November, 2020
Picking up from October
-- this is the tenth month we've been following the Great Hoaxes of 2020. First, it was the CoVid scamdemic, then
the highly orchestrated BLM / Antifa social unrest, now we're facing the results of the U.S. 2020 election and its
immediate aftermath.
Coronavirus® & Other Scams of 2020
News & Developments for November
 his is now the tenth month I've been maintaining this 2020 blog.
This month, the focus is on the election on November 3rd and it's immediate aftermath. It just may be the most
chaotic in the history of the United States -- if not the world.
 If you've been following so far, you realize that there really is some kind of
global awakening taking place, as more and more people realize that the year 2020 is bringing is the greatest, global
psy-op in the history of our species.
 I ended last month summarizing developments: most people now know that the mask wearing is all about
human subjugation and control, since they do absolutely nothing to prevent you from getting a viral infection, and, in fact, they do the
opposite. Specifically, they impede your ability to breath properly and expel CO2, cellular debris, and other toxins. Strangely, as more
and more people wake up to this, calls for more stringent measures to make mask-free human living illegal only grow louder from the
Deep State.
 More and more people also realize that what we are witnessing is nothing more than a great
battle between --- as Archbishop Carlos Maria Viganó of the Catholic Church puts it --
"the children of the Light and the children of the dark."
November 30, 2020
Why Does the Liberal Media Refuse To Report Meaningful Data on Covid? -- Answer: because CoVid was a pre-engineered medical
ruse for a globalist world conquest that has been on the drawing board for more than 200 years.
- Phill Kline: 2020 Election One of the Most Lawless in US History -- A former state attorney general
whose group is involved in election-related litigation in battleground states said Saturday that he believes the 2020 election was lawless.
"I think that this was one of the most lawless elections in U.S. history.
That lawlessness has made it difficult for people to have faith in the election results." Ya think?
Situation Update -- Nov. 28th -- ART OF WAR: How Trump won the election BEFORE Nov. 3rd. Now it's just playing out for
all to see -- I'm not convinced, as is Mike Adams, that Trump is a super-genius that masterminded this whole thing.
Of course, I could be wrong. Regardless, we'll know the truth before January 20th. Here is Part II.
- MICHIGAN WITNESS: I Saw the Detroit Plan to Destroy All Provisional Ballots, Hurt Republicans (VIDEO) --
These credible witness reports of voter fraud are now a daily affair.
- "I'm Going to Use 125% of My Energy to Do It" -- President Trump Vows to Reveal Massive Voter Fraud and Overturn Results
in 2020 Election (VIDEO) -- Yeah, well, let's hope. Because the results of this fraudulent election need to be altered bigly.
Now that Election is Over Quack Dr. Fauci Says It's OK to Open Schools After All -- From the very begin, CoVid was politically driven.
Sidney Powell: The #KrackenOnSteroids Team Is Also Looking at Election Fraud in Virginia -- This election fraud is like
a runaway metastasizing cancer.
- If GOP Leaders Refuse to FIGHT NOW -- Trump Supporters Will Abandon GOP and It Will Cease to Exist! --
Attorney Lin Wood Goes Off on Weak-Kneed GOP 'Leaders' -- Then there may be no one left to represent the interests of the People.
- "Officials Had Something to Hide" -- There is Enough "Preponderance of Evidence" to "Doubt the Result" --
Democrat Elections Observer Weighs in On Corrupt Georgia Vote -- Now evident to all who care to look at the evidence.
Situation Update, Nov. 29th -- 305th Military Intelligence Battalion is "Kraken" -- Latest update from Mike Adams.
Full transcript of bombshell interview: Gen. Michael Flynn, Gen. Thomas McInerney with Brannon Howse -- Identity of KRAKEN revealed --
"Brannon Howse of World View Report broadcast an interview yesterday morning, featuring Gen. Michael Flynn with his first public comments since
he was pardoned by President Trump."
US, UK governments to deploy cyber warfare weapons against anyone questioning the propaganda about covid-19 vaccines --
Can't interfere with a eugenics program this big to depopulate the earth, now can we?
Mark of the beast? UN rolls out biometric digital ID wallet and passport -- They can't roll it out fast enough.
Bombshell video: Young internet sleuth reveals evidence from PA gov website showing over 23K PA ballots were filled out and returned before they were
ever mailed to voters (and MORE) -- It's actually amazing how many angles they had to use to cheat from to get the numbers where they
wanted them.
The Lockdown In Queensland Is a Beta Test for the Beginning of the End of the United States -- It's horrific what
they're pulling off in Australia.
November 29, 2020
The United States military deployed the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (above, left)
to the Persian Gulf in order to provide cover for withdrawing troops who are leaving
Iraq and Afghanistan, according to CNN. The Nimitz is seen left passing the
Strait of Hormuz on September 18, 2020
November 28, 2020
Jerome Corsi Supreme Court Disallows Statistical Anomalous States Trump Wins in House -- Starts at 1:07.
Riveting. Good analysis of where we are today. Posted on the 25th, but still extremely current.
INTERVIEW: Jeffrey Prather lays out how Trump, the DoD and Chris Miller DEFEAT the deep state traitors and save America --
Came out late yesterday, Natural News.
The CoVid Pandemic Scam in a Nutshell -- Runs 20 minutes. If this doesn't wake people up, nothing will.
- Vermont Governor Directs Schools To Interrogate Students About Their Family's Thanksgiving Activities --
Good thing I wasn't a student and nobody asked ME that question: "We had 500 friends and family over for a massive Thanksgiving dinner.
Nobody wore masks. Nobody practiced social distancing. About 25 people were coughing because they had CoVid. But everything was
great, 'cause nobody died. Cops were happy 'cause Dad paid 'em off. So, Teach, what else ya wanna know?"
- ANOTHER FUN FRAUD FACT: All 900 Military Ballots in Fulton County, Georgia Went to Sleepy Joe Biden
-- NOT A CHANCE IN HELL! -- It's gotten beyond ridiculous.
Situation Update -- Nov. 27th -- DoD vs. CIA firefight in Frankfurt as covert war against the deep state RAGES across the globe --
Damn -- this is from Natural News. One juicy excerpt: "As you know by now, the DoD launched a raid on a CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany,
to secure servers that contain proof of CIA interference with the 2020 election (i.e. backdoor manipulations of election results via Dominion voting
machines). But new information is now surfacing that indicates there was a firefight at the server farm facility, involving US Army Special Forces
units, engaging with CIA-trained paramilitary units that were flown in from Afghanistan in an emergency effort to defend the facility.
One CIA officer was killed during the firefight, and he is now being reported across the mainstream media as
being "killed in Somalia." Five US Army soldiers were also killed, and they are being explained away as dying in a "helicopter crash" in Egypt.
Despite the deaths, the servers were successfully acquired by the DoD, and those servers were turned over to
President Trump's private intelligence group, which is now once again led by Gen. Michael Flynn, recently pardoned and now allowed to process top secret
information, since his security clearance has been restored."
Read the rest. It's all in "Oh my God!" territory. I hope it is substantially true.
Full transcript: Brannon Howse interview with General Thomas Mclnerney -- 2020 election was "largest cyberwarfare attack
on a democracy in history" -- More mind-blowing revelations.
Tyrant New Mexico Gov. Grisham using pandemic as excuse to starve citizens by ordering food stores closed --
I told you this was coming. I talked about it my video (see top of this page).
ANALYSIS: Communist China used Dominion, Sequoia voting platforms to seize control of American elections -- Not Russia?
I'm soooo disappointed!
