October, 2020
Picking up from September
-- this is the nine month we've been following the Great Hoaxes of 2020. First, it was the CoVid scamdemic, then
the highly orchestrated BLM / Antifa social unrest, now we're in the lead-up to the November election in the U.S.,
which has the entire world watching, which will arguably segue into the Second American Civil War. Last month ended
with the first Trump/Biden debate, where it became obvious that Biden would not change his position in support of
the social unrest tearing the U.S. apart. So it is more obvious than ever that hell cometh in November.
People Are Still Having Sex -- 2020 Upgrade
Oct. 12 -- Well, here we are, boys and girls, with an election just about three weeks away.
The stakes couldn't be any higher, so I put out a "truth video," summarizing major points I've been making on this blog since
February 2nd. I hope it registers with enough people to make a tiny difference. Listen to it and share it, if it resonates with
you, too. And if you wish to complain because you don't like my approach, you can always complain to the management by writing
me at greg@gregcaton.com.
Coronavirus® & Other Scams of 2020
News & Developments for October
 his is now the ninth month I've been maintaining this blog,
and little has changed since we began September. More evidence has poured showing, demonstrating the degree
to which CoVid was a colossal scam, more of the political components of the BLM/Antifa terrorist movement
have surfaced, as has the disastrous early results of CoVid vaccine testing, which no sensible person would
ever agree to.
 Nexet month is THE election -- one which, again, I believe Trump will win, like him or
hate him. When he does, the stage will be set for the second American Civil War.
 As I stated last month, concurrent with this are numerous side shows that are in our
field of vision: information concerning the earth's passage through an asteroid debris field, the
potential use of 5G and smart meters to kill off large numbers of citizens (which is at least
technically feasible with existing infrastructure), and coming martial law.
 We're in the fall season and it's going to be tumultuous.
Translation: "The best mask for the plandemic: obligatory and effective."
Tells you what they think of all this mask shit here in South America.
"Es una tontería total." (It's total nonsense.)
October 31, 2020
- CoVidiota -- I laughed my ass off when I read this.
"CoVidiota" is a combination of CoVid and
"idiota" -- the Spanish word for "idiot" or just a really stupid, gullible person. If you believe anything the governments of the world
have told you about CoVid, then you're a "Covidiota."" Like the sheep cartoon above, it tells you what people here think about all this nonsense.
Let me translate it for you, from upper left to lower right -- these are the sacred beliefs and/or chief
characteristics of a "CoVidiota":
- The disease hasn't peaked yet.
- The vaccine will save us.
- We deserve this for being bad (not listening to all the ridiculous advise from our leaders)
- Government will take care of us!
- Doctors and nurses are not part of the CoVid cartel -- (the general thinking here is that conventional medicine didn't help -- they only
contributed to the problem with their gross incompetence. Here in Ecuador, most of those who got cured did so without the assistance
of a medical practitioner. A huge percentage of those who went to the hospitals for treatment died -- but only because they followed
poor advise from the U.S. and U.N. Many physicians here now have learned from their mistakes and have developed their own protocols --
and then simply don't advertise it.)
- The hospitals are all full! -- (well, "no para nada" -- not at all)
- Stay in your house!
- We need more quarantines for the undisciplined -- (but what they really mean here are the disobedient who don't do what the Dr. Fauci's
of the world tell us to do)
- The TV doesn't lie! -- (in other word, you should believe the medical propaganda on the television)
- An end to this doesn't exist. There is "regrowth" (that is, endless CoVid waves coming)
- They will flatten the curve -- (again, trust the central-planners, comrade)
- Bill Gates is a philantropist -- (and not a demonically-possessed eugenicist)
Why the Electoral College Is Crucial to the Survival of the Republic -- Were it not for the wisdom of the Founding Fathers to create
this institution, the republic would have already been lost.
Trump Urges Faith In God, Not Masks -- What? No faith in auto-asphyxiation?
- Fox News Breaking: National Security Advisor Warns of Chinese Threat If Biden Wins -- At this point,
it's more than obvious.
The Final and REAL Exit Polls Are In -- Begins at 2:10 -- From the Arizonian perspective. Phoenix, Trump. Tucson, Trump.
Trump rally there: 25,000 showed. Biden came: about a dozen people showed up. Trump is winning by an unbelievable landslide.
Will it be enough to overcome all the voter fraud -- something prominent Democrats have actually been "bragging" about?
October 30, 2020 -- Afternoon & Continuing
October 30, 2020 -- Morning
- "At This Hour The Fate of the World Is Being Threatened by a Global Conspiracy Against God" --
General Flynn and Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó Sent an Open Letter to President Trump --
"If you believe the current struggles in our nation are between good and evil you are not alone. Carlo Maria Viganó is an archbishop of the
Catholic Church who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016.
Archbishop Viganó previously warned Catholics on the historic spiritual importance of this 2020 election on the future of this country and this planet.
President Trump is standing up against the demonic forces of the deep state and the New World Order."
I have reported on Archbishop Viganó's views previously, which in this matter, reflect my own.
My concern is that there are still many Americans who do not appreciate the gravity of the situation.
- "Whose Ever Got the Guns Can Win -- Let's Take Over the Buildings!" -- WOW! Lisa Fithian, BLM, Radical Leftists Are Working
with Federal Workers For Post Election Mass Violence (Video) -- More than ever, the left are showing their true demonic colors.
Hillary Clinton: Pelosi Ready to Unleash Liberal Hell on America if Biden Wins (VIDEO) -- When you work for satan,
your mission is pretty clear cut.
Mailchimp Will Now Deactivate Accounts Sending 'False, Inaccurate, Or Misleading' Emails -- The censorship noose is tightening.
I know a little bit about Mailchimp because I used to be a client and then they dropped me. And mind you, this was a few years back.
Why did they dump me? Because they didn't like my emails, either. I got dumped by Constant Contact for the same reason. It has made it very
difficult to deliver newsletters to my regular customers.
Here's The 'Censored' Biden Story That Forced Glenn Greenwald To Quit The Firm He Founded -- Glenn Greenwald:
"I am posting here the most recent draft of my article about Joe and Hunter Biden -- the last one seen by Intercept editors before telling me that they
refuse to publish it absent major structural changes involving the removal of all sections critical of Joe Biden, leaving only a narrow article critiquing
media outlets. I will also, in a separate post, publish all communications I had with Intercept editors surrounding this article so you can see the
censorship in action and, given the Intercept's denials, decide for yourselves (this is the kind of transparency responsible journalists provide, and
which the Intercept refuses to this day to provide regarding their conduct in the Reality Winner story). This draft obviously would have gone through
one more round of proof-reading and editing by me -- to shorten it, fix typos, etc -- but it's important for the integrity of the claims to publish the
draft in unchanged form that Intercept editors last saw, and announced that they would not "edit" but completely gut as a condition to publication."
Listen to Tucker Carlson's 7 minute
interview with Greenwald, covering this travesty.
UK Cops Will Raid Lockdown-Rule-Defying Christmas Celebrations; Fear Move Could Spark Civil Unrest -- The lockdowns will
never help with a non-contagious disease. It's about power, control, and the manifestation of the demonic on earth. Let freedom ring.
Plutocrat Violence And Election-Night Horror: Marxian Analysis Shows That Antifa Is Fascist --
"When fascism comes to America, it will be called antifascism"
"This Isn't Human!" -- The 'Unseen' Perils Of COVID From "A Faceless Number In Melbourne" --
"We've taken away everything they love, deprived them of the opportunity to socialize and to experience those irreplaceable moments of youth and
demanded they accept this dystopia as the new normal."
