It's 36 minutes you need to hear.
V for Vendetta knew our future would be a bleak one -- "A movie that seemed to take things too far ultimately did not take them far enough."
Federal intelligence officials cloned phones to surveil and map entire structure of Antifa / BLM terrorist operations
in preparation for mass arrests -- Too little, too late? We'll see.
The CDC's official narrative continues to flip flop, but anyone who disagrees with their ever-changing guidance is censored --
It's 1984 time. Everything that descends from Big Tech, MSM, and official government agencies is wall-to-wall propaganda.
Based on latest CDC data, the Wuhan coronavirus poses virtually no death risk whatsoever for people under the age of 50 -- But by all means,
let's keep pushing this vaccine horse crap.
VP Biden helped son Hunter become fabulously wealthy by shaking down international governments and corporations -- What occurred between
Biden and his crack-pipe son represents a level nepotism never before seen in American politics. No wonder Dems, who have no problem with this,
are fighting for their political lives.
Big Pharma races to distribute coronavirus vaccine -- are there enough deep freezers to store it? -- Around the globe, scientists are racing
to create a coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine. But with America alone needing hundreds of millions of vaccines, regardless if citizens actually want them
or not, experts are worried about one thing: Do they have enough freezers to store the vaccines?
Australia, India and Japan form Supply Chain Resilience Initiative (SCRI) to reduce dependency on China -- It's called operating redundancy.
Rioters "fighting" for social justice cause people to despise BLM -- They're not rioters. They're paid mercenaries. Listen to
the Catherine Austin Fitts interview above.
Facebook and Twitter now censoring anyone posting about Kyle Rittenhouse -- The Deep State didn't do such a great job of completely
banning the Second Amendment, so now they've something that's the next best thing: making it a crime to defend yourself against somebody shooting at you.
- Presstitute New York Times and the Rest of the Whore Media Rush to Defend Hunter Biden from the Devastating US Senate Report on
His Corruption and Likely Criminal Action -- Again, there are no felonies that those among the Dems or the left can't commit which the
MSM will not defend. And this comes from a political faction that is always saying "no one is above the law." Yeah, right.
- Joe Biden had a Campaign Ad and Stickers Printed and Ready to Go Immediately After NY Times Broke its Trump
Tax Story -- They're not called Fake News for nothing.
- WE WERE RIGHT: In March We Provided Evidence that the WHO's Coronavirus Mortality Rate Was Grossly Overstated -- The CDC's
Recent Numbers Prove We Were Right -- Nothing about the CoVid narrative isn't fake.
- Let's all celebrate Voter Fraud Day! -- Yeah!
- Biden's Texas Political Director Implicated in Massive Mail-In Ballot Harvesting Scheme in Harris County
Explosive Undercover Video Connects Ilhan Omar Campaign to Major Voter Fraud Allegations -- They've told us they have cheated,
are cheating, and will cheat. It may be the ONLY thing they've been truthful about.
Here's the Project Veritas bombshell release that got this started.
Trump calls for investigation into Rep. Omar over 'ballot harvesting' claims -- Voter fraud is only getting started. You watch.
- ANOTHER HUGE WIN! Judge Strikes Down Democrat Plan to Eliminate Signature-Matching in Ohio -- "Not cheat?
This isn't fair! You're a racist if you don't let us cheat!"
Colorado Encourages Dead People, Non-Citizens To Vote -- All's fair in love and war.
Kyle Rittenhouse Update -- In case you're curious. This is what happens
when you try to defend yourself from terrorists in the U.S. today.
- CHICAGO UNCHAINED: Grassroots Activists Speak Out Against Black Lives Matter --
Question BLM Links to George Soros (VIDEO) -- Consciousness rising.
- Trump Admin to Declassify Secret Document Revealing Vladimir Putin Was Actually Trying to Hurt Trump's 2016 Campaign --
The Democratic Party uses "reverse projection" in everything they do against their opposition.
The Disturbing Intersection Between Antifa, BLM & Public-School Teachers -- "As violent protesters have begun to diminish for the time being
in areas such as Portland, it is time to reflect upon exactly who is perpetrating the street violence in Portland and other places. Not only who these
people are (we'll get to that in a moment), but what is the trigger that is inciting these people to violence?
NYC Reportedly Weighs Localized Lockdowns For New COVID-19 Hot Spots: Live Updates -- More thrills from your favorite CoVid Nazis.
China Calls For 'Green Revolution' - Right After Approving "New Fleet Of Coal Plants" -- "A new fleet of coal plants is in direct
contradiction with China's pledge to peak emissions before 2030." There is no faction pushing the climate change
narrative that isn't chockful of liars, psychos, and morality-free opportunists. The same people who now fund the "global warming" as the
same people who would send out a hit squad to take you out if you invented an alternative to the internal combustion engine. Now do I know that?
Because I personally knew two such inventors, one of whom was assassinated for his invention -- one that would have dramatically affected
global warming anthropogenic inputs.
"Inflation Is Already Here": The Fed May Have A Major Problem On Its Hands -- "The price of the stuff we're buying is rising much faster,
while the stuff we're no longer buying has been falling, but still counts for official CPI figures."
Maryland Man Jailed For One Year Following Multiple Parties During Virus Lockdown -- Like the people who have been arrested for not
wearing a mask, this is yet another example of governmental overreach.
Ron Paul: "Question 'The Science'? Go To Gulag!" -- "...while we who question 'the science' are not being physically carried off to the gulags
for disputing the wisdom of our 'betters'... we are being silenced and accused of malicious intent..." --
"We are basing a government policy, an economic policy, a civil liberties policy, in terms of limiting people to six people in a meeting, all based on,
what may well be, completely fake data on this coronavirus."
Another Horrific Chicago Weekend: 5-Year Old Girl Stabbed, 49 People Shot -- Hard to believe that people knowingly vote these psychopathic
lunatics into office. But with all the voter fraud, perhaps there is no alternative. The cheaters are winning.
Harken, The Covidean Creed -- The world welcomes tha latest, baseless, fact-ignoring religion: Covideanism.
"Harken, The Covidean Creed, as agreed at The Unholy Conclave at Davos. We believe in one Malady, Covid-19, the only son of SARS-COV-2, eternally begotten
of the Virus, God from God, Darkness from Darkness, true God from true God, begotten, not made (probably) of one Being with the Virus."
Read the rest. It only gets more insane.
From Pistol-Dollar To Petro-Dollar To Pharma-Dollar -- "The WHO assumed the role OPEC played in 1973. It declared a global pandemic under the
most spurious conditions with the full knowledge that this would not only permit a shutdown of the economy -- all to create the Pharmadollar."
The article ends with this ominous conclusion: "An emerging and potentially infinite demand for pharmaceuticals -- legal or illegal --
safe or unsafe -- will offer the Western pharmaceutical cartels untold and unlimited profits and because these are all countries working in the
USD / EUR markets, together with the WHO will be guaranteed potentially unlimited profit streams. So from the first circle of hell we descend into the
second circle. Can we get any closer to damnation?"
September 28, 2020
[TheYankeeMarshal - Tools & Tactics to Survive Riots/Mob Attack in your Vehicle!] It's going to get brutal. If you drive a car,
you will soon reach a point where, when you get to an Antifa/BLM checkpoint, either you kill them or they will kill you.
Make your choice.
Economist Stephen Roach Issues New Dollar Crash Warning, Sees Double-Dip Recession Odds Above 50% --
This came out a couple days ago in the mainstream media of all places. (Considering that they lie about everything, it's good to know that the old
adage still holds true: Even a broken watch tells the correct time twice a day.)
"Economist Stephen Roach warns next year will be brutal for the dollar. Not only does he see growing odds of
a double-dip recession, the Yale University senior fellow believes his "seemingly crazed idea" that the dollar would crash shouldn't be so crazy anymore.
"We've got data that's confirmed both the saving and current account dynamic in a much more dramatic fashion than even I was looking for,"
Roach told CNBC's "Trading Nation" on Wednesday.
The Covid-19 Scam Is The Greatest Crime Of The Century -- Conscientious medical doctors everywhere are joining forces to tell the
world, "Cut the bullshit. Covid is a scam. The masks are a scam. The lockdowns are a scam. The political takeover is a real, and it's a
threat to all humanity." Over a 1000 doctors publicly expose the Covid-19 operation. Watch this. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is on the panel.
- Get Ready for Inflation Good and Hard in 2021 --
Greg Hunter interviews Dr. Chris Martenson. Latest CoVid scam news. Next comes the crushing economic crash.
Master class of Russian beauties practicing with their sabers -- Ok, ladies. We have a civil war brewing, and
your elite want to wipe out 227 million Americans by 2025. Will you be among them?
So get out there, right now, and start practicing!
Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Fake Dying Last Wish -- Of course, it's fake. There is nothing about the left's agenda that isn't disingenuous.
It is a key feature of the demonic life.
- Worthless FBI Finally Forced to Release a Small Handful of Strzok-Page Emails -- I post this to emphasize
how integral this organization is to the Deep State. I've told this story before, but it's worth retelling:
In April, 2004, I was falsely imprisoned in Lafayette, Louisiana -- a subject I cover in exhaustive
detail in Meditopia, Chapter 3. While I was there, I was pulled from my cell and
surprised to discover that three FBI agents had flown down to visit me. Soon I found myself at the end of a long conference table with these three
FBI agents to my right and the DOJ's prosecutor assigned to my case on my left.
"Mr. Caton, the gentlemen are with the FBI and they have some questions for you.
I've been instructed to tell you that you are immune was prosecution concerning anything you tell them, with the exception of murder.
Do you understand?" And, of course, I responded "yes" because I'm not nearly as stupid as the agent who was about to address me. The agent
sitting closest to me did the talking. "Mr. Caton, what we want to know first is what weapon systems or arms were you selling to the Russians
during your travels there last year."
I was stunned by their question, and I had to take a moment to compose myself before responding:
"Yes, I went to Russia twice last year, but I'm a practicing herbalist. I don't know anything about weapons systems. You know what an
herbalist is, right?"
"We're the ones who ask the questions here!" screamed the lead FBI agent, sounding like the
Wizard in The Wizard of Oz. It wasn't before long before the agents
gathered their things and left. I suppose my visiting Russia was all they needed to suspect a crime. After all, in their logic, there would
be no reason for an American to visit Russia unless he was an arms dealer, right? This is the level of mentality of the retards who both run and operate
the criminal justice system in the U.S.
COVID-19 Deaths Near 1 Million As Outbreaks Worsen In US, Europe: Live Updates -- The condition is worsening because
5G towers are going up worldwide like mushrooms out of cow turds after a spring rain. They can make it worse or make it better anytime they want
just by adjusting the frequencies.
1971: The Year That Changed Everything -- When our money system became fake, everything else went awry, as well.
The website devoted to this subject is well worth studying, as is the
YouTube that came out on the 25th where the millennials who put this together
do a surprisingly impressive job of making their point. Why is this important? Because what happened 50 years
ago next year gives us great insight as to why we're in the situation we're in now and where this goes. Know that this has all been
engineered, as I cover exhaustively in Chapter 5 of my book, The Joys of Psychopathocracy (2017).
German Professor Arrested After Speaking At "We Do Not Consent" Rally In London -- "After Metropolitan Police claimed they would
only crack down on marchers flagrantly violating social distancing rules (though the hated "rule of six" had been suspended due to the gathering's
"protest" status), German professor Dr. Heiko Schoening was arrested by a gang of British officers -- he was filmed being loaded into a paddy wagon
-- after speaking out against using tactics like economy-destroying mandatory lockdowns during yesterday's "We Do Not Consent" rally in London."
The message is clear: "Go ahead. Tell the truth. And we will screw you over." Freedom of speech is quickly
becoming historical.
Chaotic Scene Unfolds As Car Plows Through Trump Supporters In California, Multiple Injuries Reported; Driver Arrested -- There isn't
a single Biden supporter who doesn't salivate at the idea of doing this to you if you disagree with their political values, beliefs, and narratives.
"Massive" Labor Income Losses Worldwide As Recovery Falters -- The latest data compiled by the International Labour Organization (ILO) sheds
new light on COVID-19's "devastating" impact on the labor market reveals a "massive" drop in labor income and hours for workers worldwide.
(This was a stated goal in 1900. It took the elite a little over a century to reach their goal. Again, discussed in Chapter 5 of
The Joys of Psychopathocracy).
The State's Response To This "Virus" Is Nothing More Than A Weapon Of Mass Submission -- The response is and has been integrally tied to
the 5G-based CoVid event that was engineered years ago.
Will A Military Coup Undo The November Elections, Donald Trump, & The Republic Itself? -- It's far more likely than you think. Massive
numbers of officers, officials, and others within the system are on the payroll for this planned coup, just like Soros has massively funded
BLM and Antifa.
Which Of These Poses The Greater Threat To The Country? -- "Here's your political puzzler for the day: Which of these two things poses
a greater threat to the country:
- An incompetent and boastful president who has no previous government experience and who is rash and impulsive in his dealings with the media, foreign
leaders and his critics?
- Or a political party that collaborates with senior-level officials in the Intel agencies, the FBI, the DOJ, the media, and former members of the
White House to spy on the new administration with the intention of gathering damaging information that can be used to overthrow the elected government?
Time's up. The answer is #2."
- Gateway Pundit Talks to Jenna Ellis, the Senior Legal Trump Campaign Adviser, on the Campaign Strategy to Fight Democrat
Attempts to Steal Election -- "If you are not willing to fight the Communists you will be ruled by the Communists."
- Political agendas have nothing to do with acknowledging the truth of things. I strongly make this point in The Joys of
- DHS Memo Names "Right Wing Extremists" as Biggest Terror Threat In Portland, Despite Four Months of Violent Leftist
Riots -- More Deep State shit, bro. The Deep State would have you imprisoned for attempting to protect your wife from rape, and your entire
family from murder.
Trump with Over 240,000 Attendees at His Rallies to Biden's 84(!) Since Labor Day! -- New math: 240,000>84. You COULD
disagree with this arithmetical fact, but then you'd only prove that you're a racist!
Jill Biden Speaks to 8 People in Nebraska as Feeble Joe Naps in His Basement (VIDEO) --
What is Wrong with Old Joe? Biden Says He "Got to the Senate 180 Years Ago" (VIDEO) -- The best Democrat strategy would be to put Joe in an
artificially induced coma, then wake him up on November 4th to proclaim "Victory!" even if he only gets 20% of the vote.
Highly-Educated Americans Are By Far The Most Closed-Minded; Gallup -- The more "educated" you are in the U.S., the more you've
been subjected to its institutional propaganda and the dumber you are.
Academic Appropriation? Joe Biden Claims He Attended 'Historically Black College' -- It's total bullshit. Read the article. Biden gets
away with this nonsense becauae the MSM is forever given Biden free passes. If Biden said that HE was the real guy who first landed on the moon,
the MSM would figure out some way to justify it and spin it.
California's Latest Liberal-Pandering Law Puts Female Prisoners At Risk -- I saw this on ZH, but a friend of mine saw it on a separate site
and sent it along with an email that read simply: "Is it just me? Or is that one ugly bitch."
"On Saturday, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a law mandating
that convicted criminals can request placement in single-sex prisons based upon the prisoners' self-defined "gender identity." There's strong evidence
that letting intact men go to women's prisons is an invitation for rape. That makes the new law one of the most misogynistic things California's
hard-left government could have done." Like everything else the left comes up with: it's highly contradictory, which is a general feature of
demonic behavior.
"This Is Screaming Insanity" -- Trump Haters Gaslighting Trump Supporters -- Are you opposed to the Dems and their legions of demon-possessed
followers and the policies they expound. It's best to be careful. They want you dead. Seriously. Read this article.
- Argentine Lawmaker Resigns After Kissing Girlfriend's Breast Live During Virtual Congress -- Oh, for Pete's
sake! He thought the video line was disconnected. Big deal. Were they screwing? No. So give it a break and move on.
New CDC Estimates: Fatality Rate For COVID-19 Drops Again And May Surprise You -- "What's are the real chances of dying if
you are infected with COVID-19? You'll probably be surprised how low they are according to new numbers from the Center for Disease Control.
September 27, 2020
The Road To Nowhere: Whatever Can't Be Politicized Ceases To Exist --
"Just as time is a one-way arrow, "the politicization of everything" is a one-way road to dissolution and collapse.
The essence of any Totalitarian society is the politicization of everything, as everything must be either supporting the status quo or it's a threat to the status quo.
There is no middle ground in a Totalitarian society and so everything -- literally everything -- must be politicized to assess its true nature of being
"for" or "against" the status quo."
- Archbishop Viganó Issues Warning to Catholics at Annual Breakfast: President Trump Is Preparing
to Fight Against Demonic Forces of Deep State and New World Order --
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, the former apostolic nuncio to the United States, wrote a letter this year for the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast,
which was held on Wednesday. The organizers chose not to read this letter during the breakfast. Later Life Site News published the letter in full.
Archbishop Vigano warned Catholics on the historic spiritual importance of this 2020 election on the future of
this country and this planet. "President Trump is standing up against the demonic forces of the deep state and the New World Order.
This is a biblical challenge in November of the 'Children of Light against the Children of Darkness.' President Trump is the greatest defender of the
Supreme Values of the Christian civilization: of life, from conception to natural death; of the natural family composed of one man and one woman and
children; and of love for the homeland: One Nation under God!"
Amy Coney Barrett Picked By Trump As U.S. Supreme Court Nominee -- "President Trump is set to announce his nominee for the Supreme Court seat
left vacant by Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death last week. And, as previously reported, Trump has picked Amy Coney Barrett. Barrett, known to be a
devout Catholic who considers abortion "always immoral," would fill the seat vacated by the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The loss of liberal
icon Ginsburg and the confirmation of the conservative Barrett, 48, could cement the Supreme Court's rightward shift for a generation."
- CRIMINAL: Facebook Censors and "Reduces Distribution" of Tucker Carlson Tonight's Page Just 39 Days Before Election --
Big Tech is doing everything possible to support the Demonic.
Jill Biden Speaks to a Handful of Supporters in Maine While Feeble Joe Naps in His Basement (VIDEO) -- The difference in the
support for Trump vs. Biden is mind-blowing. Forget the polls, the audiences each is able to garner show you who the American people want.
German Minister Admits Lockdown Will Kill More Than COVID-19 Does -- "Half a million more will die from tuberculosis..."
BOMBSHELL: FBI knew sub-source for Steele dosser was a Russian operative, but they lied to FISA court anyway -- And they'll continue to
get away with it. You watch. The Deep State love being able to flaunt their crimes -- crimes that would land you and me in the electric chair --
and brag about getting away with it.
Trump says Supreme Court vacancy must be filled immediately to deal with mail-in ballot "scam" -- Again, too little, too late?
Justice Department's designation of left-wing Democrat cities as "anarchy" zones is triggering unhinged responses from complicit mayors --
"You served up this plate of horror so you could terrorize your own people, now eat it."
Left-wing scholar pushes to censor social media accounts opposing child sex trafficking by tying them to QAnon movement --
"Stop messing with child sex trasfficking. It's bad for business, and it hurts the funding of Democratic causes."
United Kingdom warning shoppers not to stock up and prepare as the country mulls "circuit breaker" lock down -- "We're going to confine
you to your houses again, despite all evidence that it's unnecessary. And we insist that you don't stock up and we separate you from food
supplies." These are The Joys of Psychopathocracy.
Global coronavirus vaccine plan to move ahead without China -- I guess the Chinese government is smart enough to have figured out that
their economic advantage is amplified if they don't incapacitate their own people with harmful vaccines. Imagine that.
"Over our dead bodies -- literally": Radical Left vows mass violence if Senate Republicans attempt to fill Ginsburg's seat before election --
Radical leftists all over the country are escalating their violent actions and rhetoric to prevent President Donald Trump and the U.S. Senate from filling
the Supreme Court seat vacated by Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Many have even gone so far as to threaten to leave dead bodies everywhere and to "burn down" the
country to prevent Republicans from exercising their responsibility of filling her seat.
Biden corruption would make it easy for foreign enemies like China to blackmail and extort President Joe -- I wouldn't even call it extortion.
The Biden Crime Family has repeatedly shown that it is willing and able to commit whatever treason on the table in exchange for a big pay day.
House Republicans publish open letter asking FBI director to uncover funding sources of Antifa, BLM -- Yeah. We'll see how far that
one goes. Everybody knows that Soros has been spending mega-bucks to support criminal activities for years -- always without consequence.