New York Times admitted in 2018 that Dominion voting machines are hackable -- In the minds of the left, truth only exists if it
fulfills their political agenda.
Bombshell study reveals that mainstream media suppression of eight key issues led to Biden victories in key battleground states --
And still no mention of Russia.
Insanity: Doctors now warning that the coming COVID-1984 vaccine will 'put you down' the side effects are so bad, but insist you take it twice
anyway -- You need make YOUR personal contribution to population reduction. Gates and Fauci will be very disappointed if you don't.
Microsoft's "ElectionGuard" a Trojan Horse for takeover of American elections -- And still no Russians.
Explosive tag-team interview: Gary Heavin, Steve Quayle and Mike Adams join Sheila Zilinsky to cover transhumanism vaccines, domestic
warfare and the global GENOCIDE agenda against humanity -- Here is the
direct link to the 1:25:05 interview on the
Sheila Zilinsky show. It's entitled DECEMBER DEADLY SURPRISE & COVID 2.0.
November 27, 2020
CDC's Thanksgiving Demands Would Turn the Holiday Into a Depressing and Isolating Event -- Well, Thanksgiving was yesterday and
most people did they want, CDC be damned. The point here being, if the leftists have their way, we will never celebrate a national holiday
in a normal way again. We will be treated, by consent, like the sheep they want us to be.
- This was sent by a good friend: (with some minor editing)
Ladies & Gents,
Be aware and prepared. The major debt crisis that Martin Armstrong's Socrates quantum computer projects
will be in 2022. Will that coincide with Klaus Schwab's planned default on global debt? With bare subsistence universal incomes and the
confiscation of all your assets? Defaults are what caused the Great Depression, 1929-30.
But we love accuracy & precision on predictions, yes?
Socrates quantum computer date for the start of a major debt crisis and the implosion of US govt.,
as we know it: 3/14/2022. Astrology predicts implosion of US. govt as we know it per U.S. Pluto return: 2/22/2022.
Accuracy is 80% - 100% track record based on decades and centuries of predictive outcomes.
Now you know.
Situation Update - Nov. 26th - Flynn in place, DoD aligned, rendition flights ACTIVE -- (Mike Adams). Just out. You might also want to hear
the update for Nov. 25th, posted below.
- BREAKING: KRAKEN RELEASED! Attorney Sidney Powell Files 104 Page BOMBSHELL COMPLAINT of Massive Fraud in Georgia Election --
Update: Michigan too -- See Defending the Republic
to see legal documents. Extremely powerful and I'm not even all the way through. If this was the only post I made today, it would be enough.
- Georgia Lawsuit: Witness Testifies About Use of Different Paper For 'Counterfeit' Ballots, 'Watermark Solid Grey Instead of Transparent'
-- 100% For Joe Biden -- There's that watermark issue coming up again. Is the watermarked ballots a trump card that the incumbent is holding?
We'll see.
- Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Spent on Dominion Voting Machines in Numerous Swing States Before 2020 Election --
This shows you the level of planning that went into this sham election.
Pot Calling The Kettle Black: Cuomo Calls Police Who Don't Enforce Covid Orders DICTATORS -- Hypocrisy and
reverse projection are the most salient characteristics of the left. Half of America doesn't have a problem with this.
From Scott Adams the Creator of Dilbert -- "The Official [Democrat] Election Narrative -- It's Crackin'" --
This card castle of monumental election lies, fraud, and deceit is falling like the mountainous mortgage default swaps of 2008. BOOM!
A Letter to President Trump: "We Enter This Battle with You, Mr. President with God's Help -- If We Perish, We Perish" --
I recently sent a letter to a friend where I told him I felt like Samson:
The Philistine kings met together to celebrate and offer a great sacrifice to their god Dagon.
They sang, "Our god has given us victory over our enemy, Samson!" They were enjoying themselves, so they said, "Call Samson, and let's make
him entertain us!"
When they brought Samson out of the prison, they made him entertain them and made him stand between the
pillars. When the people saw him, they sang praise to their god: "Our god has given us victory over our enemy, who devastated our land and killed so
many of us!"
Samson said to the boy who was leading him by the hand, "Let me touch the pillars that hold up the building.
I want to lean on them." The building was crowded with men and women. All five Philistine kings were there, and there were about 3,000 men and women
on the roof, watching Samson entertain them. Then Samson prayed, "Sovereign LORD, please remember me; please, God, give me my strength just once more,
so that with this one blow I can get even with the Philistines for putting out my two eyes."
So Samson took hold of the two middle pillars holding up the building. Putting one hand on each pillar, he
pushed against them and shouted, "Let me die with the Philistines!"
He pushed with all his might, and the building fell down on the five kings and everyone else. Samson killed more
people at his death than he had killed during his life.
Judges 16:23-30 GNB
This is how those who shame you about wearing masks and
social distancing spend THEIR free time! Wake the hell up.
You're being played for an idiot! Read article below.
- Doctor Who Demanded Mandatory Mask Law Pictured Partying Maskless on Boat Surrounded by Bikini-Clad Women --
They're playing you. This shows you that they don't even take their own silly CoVid rules seriously. They're fucking Nazis.
Grow some balls and tell them to take their stupid lockdown rules and stick it where the moon don't shine.
- More Suspicious Elections Absentee Data from Detroit: 36% of Absentee Ballots Returned Were From People Who Were Not Listed as
Being Sent an Absentee Ballot -- The fraud was so great, we may never go deeper than scratching the surface.
- BOOM! Unsupervised Election Workers Messed with Voting Machines in Georgia After False Claim of Water Main Break Sent People Home --
ALL CAUGHT ON VIDEO -- Just one fraudulent scheme after another.
- Giuliani Points Out Major Problem with Mail-In Ballots in Pennsylvania: Only 1.8 Mail-In Ballots Were Sent Out --
But 2.5 Million Were Counted (VIDEO) -- Opps. Didn't see that coming.
- I Was an International Audit Executive Based in Hong Kong: It is Clear Fraud Occurred in the 2020 Election and the Current Results Embedded
with Fraud Will Be Overturned -- "Based on my review, there is easily enough identifiable fraud in this year's election to have it overturned
in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and probably many other states."
Situation Update -- Nov. 25 -- They WANT to get caught rigging the election -- Latest from Mike Adams. This went up
late on the 25th. I should have posted it last night and I didn't get to it. 58 minutes, but very important.
TIME TO HEAL? Robert De Niro appears to call for ethnic cleansing genocide against all Trump supporters -- When you hear these Dems
talk about healing the country, don't you believe it. They're flat full 'o shit.
Doctors warn side effects from COVID-19 vaccine "won’t be a walk in the park" -- What? The Mark of the Beast isn't good for your health?
Say it isn't so!
Trump Encourages Americans to Gather and Offer Thanks to God -- Thanking God? What? Isn't that illegal in Democrat-held territory?
CONFIRMED: Trump pardoned Flynn to put him back in play at the DoD with Chris Miller and Ezra Cohen-Watnick in preparation for mass ARRESTS of
treasonous deep state actors -- I've read this in several reports.
"Anti-hate" group's leader calls for white people to be killed -- When Black Lives Matter protests took over American cities this summer, it
didn't take long for it to become clear that many of those involved seemed far more interested in putting white people down than lifting black people up.
And that feeling is now being pushed to the extreme across the world as calls grow for white men to be killed simply for being white.
November 26, 2020
Sidney Poweell's "Kraken" is DOD cyber warfare program! We are at war! -- Well, we'll see. I must have seen the Kraken
expression used a couple hundred times now. Still -- nothing dramatic has happened. Maybe the Kraken is in bed with CoVid.