Smith: A Biden Presidency Will Mean A Faster US Collapse -- "With Biden, the time frame changes completely and the crash must
move faster. Why? Because the globalists cannot allow a Biden Admin (and by extension the globalists themselves) to be labeled as the culprits behind
the crash."
The ACLU Is Suing Police Across The Country For "Brutality" In Response To Riots And Looting This Summer -- I have always
thought that the ACLU is a potpourri if radical, demonic, insane leftists, and this just proves it.
- Happy Lockdowns Are Here Again!
'Massive Traffic Jams' Across Paris As People Flee Ahead Of Second COVID Lockdown -- "On Wednesday, French President Emmanuel Macron announced
that France would enter a full lockdown from midnight on Thursday until the end of November due to the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic.
"With hours to go before the month-long national lockdown takes effect, videos have surfaced on Twitter, showing
massive traffic jams of people trying to escape the city as lockdowns go into effect."
Imagine that. The French, among the other Allies, defeated Hitler and the Nazis, only to find Paris
now occupied by Nazis even more dangerous and fascist than those they defeated a mere 75 years earlier.
Merkel Puts Germany Into Second Coronavirus Lockdown -- If what some political analysts say is true, that Merkel is Adolf Hitler's
illegitimate daughter -- (and I'm not saying I know that to be true, but I've read some compelling arguments) -- then actions like this really
would make her a chip off the ól' block.
These 12 Graphs Show That Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop CoVid -- And by extension, if mask mandates do nothing to stop CoVid,
then neither do these ridiculously restrictive, economy-destroying, life-crushing lockdowns.
- US COVID-19 Cases Top 9 Million, Belgium Announces 6-Week National Lockdown: Live Updates --
More lockdowns! Suffering for the People! Power for the Pols!
EXCLUSIVE: NY Post's 'Smoking Gun' Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes -- It took analysis of cryptographic
signatures to validate what we now know is the single greatest scandal in America's political history -- a series of actions that in and of
themselves redefine High Treason.
- Carlson Slams Media for Ignoring Hunter Biden Story -- 'How Do You Maintain a Democratic System When Reality Itself Has Been
Banned?' -- In the battle between good and evil, what eventually must take center stage is which side represents manifest Truth.
Rapper Lil Wayne meets with Trump to help with the 'platinum plan' -- A bold plan to better the lives of minorities.
- Letter from close associate : Financial writer, John Rubino:
"A lot of these cities and states are pinning their hopes on a bailout because they can't fix things themselves. They have screwed things up to a
point to say there is no local fix that is feasible. So, they are hoping the Fed creates $3 trillion or $4 trillion new dollars and just hands it
to them. . . There are no winners in any of this. There are people who lose less badly than others. . . You can drive yourself crazy talking about
the horrible things that are going to happen as we run out of money as things stop working. . . One of the things that will happen is there will be
civil unrest, and there will be slower and slower police response time. The world will get very threatening at some point. . . There is no good way
out of this. Everything is a choice of types of pain. That's all we have left. Do you want this kind of a crisis or that kind of a crisis?"
(Taken from this GSI exchange article.)
October 29, 2020
Exosome Theory vs. Virus Theory -- Not even 9 minutes and it comes with Spanish subtitles.
More evidence that we're being gaslighted to death and more proof that they're testing our stupidity even more than they are CoVid.
Watch this video and match a commitment to yourself that you're going to attempt to start behaving like a smart person.
2020ElectionCenter.com -- With Big Tech now promising to censor anything that doesn't fit their far-left wing, Bolshevik takeover
of the U.S., some are creating more alternatives. This one plans to provide plenty of coverage of the election and the events leading up to
it, without communist filtration.
London Has Fallen | Financial Collapse -- When it comes to the "V-shaped" recovery, the MSM has been doing what it does best:
lying their asses off. Take a look at this 14 minute video of what's going on in London. Yes. The capital of the UK.
The Collapse of American Cities Has Started. And Yours Is Next -- This video begins with San Francisco as an example,
and expands from there to give you an idea of what's next for America's cities.
Two Videos that Illustrate the Difference Between Biden and Trump -- Judging from rally attendance, it is inconceivable that Biden
is winning this election. So the massive voter fraud that Biden has promised had better be on steroids, if he's going to win.
"A Lot Of Hoarding" -- Americans Race To Supermarkets As Second Wave Arrives -- Well there's more to it than that.
Food supply lines are being dismantled. Some people have figured that out. I cover this in my latest YouTube video (see above).
Flying Blind: Clueless About Risk, We're Speeding Toward Systemic Failure -- "For all these reasons, the risks of systemic collapse
are much higher than commonly anticipated."
France Joins Germany In Reviving Nationwide Lockdown As COVID-19 Cases Soar Across Europe: Live Updates --
Let's see how compliant people are now. More people than ever know that this CoVid nonsense has got to stop.
2021: A Year Of Mass Bankruptcy -- "If they can't pay their bills, they can't pay their bills. If it can't happen, it won't happen..."
Texas Ballot Chaser Reveals 'Massive' Voter Fraud To Elect Biden -- Biden promised massive voter fraud. Biden's minions are delivering.
- Marianne Williamson Justifies Philly Looting By Claiming Bible Says Nothing About Stealing Being Bad --
Damn. See -- I thought the seventh commandment was "Thou shalt not steal!." It's so good to know that Democrats have done a better
job of rewritting the commandments so that we set the record straight. What was God thinking giving out such stupid commandments!
Rioting, looting -- murdering and raping fellow citizens who disagree with you, all good. Got it.
Twitter Suspends US Border Chief For Touting Anti-Crime Southern Wall -- "Stopping 'gang members, murderers, sexual predators and drugs'
is hate speech, apparently." Come on, man. If you're not serving satan, you're just not with it!
There's a lot of mental illness on the left. I don't say that as a joke. These people are genuinely disturbed. --
It isn't just mental illness. It goes beyond that. These people are demonically possessed.
- HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Has a PornHub Account Where He Uploaded His Personal Porn --
Including with Family Member -- Do you ever ask yourself, "Is there anybody alive who could really be this stupid?"
And these retards want to run the U.S.?
Hillary Clinton: Pelosi Ready to Unleash Liberal Hell on America if Biden Wins (VIDEO) -- If Biden wins?
Am I reading this correctly? If Biden wins? Àfter what the ground-shifting polls and surveys that have come out over the past week?
I'm wondering if Hillary Clinton has started smoking more crack than Hunter.
- The US Marine command has gone woke and disgraced us all and the FBI has joined up with Antifa: This is America Today --
"The US Marines and the FBI are organizations owned by the enemy. American patriots have the security forces of the state arrayed against them."
The Democrats and the Presstitutes Will Not Admit a Trump Win -- "If Trump wins the election, unless it is an overwhelming victory that cannot
be challenged, the Democrats and the American media will not admit that Trump won. The plan in place is to blame Trump's win on fraud and to use the
tactics of the "Maidan Revolution" in Ukraine, recently employed again in Belarus, to prevent Trump's inauguration."
The Plot Against the President -- (The Documentary: 1:32:10) -- This is the documentary that PCR references in the previous post.
- Food Shortages Are Coming. Are you prepared?
- Food Shortages! What will DISAPPEAR 1st Off The Shelves! --
Lasts 11 minutes. In case you don't have time to watch the video: Ramen noodles, macaroni & cheese, canned fruit, boxed mashed potato flakes,
canned chili, noodles (spaghetti, pasta, etc.), minute rice, canned soups, canned tomatoes, drink flavorings, paper towels. Many more
details in the video.
CORN SHORTAGE: Grand Solar Minimum Kills Crops (New Study) -- Keep an eye on those swindling supplies at the supermarket.
