Coronavirus: Essential
Self-Defense Against Infection
 e are now being routinely asked what is the best
defense against Coronavirus and other viral epidemics. Like previous influenza viruses over the last 100 years,
like the 1918 influenza pandemic,
CoVid-19 is an "electromagnetic adaptation syndrome." In this case, it has been caused by the introduction of 5G in 2019. (For a better
understanding, we've been recommending a reading of the book, The Invisible Rainbow (2017) by Arthur Firstenberg, which
we discuss in our CoVid new and development overview page.
 Nevertheless, all of these pre-conditions notwithstanding,
all viruses share certain common features. These features are not resistant to a conscientious program
that incorporates well-established virucidal compounds and approaches. This is something we've had to
refine in working with cancer patients over the past 30 years, because advanced cancer patients tend to
have immuno-suppressed conditions that foster both opportunistic pathogens and viral conditions.
Here are compounds we consider essential if you're going to protect yourself and your family
against viral conditions, of which this new Coronavirus variant is only the latest and most threatening.
New Data on Prevention -- (added August 2020)
Green tea, zinc, and hydroxychloroquine -- On August 14, Mike Adams put out an article on his
flagship website, Natural News, entitled, Green tea, zinc, and hydroxychloroquine: Coronavirus cure?. It is reminiscent of the arguments I make in
Chapter 4 of Meditopia: namely, that it is astonishing the number of
effective cancer cures that exist -- some of them known to different proponents for hundreds of years. Similarly, this article
points to yet another combination that is effective in both preventing and treating CoVid -- and, as in the case of long-standing,
effective cancer cures, these techniques are both poo-poo'd by conventional medicine, and vigorously suppressed.
 It has been reported here in Ecuador that clinicians are having
great success in treating CoVid with chlorine dioxide, which can also be prepared using MMS (AO Chlorine),
which is discussed below. (Chlorine dioxide has none of the side effects reported with hydroxychloroquine). Now clinical data is surfacing that
the combination of green tea, zinc, and hydroxychloroquine is also getting the job done. Whether you agree or disagree, I still encourage you
to read the article.
 I am of the personal and profession opinion that neither of these options, although the clinical
information is overwhelming that they are effective, obviates the need to take the vitamins and minerals I recommend below to obtain the best
possible outcome. And for the record, I should note that we do not sell most of these supplements, nor have any financial interest in their
commercial sale.
Treatment: Vital Micronutrients
- Vitamin C: -- Few micronutrients are as important to overall health as
Vitamin C -- a nutrient that Alpha Omega Labs does not sell in isolated form because it is
so widely available elsewhere at reasonable prices. Nonetheless, we list Vitamin C first, because
it is so effective in both preventing and relieving the symptoms of viral infections --
but particularly
viral infections that favor damage to the pulmonary system, like Coronavirus.
Having reviewed the scientific literature ourselves, we would agree with the assessment
of Dr. Andrew W. Saul, an international expert on vitamin therapy:
"The coronavirus can be dramatically slowed or stopped completely with the immediate widespread
use of high doses of vitamin C. Bowel tolerance levels of C taken in divided doses throughout the day, is a
clinically proven antiviral, without equal."
In 2004, I penned
a section in Chapter 4 of Meditopia
devoted to Vitamin C that emphasizes the importance of this nutrient -- one in which a majority of
Westerners are deficient at the subclinical level. Nobel-prize winning scientist, Dr. Linus Pauling,
called this deficiency hypoascorbemia. Similarly, Sayer Ji over at just
reposted an article reemphasizing its importance.
(He followed this up with
Three Intravenous Vitamin C Research Studies Approved for Treating COVID-19. The Chinese are approving
trials for CoVid-19 treatment using 12 to 24 g., and the results are promising.)
The recommended daily allowance
of 60 mg. is ridiculous low -- enough to prevent to scurvy, the most severe condition
experienced with Vitamin C, but certainly not enough to keep one out of ascorbemia. I personally
take 1,000 mg. a day, and I recommend those suffering from cardiovascular blockage to take 5,000 mg.
of Vitamin C per day along with 3,000 mg. of L-lysine -- a protocol that Pauling himself recommended.
It is not unreasonable to think that something closer to 3,000 mg. of Vitamin C, minimum, is recommendable
during flu season or situations where one may feel exposed to hostile viral conditions. Other nutrients
to defend against viral infection that were well documented and recommended in Sayer Ji's article:
- Vitamin D3: -- 2,000 IU daily. (Start with 5,000 IU/day for two weeks, then reduce to 2,000)
- Magnesium: -- 400 mg. daily (in citrate, malate, chelate, or chloride form)
- Zinc: -- 60 mg. daily
- Selenium: -- 100 mcg (micrograms) daily
Treatment: The Viral Condition Healers
 I covered these in
an earlier article, but they bear repeating here:
- AO Chlorite -- I was introduced to Jim Humble through an associate
in Ohio. He developed a product, he called MMS or "miracle mineral supplement," which exhibits extraordinary anti-microbial
properties. If you want to know the position
of officialdom -- their take is well-established --
namely, that it's complete garbage, or the equivalent of "drinking bleach," which is clearly misrepresentative.
In fact, this position does not comport with our experience at all. I've used it numerous
times on myself, primarily to address colds, flu, and other viral conditions.
Jim Humble's original book, Breakthrough -- based on our experience --
is an accurate representation of the product and what it does. Why will it never be accepted by officialdom?
First of all, it's too damn cheap.
Second, it does NOT help thin the herd. Third, it's embarrassing compared to more expensive medical solutions that don't work
anywhere near as well. Four, it makes rational people ask the question, "Can you tell me again why I need to
be forcibly vaccinated against my will?"
- Lugol's Iodine -- Few naturopaths don't keep
Lugol's Iodine in their medicinal arsenals. It's a potent,
broadbased germ killer -- bacterial, fungal, and protozoan. It also help alleviate condition associated
with viral conditions.
- Anti-viral essential oils -- As mentioned above,
we sell a variety of pharmaceutical-grade essential oils, and included in this group, which
we call Alma de la Planta, are potent
anti-virals that can be taken internally. including cinnamon bark, wild majoram,
oregano, peppermint, and German thyme.
- H3O (Calcium Sulfate Hydronium Solution) --
This solution is one of the strongest anti-microbials we know.
It has a detailed product page, as well as
usage guidelines. H3O's anti-microbial properties will not
survive the "liver first pass" phenomenon, but it works wonderfully as a non-toxic surface cleaner
to limit the spread of germs.
- Sangre de Drago -- This Amazonian botanical is
strongly anti-bacterial and anti-viral. It is
taken by the indigenous of the Western Amazon to treat, among other things, all manner of
internal viral condition.
Conclusion: A thought-out program of the proper micronutrients,
most of which most people on a Western diet are deficient in anyway, combined with proven products to address
viral conditions, provides
the best protection against viral infections, and reasonable expection of recovery if someone has a viral condition.
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