- American Democracy For Sale --
Old CNN Story on Dominion -- No doubt CNN wishes this old news story didn't exist. It's an open admission, going back years,
that Dominion Voting -- central to the Election Voter Fraud of 2020 -- was cheating voters more than a decade ago.
- Trump Pardons Michael Flynn -- "President Donald Trump pardoned his former National Security Advisor,
Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (Ret.), on Wednesday." It was long overdue. The prosecution of Flynn was brought to you by the same miscreants
behind the Steele Dossier, the Russia Hoax, and the Great Election Fraud of 2020.
- Audible Gasps and Laughter From Crowd and Panel at PA Hearing When Witness Says Vote "Spikes"
Went 600,000 For Biden and 3,200 For Trump (VIDEO) -- Again, we are living in a remake of the movie, "Idiocracy.".
- Obama-era Hatchet-Man Appointed by DOJ to 'Prosecute' Election Crime: Conservatives Beware! Here comes the cover-up --
Brilliant. Go ahead and hire a friend of the conspirators to unearth the crimes of the conspirators.
Communist China says all humans should be marked, tracked to prevent spread of Covid-19 -- I have a better idea. Every member of the
CCP should be marked and tracked to prevent the spread of communism.
Depopulation vaccine advocate Bill Gates also designed the fraudulent election software used by Dominion -- The year 2020 began with the
fraud of CoVid -- who's real purpose would only become crystal clear months later. This connection, in that light, makes perfect sense.
Dem calls for disbarment of ALL Trump attorneys, because taking away your right to speak isn't enough; now they STEAL your elections and BAN your
lawyers -- Nothing unpredictable here. It does beg one question. Since leftists say they're preparing "kill lists" of Trump supporters,
do they plan to debar these lawyers BEFORE they murder them? Or do they murder them first and them debar them posthumously?
US - UK intel agencies declare cyber war on independent media (to push a vaccine obedience agenda) -- In just the past week, the
national-security states of the United States and United Kingdom have discreetly let it be known that the cyber tools and online tactics previously
designed for use in the post-9/11 "war on terror". In just the past week, the national-security states of the United States and United Kingdom have
discreetly let it be known that the cyber tools and online tactics previously designed for use in the post-9/11 "war on terror" are now being repurposed
for use against information sources promoting "vaccine hesitancy" and information related to Covid-19 that runs counter to their state narratives.
- New York Times columnist urges
Democrats to commit voter fraud in Georgia -- Again, when there is no consequence for committing criminal acts, the perps just keep doin' it.
President Trump to enact new policies to "dramatically lower" the price of prescription medication --
He must think he's going to be around a while.
Trump: Voters are '100% correct' that 2020 'election was stolen' -- Stating the obvious.
- The civil war has already begun --
Exclusive: Erik Rush says a Biden presidency means our liberties 'evaporating very quickly' -- As a friend recently said to me, "Up here in the
States, we are about to face a harsh reality: either we fight on our feet, or these satanic lunatics will murder us on our knees."
COVID: The left's magic wand to void the Constitution -- Sean Harshey points to ways Democratic officials are wielding 'this new superpower';
"The holidays have come early for Democratic officials across America who get to play with their shiny new toys of never-ending "public health" regulations.
Coronavirus has transformed into a magic wand allowing the left to make those pesky freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution simply disappear.
Any conceivable limit, ban or restriction they can dream up can now be imposed on their citizens without mercy or restraint in the name of preventing
the spread of COVID. Whether it is destroying businesses, annihilating livelihoods or (decrees that make no sense at all)
is of no importance to Democratic officials wielding this new superpower."
Watch governor tell people to call cops on neighbors if they have more than 6 for Thanksgiving -- Make Hitler great again!
Urgent: Spiritual Message for Nov 22, 2020 by Byron Searle -- I only ask that you read it with an open mind. It bears startling correlations
with what I have been shown in recent ayahuasca vision quests. This comes from the Christian perspective, but truth is truth no matter where
it comes from.
November 25, 2020
The Thieves Who Stole Our Election Got Sloppy -- Commentary by Newt Gingrich
- Situation Update Nov. 24th --
The outcome of this election is determined by LAW, not CONSENSUS -- A powerful presentation last night from Mike Adams on the latest. (42:56).
- Every Legal Vote -- I've mentioned this site before, but now you may want to
bookmark it and keep track of what's happening.
Pennsylvania, Michigan and Arizona Announce Election Fraud Hearings -- Next, let's add Georgia, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Virginia, and
Nevada. Three down, five to go.
BREAKING: Ballot Count Upload Error in Arizona -- Over 6,000 False Biden Votes Discovered -- This is happening all the
time now. Every day, all day.
SEVENTEEN PERCENT of Biden Voters Said They Wouldn't Have Voted for Him if They Knew About Media-Censored Scandals --
Big Tech did more to introduce foreign-paid election interference than Russia could have ever done.
- PA Governor Congratulates Crooked Election Workers That Kicked Out Trump Campaign Poll Observers: "Performed Admirably
and Honorably" -- They're not ashamed that they cheated. They're proud of it.
- It's Happening: Former Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne: The Election Was Rigged Deeply -- They Used the
"Drop and Roll" Technique (VIDEO)
- Pittsburgh Area Antifa Leader Tweets Warning To Trump: "We are armed. If you do not concede by Sunday at noon, we will begin
to block roads in conservative areas." -- Yeah. Peaceful protestors.
There is no "second wave" -- the "pandemic" is over -- "It's time to get back to normal life, America. But wait, what about the pandemic?
There isn't one, says Dr. Michael Yeadon -- you are all being fooled"
A day of reckoning is coming for election thieves -- "Contrary to what Democrats have convinced themselves is reality, the 2020 presidential
election is far from over. And if attorney Lin Wood is correct in his claims, Donald Trump will be inaugurated on January 20."
Lone Michigan Canvasser Holdout to Newsmax: 'Whoever Threatens the Most Wins' -- Dems and the leftists have perverted an old saying
in the billiard halls, back when it was popular: "If you can't shoot good, shoot hard."
Rush Limbaugh: Trump Needs to Hold Rallies in Georgia -- "Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh said Monday that President Donald Trump needs to
hold rallies in Georgia to assist Republicans in their efforts to hold two U.S. Senate seats there in runoff elections Jan. 5."
Don't worry about the election.
Trump's not gonna win.
I made fucking sure of that!"
~~~ Dr. Eric Coomer
V.P. of U.S. Engineering
U.S. Dominion Voting Company
November 24, 2020 -- Afternoon
- BREAKING: SECOND VIDEO REVEALED of Dominion Voting System's Eric Coomer Explaining to Elections Officials
How to Switch Votes (VIDEO) -- How many of these videos surface before the rest of America realizes that they were screwed over?
Or is it that they just don't care?
Breaking: President Trump Scores Two Big Wins -- One in Michigan and One in Pennsylvania -- It's going to be hand-to-hand, all the way.
- "The System Was Rigged Against One Candidate" -- Tucker Carlson Backtracks on Voting Machines After Slamming
Sidney Powell (VIDEO) -- It's too big to ignore, even when your billionaire employer is a Luciferian leftist from hell, and
you've been told to start talking more positively about the left.
TREASON: GA Gov. Kemp and CA Gov. Newsom bought off by Communist China in CoVid supplies kickback and money laundering schemes --
Relationships within this global crime syndicate are becoming clearer.
Sidney Powell: "There is tons of evidence that Hundreds of Thousands of ballots are going to have to be discarded" (Video) --
Attorney for General Flynn, Sidney Powell, joined Maria Bartiromo yesterday to discuss the ongoing investigations into this year's election.
