We are frequently asked by
prospective customers if they can take our products along with
conventional therapies, particularly chemo and radiation therapies. Although we have had customers
who have succeeded by taking both our naturopathic and conventional
approaches concurrently with relative success, this is not something
we recommend. The advisement runs deeper than the
results that these therapies, particularly chemo, achieves.
(Chemo thrives because of the pressure applied by oncologists, who
refuse to inform their patients that
chemotherapy has
a 97% failure rate. See also Dr. Peter Glidden's
excellent explanation on YouTube.)
The approaches are fundamentally at
odds both philosophically and therapeutically. As true naturopaths, we produce
products and approaches to cancer that make fundamental demands of
the patient's immune system. A strong immune system will bring about
better results using our recommendations, and -- conversely -- a weak
immune system will make our job harder. Conventional therapies are, by
their very nature, immunosuppressive, if not highly destructive. We
have written a number of essays on this site that make the argument
that this poor performance is by design.
Moreover, elemental components of modern business make it nearly
impossible to break free of a system
of leans towards profiting off the patient and destroying their
health in the process. Most conventional therapies
aren't the products of medical science perfected. They are the
illustrious manifestations of applied psychopathy -- a conclusion
I was only able to reach after studying the suppression, often violent,
of alternative therapies that were far more efficacious, inexpensive,
and less prone to side effects than the products and practices of
modern medical mythology.
None of this addresses the near
impossible confrontation and challenges that confront cancer patients
and their beloved family members when they attempt to sidestep
the orthodox system. I could retire if I had a dollar for every customer
over the past 24 years who has told me that their doctor informed
them that they had two (or three or six) months to live if they did
not faithfully follow the conventional therapy they were instructed to take. It takes courage to inform doctors
that YOU -- and not THEY -- are the paying customer and you have a right
to make informed choices, based on the best information available. But courage you must have . . .
and an intractable thirst to follow an effective course of action that
is based on results -- not official sanction. In the end, the therapeutic choices
you make must be yours alone. We only ask that those choices be informed.