Picking up from where I left off from
April -- the global quarantine keeps getting extended, just like I said it would. Governments and media around
the world continue to holler for vaccines -- relying on the ignorance of a public that has no idea how sordid the history
of vaccinations are. Then there is the global economy -- sinking like a rock, except for the highly manipulated stock
markets. The saga continues . . .
Coronavirus®: News & Developments
for May, 2020
ne of the salient points of my book, The Joys of Psychopathocracy (2017), is
that government has a moral and ethical responsibility to screw the People. One of the tools it uses the accomplish this aim
is to constantly and unceasingly test the stupidity and gullibility of the general population. With the Corona Hoax they have
far exceeded their expectations: getting people to wear masks and obey social distancing rules for a "virus" that is
not contagious; turning the entire world into a prison, where people have to observe special rules just to go outside in
many places; having to worry about neighbors who will snitch on you for a reward. Then there are the Big Tech censors who are
blocking out anything and everything that attempts to question the official narrative, which is brazenly bereft of veriable facts.
Helicopter money is being dropped all over the world in a mad rush to see who can devaluate their fiat currency the quickest.
Suicide, domestic violence, and crime are skyrocking.
The U.S. Constitution and many other similar public legal documents designed to provide a framework for civil rights have been
completely eviscerated -- perhaps permanently.
Many writers -- H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley,
George Orwell, and others -- tried to warn us that this day was coming. Few paid attention. And now it's here. Are you ready to be converted into an AI robot by means of a
vaccination and RFID chip? Got that New World Order groove goin' on yet? Because ready or not, here it comes.
May 31, 2020 -- Evening
George Floyd: Proven false flag event? --
"The name of person who supposedly killed George Floyd isn't Derek Chauvin. It's a crisis actor.
On this particular job, they chose to use as their crisis actor, the real actor,
Ben Bailey" --- That is from an email I received
earlier this evening. Do I have fingerprints or genetics testing or anything on that level to prove it? Of course, not.
But if Ben Bailey wasn't given this assignment, let's just say it's someone who could pass for his identical twin. I went online
and examined dozens of photographs of Mr. Bailey and the "arrested perpetrator," Derek Chauvin. They look exactly alike.
If you can spot a difference, write me. Impossible you say? They would never do something that? Look --- the Hollywood crowd
hates Trump so much, they would sell their own mothers to a whore house if it would advance their cause. They've already come
out in droves, claiming it doesn't matter how many women Joe Biden sexually harassed or raped. He gets a free pass if he can
only dislodge Trump from the WH. The end justifies the means -- no matter how evil, corrupt, or absurd the means are.
So it's not a big deal to stage a fake death to start nationwide riots that will result in billions of dollar in property
damage. I'm not saying that I know with certainty that Bailey is our man. I'm only saying
that if I were as twisted, demented and psychopathic as the folks in Hollywood are, and I got tasked with doing a fake murder
for a lot of money from one agency in the alphabet soup, would I take the job? Of course, I'd take the job. And why would
I do that? Because as a full-fledged member of Hollywood, I have no morals, no ethics, no scrupples, and no inner ability
to discern between right and wrong. I became a devotee of Lucifer the day I signed the Hollywood contract. Lastly, the Elite have now concluded that Americans -- in fact, most world
citizens -- are so gullible and naive, that there is nothing that can't get away with. Who knows? A year from now they
might even spring a fake non-contagious virus from China, claiming it came from bat soup, and get people to stay locked in
their homes, wearing worthless masks that prevent or protect against nothing, practicing social distancing where they're even
afraid to shake other people's hands, and destroy the world economy in the process. Impossible, you say? Have I gone too far? It would never, ever happen? Okay, okay. Maybe you're right.
May 31, 2020 -- Afternoon
George Floyd: Yet Another False Flag Event -- Here is an edited
version of a letter I sent to a friend this morning:
I am of the personal opinion that the George Floyd event
was a setup. Yet another false flag. George Floyd probably isn't even dead and
the cop who will now be prosecuted is a body double. "The cop who murdered Floyd"
has been squirreled away under some kind of Federal protection program that's 50 levels
above Top Secret. Trump probably doesn't even know it. Look --- let's commit ourselves to doing something unusual
and just use our heads for a minute. You had this "sadistic cop" with his knee pressed into this guy's neck
-- during which Floyd is begging for his life. One -- and later three cops -- are on the scene, saying
nothing. Even smiling about it. They aren't hiding. They're performing for an audience. It's quite evident. The whole thing is being filmed, not by just one, but by several individuals ---
before, during, and after the incident. How utterly convenient. The JFK assassination didn't get this much coverage. The cops KNOW they are being videotaped while several people have their
smart phones out -- cameras running. Are they scared? Are they concerned about being outted? Not at all. They
are arrogant about it. Even proud. Like they don't care if they whole world knows. The cop who is "killing" Floyd has his
left hand in his pocket, not a care in the world, but his entire body language is designed to communicate, "I hate
these n*****s --- and I don't care if the whole world knows. I wish I could murder every one of these cockroaches." It's beyond racist. It's dehumanizing. And the intention is to inflame the
passions of any human being who's still capable of feeling sympathy and empathy for members of their own species. OKAY --- WAIT A MINUTE --- BACK UP!! There is no way that this cop
wouldn't know that when one or more of those videos were made public, he
wouldn't be charged with murder. The whole thing has the feel of pre-scripted theater. We're being played --
yet again -- as always. Floyd and the cop knew each other. They were probably friends. They both had done
security work together at the same Minneapolis nightclub. Is this inside information?. How do I know this?
Do I have secret inside agents working for me at the CIA? No. These facts were boldly disclosed on CNN and all the major
networks. And what about the mug shot of the arrested cop? Can anyone explain why he doesn't look like the cop who
"murdered" this poor man. It's a false flag. Like Sandy Hook, where different independent investigators discovered
that not one single kid died. Like the Las Vegas shootings, where it was determined that there were multiple shooters, and all
of them had intel agency connections. Like the Boston marathon . . . all of it. Fake. Fabricated. Designed to manipulate
the collective mind of the Public and prove to the "crisis engineers" that the Public really is that stupid and gullible. TPTB w-a-n-t chaos. They live for this. It's archon-inspired.
They want people at each other's throats, so people aren't putting their attention on the creatures that have their d**** so far
up the Public's ass that John Q. Public can feel it in his Adam's apple. At least 99% of the Public is too dumbed
down to ever figure this out. But just know the truth. And never allow yourself to be sucked in by all this demonic,
redirective, propaganda bullshit.
America: One Screen, Two Movies, Three Times The Trouble -- "So, why is this a race issue? Why are our media
and our political class cheering on the destruction of a U.S. city and fanning the flames higher, excusing the destruction
to promote a false race war? Because that's what they want to see and get a critical mass of people to also see it that way."
What did I tell you? I'm not the only person pointing out the obvious. It's a false flag.
Living in a 5G World with Ben Stewart | Gaia -- There is no place on earth you can escape to, to get away
from 5G. It's a dark, dystopian world. Complete rearrangement of our DNA into something artificial, making us easier to
control. Surveillance everywhere. (There is one camera in China now for every citizen,
and soon there will be two.) Now -- mind you -- the presenter, a 5G guru of sorts, attempts to downplay the dangers,
but still, enough information is presented such that the end result is clearly visible. It's much worse than George
Orwell or Aldous Huxley ever imagined or ever put into print. "We're building an AI god on a biological earth." . . .
"We were already being subjected to 100 million times more radiation than our grandparents were subjected to --- 50 years ago --
now we are talking about 100 thousand or 100 million times more radiation than that."
The Final Battle World War 3 It Has BEGUN! Fall of The Cabal POWERFUL! -- More "Q" and "David Wilcock"- type stuff.
I got this from a friend today. How many more years are we going to hear about the "arrest of the Cabal"?
How many more years are we going to hear this stuff and nothing results from it? Wake up. It's nonsense. This video is
sublined, "The Magna Carta: Can it save us?" It's total nonsense. The Magna Carta was an agreement between
King John and a group of rebel barons in 1215. It had nothing to do with the civil liberties of the Common Man. If anything,
the Magna Carta led to more abuse, where English people not only had to deal with the exploitative abuses of the English
crown, but now they faced additional abuses from the newly empowered barons.
City Leaders To Protesters: 'Coming COVID-19 Second Wave Is Your Fault' -- Again -- change those
5G frequency sets, and we might see Wave #2, #3, #4 --- 50, 60, 70 80. The sky is the limit when you're dealing with
ambient frequencies that the human body cannot fully adapt to. Officials dare not breath a word of the truth -- that
the virus is non-contagious.
Here Are All The NYC Restaurants That Have Permanently Closed During The Coronavirus Crisis --
"In a world where hotels and restaurants already face a dismal future, a new study has found that nearly two-thirds of publicly
traded restaurants are at risk of bankruptcy as the Covid-19 pandemic batters the industry. The odds of failure are even
higher for small companies and restaurant."
" . . . when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors
-- when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don't protect you against them, but protect
them against you -- when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice --
then you may know that your society is doomed." Ayn Rand Atlas Strugged
Minneapolis Riots Are Reminder That Police Don't Protect You Or Your Property -- "Whatever was the spark
that set off the current round of rioting in the Twin Cities area, it is clear that most property owners and residents will have
to fend for themselves where riots have taken place." . . . Same as it ever was.
The Mysterious Missing Link -- Anti-Malaria Drug & Zinc -- "Mystery surrounds why an anti-malaria drug is not being tested
as a Covid-19 treatment in combination with zinc, which doctors say is crucial for efficacy." Mystery? Am I reading this correctly?
This is a mystery? Nonsense. There's no mystery about it. Orthodox medicine is now so infinitely corrupt that if they could
possibly get away with it, they'd label all practitioners and citizens who make the claim that water is a cure for dehydration
as "quacks" promoting "pseudo medicine," censoring all their statements on social media,
and sell you a drug with a patent-protected ""water hydration" claim, they would. Remember, this all comes down to
forcibly -- even violently, if necessary -- vaccinating every man, woman, and child on earth with their gene-altering,
Luciferase-based CoVid vaccine concoction.
Less Than Half Of Americans Plan To Get COVID Vaccine: AP Poll on"A week ago we took note of the results of a
Reuters/Ipsos survey which found 25% of Americans have no interest in taking a coronavirus vaccine. Those prior findings also confirmed
a trend that the majority of Americans said they would need to review additional research the vaccine to determine if it was safe,
suggesting the majority would stay home as opposed to health officials' hoped-for expectation the majority would inundate local
clinics to gain 'immunity' via a new inoculation." Golly, Mister! You're not as dumb as you look!
Pew: Democrats Represent 41 Of 44 Districts With Highest
COVID-19 Death Tolls -- Still got that lockdown groove goin' on?
Still wanna shit your pants every time you see somebody not wearing a mask? Still wanna freak out every time you catch
somebody not social distancing? Are we learning anything yet? Like maybe breathing
is an important human function -- like both the inhalation and the exhalation part are kinda important? That socially associating
with each other is not a terribly bad thing?