Construction worker died after fall from ladder -- why was his death blamed on COVID? -- This has been going on all year.
Nonetheless, each new outrageous case still remains shocking to the senses.
PayPal now terminating user accounts, stealing money from users that support free speech -- When it is perfectly okay to steal an election,
why isn't it okay to steal money out of your accounts?
THE DEMISE OF THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM IS IMMINENT -- "The next five years is not about winning but surviving." This article came with
a thoughtful note from a friend in Europe:
"Personally I am not sure he's correct. His assumptions are based on the world we knew with no
consideration for where we are heading at the moment.
"If someone, as powerful and well organized as the globalists, can manipulate this election OPENLY and
effectively, what would stop them from a total destruction of what we consider fair and normal? I do agree with his views on the collapse of the
financial system but NOT with his vision of it ever coming back to something that may be even close to what we knew without uprising.
"It comes to an alternative, really; either we will destroy them before they can turn the humanity into the
"useful idiots" they've been telling us that we are for generations now -- or we are going to be enslaved for a very long time."
Global Vaccine Passport Will Be Required for Travel -- In a recent survey, 83% of former frequent fliers say they no longer
plan to travel as much by air, if at all. The airline industry isn't happy about that. They're shooting for 99%. Idiots!
North Korean Defector Exposes Kim Jong Un & China -- This is an interview of North Korean defector, human rights activist, and
author, Yeonmi Park, by YouTuber, Valuetainment. It has almost 2 million view and was posted on August 21, roughly three months ago.
It's relevance here is that
Americans should prepare for what life will be like in the U.S. after the people associated with Joe Biden take over. It is by no means
an exaggeration. The leftists have told you clearly and plainly what they have planned, and you have no reason not to believe them.
Those Americans who DID vote for Biden, who DO support all this election fraud ("the ends justify the means")
Trump Says He Will Never Concede to 'Fake Ballots and Dominion' --
President Donald Trump said late Nov. 23 that, despite the General Services Administration (GSA) being given the green light to engage with Joe Biden's
transition team, he would "never concede" in what he called "the most corrupt election in American political history," and his team would continue
with legal challenges.
WATCH: RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel says she has 500 sworn affidavits on 11,000 Incidents of voter fraud -- With every passing day,
the MSM look more and more foolish, irrelevant, criminal, and treasonous. "There is absolutely evidence of voter fraud." Sure, there isn't.
And my mother was a virgin and mine was an immaculate conception.
Twitter says it will make Biden @POTUS, regardless of election outcome -- The fraud made manifest now as an open confession.
When did American elections become Venezuelan elections?
- Only 3% of Trump Voters Believe Joe Biden Legitimately Won the Election, 72% Say They Would Leave GOP For a 'Trump Party' --
"It's clear that the fraud, anomalies, and shady practices during the election have irreparably harmed the public's trust in the
U.S. electoral system. Two-thirds, or 66%, think Trump should never concede. The vast majority of Trump voters -- 81% --
said they would not give Biden a chance as president. Only 19% said they would," the pollsters found.
- Gov. Rod Blagojevich Defends Trump Legal Team -- You Can't Show Your Cards to this Anti-Trump Media (VIDEO) --
November 24, 2020 -- "I've had better days."
November 23, 2020
November 22, 2020
Every Sheriff In Los Angeles Region Refuses To Enforce Gavin Newsom's New COVID Nazi Curfew Regulations --
People have had enough. Even those in law enforcement.
Facebook Denies 'Science' -- Blocks Danish Study Questioning Efficacy Of Masks -- It only makes sense that Fake News
begets Fake Science.
Goldman's "Superforecasters" Say 25 Million Americans Could Be Vaccinated By Mid-January -- We are working SO HARD
to affirm Albert Einstein's comments about how infinite human stupidity really is.
Vatican Investigates How Pope Francis' Instagram 'Liked' Brazilian Model's Booty Pic -- OK --- so now we know
that Pope Francis is an "ass man" that likes to see grown women in little schoolgirl uniforms. Vatican response? Let's launch an
Oh, come on. Nobody else did this but the
Man himself, okay? He knows what he likes, so it hit the "Like" button, and that's that.
Get over it.
Kinda gives knew meaning, though, to the idea of a "Papal Blessing," doesn't it?
Nonetheless, I completely understand why the Vatican is so terrified of this disclosure. Can you even imagine? What would happen if it got out
that Pope Francis doesn't like humping little boys? It could destroy his reputation! Scandalous!
Will this cause Pope Francis to change the spelling of his namesake to "St. Francis of Ass-isi"?
The Brazilian model, Natalia Garibotto, 27, is making hay over the incident -- predictably:
"I'm going to heaven," she tweeted after an eagle-eyed fan snapped a screenshot of the "like". Does the Pope "infallibility" powers over
moral and dogma extend to his social media blessings? I mean -- think about it. Could this model rightly claim that the Pope can conferred
on her the title of "infallible ass"? Stop laughing. More outrageous things have occurred over the course of the Catholic Church's history.
SITUATION UPDATE -- Nov. 21 -- How the MASS ARRESTS will go down -- Latest update on the voter fraud scandal from Mike Adams.
Post Election Update #4: US Military 2020 Election Sting Operation Leading 2 Trump 2nd Term Landslide -- Latest from Scott McKay.
Came out on the 19th. Worth listening to.
The Real Time, Online Raid and Arrest of Dr. Andreas Noack
Look at it. Look at it good and hard. It's under 2 minutes.
Look at it because this is your future if Biden and his fellow
satanists take over the world. This isn't speculative. It's a certainty.
It's a promise they've made to you, and they will not disappoint.
Read article below to get the context of this raid in Germany.
And get ready: if Biden wins, the U.S. is next.
November 21, 2020
Plugged-in patriots lay out the epic Trump counterattack that's going to expose and destroy the criminal Democrat deep state --
(NaturalNews) -- "Important video updates from three people whose messages you need to hear."
- Tucker Carlson Doubles Down, Hits Sidney Powell and Says No Evidence of Switching Votes --
HERE ARE 11 TIMES THEY GOT CAUGHT SWITCHING VOTES (Video) -- (TGP) I must confess: I'm deeply disappointed in Carlson joining the
mutant zombie hoard. On the other hand, perhaps this turn of events was predictable.
- (TGP) BOOM! Sidney Powell -- President Trump Already Released the Kraken --Claims Obama Was Involved (VIDEO) --
The longer this drags out, the more scandalous the left's position becomes.
REPORT: Hispanic Voters In Florida Who Fled Dictatorships Think The Election Was Stolen From Trump -- People in Latin
America know the pattern. They've seen it repeatedly, and they know their history. Would that the kids in the U.S. who have been so miserably
miseducated know their history as well.
- Sidney Powell: "We've Got a Number of Smoking Guns, May Have to Get Witness Protection for Them -- 7 Million Votes
Stolen from Trump! -- May have to? Really? In my personal opinion, given the opposition's statement that they're putting together
"kill lists," witness protection should have happened well before now.
PBS Went to Georgia One Week Before Election -- What They Found Was Shocking, Even for the Leftists at PBS --
"One week before the 2020 election PBS went to Georgia to do a deep dive of their Dominion Voting Systems. One of their experts, Harry Hursti from
Nordic Innovation Labs, told PBS the Georgia system does not seem to have any safeguards. Investigators found several troubling issues before the
election. One expert said it would be easy to dublicate the ballot codes and make up new ballots."