'Syndemic' COVID-20 needs 'Social Vaccine' as global food shortage begins -- "As countries are furiously stocking food in anticipation of
global food shortages, 'experts' are now calling COVID-19 a Syndemic "COVID-20," requiring a 'social vaccine' comprising Universal Basic Income &
nutrition, free education, huge dietary changes. The technocrats will stop at nothing, including engineered food shortages, to push their Great Reset
into global communism and transhumanism."
Hunter Biden in His Own Words --
"For any of you sufficiently brainwashed to believe the presstitutes coverup of the massive Biden Family Scandal, here is Hunter in his own words."
The Empire Has Collapsed -- The Saker traces the date of the collapse's beginning as January 3, 2020.
October 27-28, 2020
Latest from Jim Stone -- The news over the past two days has been eye-popping.
Stone covers evidence of Joe Biden just having had a stroke, and the efforts to suppress it.
Joe Biden's daughter's diary has been released in full. As he says, looks like Creeper
Joe really is Chester the Molester. As for Hunter -- what a chip off the old block --
latest photos suggest that Hunter killed the children they reaped. This is entirely
consistent with the behavior of the Satan-worshipping elite.
This and many other deep revelations have been
made on Jim's site over the past few days.
- Is Kamala Harris really a man? Michelle Obama, former first lady, is provably a man, so why not a trannie president? --
Looks like Biden really did just have a stroke. As we've already known that Joe Biden is a "stand in" for "the real designated president," which
would be Kamala Harris, so it makes sense. In this regard, I got a fascinating letter from a close friend this morning. I don't agree on the
comments concerning the election, but the rest of it is convincing. It reads:
"For the first time I watched a segment of a Kamala Harris
interview yesterday.
"I question whether it's an XX-female. That thick, man neck. That
hoarse, croaky, tranny voice. Those big, linebacker hands.
"Its personal affect is completely fake. This is a false soul, if it
even has a soul.
"This morning I saw a clip of another, alleged, Joe Biden blooper, in
which he referred to "Kamala and his wife". Maybe that's the truth: Kamala is a biological male, and the alleged husband is a biological
"It's also clear that voting is largely irrelevant. The Deep State
election handlers will make the outcome to be whatever they want it to be. It has been that way since at least 1960, if not long before.
Remember that before we were born Dewey was going to sweep to victory! -- except that it didn't happen that way. For all that we know, Dewey
really did win and was robbed of his rightful term in office -- with Truman taking over instead.
"Next week, if the Deep State election handlers want to make Trump to
be President again, they will. If they want Joe Biden, they'll make that happen. Ballots will be lost, or found! -- sent to the landfill,
shredded, not counted, or triple or quadruple counted as necessary.
"Whoever best serves the purposes of the Deep State's planned,
totalitarian dictatorship will be made President, one way or another. If someone needs to die, they will. If someone needs to be
assassinated, they will be. If someone needs to have a stroke or heart attack, they will.
"Federal election outcomes are too important to the Deep State to be
entrusted to the people's hands."
Joe Biden Calls Senator Harris's Husband, Doug Emhoff, "Kamala's Wife" (VIDEO) -- Backs up the previous post. If Biden succeeds,
the "real" president, Kamala Harris, will be a "chick with a dick," and the First Gentleman will -- oh hell, who even knows anymore? -- run around
Washington, D.C. wearing a pussy hat?
Joe Biden to Georgia Voters: "My name is Joe Biden. I'm Joe Biden's Husband and Kamala's Running Mate. Y'all Think I'm
Kidding Don't Ya?" (VIDEO) -- You just can't make this shit up. It's unbelievable. Listen to the video a couple of times so that you
let it sink in. In just one week's time, Biden has admitted that he's part of the most massive voter fraud operation in history, that
Kamala is the real intended president and, like Michelle Obama, she's a chick with a dick. What kind of world are we living in?
SHOCKING! Joe Biden Campaigns to 38 Circles of Supporters and Media in Warm Springs, Georgia -- The audience sizes are
ridiculously small. And yet this guy is up by 12 points. Yeah, right. There is so much media gaslighting when it comes to Biden,
that it's amazing were not all dead from carbon monoxide poisoning.
"Soon you will see a Lifting of the Veil. Never before will the contrast between good and evil
have been more evident for all to see. Never before their essential characters more manifest. Those who have committed themselves to evil will
find it impossible to prevent their corrupt characters, forged over lifetimes of errant choices, from being made public. Try as they may to prevent it,
their evil will simply pour out of them. The Time of Choosing, which has lasted for untold ages
-- much longer than you know -- is coming to an end. Now cometh the Time of Consequence. It is Harvest Time and the wheat must be separated from the
chaff. All will be known. All will be understood. There will be no more hiding. No more secrets. Now cometh the divine settling of
all accounts."
Greg Caton
Ayahuasca Vision Quest
Date: July 26, 2020 (Sun.)
Time: 8:20 pm - 1 am, Quito Time
October 26, 2020
- Chinese Group Behind Release of Biden Tapes Claim Bidens Offered Up CIA Agents Who Went Missing in China in 2010 -2012 --
"Come on, man! The payoff was just too attractive!"
The Chinese Communists are running Silicon Valley (and the Media and Hollywood and the Democratic Party)
-- The amazing part is that most Americans don't have the brains to see that their country is in the middle of a communist takeover.
Above the Law: Leaked Texts Show Hunter Biden Wanted to Avoid Registering as a Chinese Foreign Agent -- "Those rules don't
apply to me! I'm special!"
- "Go F*ck Yourself" -- Jim Biden Lashes Out at Tony Bobulinski When Confronted About His and Hunter's Shady $5 Million Side
Deal With Chinese Energy Firm -- How dare you agree to testify to witnessing High Treason!
"I Will F*cking Assassinate You!" Radical Leftists Seethe At Massive Trump Caravan In Austin -- John Titor, the fabled
time traveler of 20 years ago, who blogged about the nature of alternate timelines in parallel universes, talked about this. In his time line
it was the year 2036. Ours was 1998 (when he first started to post online). He indicated that in HIS timeline -- right around the year 2020 --
patriots understood the threat from the Left and when the civil war started, wise citizens understood, with heaviness of heart,
that they had no choice but to kill and bury every single demonically possessed leftist to be found anywhere in the land. Anywhere.
No stone could be left unturned.
Exclusive Source: Biden Daughter's Diary Details "Not Appropriate" Showers With Joe As Child -- What? You didn't know
that fathers engaging in sexual activity with their own daughters is the "new normal." Boy -- are YOU ever behind the times!
When I read things the linked article above, I realize that this is the likely outcome in our timeline, as well.
BREAKING: China’s GTV Releases Videos of Hunter Biden Sex Tapes while Smoking Crack -- Yeah, but wait a minute! It was really, really
good crack! Who could possibly pass that up!
- Gnews releases EXTREMELY GRAPHIC pics of Hunter Biden with multiple prostitutes, partners --
The kiddy porn you'll have to pick up off the dark web. It's against the law to post or possess child porn on your computer. It's only allowed
if you're in a position of power.
With Hunter Biden Expose, Suppression Is A Bigger Scandal Than The Actual Story -- "The incredible decision by Twitter and Facebook
to block access to a New York Post story about a cache of emails reportedly belonging to Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s son Hunter, with Twitter
going so far as to lock the 200 year-old newspaper out of its own account for over a week, continues to be a major underreported scandal."
Big "O" Has Lost His "MOJO" -- Obama In Miami Holds Event and Almost No One Shows Up -- Only 70 People Watch Online! -- Jimmy Cricket!
That's impressive! Barack Obama is almost getting as big an audience as I get for this blog!