COVID Bubbles Could Be The Future Of Restaurant Dining -- Please forgive my use of the vernacular, but I'm having a
very difficult time reconciling myself to the idea that I could even belong to the same species as people who would be dumb
enough -- DUMB ENOUGH! -- to fall for this shit.
Gang Of Monkeys Attacks Lab Assistant, Escapes With Coronavirus Test Samples -- "According to the report,
one of the monkeys was later spotted in a tree chewing one of the sample collection kits." Where's the rub? Lord knows the
tests aren't worth a shit in testing for a real disease. If the monkeys want the test kits, then for God's sake,
give it to them.
Doctor says CoVid-19 Hoax could be America's last hurrah -- Today someone forwarded an email to me
from G. Edward Griffin. It encapsulates many of the points I've been making since February. It reads thusly:
"Sherri Tenpenny, MD, has spent most of her medical career sounding the alarm about the
health hazards of vaccines and the politicization of pandemic science. This program is a train load of information on just about
every aspect of these topics. Here is a sampling:"
Why COVID-19 is a "nothingburger virus."
Why tests for coronavirus have no validity.
Why COVID-19 is the same playbook used for previous viruses.
Why the polio vaccine caused polio instead of preventing it.
Why vaccines being developed could be more deadly than the virus.
Why drug-company profits are guaranteed by the government.
Why vaccines contain ingredients that reduce fertility.
Why lockdown is a weapon of war against life and liberty.
Why "we all have to stand up and say, not only no, but hell no!"
6% of Confirmed Coronavirus-19 Cases End in Death -- A man of PCR's stature should be smarter
than to fall for this nonsense. You know you're headed in the wrong direction with a phrase that first appears in the
first time and several times thereafter: "official virus numbers." Again, we're dealing with a test that is notoriously
inaccurate. Moreover, those who test positive are likely to given "conventional care," which -- as I've pointed out
numerous times -- is the worst. Like conventional cancer therapy, most people die from the conventional care, not
the underlying condition. Also, there is nothing here to account for co-morbidities. Again, we're dealing with fake data.
Trump To Vaccinate America -- This one was banned from YouTube and ended up on AltCensored.com.
"Make America greatly vaxxed." That should be the new campaign slogan.
UPDATE: Former Minnesota Police Officer Derek Chauvin Arrested in Death of George Floyd: Charged With
3rd Degree Murder, 2nd Degree Manslaughter -- I have a feeling that we're being set up. Consider the following as riots
burst out in cities all over the United States: George Floyd and police officer, Derek Chauvin, knew each other. They had worked
for the same nightclub. While Derek is nonchalantly crushing George's neck, he's being videotaped and he clearly KNOWS he's being
videotaped. And there isn't just one video, there are several. What are the chances that SEVERAL cameras could have captured this
nonsense from the beginning -- in a CoVid environment, and the perpetrator care less?
Could any man alive not know if that video gets out, behaving with this level of extreme brutality,
his life would be ruined? But it gets worse, three other police officers are at the scene, almost cheering Chauvin on --- and
they all know they are being videotaped in broad daylight, as well. It it not unusual that not of the other three police officers
would say to Chauvin, "Look Bro -- uhhh -- you've got an audience here and many people are taking videos.
Do you think it's such
a great idea to be putting on a performance in one of the most public, brutal acts of police violence in history? Have you thought
this through?" The enthusiasm of the other police officers to this spectacle is highly, highly suspect, as well. The actions of Floyd seem highly staged, as well. Are these more crisis actors? You have to wonder,
because the entire incident is surreal, as if your Overlords set this up to CREATE racial tensions throughout the country.
Paul Craig Roberts Questions The Campaign Against HCQ -- "It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that HCQ/zinc is being
sidelined in order to clear the way for a profitable vaccine and a vaccination mandate." That a boy --- now you're using your head.
Blue Pill People -- I didn't know whether to laugh or cry with this one.
It makes a thinking person wonder, just when did people become this breathtakingly stupid?
Synthetic Humans -- They've been cloning people since the end of WWII. Even the Nazis had this technology.
This helps explain why so many people who work for the most influential governments don't seem quite human.
In a very real sense, they aren't.
Yes -- a real, retired, ex "Man in Black" repents and confesses his story -- It's in English with Spanish subtitles.
Listen and download because this one will be taken down soon. Although there is always a chance that some stretching of the
truth can be inserted in a personal telling of one's life events, my sense is that this "confession" is largely true.
That's the part you really need to think about. Because if even half of what's in this video is true it's going to --- well,
wait a minute . . . how can I put this? --- it's enough to make you lose permanent control of your urinary tract.
Who needs horror films, when what we're living now and what we will be living through soon, is far more horrific than
anything that's been committed to film?
May 28, 2020
Lunatic Governor Caught Setting up Concentration Camps -- He doesn't need to set them up.
There are several hundred FEMA concentration camps set up already, with 70,000 Chinese-made guillotines -- each of which
comes with a spare parts kit with 20 extra blades. You didn't think your overlords would go to this much trouble and
not intend to use these facilities, did you? Oh -- you did! You must be one of those incorrigible mask wearers!
The Greatest Economic Recovery in US History Has Begun -- DOW up Nearly 7,000 Points Since March
Low -- When you have a central banking group with the power to create as much funny money out of thin air as they want,
whenever they want, you realize that if every company on the stock exchanges declared bankruptcy tomorrow, they could still
send the market to 100,000 points if they wanted. There is no connection between true equity value or earnings and stock price.
Are Oregon's Antiquated Computers To Blame For Ballot Scandal? State Got $86 Million from Feds To Upgrade,
and Never Did -- Why would they, when the democratic process is marred in vote rigging now anyway? You know, there's a lot of
this "take the money and run" behavior going on now. It's the kind of behavior you can expect when those at the top realize that
they're part of the engineered crash of the entire system, so what does it matter? You're politicians aren't criticizing all the
looting that's going on, because behind closed doors, they're doing the same damn thing on a much bigger scale.
Tucker Carlson: CNN And MSNBC Peddling Panic, Not Science Or Data -- Fake news is as fake news does.
Truth has no meaning when the purpose of the media has been reduced to the disseminating propaganda tied to agendas that are
clearly contrary to the interests of the People.
Indian Scientists Discover Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Prevents COVID-19, Vindicating President Trump --
The funny thing here -- and I've talked about this before -- is that hydroxychloroquine is a derivative of quinine, a medicine
produced here in South American from cinchona bark for centuries before the arrive of Europeans. As usual, its uses are suppressed,
belittled, and made obscure because you can't patent an effective medicine that preceded the pharmaceutical age by more than
a millennium -- and while we're on the subject :
Wayback Machine Latest Victim Of Big Tech Consolidation And Censorship -- The French philosopher,
Voltaire, famous stated, "History is a Mississippi of lies." Now that Wayback (archive.org) is scrubbing material that the Elite
do not like, we get to see the official revision of history in action as never before.
Global Anger Builds As Elites Worldwide Break Quarantine Rules -- It isn't just the Elite. Anybody with any brains knows
the quarantine is bullshit. That's why the Elite is breaking the rules. They know that the rules they themselves have put in place
is pure nonsense.
Livestream With Dr. Rashid A Buttar -- This was posted two days ago and is a excellent
summary of major bullet points for those committed to knowing the truth of the Corona Hoax.
New Rockefeller COVID-19 Action Plan & The UN's NWO Website As The CDC Goes Door to Door --
The UN has just launched a new website for the New World Order Project (yes, that's what it's called) that aims "to advance a new
economic paradigm, a new political order, and more broadly, a new world order for humankind, which achieves the UN's Global Goals
for Sustainable Development by 2030, and the happiness, well-being, and freedom of all life on Earth by 2050." In other words, the New World Order is the Green New Deal -- or as Spiro says,
"the controlled demolition of the world economy."
"I Think It May Have Cost Lives" -- Nobel Prize Winner Slams Lockdowns As Product Of "Panic Virus" --
I'm calling bullshit. The orders to do all this crap didn't come from the bottom. It came from the top. All governments acted
in unison -- bonded together in one huge, global conspiracy -- and imposed this on people, the smarter of whom knew that this
whole thing smelled fishy as hell from the gitgo. People didn't panic. They simply obeyed. And they did it because they
didn't have a choice . . . and this leads to the next post :
Opting Out, American Style -- Virtually nothing in America's top-down financial and political realms is actually
transparent, accountable, authentic or honest.
EU Planning "Vaccination Passport" Since 2018; Report -- "A report published by the European Commission in late 2019 reveals
that the EU has been looking to increase the scope and power of vaccination programmes since well before the current “pandemic."
Just more evidence that they were planning the Corona Hoax years ago.
The Economic "Reopening" Is A Fake Out -- How does one define an economic "reopening"? I think most people would say
that a reopening means that everything goes back to the way it was before the crisis; or at least as close as possible. Most people
would also say that a reopening is something that will last. Simply declaring "America has reopened" while keeping many restrictions
in place in certain parts of the country is a bit of a farce. And, reopening with the intention of implementing lockdowns again in a
matter of weeks without explaining the situation to the public is a scam of the highest order."
Whiteness Is The New Evil -- As if CoVid isn't enough, it is being accompanied by an all-out
assault on the Homo sapiens who happen to be caucasian -- not a small group. "Whites" constitute 76.5% of the
population in the U.S. So if you're White, and you happen to live in the United States, God help you. If this isn't proof positive
that Democracy is meaningless today, I don't know what is.
Western Supremacy Is On Its Way Out -- Small factoid: you're entire culture is being systematicaly
dismantled and the Corona Hoax is the instrument through which the process will be accelerated.
AltCensored.com --
41,000 censored videos and 236 deleted YouTube channels --- since telling the Truth is becoming more illegal and censored,
it's good to know that at least in the short term, there's a place you can go when something important that you've seen
has been sent to the digital abyss.
Did A Pixar Movie Foretell The Future? -- This link contains a short clip. Watch it now.
At the time this Pixar animation came out, watching something like this was funny. I mean -- really funny.
Funny was of the sheer absurdity of it all. And yet -- AND YET -- it reflects the insanity of what's
transpiring right now with all this CoVid nonsense.
British Health Officials Suggest COVID-19 Vaccine Could Be Mandatory -- I've said it before and
I'll say it again: they will never stop pushing for everyone to get the vaccine. There is no such thing as a cure that
prevent them from pushing the vaccine, because vaccination of all living Homo sapiens was the objective from
the very beginning.
$660 Million Spent on 30+ Field Hospitals, Most Had ZERO CoVid Patients --
A new NPR investigation reveals that despite $660 million in federal spending to set up 30+ field hospitals for the
anticipated catastrophic case load from COVID-19, most of the emergency field hospitals had ZERO patients. --
Feeling foolish yet for clinging onto those stupid face masks and freaking out every time a CNN reporter tells you
how dangerous and irresponsible it is to end the lockdown?
COVID-19 Has Replaced Osama Bin Laden As The Fall Guy For Lost Liberties --
Your rulers are in the business of enslaving and exploiting Homo sapiens. Signs of it are everywhere.