CRINGE: Joe Biden Tries to Speak Spanish to Nancy Pelosi, "Mi Casa, You Casa" (VIDEO) -- Go ahead. You watch it.
I can't. And it has nothing to do with my ability to speak Spanish. I've gotten to the point where I can't watch this fucking retard open
his mouth without getting nauseated. Who knows? Maybe I suffer from Biden Derangement Syndrome. Sue me.
- Via Attorney Lin Wood: Georgia Woman Witnesses Shredding Company Shredding Ballots, Calls Police, Films Shredding and
Recycling Company Destroying Evidence at Elections Office in Cobb County, GA -- $10 says this woman gets death threats.
John Kerry Says Great Reset is Needed to Stop Rise of Populism -- What really fueled the election fraud is evident in how leftists speak.
They show open contempt for rule by the people. If you're contemptuous of rule by the people, why would you NOT do everything you could to
cheat at election time? You wouldn't. And they didn't.
Klaus Schwab: Great Reset Will "Lead to a Fusion of Our Physical, Digital and Biological Identity" -- This is one of the
sickest parts of the left's, Democrat's, globalist's position.
South Australia Enters Another Lockdown After Just 36 New Coronavirus Infections -- Evidence abounds that CoVid was and is
politically motivated and that the official CoVid narrative is completely bogus.
German Doctor Raided by Armed Police During Live YouTube Stream -- The video is under 2 minutes. You have no excuse not to watch it.
Yes, I understand the dialogue is in German, but you can clearly see what's going on. This is the future for all of us, regardless of where
you live, if Biden becomes the president of the leader of the formerly free world.
Trump Lawyer in PA Lawsuit Drops Out, Is Placed Under Protection After 'Threats of Harm' -- A Philadelphia lawyer for
President Trump's campaign dropped out of a Pennsylvania lawsuit earlier this week, and was placed under official protection after receiving
"threats of harm."
- In An Open Vision, Nita Johnson Was Shown The Midwest Would Be Hit By "Floods” And "Tornadoes" When It Was Time For America's
Judgment -- The USA map you see above is a graphical representation taken from a spiritual vision that goes all
the way back to January 17, 1989. A friend sent this to me, reminding me as to the horrific level of floods and tornedos that have hit the Midwest
over the last few years -- a partial fulfillment of this vision. The map you see above shows sea reclamations of what is now that U.S. that have
obviously never happened, were they ever to happen at all. But could they?
Of course, I've been seeing things like this for years. In 1992, I became good friends
with a woman who personally promoted the visionary, Michael Gordon Scallion, who produced maps of his own corresponding to "future images of the earth."
HIS future map of the U.S. is shown below. (The MSM has not been entirely dismissive. See Forbes magazine article from 2017,
The Shocking Doomsday Maps Of The World And The Billionaire Escape Plans).
NASA and other official organizations say all of this is just pure nonsense. In fact, I was personal friends
with NASA astronaut, Dr. Brian O'Leary. I asked him in 2009 if any of this were possible while we were having dinner together at
Montesueños, his wife's retreat, in Vilcabamba. O'Leary,
a classically trained physicist, replied, "According to the laws of physics as I understand them, I don't see how. According to the laws of
metaphysics, as I don't understand them, I suppose anything is possible."
Edgar Cayce had similar visions, and his closest followers -- those who survived into the 21st century --
were forever mystified that he accurately read 35,000 medical cases during his career, but his visions about earth changes at the close of the
20th century never materialized. Something similar happened with Chet Snow, co-author of Mass Dreams of the Future, nearly all of whose
test subjects in the 80s saw similar Cayce-like events at the end of the 20th century which never materialized. In May, 2012, when I confronted
Chet about this while eating at his home in Sedona, Arizona, in May, 2007, he replied, "(Perhaps) divine dispensation." I talk about this in
greater detail in my book, The Gospel of 2012 According to Ayahuasca.
The relevance to my bringing this up today is that I had a vision quest in the evening of
July 26 of this year. I was told that "the time of choosing" is over and "the time of consequence" is about to begin. I got no sense of
divine dispensation. The sense I got was that if the forces of Light did not prevail, using the free will that the Divine had bestowed, that
is when earth changes and all manner of retribution would befall the earth. Think Noah and the flood. Or just think what events would have to
occur to produce the maps you see above and below.
Biden and the satanists winning would surely be such a trigger.

November 20, 2020 -- Afternoon & Evening
Has Tucker Carlson Turned His Back and Joined the Deep State? -- I feel like I'm living in one of those apocalyptic movies from the 50s.
You're in the trenches, occasioning hand-to-hand combat with the fresh-eating, mutant zombies, wondering when the guy next to you is going
to get bitten and "turn." And speaking of "TheDonald" . . .
- This is TheDonald.Win -- You know what I like most about this site?
Commentators, including those at Fox News, which recently "turned" to the Dark Side
can't talk about this site without visibly foaming at the mouth.
You have to doing something right and speaking too much truth when those in the mainstream media hate your fucking guts and are incapable
of talking about you without going apoplectic.
- "He Was Insulting, Demanding and Rude and I Told Him to Never Contact Me Again" --
Sidney Powell Goes off on Tucker Carlson (VIDEO) -- I might have problems believing this, except that there is a history here
that is intimated in the next post:
"You're a FUCKING MORON': Tucker Carlson clashes with Dutch historian" -- Tucker says his outburst was justified. I beg to differ.
LEAKED VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Triggered in Unaired Interview -- David Pakman gives a better explanation, and the reason that this is
relevent in a post on November 20, 2020, is because it explains why Fox News (and others in the MSM) are so vitriolic whenever the subject of
The Donald.Win pops up.
X22Report: Dominion Execs Running, Message Sent In The Past, Received In The Present! -- Must Video --
For the sake of all real humans living on earth, let's hope this is true.
- After President Trump Demands the Constitution Be Followed and Fraudulent Votes Be Discarded --
Democrats Explode Demanding Another Illegitimate Impeachment --
"The torture will continue until attitude improves!"
- "The Anomalies Are So Out of Bounds that the Results Are Not Believable" -- Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova on Biden's Attempted Steal
of the 2020 Presidential Election -- More and more are confronting the obvious.
- "What do we Have to Do to Get the FBI to Wake Up!?" -- Rudy Giuliani BLASTS AWOL FBI over Voting Machine Irregularities and
Election Fraud (VIDEO) -- Of course, they're not going to investigate. The FBI, like my friends over at the FDA, is a racketeering
organization, a crime syndicate. They accept bribes from the very people they're supposed to oversee.
- "How Do You Deprogram 75 Million People?" -- California Democrat Calls For "Post WWII"
Reeducation For Trump Supporters -- Read this article carefully and then you'll understand why Civil War in the U.S. is inevitable.
It is coming. It will be brutal. None of us, no matter where we live in the world, can escape it. The crazies have taken over the sanitarium,
and somehow, saner minds must prevail.
It's not SCIENCE; it's COMPLIANCE: Fauci says masks, social distancing will be required even AFTER a COVID-19 vaccine that is supposedly
90 percent effective -- Adolf Hitler, reincarnate in our own time. In my book, The Joys of Psychopathocracy, I make the case
that government and psychopathy go hand-in-hand. Fauci is a classic example.
Philadelphia previously rejected Dominion Voting Systems for fear of foreign interference. Who knew? -- Here's the point
when talking about these leftist rat bastards. Cheating is rigorously rejected when it doesn't benefit "our team." And if it helps us win?
Then cheating is rigorously enforced and investigation into its machinations rigorously suppressed. In a free, civil, and fair democracy,
it doesn't work that way. Or at least it shouldn't. That's what this is all about. Not Donald Trump. The people spoke loud and clear.