Texas Gov. Abbott introduces harsher punishments for rioters, organizers and financial backers -- Yeah. And they're just getting around
to this now? Really? After $2 billion in property damage and growing? Give me a break. We'll see just how far this one goes.
- FOOD FALSE FLAG: And now the latest in the "Let's starve out all these useless Homo sapiens" news:
US Rep: "Food Shortages Are Coming" -- Crops Destroyed -- UK Limits Purchases -- It's coming. I hope you're stocking up with
storable foods and the natural medicines we make available at Alpha Omega Labs.
Listen to the comments by Rep. David Scott (GA-D): "Food shortages are coming. Farmers are the forgotten ones." They're not forgotten.
They've been explicitly targeted with the goal to starve out millions of Americans just like Stalin did with the Ukrainians in 1932-1933.
"CLIMATE LOCKDOWN" -- The End Game Becomes Clear: Post-Human Future -- The communist, Stalinist-style starvation plan is part of a
larger agenda. You should want to know what that agenda is.
The Supply Chain Is Broken And Food Shortages Are Here -- Brace yourself.
People are OBLIVIOUS to what's about to happen -- From Mike Adams. It's 14 minutes very much worth listening to.
Gareth Icke at 9/26/2020 "We Do Not Consent" Rally in Trafalgar Square, London: "We Are the 99.99% and When We Stand Together It's Over" --
There are more people awakening. At least in the UK.
The Data Harvesting Of Children From Cradle To Grave -- Alison McDowell -- And the Democrats and the left are at the vanguard.
- John Legend Threatens To 'Leave Country' If Trump Reelected -- After Buying $17.5 Million LA Mansion This Month --
I'm calling bullshit.
Pentagon Worries "Military Brought in for Elections" -- (Richie from Boston) -- Worth listening to.
US Public Officials Are Total Dumbshits -- The required masks do not prevent the transmission of virus and bacteria. Wearing any mask below
N95 provides no protection, and almost all masks in use are not N95. For people with breathing problems, the mask actually does harm. This is not
an opinion. It is a known throughly established fact. Yet people are arrested and tasered for not wearing a pointless mask.
The increase in "Covid cases" is the result of increased testing, and the test gives false positives and does
not mean the presence of infection. The increase in "Covid cases" is the product of a faulty test.
How can it be that in a supposedly advanced scientific and technical society abject ignorance rules?
NYT's Friedman: 'I'm Terrified' to Find Myself Covering America's Potential Second Civil War --
Cut the shit. There's no "potential" about it. Dickheads like Friedman fueled this fire with zeal and now pretend that they're surprised
that the fire that they themselves created is out of control.
Donald Trump: Russia Interfered in 2016 Election 'On Behalf of Hillary Clinton' -- The Mueller Investigation spent tens
of millions of dollar to hide this fact.
- 'We Are Going to War:' Some Armed Protesters Gather in Louisville Days After Officers Shot --
These leftists would kill you without a second thought and then celebrate. And Americans are dumb enough to vote for this.
California accused of 'dishonest cop-out' for blaming Trump for fires -- Dems would rather 'watch their beautiful state burned to a crisp'
than manage forests.
- Voters in 4 Battleground States File Lawsuits Claiming Election Meddling Funded by Mark Zuckerberg --
It isn't a claim. It's an established fact. And in so many words, Zuckerberg has bragged about it.
Kamala Harris names Tupac 'best rapper alive' -- Even I know that Tupac Shakur was shot to death in 1996 in Las Vegas. I remember when
it happened, because what occurred was so shocking. And here we have Harris, who can't remember that, even though it happened more than
24 years ago, even though she's a high profile member of the black community.
What a dumb ass. You wouldn't want this airhead teaching your grade school child, but this is the woman that your Elite has
designated to be the next President of the United States -- because you sure as hell know that Biden wouldn't hold that position for long,
not with the advanced dementia that he's suffering from. Think about that for a moment. Think about it long and hard. Think about the fact
that there are millions of people willing to vote for this woman. It's frightening. This election is turning out to be a horror show on
so many fronts. [Update: Kamala Harris' supposed street cred implodes when she can't name even a single living rapper.
September 26, 2020
Sen. Warner: 'It's So Undignified' Trump Is Trying to 'Jam Through' SCOTUS Nominee -- Right. So undignified for a country
to follow its own constitution. You hear this from the left only because they're lawless -- even legislators, like this one.
Ted Cruz Blocks Crazy RBG "dying wish" Amendment -- It just goes to show the degree to which the left has no respect for constitutional
law. They do whatever they want, when they want, however they want --- and if you don't like it, it must be cause you're a racist or
Buchanan: All The Chips Are On The Table Now -- Democrats are freaking out. They're pulling every con job and act of fraud
in the book and it's not working.
Tucker: Multiple military mail-in ballots found trashed in Pennsylvania -- It's three minutes you don't want to miss.
The goal here is to ensure that even if Trump won 80% of the popular vote and Biden won the other 20%, Biden and the Democrats
would still win. Cases of voter fraud are pouring out of the woodword -- already -- nearly 40 days before the actual election.
The Biden and Clinton Crime Families are working overtime with their lawyers and far left-wing activist judges to win all
all costs. What this means is the death of democracy in America. If the Democrats really win this election, through what is now
on the table and using whatever other surreptitious tools they pull out of their demonic electoral toolbox, Americans will see their
country descend into a dystopian world that Josef Stalin and Mao Zedong -- who together were responsible for murdering, directly or
indirectly, nearly 130 million of their own citizens, could have only dreame of.
World War II memorial cancelled for being too white -- Insane. Absolutely insane. Should I stop listening
to funk or R&B music because it's too black? Ain't gonna happen.
Trump EXTENDS Critical Race Theory Ban To All Companies Doing Business With The United States -- A good step in the
direction of eradicating all this race nonsense.
CoVid predicted with remarkable precision in 2014 -- This comes to us from YouTuber, Nicholson1968. I posted this same
video yesterday, but then I realized that at over 30 minutes, many will not listen to it. If you're restricted on time, listen to the
January, 2014 interview excerpt with Anthony Patch starting at 13:45. Listen to: 20:55 -- so roughly seven minutes of your time.
Just that interview. More proof to the degree to which the CoVid scandemic waz pre-planned many years in advance.
President Trump Issues Nationwide Call For Rebellion -- Yup. Getting close to a civil war alright.
- Virginia Officials Try to Cancel President Trump's Newport News Rally Tonight, Calling it a "Severe Public Health
Threat" -- New rules everybody: it's only okay to not wear a mask if you're out burning down buildings, looting stores, sucker punching
the elderly, destroying cars, or shooting cops.
Dem Official Charged with Mail Ballot Fraud in Plot To Steal Primary Election -- There should be hundreds, if not thousands, of indictments
for voter fraud already in this pre-election season. Why is prosecution so selective?
Mansour and Pinkerton: The Democrats' 7-Step Strategy to Win the Election Using Vote-by-Mail Chaos -- It's quite clear
what the Democratic strategy is, now that they knew that it is virtually impossible for them to win fairly.
Dem Official Charged with Mail Ballot Fraud in Plot To Steal Primary Election -- This is a perfect example of the kind
of voter fraud we can expect to see in November many times over.
- Kamala Harris Praises 'Brilliance' of Black Lives Matter and Its Marxist Founders -- And this woman wants
to be President of the United States after Biden steps down in 2021. Hard to believe anybody would vote for this.
Charles Barkley Dismisses ‘Defund The Police’ Movement As ‘Crap’ -- Uh-oh. This could spell trouble . . .
- Charles Barkley, Shaquille O'Neal Face Backlash for Saying Defunding Police is Bad for Black Communities --
Yet more proof just how insane the left has gotten.
Tom Cotton Confident Trump Will Peacefully Transfer Power in 2025 -- This is about drawing a line in the sand.
FLASHBACK VIDEO: Joe Biden Calls US Troops "You Stupid Bastards" During 2016 Speech -- They knew this would surface, so predictably they
put out the fake "Trump hates the military" piece a few week ago to counter it.
- Dr. Atlas Breaks Down the REAL COVID-19 Numbers on The Ingraham Angle -- Rebukes CDC Director Dr. Redfield on Scare Tactics
(VIDEO) -- "Trump Coronavirus advisor Dr. Scott Atlas claims COVID-19 deaths, hospitalizations and emergency room visits are down to levels not
seen since the beginning of the crisis. On Thursday Dr. Atlas was forced to correct CDC Director Robert Redfield’s inaccurate and partial truths on the
current coronavirus pandemic." A little late, in my opinion. These liars should have been corrected last March before the leftists proceeded
to nuke the economy. A lot of people's lives, livelihoods, and fortunes could have been saved.
- Nap Time for Sleepy Joe: Biden Campaign Calls Lid After Attending Ginsburg Memorial -- Media Getting Concerned --
Everybody shutup. The boss needs his blankie. You just can't make these things up. Well -- I guess no loss here. Biden will never be the real,
functioning president anyway. He's only a mascot now.
Louisville University Shuts Down, Tells White Students To 'Educate Yourselves On Systemic Racism' -- Communist infiltration
began with the abysmal educational system in the U.S., which was undermined to the point where it began shipping out graduates who had been
indoctrinated in leftist thinking from the time they entered college. These mindless zombies then became fodder for the likes of Antifa
and BLM.
DOJ Announces Mass Charges for Suspects They Say Committed Crimes 'Under the Guise' of Peaceful Protest -- Should have
been done months ago.
- British Ambassador Craig Murray Exposes the Corrupt and Censored Assange Extradition Hearing --
Assange is experiencing what I experienced in 2004 -- something that is the subject of my online book,
Meditopia. Namely -- the U.S. criminal justice system is incredibly corrupt, to a degree that boggles
the imagination.
"The fact that the extradition hearing in Britain, which in effect is repealing the First Amendment to the
U.S. Constitution, received no media coverage, no questioning of an obviously rigged process, and no expressed alarm of the threat it poses to the First
Amendment demonstrates: (1) the success of the Deep State in eliminating the civil liberties put into the Constitution to ensure accountable government,
(2) the control the Deep State has over the media, and (3) the insouciance of the American people while the Constitution is eviscerated."
- Michael Hudson Explains Why China's Economy Will Survive the Covid Disruption and the American Economy Probably Won't --
Hudson is a world-class economist. Amazon carries more than 15 of his bestselling
books on various economic subjects. Here's the basic takeaway: China declared war on the U.S., disguised as something else (CoVid),
and whereas China will come out the winner, the U.S. will not.
As you can see from the photo, most of the BLM are white scum -- Mostly kids that had the misfortunate of attending a U.S. university.
Watch the video in the article carefully and understand that Biden's Democratic Party is instigating this everywhere, whether Biden wins or not.
The Murder of the First Amendment -- "The illegal and unwarranted prosecution of Julian Assange by the US Government in a British court,
if court it is and not a Star Chamber, is in fact the prosecution of the First Amendment. It will prevent journalists in the future from informing the
public of criminal activity by government. This is already the case in a number of countries, and the US and UK are about to join them. Washington,
working through a British judge and a British prosecutor, is murdering the First Amendment and, thereby, accountable government."
None of this is normal -- Expensive hotels are filling up with zombie white scum all over the country, planning mass BLM/Antifa riots.
The left is pulling out all the stops. Brace yourself. Next: Trust in the scientific community is caving. Too many lies. Too much deception.
Too many conflicting, profit-driven narratives. If you haven't laugh3ed your ass off yet today, forward to 7:18 to see a citizen journalist
document two hospital facilities where there ARE NO COVID PATIENTS, actually no patients at all. HYSTERICAL. Then forward to
8:48 to watch a teacher train a principal about rules concerning distance learning. I LAUGHED SO HARD I ALMOST CRIED.
Ann Coulter Outraged: 'Innocent' Until Proven 'Trump Supporter' -- "Assume our ridiculous values and join our party" or we WILL hurt you.
- 10 Most Extreme Examples Of Anti-American Sentiment At US Colleges (& How Trump's 1776 Commission Could Reverse It) --
"...our political liberty and economic prosperity are rooted in the American Founding, and that these achievements can easily be lost if we fail to teach
that history and the values expressed in that history to every new generation..."
The Gathering Super Tantrum -- "The cabal and its useful idiots are giving the rest of us a 'your money or your life' proposition."
BLM Stealth-Edits Website Amid Marxist Blowback, Plunge In Americans' Support -- "Just 35% of white Americans approve of the
protests, down from 53% back in June... and approval among black Americans has also tumbled." That BLM and Antifa EVER got more than 5% support in
the U.S. shows you how breathtakingly stupid most Americans are. PCR is right.
Virtually Insane: 12-Year-Old Louisiana Boy Suspended After BB Gun Spotted In His Room By Teacher -- He was suspended
for six days for having a gun "in school." Idiots.
After 30 Years In LA, Canyon Partners Plans Move To Texas Due To "High Taxes, Congestion" -- "The exodus continues amid high
taxes, congestion, and the fire risks of Southern California." Don't forget ridiculously burdensome CoVid rules and homeless people everywhere.
The state of my birth has turned into a veritable third-world shithole.
What Happens When The Dollar Really Starts To Rise? -- "If this is what good times look like, the real question we should be asking ourselves
now is, 'What happens when things get real?'"
Trump must use Insurrection Act on domestic terrorists! -- President risks his reelection if he doesn't get tough on rioters.
Antifa activist: Burning buildings stimulates the economy -- Little did anyone know that the Antifa movement had its own economist.
But it does. Says this economic guru: "Burning down buildings is good because 'you can employ a bunch of people to build it back up.'"
This is your brain on Antifa.
September 25, 2020
Coronavirus Disinfectants May Be Extremely Hazardous to Health -- Yeah. Just like those ridiculous masks.
Big Pharma abandons all remaining traces of reputable science with mad rush to release COVID-19 vaccines --
"Describing the approach of Pfizer in getting its "warp speed" Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine to market before anyone else, Eric Topol,
the editor-in-chief of Medscape, used the words "Olympic record" to suggest that the process is being rushed with little regard for
sound science." As I document heavily in my book, Living on the Precipice, Big Pharma has never been about "sound science."
It never has. It never will.
Don't question this? -- We're being distracted with all this political nonsense, while behind the scenes, even more
horrific things are going on unreported. (HighImpactTV)
Prince Charles Threatens All of Humanity with a Military-Style Campaign -- UK goes back to strict lockdowns.
Soros-backed orgs gear up to throw US into anarchy if Trump re-elected -- "Vote for our guy, or we'll kill you." Don't buy into
this tyranny.
Soros-funded coalition plans to unleash election day chaos that could far surpass Floyd protests -- The violent protests over the George Floyd
incident were quite extreme -- and that's putting it mildly -- but there are signs that what we saw this summer could be nothing compared to the protests
that could be unleashed on the nation should Joe Biden not be the clear winner of the election.
Soros-funded coalition plans to unleash election day chaos that could far surpass Floyd protests -- As I've been saying.
Facebook actively brainwashing users to accept rigged, manipulated election results -- You're being set up.
DeSantis proposes new law allowing drivers of vehicles to escape violent mobs, without the legal liability for having to run people over --
Wisconsin Authorities Investigate Absentee Ballots Found In Ditch, As FBI Probes Discarded Pro-Trump Ballots In PA --
The election fraud tsunami begins . . .
- FBI Director Wray Downplays Election Fraud as Discarded Mail-in Votes Cast by Military, Marked For Trump Found in Pennsylvania --
. . . and the FBI/Deep State is there to protect this fraud.
DOJ Investigating Discarded Mail-in Votes Cast by Military in Pennsylvania — All of Them Were For Trump! -- No wonder cheating is critical
to the left's cause.
With Ginsburg's Death, Cue The Last Stand Of American Marxists -- For all of the bad things that have happened in 2020, don't for a second
believe that 2021 won't be infinitely worse. It has been clear to me for months that the fight for the White House is one for the ages.
Harvard Survey: Only 7% Of Incoming Students Identify As Conservative -- The U.S. is so screwed.
- Senator Josh Hawley Pushes Vote on Proposed Section 230 Big Tech Censorship Legislation --
Democrats Immediately Block the Vote -- Censorship is always critical to the survival of the left.
GOOD vs. EVIL: Death of Ginsburg Drives Committed Leftist to Join Satanic Temple -- She didn't join. She was already committed
to the cause of her master.
Democrats and Deep State Signal They Expect Next President Will Be "Installed" Not Elected into Office --
They've already shown that they have no respect for Democracy, the Will of the People, the laws of the land, the language, the culture, its institutions,
or its laws. They want to create their own Satanic paradise. So you should expect this.
This is America? Three Christians Arrested for Singing Church Hymns Outside in Idaho without Masks (VIDEO) -- Demonic.
Weather Reporting in Latin America -- On an entirely different and more entertaining note:
A friend from Chile once told me that the only thing he watched when the news
came on was the weather report. I thought this was his way of saying that he was a weather enthusiast -- until I saw this.
- FOOD FALSE FLAG: And now the latest in the "Let's starve out all these useless Homo sapiens" news:
In some areas, COVID-19 lockdowns are triggering huge spikes in food prices -- Seeing a pattern here yet? Hello?
Ice Age Farmers -- Videos -- Over the last few months, I have been posting startling video posts by YouTuber,
Age Age Farmer, concerned the plans that your beloved leaders have for extermination using the food supply as a weapon.
I realized today that I'd missed some, and that several over the past few weeks are absolutely essential.
Browse through this list and watch those that are of interest. This is information that could save your life.
Vitamin D offers significant protection from CoVid, but states won’t dare impose Vitamin D mandates --
I make the argument in my book, The Joys of Psychopathocracy, that government has nothing to do with securing the health or welfare
of the governed. CoVid has proved all my theories in spades. These psychopaths have NOT disappointed, have they?
Even if Amy Barrett is confirmed to SCOTUS, she's still a statist who promotes forced vaccinations and indefinite lockdowns --
There's a wolf in the hen house.
Empty shelves, empty gun racks: Ammo and gun sales up 139%, stores having difficulty keeping up with surging demand -- It's obvious this
ends up in the Second Great American Civil War. Brace yourself.
Soros-backed orgs gear up to throw US into anarchy if Trump re-elected -- "Billionaire George Soros is behind a vast coalition of left-wing
advocacy groups gearing up to launch a massive "resistance" movement if Democrat Joe Biden is anything but the clear winner on Election Day, an
investigative report by Breitbart has found.
Selling You Safety -- (Nicholson1968), posted a month ago, but I just saw it. Sums up what this is really about.
September 24, 2020
In Unprecedented Monetary Overhaul, The Fed Is Preparing To Deposit "Digital Dollars" Directly To "Each American" --
"Legislation has proposed that each American have an account at the Fed in which digital dollars could be deposited, as liabilities of the
Federal Reserve Banks, which could be used for emergency payments."
Second AstraZeneca trial participant develops rare neurological condition following COVID-19 vaccination --
Yeah. And these Dr. Josef Mengele wannabes are out to make
these vaccines mandatory. (Hitler would be proud.) No, thank you.
Untested 5G radiation linked to adverse health effects, warn UK researchers -- I've been saying it all along.
As time goes by, you can only expect more confirmation on the dangers of 5G -- the actual cause of CoVid, and the "electromagnetic adaptation syndrome"
it produces.
Colleges Nationwide Enforce Strict COVID Rules... Except During BLM Protests -- Which is proof, in and of itself, that authorities
know that all the mask-wearing, social distancing and other CoVid restrictions are complete horseshit.
- FOOD FALSE FLAG: And now the latest in the "Let's starve out all these useless Homo sapiens" news:
Australia Runs Out of Rice as Police Invade Market Protest -- (IceAgeFarmer). There's only so much of this worldwide
collapse of food stocks that you can blame on weather. It's planned. It is largely engineered, and Australia is being treated as the
NWO test case.
Violent, Diseased Super-Pigs: Vector for Next Pandemic? -- Order more lockdowns! Every go to your home right now!
Super-pigs are coming and they're violent. Maybe they're Islamic terrorists and have been recruited by ISIS. We can't be sure.
What we CAN be sure of is that this is the method being used to kill the global food supply.
China Pork Reserves At Risk Of 'Running Out In Months' As Prices Soar -- Part of the engineered program to induced mass starvation.
Bokhari: Big Tech prepares the public for a rigged election -- We knew this was coming.
Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates both have ties to COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer Moderna -- Follow the money.
Always -- especially when dealing with anyone in government or in positions of authority.