Remember that military exercise back in 2015?
It was called Jade Helm: Mastering the Human Domain.
Strange name, wouldn't you say? Mastering the Human Domain? Think deeply about this and you realize that fellow humans
wouldn't talk like this. They just wouldn't. It's like politicians who are white who tell us that white people are
nothing but filthy, degenerate, racist, misognyist pieces of crap. So much so that white people needed to be wiped off
the face of the earth. I've talked about this before. It doesn't sound right, does it? Could you ever
imagine Martin Luther King, Jr. coming out and saying something as foul as, "We need to find better ways of keeping these
fucking niggers in their place"? No. Never happen. It's unimaginable. Question: who is more likely to talk like this? About ANY race of true human beings?
And the true answer is: aliens and demonic entities. I encountered an elitist once who made a perceivable hissing sound
whenever the subject of ordinary human beings came up. They really hate and despise us. Their disgust for us is
palpable. So understand that the erosion of your civil liberties doesn't come from your own fellow human beings.
It comes from non-humans and human hybrids that truly, truly hate full-bloodied Homo sapiens of all races,
backgrounds, and nationalities.
US Births Hit 35-Year Low; Corona-Pessimism Could Ensure Permanent Japanification --
I read somewhere that black Australian aborigines stopped having children years ago -- or at least a sizeable percentage of
them. They are a deeply spiritual people with oral traditions that extend far into antiquity. They have had much to teach us,
if we would only listen. Apparently they had reached a point where they no longer felt like earth should be a place where
they would want to continue to bring their own race. The earth had become so vile, that "choosing to leave" -- at least for
them -- had become a better option. I suspect that many more peoples of different races and backgrounds are now feeling
motivated to do the same thing. Seeing where this is all headed, what normal human being would want to be here? I mean -- really?
What normal human being would want to live in such a dystopian world? They are -- quite intentionally -- turning the world
into a place where no normal human being would want to live here. I can imagine many women thinking to themselves, do I really
want to bring a soul into this cesspool?
Coronavirus Conspiracies -- "The great coronavirus panic of AD 2020 with its enormous consequences is an event
that calls for a sensible explanation. How could a minor disease killing an infinitesimal part of population (0.000045) had caused the
collapse of civilisation as we knew it? Why is a civilisation that robustly weathered the killing of the flower of its youth in its prime
on the fields of Verdun and Stalingrad unable to survive the demise of a few superannuated men such that it withdrew into self-isolation,
while giving up the faith, love of neighbour, opposition to old enemies and then destroying its economy, education and
reproductivity? --- And as it turns out, the answer is simple. The virus was a ruse from the beginning. We have been
experiencing the "electromagnetic adaptation" syndrome that was predicted by scientists years who predicted this would
happen if we introduced 5G.
Worst Unemployment Spike In History - 1 In 4 American Workers Has Filed For Unemployment
Benefits In 2020 -- "It had been hoped that the unemployment numbers would begin to normalize once states
began "reopening" their economies, but so far that is not really materializing." That's bullshit. There is NOTHING
about the results of the Corona Hoax that was not predictable and pre-planned. What we are seeing today is the result
of generations of planning -- and the evidence for this is everywhere. Long before the Corona scam was unleashed,
its engineers had spent more than a century studying the global chessboard and analyzing all the possible moves.
Nursing Home Abuser Made Video Asserting "Black People Are Supposed To Rule The Earth" --
It isn't black folk. It isn't any race of Homo sapiens. It's non-human entities -- who already DO rule the
earth, who want to get rid of these over-abundant, pesky cockroaches -- that would be YOU and I . . . and retain
a few obedient remnants to do slave labor. The rest of us can and will be off-loaded.
Will The Political Class Ever Be Held Liable For What They've Done? "Politicians have vaccinated
themselves against any blame for the economic carnage by touting experts who said it was all necessary" --- The miscreants
who have done this may have inoculated themselves in this world. But regardless of what species they belong to,
they have not inoculated themselves in the next.
Left-Wing Columnist: "I Would Vote For Joe Biden If He Boiled Babies And Ate Them" --
This is precisely how Luciferians think. There is nothing pure or noble or good or sacred in this world, when it runs
counter to your personal objectives. As the famous Satanist, Alister Crowley, so ignobly declared, "Do what thou wilt."
This is the religion of your beloved leaders. There is no God, there is no natural law, there are no morals or
rules of decency. Anything goes. The Corona Hoax provides a clear view of this philosophy in action.
Should You Get Tested For COVID-19? -- "Do what thou wilt." Just know that it's a bullshit test.
The figures in this article don't even provide an accurate picture. Why? Because the virus is not alive, nor is it
contagious. The entire testing apparatus has, at its foundation, a fake and fraudulent narrative.
"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order.
Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether
real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from
this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly
relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government." Dr.. Henry Kissinger
Evians, France, 1991
Now that we know that the Coronavirus is not contagious and there
are health dangers posed by wearing those stupid face masks, so that
even if the virus WERE contagious, it wouldn't protect you, one question
remains: How do deal with ignorant, belligerent "mask nazis"?
The U.S. has the most overpaid teachers in the world -- (California and Illinois among the worse)
and when compensation packages get this obscene, the party has to end sooner or later. It's on the way to ending right now.
Futures Slide Back Under 2,950 After Trump Slams Xi In Angry Tweetstorm -- Your "real" leaders want
World War III, and come hell or high water, they're going to get it. Leading the charge is Trump's frequent attacks on China --
not to mention the provocations involving Hong Kong and Taiwan. For a man that fashions himself a negotiator, Trump's tirades
against China descend to a level that amount to a middle school dick-measuring contest. I don't doubt that China has taken
major advance of the globalist positions of Trump's predecessors, the erstwhile prostitutes-in-chiefs, Obama, Clinton, and the
Bush clan. Still -- if you want to know where the seed that starts WWIII resides, here it is.
US Deaths Projected To Triple By Year-End Regardless Of Social Distancing: Study -- While coronavirus projections
have ranged from 'just a flu' levels to a ludicrous two million Americans dead, a new study from the University of Washington's School of
Pharmacy has concluded that the number of Americans who will die after contracting the novel coronavirus will more than triple by
year-end, even if current social distancing habits are maintained for months to come.
Trump Is "Exposing The Deep State Like No One Since JFK", Former CIA Spook -- Like David Wilcock and "Q", here we have
another vomit broker promoting pushing the "Trump is our Savior" narrative. Is Trump for vaccines? Yes. Is he pushing people
to get them? Yes. That's all you have to know --- He's not a bad person. I'm not anti-Trump. I simply recognize that all presidents
are puppets, and none of them is free to rule as they please.
Church Fighting Lockdown Order Burns to Ground, Disturbing Message Left in Parking Lot --
It makes you wonder, doesn't it? Why do these creatures hate Christianity so much? What is it about people gathering
to worship one of their own who epitomized unconditional love for humanity make certain "people's" blood boil with rage?
Why do so many of the world's governments turn a blind eye to the torture and even
beheadings of those who would choose to so worship? You know the answer already, don't you?
The Hopi Blue Star has appeared in our solar system -- I received this from a friend. "It has been amazing as the Hopi Blue Star is now in our solar system.
An ancient Hopi prophecy states, "When the Blue Star Kachina makes its appearance in the heavens, the Fifth World will emerge."
This will be the Day of Purification . . . It will come when the Saquashohuh (Blue Star) Kachina dances in the plaza and
removes her mask . . ."
Infectious-disease expert: 'American medicine has gone nuts' -- 'Just a craziness out there, and I don't know how
to correct it. The truth doesn't matter any more' . . . Dr. Stephen M. Smith is the widely respected infectious-disease specialist
who briefed President Trump last month at the White House on the promise of the anti-malarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a treatment
for COVID-19, calling it a "game changer." . . . His opinion is worth noting.
This researcher has unveiled the particulars of how CoVid-19 was made in/by the U.S.
and now he's being harassed by intel agencies -- This link is actually entitled, "Message from Larry Romanoff,
A Change of Venue, Updated." When you start getting harassed by the "alphabet soup," then you know you're discussing a truth
that touches a nerve. Read this post before the entire domain is taken down. For some reason, indisputable evidence that
the entire CoVid narrative and related events originated not in China or Europe, but from the U.S., is Top Secret.
That's what I'm being told by friends. I don't buy it because the narrative presents us with the assumpton that the virus
is contagious, which is just nonsense. Moreover, if they is such secret information, why hasn't this guy's site been
attacked and taken down?
Dr. Anthony Fauci Indicted -- First of all, skip to 4:00 to skip all the advertising junk and
gobbledegook. A couple friends send me this. Once again, I'm sorry to disappoint the David Wilcock / "Q" crowd,
but this is just more nonsense. Same goes for Hillary. The reptilians indict others. They NEVER get indicted.
Indictments are something that happen to Homo sapiens. If a video surfaced with Hillary Clinton holding
a 45 revolver, holding a small child while she states, "I'm about to kill this little shit," what would happen?
She's holding the child, she murders the child on camera, laughs about it, and the video gets circulated on
the web. I guarantee that Hillary wouldn't be indicted. The MSM and Hillary's followers would argue that the 4 year old that
got murdered must have deserved what she got. Only a horrible child would motivate poor Hillary to do something
like that. On second thought, another possibility is that if it got that extreme,
they could also prosecute one of Hillary's clones and keep her out of the limelight for a time.
Italian "Coronavirus" Cure -- Like we don't already know the cure already!
Interestingly, the following message has been making the rounds lately:
Italian doctors, disobeying WHO not to do autopsies on the dead of the Coronavirus, did so and found that
it is NOT a VIRUS but a BACTERIA that causes death. This causes blood clots to form and causes the death of the patient.
(Note: I've already cited evidence from practitioners that CoVid-19 minics both zinc deficiency and
ARDS (acute respiratory distress syndrome), but this is an entirely different angle, so let's continue.)
Italian doctors are defeating the so-called Covid-19, which is nothing other than "Disseminated intravascular
coagulation" (Thrombosis).
And the way to combat it, that is, its cure, is with "antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and anti-coagulants."
ASPIRIN, indicating that this disease had been poorly treated. This sensational news for the world has been produced by
Italian doctors by performing autopsies on corpses produced by the Covid-19. (Note: Something's getting lost
in translation here.)
Something else, according to Italian pathologists. "The ventilators and the intensive care unit were never needed."
(Note: We already knew that. CoVid-19 is proving to be the biggest celebration of iatrogenesis since they
came up with chemotherapy.)
Therefore, in Italy, the change of protocols began, ITALY THE SO-CALLED global pandemic is REVEALED AND RAISED BY
THE WHO, this cure the Chinese already knew and did not report FOR DOING BUSINESS.
Return of the Rant: How is it even possible to still be asleep in 2020? -- It's been a long
time since you've seen something this entertaining. Hysterical. Fact-filled. And necessary.