Trump won by a landslide -- perhaps the biggest in American history. The battle is about truth and honesty. Compared to that, we must
regard Trump as an after-thought.
- lays out proof of election fraud -- The website in question,
Here is the Evidence is turning into a national embarrassment
as a Himalayan mountain of evidence of election fraud continues to mount by the hour.
Self-cannibalism: Scientists create first lab-grown “steak” with human cells and expired blood donations, allowing you to EAT your own FLESH --
If the Satan-worshipping globalists had their way, this is the only thing you'd be allowed to eat.
Pennsylvania implements NEW coronavirus restrictions: Masks now required indoors -- If these leftist terrorists could do it,
you'd need State permission to touch your own dick when you take a piss. When people voted for Trump, it was things like THIS that they
were voting against.
EXCLUSIVE: After election, Facebook will now ban you if you are ‘similar looking’ to someone they banned -- Big Tech has annointed
itself the Thought Police. This is something people were also voting against.
WATCH: Mark Levin EXPLODES in must-see rant; "I'm part of the new resistance" -- The Children of the Light are preparing to do battle
with the Children of the Dark.
Researchers develop coronavirus vaccine that is INHALED through the nose or mouth. Be careful where you BREATHE -- This shows you
how much the Vaccine Lobby have no respect for your right to determine what enters your own body. In their mind, you belong to them.
You have no rights. It's demonic.
- Obama: 'No Actual Evidence' Anything Illegal, Fraudulent Took Place in Election --
Trump Has Shown 'Flimsy Relationship' to the Truth -- Just like there is no evidence that the sun rises from the east and
sets in the west. Just as there is no evidence that the moon isn't made of green cheese.
John Kerry Talks 'Great Reset': 'We're at the Dawn of Extremely Exciting Time' -- This is how all the Satanists are talking now.
There isn't a Satanist alive who isn't salivating over the prospect of their beloved "Great Reset."
November 20, 2020 -- Morning
November 19, 2020
- This has been circulating from Canada. We'll see if it's true. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to see things
like this as "the empire strikes back."
"I've been holding on to this for weeks now and what my wife told me won't leave my thoughts. My wife works for the Liberal Party of Canada, and I need
to speak up at this time or I won't be able to live with myself. On or around December 2nd the entire country will receive an emergency broadcast message
regarding military deployment to all metro centers with Canada. A 24 hour curfew will begin and will last until June 15th, 2021. During this time,
you will not be able to leave your home unless the reason is an emergency. Local police will have checkpoints set up where they expect considerable civil
disobedience. If you and your family need food, it is a good idea to buy it immediately as the emergency orders will not allow you to go out for supplies.
The only thing open will be hospitals, police, and critical infrastructure such as water treatment and utilities. Once military is set up on the streets of
Canadian cities, they will be given orders to engage all citizens as a threat. Mobile containment transport buses will detain citizens to CoVid 19
isolation units where they will be monitored for the virus. Orders have been given to move swiftly on anti-masked individuals and those resisting lockdown
orders. During the Christmas period a breakdown of society will begin due to starvation as well as degrading mental health situation. Canadian Forces
have been instructed to use deadly force. . ."
You better damn well hope that this is a psyop, otherwise, anybody living in the U.S. is screwed
Surprise Attack! -- This is a follow up to the previous post. It's about it being mandatory that everyone gets the vaccine.
- Schwab Advocates Putting Chips in Our Head so Government Can Read our Thoughts? -- These are what those
who stole the election from you have planned for you next.
"Drop and Roll" -- How The 2020 Election Was Stolen From President Donald Trump (Video) -- The entire fraud in one easy-to-follow video.
The Insane Tyrant Who Head Up the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset" Says It Means the End of Human Autonomy --
Schwab explains with excitement how upcoming technology will allow authorities to "intrude into the hitherto private space of our minds,
reading our thoughts and influencing our behavior." I can't think of anything more demonic.
From Freedom to Tyranny -- The World Economic Forum's "Great Reset"
-- Not one area of life will be left untouched by the World Economic Forum's
Great Reset plan, which aims to end human autonomy and place all aspects of life under central control. Digital technology and artificial intelligence
will be used to take control over money, energy, the production of artificial and GMO food, health care, real estate, policing, and how people interact
with one another."
- Top Pathologist Claims Coronavirus is "The Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on an Unsuspecting Public" --
"Noting that he was also an expert in virology, Hodkinson pointed out that his role as CEO of a biotech company that manufactures COVID tests means,
'I might know a little bit about all this.'"
NY Times Says "Great Reset" Is A "Conspiracy Theory" On Same Day World Economic Forum Celebrates It --
On the same day that the World Economic Forum heralded "The Great Reset" as a positive way to build "future resilience to global risks,"
the New York Times declared the entire thing to be a "conspiracy theory." [Pressing the limits of outrageously fake news, are we?]
Watch: Trump Campaign Legal Team Exposes "Massive, Well-Funded Effort" To Destroy American Democracy -- The Trump campaign legal team detailed
allegations and evidence surrounding claims widespread election fraud responsible for stealing hundreds of thousands of votes from Donald Trump.
[And the thing is: the level of fraud is so great, we will never know the real numbers.]
Sen. Kennedy: Media's Soft Treatment Of Biden "Undermines Democracy" --
"...the toughest question that Mr. Biden has been asked is, does he support children and prosperity, and probably the second toughest question is,
does he like ponies."
NYC Mayor Says Indoor Dining Will Be Shut In "Next Week Or Two" -- A government pre-disposed to telling you where to eat, how to eat,
what to eat, and who you may eat with and under what circumstancess, is a government that is equally predisposed to telling you that you can't
eat at all.
November 18, 2020
Breaking: The Kraken has been released -- military planes filling the skies --it has begun /
Trump attorney Sidney Powell declares the Kraken was already RELEASED… and the results are just beginning to emerge -- Unless this is
some grand psyop -- with an array of patriots participating in it -- this is the best news since the fraudulent election of November 3rd.
- BOOM! Lin Wood on Mark Levin Show: Trump Won a 70% Plus Landslide Election --
He Probably Had 400 Electoral Votes (Audio) -- Martin Armstrong is right. It's the greatest act of electrion fraud in history.
Biden was right when he said that the Democrats had assembled the greatest election fraud operation in history.
Hammer and Scorecard (What Is It?) -- Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney (USAF, Ret.) explains the mechanics of the 2020 election fraud
and the building blocks that went into its preparation. Excellent interview. Not even 10 minutes long. In the last half,
Chris Salcedo interviews Corey Lewandowski, who gave a first hand account of what happened in Philadelphia in violation of a court order,
as well as exposing more of the fake-news media.
- Don't Believe the Lie that There Was No Election Fraud -- Latest from PCR.
"There was fraud in the mail-in ballots and in the Dominion voting machines and software. Details are here:
Read UNZ article.
Dominion executive admits fixing election to ensure "Trump's not gonna win" -- More critical leaks.
11/15/20 Post-Election UPDATE: US Military 2020 Election Sting Leading To Trump 2nd Term Landslide -- From three days
ago, but still very relevant to what's currently happening. This is Scott McKay's YouTube channel. Amazing they haven't taken it down yet.
- WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 6: Michigan and Georgia, Like in PA and VA, Caught in SAME PATTERN! -- Once Biden Gained Lead with
MASSIVE Vote Dumps, The Remainder of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio – THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE! -- Major revelations about
the voter fraud surface daily.