Meet NBC news' Brandy Zadrozny -- the woman in charge of doxxing and destroying Trump supporters -- This was illegal before 2020.
Now it's all the rage.
Treason in America: An overview of the FBI, CIA and matters of 'national security' -- There's a reason they call it the
"Deep" State.
China's Elite-Capture Strategy & The Bidens -- "This 'corruption by proxy,' in which top leaders keep their hands clean while their family
members exploit their association to make fortunes, has been perfected by the 'red aristocracy' in Beijing." What is being exposed now as a result
of the miracle of Joe Biden's crack-cocaine toting, incompetent son, Hunter, is the result of Chinese machinations that go back to the mid-70s.
Pastor Dana Coverstone THE DATA DREAM -- Oct 20, 2020 | The Biden Family -- The latest prophetic dreams from Pastor Coverstone.
Who knows? Maybe the CCP take out Joe Biden and frame the event to blame it on "right wing extremists."
Pat Robertson's Prophecy on 2020 U.S. Presidential Election Results & The Aftermath -- I'm not a Pat Robertson fan.
Don't ask. Let's leave that for another day. Nonetheless, what Pat Robertson was "shown" is amazingly close what I've been picking up
in my own ayahuasca vision quests.
In Bizarre Freudian Slip, Biden Brags About Assembling "Most Extensive Voter Fraud Organization In History" --
It's not his fault. Joe Biden is demon-possessed. He can't help it. These things just come out. Are you ready for Exhibit A? Here goes:
No Signature Match? No Postmark? No Problemo! This Week In Ballot Shenanigans! -- Joe Biden promises massive election fraud.
This may be the only campaign promise he intends to keep.
Source Confirms Election Fraud in Nursing Homes -- Again, Joe Biden delivering on his promise.
- "Just Vote Again": Ballot Shenanigans Rampant In Oregon; Residents Report Receiving Multiple Ballots, Some From
Old Addresses -- Keep 'er comin' with those fake ballots, Joe. Rest assured that Fake Media spewing Fake News are behind
you 100%!
Smoking Gun Evidence: Google Engineers Admit To Manipulating Search Results To Favor Biden -- We already knew this.
It's so super obvious to anyone who does any searching on political issues. But now they're confessing. Or is it bragging?
Sweden Refuses To Impose New Lockdown Measures, Saying People Have Suffered Enough --- Ahhhhhh, the fresh air of pure sanity!
The Damage Russiagate Has Done -- All anybody (if they're a Democrat) has to do to escape accountability and justice for very serious crimes
is to shout "Russia!"
Another 25 citizens pronounced DEAD from the flu shot in Korea -- Hey! Stop bitching about vaccines! Those people were going to die
sooner or later anyway!
Hunter Biden secretly met with Chinese spy in Beijing, asked for mansion and women -- Women. Yeah.
"I'll take a 6 year old, an 8 year old, a 10 year old!"
Beijing using the coronavirus pandemic to expand internet surveillance apparatus -- "Never let a crisis go to waste!"
Luxury retailers in NYC’s trendy SoHo district looted by BLM rioters, owners threatened to keep quiet or be accused of "racism" --
This is more evidence that the whole "racist" thing is just nonsense for the left to promote their agenda. BLM, for example, as I have reported,
is guilty of destroying extensive property of black families and business owners.

October 25, 2020
- Bob Garrison's take on the "final presidential debate" last Thursday night
-- hysterically funny and surprisingly disturbing at the same time --
Bob Garrison is a political cartoonist, similar to that of my late colleague,
David Dees. I'm on his mailing list, because I adore his cartoons, but this
time Mr. Garrison outdid himself on the commentary, which directly ties into the cartoon above. Here we go:
"We watched the entire final debate of the 2020 presidential election, and wow what a difference a debate makes!
We learned that President Trump is really Abraham Lincoln who time traveled to the future to defeat Joe Biden.
We learned that Biden will make face masks mandatory and keep the nation closed until no one has
a sniffle or cold.
We also learned the latest domestic terrorists are Poor Boy sandwiches and should stand down and stay on
your plate, preferably with a pickle.
Joe Biden also told us that Hunter did nothing wrong and the whole laptop controversy is just a "smear job".
Did you know the United States got along great with Hitler? Joe Biden said we were best buds until that
whole WWII misunderstanding.
And finally Joe Biden let the entire country know, in no uncertain terms, that he would get rid of the entire
gas and oil industry.
Even the moderator looked shocked...."
A heroic Gen Z takes 56 secs to set the record straight & point out the obvious:
"If you're a liberal, can't stand Trump, and can't possibly fathom
why anyone would want to vote for him, let me fill you in.
We can't stand you! . . . We are voting for Trump because of YOU!"
October 24, 2020
- We are voting for Trump because of you! -- The young woman above is a Generation Z'er. She systemically lets loose
her entire magazine of ammo in 56 seconds and doesn't even need a reload. It got posted on Sept. 30
-- over three weeks ago -- and although I'd seen it before,
I didn't make mention of it. Now that it's gone viral (over 500,000 hits), it's well worth posting. It doubles-down on what I've been
saying for some time. This election isn't about Trump. It's about "the Children of the Light prevailing over the children of darkness."
It's about triumphing over the satanic.
- A review of the latest from Paul Craig Roberts -- both his own article and referred links:
- WOW! Hunter Biden in Possession of Large 2.8 Carat CCP Diamond From Now Missing China Energy Tycoon -- I think
I preferred Hillary Clinton's style. She just killed political opponents or people who got her way. And she's so efficient about it.
The Clinton Body Count runs to over 50 people -- even more
impressive than the number of people LBJ had taken out -- (see History Channel's "The Guilty Men") -- but the thing about the Clintons is
they're assassins with class. They don't remove their victims watches, or jewelry, or order their gold fillings to be ripped out of
their mouth. No, no, no.
Hunter "Crack Pipe" Biden isn't nearly as classy -- although if his dad gets to be a "faux"
President for a few months (until he's replaced), he'll have more opportunities to perfect his craft. For now, Hunter can't resist the
temptation to steal the jewelry off victims of the Biden Crime Family. Not classy at all.
White Slaves, One of the Many Memory-Holed Facts -- I said the same thing in my 22 minute video from last July. The prevalence of
white slavery over the past 4,000 years is a completely suppressed fact, completely erased from modern education.
Forget coronavirus: there is a true global existential threat that is almost upon us --
"The attention of the world is currently fixed on coronavirus but there is another far more serious danger hurtling towards us in the shape of
Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and robotics." If there's any truth to the Ancient Aliens series -- namely, that humans were originally
created to serve as slaves to an Elite, then it would make sense why the extermination process has been initiated, beginning in 2020:
they don't need us anymore if they have robots and AI that will do the vast majority of what humans do now.
- America's Press Prostitutes Go All Out to Cover Up Documented Biden Father/Son Corruption --
Important links to RT and Fox News confirming articles.
- San Diego School District Announces it Will Eliminate Grading Standards to "Combat Racism" --
That's okay. They weren't teaching the kids anything useful anyway.
The November Presidential Election Will Decide the Fate of White America --
"The November Presidential Election Will Decide the Fate of White America.
If Trump loses, white Americans will become the equivalent of Jews in Nazi Germany." Pretty self-explanatory.
Instagram Is Anti-White & Anti-American -- "Why do white people use social media that is biased against them?"
The Covid-19 Test Is Not a Test for the Presence of the Virus -- "Here are all the scientific facts you need to know."
- By Blocking HCQ, the FDA, PR Agent for Big Pharma, Is Responsible for All Covid Deaths --
"This article explains the money strings Big Pharma has to FDA, a totally corrpt agency whose management and commissioners should be indicted for
mass murder." It isn't just HCQ -- which is just a tiny piece on the tip of the iceberg of FDA corruption.