Description: "Straight from the heart and the soul to the screen. No-holds-barred thoughts on the compliant, ignorant, sheep-like
behaviour of the slave class, and how this dynamic is actually the main threat to the natural-born rights and freedoms of everyone
else. For this reason it's NOT OK for the masses to remain in this state, because it's leading to direct harm and loss. I'm long
beyond caring who might get upset at this cold, harsh TRUTH by this point."
What Sweden Can Teach Us About The Economics Of Pandemics -- Sweden was allowed to forgo the global
lockdown, and, of course, one has to wonder why. Well, my take is that this provided yet another way to laugh in our face
and demonstrate our gullibility. "You people are complete idiots, and here's more proof."
India: Standing Up To China In The Post-COVID World -- China was used as the vanguard for the 5G initiative.
They knew there would be a pandemic outbreak before the even began testing 5G. This is just deflection.
Landmark Vaccine Victory Suppressed By Mainstream Media -- A 15 minute update on a "mandatory vaccine" court ruling
that has been heavily suppressed by the MSM and Big Tech -- like everything else that doesn't support the official CoVid-vaccine
narrative. This will be taken down soon.
#1 Raven Moonstone "Conspiracy theories" in 15 minutes. -- New definition of "conspiracy theory": a historical fact
that is heavily criticized by the authorities and later is redeemed and recognized as having been an accurate reported event
or series of events.
China's Newest COVID-19 Outbreak Shows Virus May Be Mutating -- The "virus" isn't mutating.
They're just changing the 5G frequencies. It's remarkable how they do it. They have this little circular device they move
to do it. It's been around a while. It's called a "dial."
68% Of Unemployed US Workers "Are Eligible For Payments That Are Greater Than Their
Lost Earnings" -- "Can anyone explain how we are going to motivate unemployed workers to go back to work
when most of them can actually make more money camped on their sofas watching Netflix?" Not on your life. No rational
person can explain this crap until they admit the obvious: it was planned this way from the beginning to introduce a system
of communist rule that's been on the drawing board for going on 250 years -- over one hundred years before the world
"communism" was even entered into the dictionary.
Hacksawing The Economy: How Lockdowns Are In The Tradition Of Civil War Surgeons --
"If everything we do saves just one life, I’ll be happy..." -- (Civil war) surgeons justified fetching out their hacksaws,
because otherwise many soldiers would die from their gangrened wounds. It didn’t matter how many soldiers died from
unnecessary or botched amputations as long as surgeons didn't get blamed for deaths from gangrene." Your rulers are not the
stupid. "Unnecessary surgery" is a source of entertainment and personal gratification to your psychopathic rulers.
It always has been. You'd have to be a psychopath to understand.
10 Steps To Turn A Pandemic Into The Brave New Normal -- "Enemies, like cakes and lemonade, are always far more
satisfying when you make them yourself," and so it is with the Corona Hoax and the members of the Elite who created it.
Report: US Paying Huge Premium for Mask-Cleaning Machines That Don't Work -- We have a fake virus,
supported by a fake virus narrative, using a fake lockdown, forced to wear fake masks that wouldn't protect you from the
"virus" even if it were contagious, and now we have fake mask cleaning equipment. Sounds consistent if you ask me.
So where's the rub?
Illinois Governor Pritzker Threatens Business Owners with a Year in Prison if They Try to Reopen --
"Last week Illinois Democrat Governor J. B. Pritzker warned the people of Illinois the state in lockdown and businesses shut down until
the end of May. He later told CNN the citizens of Illinois could be ordered to socially distance
and wear masks indefinitely." What a psychopathic wackjob.
May 19, 2020
The Sun "Has Gone Into Lockdown", And This Strange Behavior Could Worsen Global Food Shortages --
Consider the following: this began in 2019 and the elite astrophysicists of the world all knew this "solar minimum" was
on the way. What do we know historically about severe solar minimums? Crops are decimated and famines abound. If famines were
coming as a result -- and make no mistake, they are -- wouldn't that be a good time for the world Elite to say, "Let's unleash the Corona
hoax NOW. We don't have much time. If we don't use these vaccines to wipe out a sizeable portion of these useless eaters,
there could be less for us." Don't even think of telling me that that's not how they think, because you know that they do.
Hickman: COVID-19 Defies Hyperbole -- The PPT (Plunge Protection Team) will continue to flood the market with
helicopter money to help their criminal friends on Wall Street and spread the false sense that things will return to normal.
They won't. So buckle your seat belts. All tray tables in the upright position.
Expert Warns: Don't Bank on a Vaccine Anytime Soon
-- Why would they make it sooner? Your reptilian overlords
are too busy masturbating to the pain, agony, and terror they are inflicting on the ignorant public. They want to savor this
tyranny before they hit you with the vaccine death blow. Have you ever seen a cat after it catches a mouse? It plays with it
for a while before it kills it. Same thing.
Things More Outrageous Than Anything Previously Imaginable Are Happening Now -- It just seems that way.
Politicians have been living in a bubble world completely divorced from the world that the rest of us live in for a long time now.
What with all the thieving, raping, bribe-taking, fake news-making, election-rigging, treasury-pillaging, gun-running,
whistleblower-assassinating, child sex trafficking, satanic ritual practicing -- the skies
were the limit and your beloved leaders partooketh thereof. What did you do? You cheered them on and voted for more.
Now that the gloves have come off and the governments of the world are looking at us while dismissively broadcasting
in unison, "Let them eat cake!" it's just a little more obvious, that's all.
We're all in this together. -- Sure we are. Bill Gates just can't wait to take the vaccine.
Go ahead. Ask him. This story is actually about Pat Sajak, semi-contrarian, but in a way, this story reminds me of the many doctors
I've talked to over the years who have told me that although they administer chemo and radiation therapy to their cancer patients,
they would never take it themselves. Although no one I've spoken to has used these exact words, the underlying message is
unmistakeable: "Only stupid people agree to undergo chemo or radiation therapy. And, lucky for me,
there are just enough of them for me to make a very good living." Same thing goes for people who think we're all in this together.
A Potemkin Market Exposed -- Howard Marks Fears The Fed Can't Fake-It Forever --
"Capitalism without bankruptcy is like Catholicism without hell..." or pizza without cheese, government without sodomizing the public,
elite get-togethers without satanic child rituals,
or sex without undressing -- well, you know, unless you're Mormon. You know they wear that thing that . . . OK. Never mind.
Australia Study Finds "Sign Of Human Intervention" In COVID-19 -- There's enough horseshit in this article for me to
start my own organic fertilizer plant. I don't care about the who or what or when of the Coronavirus. I'm sick of hearing their
same old hoary lies. If there had never been any virus
narrative whatsoever, we still would have had the "Corona phenomenon" solely on the basis of what we know the effects of 5G are.
The same number of people would have gotten sick. The same number of people would have died. Enough already.
Consumer Spending Will Not Rebound -- Here's Why -- The people who have the discretionary income that
accounts for 85% of consumer spending won't be spending it. We get it. It's also a perceptual thing. The Coronavirus narrative
is like the ultimate venereal disease, and spending money on non-essentials becomes akin to unprotected sex.
Donald Trump Optimistic About 'Staggeringly Good' Moderna Coronavirus Vaccine -- Just who,
pray tell, is this vaccine "staggeringly good" for? Certainly not the person receiving the vaccine. And since Trump thinks
this pharma company is the greatest thing since sliced bread, maybe he can use his executive power to have them whip up a drug
that'll improve his English. For Pete's sake. "Staggeringly good"? Who the hell talks like that? I've felt right along that
Trump could use a person in the White House who has a better command of the King's English. Maybe someone not quite so awkward.
He needs linguistic help --- bigly.
May 18, 2020
Fed's Powell warns coronavirus recovery could stretch through end of 2021 -- The interesting
thing about criminal conspiracies is that all the participants talk like they're reading off the same script. Time and time and
time again -- whether it's from politicians in Washington, pharmaceutical heads, or central bankers -- we hear the same script.
"None of this will end unless you accept the vaccine." Normal people would ask the obvious: "if it is so important that the
entire world population accept an untested, dangerous -- activated by an enzyme you christened 'Luciferase' -- one that is
designed to alter our genetics, what is your REAL motivation?" At the least, people of relative intelligence would at least
ask that . . . and they aren't.
Oregon Salon Owner: State Sent Child Protective Services After Me Because I Opened My Business -- Max Weber,
one of the founders of modern sociology, argued that government is inherently a criminal enterprise. I make arguments
much stronger than his -- and every bit as valid -- in my book, The Joys of Psychopathocracy. When you see things
like this, you realize that we are all underestimating governments' perniciousness.
Just a minute of talking can launch over 1,000 coronavirus-carrying droplets in the air, says study --
Oh no! This is disastrous news. What are we going to do when a new study comes out showing that talking causes a myriad of
bacteria to be released, too --- not to mention that most toxic, planet-destroying chemical of them all, carbon dioxide? This Natural News piece begins thusly: "Watch what you say, everyone: A new study suggests
that aside from coughing or sneezing, talking can also transmit infectious pathogens like the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) to
one another. The research, published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, revealed how talking can
launch thousands of droplets that can remain airborne for up to 14 minutes."
Remind yourself how ignorant these orthodox people
are. Viruses are not living. They cannot reproduce. There are no separate species names for strains of viruses. They are
not contagious. Viruses are exosomes produced by your own body when you're are exposed to toxic conditions -- the latest
global instance being 5G.
What's up with the pseudoscience assault on hydroxychloroquine? -- Hydroxychloroquine is a drug. Yes, it's cheap, and
yes, it is being slammed because it's much cheaper than current patent drugs or Lucifer's preferred CoVid solution: vaccines.
But if you wanted the real deal, you'd get "cinchona tincture" or "quinine" which the indigenous use here in the Amazon to cure all manner
of disease. It is not on our sales sites, but we make it. For you herbal enthusiasts, it comes from the most medicinally
active species we know in the Amazon, a strain of
Cinchona pubescens.
Taibbi: Democrats Have Abandoned Civil Liberties -- In the course of a mere 60 days, Americans
have seen the substance, the very core of the values that formed the bedrock of their entire culture, evaporate into
an abyss. Amazingly, it is the courts who are at the vanguard of this new legal atheism.
Which Countries Have Escaped COVID-19 (So Far)? -- "The COVID-19 pandemic has spread to all corners of the
globe, but the following infographic shows the last places on Earth remaining unaffected (officially at least)..." --- Just stop.
Stop. We already know what countries are fairing the best. Those places where 5G wasn't tested or installed.
Let's say your cooking in your kitchen. You have two chickens. One is cooked and the other is not. Which is which?
That's easy. The uncooked chicken is the one you didn't stick in the microwave.
Nothing Changes As Long As You Obey -- "There is a very simple reason why complaining has no real effect...
Because the complainers keep right on obeying." Had grade-school children been exposed to Henry David Thoreau's
Civil Disobedience, we might have had a chance.
Go Home. You're fake news! Fake news is not essential! -- Ordinary citizens pounced on this
mainstream media reporter. Rightly so. As I've said before, compared to what they really do, when you call the mainstream media
the enemy of the people, it's actually a complement.