Coronavirus patients laid face down on ventilator may suffer permanent nerve damage -- As in the case of conventional
cancer treatment, it is the treatment and not the disease that does you in. I've had doctors tell me, "with chemo, our job is to kill the cancer
before the chemo kills the patient." The CoVid version goes something like this: "Our job is to lessen the viral symptoms before our treatment
kills the patient."
Trump Derangement Syndrome turns Dems from vaccine Stalinists into anti-vaxxers as treatment nears for COVID-19 --
This is one of the most dangerous aspects of what the left has devolved into.
Biden blames Trump, not China, for every COVID death in America -- I knew it was Trump working in that virus development lab in
Wuhan all along! It was Trump who made that bat soup!
Black Lives Matter drops call to 'disrupt nuclear family' from website -- "Hey, John, do you think it's a good idea if we
let people know that we're hardcore satanists? Maybe we should tell our webmaster to remove that!"
- Hunter Biden Raised 'Counterintelligence And Extortion' Concerns, May Have Participated In Sex Trafficking:
Senate Report -- "Report found millions of dollars in questionable financial transactions between Hunter Biden & his associates and foreign
individuals, including the wife of the former mayor of Moscow." Golly gee -- I thought it was Trump who was being influenced by Russians.
I must have heard that wrong.
De Blasio Furloughs Another 9,000 NYC Employees Due To "Massive Budget Shortfall" -- "We are forced to make these difficult
decisions as we face a massive budget shortfall with no help in sight." The solution? Raise taxes on the wealthy so that your biggest contributors
to the tax base, get up and leave -- just like Trump did!
The Debt Crisis Is Mounting For Oil Economies -- Ecuador being one of them.
Collapse Is A Process, Not An Event -- "We're entering a period of time when the major systems that have supported humanity are going to fail.
Or, put more accurately: they are already failing." This was a major theme of my book, Living on the Precipice (2018).
- AWKWARD: Biden Stops Halfway Through North Carolina Speech and Asks 'Crowd' if He Should Shut Up and Stop
Rambling (VIDEO) -- Shut up and stop rambling? No, he should shut up and stop running. Tell the American People that the plan
all along was to install far-leftist, Kamala Harris, into the Presidencey and stop wasting our time.
9-Year-Old Sent Home From School -- For Sneezing! -- The fourth grade student at Bishop Elementary School was told he can't return
until he gets a negative COVID-19 test -- a test that is meaningless in the first place.
- Facebook Censors The Gateway Pundit Exclusive Report by Joe Hoft -- Police Found Crack Pipe on George Floyd Is Labeled
"Harassment and Bullying" -- It isn't truth if it doesn't fit the dominant political narrative. Always remember that.
Nancy's SERIOUS GLITCH -- a Fascinating Case Study -- Nancy's gone. Just like Biden. Strangely, Americans don't seem to care
whether or not their politicians, their leaders, are mentally short-circuited. Action starts at 0:33.
Americans BETTER Pay Attention to What Happened Today! -- "This is a planned, organized partial shutdown of the U.S. economy in the
second quarter. The overall goal is to keep everyone, households and businesses, whole . . . It is a huge shock and we are trying to cope
with it and keep it under control." ... Remember this is all happening while people are shitting their pants over a non-contagious virus.
It's 43 minutes, but worth listening to.
September 23, 2020
- IT's A SCAM: After 48,299 COVID-19 Cases at 37 US Universities -- Only 2 Hospitalizations and ZERO Deaths
-- More Likely to Be Killed By a Dog -- We're not calling it the Great Scamdemic for nothin'
- Dem Senator Already Threatening To Pack Court, End Filibuster if SCOTUS Seat Is Filled --
"Democratic Sen. Edward Markey of Massachusetts has vowed that if Democrats do not get their way regarding the Supreme Court vacancy left by the death
of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, he will wage a scorched-earth campaign to ensure Democrats control the Senate and court. "Mitch McConnell set the precedent.
No Supreme Court vacancies filled in an election year. If he violates it, when Democrats control the Senate in the next Congress, we must abolish the
filibuster and expand the Supreme Court," Markey tweeted.
They plan on doing this anyway -- no matter what. Fuck 'em. "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead."
Twitter Users Wonder If Pelosi Just Suffered Cognitive Failure During Live TV Interview -- First, Joe Biden. Now Nancy Pelosi.
Have you ever noticed how many people on the left suffer from severe mental disorders?
Niall Ferguson Explains How Democrats Killed California -- I posted this ZH article yesterday. This
is PCR's take: "The rest of us are next."
Elect Joe and Kamala so your city can burn down too Article comes from and this is PCR's take.
The Myth of Systemic Racism: In America, Reverse Discrimination is the Norm --
The Myth of Systemic Racism: In America, Reverse Discrimination is the Norm -- Original article by and this
is PCR's take: "The only systemic, institutionalized racial discrimination in the US is the Ivy League's discrimination against white males
and Asians"
- White Woman Murdered by Group of Blacks In Indianapolis; Young Son Says, 'I Wish They Didn't Shoot My Mommy'. --
PCR's take on another article: "White Lives Don't Matter Says the Silence of NPR, CNN, MSNBC, NY Times, Washington Post.
Her Name Is Wilma Hochstetler. She was murdered by a group of blacks in Indianapolis. More gratuitous murder of white people by blacks that goes
unreported by anti-white liberal presstitute media. Only black lives matter. If you say white lives matter, it means you are a racist. But it is
not racist to say that white lives don't matter. How did the majority population get themselves in such a fix. Are they asleep, stupid, weak,
suicidal, masochistic? Do white people enjoy being demonized?"
Trump's Likely November Reelection Is Already Discredited as a Coup Against Democracy -- We should expect this since
Democrats have made it known publically: "No matter what, we're gonna win. If we have to cheat, we cheat." The polls are clear where this is
going. Democrats have no choice. They have to cheat.
Biden REFUSES To Release SCOTUS List -- Is He Hiding Far-Left Nominees? -- Does a bear shit in the woods? Biden would nominate Lucifer
himself if he could get away with it.
DOJ Designates Anarchist Jurisdiction Cities -- I don't care if it upsets sensitive ears anymore. I will use the vernacular:
if you live in a Democratic controlled city, particularly if you are white, you are so totally fucked.
CNN Hosts Spar Over Blowing Up "Entire System," Removing Electoral College -- Again, it's a full-court communist takeover.
Pelosi Promotes Conspiracy Theory Over GOP Filling SCOTUS Seat: 'They're Coming After Your Children' -- Demon possession
causes you to be delusional like this.
'FOR REAL': Joe Biden Botches The Pledge Of Allegiance -- Kindergartners can get this right, but Biden can't. Spoiler alert:
This guy wants to be President of the United States (until -- a few days or weeks later he resigns and let's far-left sidekick, Harris, take over.)
- DEVELOPING: Mike Bloomberg Is Likely Breaking Federal Law by Paying off Felon Debts for Democrat Votes (VIDEO) --
Dems promised they would cheat, and you should take them at their word. It may be the one and only promise they ever keep.
Apple Labels Police as Terrorists in Latest Update to Siri -- You can trust no one in Big Tech. No one.
- BREAKING: Burisma Investigation to be Released within 24 Hours --
FINDS BIDEN FAMILY GUILTY LIKELY CRIMINAL ACTIONS (VIDEO) -- Dems, in talking about Trump, like to say: "Nobody is above the laws."
Hmmmm -- let's test that one. Shall we?
- Kamala Harris Says More Police on the Streets Won't Make Communities Safer -- but BLM and Antifa members with
automatic weapons and Molotov cocktails will.
"Yes" -- Kamala Harris Agrees with the Claim that America is Founded on "Racism, Sexism and Other Evils" (VIDEO) --
Can 50% of American voters really want this woman to be their next president? Is that actually possible?
- "Defund the Police" Activist Alyssa Milano Calls the Cops Claiming Gunman Was on Her Property --
But it Was a Teen Shooting Squirrels with Air Gun -- Unhinged.
FBI Agent Who Uncovered Weiner Laptop with Hillary's Emails says FBI Leadership Told Him to Erase All of His Findings --
But, of course, the idea that there's a Deep State is a conspiracy theory.
80% Of Americans Say Post-Pandemic Food Inflation Is Impacting Their Budgets -- I've covered the work of Ice Age Farmer on YouTube
repeated. Don't think someone is trying to starve the citizens of the U.S.? Think again.
Delaware Police Seize Enough Fentanyl To Kill At least 75% Of State's Population -- That's 750,000 people. China doesn't nothing to
stop this flow of deadly narcotics into the U.S. I can't imagine why.
China Is Spying On Millions Of People: And They Aren't In China -- This is part of why China is the model for the New World Order.
The Orwellian model is already in place.
Google Denies "Political Bias" In Search Algo Despite Collapse In Conservative Site Visibility -- Liars.
Budget Office Releases Terrifying Long-Term Debt Forecast -- "Forget 2% inflation targeting: the US will need hyperinflation soon to
"inflation away" a debt load that will otherwise destroy the country." Well, you know what they say. Necessity is the mother of invention.
Two-Thirds Of US Hotels Say They Won't Last Six More Month At Current Occupancy Levels -- Stop bitching.
I'm sure with the flood of new homeless people, there's plenty of folks who will give you a place to stay in their tent for a couple bucks.
Experts Worry As Leading COVID-19 Vaccines Adopt Trial Shortcuts In "Rush For Results" -- There is nothing in all this vaccine nonsense
that isn't complete BS.
90% Of Americans Demand New Stimulus; Blame Dems, Republicans Equally -- A new form of capitalism is arising in the U.S.:
"Give us free money!, Give us free money! Give us free money!"
Facebook Will Restrict Certain Users If US Election Gets "Extremely Chaotic Or Violent" -- "Our job is to protect the criminals."
Lies, Damned Lies, & UK Health Statistics: The Deadly Danger Of False Positives -- "I am now resolutely against further interventions in what
I have become convinced is a fruitless attempt to 'control the virus', I think we are all going to get a little more Swedish over time."
Live Updates: Wildfires continue to rage across the West Coast, threaten more than 1,000 homes in California --
BLM / Antifa response: "Burn, baby, burn!"
September 22, 2020
Joe Biden Pushes Absurd Anti-Vaccine Propaganda -- "No CoVid vaccine is going to work, until you elect ME!"
That's the essence of Biden's latest mindless dribble. The article continues:
"The so-called 'party of science' has really pulled a one-eighty when it comes to vaccines. Not long ago, they were ready to label every single
Republican voter in America as an 'anti-vaxxer' -- ignoring the fact that many of the people who refuse vaccines happen to live in places like
San Francisco. Suddenly, when Evil Orange Hitler is on the cusp of delivering a cure for the virus that brought the world to a complete stop,
vaccines are bad."
Ok. Back up.
First of all, Democrats are not the "party of science." They're the party of propaganda.
There will never, ever be a vaccine that can help with CoVid, because -- once again, boys and girls -- CoVid is an electromagnetic
adaptation syndrome. (If you haven't read Arthur Firstenburg's The Invisible Rainbow yet, shame on you.)
Secondly, the Democrats
have taken positions that are so injurious and threatening to the American Public that only the ignorant and demonically-possessed could
be attracted to their position. There's going to be a landslide in November -- and not because Trump is the savior that some of his followers
think he is. Trump will ever ascend to the stature of, let us say,
Thomas Jefferson -- paradoxically, the founder of the Democratic Party. Trump clearly doesn't have an intellect that anywhere competes with
those of the founding fathers. No -- Trump is going to wipe his ass with Biden at the polls because the Democrats have taken positions that
clearly spell out that they are treasonous, have no concern with the health and welfare of the American People, and have no meaningful message
outside the boundaries of their absurdly demonic, "divide-and-conquer" identity politics. They talk about "healing the divisions within our
society" out of one side of their mouth --- and "killing all white people" out of the other. Which one is it? It's all nonsense and most
Americans have figured that out by now. This is why you have so many rank-and-file Democrats bolting from the party. It takes very few
brain cells to figure out that this is NOT our grandparents' Democratic Party.
Lastly, this is a positive development. Trump -- either by accident or intention --
has exposed the absurdity of the vaccines. How can vaccines amount to meaningful medicine if their effectiveness depends on who's in office?
Again, we are testing the limits of human stupidity and gullilbility -- and most people have had just about enough of it.
Likely TIMELINE of events to take place from Sep. 20 to Jan. 20, covering vaccines, SCOTUS, Election Day, markets,
terrorism and insurrection -- (Natural News) -- This comes from Mike Adams. It's a well-thought-out summary of what
we can expect to see between now on January 20.
- Response to the Systemic Destruction of California -- Yesterday, I posted this article:
California Burnin' - A Warning Against One-Party Rule. This morning I received the following message from
someone close to me in L.A.: "DEW [directed energy weaspons] and laser weapons are being used to burn the West Coast.
There's overwhelming evidence and numerous photos online. . . This is all part of Agenda 21/30. The goal is to eliminate home ownership and build
micro apartment complexes, controlling the people like the sheep that they are."
Dems Dumb & Dumber on Economy Killing Lockdowns -- Martin Armstrong -- It is so vitally important that people read this article that
I'm going to reproduce it's most important parts -- passed on to me by a friend:
"Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong
says parts of the global economy have been permanently destroyed, and nowhere is that more apparent than job losses. Armstrong explains,
"You have such a collapse in the infrastructure of the world economy. You have effectively 300 million people who have lost their jobs. On top of that,
you have these negative interest rates where nobody is buying European bonds where the European Central bank has been buying them all. They can't
raise interest rates because their own portfolios blow up. So, they are grasping at straws, at this point, to try to appear to be doing something.
Although the Fed printing a $120 billion a month sounds like a lot of money, it's still not going to produce inflation. We have such a contraction
in the global economy, the losses are amazing. . . . Driving down the streets in Hollywood the streets are full of people in tents. The homeless have
skyrocketed dramatically, and mainstream media (MSM) won't talk about this. It definitely seems this has all really been just political. There is just
no justification for lockdowns. . . .We have such a massive contraction with 60% of small businesses that will not reopen in America, and we are not
through this yet."
Armstrong contends the lockdowns and reaction to CV19 in big liberal Democrat controlled cities were a much
bigger problem than the virus itself. Armstrong explains, "There is significant risk, and, economically, we are still in a major contraction mode.
That can continue until 2022. On the other hand, you have food shortages. The number of oil wells in production in Texas alone, for example, went from
400 to 100. So, the social distancing and lockdowns have also created shortages in the commodities sector. The inflation we see going into 2024 . . .
will be coming from a shortage of supply than in the speculative demand like we saw in the 1970's. . . . Energy prices are going to rise, not fall."
Armstrong goes on to say, "You have a contraction in the capital formation, which is creating this deflation economically, but, at the same time,
they have created shortages . . . and that has created escalating prices. So, food prices are rising exactly when you are throwing everybody out of work.
You have food lines showing up for the first time since the Great Depression. Honestly, the management of this is more like dumb and dumber."
On the November Election, Armstrong says, "The Election in the United States is the most important point globally,
and everybody is looking at it globally. Outside the United States, Trump is much more popular than inside the United States. They look at him as Trump
is the only person that is standing against these crazy people. . . .If anybody else did what Bill Gates did, they would be in prison for multiple
Armstrong thinks many European bonds will never be fully paid back. They will be a default, but it won't be an
outright default. Armstrong explains, "So, in Europe, all the bonds they have bought, they have to constantly keep rolling them over in addition to what
they buy. It's not sellable. The proposal in Europe, behind closed doors, is to convert them to 'perpetual bonds.' It's a way to default. So, effectively,
they will just give you the interest, and you can never redeem them."
As far as the stock market goes, Armstrong says, "Rich people are selling stocks again." Remember, this is just
like what happened just before the CV19 lockdowns. What can the common man do to cushion from what is coming? Armstrong says, "Buy canned food because
food prices are going up."
Armstrong also like soft commodities, energy and gold and silver, especially silver. Armstrong says,
"People are not going to know what a silver bar is . . . I would buy silver coins that are dated 1964 or earlier. . . . The average person can look
at that and know what it is. I would recommend that more than silver bars. I would say silver would actually be better (than gold) because it's
a smaller denomination that can actually be used."
Here is
Greg Hunger's Sept. 19 interview with Martin Armstrong.
RBG When Democrats Wanted To Fill SCOTUS Seat During 2016 Election Year: Eight 'Not A Good Number' -- No matter what their
position members of the left are masters of hypocrisy. It is their strong suit.
When Donald Trump Comes Out in Favor of Breathing Oxygen -- I covered this in a video
I posted in July. The human body breathes, on average,
20,000 times per day. Every time you exhale, your are spitting out bacteria, viruses, fungal, and other cellular debris.
The lungs don't exist just to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide. The lungs are organs of elimination, just like the colon, kidneys,
bladder, and even the skin. The body needs mechanisms to "empty the trash," just like these other organs. Mask wearing denies these very
basic concepts of human health. It would be different if the masks actually protected you from something. It would be different if these
dead, non-reproducing exosomes we call viruses were actually contagious. They are not. It's all a lie. CoVid is the greatest worldwide
fraud in the history of civilization. Nothing else even comes close -- with the possible exception of all these fake, fraudulent,
harmful, conventional cancer therapies.
Rabobank: Is The Era Of American Global Hegemony Coming To An End -- No need to call your astrologer to figure this one out.
Antifa's aim is total overthrow of U.S. government, expert warns -- You don't need to be an expert to see this. You only have
to be among the swindling number of human beings still left on earth still capable of exercising common sense.
"We see that they are a very, very dedicated terrorist group that has an objective of overthrowing our government and harming our republic,"
Martin Scott Catino said on "The Daily Signal Podast." Catino, a Fulbright scholar and a member of the Anti-Communist Action Team, with more
than 20 years studying terrorist groups.
Self-censoring Americans 'doomed to the will' of bullies -- There is no benefit to submitting by those who would cower you into
subserviance. When you say nothing, you deserve the punishment that is allotted all cowards.
'Permitting anarchy': DOJ finds New York, Seattle and Portland in violation of Trump's memorandum -- These are all things you'd expect
in the early stages of a civil war. Brace yourself.
Biden reveals his high priority for gun control -- They want your guns. They want you defenseless. Demons feed on attacking the
defenseless. They live for it -- as do those who serve them.
In Stunning Reversal, CDC Says It Published New Guidance On Risks Of 'Airborne' COVID-19 "In Error" -- Does it ever piss you
off, knowing that these guys are just "wingin' it"?
Crazy College COVID Rules: Online-Only Student Who's Never On-Campus Suspended Indefinitely For Attending Party -- And
students are actually expected to PAY for this abuse?
Inflation As A Tool Of The Radical Left -- "Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the Capitalist System was to debauch
its currency. Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer way of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency.
The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able
to diagnose."
September 21, 2020
Reagan Vs Rioters -- If we had the hardline leadership or Reagan, some say we could have avoided over $1 billion in
Antifa/BLM property damage and underreported murders at the hands of communist thugs. "This has to stop and it has to stop like
the day before yesterday." Here's a link with more examples
of Reagan's brilliance. Unlike Biden, Reagan didn't need a teleprompter or a team of staff-writers to tell him what to say.
Like him or hate him, Reagan spoke and was motivated by deeply-seated moral and ethical principles -- not talking points that
would advance his own personal agenda. This runs completely counter to the position of the current Democratic Party and the
heavyily funded left-wing Marxists whom they support.
- Good Job Joe! Biden's Mostly Peaceful Protests Caused Over 2 Billion in Damages Mostly To Minorities --
You could disagree --- but then you'd only be showing how racist you are. Ask CNN.
ZERO Evidence that COVID Fulfills Koch's 4 Germ Theory Postulates -- Dr. Andrew Kaufman & Sayer Ji -- In case YouTube
takes this down, here is the original announcement from GreenMedInfo. Read it. Bookmark it. Share it.
New Study Comparing COVID to Flu in Kids Completely Ruins Liberal Narrative on Schools --
More confirmation about what we already knew: CoVid is a politically-driven scam.
"Protesters" In Philadelphia Chase Down And Assault Random Citizens For Being "Nazis" -- The latest news from
the war front of the demonically possessed. Watch the video. I really do mean demonically possessed.
How To Tackle The Depression Head On -- "The general malady, as we diagnose it, is the unwavering belief that the government has an endless
supply of free money, and the expectation that everyone, except the stinking rich, has claim to it. Why pursue self-reliance and independence when a
series of stimulus acts promises the more abundant life? This viral contagion's really ripped through the population in 2020."