Covid-19 study on mask-wearing efficacy rejected by journals as no one is 'brave' enough to publish results -- Danish researchers --
"It is impossible to believe that The Lancet, The New England Journal of Medicine, and other medical publications are in the hands of incompetent editors
too stupid to know that the masks most people are wearing cannot prevent the transmission of Covid. Why are allegedly scientific publications participating
in orchestrating a false narrative? Obviously, in the Western World today there is no freedom of inquiry and public debate of policy issues. Facts and
truth have been shoved aside. All explanations are controlled in order to serve elite agendas." Juxtapost this information with the next post:
WOW! Joe Biden Says He Will Mandate Mask Wearing on All Interstate Highways -- in Your Vehicle (VIDEO) -- Again, it's all
The U.S. has been sold to China. It's a "fait accompli" -- The name of this video is actually "Deleting this Soon," and it comes
from a YouTuber called "Riss Flex." Here's her Patreon account. This actually
came to me from a friend with the following note:
"Ladies & Gents --- so if you have read any of the Q posts on 8chan website, you know that Q has stated
many times; this is bigger than you can imagine. As you listen to this video, you will get just a tiny taste of the massive global evil corruption
living in your wallet, and, under your bed. Now you are seeing it. You are seeing just a bit of your real world."
- "This Low Level Trash Isn't Going to Stop Me!" -- Rudy Giuliani Promises to Defeat the Biden Crime Family in Plea to Patriotic
Americans to Get Out and Vote (VIDEO) -- The state of the world hangs in the balance.
Americans Are Panic-Buying Military & Survivalist Gear Two Weeks Before Election -- Golly gee. After what the left has
promised to do to people on its "Trump lists," I can't imagine why.
YouTube Is Selling So Many Political Ads It Has Run Out Of Videos To Place Them On -- Just goes to show you how high the stakes are.
Will Democracy's Myths Doom Liberty? -- "The notion that election results represent the "will of the people" is one of the most shameless
triumphs of democratic propaganda..."
HUGE BREAKING: New Emails from Biden's Brother Show Barack Obama Was In On It -- Of course, he was in on it.
October 23, 2020
October 22, 2020
- A Major Terror Plot Targeting Trump Supporters Has Been Uncovered -- There's no speculation about it.
We WILL see a Civil War after the elections one week from Tuesday. Americans -- particularly those who happen to be white -- will be fighting
for their lives. Don't expect any help from the police or Washington or any other government agency. You're on your own. You saw what happened
in Portland, Seattle, Louisville, Rochester, etc. Ordinary citizens didn't get any help there, either. And just remember as your house and
all your possessions are burning up that CNN will be there with reporters, saying this was the work of "peaceful protesters."
- Mysterious "Donald Trump Watch" Website Reveals Addresses of Local Trump Donors for Antifa and BLM
Terrorist Targeting -- Arm yourself. Nobody in local, state, or federal government is going to do a damn thing to
protect you.
- Judicial Watch Flags 353 Counties Where Registered Voters Exceeds the Population -- This is normal
for an election, right? Read and remember this article the next time CNN or MSNBC comes on with their talking heads and proclaims what
a huge conspiracy theory it is that voter fraud is widespread.
- Atomic bombshell: We have proof that Rothschilds patented Covid-19 biometric tests in 2015 and 2017 -- They've
been playing you all along.
- Obama and Eric Holder are Deeply Involved in Weaponziing Antifa and the Cartels That Will Assist with the CHICOM Red Dawn
Invasion -- Obama spent 8 years laying groundwork. The year 2020 is just the year of implementation.
Don't let the media win this election -- Don't let the mouthpieces for the communists win. I don't care about all this whining about
Trump this and Trump that. Compared to the Luciferian agenda set forth by the left, videos could surface of Trump fucking squirrels on the front lawn
of the White House for all I care. Ultimately, this isn't about Trump, as I've said. It's about preventing a communist takeover of the U.S. to the
detriment of 90% of its citizenry. A vote for Biden is a vote for the destruction of the U.S., first, and the rest of the civilized world thereafter.
There is good in this world and there is evil. Go into a voting booth and pick one.
Senator Feinstein Hates Christians -- Of course, she hates Christians. All the leftists do. Good, honest people are a threat to
establishing a world of pure evil.
- Sam Honnold and Dave Hodges Clearly Demonstrate China's Takeover of Mexico in Preparation for a Red Dawn Invasion --
All those "red dawn" movies were predictive programming. Oh really? You just thought it was fictional Hollywood entertainment? You poor thing, you.
- The Newly Formed Alliance Between Trump & Mexican President AMLO Is Temporarily Blocking a Chinese Led Red Dawn Invasion of
the United States -- And this may be the ONLY thing that slows down the invasion. We'll see.
The Mainstream Media Is Advocating for Secession -- Let 'em. Ship all those worthless BLM and Antifa members to the new outlands. They want
hell, give it to 'em. Let the rest of us live in a free, civil, law-following, God-fearing, constititional republic.
World Economic Forum seeks to enslave Americans by replacing free-market capitalism with "Great Reset" to roll out global socialism --
Vote carefully.
First DEATH reported in AstraZeneca covid-19 vaccine trial, but human experimentation will continue anyway -- Again, the vaccines have
nothing to do with supporting human health.
Pope Francis endorses LGBTQ marriage in new documentary film -- Father Malachi Martin
was correct. The Vatican has become a hotbed of satanic activity. The Pope is infallible? I guess so. Infallibily committed to Luciferianism.
Keith Olbermann calls for President Trump to receive "death penalty" -- The left is insanely violent towards those people who disagree
with their agenda. It's a component of demonic possession.
Mike Cernovich: It's time to declare Big Tech to be terrorist organizations and seize their servers to shut them down --
Big Tech has become an invasion force, working to help destroy the country. They're enemy combatants. Take them out.
Facebook hires Chinese communists with H-1B visas to build "hate speech" algorithms to censor Americans -- Again, they're enemy
Joe Biden linked to "hundreds of millions of dollars" in money laundering schemes -- All hail the "Racketeer-in-Chief"!
Liberal publication 'The New Republic' calls for total abolishment of the U.S. Constitution -- And that's just the beginning.
Former NYPD commissioner: I've seen Hunter's hard drive, the Bidens 'belong in handcuffs' -- At a bare minimum.
Senate Demands Hunter Biden Turn Over 'Bank Records, Wire Transfers, Account Balances And Travel Records' By Friday --
I don't know about this one. Can Hunter really put down his crack pipe long enough to pull this together by tomorrow?
- --
Trump: "Bias, hatred, and rudeness": Posts the full, raw 60 Minutes interview --
"Gonna have an interview just so you can help promote Biden? Ok, well . . . f*** you and the horse you rode in on."
'Worst Is Yet To Come' -- Retailers Fortify Stores As Election Chaos Nears -- "Hey, Jimmy? How many automatic weapons do you have
positioned near the front of the store to take out BLM terrorists when they break into the store? Is the wood chipper ready so we have a way
to process the dead bodies?"
Everything Is Staged -- "Staging is no substitute for reality. The frauds, cons and scams are failing to keep the simulacrum
world glued together..."
Kamala Harris, Schumer, Cuomo And Feinstein Listed As 'Key Contacts' For Biden-China Joint Venture --
"My, oh my, there's a whole lot of pols with the hands in the cookie jar on this one."
Rudy Giuliani Describes Alleged Underage Material On Hunter Biden's Laptop -- "Out-and-out child pornography." It won't be illegal for
long. If Biden gets in, we'll soon see a day when pedophilia is not only legal, but encouraged.