Tanzania Kicks Out WHO After Goat & Papaya Samples Came COVID-19 Positive -- This came out 5 days ago.
Think about it. Trump wants to send in military troops into your home to remove whoever tests positive using a test that is
so faulty that even goats and papaya test positive. What we are really testing here are the limits of human stupidity and
gullibility -- something I've been saying for the past two months.
Von Greyerz: "You Can't Avoid The Final Collapse" -- It's the little things that tell you what's
really going on: Half of all UK adults are paid by the state. Real U.S. Unemployment is now 39%.
Last year central banks were having to our 100s of millions a week -- and then per day --
into the banking system to support a financial structure
that's been held together with bailing wire, paperclips and chewing gum. The financial system has been crumbling under
the burden of massive debts and derivatives and this was crystal clear by the summer of 2019 -- and so was the need to take
drastic action. Their solution? The Corona Hoax. After all, what better patsy than a fake pandemic? What are you going
to do? File criminal charges against a virus and send it to prison? As Von Greyerz clearly states: This is what is so sad with the
current economic crisis -- there is no solution. Nobody should believe that it is the Coronavirus that has caused this catastrophe
for the world. CV was the catalyst but the underlying problems have been there for a long time. The Great Financial Crisis in 2006-9
was temporarily patched up with trillions of money printing but it was never solved. The GFC was only a rehearsal and now the world
is facing the inevitable collapse of the financial system."
Bizarre EU-Funded Comic Book Predicted Pandemic, With Globalists As Saviours in 2012 -- The Satanists who rule
your world have a strange ethos. They have to warn you that their about to sodomize you before they f*** you to death. That's
why for years now, we've had so many Hollywood movies that have been saturated with predictive programming. It's no different with CV.
No Mask, No Problem -- Sweden PM Says Face-Masks Offer "False Sense Of Security"
Against Virus -- What? You mean there's a politician who has figured out that breathing is important to human health?
That every time you exhale, your body is getting rid of bacteria, viruses, and other celluar debris that the body doesn't need?
That covering your mouth is not unlike plugging up the exhaust manifold in your car? I thought it was illegal for politicians to
speak the truth in these matters. What's going on here?
It Wasn't The "Virus" That Crashed The Economy, It Was The People Who Obeyed -- Most atrocities in human history have
all been committed by individuals and agents of government who were "just following orders" or "just obeying the law."
The virus didn't give any orders. It was the people who obeyed the commands of tyrants that crashed the economy and ruined the
livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people.
China Has Jailed Hundreds Of People For Questioning Official COVID-19 Narrative, Report --
China has arrested and imprisoned hundreds of people for merely discussing the coronavirus outbreak in any context that strays
from the communist party narrative on the epidemic, according to a report from a US based Chinese organisation.
Here is the most disturbing part: our globalist leaders tell us that China is the IDEAL MODEL for society
in the 21st century. China's repressive policies represent the Nirvana of how your leaders think the world should look.
Should this be a concern? "What? Me Worry?""
"Author Dr. Andrew Bostom: Americans Must Disregard Dr. Fauci's Pediatric Panic Porn --
It should be clear at this point that NIAID Director Dr. Tony Fauci has been completely inaccurate with his predictions and
extremely dangerous with his plan of action regarding the coronavirus pandemic." I've said it before: people should ignore
this NWO clown. The problem is that people haven't.
General Perna Announces Plans for Health Dept. and Defense Dept. to Deliver Coronavirus Vaccine --
If you don't think forced, mandatory vaccines aren't coming -- think again. --- Subsequently an instagram poster named
"Viva Frei" wrote: "It went from 'flatten the curve' to 'find the cure'. From 'social distancing' to 'house arrest'.
From '2 weeks' to '3 months'. From 'we’re in it together' to 'snitch on you neighbors'. From 'individual liberty'
to 'comply or pay fine'. We lost the target. And government knows it.
Should You Really Wear a Mask? -- Matthew McConaughey demonstrates -- once again -- why you should never
listen to anybody in or from Hollywood. They have become the representatives of all that is evil and pure ignorance.
Interesting is the presentation of Russell Blaylock, M.D.'s essay: "Face masks pose serious risks to the healthy."
Out Of Touch | Kevin James Short Film -- This short film runs 1:55 -- very short -- and sheds light
on just how insane the social distancing narrative is. It's too short and illustrative NOT to watch.
MILITARY vaccine mandates? Dept. of Defense purchasing 500 million ApiJect syringes to inject
every person in America with coronavirus vaccine -- I said it was coming, and here it is. Interestingly, Mike Adams
closes with: "It's as simple as that. All the Trump supporters out there need to come to their senses and realize that, based on
current observable evidence, it looks like Trump is about to become the anti-Christ by pushing "mark of the beast" RFID vaccine
tracking technology that will no doubt be used to deny anti-vaxxers access to commerce and public transportation. Is this even America
anymore?" Not at all. WWIII must have already happened (without firing a shot), and it is obvious that Americans lost.
What They Don't Want You To Know -- The universal message from physicians and nurse everywhere who have been
treating CoVid: "Don't believe what the media is telling you about CoVid. They're lying." Moreover, it is dawning on
more and more medical professionals that CoVid is a 5G-induced phenomenon.
Most People Don't Even Know About It -- Dr. Buttar covers the implications of HR 6666, the vaccine (activated by an
enzyme, called Luciferase), and corona tests that are completely bogus.
May 13, 2020
WHO Warns Coronavirus May Never Go Away: Live Updates -- Of course, it's never going to
go away, because unlike the viral pandemics of 1918, 1958, 1968 (Hong Kong flu), etc. 5G causes an electromagnetic adaptation
challenge that Homo sapiens will never be able to fully adapt to. This is permanent, by design. TPTB are now in a
position to create a new viral pandemic every time they introduce new 5G frequency sets. They can do it as often as they like.
A Third Of Americans Will Remain In Quarantine Even If Instructed To Get Back To Normal
Life And Work -- "31% of Americans would remain under quarantine even if local governments issued a notice to go
back to normal day-to-day activities in order to prevent an economic collapse." . . . "Last week we pointed out perhaps the most
critical distinction as the US begins the long and arduous process of recovery from the coronavirus pandemic: that voluntary
lockdowns are worse than official ones as they can't be turned off by fiat, because as Rabobank's Michael Every put it,
"if people stay at home anyway, the economy will not recover as hoped." This was intentional from the beginning.
WA Governor To Residents: COVID-Test-Deniers Will Not Be Allowed To Leave Home
To Get Groceries -- "...who could have seen this totalitarian bullshit coming?" -- Actually, anybody who was
involved in its planning knew it was coming. The message is now clear: "Either believe and embrace our bullshit narrative,
or we'll starve you to death." . . . This governor makes his position clear and unmistakable: "for those businesses/individuals
that don't comply, the governor stated that he confirmed with Attorney General Bob Ferguson, there will be sanctions in civil or
criminal court." And later in the same article: "The question, of course, is -- how long before this "mandated" testing (or starve)
will be re-upped to "mandated" vaccination (or starve)?"
Hospitals - Warning - Anéeka of Temmer (Extraterrestrial Contact - Taygeta - Pleiades) -- I get links for many
different places. This one came from an associate -- and yes -- supposedly it's channeled ET information. I have no way of
knowing in this moment, one way or another, what the source is, and I don't care. I still found the information very
insightful. This 9 minute clip, among other things, illuminates the consequences of paying hospitals a bonus for every
person that dies of CV. If just subconsciously, medical professionals have a built-in incentive to murder people.
Coronavirus has turned otherwise conscientious practitioners into assassins.
If true, what today's hospitals have been turned into are Death Camps, which in turn, tells us to
what lengths CV's architects will do to make as big a deal out of CV as possible. Her advice? Stay away from the hospitals,
if you can!
May 12, 2020
With The World Distracted By COVID-19, A Series Of Large Earthquakes Is Rocking "The Ring Of Fire" --
The ancients understood that everything is energetically connected. Desecrations against land, people, animals -- these
things had consequences. This is still a central principle in Vedanta. It is a wisdom people have lost. The evil behind
the Corona Hoax is unspeakably vile. If this principle is true, we WILL see many reactions from Mother Nature.
The Creation of a False Epidemic by Jon Rappoport -- Part 5 -- We are NOT in It Together! -- This is the latest
installment in a series of interviews between Catherine Austin Fitz and Jon Rappaport. Start at 24:00. Bill Gates made
a fortune selling faulty operating systems with intelligence agency backdoors and a digital environment ripe with viruses.
Now he wants to do the same thing with your body. "It's creepy -- nobody is going to want Microsoft in their body."
From 26:25 to 27:27 -- Listen to Fitz' story of her encounter with a soulless billion who openly discussed the elimination of humanity.
Then go to 1:22:47 -- where Fitz talks about a book I've been recommending to everyone, The Invisible Rainbow.
Protocol for Covid-19 Treatment -- PCR weighs in on what's actually working to cure CoVid-19.
Not surprisingly, it closely matches my own recommendations from last February. "It has taken time for doctors to learn more successful treatments for Covid-19.
Here is the critical care protocol developed by Dr. Paul Marik, Chief of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Eastern
Virginia Medical School in Norfolk, Virginia, updated through May 5, 2020. "It turns out that recommendations by WHO and CDC were wrong and caused deaths.
If you become infected, make sure your doctor is aware of this protocol and its ongoing update." Since I'm sure the real cures for this 5G-induced, CoVid-19 disease will become
as suppressed, banned, censored, condemned and disparaged as anything else which challenges the "we all need vaccines" narrative,
I recommend that you download this document
immediately and store it both on your computer and on a pen drive. Print it out and keep it in a safe place. Between ventilators, dangerous pharmaceuticals, faulty care, a true history of
the CoVid-19 saga will record that more people died from CoVid-19 medical care than would have ever died if they'd had
no care at all. In August, 2009, I posted an article,
entitled, Understanding Just Why It Was Never Possible For Orthodox Medicine to Heal More People Than It Maimed,
Poisoned & Killed: To Grasp Modern History is to Realize That Ours is the 'Great Age of Iatrogenesis'(death
by doctoring). And true to their profession, the majority of orthodox, allopathic, medical
practitioners who've been treating CoVid-19 have not disappointed us. They've murdered thousands of people who should
have survived the ARDS
respiratory problems inflicted by 5G exposure that we are now artificially calling
CoVid-19. The entire ongoing crisis that is the Plandemic reminds me of a line I have quoted
before: "Doctors have always tended to overestimate the effectiveness of their intervention and to underestimate
the risks. Indeed, the history of treatment of illness suggests that Francis Galton was generous in his conclusion that
there is a considerable difference between a good doctor and a bad one, but hardly any difference between a good doctor
and none at all." [Thomas McKeown, M.D., The Role of Medicine (1979), p. 177]
WORSE THAN DEATH: A Pandemic Warning from Cardinals Zen, Muller, Abp. Vigano --
Additional Signatories Include -- 3 cardinals, 8 bishops, theologians and Italian journalists, American publishers,
prestigious teachers and lawyers, Italian medical doctors, heads of associations and so many more!