Attorney Sidney Powell: "The Kraken Was Released Several Days Ago -- We Are Starting to See the Signs" --
"We have so much evidence I feel like it's coming in through a fire hose."
Outrage as mainstream media remains completely silent about violence against Trump supporters -- Truly scandalous.
HUGE! Elections security expert finds Michigan results a COMPLETE FRAUD -- current machines do not have capability to count the mass dumps for Biden
in reported time period (VIDEO) -- The demonic Left is "all in." The fraud will not stop until they are physically stopped.
All-powerful CDC calls for concentration camps in America, including the invasion of homes and neighborhoods -- No need to establish
infrastructure. The FEMA concentration camps have been sitting there, waiting for occupants, for years.
Dominion story keeps getting worse: Ties to Clinton Foundation and Nancy Pelosi; their security chief is Antifa and Trump hater;
Wikipedia protects them by censoring most of their history -- This comports with my previous posts on Dominion Software.
Dominion story update from American Thinker -- Covers different territory.
November 17, 2020
VACCINE DEATH WAVE: UK government posts bid for AI system to process the expected flood of COVID-19 vaccine injuries and
side effects described as a "direct threat to patient life" -- The Mark of the Beast. Isn't it just so damn bitchin'?
Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are such heroes! Please --- if you don't think I'm joking, don't ever come back to my site.
Democrats are now actively making threats of violence against Trump-appointed federal judges --
where is the Justice Department? -- I keep saying it because it's true. We're on our own. Don't expect the government,
any government, to lift a finger to protect you from these demon-possessed monsters.
New video shows PROOF that AstraZeneca's COVID-19 vaccine is made with aborted human fetal tissue -- First we had
the mask mandates -- where the mask-wearing is nothing for than Satanic auto-asphyxiation ritualism -- they have nothing to do with
protecting you from the virus. Now we have more Satanic ritualism incorporated into a worthy vaccine that won't do dog shit to protect
you from CoVid, an electromagnetic adaptation disease. You're being played on every conceivable level.
US infrastructure to be converted to a mass vaccine compliance system, rife with propaganda and entry requirements --
If you have to travel as part of your occupation, you might want to consider changing jobs.
CDC: Coronavirus 5 times deadlier than the flu for hospitalized patients -- I wrote an article in 2009 entitled,
Understanding Just Why It Was Never Possible For Orthodox
Medicine to Heal More People Than It Maimed, Poisoned & Killed: To Grasp Modern History is to Realize That Ours in the 'Great Age of
Iatrogenesis'. It is true today than the day I wrote it. You should read it if you want to understand what CoVid, modern
medicine, and the vaccine are all about.
- WE CAUGHT THEM! Part 5: In Competitive States, Once Biden Gained the Lead with MASSIVE Vote Dumps, The Remainder
of Votes All Possessed Same Biden to Trump Vote Ratio -- THIS IS INCONCEIVABLE! -- Give them a break. The cheaters are still perfecting
their craft.
November 15-16, 2020
FedEx collaborates with CDC, readies plan to mass distribute coronavirus vaccine, regardless of whether it's safe or effective --
Bill Gates and his reptilian friends are comin' for ya.
What are the impossible odds of 139,339 ballots all going to Biden? -- Election bullshit is approaching the maximum
saturation point.
Exclusive: Michigan witness says many faked ballots in Detroit, ZERO Trump ballots, even among military! -- See what I mean?
CIA Democrat House Rep. takes lead over GOP challenger after 14,616 votes found on 'memory stick' -- Martin Armstrong wasn't
kidding, was he?
More Election Theft Reports -- PCR piles it on -- as the avalanche of election fraud reports, affidavits, and
digital evidence pour in.
- I could post 30 more articles like these, but what's the point?
- Biden Transition Team Says First Amendment is Flawed Because It Permits "Hate Speech" --
If Biden wins, Mad Max and unchecked violence are our future.
November 14, 2020
- General Flynn Retweets Update Showing President Trump is Still On Track to Defeat Biden In Electoral College Votes --
Read his tweet before the twitter nazis remove it.
- BOOM! Trump tweets: Report: Dominion deleted 2.7 million Trump votes nationwide.
Data analysis finds 221,000 Pennsylvania votes switched from Trump to Biden. -- More Democrat voter fraud.
Promises made. Promises kept.
- EXCLUSIVE: Based on Reports By Auditors, IT Specialists, Data Analysts, and Statisticians -- The Number of Illegitimate Votes
Identified In Four Swing States Are Enough to Overturn Election -- "You tell Joe Biden that hell's a-coming and I'm with it!"
- Developing: Milwaukee Elections Chief Lost Elections Flash Drive in Morning Hours of November 4th When Democrats Miraculously
Found 120,000 Votes for Joe Biden -- More evidence of deliberate fraud -- like everything else that happened in this election in the
designated swing states.
Justice Alito: Covid-19 Pandemic Has Led to “Unimaginable” Curbs on Individual Liberty (VIDEO) -- No kidding.
Do we really need a judge to tell us this?
- Dominion Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and SECURITY Eric Coomer Admitted in 2016 Vendors and Election Officials Have
Access to Manipulate the Vote -- How sweet. Reminds me of Biden's open admission that "we've set up the most extensive election fraud
organization in history." At least the Democrats were nice enough to warn us they were going to ass rape us before they did it.
- BREAKING: Gang of Trump Supporting IT Specialists and Data Analysts Identify More Than 43,000 Ineligible Out of State Votes In
Key Swing States -- Again, the Dems promised to do this.
- Trump Attorney Lin Wood: Chinese Communists Used Computer Fraud and Mail Ballot Fraud to Interfere with Our
National Election -- What? No Russians? Can't be!
- HUGE! Lin Wood on Howie Carr: "Joe Biden and the People Like Him Who Have Been Trying to Steal This Election --
Will All Go to Jail" (VIDEO) -- We can only hope and pray that in the end real justice is served.
- "Cancel Traditional Thanksgiving Plans" -- Mayor Lori Lightfoot Tells Chicagoans Not to Gather with Family Members,
Issues Stay-at-Home Advisory -- Chicago's Nazi-in-Chief is at it again.
Rumored 3pm Shutdown of Michigan TODAY by Whitmer -- And likewise in Michigan. Have you noticed that it's always the Democrats who promote
the most draconian restrictions in personal liberty?
FEC Chairman Says He Believes 'There Is Voter Fraud' in Key States -- "The chairman of the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) stated that he
believes there is evidence of voter fraud and other alleged irregularities." Duh.
Michigan AG: Trump’s Voter Fraud Lawsuits Are Racist -- Again, we living the movie, "Idiocracy."
- Letter from a Friend -- I'm still processing this one:
President Trump is winning more than most realize:
Michael Tellinger
Interesting reading
An eye-opening piece about Trump via Michael Tellinger, who is a South African author, politician,
explorer and founder of the Ubuntu Party, which supports the supply of free resources across society:
"Watching the USA from the outside is like watching a great tragedy taking place -- with the villains running
freely causing more and more destruction -- shifting the blame onto those who want to uphold peace and harmony and to simply live a beautiful life.
For all my friends in the USA -- please be aware that your country is under full blown attack by the same Rothschild funded Bolshevik insurgent agents
that caused most of the destruction and chaos in the world over the past 250 years.
"This is the most dangerous organized crime syndicate on Earth. They have killed presidents, started wars,
over-turned governments, abducted, tortured, extorted, bribed and murdered millions of people to retain their control over most of the world's governments
to date. Among their more famous victims have been: Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Archduke Franz Ferdinand 1914; Tsar Nikolai Romanov 1918;
JFK in 1963, Hendrik Verwoerd South African Prime minister 1966, and many world leaders who defied their banking system --
including Muammar Gaddafi of Libya.