USA Today Refused To Publish Hunter Biden Scandal Op-Ed, So Here It Is -- "Big Tech shot itself in the foot, and it didn't stop the signal..."
- NPR Defends Child Abuser: Refuses to Report on Biden Crime Family Scandals and Sexual Abuse of Children --
Well, you know what I say. If you're going to be a scum sucking, Luciferian, seriously psychotic, violent, chronic child abuser, at least be proud of it.
Stop hiding and just come out with it, "I'm a proud member of the Democratic Party and I think to super cool to torture and f*** little kids.
So do my friends in the mainstream media and Big Tech! Yeah!"
- 'Rally Tally' Update -- Former VP Biden Is So Far Behind President Trump in Attendance and Enthusiasm Even
Crooked Hillary Far Outpaced Him -- The amount of fraud is going to have to be astronomical for Mr. Dementia to pull this off.
"They will throw their silver into the streets, and their gold will be treated as a thing unclean.
Their silver and gold will not be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD's wrath. It will not satisfy their hunger or
fill their stomachs, for it has caused them to stumble into sin."
Ezekiel 7:19
Bible (NIV)
October 19-21, 2020
- "Then we'll cut the food supply / And watch the masses as they die." -- It's
a line from my latest video, "People are still having sex (2020 upgrade", and wouldn't you know that articles are pouring onto the internet
that strangely appear as if food shortages are being engineered. (Shut up, Conspiracy Theorist!) Here are a few examples that have surfaced over the
past couple weeks:
U.S. Crop Report Signals Worsening Global Food-Insecurity Crisis| -- This was widely reported after it came out
earlier this month. So -- yeah -- mainstream. It's part of Luciferian ethos: they have to warm you before they starve you. It makes their
cruelty more fun.
Food Shortages Hit China: There Is "Not... Enough Fresh Food To Go Around" --
"China is publicly acknowledging a coming food shortage." It's actually happening the world over. And like Global Warming, it's all "our fault."
(How dare you!)
Million New Yorkers Can't Afford Food As Hunger Crisis Worsens -- Maybe colleges can start offering courses in breatharianism.
Corn-0-cide: CORN SHORTAGE: Grand Solar Minimum Kills Crops (New Study) -- (Ice Age Farmer), Over 50k views. The shortages are real.
You're cheating youreself if you
don't spend the 16 minutes to watch this video. Posted Oct. 16. Brace yourself. If you don't believe in the severity of this,
take the time to read through the hundreds of comments from viewers, many of them growers and gardeners.
- 'Syndemic' COVID-20 needs 'Social Vaccine' as global food shortage begins --
Almost 37k views. Posted Oct. 19. You are now competing with governments for the storage of dwindling food supplies. They just love us so much!
BTW -- Reflecting on the quote from Ezekiel above, I'm wondering if we shouldn't be calling it a SIN-demic.
Professor Valentina Zharkova's 'expanded' analysis still confirms Super Grand Solar Minimum GRAND (2020-2055) --
Don't listen NASA on this issue. (Remember that NASA is Hebrew for deception). This grand solar minimum isn't going away any time soon.
Censorship, Isolation Camps, Food Supply Attacks & End of Animal Agriculture -- Posted 4 days ago -- also by Ice Age Farmer.
"The Ice Age Farmer discord server was deleted for "spreading misinformation," as big tech censorship ramps up. Canada is building isolation camps
as speculation about a COVID21 fueled lockdown grows. China bans farming of most wild animals, as Walmart forces its suppliers to "decarbonize" --
both of which aim to end animal agriculture. Christian breaks it down."
article notes that go with this video release. (In fact, most of Christian's videos have corresponding articles and/or notes on his
website, Ice Age Farmer.)
October 13-18, 2020
- These are the most important posts I've seen over the past five days. ~~ GC
- BREAKING: -- Trump Set To Release Proof Of Hunter Biden Raping & Torturing Children In ChiCom Blackmail
Scheme -- Share This Bombshell Report! -- Alex Jones breaks down the bombshell developments surrounding Hunter Biden's hard drive,
which allegedly contain thousands of images and videos of extremely obscene material, including Hunter raping and torturing underage Chinese girls.
President Trump is reportedly in possession of Hunter’s hard drive and is preparing to release it to the public.
Alex Jones: Saturday Broadcast: Trump has footage of Hunter Biden raping and torturing -- It's really unbelievable.
Now, of course, Big Tech, the mainstream media, and the Democratic Party estasblishment won't talk about this because they're are ostensibly
pro-pedophilia, pro-child-rape, pro-child-torture, pro ritualistic, satanic child sacrifice. The sky's the limit. Now that these things
have come out on video and hundreds of photographs, one can only imagine what Biden's apologists will say to justify it.
- Biggest Scandal in US History! Biden Caught With His Hand in the Cookie Jar! His Chances of Being Elected Are Now Zero --
Well, maybe. Arguably, Biden is now not even eligible to receive a Confidential security clearance. (My security clearance was Top Secret SI when
I was in the Navy working for NavSecGru, so I know a little about that world.) On the other hand, do the rules even matter anymore?
After all, the previous president was born in Kenya (not Hawaii), which would make him ineligible to even run for president, and the first lady was a
chick with a dick. So -- yeah -- Democrats live by the edict "rules were meant to be broken." We'll see.
Chinese whistleblower reveals Hunter Biden "sex tapes" contain video of Joe Biden's son sexually ABUSING multiple under-age Chinese teens --
If you're a member of a political party that exalts demonic possession, having candidates who run around fucking little kids isn't a negative.
It's something you're proud of. Still think this is our grandparents' Democratic Party?
If Biden wins, the election is NULL AND VOID because of Facebook, Twitter, Google and YouTube election interference --
With Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google now conspiring to censor all the bombshell breaking news about the Hunter Biden / Joe Biden crime family,
we can now declare the upcoming election to be null and void if Biden wins. Why? Because the elections process of our constitutional republic depends on
fair and free elections taking place, which means people must have the freedom to read the news, debate ideas and share ideas without politically
motivated interference and censorship from the techno-tyrants, the speech monopolists who decide what you're allowed to say. The coordinated, malicious
blocking of the NY Post investigative journalism stories on Hunter Biden's emails and Joe Biden's complicity with Ukraine and China constitute
illegal election interference.
Is there any topic that Big Tech won't censor? -- These Big Tech companies have behaved with such treason that they should be sued out of
Facebook, Twitter censoring bombshell Biden story because their executives work for his transition team -- There are no longer any
moral or ethical values that trump selling out your country for a big payday.
Former FDA head says lockdowns are no longer necessary, as growing number of public health officials scramble to regain public trust --
Nor were they necessary 7 months ago. Read David Stockman's 30 page report in the link below.
VIDEO: Trump forcefully calls for end of Section 230 protections for Big Tech after censorship wave -- Should have happened a year ago.
WHO finally admits lockdowns are harmful, "doubling" global poverty -- They knew this from the beginning. It was part of the plan.
- "Emergency in the Heavens" -- We're in
big trouble. BIG TROUBLE. It wasn't an exaggeration when I subtitled my 2018 book, "Global corruption, the supremacy of fake,
and reflections on near-term human extinction." Mass numbers of species of birds are dropping out of the sky and dying.
Whales are performing mass suicides in Australia, beaching themselves. The loss of vital insect populations continues
We're living on a dying planet. It's not an exaggeration.
5G is ramping up the extermination to ever greater heights while the dumbass technies are
jumping up and down because their internet is or will be significantly faster. For the sake of a faster download, people are willing to
destroy the planet. You know -- this isn't a right or left issue. You cannot attach a particular party or political affiliation to this
because the whores on both sides of the aisle endorse it. Please read Arthur Firstenberg's newsletter above. Please.