MSM Welcomes "Whistleblowers" Reporting Partying College Students Breaking COVID Rules --
"Some schools even pay 'deputized' students to enforce social distancing on campus." There is no drug that will cure this level of stupidity
and tyrannical power-tripping.
"Nobody Is Here!" -- Movie Theaters Reopen, Audiences Stay Away -- It only makes sense. Why would you leave your home, where you
are besieged with those ridiculous social distancing and mask rules that do absolutely nothing to prevent the spread of CoVid, when you could stay home
in comfort of your own home -- maskfree -- and enjoy Netflix, which just sets you back $8.95 a month?
And while we're on the subject of the ridiculous CoVid rules, the airlines bemoaning the loss of people who
want to fly. Personally, I used to love flying. I flew all the time for business purposes. Today, I avoid flying like the plague -- even inside
Ecuador. They power freaks have taken all the fun out of aviation and turned it into a nightmare. I now conduct all business in person,
by phone, email, or other internet platform and avoid the hassles. I'm sure there are millions of others who feel the same.
Too Much Centralization Is Turning Everything Into A Political Crisis -- "If centralization is the cause of our problems, then
decentralization is the cure."
"Some pedos can't help themselves. Even when the cameras are flashing."
- Twitter Locks TV Host Steve Malzberg's Account After Linking to Video of Groper Biden for "Violation of Child Sexual
Exploitation Policy" -- If a video surfaced of Biden violently raping a woman, the whores at CNN, MSNBC and Big Tech would be saying something
like, "Who on earth could make Biden do something like that! This bitch must have deserved what she got!"
Biden Says 200 Million People Will Die From Covid by the End of His Speech (VIDEO) -- Leftists have no respect for empirical truth.
If it sounds good, if it supports their agenda, they say it. They're retarded.
Biden just said that 60% of the US population is dead from COVID-19 -- Covers aspects of the same Biden speech not covered in the
previous post.
- HORRIFIC VIDEO: Screaming Grandmother Manhandled by 8 Cops, Cuffed and Hauled Off for Not Wearing Mask at Anti-Lockdown
Protest in Public Park -- Pure tyranny. Again, this has nothing to do with the spread of a virus.
IT STARTS AGAIN: Democrats Claim Russian Interference Will Keep Them From Taking Control Of Senate -- Americans are
incapable of thinking on their own. They would only vote for a candidate if Vladimir Putin told them to. Again, retarded.
- "Right to Worship Is not Given by 1st Amendment, It's Protected by 1st Amendment" -- San Francisco Archbishop Speaks Out,
Says 'Throw the Bums Out' Mentality Growing (VIDEO) -- Certain rights are granted by the state, certain rights are God-given.
The left is completely incapable of differentiating.
Joe Biden spent decades warning of voter fraud — now called a myth by Dems -- See, it's only voter fraud if the "other guy" does it.
If "our guys" do it, then it's a "necessary evil" in the name of "our good cause." The left is not motivated by principles -- evidenced by numerous
contradictions in their positions. They are motiviated by power for its own sake.
Officials: Toilet display mocking mail-in voting is a crime -- See, it's a hate crime if you do something I don't agree with!
Oh -- one more thing. It's only a crime if it's offensive to the leftist position.
Why Aren't We Allowed To Talk About George Soros's Plan To Remake America? -- "Since 2015, George Soros has pumped tens of millions of dollars
into local races in Texas, Colorado, California, Oregon, Washington, Florida, and New York, as well as swing states."
Washington Post blames Trump for Biden's failing with Hispanics -- "Gee, you would think every hispanic would vote for Joe.
After all, he played a hispanic song over his phone, that should do it."
Cloward and Piven will begin on election night -- Reference is made here to the
Cloward-Piven Strategy of destroying the system if
you don't get your liberal agenda fulfilled. This WND writer states:
"I'm convinced more than ever that the left has known for months that Biden won't defeat Trump -- certainly not in a straight-up, fair election.
So for months they've been setting up the apparatus of chaos to be prepared to act when a winner cannot be determined on Nov. 3.
Check that. If Trump doesn't win decisively on election night -- if it's at all close, I now believe that the left's minions in the mainstream media
will, in lock step, not just state that it's too close to call, but that Trump lost."
How Democrats Plan to Steal the 2020 Election -- They've told you how they're going to do it, too. Do you have any reason
not to believe them?
Franklin Graham To Lead DC Prayer March: "God is Our Only Hope To Overcome Chaos in US" -- I couldn't disagree.

September 20, 2020
Bill O'Reilly on Fox News' Awkward George Soros Moment -- Bill O'Reilly just puts it out there. No bullshit.
No coverups. He comments on Fox News' chastisement of Newt Gingrich for bringing up George Soros' massive funding of criminal elements
throughout the U.S. This issue apparently is now so sensitive that even Fox News will not allow it to be discussed.
Cancel Culture Just Got Cancelled! It's So Bad Pelosi Takes To House Floor & Admits The Unthinkable! -- Leftist don't mind
a mild retreat if it will advance their ultimate goals. Pelosi is lying her ass off, of course. They've already been caught celebrating
all the looting, pillaging, building-burning, cop-killing. They can't take it back. But that doesn't mean they won't give it their
best shot.
- Robert David Steele: Trump to Pardon Edward Snowden and Julian Assange for DNC Source, Seth Rich? -- Sounds
too good to be true. We'll see.
Pope Francis Calls for 'Widespread Distribution' of Coronavirus Vaccines -- We should expect anything less from those
who privately worship Lucifer.
Pew: 77 Percent of Catholic Democrats Support Legal Abortion -- . . . and the rank-and-file predictably follow suit.
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933-2020) -- Oh boy. Here we go . . .
- Mitch McConnell: President Trump's Nominee to Replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Will Receive Senate Vote -- What?
And follow the law and precedent?
- Cruz: 'We Risk a Constitutional Crisis' if Ginsburg Successor Not Confirmed Before Election --
It's a very logical argument. A 4-4 court, in an environment where Democrats are promoting to contest the election, even if Trump wins
in a landslide, simply invites even more chaos.
- Blue Checks Vow Violence If McConnell Tries to Replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg: 'Burn the Entire Fucking Thing Down' --
You see? Pelosi says one thing and represents something entirely different. See --- this is the important thing here: to see that leftists will
see anything they want to deceive you, but they never ultimately veer from their ultimate goals -- which are, by the very nature of who they are,
Obama Calls On GOP To Delay Vote On Ginsburg Successor Until After Election -- Obama is a lawyer. Too bad he has no belief or faith in the
law if it doesn't serve his political aims.
"Fuck You Ruth Bader Ginsburg -- Fuck You for Not Retiring Under Obama!" -- Leftists React to RBG's Death -- Imagine life if these
demon-possessed monsters get more power than they already have now!
The typical reaction of Democrats to RBG's death -- And these people want to be in charge. Yeah. Frightening.
ActBlue Raises Record $50 Million Following Ginsburg Death -- Frightened, demonically-possessed leftists are opening their wallets.
- Crowd Begins Chanting "Fill The Seat" at Trump Rally in North Carolina -- President Trump Announces He Will Name
Nominee this Week -- A WOMAN -- The people have spoken, but who cares what the majority think? It's all about the "cheat factor" now.
Nuclear Scenario For Markets Emerges In 'Jaw-Dropping' SCOTUS/Election Plot-Twist -- We already knew that things
were going to be dangerously chaotic after November 3rd. This only make it immeasurably worse.
The Snitching Begins: Nosey Neighbour Calls Police on Wake in Pub Garden -- This is the kind of society that the left promotes. Is this the
kind of society you wish to live in?
Governments Will Impose New Lockdowns If They Think They Can Get Away With It -- The point of my book, The Joys of Psychopathocracy,
is that there are no limits to the evils governments will partake in IF they think they can get away with it.
Let the Exodus Begin! New Jersey Raise Tax on Millionaires -- "In the latest suicidal move by New Jersey, the state which after Illinois is in
the direst of financial straits and has the second-lowest credit rating in the nation."
DOD admits Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) are in use, eludes to war -- Confession is refreshing. It's good for the soul.
Here's what they didn't say: that they've been using DEW for at least the past 20 years. (They used during to execute 911. They've used it to
start countless fires.) Moreover, they don't say that it's been used plenty of times against the American people without their knowledge.
- NFL team requires players and staff to wear electronic tags that record who they meet and alert social distancing
violations -- Could it possibly get any more retarded and demonic?
The Federal Reserve is "fighting the last battle!" -- "The central bank of the United States, the same one that creates dollars out of thin air, is
'fighting the last battle.' Things are going to get a lot worse, and it's all by design."
David Stockman: How The Stock Market Got To Be So Out Of Touch With Reality -- "beguiled by 'stimulus' and hopium, Wall Street completely
ignores the contradiction between over-the-top demand stimulus and what amounts to supply-side contraction owing to economic martial law."
September 19, 2020
- If It IS Determined That The Democrats Will Lose the Election, These 20 Actions Will be Unleashed On America --
Study this list carefully. Know what's going to happen before it happens. You don't need to be a psychic to know this is coming.
You just need to keep on top of what's going on and apply a little common sense. Brace yourself.
The end result of ignoring evil -- "Weaponized medicine ushers in totalitarianism. The mask will set you up for the kill, and the shot will
finish the job." (Latest from the amazing John Kaminski). This is a critically important read.
Belgian Medical Profession Demands a Halt to Covid Pandemic Propaganda -- "It has been apparent from the beginning that Covid-19
was being used for agendas unrelated to public health. Big Pharma and its associates -- WHO, CDC, NIH -- used social media and the presstitutes to
control the explanations given to the public and to censor dissenting medical professionals."
Read both PCR's comment and the entirety of the Lew Rockwell link. I couldn't read this article without
repeatedly saying to myself "Holy shit." The cat is out of the bag in a big way. Everyone knows the Medical Emperor wears no clothes.
LIBTARD FAIRY TALES: Joe Biden absurdly promises no more climate change if he's elected president -- ". . . and a million dollars in every
bank account, a chicken in every pot, all mortgages and student debts erased, and every man, woman, and child gets $400,000 a year in financial support.
I'm exaggerating, of course -- but not by much. What should disturb you most about this nutjob's mindless, baseless, electorial ass-kissing is that half
of all Americans are dumb enough to believe it.
Trump Supporter: Democrat Treatment of Joe Biden 'Bordering on Elder Abuse' -- LOL. I've said it many times myself, because it's just
so blatantly obvious.
In Joe Biden's America the rules only apply to you -- Rules apply to common people, not the thin layer of communists at the top
who rule. George Orwell made this clear in Animal Farm, and I have had friends in Russia who told me repeatedly that during life in the
Soviet Union, rules applied to everyone except the Nomenclatura at the top. This is the model that Biden's backers want for the U.S.
Damage from riots across the US may cost insurance companies more than $1 billion -- Yeah. It's good for the unemployed. Gives them
something to do.
Consumption of fluoridated water found to have adverse effects on kidney and liver health in children -- Actually, it does much more
damage than that, which is why we recommend using
Lugol's Iodine
to "flush out" the industrial flouride, chloride, and bromide compounds, taking advantage
of a physiological process called "halogen displacement."
CDC director says face masks "more guaranteed" to protect against coronavirus than any vaccine -- Knowing what we know how about how
dangerous the face masks are -- used as they are for hours a day -- it is amazing that anybody who cares about their reputation would ever put out
this bullshit with a straight face.
Suddenly, Bill Gates isn't so sure the FDA can be trusted with a COVID-19 vaccine -- The FDA cannot be trusted with ANY aspect of human
health. My book, Living on the Precipice (2018) has an abundance of examples.
US Senator introduces bill promoting internet freedom in the face of Chinese censorship -- Some admirable pushback.
We see if it has a chance of passing.
"Where are the police?" Anti-police Minneapolis City Council begs their police department to stop surging crime rate three months after voting to
defund and abolish the police -- "We're so sorry we screwed over you, took away your pay, and put your lives in danger. We can
just start over and pretend this never happened. You can trust us now!" If I were a policeman in that town, I'd be like, "We'll come back
after you jokers get voted out of office."
China's social credit system: Citizens required to scan their faces before they can access the internet or purchase a smartphone --
And now they want to apply this draconian "total lockdown" system everywhere.
COVID CRIMINALS: Nashville officials buried numbers showing very low infections in order to gaslight the public over need to
keep bars and restaurants shut down -- "(Natural News) Today we are calling for the arrest and prosecution of top government officials
in Nashville, TN, who have now been caught red-handed covering up the very low numbers of infections at restaurants and bars in order to gaslight
the public and justify draconian business closures and lockdowns." (from two days ago)
Teacher tells student she doesn't have the right to an opinion because she's "White" and "blonde" -- Take 'em out.
Take 'em all out.
Vandal beheads statue of Jesus in El Paso Cathedral for 'wrong skin color' -- This has nothing to do with skin color.
Demons hate any mention of Chris. Very early in my experiences with ayahuasca, as I've said before, I learned that I had an ability to use
my "vision quest" to visit heaven and hell, as Emmanuel Swedenborg described more than 260 years ago. So I would experiment with reactions
to various thought forms. I learned in the demonic realms that I could get away with "saying" Buddha, Krishna, or an number of historical
religious figures. However, when I said the name Jesus Christ, the demons would get violently crazy. I don't know why, but they do.
It completely makes sense when you realize that the majority of those on the left are demon-possessed.
They aren't "free" -- if you get vaccinated for COVID-19 and develop serious injury or illness, YOU have to pay all your medical bills
yourself -- So what. It's an integral part of the reigning business model of the Medical Industrial Complex now.
Study finds that 95% of riots have links to Black Lives Matter -- Yup. With over $1 billion in property damage and counting.
But always call them peaceful protesters, or you're a racist!
A Textbook Case Of Treason -- "If the people behind the Transition Integrity Project and their cohorts succeed in overturning a Trump
electoral victory, it would be a textbook case of treason."
"The strategy takes advantage of the presumed delay in determining the winner of the upcoming election,
(due to the deluge of mail-in votes.) The interim period is expected to intensify partisan warfare creating the perfect environment for disseminating
propaganda and inciting street violence. The leaders of TIP believe that a mass mobilization will help them to achieve what Russiagate could not,
that is, the removal Donald Trump via an illicit coup conjured up by behind-the-scenes powerbrokers and their Democrat allies. Here's a little more
background from an article by Chris Farrell at the Gatestone Institute:
"In one of the greatest public disinformation campaigns in American history -- the Left and their NeverTrumper
allies (under the nom de guerre: "Transition Integrity Project") released a 22-page report in August 2020 "war gaming" four election crisis scenarios:
'The outcome of each TIP scenario results in street violence and political impasse.'
"Is it possible that the leadership of the American Left, along with their NeverTrumper allies, are busy talking
themselves into advocating and promoting street violence as a response to a presidential election?
"The answer is: YES -- expect violence in the aftermath of the election, because now that is the new
"How to Steal an Election" -- Gatestone Institute
Biden, CNN Host Ditch Social Distancing Charade as Soon as They Think Camera Cuts -- "Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and CNN host Anderson Cooper are now among a growing
list of leftists who threw coronavirus virtue signaling to the side when they thought people weren’t watching." Never listen to anything these
hypocrites say. Always watch what they do. All this "do as I say, don't do as I do" crap is nauseating, which makes all the worse that people
are dumb enough to buy into it.
Support For BLM Falls Further; Americans See "Protests" As Riots, Believe There Is A War On Police -- "A series of new polls reveals that the
majority of Americans believe there is a war being waged against police officers, and that support for the 'black lives matter' movement has dropped even
further, with many more now seeing little distinction between the movement's 'protests' and violent riots." No matter. As I've said before, if you cheat
enough, Trump could get 75% of the popular vote and 90% of the electoral college and still lose. Are leftists at the top really concerned about these
poll numbers? Not at all. They will ACT concerned, but in truth, they have an ace up their sleeve.
Rickards: The Layoffs Are Just Beginning -- "The reality is, the economy's in very bad shape. The idea that we're going to bounce back out of
this with all this pent up demand is nonsense."
AOC: Democrats Can Push Biden In 'More Progressive Direction' -- You have to be blind not to know that communist leftist and progressive,
demon-possessed politics is now the new face of the Democratic Party.
CNN (Seriously) Claims That COVID Will Spread At Trump Rallies But Not BLM Protests -- Once again, our culture doesn't value truth.
Posturing and fake narratives now comprise the majority of what we see and hear.
The Ultra Wealthy Are Selling Billions Of Dollars In Stock -- "During the week ended September 11, insiders sold $473 million in shares
while only buying $9.5 million." They're not stupid. They know there's a huge hole in the starboard bow, and the Titanic is NOT
Australia Pushes New Measure To Detain COVID "Conspiracy Theorists" -- "a new bill gives local authorities the power to detain
'conspiracy theorists' and people who refuse to self-isolate. And if there is one thing that terrifies increasingly tyrannical governments, it's a loss
of control of the narrative, which is why the Australian government is getting a jump start on curbing any so-called 'conspiracy theorists' daring to
spread information that questions the fear-mongering being used to keep Aussie citizens under lock and key."
"Or how to turn a relatively harmless virus into boundless profits for you and your friends." Come on. Just think how much fun it will be getting
people to shit their pants every time they hear the word "virus."
Soybean Futures Hit 27-Month High On Increased Chinese Demand -- FOOD is the precious metals of the future. Most people just don't know
it yet, because they're not privy to the elite meetings that remote viewers are. Famines are coming. Horrible ones. It's on the drawing board
and it's already been decided.
- Last Honest Democrat Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and GOP Rep. Rodney Davis Introduce Election Fraud Prevention Act to Ban
Ballot Harvesting -- A noble idea. But too little, too late
- VA: Voters Form Massive Lines For In-Person, Early Voting After Trump Encourages Healthy Americans To Go To Polls, Dems Tell
Them To Vote By Mail [VIDEO] -- It's become obnoxiously obvious the degree to which Dems are pushing voter fraud. It couldn't be
any more blatant.
SHOCKING! Presidential Candidate Joe Biden has Not Held a Rally with More than 100 People IN SIX MONTHS -- Since March 9th! --
But this is the guy that Dem operatives INSIST must win by a landslide in November
The Planet's Not Angry, But Stockman Warns The Pelosi/Newsom/Harris Climate-Howlers Are Truly Dangerous -- From David
Stockman. "Cripple the global economy with green initiatives to fight wildfires on the west coast, or institute rational brush clearance policies.
If you're a left politician the choice is clear."
- 'O.C.' Star Samaire Armstrong: Black Lives Matter Movement a '1 Billion-Dollar Domestic Terrorist Organization'
Run by 'Marxist Criminals' -- Oppps. Too much truth here. Nothing to see here -- run along. I have no idea what "O.C." is.
I don't watch television. But if this woman really is connected to Hollywood, she can kiss her career goodbye.
When Newt Gingrich Mentions 'George Soros,' Fox News Hosts Go Silent, Refuse to Discuss -- It's just 1:45. Very short.
Newt Gingrich is told NOT to talk about George Soros' funding of BLM by Fox News! "If you want to know who rules you, find out who
you're not allowed to talk about." ~~~ Voltaire.
This Is Why Inflation Will Rip Everyone's Face Off -- Brace yourself.
"There is a great deal of evidence to prove that
immunization of children does more harm than good . . .
There is no evidence that any influenza vaccine thus far
developed is effective in preventing or mitigating any attack
of influenza. The producers of these vaccines know that
they are worthless, but they go on selling them, anyway."
Dr. J. Anthony Morris
Former Chief Vaccine Control Officer & Research Virologist
U.S. Food & Drug Administration
September 18, 2020
- Biden Attempts To Appeal To Hispanics By Performing Authentic Mexican Hat Dance While Firing Pistols Into The Air --
Hollywood actor, James Wood, is right: it's cruel to put someone this mentally disabled out in the public arena, let alone running for President.
The fact that more than 5% of Americans would vote for this guy is all you need to know to realize that the U.S. is doomed.
- Today "Healthy CoVid Advisement" -- If you lower your mask a half inch or so below the recommended directions, it's a lot easier
to pick your nose!
New evidence emerges that Marxist Democrats are trying to rig the 2020 election outcome with dark money from "unemployed" donors.
Dems cannot win now without cheating. They've admitted it. When they say, "We will win, no matter what," what exactly do you think that means?