(See full list at the end of this article)
Dem Illinois Gov Crosses the Line, May Be Restricting Churches for Over a Year --
The quarantine never ends. Life as we knew it prior to February, 2020, isn't coming back. It won't be ALLOWED prior to the
vaccinations -- and after the vaccinations, humanity will no longer be humanity. If this escapes you, you haven't been
paying attention.
ONE: What they told us in March about opening up in April was lie. They knew it when they said it.
TWO: What they told us in April about opening up in May was a lie. They knew it when they said it.
THREE: What they are telling us now about opening up soon is a lie. They know it as they said it.
FOUR: Later this year when they say things will return to normal will be a lie. They will know it when they say it.
We Are Enslaved To An Alien Race -- To understand this video -- I mean, to really understand it --
you have to have travelled pretty far down the rabbit hole. If you're early in your explorations, I recommend that you
ignore it entirely. You're just not ready for the deeper truth.
Their Secret is Out -- "The people of America, I believe, have come to understand this was all a big hoax, as real,
TRUE news and information has come out through alternative -- rather than the mainstream -- media sources. We've learned the deep,
dark connections between Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and others who've purposely orchestrated our country's response to this
"Planned-Demic" and we've learned how this was all PLANNED FOR and hypothesized about for more than ten years. Even Fauci himself
"PREDICTED" -- all the way back in 2017 -- that Donald Trump would have to deal with a "surprise" epidemic of some kind during
his first term in the White House. The final planning meeting was held in October of last year, and then the virus was released."
It Is Not About A Virus -- It Is About Control! -- Now we know why all food sources are
drying up. Henry Kissinger once said, "Control oil and you control nations, control food and you control the people."
The Total Technocratic Transhumanist TAKEOVER Of Food -- "To understand the meat shortages and push for
fake meat, we must appreciate the technocrats' agenda for a totalitarian, transhumanist future -- and use of FOOD as a weapon to
achieve it. Christian looks more deeply into the genesis of this agenda, the history of Rockefeller takeover of agriculture and
seeds, the more recent marriage of Big Ag and Big Tech ("AgTech"), and the new AI systems being deployed to achieve "perfect
information awareness" -- and total control.
Here Is The Real April Jobs Report: 42 Million Unemployed, 25.5% Unemployment Rate -- "Standard Chartered bank
has calculated that adjustments to the headline unemployment rate push the effective number of unemployed to 42 million and the
effective UR rate to 25.5%, higher even than the U-6 underemployment rate of 22.8%. Worse, if one treats underemployed in line with
the U-6 methodology, the true April unemployment number would rise to an mindblowing 27.5%.
Vaccine Armadeggon -- The actual title of
this YouTube, which will be taken down soon, is entitled, "(PLEASE SPREAD THE MESSAGE) We'll DELETE This Video Within
24 Hours For Safety Reasons." Well, it was posted on May 7th, and it has miraculously managed to stay up for three days now.
Nonetheless, you should see it, since it WILL soon be taken down.
The Cost of Big Pharma's Covid-19 Vaccine Will Be Paid in Lives and in Billions of Dollars --
This comes from Paul Craig Roberts (PCR). This essay contains the strongest language I've ever heard from someone of
Roberts' stature, with the exception of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (listen to YouTube above before it's removed). He asserts, for example,
"In effect, Big Pharma and Bill Gates and their associated scum are murderers. They are killing people with their campaign against
effective and affordable treatment." The truth is that the natural remedies that treat CoVid are readily available (or were) and
quite cheap: Vitamin C, zinc (in any of several different zinc compounds) and
quinine, which even W.H.O. has on its
List of Essential Medicines.
It's cheap and widely available here, with the species of the
Cinchona tree that is favored for its high quinine content is
Cinchona pubescens. The highly touted drug,
Hydroxychloroquine, is just a side-effect laden version
of quinine, from which it came. Moreover, for all the disinformation about the dangers of natural quinine, I've never known a person
to use it and have adverse side effects when it is taken properly. The indigenous here use it routinely, and had been using it
for centuries before Christopher Colombus ever set foot in this hemisphere.
I've covered H.R. 6666 before, but it bears repeating. I just received a newsletter which reads:
What most conscious people have known will probably be one of the next steps in the
CORONAVIRUS PLANDEMIC outplay is "Home Inspections and Testing." The U.S. Congress recently introduced on May 1, 2020 a new bill entitled "HR 6666" entitled
the "T.R.A.C.E. Act." The acronym T.R.A.C.E stands for Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone.
If you read the links below you will see this is ORWELIAN verbage permitting authorities to go door to door and test everyone
in the household for COVID-19 and furthermore remove anyone (including children) who test POSITIVE for quarantining. Furthermore, there is mounting evidence there is a huge percentage of "FALSE Positives" with
the testing currently being used. Which means someone who does NOT have Coronavirus, can falsely receive a POSITIVE reading. Unfortunately, most of the countries in the world follow the lead of the U.S. on topics
like this. So I think it is important that everyone be made aware, no matter what country you reside in.
A Courageous Reflection of Political Truth -- Advance to 1:07 to skip the intro.
An Austrian politician embarrasses "the Chancellor" of their legislative body, showing how ludicrous the orthodox position is.
Coronavirus: Govts Fear Second Wave After Outbreaks in Germany, Mingling in Italy -- Those who control 5G
have their hand on the "Coronavirus spicket." Despite the relatively small numbers to this point, they can always ramp up the
figures by exposing people to even more dangerous frequency sets. The truth is that the number of "waves" of infection are limitless
when you control something as dangerous to human existence as 5G.
May 9, 2020 -- Afternoon
Direct Energy Weapon Attacks on Santa Rosa, Florida --- We saw this in California.
Fires occurring with pinpoint accuracy as if specific homes and buildings have been targeted, with nothing
else around burned. Satanists think they're clever. We're seeing the same thing with CoVid: the cause of
a global catastrophe is being blamed on a viral problem, for which facts are erroneously reported by everyone
in the mainstream media. Same here. Undoubtedly, these homes and structures were destroyed by what will be
reported as innocent, spontaneous combustion. Why? Because it's forbidden to tell the truth.
Is 5G Going to Kill Us All? . . . And The Answer Is "Yes" -- That's the entire introduction
that Paul Craig Roberts made in introducing this little gem. We've talked about the dangers of 5G many times and
how it is the primary etiology behind this so-called viral infection. This article, from The New Republic
provides additional details.
George Carlin: "It's important not to give a shit." --- (4:16)
Half of understanding what Coronavirus is all about is understanding
that you and the fake society you've been trying to fit into, just don't mix.
It can't. You want the truth. Not the government, mainstream media, medical
authority, vaccine industry bullshit. You tried. You did your best. You made
the attempt to accept completely fabricated horseshit as something close to
reality. But you just can't. You're just better than that. Accept it. (I don't condone Carlin's teenage pranks -- but the rest is instructive.)
May 9, 2020 -- Morning
URGENT! Full Disclosure from ' INSIDE' -- Advance to 1:15, because video setup got recorded.
This comes from Dr. Rashid Buttar. The U.S. Congress secretly introduced a house bill -- H.R. 6666 --
(you can't make this up), allowing officials to come into your home, against your will, test you, and remove you if they
think you're infected. This will break up large numbers of families. People who don't think this is coming are
America Has Become A Powder Keg That Is Ready To Explode At Any Time -- It wasn't an oversight.
The Elite were PLANNING on this. They're banking on it. They've been spending the last 30 years preparing their FEMA
concentration camps as they will use your uprising as an excuse to put you there. More Hegelian dialectic. They've
created a PROBLEM -- (been planning it for years) -- they're acticipating a REACTION -- and the camps are the solution.
Doctors find hydroxychloroquin success rate at 91%, urge Arizona governor to make drug available --
Widespread use of hydroxychloroquin to treat CoVid will never happen. Never. It endangers the profits to be made from
mass vaccinations, to say nothing of fulfilling CoVid hidden political agendas. Efficacy and safety never been a primary
concern of modern medicine. If you don't know that, you know nothing about the sordid history of modern medicine.
Family Practice Dr. Jeff Barke Grabs Microphone — Unloads on Disastrous Coronavirus
Rules Promoted by Liberal Media -- "What if the experts are wrong. What if quarantining the healthy doesn't
actually save lives. What if wearing a mask in public is not effective. My name is Dr. Jeff Barke, and I'm here
representing thousands of physicians across the country whose voices are being silenced because we don't agree with the
mainstream media and the experts who are telling us what to do. Never in the history of this great republic have we
quarantined the healthy. Never in the history of this great republic did we tell churchgoers that it's illegal for you
to exercise your First Amendment right of freedom of religion yet at the same time it's essential to keep pot dispensaries open."
End the LOCKDOWNS; launch the TAKEDOWNS -- "The food shortages are being engineered to cause widespread
starvation, making people too weak to protest. Food scarcity is the weapon of the globalists, and they know that when people
are starving, they will surrender their freedom (or accept a highly dangerous vaccine) in exchange for a meal."
"It's just a ride" (the late Bill Hicks)
Jeff Berwick included his 2-minute is his latest post (see below).
Sometimes it takes a comedian to remind us of the bigger issues.
Coronavirus tracked: the latest figures as countries fight to contain the pandemic --
"The human cost of coronavirus has continued to mount, with more than 3.79m cases confirmed globally and more than 263,600 people
known to have died." Ok -- let's take the figures coming out of Italy, where it the scandal of it all revealed that 96%
of all CoVid cases died of other causes. Simple arithmetic. 263,000 x 0.04 = 10,520 worldwide. Then factor in unreported
co-morbidities and the iatrogenesis created by using ventilators (which is contraindicated for most cases of CoVid) to say
nothing of other areas of general mistreatment in the hospital and what you end up with is a situation where the worldwide
lockdown was never justified.
"Magicians" Prove A Spiritual World Exists - Final Edition -- The YouTube channel, Vatican Catholic, shows how "top magicians"
achieve their results using demonic forces. If mere stage magicians have access to demonic forces into which they make contractual
arrangements to gain assistance, what do you think the Elite of this world are doing with demonic forces to control you?
Rev Danny Jones 4 19 2020 Northlake Baptist Church -- This preacher gives a good, historical summation of those
conditions that led to the Corona Hoax. No wonder they want to enforce social distancing so that it's illegal to go to church.
Yale Prof Promotes "Trump Death Clock", Says COVID-19 Response "Awfully Close To Genocide" -- This Yale
professor hasn't been paying attention -- obviously. For years, the Elite has been talking about getting the world population
down to 500 million, down from almost 8 billion. To do that, you must murder 15 out of 16 people now alive. That would
require a genocide. What CoVid-19 could never do, Bill Gates' vaccine will.
The Elites Would Like To Remind You, "Remember, Cash Is Trash" In A Post-COVID World -- A few years ago
the Indian government declared that certain note denominations were no longer "legal tender." Just like THAT, billions of
dollars worth of rupees became worthless. Do you harbor the delusion that this wouldn't be possible for the dollar?