- David Stockman: Dump Trump: Why Conservatives Should Punt on November 3rd --
This is only the third in a five part series.
It's basically 30 pages of Stockman holding Trump accountable for
cooperating with the enemy to make the CoVid disaster possible. Where I disagree with Stockman is that although it is
inarguable that Trump cooperated with the very swamp he swore to drain, the coming election isn't about Trump. Even I can
make a compelling argument that after this CoVid nonsense, Trump doesn't deserve to be elected -- again -- to country dog catcher.
But this election really isn't about Trump.
It's about keeping the Bolsheviks from taking over the country and destroying what's
left of it. This isn't about the better of two men. It's about the better of two political factions' positions. Even if Trump is just another
puppet of the Elite, he puts a curb on their Satanic excesses. Biden will do no such thing. He will, as it were, joyfully oversee
their satanic rituals. If Biden wins, within a year, millions of Americans will be asking themselves, how could we have been so stupid?
- Actor Randy Quaid Defends Trump, Asks Americans: "Is this the way America goes -- from George Washington to
George Soros -- from "oceans white with foam" to a "Socialist swamp?" -- "Former Hollywood actor, Randy Quaid makes no secret of his
support for President Trump. He frequently posts about draining the DC Swamp on his popular Twitter account." Randy cracks me up.
Trump RIPS Biden as a Puppet of the Marxist Left -- Forget Trump. Any fool can see that Biden is a brain-dead Marxist puppet. He
would be a presidential seat holder for far more nefarious forces who are NOT suffering dementia (unfortunately).
"I'm Shocked That This Man Has ANY Sort of Podium -- He's Been Wrong So Many Times" --
Top US Doctor UNLOADS on Crazy Dr. Fauci -- (Plus Fauci's 19 Mistakes) -- I said it 7 months ago. He's nothing but a NWO clown.
- ELECTION FRAUD: Pennsylvania Rejects 334,000 Duplicate Ballots Already -- Kentucky Reports Bins
of Ballots Discarded -- Trump will need to get 75% of the popular vote to win with all the Democrat election fraud. And it's just
getting started.
Trump Says He Won't Force Americans To Take COVID-19 Vaccine -- He has to have his feet held to the fire on this one.
The Media Is Now Openly Pushing Secession As The Election Nears -- It's becoming increasingly clear to even mainstream media outlets that
things are unlikely to return to "normal" after the 2020 election.
WHO Warns Millennials May Not Receive COVID-19 Vaccine Until 2022 -- Maybe some enterprising millennials can push the date to
- Hyperinflation Is Here --
It's on our doorstep.
"Attempted Robbery" -- Security Guard Assigned To Ballot Box Shot In Baltimore -- "Either you let us cheat or we'll kill you."
The Catch-22 of Woke Racism And Other Absurdities -- "So, just to be clear, if you confront someone else for being racist,
then you're racist. But if you don't confront them, then you're also racist."
Fall Enrollment Slides As Coronavirus Threatens Higher-Education Bubble -- Let those human Marxist manufacturing plants
burn in hell. Send them all to hell. Higher education in the States is an grand exercise in mass-induced neurotoxicity. Rich in leftist propaganda.
Poor in useful skills.
Why Is The FBI's Top Child Porn Lawyer Involved In Hunter Biden Laptop Case? -- Could have something to do with the fact that leftists
feel it's their fundamental right to go around and fuck little kids.
Why Are So Many Americans Suddenly Relocating, Buying Guns, & Storing-Up Huge Quantities Of Food? -- Maybe some citizens don't like
getting sodomized by their politicians. Maybe some people prefer to live someplace that feels safer.
Fauci Tells Americans To "Bite The Bullet And Sacrifice" Thanksgiving -- "Americans tell Fauci to go f*** himself."
Biden advocates 'gender change' for children -- "Mommy, can I get my dick chopped off, too?"
October 12, 2020
- "People Are Still Having Sex -- 2020 Upgrade" -- Ok, I admit it. This is a little unusual,
even for me. But with the most important election of any of our lifetimes just three weeks away, I had to find a new
way to communicate what we know so far. Post comments in the respective platforms (it's on YouTube, Brighteon, and
Bitchute) if "the spirit moves you."
The "truth lyrics" are here.
Mark of the Beast®
October 8-10, 2020
- The Microchip Is HERE: DARPA Biochip to "Save" Us from COVID Can Control Human DNA --
PCR points out that this sounds outright Biblical. It's reached a point of obviousness where they might as well come right out and
be clean with it. I wonder. Has anybody trademarked "Mark of the Beast"? If not, they should. That's what this is.
Calif. doctor successfully cures 1,700 COVID-19 patients / zero deaths / CoVid pandemic a complete scam --
"We don't need a vaccine. We cure this. Why would you need a vaccine? We don't need somebody who's not on the front line,
who doesn't have a medical degree (i.e. Bill Gates) telling us what we need to be doing!"
Deep Inside the Satanic Cabal, World Agenda, Leadership Structure, Rituals w/ Jessie Czebotar -- You only thought you lived
in a dark world and you're "overlords" were nefarious. It's much, much worse than that.
- OMG! NO ONE Is Showing Up to Biden-Harris Events and NO ONE Is Watching Online -- Biden-Harris Have Only 3% of President
Trump's Online Viewership -- "Socia media patterns show Trump is looking at a landslide victory --
The 2020 campaign is shaping up to become one of the most lopsided elections in history. The media wants us to believe Biden is ahead in the
polls but the President Trump is crushing Biden in events and viewership, in person and online."
Vladimir Putin Ties Democrats to Soviet Communists and Says He Would Be Happy to Work with Joe Biden
-- "Vladimir Putin told Rossiya TV this
week that US Democrats remind him of the Soviet Communists. He also said he would be happy to work with Joe Biden." Wait a minute. I thought
the Russians were behind Trump. LOL
Joe Biden Again Says Voters Don't Deserve to Know If He Will Pack the Supreme Court -- This reminds me of idiot, Nancy
Pelosi's comment, "we can't see what's inside the bill until we pass it."
Joe Biden Misreads Teleprompter and Calls for $15 Million Minimum Wage (VIDEO) -- Come on. Cut this guy some slack.
It's not like Biden got his Doctorate in Mathematics from MIT.
- Mike Pompeo Says He Has Hillary Clinton's Deleted Emails and Will Begin Releasing Them Before Election Day --
We'll see. I have reason to have doubts.
Archbishop Orders Altar Removed and Burned Following "Demonic" Sex Act in Church -- Leftists and their demonic breathren
take delight in whatever defiles that with upright and decent. We're going to be seeing a LOT more of this.
- "You've Got to Usher Out God to Usher in Immorality -- And That's What's Happening" -- Jason Whitlock on Godless
BLM Movement in Sports (VIDEO) -- More people have to stand up and say what the rest of us are thinking.
- MORE FRAUD: New Hampshire Voters Receive Fake Ballots in the Mail with Personal Note --
Republican Attorney General Issues Warning -- "Cheating their way to success." Not sure this is the democratic process the
Founding Fathers had in mind.
Keith Olbermann: 'Trump and His Supporters Must Be Prosecuted, Convicted and Removed From Our Society' -- I talk a lot
about modern Democrats and the prevalence of demonic possession. Olbermann is a good example.
50 Richest Americans Now Worth More Than Poorest 165 Million -- As I point out in The Joys of Psychopathocracy (2017),
this is actually what the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" in 1901 "predicted." Well, "predicted" is the wrong word, because it has been
an engineered event.