A retired CIA ops officer warns; the left's Communist revolution doesn't care about elections -- How many Americans really understand
that their country is the middle of a communist takeover -- and the Democratic Party, Big Tech, the mainstream media, and the intel agencies
have all been paid off by Satanists to help facilitate it? This is what happens when your culture reahes a point where making money is more important than
adhering to life-supporting values.
Barr says violent protesters should be charged with sedition -- Too little, too late. . . Too benign, too half-hearted.
- Barr Calls COVID Lockdown 'The Greatest Intrusion on Civil Liberties' Since Slavery -- And why not?
In the mind of the Elite, you ARE slaves. It wasn't but 48 years after the end of the Civil War that through sleight of hand, the
U.S. Federal Reserve, a private banking consortium, was created, leading to ever increasing taxes and financial servitude, not to mention
98% debasement of the national currency. After all, why would you want to enslave Blacks, when you could enslave EVERYONE?
AG Barr blasts Dems over 'mob' rule, 'The Five' weighs in -- It's something much worse than "mob rule."
It's relentless attacks from armed combatants who seek nothing that the complete communist takeover of the U.S.
With COVID-19 vaccine looming, worries intensify over potential mandates -- "As the world inches closer to developing a COVID-19 vaccine,
we are also on the brink of facing the very disturbing prospect of a push for mandatory vaccination. President Trump told the military to prepare
for the delivery of as many as 200 million doses of the vaccine, which they hope will be ready by the end of the year
'for everybody that wants to get it.'"
Children's Health Defense and RFK Jr. release "message of unity" video calling for health freedom advocates to #StandFirm
against vaccine mandates -- Every conscious American should be supporting this cause. Your life depends on it.
HHS head spokesperson Michael Caputo tells Americans to "buy ammunition" before election, warns that anti-Trump lunatics
will launch an armed insurrection against America (updated) -- Here's something else that your life may depend on.
Experts predict coronavirus to remain a problem even if a vaccine works -- And there is a simple explanation, really:
Vaccines will not get rid of the 5G frequencies that cause CoVid.
Unprecedented number of birds dead in New Mexico in a mysterious die-off -- This has been documented all over the world since 5G
was implemented, as I've been documenting on this blog.
"Hail Satan": After terrorizing churches, BLM witchcraft exposed -- Still think I'm exaggerating when I say that
those on the left are possessed?
Chinese labor camp survivor explains why socialism is hell -- Listen well, because when the Democrats win in November as a result of
massive cheating, this is what those of you who survive will have to endure. Until the Democrat Plan, Trump and fellow Republicans could win
75% of the popular vote and still lose.
Nikola's staged truck video reveals how EVERYTHING is faked today, yet marketed with dramatic videos and music to trick the masses --
The point of my book, Living on the Precipice (2018) was that few things in our culture are not faked, and it can lead to our extinction.
When everything is about appearances and nothing is about substance -- you know, like CoVid -- you are never more than a step away from doom.
Geoengineering: Waging Weather Warfare On World Populations -- Dane Wigington, who've I've communicated with by email, posted
this in January, 2018 -- more than two and a half years ago. The reason it's important is so that you understand that the use of 5G
to "cull the herd" is a natural evolution of the weather warfare that your Satanist Elite has been waging on the planet for the last
140 years, beginning with the suppression of most of the work of Nikola Tesla, Nathan B. Stubblefield, and Antonio Muecci, and the
employment of harsher and harsher systems of electromagnetics.
Joe Biden caught using teleprompter during TV interview -- Biden was on camera, as I've pointed out previously on this blog, when
he famously stated, "You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist." (Just like you don't have to be a Zionist to be a Jew.) Well, boys and girls,
he's decided to expand on that: "You don't have to be intelligent or even fully conscious, to be the U.S. President."
Los Angeles Angels Owner: 'It's Very Necessary To Vote For President Trump' -- "Speaking at a "Latinos for Trump" roundtable in Phoenix, Arizona,
Arte Moreno, the owner of MLB's Los Angeles Angels and the first Mexican-American to own a major sports team in the United States, stated that all Latinos
should get out and vote, adding, "It's necessary to focus on today and the future, and it's very necessary to vote for President Trump."
- Maskless Flash Mob on Target -- The revolt against the
mask Nazi's has begun. It's overdue.
September 17, 2020
- Starting off today, I'm covering a few excellent missed articles put out by Natural News:
Same media and deep state (which includes the FBI, as cited in this article)
that claimed riots were peaceful now claiming no one is starting fires --
There is no truth in media or government anymore. Once again, it's all propaganda. And it's propaganda that's so bad,
not even children can believe it.
Facebook says it'll REMOVE all posts alleging Oregon fires 'were started by certain groups' -- "Truth is not acceptable and
will not be tolerated if it doesn't fit our political agenda."
Man who used Molotov cocktail to start Portland brush fire arrested then released to commit more arson -- Forgive him.
Global warming made him light those Molotov cocktails.
Treason Is At Hand: The Transition Integrity Project Has Launched the Overthrow of the Government -- PCR is referencing an article
at The implications are frightening. Anyone living in the U.S. should read it.
Health Ranger warns America: We must beg God for forgiveness as a NATION, and pray for redemption or be overrun by Black Lives Matter DEMONS --
I've never seen Mike -- whom I've known for over 20 years -- this passionate about how close the U.S. is to falling over the abyss. I said
as much when I wrote Living on the Precipice (2018).
Pharma giant Gilead sent death threats to French doctor for telling the world that hydroxychloroquine cures COVID-19 --
Gilead belongs to the same power consortium that insists that you need to wear a mask. You cannot trust these bastards. You're an
idiot if you do.
JAMA article affirms benefits of hydroxychloroquine in treating COVID-19 -- Oppps. That wasn't supposed to happen.
CDC has metastasized embedded "resistance unit" of anti-Trump scientists -- The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which
oversees the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), says the latter agency is corrupted with anti-Trump elements that exist to thwart
the president’s agenda and eventually unseat him. "There are scientists who work for this government who do not want America to get well, not until
after Joe Biden is president." Vital reading if you live in the U.S.
Attorney General Barr calls mainstream media 'basically a collection of liars' -- When you consider the results of
their mischief, you can also throw in murders, thieves, despots, and career criminals -- and you won't be lying!
Tucker makes case Dems are complicit in targeted shootings of cops -- Carlson used his opening on Monday to lay out the case as to how
the Democratic Party was complicit in the shooting and other targeted attempts on the lives of police officers across the country. Hannity
also covered this brutal development.
- Trey Gowdy: An attack on law enforcement is an attack on
America -- An attack on white people is an attack on America. An attack on its values, its physical structures, basic rules of civility --
these are all attacks on America. The Democratic Party has declared war on the very country it wants to rule.
CA governor signs controversial bill that reduces the penalty for sodomy with minors -- You can always tell when you're
dealing with the demon-possessed. They are repulsed by the very thought of adherence to Natural Law.
Oregon fire officials prepare for "mass fatality" event -- do they know something we don't? -- As in the case of 911, as in the case
of CoVid, as in the case of most false flag events, the perpetrators take delight in telling you what they're going to do before they do it.
They get a certain demonic thrill, a certain psychological discharge, from doing so.
Pill pushers: Today's medical students are not taught about nutrition despite growing burden of diet-related disease --
Äctually, it's been this way now for the better part of 200 years. I cover this in detail in Meditopia.
An invisible danger: Coronavirus pandemic a threat to the mental health of Americans -- And the perpetrators knew this would be the
case before they unleashed it.
C-Span Footage of Biden Touching Young Girls Flagged as "Child Sexual Exploitation" by Twitter --
C-Span footage of Joe Biden which accusers say shows him inappropriately touching young girls was flagged and removed by Twitter for violating its
'Child Sexual Exploitation Policy'. Where was I when it became the solemn duty of the media to protect pedophiles?
Jesuit-led Roman Catholic parish goes full anti-white, says being white is "racist" -- Parishioners who attend the Church of St. Francis Xavier
in New York City are reportedly now being asked to recite a "pledge for racial justice" during Mass that affirms "white privilege and the culture of
white supremacy must be dismantled." You should expect this.
Popes of the Roman Catholic Church have been openly worshipping Lucifer
for years. We see Pope Francis doing the same thing.
True Catholics -- (I know because I was raised Catholic) -- don't worship Jesus Christ. They despise him. Father Malachi Martin, who worked
in the Vatican, tried to warn us about this for years before he was
It's time to turn off the news: Why Coronavirus Could Be The 'Divine' Conspiracy | Dr. Joe Vitale --
London Real did this interview at the end of April, still it is a perspective worth hearing -- and not a common one.
James Carville ADMITS Bernie Sanders Critique of Biden Campaign is Right on MSNBC -- Carville is another leftist suffering from
possession. The host is well-meaning but largely clueless. Carville would be a Biden cheerleader, even if Biden kicked off and
the funeral and the obit were last week, Again, we're back at Weekend at Bernie's.
Six Reasons Why the Wrong Party Will Win the Most Important US Election Since 1860 -- I agree with Doug Casey.
Between demographics and cheating alone, Trump may not win.
The November Election Has Already Been Rigged -- Latest from Dr. Richard Sauder. The conclusion is coming now
from multiple sources: the American people are being set up.
Twitter Censors Conservative Activist for 'Harassing' Pedophiles -- "We have an obligation to protect pedophiles."
- Nolte: BLM Riots Are Officially the Most Costly Manmade Damage to American Property in History -- Yeah.
Peaceful protestors.
Candace Owens: 'We Are Not in a Race War' -- That Narrative Is Created to Destroy America -- Obviously.
September 16, 2020
Trump Health Aide Pushes Bizarre Conspiracies and Warns of Armed Revolt -- This comes from the NY Times -- the biggest whore
publication in print. The subtitle is telling: "Michael R. Caputo told a Facebook audience without evidence that left-wing hit squads were being trained
for insurrection and accused C.D.C. scientists of "sedition."
If tomorrow, BLM terrorists broke into your home and murdered you and everyone in your family,
you know how the NY Times would report this, right? What really happened is that you wanted the BLM peaceful protesters to look bad.
So you and everyone in your family shot themselves and used your racist friends to report it as BLM violence. With that in mind,
we already know from other sources that everything Michael Caputo said is true. We have this from numerous sources, and I've been reporting
it for months. What is news here is not what Caputo said. It's the fact that it is Caputo -- something quite close to Trump -- who actually
said it.
An associate send this to a group I'm on with the following comment: "Did you guys see this?
Load up on amo!" An associate told me not long ago that she met with a friend in 2019who just happens to be well placed at the CIA.
At the end of a conversation, he added -- as it were a minor footnote -- "Listen, I can't tell you what I know, but I will say this.
Whatever is coming, it isn't something that you can prepare for."
Cal Thomas: Biden Isn't Rewriting COVID History, He's Literally Making It Up -- Once again, when the culture evolved to a point where
truth no longer mattered, as long as the talking points of the common narratives worked to serve political objectives, the civilization was finished.
Mail-In Fiasco: 1,600 Uncounted Ballots Discovered Months After Election -- Voter fraud is just heating up. We haven't seen anything yet.
Watch: LA Protesters Chant 'Blue Lives Don't Matter Here' in Sickening Anti-Cop Display -- The demonically possessed
are in charge now.
Kamala Harris Accidentally Lets the Truth Slip, Discusses the 'Harris Administration' On-Air -- Let's see the NY Times call the use
of Joe Biden to hide who will REALLY be running things if Biden wins a conspiracy theory now. Paul Craig Roberts put his own take on this
event with an article, entitled
Kamala Calls It "the Harris Administration" / White liberals are such total dumbshits that they will put her in office if they can.
Blacks Now Call Trump Supporters "Nigga" / Apparently it is not a hate crime to call a white person Nigga -- You dare not call this
racism. You might get labelled a racist! (LOL)
The Saker's View of the Election -- Conclusion: You can't trust either political party. The same Elite rule both sides.
However, the Dem/BLM/Antifa combination is so ultra-toxic, that conscientiouis people have no choice but to put all their weight behind Trump.
See original.
California Cities Using Their Streets As Collateral To Pay Down Pension Liabilities With Debt -- You're stuck way up
in the mountains at 10,000 when a blizzard hits. Outside you have 20 degrees below weather. You find a cabin. You start a fire.
You run out of firewood. So you burn all the furniture in the cabin. It's all used up. What now?
So You Want To Overthrow The State: Ten Questions For Aspiring Revolutionaries -- "Is my revolutionary manifesto really any
better than the Underpants Gnomes' business plan from this 1998 episode of South Park?"
Scientists Isolate Coronavirus Antibody In Breakthrough That Could Lead To New Treatment -- Wanna get rid of CoVid.
Easy. Since CoVid is caused by "electromagnetic adaptation syndrome," simply get rid of 5G, which created the problem in the first place.
This entire article is pure nonsense.
California's Governor Makes Ominous Prediction For America -- "We've turnedo our state into a socialist nightmare, not we want
the rest of the U.S. to do the same."
The Great Unmasking -- I've been saying for some time that the masks do nothing for your health, but rather, are a
satanic mind control device. This article confirms it.
Biden's Multi-Trillion-Dollar Budget Is The Biggest Increase In Decades -- "and the Progressives will never be happy until they
turn the US into a socialist mecca like Venezuela."
Did Joe Biden Just Promise Fewer Fires, Floods & Hurricanes If He Wins In November? -- "On Monday, Democratic nominee Joe Biden condemned
President Donald Trump as a "climate arsonist," predicting that if the president wins reelection in November, America will witness more "hellish"
events like fires in the West, flooding in the Midwest, and hurricanes on the East Coast. He effectively promised that if he wins, America will
suffer from fewer fires, fewer floods, and fewer hurricanes."
They say that the People get the government they deserve.
Let's assume there's some truth to that.
Then it would stand to reason that a candidate's supporters reflect his thinking and disposition.
Biden is a dementia-plagued dumbass who's challenged in putting together complete, coherent sentences.
Should we be surprised if we find that his supporters are cerebrally challenged, as well?
- CRINGE: After Being Introduced at Latino Event by Puerto Rican Singer Luis Fonsi, Biden Pulls Out His Phone and Starts Playing
Despacito (VIDEO) -- What a dumbass. For those who don't know,
Despacito is a slightly popular song that swept over Latin
America and just on Luis Fonsi's site has over 7 BILLION downloads. So, of course, Biden's butthole licking maneuver is nauseating.
Why does politics attract the world's dumbest people? Because they are easier to control?
This reminds of Bushie #1's vice president, Dan Quayle. A Republican -- yes -- but another incorrigible dumbass. He once said that he was worried
about taking a trip to Latin America, because he "didn't know how to speak Latin." But it's all okay because . . .
Biden flew all the way to Florida to give an 18 minute speech to less than a dozen Latin supporters -- Let me get this straight.
The left is going to trash the United States if their candidate, who has trouble getting more than a dozen supporters together, doesn't win by a
landslide. Yeah. Hard to believe, isn't it?
U. Chicago English Dept. Says It Will 'Only' Admit "Black Studies" Grad Students This Year -- Again, if you say this
is racist, it must be because you're a racist.
Stop The Coup! -- ". . . it's time to unmask the Revolution."
- BUSTED: The Media Continues to Declare the COVID Crisis Is In Full Force Despite Data Around the World Indicating The Worst of It
Was Over Some Time Ago -- "Say it ain't so!" The party can't be over. Bill Gates hasn't gotten his billions back on that completely
worthless CoVid vaccine. No matter who makes it, we know that it's completely unnecessary.
Joe Biden Confuses Iran and Iraq as He is Reading From Notes in Tampa Speech (VIDEO) -- Oh, come on, now!
Geography? Who needs to know geography? That is so, so OLD SCHOOL. If I need to know where a place is that's more than 1 mile away,
I can always ask Siri!
TWO YEARS IN JAIL? Bill Would Make Not Wearing Mask A Misdemeanor In Pennsylvania -- "We will put you away if you don't
agree to self-asphyxiate. Suffocation is the law!"
- Donald Trump Opposes National Mask Mandate During Pandemic: A Lot of People Don't Want to Wear Masks --
Can the American Public really handle this much common sense?
Jerry Brown Mocks People Who Want to Leave California: 'Where Are You Going to Go?' -- Didn't you know? Global Warming is going to
doom us all! Here's what nobody in the media will EVER tell you: the same people who fund the Greta Thunberg's of this world are the same people
who would send in one of their assassination teams to do the wetwork and take out you and your family if you ever came up with a viable alternative
to the internet combustion engine. How do I know that? Because in my long career, I've known three inventors who did exactly that.
do you really think I'm exaggerating?
Shocking warning from Limbaugh if Biden beats Trump in November -- "If the Democrats win, if Biden wins this election with Kamala Harris or
whoever that they put up there, that's the end of democracy. It's the end of the two-party system," Limbaugh said Tuesday. "We're gonna have a one-party
government that is going to devote itself to eliminating all opposition. That's what's at stake. If they win, I think the Republican Party essentially
ceases to exist."
September 15, 2020
PA Governor's COVID-19 Restrictions Ruled Unconstitutional By Federal Judge -- "You can't just shut down American society."
Yet another overreaching Democrat communist governor gets a judicial bitch slap.
The Reversion Will Be Mean -- "...things have gotten so fugly, polarized, contentious where being a centrist is considered an extremist
position in itself, that it's all going to snap back in the other direction so hard it's going to rip everybody’s faces off."
Fauci: "I Have To Disagree" With Trump On COVID "Rounding The Corner" -- Of course Fauci has to say this. He's so invested in vaccines
that if there were not a single person on earth with CoVid, he'd still be pushing vaccines.
- Ron Paul: Debt Is The Real Pandemic --
That is why the system is about to crash. I'd been hearing the word "unsustainability" since 1970 when I was in middle school.
I sometimes wondered if people really understood what that word meant.
South Dakota AG May Have Left Scene Of Fatal Car Accident, Governor Reveals -- "He said he thought the man he hit was a deer."
You know, I'm not an expert in these things, but don't poeople and deer have slightly different anatomical details?
Wisconsin Food Bank Warns: "We're Not Going Back To Normal Anytime Soon" -- What an astute observation.
"Stunned" Scientists Discover Possible Signs Of Alien Life On Venus -- Why would anybody need to study signs of alien life on Venus,
when we are overwhelmed with signs of alien life here on earth?
Luongo Explains Pelosi's Choice: Steal The Election Or Be Destroyed -- "Pelosi is now the villain in this political psycho-drama and all
she's doing is playing to her base, which is dwindling in real terms.
Candace Owens Rages At BLM-Enablers Over Cop Shooting -- Black folks are realizing that they're being used as a scapegoat for
deplorable actions that good black folks would NEVER support.
Biden Loses It While Trying To Defend His Mental Health -- "Luck you! I am not fruffering from dain bramage!"
- NOT CLIMATE CHANGE: Oregon Woman Catches Arsonist on her Property with Matches --
Holds Him at Gunpoint Until Police Arrive (VIDEO) -- Should have shot 'em and dug a deep hole. The judge will just let this kid
go free to destroy more property, more homes, more lives. The next post is a good example:
- NOT CLIMATE CHANGE: Oregon Man Charged with Starting Fire with Molotov Cocktail --
Went Back and Started 6 More Fires After Release.
President Trump Retweets Evidence COVID-19 Is Fizzling Out in the US If It's Not Over -- There's too many little Hitlers in government
who aren't happy with themselves if they're not working overtime to get the public to shit their pants in fear.
Junk Science Founder: Biden Climate Speech 'One Falsehood After Another' -- In the world of politics, truth has no meaning.
Only appearances.
Watch: Douglas Murray -- 'America Has All the Bases Set for Civil War' --
"America has all the bases set for civil war,' says author Douglas Murray. Those radicals seeking to destroy the U.S. from within should be careful what
they wish for: if they think the Anglo-American hegemony was bad, they're going to have a 'hell of a time' when they discover what the Chinese
hegemony looks like."
September 14, 2020
September 13, 2020
Historic Wildfires Scorch A Record 3 Million Acres In The West -- It's heartbreaking -- it's 26 times more acreage than
got burned up this time last year in California -- (2.54). By all means, let's blame it on climate change instead of
the directed energy weaponry and leftist arsonist agenda that's provably driving it. More left wing insanity.
At least 19 people dead, dozens missing in wildfires -- Let me guess. Global warming MADE government agents use DEW
and inspired BLM arsonists.
Tucker: Democrats, fires and the climate misinformation campaign -- An eloquent presentation on the absurdity of leftist's
use of wildfires that are initiated by directed energy weaponry (DEW) and a handful of leftist arsonist on "global warming."