Think about that one for a minute, because that's what in the process of happening before your very eyes.
Tired of Coronavid and Being Stuck In Your House -- It's fraud and they're admitting it. They now think
you're stupid enough that if they tell you to your face what a fraud Coronavirus is, you're not going to do anything about it.
How could you? (This comes from Jeff Berwick / The Dollar Vigilante)
What It's Like to Believe Everything the Media Tells You -- Only when you sit down and piece together
the mainstream media narrative and see its astonishing number of incongruencies
can you appreciate how ultra-ludicrous it is. We've reached the point where you
almost have to be brain dead to believe what the governments of the world, the mainstream media, the medical,
pharmaceutical, and vaccine industries, and most of the world's politicians are telling us. Never before in history
has society been so awash in pure, unadulterated nonsense with the ultimate goal of enslaving humanity to the point
where we are biological entities in name only.
China Won't Cooperate With COVID-19 Investigation Until 'Final Victory' Against Virus' --
That will be never -- because CoVid-19 is 5G driven and ultimately unadaptable. Does a human being ever reach an
adaptation point when it comes to getting hit in the heart at close range with a 45 caliber bullet? Never. Likely 5G frequencies
are so inimical to human and most animal life, that this is one condition that will never go away. The numbers will
remain low -- to be certain. But with 5G, human life is redifined and they'll be a third, fourth, five wave . . . ad nauseaum.
They Want To Make "Social Distancing" A Permanent Part Of Our Lives -- I've been saying this since
March. In a very real, CoVid and the quarantines never really go away. And with mass vaccinations, they confinement
will change from physical to mental and spiritual. Truly -- and I know some people will feel this is an exaggeration --
this is the end of the human race. We are a defeated species. Too many of our own kind had the intelligence to see
the glaringly obvious objectives descending from those who are not their own kind -- and are infinitely more
evil, manipulative, exploitative, and psychopathic.
"We Ask For Help But It Never Comes": Dead Are Left To Rot, Then Buried In Mass Graves,
As Coronavirus Overwhelms Brazil -- Zero Hedge should know better than to run this trash. If you listen to
the MSM, there are mountains of people in Brazil, dying all over the place. I don't believe it. I'll tell you.
I read report after report of the mountains of people dying here in Ecuador. We have dying people, yes. It's part of
life, but here in Cuenca, Ecuador, where I live, they have recently had to FIRE over 500 medical doctors because we have
an abundance of empty and near empty hospitals in this town of over 650,000 (metro area). Of all professional occupations in
our area, medical doctors are among the most underemployed. Why? There's no work. My contention is that 5G creates a subclinical state -- sufficient to make life
miserable for many, but not bad enough to warrant medical attention. I've heard this same observation from a great many people.
Remember men like Robert Willner, M.D., Ph.D.
He gave his life so that you might know the truth.
May 6, 2020 -- Afternoon
We'll DELETE This Video Within 24 Hours For Safety Reasons -- You watch this critical 4:35 minute video,
or forget it. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. explains the dangers of accepting the coming vaccine. "The way they're developing
this vaccine is scary and unprecedented" (Dr. Andrew Kaufman). The Coronavirus vaccine is designed to change your
genetics. In fact, it's a form of gene therapy. People who have been vaccinated will receive a tattoo with an invisible ink.
This entire developments reads like something out of the Book of Revelations.
Forced Vaccinations -- What You Can Do About It -- This is from last month and it was done in Australia.
Nonethtless, you see more and more of these floating around.
We've talked about it before. People who care more about their health and life than pleasing a government
are working to create legal structures to avoid these highly dangerous vaccinations.
Professor Lockdown Resigns After Breaking Own Lockdown Rules to Meet Married Lover: Report -- Ok, they were
having an affair. Who cares? What's notable here is that if any of the people in authority thought
that the particulars of the Corona Hoax were true,
they'd follow their own rules. It's a matter of life and death, they say. So why don't they? Because they know it's all bullshit.
On this basis alone, you should take off the damn mask, and tell your politicians to take their stupid quarantine, social distancing,
all their other fraudulent Corona rules and go stick it where the moon don't shine. Enough of all this do-as-I-say / don't-as-I malarkey.
(See Tucker Carlson video of this event above.)
Poll: Two-Thirds Of Americans Doubt Coronavirus Death Tolls -- "Two-thirds of American adults doubt the official death tolls,
according to an Axios poll published Tuesday. The poll found that 40% of Republicans believed that deaths are being overcounted,
compared to 24% who believe they are being undercounted." --- Yup. Coronavirus isn't the only thing for which there will never
be a vaccine cure. Add ignorance to the list.
Heart May Not Be a Pump: Thomas Cowan on Cardiovascular Disease -- When you listen to this interview, you realize
that the biological sciences, in general, and medicine, in particular, is in its baby shoes. It's 2020 -- and with a little
not-so-common sense, we can see that medical doctors don't know what the heart is or what it truly does. Why should they know?
If the primary purpose of medicine is to make money, why can't facts be whatever those in authority want them to be?
Why give empirical facts any meaning at all? And sure enough, that's where we're at, and the Corona Hoax is just the latest example.
I Got This Way Wrong -- Shows that major preparations were made long before the Corona Hoax,
well before 2020. 7 minutes. Most of the video is concerned with Congressional Bill H.R. 748 (The CARES Act), a multibillion
dollar big business/banker bailout. What does CARES stand for? "The Coronavirus Aid, Relief,and Economic Security Act."
When was it introduced? January 24, 2019. Read that again. Let it sink it.
PlanDemic -- a 26 minute video, is yet another casualty of
YouTube censorship. See it now on Bitchute.
May 5, 2020
PlanDemic, a film about the global plan to take control of our lives,
liberty, health & freedom. -- Watch this 26 minute documentary before it's removed.
Dr. Judy is interviewed and unlike the much longer interviews I've posted, this covers all the major points
in a condensed way. I disagree with her stating that she is not "anti-vax" (I am), but she's brave to take a
stand against mandatory vaccines with the current crop of highly dangerous vaccinations. I am going to copy the synopsis of the
film here because it will soon be removed:
Humanity is imprisoned by a killer pandemic. People are being arrested for surfing in the ocean and meditating in nature.
Nations are collapsing. Hungry citizens are rioting for food. The media has generated so much confusion and fear that people
are begging for salvation in a syringe. Billionaire patent owners are pushing for globally mandated vaccines. Anyone who refuses
to be injected with experimental poisons will be prohibited from travel, education and work. No, this is not a synopsis for a new
horror movie. This is our current reality.
Let's back up to address how we got here...
In the early 1900s, America's first Billionaire, John D. Rockefeller bought a German pharmaceutical company that would later
assist Hitler to implement his eugenics-based vision by manufacturing chemicals and poisons for war. Rockefeller wanted to eliminate
the competitors of Western medicine, so he submitted a report to Congress declaring that there were too many doctors and medical
schools in America, and that all natural healing modalities were unscientific quackery. Rockefeller called for the standardization
of medical education, whereby only his organization be allowed to grant medical school licenses in the US. And so began the practice
of immune suppressive, synthetic and toxic drugs. Once people had become dependent on this new system and the addictive drugs
it provided, the system switched to a paid program, creating lifelong customers for the Rockefellers. Currently, medical error
is the third leading cause of death in the US. Rockefeller's secret weapon to success was the strategy known as,
"problem-reaction-solution." Create a problem, escalate fear, then offer a pre-planned solution. Sound familiar?
Flash forward to 2020...
They named it COVID19. Our leaders of world health predicted millions would die. The National Guard was deployed. Makeshift
hospitals were erected to care for a massive overflow of patients. Mass graves were dug. Terrifying news reports had people
everywhere seeking shelter to avoid connect. The plan is unfolding with precision. But the masters of the Pandemic underestimated
one thing -- the people. Medical professionals and every-day citizens are sharing critical information online. The overlords of
big tech have ordered all dissenting voices to be silenced and banned, but they are too late. The slumbering masses are awake and
aware that something is not right. Quarantine has provided the missing element: time. Suddenly, our overworked citizenry has ample
time to research and investigate for themselves. Once you see, you can’t unsee.
The window of opportunity is open like never before. For the first time in human history, we have the world's attention.
Plandemic will expose the scientific and political elite who run the scam that is our global health system, while laying out
a new plan; a plan that allows all of humanity to reconnect with healing forces of nature. 2020 is the code for perfect vision.
It is also the year that will go down in history as the moment we finally opened our eyes.
Dead Zone -- Plague -- A three minute clip from a 2003 episode of The Dead Zone.
It shows you how long they've been programming the public to accept this nonsense.
NYC Nurse Speaks Out About Forced Deaths in Her Hospital!! -- Nurse working with CoVid patients compares the
current standard of care to getting taken to Auschwitz. "All the nurses know what's going on, and nobody cares. They are
murdering these people. Am I the only one left who's not a sociopath? (12:15) -- "Every patient is a CoVid patient now."
She talks about how the hospitals leave the patients on life support so long that nobody really has any idea when
they really died. It's a complete scam and money is paramount.
Fauci named as DNA terminator from vaccines -- 1994 -- DR. FAUCI was a key player in a "virus induced pandemic"
10 years ago during the AIDS crisis and is still playing Dr. Mengele (Angel of Death) today with new buddy, Bill Gates.
Dr. Robert E. Willner, M.D., Ph.D., proves that the "virus" is a fraud by pricking his finger
in numerous press conferences with HIV positive blood
-- to demonstrate that the "deadly virus" is NOT transferred through blood, or fluids, as was pushed on a panicked public of then
-- AND TODAY. Bless you, Dr. Robert Willner. For his courage and honesty, Dr. Willner was assassinated via induced
heart attack. RIP.
Dr. Andrew Kaufman -- "A DOCTOR SPEAKS OUT: Secrets, Lies, Fake News & Coronavirus" [Age Of Truth TV] --
Another excellent interview with Dr. Kaufaman. He covers all the important issues. If you still accept any of the articles of
faith from the mainstream media, you NEED to listen to this interview. If you think this "virus" is contagious -- if you think
you're protecting your health by weaing a mask -- if you think a vaccine will help you -- any of that nonsense. If you believe
any of these things, you need to hear Dr. Kaufman's latest.
Ignorance Is Brewing a Second Wave of Covid-19 -- Father, forgive him. He knoweth not what he does.
This just goes to show you that no matter how intelligent you are or how much education (propaganda) you've received,
there is no substitute for real knowledge. You cannot begin to understand anything in the field of medicine unless
you know its history. That is why I have been so vociferous in telling to read The Invisible Rainbow.
I spoke to the author, Arthur Firstenberg, last week. The book is available in English and Norwegian, and I'm trying
to make it available in Spanish.
You think it's bad now, WAIT till OCTOBER -- Jordan Maxwell -- Short version: Jordan has a friend close who practices
the same form of astrology that Nostradamus used. He was told last October what was coming around March -- past tense now -- and it's
already happened. What's next? It gets worse in October than you can imagine -- and, astrologically speaking, it doesn't let up
for at least 16 months.