Doug Casey On What Happens After The Election -- "Whenever a really radical group takes over -- and the Democrats are serious radicals
-- they try to cement themselves in power. I've explained my reasons for believing the Democrats are going to win, and it only takes a small number of
people working as a cadre to do it. I'd like to discuss what happens next."
Operation Moonshot: UK Says Weekly COVID Tests Could Offer "Passport To Freedom" -- People who said this was going to happen were
called "conspiracy theorists." Now it's happening.
Space Helmet Muzzle Launched Just-In-Time For 'New Normal' Travel -- Take a look. It's beyond ridiculous. If you think these
ridiculous masks are over the top, these are orders of magnitude worse.
The Stage Has Been Set For A Historic National Meltdown -- "Everything that our forefathers worked so hard to build is at risk, and we are
getting very, very close to crossing the point of no return.
Global Food Prices Rise As Famine Threat Emerges -- Food shortages are being engineered, as I've reported earlier.
Expect to see a lot more signs of looming famines.
October 4-7, 2020
Crimes Against Humanity -- "This is the most diabolical scheme ever hatched, in the entire history of humanity.
Not only must it be stopped, but put in the NEVER AGAIN category." (from the comment section). Tort lawyers smell blood in the water.
We'll see how far they get. The next post is tied to this:
Attorney: Fake PCR Test Created Fake Covid-19 Pandemic Scandal / Dr. Fuellmich announces an International network of lawyers will argue the biggest
tort case in world history. -- There is no punishment a court could mete out that would sufficiently satisfy the payment for what
these evil bastards have done.
- An International Group of Lawyers Have Brought a Lawsuit that the Covid Pandemic Is an Orchestrated Hoax in Behalf of
Pharmaceutical Profits and Police State Control -- "My opinion is that a class action lawsuit is justified. However, the damages that the
pandemic hoax has inflicted on the world are so enormous that those responsible will double down on the police state measures in order to prevent any legal
action against them. They cannot afford to accept any accountability. The most likely scenario is that the whore media will cover for them.
The attorneys and scientists who are exposing the hoax can be prevented from having media coverage and if necessary be arrested or assassinated."
(Strong words coming from PCR.)
Joe Biden Proves How Lucid He Is: Without A Teleprompter, Script Or Interrupting Staffer -- I'm sure some people thought I was
being cruel when I said Biden was gone and ready for hospice care. This video of recent unscripted video proves it. I've seen Alzheimer's
patients more lucid than this. Check it out before YouTube gets a call from a communist, leftist on Buzzfeed's payroll and takes it down.
Michael Thau explains in layman's words why more than 90% of Covid tests are false positives -- How many times and in how
many ways do you have to say it? It's a total bullshit test.
Caitlin Concludes, Correctly, that the Presstitutes Have Gone Insane -- "Caitlin Concludes, Correctly, that the Presstitutes
Have Gone Insane or perhaps they never were sane."
OBEY OR ELSE: New England Journal of Medicine says people refusing MANDATORY coronavirus vaccines should be
severely punished, locked in their homes and fired from their jobs -- "The New England Journal of Medicine, the same fake science rag that
committed total fraud to dishonestly smear hydroxychloroquine and protect the interests of vaccine companies, is now saying that all human beings must
be forced to take mandatory vaccines. Those who refuse should face severe punishment, the NEJM insists, and insidious measures should be pursued to make
sure no one can challenge the punishments in a court of law." The NEJM has been so totally discredited, that I'm surprised anyone would read it anymore.
Read my article: Officlal "Medical Science" in Retreat.
- Why did the previously burnt New England Journal of Medicine endorse a police state measure? --
PCR gives his take on the previous news tidbit: "Why did the previously burnt New England Journal of Medicine endorse a police state measure?
It's a Good Bet that the Author of this Paper Is on Big Pharma's Payroll"
Democrats Have Crossed the Line from Corruption to Treason. Will civil war be the result? -- PCR's take on the latest
on the Democrats' communist takeover plot.
The left is working to destroy your right to defend yourself against the mob -- Murder is now acceptable, as long as your a rioting terrorist.
Over 2,000 Mail-In Ballots in LA County Have 1 Fatal Flaw: There's No Way To Vote for President -- "We will cheat and we
will cheat and we won't stop cheating -- until we get exactly what we want." Ben Franklin famely said, "Democracy is two wolves and a sheep,
voting on what's for dinner." Leftist have their own version: "Democracy is two illegals and an actual, tax-paying citizen, voting on what do
to do with the money."
Twitter Originated as a Subversive Platform to Deconstruct America -- Like most of Big Tech, corrupt to the core.
October 3, 2020
- I was going to wait for more email feedback before reposting, but this is too urgent not to post. See below :
PCR: Are they murdering Trump? -- "It looks as if the Establishment has found a way to assassinate Trump! Why didn't
Trump call in Dr. Vladimir Zelenko from New York or Dr. Didier Raoult from France?!" One of two things is going on here, in my opinion.
Either Trump is being murdered as we speak (if he isn't already dead), OR he comes through this just fine and then this provides a bullshit
testimonial for the phony drugs he's supposedly taking. Here is the original Jon Rappoport article:
To Dr. Scott Atlas: Walter Reed doctors are endangering Trump's life -- We're all being played.
- And there's more -- See follow up articles on this subject
on Jon's home page.
- Follow up comment: -- If Trump -- the 45th and last legitimately elected president of the country -- (it's all cheating
from here on out) -- then we will have witnessed the "bookending" of the United States' history, from beginning to end, with the very same
phenomenon. George Washington
died an excruciating death at the hand of his incompetent physicians -- doctors who are as every bit as incompetent as the physicians
treating Donald Trump now. Washington's death came from being pumped full of mercury (caromel) and antimony potassium tartrate, while being
systemically bled to death. If Trump dies, as explained in Rappoport's article, it will be because he was administrated a dangerous cocktail
of new experimental drugs that haven't even been properly tested yet. Insane.
"Bookending" is normally a literary tool. But sometimes truth (real life) is stranger than fiction,
but still imitates it. If Paul Craig Roberts' and Jon Rappoport's fears are realized, we will have had our first and last legitimate presidents
murdered through iatrogenesis, death by doctoring. It is not without good cause that more than eleven years ago,
I wrote that ours is the Age of Iatrogenesis, and 2020 has
only demonstrated that in spades.
Trump Urges Stimulus Deal Via Tweet As MSM Reports His Condition "Far More Dire" Than White House Says -- Hard to tell.
Fake news will tell you anything to fit its political agenda. So it's wait and see.
Trump "Doing Very Well", Is "Fever-Free" And "Improving", Doctors Say -- Somebody's lying. Big time.
October 1-2, 2020
- I've been covering the "scams" of 2020 now for eight months of daily postings.
I'm taking a few days to collect feedback, as I am now contemplating to a move
to weekly posts. If you would like me to continue these posts on a daily basis, write to me at greg@gregcaton.com.
Additionally, if you feel that there are critical areas of the news, relative to this topic,
that you feel I have inadequately covered or need to cover, please write and inform me of
this as well.
Legal Disclaimer: -- This links and comments on this page are intended
to stimulate debate on issues related to the Coronavirus phenomenon of 2020. Since this debate incorporates varying
points of view, readers are cautioned to use their own judgement in whatever they read. Nothing here should be
regarded as a substitute for seeking out professional medical care if and when needed. Nor are any of the comments
here intended to inhibit readers from getting timely testing by authorized practitioners when needed.
Any products mentioned, whether
pharmaceutical or natural, are cited as being in the Coronavirus public debate. However, the page is not intended
to provide products that are meant to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.
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2 Oct 2020 @ 12:00 am