NOT CLIMATE CHANGE: Oregon Law Enforcement on Video Talking about Political Arsonists in the Area -- Maybe leftists
can use their media to make the argument that "global warming" MADE those arsonists start those fires! On account of the extent of the damage,
undoubtedly the destructive contribution from the arsonists is nothing compared to that of DEW.
As West Coast Burns, Leftists Blame "Climate Damn Emergency"; There Are Just 2 Things --
"The reality is that there's something bigger and more real going on, which is the actual climate. La Nina is afoot in the northern hemisphere, and she's
having some extra fun in the West because the environmentalists have prevented California from protecting against fires."
COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity -- James Corbett covers the frightening direction the Elite have taken
the world. Posted two days ago on the 19th anniversary of 9/11.
"It's Like Using A Hammer To Kill A Fly" -- Architect Of Sweden's COVID-19 Anti-Lockdown Strategy Finally Vindicated --
The sake of a thin layer of the world Elite the modern world was destroyed. Shameful.
Paul Craig Roberts: The US & Its Constitution Have 2 Months Left --
(Paul Craig Roberts). "After the CIA overthrows Trump, they will use Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and their presstitutes to foment race war.
Then the CIA will ride in on the Pale Horse, and the population will submit. The scenario is unfolding as I write.
Very few will believe it until it happens. Even then the CIA’s ability to control explanations will keep the population in hand.
In America today, liars have more credibility than truth tellers."
Chinese Government Combines "Track & Trace" COVID-System With Social Credit Score -- This is the model the Elite
want to inflict on the entire world.
A Guide To Avoiding 'The Road To Serfdom': David Goggins Versus FA Hayek --
"The dumbing down of generations through schooling designed to strip young adults of self-reliance, independent, original thought, and any modicum of
critical thinking skills is favorite tactic of the parasitic class."
How To Steal An Election, Part 2: The Right's Response -- "The TIP report is careful not to engage in sedition. They are a whisper away from
advocating violence -- but these are very sharp political operatives that are all lawyered-up, so they speak in code."
Google 'Geofence' Warrants Keep Locking Up Innocent People Who Were In Proximity Of A Crime Scene -- A global culture that
sees no difference between truth and polically-motivated narrative is hardly going to care where innocent people get charged with crimes they
never committed. This is even more Orwellian than "thought crime," and Google is actually promoting this now.
Surprise! Politicians Worldwide Aren't Following Their Own COVID Rules -- There can be no greater proof than this that
the CoVid restrictions are pure bullshit. If they had any validity in science, wouldn't the politicians who create these draconian
conditions be following them themselves?
The Horror -- CNN Triggered at Trump Rally in Nevada -- No Masks or Social Distancing -- CNN, chief "enemy of the People" is at it again,
pushing the bullshit CoVid restrictions. Their medical propaganda pushing knows no bounds.
Germany Stops Harvest, "Temporarily Bans Agriculture" as African Swine Fever Reaches Europe -- "We have one dead pig! Let's halt
all agriculture and starve the people!"
September 12, 2020
California's Real Wildfire -- The outer fires are a physical manifestation of the craziness that pervades the rest
of life in that state -- of which this articles focusses on the outrageous pension system and other financial instances of malfeasance.
What's not covered is that these many fires have been caused by DEW (directed energy weaponry) and is being used to keep us in line with
United Nations' Agenda 21 goals: to get people out of rural areas and stuffed into more easily collectable cities.
Half Million People Evacuated in Oregon As Wildfires Spread, Arson Concerns Grow -- Concerns? We have arson alright.
Government-sponsored arson to assist with Agenda 21.
'Party Of Science' Leader Pelosi Mocked For "Mother Earth Is Angry" Comments -- Wow. Maybe we should tell Mother Earth
to stop using government agents to use DEW to start forest fires, and HAARP to manipulate hurricane weather.
Tim's Warning Dream for America/Pastor Dana Coverstone's Dream about November -- This was posted on the 4th and runs 8:30.
A friend just sent it to me. Like Dana Coverstone's visions, which I've covered, this deals from a Christian perspective
the things that yet another visionary is seeing. It disturbingly matches many things I was told in my ayahuasca visions,
which I discuss in my book, The Gospel of 2012 According to Ayahuasca (2012).
It's Over For The USSA -- The latest from Richard Sauder's Event Horizon Chronicle. Think of it as an add-on
to the previous post from "Tim".
- If you feel like something really, really bad is about to happen, you are not alone.
The latest from SHTF.
Kirstie Alley: New Oscars Inclusion Requirements 'A Disgrace To Artists Everywhere' -- It's going to get
interesting when we reach a point where the lead actors in major motion pictures are required to be "trannies." Don't laugh
too hard. It's coming.
"Serious adverse event" in AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine trial revealed as spinal inflammation disorder caused by toxic adjuvants --
I covered this previously, but now I thought I'd include Mike Adams' take.
A Coup in the Making -- Another home run from Amazing Polly. If you think you've been subjected to far too much gaslighting
for any one lifetime, wait. It's going to get worse.
Police State measures outlawed by Common Law Peoples' Assembly as people empowered to resist -- This video, less than 5 minutes long,
was posted on August 25, and it was just joyous news that I had to listen to it twice. This is major pushback against this CoVid bullshit.
Everyone should read it.
Social Media Erupts After NFL Fans Boo During Social Justice 'Moment of Silence' -- Imagine : attempting to
resurrect your business by making it a priority to remind your customers that they're all racists, even though they're not.
Great business strategy.
INTERVIEW: Ice Age Farmer warns that food scarcity is being ENGINEERED by globalists to enslave the human race --
I've covered the evolution of Christian Westbrook's thinking (better known as the "Ice Age Farmer") for some time now. This
is his latest and it comes in the form of an interview with Mike Adams.
Vaccine manufacturer Pfizer already starting to pre-blame "anti-vaxxers"
for why their vaccine isn't stopping the coronavirus --
You knew this was coming, didn't you? I sure did. And expect a whole lot more of it.
TWISTED: Trump goes full pro-vaccine as Biden and Kamala say they won’t trust any vaccine promoted by Trump -- Go ahead.
Make the case that this isn't an elaborate psy-op to get vaccine resistors to take the Mark of the Beast.
FDA hoarding 60 million doses of donated hydroxychloroquine that should be going to sick Americans --
They can't do anything that doesn't result in the maximum number of people on earth taking that vaccine, now can they?
Fauci now blaming "nature" for the coronavirus pandemic; neglects to mention his own NIH funding of "gain-of-function" research in Wuhan --
Brave Irish Doctor Speaks Out About Covid19 Lies! -- Same lies being made public by a credible doctor. Same message, different voice.
The Brothers Grim: Bill and Mike's Pandemic Panopticon -- "Bill and Melinda Gates have leading roles to play in the unfolding drama that is
Covid-19. Everything seems to be advancing according to Davos's plan. The soon-to-be trillionaire couple has provided useful cover for their fellow
billionaires, the ones backstage pulling the ropes that will drop the Fourth Industrial Revolution scenery for the techno-fascist second act. Even
now a chorus line of contact tracers assembles in the wings. In short order they'll take center stage -- donning newly minted digital certificates of
compliance and indoctrination."
Harvard Prof Uses 9/11 To Blame Trump For COVID Deaths -- Why is it that the most educated people -- the ones with the most exposure
to modern education -- are the dumbest?
America's Post 9/11 Wars Have Forced 37 Million People From Their Homes: New Study -- If you're going to "free" a people and make an
omellete, you're gonna break a few eggs. In this case, 37 million eggs. That's one big, f***** omelette.
How To Steal An Election -- What evidence is there of awareness and preparedness on the political Right to confront and counter the TIP
(and other Leftists) and their plans to disrupt the election? Not much. Time is short.
Crackpot Dr. Fauci Calls for Economic Lockdowns Until "At Least the End of Winter" -- How Does This Guy Keep a Job? --
The virus expert for stupid people.
Chelsea Clinton Wants YOU to Renounce Your "Privilege" -- Why is it that some of the most privileged people on earth want YOU to
renounce YOUR privilege. This is how communists talk -- those who expect to be part of the new Nomenklatura.
Chinese State Media: China Must Prepare for War -- If you don't think we're being prepped for World War 3, you might want to revisit
that notion.
Nolte: 88% of Elite Film Critics Love 'Cuties' Compared to 3% of Audience -- Netflix has put out a movie, called
Cuties. I've never seen it, nor do I plan to, but apparently it's a child porn
movie. And why not? Hollywood and the rest of the entertainment business is demonic as all hell, but put that aside. Why would any studio
or entertainment organization keep pushing something that's panned by 97% of the people? Answer: they don't care. They don't work for you,
the public. They serve a --- well, at least in their minds -- a "higher power."
September 11, 2020
Mile Markers Of Tyranny: Losing Our Freedoms On The Road From 9/11 To COVID-19 -- "No one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it.
Power is not a means; it is an end." George Orwell
Dr. Fauci Warns "We Need To Hunker Down To Get Through This Fall And Winter Because It's Not Going To Be Easy" --
This is the latest from Dr. "Triple F" (the assigned name for Dr. Anthony Fauci -- I belong to an group online that calls this guy,
Fuckface Fauci -- hysterical). When you know someone like this is coming, it isn't because you're a prognosticator. It's because
you're a "co-conspirator."
Gerald Celente -- Bubble About to Burst It's One Big Scam -- Greg Hunter interviews Gerald Celente.
Put out on the 8th. Among other things covered: the 80,000,000 mail-in ballots that just went out -- making massive voter fraud inevitable.
Predicts Trump with overcome "fraud-by-voting" and win.
Poll Shows Americans Trust TRUMP, Not Media, Over COVID-19 -- This isn't about Trump. Forget him. Explicit in this poll is the
fact that Americans are getting tired of being bullshitted. If you want to be lied to about CoVid, just turn on CNN.
Trump renounces support for COVAX, a "China-centric" alliance pushing coronavirus vaccines on the world -- (Natural News) After previously
pledging to send $1.16 billion in taxpayer funding to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI), President Donald Trump now says the
United States is backing out of COVAX, a World Health Organization (WHO) initiative backed by Bill Gates that aims to vaccinate the entire planet for
the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) --- (it's a step in the right direction.)
Attack of the 5G "palm trees" and radiation-emitting fake cactus towers -- (Natural News) "While everybody worries about Covid and the
BLM metro-city riots across America, suburban neighborhoods are getting covertly blanketed with 5G small cell towers that are disguised as draping
palm trees and giant cactuses. Nobody seems to realize what’s happening, and the few who do are getting banned and blacklisted from Facebook and
YouTube for posting anything about it. The World Health Organizations classifies 5G "RF radiation" as a possible carcinogen, and you know what it
means when they say that. It means it's really bad, like glyphosate weed-killer bad. Still, these fake palm trees and plastic cactuses are being
installed right next to nice residential homes, just about everywhere."
Joe Biden is the worst presidential candidate Democrats have ever nominated -- "He literally embodies everything the Democrats claim to be
against: Sexism, bigotry, racism, sexual assault and predatory behavior." It doesn't matter in a culture where truth no longer has meaning.
Medicinal plants: 15 Must-have herbs in your survival garden -- We grow most of these in our own gardens here in Ecuador.
Kenosha residents unwilling to speak openly about how much they hate riots and love the National Guard, scared of Antifa and
BLM retaliation -- Did you ever think you'd see it come to this?
'Shrouded in obscurity': AT&T asks the FCC to crack down on Big Tech companies like Facebook, Google and Apple --
(Natural News) AT&T will ask the Federal Communications Commission to adjust the legal shield protecting big tech companies and argue that Facebook and
Google are not open with the public about how their algorithms impact public discourse, the telecommunications giant said Monday."
If Biden loses, leftists are planning for "mass public unrest" -- Once again, we're going to be seeing a lot more "vote for me or I'll
kill you" posturing by the Democrats. Great campaign strategy.
Canada Imprisoning 'Uncooperative' Citizens At Secret COVID-19 Facility, Report Says -- All in support of a provably
bogus PCR test.
- Michigan Governor and Crazed Tyrant Gretchen Whitmer Orders High School Football, Soccer and V-Ball Players to Wear Masks,
Even During Competition -- It is important to be able to breath properly -- 20,000 times a day? Of course, not.
Breathing oxygen is so old school!
Biden Claims More Than 6,000 Members of US Military Died From Coronavirus -- The Actual Number is 7 (VIDEO) --
Oh, come on! They're just a few extra zeros. Admit it -- he was pretty close!
Our System Is Crumbling Right In Front Of Our Eyes -- "It's not the virus you need to worry about. It's the system."
This Is How It Ends: All That Is Solid Melts Into Air -- "The most competent will realise the impossibility of keeping it glued together,
and so they will exit first. The most noble will try to keep it going but they will burn out and drop away, leaving the incompetent to oversee the
final collapse."
What Possible Disruption Is Coming That Requires China To Start Massive Stockpiling Of All Possible Commodities --
Looks like somebody is preparing for something BIG. Whether you're an individual or a country, you normally don't do this unless you see big
supply problems coming.
Why One Bank Thinks The World Is "On The Cusp Of A New Era Characterized By Disorder" --
"When, in years to come, we look at the rearview mirror -- we may see 2020 as the start of a new era." It's not because it HAS to be that way.
It's because they WANT it that way.
JPM Becomes First Wall Street Bank To Demand Traders Return To The Office -- Say what? You mean, like, where my actions might
be supervised?
South Dakota Gov. Slams Sturgis 'Superspreader' Study: "It's Fiction, Not Science" -- As one twitter comment stated:
"One death -- following an event with over 350,000 people. You've lost your minds." If they keep up this pandemic fake news,
The Church of the CoVid Scamdenic will begin to lose members.
Most Americans Think The Government Is Corrupt -- "Americans may finally be waking up, even minimally. A majority of those living in the
United States believe that the government is corrupt and unaccountable."
The Evidence Keeps Piling Up: Lockdowns Don't Work -- "The toll lockdowns have taken on human life and human rights has been incalculable.
Increases in child abuse, suicide, and even heart attacks, all appear to be a feature of mandatory stay-at-home orders issued by politicians who now
rule by decree without any legislative or democratic due process."
Postcard stamped in 1920 delivered 100 years later -- "So does this means we won't know the results of the 2020 election until 2120?"
September 10, 2020
- "Not The Same Joe": Former Stenographer Says Biden's Cognitive Ability Has Declined Significantly --
Thing about it for a moment. Joe Biden could be in a coma and his support would be completely unaffected. He's openly admitted he is
just a "placeholder" for "somebody else." This reminds me of a post I made on this blog a couple months ago where a liberal who openly
admitted he had TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) openly stated that: "I would crawl across a field of broken glass. I'd vote for a
tuna fish sandwich."
Questions about Money now and in New Earth, plus maps of New Earth in Dolores Cannon's book. -- Interesting, if you can
get through the accent.
Pelosi "Very Pleased" AZN Stopped Vaccine Trial After Patient Experienced Serious Spinal Issues --
Pelosi: "I'm very pleased that AstraZeneca has stopped their trial because they saw a problem that needs to be investigated. I'm so proud that
the pharmaceutical companies have said they won't market or promote a vaccine unless it is properly approved." Whatever is properly approved
isn't the same a saying it will healthful, needful, or non-harmful. It means that it will be something that fulfills a globalist agenda.
OECD Exposes 15 Trillion Reasons Why US Schools Need To Open Now! "The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD) is out with a dire prediction, saying that America's economy is facing down a $15 trillion hit."
Sweden Close To Victory Over Coronavirus; Never Had A Lockdown Or Mask Mandate -- If you undersetand the science, then you know that
this outcome was entirely predictable. If you listened to globalist shills like Bill Gates or Dr. Fauci, then you wouldn't know this.
Sweden: The Violence Is "Extremely Serious" -- Things in Sweden have now deteriorated to such a degree that on August 29, the Swedish police
published a statement titled "The trends in violence are extremely serious." The big mistake, of course, was allowing Muslims to come into the
country in the first place -- because in the mind of true Mohammadans, non-Muslims are rodents who deserve nothing short of pure exploitation.
You didn't know this? Shame on you for now knowing your Koran!
Whitney: Is BLM The Mask Behind Which The Oligarchs Operate? -- "This is a class war dolled-up to look like a race war. Americans will have
to look beyond the smoke and mirrors to spot the elites lurking in the shadows. There lies the cancer that must be eradicated."
Rich Americans Flock To Caribbean Ahead Of US Presidential Election Turmoil --
"Wealthy Americans aren't just fleeing big cities for rural communities amid the virus pandemic, social unrest, and surge in violent crime; some of these
folks are leaving the country until the dust settles. Citizenship advisers, government agencies, and real estate developers are pointing out a surge
in inbound migration flow of Americans to countries in the Caribbean Sea ahead of the US presidential election."
MKULTRA & The CIA's War On The Human Mind -- "The CIA's mind control program, which was assuming a bigger and bigger importance as fears of
Soviet brainwashing grew in the US, was originally called Operation Bluebird and was personally overseen by CIA higher-up Allen Dulles."
Critics Believe Next Phase of the 'Rolling Coup' Against President Trump may Involve the US Military -- Good luck with
that. Nobody I know believes the "fake news" Atlantic story. If anything, it has desperation written all over it, and it shows.
- Biden Slurs His Words in Michigan Speech, Says Trump's Policies Increased the Price of "Prescription Jugs"
(VIDEO) -- Somebody has spent too much in the Washington, D.C. brothels.
Los Angeles Bans Halloween, Trick Or Treating Outlawed -- There is something deeply satisfying in the demonic realms
in creating and fostering human misery. It is the way of service to the archons, and it is currently what Democrats are committed to.
LIES: Andrew Cuomo Says Trump 'Caused' Coronavirus Outbreak In New York (VIDEO) -- No U.S. politician of any party
CAUSED Coronavirus. This is unbelievably ridiculous. But lawmakers have supported it by backing 5G.
September 9, 2020
- House Judiciary Republicans Send Letter to Nadler Demanding He Denounce Violent Left-Wing Extremism,
Acknowledge Antifa is Not a 'Myth' -- It just keeps gettier nuttier and nuttier. Maybe I should start growing an almond
orchard. Seems to be a big market for nuts these days.
Demonic Possession at the Portland Riots -- Maybe people thought I was joking or exaggerating when -- months ago -- I talked
about Leftist as demon-possessed creatures. If you don't read anything else I post today, I would ask that you read this article.
Despite Shunning Lock Downs And Face Masks, COVID-19 Cases In Sweden Plunge -- This wouldn't happen if the SARS virus that is supposed
to cause CoVid were contagious. We we've known since March: it is not.
- OUTRAGEOUS! Joe Biden Says Trump is the One Who Wants to Defund Police -- After Running Ads Attacking Police (VIDEO) --
Truth has no meaning in politics anymore. Propaganda, psychological warfare, and reverse projection rule.
COVID on Campus -- Nearly 26,000 Students on 29 Campuses Identified with COVID -- But ZERO Hospitalized, ZERO Deaths --
Instances of reconfirmation never end: CoVid was a scam from Day One.
- BREAKING: Rochester Police Chief and Entire Police Department Command Staff Suddenly Announce Retirement Following Riots --
Just as the Democrats want. No communist takeover can be effectively accomplished if you can't get regular law enforcement out of the way.
EMP threat to U.S. power grid identified just weeks ahead of vitally important elections -- "A new report from the Department of Homeland
Security said the agency is continuing to prepare for a potential electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack ahead of the November election." When they come
out with a report like this, you know they are PLANNING for black outs. They're going to engineer them. You know. Just like 911.
When I read One Second After, I got the same impression. Sure, it was a novel, but it eerily had
the feel of a playbook.
United Nations forced to admit that vaccines from Bill Gates are spreading polio throughout Africa -- The entire history of vaccines
going back to the 1790s is full of fraud and scandalous events. This hasn't changed. Have you read Virus Mania yet?
Joe Biden claims Thomas Edison couldn't have invented light bulb because he's white -- And did you know that Henry Ford,
Nikola Tesla, Alexander Fleming, and Albert Einstein were all black people who only appeared caucasian because they wore "whiteface."
Defending yourself against a convicted pedophile and sex offender makes you a racist "mass shooter," according to Christian group
The Gospel Coalition -- Only goes to show that "sell-outs" come in all stripes.
Public health expert reveals the FDA and Fauci's shocking plot to bury hydroxychloroquine as potential COVID-19 cure --
Repeatedly I have shown and proven that medical science isn't science. It's propaganda. See my article from January,
Official "Medical" Science in Retreat.