"Vittorio Sgarbi, denounces the closure
of 60% of the businesses for 25,000 COVID-19 Deaths, of which the National Institute of Health says 96.3% died NOT of COVID-19 but
of other pathologies. That means only 925 have died of the virus. 24,075 have died of other things. "He says false statistics are being use to terrorize the citizens of Italy and establish
a dictatorship. He makes his statements on the vigil of April 25, which celebrates the liberation of Italy by the Allied powers
in World War II."
Ending the Lockdown is 'Racist' -- Golly! I thought people wanted to end the lockdown
so they could work, buy more groceries, get out the house, pay bills, take their kids to school --- you know --- stuff like
that. It never occurred to me that the desire to survive made me a racist! You have to wonder about a system where we
end up getting elected officials that are dumber than dirt.
Donald Trump Predicts Coronavirus Vaccine Developed by End of 2020 -- I don't know. Maybe Trump should change his 2020
campaign slogan to: "Make America Autistic!" I'd give you the link again to show how an executive order in March by Trump amounted
to handing the U.S. over to FEMA, but I can't. I can't because all video streaming services have scrubbed those videos from
the internet. This is why I tell you to download these videos, because once they go up -- those that address ANY of these
sensitive issues -- are quickly taken down.
Cruz: China 'the Single-Greatest Political Threat the United States Faces over the
Next Century' -- Bullshit. It's the U.S. government that is the single greatest threat to the people of the United States
(which IS the United States) over the next century. It isn't the Chinese government that is forcing people to stay home
or practice social distancing, or do any of these other lunatic things, when it is firmly established that this "virus" isn't
even contagious.
Oxford professor: Possible coronavirus vaccine could show efficacy by June --
"Efficacious vaccine" is an oxymoron spoken by morons. It doesn't exist. It never will exist. Hope you've been paying
attention. Vaccines are about making money and controlling statistical groups. It has nothing to do with good health.
ITALIAN MP, SGARBI DENOUNCES THE STATISTICAL FRAUD ON COVID-19 -- "Vittorio Sgarbi, denounces the closure
of 60% of the businesses for 25,000 COVID-19 Deaths, of which the National Institute of Health says 96.3% died NOT of COVID-19
but of other pathologies. That means only 925 have died of the virus. 24,075 have died of other things."
Hollywood Actor Says Lockdown is NOT About Our Health --
As we used to say in Louisiana, this is what happened when you try to stuff five pounds of bullshit in a two pound bag.
Anyone with brains can now see what's really going on.
Vital Videos Are Being Removed More Rapidly -- If you look under at the video at the top of
April 15 last month, it's gone.
Seventeen (17) of RichieFrom Boston's videos have been scrubbed. Gone. Never to be seen again.
Many other vital videos are being removed. So download videos I recommend before they're removed, because
if you don't watch them right away or store them for later viewing, you'll neve see them, and some of this
information is crucial.
They Are Coming for Your Children? -- Same source. Short video (12:48). Worse listening to if you don't
want the State to take your children away. Medical kidnappings are increasing and -- yes -- FEMA medical camps do exist,
and they are now operational. His recommends concerning social distancing and agreement with the CDC and Mike Adams on
this issue is absolutely wrong. But the rest of the video is vital listening.
JERRY MARZINSKY ~ "Demonic Archon Possession Of The Psychotic Mind & Schizophrenia" [Age Of Truth TV] --
I've covered Marzinsky before. If you want to know the dark creatures who are driving and feeding off the
Corona Hoax, let Dr. Marzinsky (Tucson, Arizona) explain it to you. Schizophrenic patients are simply those who are
more sensitive to these creatures. Often, they are far more advanced than the rest of us, something that Marzinsky hasn't
learned yet, but I learned it 40 years ago -- see Stalking The Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness (1977) by
Itzhak Bentov, ISBN 0-553-20768-7, Appendix: "The Physio-Kundalini Syndrome," p. 212-233.
The Truth about 5G: Worldwide Call to Action -- Only 11:35. Censorship against talking about 5G is unprecedented.
Listen now. This one will probably be taken down within the next day or so.
Who is Bill Gates? How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health. -- Who is Bill Gates? He's a cousin to Queen Elizabeth II.
Another reptilian overlord who is assisting in the enslavement of humanity, using the fake Corona Hoax to force the majority of
the world's remaining Homo sapiens to accept a vaccine that has a programmable ID2020 RFID chip so that humans can be
controlled using AI technology, integrated and made possible by 5G technology. His success accelerated with
the mysterious death of Gary Kindall in 1994, president and
founder of Digital Research, which up until that time was a reigning leader in microprocessing operating systems (CP/M and
MP/M). The next year, Gates' company, Microsoft, introduced
Windows 95, after a series of blunders with earlier "Windows"
attempts that made the product unacceptable to consumers. Microsoft has been the king of microcomputer operating systems ever since,
and is one of the wealthiest billionaires in the world. I'm sorry. I just made all that up. I don't know what got into me.
It's like there was this voice in my head, telling me all this stuff.
"Bad News" -- 20% Of New Yorkers Test Positive As NY, Italy COVID Deaths Resurge: Live Updates --
This is a "virus" that will never end and never be under control the way people think. It's electromagnetically driven,
and since 5G deals in frequencies that interfere with very basic human physiological functions, they can "turn it on"
whenever they want. Have an uncooperative group of people who aren't obeying orders? Just hit 'em! That get those
CoVid numbers back up! That will teach the people not to question tyranny and totalitarianism!
The Freedom Of Individuals Still Matters -- Even If COVID Warriors Say It Doesn't --
This is about a professor who taught economics at the University of Iowa -- Austrian school economics, actually.
He did this so that students would "learn to think for themselves and would not fall prey to all the propaganda from
government, the mainstream news media, and poorly thought out opinions of friends and acquaintances." It's said more people didn't get that kind of training. If they did, we wouldn't
have hoards of people believing in this fake pandemic, which is driven by a much deeper, darker agenda.
Austrian Cops May Intervene if They See People Kissing -- You believeed these SOB governments
and their medical hacks, who have made a living perpetrating one medical fraud after another for the past 150 years.
You took the bait -- hook, line, and sinker. So this is what you get. Imagine -- getting arrested for kissing your
wife or girlfriend in public. What's next? Now that in many areas they have the right to break into your home
any time they want, what will the penalty be if they catch couples showering together or having sex? --- Yeah, I know ---
they have FEMA camps for that kind of unbridled free expression.
Wearing a mask will make you sicker by forcing you to re-breathe the bacteria and viruses already in your respiratory system.
COVID-19 strain used in winter flu vaccines throughout the world since 2013
No test for COVID-19 is worthy of credence without at least another confirmatory results by a different kind of test
The only criteria for immunity is having the antibodies.
Never accept the COVID-19 vaccine.
You cannot catch a virus from coughing, it lives no more than 1 hour on surfaces. (That's debatable -- other doctors
argue that it's not alive at all. Without DNA, how can it be? More on that later.)
COVID-19 is not lethal enough to cause any more than 0.8% of those infected seriously sick.
The Pandemic is a complete hoax being used to enslave humanity.
All vaccines will make some of those who receive them sick with the disease against which it was developed to prevent.
COVID-19 does not come from animal to human transfer, it was grown in a lab.
Winter flu vaccines is the only plausible explanation for world wide spread of COVID-19.
Being infected does not mean you are sick or infectious to others.
Symptoms are not a scientific way of diagnosing COVID-19.
Dr. Anthony Fauci has intervened to cover up study which proved that vaccinations cause cancer and other cancer causing viruses, in addition to Autism.
Polio vaccines transmitted cancer causing SIV & Sv40 virus.
The immunity granted by the U.S. Government in 1986 at the insistence of Dr. Anthony Fauci, to Vaccine manufacturers has made them dangerous, dirty and unsafe.
Every vaccine can cause in some persons a lethal immune response which can kill them.
The FDA is a criminal organization.
Korea responded by using the correct tests.
The USA is suffering from a plague of corruption in the Vaccine industry.
Vaccine Industry is systematically ending the production of safer medicines which would cure or prevent infection,
because there is no money in preventing and curing disease.
Still think a person making bat soup in Wuhan China could trigger a pandemic,
exploding in 110 countries within two months? -- Me neither.
These are just a handful of the 16,000 satellites that Elon Musk
has been commissioned to put into our skies. People are seeing this in different
places all over the earth. Its sickening to watch -- knowing what they do.
Why The Meat Shortages Are Going To Be Much Worse Than Most Americans Are Anticipating -- The people who
rule our world have a Bolshevik mentality. Think "Stalin" for a moment. The best way to bring a people to their knees and
put them in complete subjugation is to starve them. This isn't just about the "meat shortages." Tyson Foods,
one of the U.S.'s biggest meat processors, didn't mince words: "in a full page New York Times spread that ran Sunday,
in which they warned, 'the food supply chain is breaking.'" That doesn't mean some foods. That means all foods.
Facial Recognition Firm Clearview AI Plans Coronavirus Contact Tracing --
"Facial recognition firm Clearview AI, which has come under fire for scraping social media sites such as Facebook to create a
facial recognition library, now reportedly plans to work with the government on Chinese virus contact tracing."
Every day brings a redefining of dystopia as we bring it to lower and lower levels of sheer horror.
Tucker: Big Tech censors dissent over coronavirus lockdowns -- This was posted and then killed a couple days ago.
Two doctors come out with the truthful numbers about
the Corona Hoax. The result? YouTube kills it after over 5,000,000 viewers saw it and shared it. Moreover, ANYTHING
that disagrees with the frequently incorrect W.H.O. gets axed. The governments of the world have agreed to raise
W.H.O. to the level of God. Everybody please kneel.
Sign the Appeal: Stop 5G on Earth and in Space -- Arthur Firstenberg, author of
The Invisible Rainbow, which I have recommended to all my friends and associates, makes a direct appeal to stop the
madness. His analysis showing that 5G is the causative agent behind the Corona Hoax is impeccable. I just wish more people
would become informed.
Former AIDS Scientist Exposes Dr. Fauci's Medical Corruption -- I've covered other interview of Dr. Judy Mikovits.
Here she has a virtual sit-down with Patrick Bet-David and opens up about her fallout with Anthony Fauci that led to her
5 year arrest and whistleblower status.
Bill Gates: Phase 2 is a Bio Terror Attack -- Some say that Bill Gates has a hidden agenda.
Couldn't have anything to do with his multibillion investment in vaccines, now could it? Shut up, Conspiracy Theorist!
Legal Disclaimer: -- This links and comments on this page are intended
to stimulate debate on issues related to the Coronavirus phenomenon of 2020. Since this debate incorporates varying
points of view, readers are cautioned to use their own judgement in whatever they read. Nothing here should be
regarded as a substitute for seeking out professional medical care if and when needed. Nor are any of the comments
here intended to inhibit readers from getting timely testing by authorized practitioners when needed.
Any products mentioned, whether
pharmaceutical or natural, are cited as being in the Coronavirus public debate. However, the page is not intended
to provide products that are meant to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.