Don’t look now, but "misgendering" is now an "act of violence," meaning Leftist punishment for this heinous "crime" is coming next --
It's all demonic. Spitting into the eyes of God in defiance of Natural Law.
California Towns Are Leasing Back Their Own Streets To Build Prisons, Finance Pensions --
Like they say: "The only reason to use an LRB to build a prison is to bypass the will of the voters". This only serves to further illustrate the
contempt that leftists have for democracy or the rule of law. Again, demonic.
The Trojan Donkey -- Since earning the nomination as the 2020 Democratic candidate for the presidency, Joe Biden has stated that he is a
"transition candidate." This was an odd statement, especially for someone who has hardly begun his formal campaign. (He"s not even in office yet and
he's discussing being on the way out?) Yet this was not just another one-off Biden gaff, as has been suggested by some. Since announcing his pick for
vice president, he has stated, "Look, I view myself as a bridge, not as anything else." So what’s up here? The candidate is only a place-holder for
the real, intended president?
- 46-Year-Old Professor Collapses And Dies During Virtual Class After Succumbing To 'Long-Haul' COVID-19 Symptoms --
"A history professor in Argentina who had been suffering from 'persistent coronavirus symptoms' for over a month collapsed and died while
teaching a virtual lecture form her home."
One of the things that I myself noticed when I got CoVid myself last March was that this was no ordinary
flu. In fact, it wasn't close to behaving like any illness I'd ever had. In the aftermath, my own researched led me to 5G as the true, guilty
culprit, and its ability to induce what I call "electromagnetic adaptation syndrome
ACLU Official Attacks University For Admitting Nick Sandmann While Professor Promises To Monitor His Conduct --
This is a cloaked version of "cancel culture." In other words, "agree with my leftist position or I'll ruin you."
Tucker Carlson Tonight- 9/8/20 -- Covers the latest absurdities beginning with "critical race theory."
Kamala Harris -- Who Smeared Kavanaugh Over Debunked Sex Assault -- Says She's "Proud" Of Accused Rapist Jacob Blake --
Leftists believe that rape is perfectly acceptable if someone from their quarter commits it.
Zuckerberg: Americans Need To Accept Election Result Could Take Weeks To Be Confirmed -- That's the strategy.
Delay it long enough and Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, is President of the United States by default.
There Is No Recovery -- "If a business cycle is artificially extended through monetary stimulation leading to excessive financial
speculation as we are now experiencing, the risk of a catastrophic economic collapse is greatly increased." The current course is unsustainable.
The Elite know this. What do you do if you're about to get checkmated and there's no way out? Answer: knock over the board, scattering
the chess pieces everywhere and say it was an accident. You know. Like Covid.
- Let's Give Trump Some Credit -- On Labor Day He Threw Down the Gauntlet to the Corrupt Military Brass
-- (PCR) "Trump said that the Pentagon brass doesn't love him, 'because they want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful
companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make eveything else stay happy.'
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by the military/security complex for making the same point."
Man Jailed for Bludgeoning to Death Mother He Called 'Brexit-Voting Halfwit' -- What do you do if you're a leftist and your own mother
disagrees with your political position? Well, that's easy. Just murder that bitch. The good news? If you're in an area where the presiding judge
if a leftist, too, you don't have to worry about going to prison.
September 8, 2020
Violence has Backfired on Democrats -- Greg Hunter interviews Kevin Shipp, a CIA whistleblower. It's going to get worse.
Much, much worse. "Brace yourself." (Let him explain why "Q" is a disinfo operation.)
55 Very Eventful Days and Counting -- "Things are about to get real serious." This is the latest from my good friend,
Dr. Richard Sauder, in Quito. It's a rundown of coming events -- certain, probably, and possible. A worthwhile read. "Brace yourself."
Both the President and investors are betting everything on a fast-tracked coronavirus vaccine
-- but what if they're accidentally unleashing a medical time bomb on America? -- It's a time bomb, because it's designed to be.
"Brace yourself."
New dream Dana Coverstone 9-4-2020 -- I've posted things from Pastor Dana Coverstone before. This was posted last Friday.
I post this because it runs startlingly parallel to the things that I've seen over the past three months in my own ayahuasca vision quests.
It's 10 minutes. Listen to it. And "Brace yourself."
Tucker: The COVID pandemic empowered mediocre politicians -- A synopsis for today, Labor Day, as to what this fake Covid
scamdemic (of which the real disease is not a virus -- the virus being a byproduct and not a cause -- but rather,
once again, electromagnetic adaptation syndrome).
- 'Fuck White People!' -- BLM-Biden Supporters Scream at Elderly Couple Dining Outdoors in Pittsburgh, Steal Their Drinks Off
Table (VIDEO) -- Democrats will ultimately lose because most of them are insane and/or demon possessed. What rational person would think you
could win an election if you openly declared war on a faction of country that constituted 76% of the polity. (Spoiler alert: We're taking about
white people.)
- Black Georgia Man Who Stabbed Stranger Because He 'Felt the Need to Find a White Male to Kill,'
Murders White Cell Mate Following His Arrest -- This is what Democrats live for. Dystopia.
- Black Lives Matter Mob Storms Rochester McDonald's Blaring their Bullhorns, Then Shove and Threaten the Black
Store Manager (VIDEO) -- The race war is just a cover. The truth is that Leftists don't give a damn about black folk. What's driving this
is no different than what drove the Bolshevik revolution: it's about a demonic, communist takeover.
Spoiled White Portland Protesters Harass Black Woman In SUV In The Name Of Racial Justice (VIDEO) -- Another case in point.
Black Lives Matter in Seattle Chants "Who Do We Protect? -- Black Felons!" (VIDEO) -- By all means. All great societies are built
and sustained by celebrating criminality.
Study by Researchers at UCLA and Stanford Finds Coronavirus "Ten Times Less Fatal than First Thought" (Video) --
Wrong. They knew this would be the probably epidemiological outcome from the beginning.
Kamala Harris Pushes Junk Conspiracy that Russia May Prevent Joe Biden from Winning (Video) -- Oh, yes. Russia.
Harris thinks Americans are SO stupid, they would never vote against a candidate who promotes death force against them. Biden could only
lose if Russia intervenes.
United Nations Complains About A "Male-Dominated World" Thanks To "Millennia Of Patriarchy" --
Another attack on normality. Another bullshit narrative.
Trump Mulls Decoupling US From China: "If Biden Wins, China Will Own This Country" --
It's a foregone conclusion. It's not speculation. It's a statement of fact.
American Airlines Faces Backlash After Allowing Employees To Wear BLM Pins -- Staffers who refuse to wear the pin will now
"be ostracized and labeled as racist."
Black Woman Confronts Antifa Rioters, Claiming They Called Her Racial Slur --
"Now they see how ignorant this looks, you don't let someone call me a fucking nigger bitch, you don't want no race war out here" -- Again,
it's about the communist takeover. The BLM and Antifa terrorists couldn't care less about black folk.
Riots Have Hit 48 Of America's 50 Largest US Cities, New Study Finds -- "96% of major urban areas have seen violent unrest"
Lockdown 2.0 -- "There's Going To Be Hell To Pay" -- This is the power of 5G. They can initiate a new viral wave when ever they want.
We can have a 2.0, 5.0, 20.0, 50.0, 100.0. The pandemic can be kept in perpetual motion -- forever -- this CoVid shit can go on into infinity.
Why? Because for the first time, humans are being subjected to frequency sets to which the body is incapable of adapting. There's no
return to homeostatis -- for the individual or the collective.
Nolte: California Is Now a Third-World Country -- Of course, it is. It was pre-destined when Californians voted far-left
candidates into office. Communists always reduce a society to abject poverty. Look at California's homeless rates. Communists have
been proving their ability to do this for over 100 years. Nonetheless, things in California and elsewhere will get much worse after the election.
"Brace yourself."
September 7, 2020
Pelosi's son tied to fraud ring that tried to sell Nancy's solar tax credits for millions -- Got a first-class criminal here.
It never ends with this woman. One of the reasons Democrats are fighting for their lives this November election is because they know that
a second Trump term would involve even more unsavory racketeering activity on the party of this the Democrat crime syndicate.
- Forget 5G. We Want 6G. -- Misdirection. I promise you. It's misdirection. This reminds me of an interview with
Albert Einstein. He was asked what weapons might be used to fight WW3. He replied, "I really don't know. But WW4 will be fought with
sticks and stones." We are, of course, supposed to assume that even though 5G has the potential to kill off 90% of Homo sapiens
on this planet, our Elite -- who are deeply committed to depopulation -- would never use it for that purpose. Yeah.
Contained with the design of a thing, there is evidence of intent. Why was 5G created?
First and foremost, why have telecommunications companies been moving like ants around a burning ant kill to install as many 5G installations as
they possibly can? As if their lives depended on it? Is it because we need faster communications that bad, or is it because you have
a limited amount of time before the intended victims figure out what's going on, so you better get on with it?
Apply Occam's Razor. I'm sure you'll come up with the answer.
Mail-In Voting Would Cause the Biggest Fiasco America Has Ever Seen -- Which is exactly what they're counting on.
Politics thrives on the Hegelian "problem, reaction, solution" model. What should we expect Democrats, who are fighting for their lives --
(because they damn well know that if they don't win in 2020, their party, and the mass criminals at the very top are toast) --
to do differently? That's the point. They point. They will create maximize chaos and suffering and attempt pin it on Trump?
They know they can do this and get away with it, because they can safely trust that Americans really are that brain dead.
Washington Post Promises Catastrophic Violence if Biden Does Not Win -- Well, I have to admit, this is a new approach.
"Vote for me, or I'm going to kill you." We'll see if it works. In the U.S. right now, anything is possible in Zombieland.
Mail Slowdown is a Direct Result of Democratic Interference -- It makes perfectly good sense, when you understand the overall
Trump’s "secret weapon" revealed: Fourteenth Amendment allows the President to strip Electoral College votes from states supporting
censorship against voters; enables mass arrests of mayors, governors and judges who support BLM -- Why not?
The Left is fully engaged to destroying the U.S. to fulfill their Marxist vision of hell on earth. It isn't like you're going to
make them MORE mad or committed. (NaturalNews)
Democrats just declared they're going to rip off the 2020 election, even revealing HOW they're going to do it --
I would have expected nothing less.
"Bipartisan" Washington Insiders Reveal Their Plan For Chaos If Trump Wins The Election -- I found this the most frightening news
item I've read in weeks.
Democrats and Never-Trumpers Make Plans for November Coup if/When President Trump Wins Election --
"Patriotic Americans must realize this is NOT normal political behavior. This is the rolling coup."
The Coming Coup? -- "Democrats are laying the groundwork for revolution right in front of our eyes."
The Democrats have spent four years fantasizing about assassinations and carrying out acts of political violence --
(Natural News) The Democratic Party has lost all civility over the past four years, ever since Donald Trump became President of the United States.
In front of audiences and cameras, the Democrats have repeatedly fantasized about assault, riots, chaos and assassination. By 2020, the Democrats
vision has become a morbid reality. Not only have they condoned mass violence on America's streets but they have also supported the domestic
terror movements that are sweeping through the country.
Washington Post Promises Catastrophic Violence if Biden Does Not Win -- I've covered this before.
The Mike Adams video I posted yesterday covered. People need to understand the implications of all this. There is now no
way to avoid civil war -- especially since BLM and Antifa activists are promising to fire bomb voting locations where
voters are known to be overwhelmingly Republican.
- Big Pharma Is Colluding in an Attempt to Delay COVID-19 Vaccine Production -- That's GOOD news.
Maybe they can delay it 40 years so that I can die of old age.
- Denver Black Lives Matter Mobs Swarming Restaurants, Harassing Diners With Their Tantrums -- AGAIN (VIDEO) --
In what other country in the world would they tolerate this horseshit.
Systemic Collapse of Society: Manufactured Election Crisis & Famine -- Those who don't see these engineered events,
going back to the introduction of the CoVid crisis in February are going to get hurt by hit. "For lack of knowledge, my people suffer."
Anatomy of A(nother) Fake Scandal -- The Atlantic does it again, taking Fake News to ever new dizzying heights.
HOLODOMOR 2.0: Man Made Famine & Election Chaos -- The world-wide famine is engineered -- in the U.S. and elsewhere. Example:
Is China On The 'Brink' Of A Major Food Shortage? -- It isn't just the U.S. Communists have a long history of using famine to
kill large numbers of people to achieve their aims. That's why Ice Age Farmer calls this
Holodomor 2.0. Americans? Are you listening? You're next.
Iran: "American Soil Is Now Within Range Of Iranian Bombs" -- So what? The real problem is that American Soil is not out of
range of Democratic Party terrorists' bombs. They LIVE inside the country!
A Rogue Institution And A Clear & Present Danger To Liberty In America -- When, since it was founded in 1913, has the privately held
Federal Reserve Bank NOT been a clear and present danger to American liberty?
Former CIA Spook Warns "The Violence Will Get Even Worse" -- "It will get worse. We are going to see it amplified leading up to the
election, and it’s going to get even worse after the election." No shit, Sherlock. We need somebody from the CIA to tell us this?
You mean, people can't read the news and hear what Democrat operative are PROMISING will happen in November and figure this out for ourselves?
Kamala Gets Conspiratorial: Says Russians May Cost Biden Election, Won't Trust Trump On COVID-19 Vaccine --
And this woman is actually running for public office? Again? "Here's what will cost you the election, idiot. Americans want the bombings,
the lootings, the murders, the cancel culturing, and all your other horseshit to stop. They want you out, because your a Marxist pig."
Trump Tweets: "Baltimore's Poverty & Crime Will Only Get Worse Unless You Elect Kim Klasick" -- The video is
priceless. Watch it.
8 year old receives death threats over her parody videos of Ocasio-Cortez -- Only Democrats would threaten the life of an 8 year old for
imitating the most ridiculous biped in Congress. This came out last year, but it is every bit as relevant today. If life is getting you
down and you just need a good laugh, check out the remaining
videos on her channel that haven't been taken down yet.
Former NYT Reporter Challenges Dr. Fauci's Climate Change "Mission Creep" -- "To avoid the next pandemic humans must live
in harmony with nature." Say what?
Trump Parody Video of Him Firing Obama Was Bumped and Never Aired at 2012 RNC -- Here It Is --
 Strangely, even dogs understand the importance of reciprocity and
cooperation than most people do. This idea is far removed from the philosophy of leftists, in general, and
Marxists, in particular.
 Even plants are more intelligent in this area than humans. As I note in my
book, The Joys of Psychopathocracy: "More amazingly, using a variety of different plants, (Cleve) Backster
and other researchers were able to determine that plants are able to feel pain, often expressing themselves intensely,
that they were capable of having their feelings hurt, that they can feel compassion for other plants, and will even share
nutrients with suffering neighbors, show clear evidence of having twenty distinctly different "senses" compared to our five, but most
relevant here, appreciate attention, love, and grow better when "fed" positive thought."
 Would that most modern humans were only this evolved.
September 6, 2020
OMG I'm Speechless! Unbelievable Mainstream News from Spain -- UNREAL! -- This comes from mainstream news in Spain.
The interview is with a Lius de Benito, M.D., a practitioner in Madrid. So it's in Spanish with English subtitles.
Basically, you have a doctor on the front lines in Spain telling the interviewers
(first a woman, then a man) that the CoVid numbers are flat full of shit -- as is the fake PCR test that determines if a person is "positive."
That the numbers don't justify the panic. That few are being admitted. Hospitals are empty. A CoVid vaccine
is not necessary, but what we could really use is a program to vaccinate the public against fear porn. Priceless. Truly priceless.
In the end, the TV program tries to marginalize the doctor and gaslight him. It doesn't work. The doctor stands his ground and indicates
that he knows of 200 to 300 other doctors treating CoVid in "Spanish terrotories" who feel exactly the same way he does and are seeing
the very same thing.
Study Shows that More than 90% of Cases Tested COVID-Positive Are Wrongly Diagnosed! -- More evidence of
systemic CoVid fraud.
Dark Forces Infiltrated The US By Blackmailing Those At The Top, Their Plan Is Pure Evil -- Important revelations.
Antifa shooting -- planned? FUCK YES !!!!!! -- Antifa now has assassination teams. This video shows how well coordinated the
assassination of a Trump supporter in Portland was.
Coronavirus Update from Dr. Richard Schultz -- Posted 9/3 and it won't stay up long.
Dr. Schultz cuts through all the lies and disinformation that are at the very heart of the CoVid scamdemic.
The Bolsheviks are Coming and the Constitution Has to Go -- The Leftists won't stop -- unless they get what they want.
This is why the U.S. Civil War is inevitable.
- First you import diversity; Then the diverse convince you that you are racist and owe them --
Can you think of a more perfect way to destroy a nation and its people?
The Media's Abandonment of Julian Assange Demonstrates the Media's Corruption -- Good point, though there are mountains
of evidence everywhere else that the media is totally corrupt.
More Anti-White White People Attacking Their Own Race -- The best way to annihilate a people is to convince them of the necessity to
commit suicide.
VACCINE By Nov 1? Trump Sends "Urgent" Requests To Prepare Distribution Sites -- They're going to push the hell out
that unholy vaccine, as I've said for months. Did you ever get around to reading The Invisible Rainbow or Virus Mania? I'll bet
you didn't!
Democrats' election CHAOS plan REVEALED -- Posted on the 3rd, but still vital.
Police Arrest 27 After Another Violent Protest In Portland -- Finally, some push back.
DISGUSTING! Godfather of Vaccines, Dr. Stanley Plotkin's Terrifying Vax Admissions -- It's frightening to hear one of the most
distinguished vaccine experts in the world admit what they put into vaccines. It's Frankensteinian. It's interesting that at
6:50-7:00 he states insouciantly that he is glad to go to hell for what he's doing. At 7:09 he states that he doesn't believe that someone
can have a valid religious objection to taking a vaccine and that he takes issue "with religious beliefs." That is because most of the people
at the top of the vaccine food chain are true satanists, although he only admits on the record in this deposition that he's an atheist.
Inflation -- Running Out Of Road -- "Two independent analysts using different methods -- the Chapwood Index and
-- prove that prices are rising at a far faster rate, more like 10% annually and have been doing so since 2010. This article discusses the
consequences of price inflation suppression, particularly in the light of Jerome Powell's Jackson Hole speech when he downgraded the importance
of price inflation in the Fed's policy objectives in favour of targeting employment.
- Breaking: BLM Storms Stage at #WalkAway Rally in Dallas, Punches Security Guard, Gets Smashed to the Ground --
Police Arrest Security Guard -- This shows the degree to which violent protestorsi in BLM and Antifa are getting local police
support under direct orders.
- BLM Rioters Destroy and Torch St. John's Church in DC -- Then Are Asked to Come Back and Paint Race-Based Murals
on Torched Church -- See what I mean?
- "They're Gonna Want to Hunt -- Eradicate Their Opponents." -- Victor Davis Hanson On America's Future If Democrats
Win in 2020 (VIDEO) -- If you don't believe this election is about life and death, you haven't been paying attention.
National 5G Awareness Day ~ Citizens For 5G Awareness Speaks Out! -- This took place in July, 2019, but it shows even then
what the awareness was for the harmfulness of 5G technology. Scientific studies citing the established dangers of 5G are given.
Black Lives Matter -- The Democrat Shock Troops -- March Through Philly Chanting "Death to America!"
(Video) -- Again, the amazing part is that 50% of Americans support this.
- Black Lives Matter Militants Target "White Folks" in Rochester -- Try to Break Into Apartment Buildings, Set Fires
-- Police Declare a Riot (VIDEO) -- More Democrat operatives.
It Begins -- Black Lives Matter Rioters Destroy Restaurants -- Then Start Climbing on People's Homes (VIDEO) --
According to the Washington Post, CNN and Fake News media these people -- 90% -- are mostly peaceful.
Critical Race Theory Has Infiltrated the Federal Government | Christopher Rufo on Fox News -- This demonic philosophy has been
pervasive for many years. Now they've weaponized it for the rest of us. This interview occurred on Sept 2. Trump responded with the following:
- Trump dealt a devastating blow to Critical Race Theorists -- Overturns an identity politics program
initiated by Obama, perhaps the most racist person to hold the office of U.S. president.
Tucker: What to expect after the November election -- This was posted a couple days ago. With this, we now know that Civil War in
the U.S. is guaranteed. There is no turning back now. A full-blown communist takeover is underway. Will Americans just sit back and watch?
I don't think so.
September 5, 2020
- DHS Nixed Intel Report Suggesting Russia Was Behind Biden Mental Decline Narrative -- ABC Ran with It Anyway --
There are DEGREES of Fake News. The fact that the Left would have the shame to push a narrative where Biden's mental decline is a
conspiracy theory just shows you how far they have descended and continue to descend into the abyss of pure madness.
The war on Hydroxychloroquine can be traced back to Gilead, the drug maker looking to profit big from Remdesivir --
It's all about power, profits, and privilege. It's never about what's best for the patient. If we have learned anything at all from CoVid,
it's that orthodox medicine's prime directive reads like this: "Fuck the patients. They don't matter." (NaturalNews)
BOMBSHELL: Organization funding BLM, Antifa terrorism linked to Biden campaign -- Is anyone reading this blog
really surprised? (NaturalNews)
Democrats are lying: Vote fraud IS real and it's been occurring in THEIR cities for years, says an operative who ran ballot fraud operations
for Dems -- You gotta read this one. The article ends with the obvious conclusion. There is only one way to put an end to this
kind of aggregious cheating: "Voting should be in person only, and voters should be made to present an ID, period." Why do Democrats
now insist on mail-in voting? Because they know that cheating is, in most cases, the only way to win. (NaturalNews)
Sen. Rand Paul says left-wing mobs are PAID, well-organized thugs, confirming they are terrorists-for-hire -- Paul Craig Roberts
is correct, the fact that 50% of American voters want to hand their country over to terrorists is proof positive of their stupidity. (NaturalNews).
Want more proof? Here it is:
Poll shows most Americans support shutting down the economy again to stop the coronavirus -- If this poll is on the up-and-up --
(which it probably isn't, but let's assume it is) -- it just goes to show how stupid are. Again, this virus is provably non-contagious.
The only thing that shutting down the economy again will do is kill people's livelihoods and cripple people's ability to survive.
Great idea.
When the voices in your head are giving orders: Pentagon scientists say "talking laser" that beams messages directly
into your head coming soon -- xxxx
THE GREAT RESET: Davos & the Plot to Cancel Trump -- This was posted in early August. It's amazing that this documentary
is still up, since it's had going on 2.5 million views.
- Why We Are Facing The Biggest Election Nightmare In Modern American History No Matter Who Ends Up Winning --
It's guaranteed. Nothing predictive here. You just need to apply common sense and know what's going on, on the ground.
The Economy Continues To Unravel Despite All Stimulus Measures -- Appearances are what are important. Stimulus isn't meant
to cure the ills of this deliberately engineered sick economy.
Luongo: A False Flag Is Biden's Only Chance To Win -- Read the whole thing. Read it twice. The logic is flawless.
We are headed for hyper-violence in the U.S. at the hands of the Democratic Party's lunatic fringe, which could mean 50% of their followers.
Our Public Health Officials Are In the Pocket of Big Pharma -- "The corrupt officials are doing all they can do to prevent the
public from having known effective treatments for Covid so that Big Pharma can maker $billions marketing a vaccine."
Joe Biden Screws Up, Says Totally Wrong Line During Live TV Interview -- This Isn't Normal -- No political party
in American history has put forth a candidate less fit to hold public office. STILL -- the Democratic Party has plans to trash the country
if this invalid isn't voted in as President. This would be comical if it weren't actually what's transpiring.
- Insane FED Chief Jerome Powell Now Claims to Be a COVID Expert -- Lectures on Wearing Masks to Ensure an
Economic Recovery -- The Federal Reserve Bank lies about everything else so why should it be any different with CoVid.
Wearing masks has nothing to do with protecting against CoVid, and nothing to do with an economic recovery. If anything, mask wearing is
inhibiting the recovery.
- Tennessee Woman Who Died in February Gets Letter Saying She Tested Positive For Covid-19 From a Test Taken in June --
Makes as much sense as anything else in the official CoVid narrative.
- COVID On Campus: In Nearly 5,000 Cases Identified -- None Hospitalized -- Zero Deaths --
Still think you need that vaccine?
American Psychological Association: 'Every institution in America is born from the blood of white supremacist ideology and capitalism' --
LOL LOL -- The vast majority of institutions in America were built by white people because its majority are white people. Are these psychologists
on crack. And they want to treat OTHER people for their psychological disorders?
Aspiring Rapist-in-Chief: Stop your bitching. At least most of the females that
Biden molests are over 10 years old. In this political climate, that's a sign of moral character. Besides, when a man reaches
this severe level of dementia, just how much damage can he do, anyway? Again, this is someone who has to figure out what hole
to wipe after he takes a dump.
September 4, 2020
Secret Service Admits To Destroying Records In Alleged Biden Breast-Grabbing Incident --
"He would mess with every single woman or teen. It was horrible."
- Secret Service Inadvertently Confirms Gateway Pundit Story About Biden Sexually Assaulting Agent's Girlfriend --
"What's the deal here? I just wanted to get her clothes off so I could penetrate her with -- well, you know -- the thing!"
Rush Limbaugh: How did Russians convince Biden to act like he's losing mental acuity? --
Talk radio host goes 'facetious' over security report and election interference.
"Americans Really Are Dumbshits. They Are Unbelievably Stupid People." -- Before you criticize it, understand
that Paul Craig Roberts is a former assistant U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and editor of the Wall Street Journal.
I agree with him to a point.
It's getting embarrassing to admit you're a Homo sapiens -- especially when you see Americans exhibiting this much
mind-numbing stupidity. This video is actually from Mark Dice and has been out there since
2016 -- maybe much longer. Who knows which one is the ultimate original. What's news is not the Mark Dice video. What's
news is that Paul Craig Roberts would highlight this video today to make a point about how hopelessly stupid Americans are appearing.
But there is a deeper message here that PCR -- despite my
enormous respect for him -- is missing. People outside of the bubble that investors live in, really don't understand precious metals.
I personally own some silver. Not an enormous amount, but enough.
I can tell you right now that none of the people around me and most of the small businesses would accept precious metal for
payment of anything. If the dollar crashes, these people will revert to bartering. I'm seeing signs of that already, as I've said.
As for digital currency, forget it. The Ecuadorian government was the first nation state to come out with it own national digital currency,
and it has genuinely pushed its use.
I don't own any. None of my friends own any. I don't know of one single Ecuadorian who owns
any or has made an attempt to own any or knows of somebody who has. Many things contribute to this: distrust of government since the
crash of the Sucre (the national currency here in Ecuador prior to 2000, after which the U.S. dollar was adopted as the national currency),
poor internet service and all-too-frequent electrical outages
(meaning, that you can get cut off from your money at any time), the culture -- which favors things of value that can
be felt and touched, etc.
There are places in the world where the New World Order crime syndicate
and the Central Banks will be able to sell their
bullshit international digital currency -- trillions they create out of thin air, just like they do now with all other fiat currencies.
Ecuador just isn't one of them.
3 COVID Secrets Ecuador does NOT want foreigners to know! -- Things to know if you contemplate to moving to South America
in general, Ecuador in particular. As in the rest of the world, the race as been on to categorize as many deaths as possible as a
"CoVid" death -- something I've been talking about
Anti-Fascist Letter Warns America to Prepare for What's Coming Sept 5th! -- No enemy of the American Public has been more
dangerous than the Soros-funded BLM/Antifa, far-left coalition.
Bernie Sanders Supporter Admits to Altering Thousands of Mail-in Ballots -- If the cheating is high enough,
Trump could get 80% of the popular vote and still lose. There is a variation of an old quote from Josef Stalin:
"It doesn't matter who votes or how they vote. It only matters who counts the vote." Destroying the votes to one party in favor
of another trumps even Stalin's ideas about stealing elections.
It's Not "Just Property": How Looting Destroys Lives And Low-Income Neighborhoods -- It's now become fashionable on
the Left to defend looting as a means of redistributing wealth from allegedly unworthy business owners to the more-deserving looters themselves.
"We Should Be Concerned" -- Fed Spooked By Biggest Market Crash Since March -- "A notice to the startled grass that something is
about to pass." (Emily Dickinson)
- Why San Francisco Is In Trouble: 19,000 Highly Compensated City Employees Earned Over $150,000 --
"We found truck drivers loaded up with $262,898; city painters making $270,190; firefighters earning $316,306; and plumbing supervisors cleaning up
$348,291 every year. One deputy sheriff earned $574,595 last year -- including $315,896 in overtime."
WaPo Claims Election Result Will "Spark Violence" Unless It's A Biden Landslide -- "Tony Soprano" was more subtle
than this." We already know there will be no Biden landslide, so prepare for Civil War beginning in November.
- "Choose Your Own Apocalypse": Bullshitting Republicans Aren't Great, But Gaslighting Democrats Are Evil --
More than ever before, this is down the better of two evils.
"Powerful evidence of anticompetitive practices." Is this too little, too late?
US Court Vindicates Snowden Leaks -- Rules NSA Mass Surveillance "Illegal" & Officials Lied -- Of course, they lied.
That's what they're paid to do.
Armstrong: The NY Times Supported Stalin & Communism As The Way To The Future -- "Are we supposed to trust these people again?
They remain dishonest propaganda artists who threaten our very way of life." (How many ways can I fuck thee over. Let me count the ways.)
This comes to us from economist, Martin Armstrong.
Prof: If Dems Win In 2020, It Would Be "Virtually Impossible For Conservatives Ever To Win Again" -- I figured that
out three years ago.
Pregnant Australian Mother Arrested In Her Home Over Facebook Lockdown Protest Post -- "If you protest while we're raping
you to death, we'll only kill you faster."
- White Jewish Lady Admits She's Been Pretending to be Black Her Entire Career as a University Professor in Black History --
Why not? Pretending to be a different race is what elevated Elizabeth Warren's career?
Biden in Kenosha Starts to Rant About Raising Taxes, Then Catches Himself: "Not Going to Lay it Out For You, Because They’ll Shoot Me" (VIDEO) --
They say the Elite have an ethos about telling you they're going to screw you over before they do it. Apparently, Biden is following that ethos.
Canada's Chief Public Health Officer Says People Should Wear Masks While Having Sex -- I have a better idea. You should wear a plastic
over your head until you're asphyxiated.
- PURE MARXISM: Soros Backed Democrat DA Argues Looting, Rioting and Stealing Are Acceptable If You "Really Need"
What You’re Stealing -- Using that logic, no act of theft is illegally.
It Appears COVID-19 Is Fizzling Out Across the Nation According to Recent Evidence -- Tell me again, how badly I need your vaccine?
September 3, 2020
People Who Reject Face Masks More Likely To Be Sociopaths: Study -- And men who embrace face masks are more little to have little
penises. Western civilization has reached a stage in its devolution where you say anything you want, regardless if it isn't remotely true --
with a straight face, no less -- and not fear criticism, as long as it fit the current political narrative.
This is a very dangerous development I address in an essay from this past January,
entitled, Officlal Medical Science in Retreate --- speaking of which :
81 Scientists Back Biden After He Commits To Shuttering Economy If Advised... By Scientists. -- As I just discussed,
you can't trust science because it isn't about empirical truth. Science is about the search for consensus among those in a
self-designated, self-serving scientific Elite.
Read Point #2 in this essay, which I penned in 2015.
Here is another example where those who deny the bullshit CoVid narrative are crucified in the press:
St. Louis Man Opens Fire in Family Dollar Store After Being Asked to Leave for Not Wearing a Mask --
This may or may not have happened. With Fake News, you never know. I'm calling bullshit and I'll tell you why:
it's just so improbable, but it serves the official agenda to demonize those (paradoxically) who aren't participating in this collective, mask-wearing,
Satanic ritual.
Lancet Study Finds US Has, By Far, The World's Most Overpriced Medical Care -- BY FAR! In 2016
I was working on a project where I needed to stay up all night to finish. Caffeine tablets weren't going to cut it.
So on the recommendation of one of my student workers, I tried
Modafinil, which is sold here in the brand name, Alertex®.
(One of its "off-label" uses by students is a stimulant that allows you to stay up all night.) Supposedly about 10% of users
have mild side effects. Nonsense. I took it one time, as directed on the package, and I had migraines so bad that with a couple
hours I had to be taken to emergency. I couldn't hold anything down. Not even water. I felt so stupid. I'm a naturopath who
teaches people about the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs, and here I am in a hospital after taking this stimulant drug one time.
I stayed at Clinica Latino
for two days. I had extensive blood work and an MRI test done, plus three doctor visits, and nurses in constant attendance.
After two days, I felt fine and so I asked to go home. I got dressed, gathered my belongings,
and headed to the "cajero" to see what kind of damage I was looking at. I only had $1,000 on me so I was hoping they took credit cards.
As it turned out, they weren't necessary. The grand total was $545 -- so I paid my bill in cash.
Friends of mine in the States tell me that if that had happened to me in the States,
I would have been looking at a $15-20,000 bill. Now you know why you HAVE to have health care insurance in the U.S. and almost
nobody has it here in Ecuador. People pay for health care needs out of their pocket.
Nancy Pelosi, Next President Of The United States? -- Don't laugh. If you understand that constitutional line of succession,
it is entirely possible. That in itself is extremely frightening.
"It's A Game-Changer" -- New WHO-Backed Research Finds Cheap Steroids Reduce COVID-19 Mortality By One-Third --
Not to worry. The whores at the FDA, CDC, and vaccine makers in Big Pharma will find a way to suppres this one, too. It's what they do best.
"This Is Straight Up Censorship": Joe Rogan Debuts On Spotify With Dozens Of "Controversial" Episodes Missing --
In no time in history has censorship been so severe and blatant. When Alexis de Tocqueville wrote Democracy in America, he identified
the seeds of suppression we see more fully manifest today. As I wrote 16 years ago in
Meditopia (2004):
Tocqueville clearly describes the paradox of America's bias in suppressing freedom of speech.
"I know of no country where there is generally less independence of thought and real freedom of debate than in America."
(p. 297, para 4). Well over a century before the writings of George Orwell, Tocqueville makes clear that even in his time (the 1830's),
the seeds of tyranny against independent thought were fully manifest: "In our day, the most absolute sovereigns of Europe cannot prevent certain
thoughts hostile to their authority from circulating secretly in their states . . . Not true (in) America; as long as the majority cannot make up
its mind, speech is allowed; as soon as it has pronounced its irrevocable decision, speech is silenced." (p. 297, para 2)
Tocqueville uses the strongest possible language of his time to describe an intolerance to
the very spirit of the First Amendment -- worse than the Inquisition. "If America has not yet found any great writers, we should not look
elsewhere for reasons; literary genius does not thrive without freedom of thought and there is no freedom of thought in America.
[emphasis added] The Inquisition was never able to stop the circulation in Spain of books hostile to the religion of the majority. The power of the
majority in the United States has had greater success than that by removing even the thought of publishing such books. You come across skeptics in
America but skepticism cannot find an outlet for its views." (p. 299)
Much more than this can be found in Meditopia, of which the best parts were incorporated into
my 2018 book, Living on the Precipice.
- "Demand Is Insane": NYC Movers Turn People Away, Suburban & Rural Housing Snagged Up, As Big City COVID-Exodus
Accelerates -- If you turn a city into a total Democrat hellhole, rational people may want to leave. So strange.
Escape from New York was supposed to be an entertaining,
futuristic, dystopian joy ride, not a documentary.
Chicago, Portland, Baltimore -- The Things We've Warned About Are Now Starting To Happen Everywhere --
" ... and now, according to the FBI, 30 gangs in the city 'have made a pact' to shoot any police officer that draws his or her weapon in public..."
Somebody tell me how this doesn't lead to civil war?
- SHOCKING: Democrat New York Governor Threatens President Trump: He "Better Have an Army" to Protect Him if He Comes
to NYC -- Seriously. If you are ANYBODY and you have money, you'd better have a heavy security detail if you come to New York!
Salon owner joins Tucker, pushes back on Pelosi's claim she was 'set-up' -- Just have to throw this in there, just in case
the needle on your "weird-shit-o-meter" has managed to fall out of the red zone.
Here is Greg Gutfeld's hysterical analysis of the same news piece.
Trump Administration is stockpiling three different types of CoVid-19 vaccines -- They are not tested. They are not
approved. They are not safe. They are more likely to give you viral symptoms then they are to prevent them. Are you getting it yet?
This is how anxious they are to roll out their beast system and tag you with the Mark of the Beast.
September 2, 2020
- Alert! Hawaii!! -- (HighImpactTV), Hawaii institutes
mandatory testing on the highway. Insane. Please watch this video. Keep in mind that this is the nonsense they want to institute everywhere else.
"The Unraveling of America: Is This the End of the American Empire?" -- "Amid a global pandemic, with a polarized political electorate,
and with protesters crowding the streets, one wonders if the American Era might be coming to an end."
Does Western Civilization Have a Future, or Is It Already in Its Grave? -- Mayhem over at Sandia National Laboritories:
an email has gone viral, questioning the absurdity of forcing white workers to attending indoctrination classes where they are forced to
confess they're racists. Same meme, different angle.
Chief Medical Examiner Informs Prosecutors George Floyd Died from Fentanyl Overdose -- Even friends thought I was being
harsh months ago, when I came out shortly after George Floyd's death and called it out as a false flag. They don't think that way anymore.
Hannity: Democrats are terrified and desperate -- America's most popular political party scratches its head, wondering
after it has shot itself in the foot, the party is bleeding.
Dr. Ted Noel demonstrates how masks don't work -- We've known this all along, but it's getting more popular to point it out.
- WARNING: Democrat Data Firm Says Trump Landslide Likely on Election Day -- But will Be Flipped to Biden
by Mail-In Votes Emerging a Week After Election -- This is the first time in my lifetime that an American political party
has been so blatant in it claim to be able to ride to victory through obvious cheating. They're not hiding it. They're proud of it.
Gutfeld on the New York City exodus and De Blasio's response -- "This is what happens when you elect a commie who can't do math."
- FBI Warns Chicago-Area Police Street Gang Signed Pact to "Shoot On-Sight" Any Cop that Pulls Weapon on
Anyone in Public (Video) -- "The FBI warned Chicago police recently that street gangs, including the Latin Kings and Vice Lords, are filming
police and several street gangs have signed a pact to ‘shoot on-sight any cop that has a weapon drawn on any subject in public." History should
be divided into BC and AC (before CoVid and after CoVid). At the end of 2019, who could have ever predicted we'd be here?
Millions Of Americans Had Their Emergency Savings Wiped Out By Downturn -- The stress created by this one thing
alone has done more to hurt the public than anything CoVid could have done.
"They Backed Us Into A Corner" -- Parents Protest Massachusetts' New Mandatory Vaccination Rules -- I've said it before
and will say it again. If not one more person anywhere on earth ever got CoVid, they would still be pushing a mandatory vaccine for it.
"The Smell Of Rotten Meat": Garbage Is Piling Up Across Major US Cities As COVID Hits Sanitation Workers -- Could this
be a public health hazard? Nawwwww.
50 million reach their breaking point. Will the U.S. strike first? Unrest is Coming. -- (Full Spectrum Survival)
Look close enough and you'll see that
many countries are preparing for "a coming war."
- Ontario woman kicked out of bingo hall for not using mask to cover breathing hole in her neck -- There are
some things that leftists push where you can't help laughing your ass off.
- Trump Defends Kyle Rittenhouse as Fake News Vilifies
Self-Defense -- Admit it: you didn't know that defending yourself against a terrorist make you a racist, did you?
Tucker Carlson (Full Show), Tuesday night, Sept. 1, 2020 -- I usually don't link to the entire show, but this one covers
all bases.
Democrats Announce Plan to Steal Election / Big Tech Censoring CDC's Low CoVid numbers -- (InfoWars) -- Again, they're not ashamed.
They're bragging about it.
Why the Federal Reserve Chose Trump Over Hillary in 2016 -- It's a perspective worth reading.
September 1, 2020
Legal Disclaimer: -- This links and comments on this page are intended
to stimulate debate on issues related to the Coronavirus phenomenon of 2020. Since this debate incorporates varying
points of view, readers are cautioned to use their own judgement in whatever they read. Nothing here should be
regarded as a substitute for seeking out professional medical care if and when needed. Nor are any of the comments
here intended to inhibit readers from getting timely testing by authorized practitioners when needed.
Any products mentioned, whether
pharmaceutical or natural, are cited as being in the Coronavirus public debate. However, the page is not intended
to provide products that are meant to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.
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1 Sep 2020 @ 12:00 am