"Donald Trump is the first leader to have broken that control and removed them from power in the USA by taking
control of the FED. This is why the attacks on him are so vicious and relentless, and they come from all sides. Since the USA was always the Rothschild's
strongest territory -- to control the rest of the world, with its powerful army, these global criminals have pulled out all the stops to overturn a duly
elected president. They have activated and unleashed all their assets to achieve this.
"Since Trump controls the army and the FED, their main tool is the mainstream media, with its repeating lies and
propaganda 24/7 to poison the minds of the people. They are fighting for their survival. They will lie to your face, use human tragedy and emotion in
their favour against you, destroy the economy, destroy cities and monuments, bring down an entire country, kill and deceive everyone -- just to achieve
victory. Please be aware of this. If they cannot destroy Trump -- they will be finally destroyed after 250 years of global control.
"If you live in the USA, it is very difficult to get a clear view of the situation, because most of the US media
is part of the Cabal and toxic with anti Trump propaganda. Trump's victory will liberate all other countries from the Rothschild control of all central
banks and bring freedom to people everywhere. Whether you like Trump or not, is not the issue -- he is the only world leader who has defeated the
Rothshilds by hijacking their central bank in the USA.
"This happened quietly during March 2020, and without any media coverage, because the media is owned by the same
Rothschild banking empire. TRUMP's success against the deep state and their Communist, Bolshevik agents, is not about the USA surviving --
it is about liberating the WHOLE WORLD from their bloodthirsty control. Inform yourself -- be smart -- be aware. The freedom of the world depends on
your next move and what happens in the USA in November 2020.
"In unity -- Michael Tellinger."
November 13, 2020 -- (Friday the 13th)
- 2020 General Election -- At the top of the
opening page is a very cool interactive map with three tabs: With Voter Fraud, Current Status, and Without Voter Fraud.
Trump will win re-election if the confirmably fraudulent votes are removed.
Current actual election result update: President Trump leading in electoral college with more paths to victory than Biden --
"Based on actual results and accounting for states currently not called, still counting, recounting, under investigation or audit, or states with
election issues now in the courts, President Trump is winning the 2020 Presidential Election."
- The Democrats Have Stolen the Presidential Election --
Important interview of PCR by the European magazine Zur Zeit (In This Time)
Emergency Update - Nov. 11th - SCOTUS will nullify the election, Congress will decide -- Health Ranger weighs in. Posted late on the 11th.
Short version: SCOTUS punts and sends the decision to Congress. This is the constitutional decision.
Each state's reps get to vote. Currently 29 state legislatures are Republican.
By far, most States are Republican leaning.
So Pelosi refuses to hold the vote, which would make HER president. Trump sends in comes the military. Civil war commences.
Mike Adams is following this closely and he feels this is the most likely outcome.
- First comes a rolling civil war -- I've been talking about this for months.
(PCR) Tucker Carlson Provides Complete total Proof of Widespread Democrat Vote Fraud That Stole the 2020 Presidential Election --
"Tucker Carlson is the ONLY honest media figure in the United States. No wonder the presstitutes want him arrested. I am concerned that the
criminal Hillary DNC will have him assassinated. You are simply not permitted to tell the truth in the United States. To tell the truth in the
American media is a capital offense.
"This had to be posted on Parler because Twitter, FaceBook, and YouTube will not permit the Fox News
report on Vote Theft to be posted. What more evidence do you need that there is a conspiracy to steal the presidential election from Trump?
If the treasonous and criminal Democrats get away with their coup against democracy, the United States is finished as a country. No Trump voter
will ever again think of the US as his/her country."
Trump just learned that cozying up to Big Pharma always leads to betrayal -- My book, Living on the Precipice
(2018) is chockful of examples of Big Pharma atrocities. No crime syndicate is more threatening to the health and welfare of ordinary people.
When Democrats fight the results of elections it's "patriotic" but when the GOP does, suddenly it's "treason" -- You should expect
nothing less from the party of "reverse projection."
Federal investigators used mind control, hypnosis to psychologically abuse USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins --
"You're getting sleepy. You can bearing keep your eyes open. Now repeat after me: 'My U.S. Postal supervisors did not commit any criminal
activity or instruct Democratic Party operatives to commit voter fraud."
Reminds me of Frank Zappa's I'm the Slim : Your mind is totally controlled / You have been stuffed into
our mold / And you will do as you are told / Until the rights to you are sold.
Study: N95 masks with exhalation valves cannot stop the spread of coronavirus -- More evidence that the official CoVid narrative
is full of crap. First of all, coronavirus isn't "spread." Viruses are dead. Not alive. They are not contagious. What people call Covid
is the body's biological adaptation response to an electromagnetic adaptation syndrome. See my "People are still having sex" video above.
Report: New Judicial Watch analysis finds 353 counties in 29 states with voter registration over 100% -- Trump won the popular and
electoral vote by such a huge margin that cheating on a scale never witnessed before in the history of democracy needed to be deployed ---
and now we know that it was.
Amid Voting Irregularity Challenges, Democrats Call For People To Move To Georgia To Stack The Vote -- You gotta hand it to
these Democrats. They have testicles the size of wrecking balls. While using the mainstream media to send out the message "No fraud happened," they're
advertising to attract new co-conspirators and yet another act of election fraud.
Another 90,000 Airline Jobs Set To Disappear By Year-End As National Lockdown Looms -- Yeah. Blame the lockdowns. Bullshit. Here's
what happening: people are rebelling against air travel tyranny. Between the extra security checks, masks, upcoming vaccination requirements,
risks of getting deboarded if you set off an uppity stewardess, people have had enough. You can't fly anymore without feeling like you've
left the cattle car and you're being processed into Auschwitz. A recent survey of former regular air travellers showed that a whopping 83%
do not plan to return to their old routine. For my part, I never want to travel by air again. I just don't want the added stress.
"We Need To Stop Being A Country Of Sissies" -- Brazilian President Bolsonaro Complains COVID Threat "Exaggerated" --
"Everyone dies eventually anyways. So calm down and stop peeing your pants over every piece of fear porn that comes out of the MSM."
Less Than Half Of Americans Likely To Comply With New COVID Lockdown: Gallup -- "Screw that loony lefty, nazi shit."
NYC Mayor Prepares To Close Schools Despite 'Strikingly Few' COVID-19 Cases -- Again, it isn't about a disease. It's about
enforcing a tyrannical agenda.
Donald Trump eyes MAGA media to challenge Fox News -- A certain news network is about to get outfoxed.
Ibram X. Kendi: Term 'Legal Vote' Is Functionally Racist -- Didn't know that, did you? You're a racist for thinking that votes should
be legal, or that illegal immigrants fresh over the barbed wire fence shouldn't vote.
Poll: Less than Half of America Believes Joe Biden Won the Election -- And now this -- despite overwhelming Big Tech and
MSM propaganda.
VAX THE BLACKS: Joe Biden's Covid-19 taskforce member recommends withholding food stamps and rent assistance from those who refuse
coronavirus vaccines -- Mark of the beast -- enforced.
November 12, 2020
CAUGHT! Election data analyzed, producing detailed list of over 500,000 votes SWITCHED from Trump
to Biden via voting machine software theft, with heavy fraud focused on swing states -- The fraud was self-evident
just by comparing the size of their rallies. Biden struggled to get 50 people together. Trump had 10s of thousands show up
wherever he went.
System "glitch" in Wisconsin swapped Trump votes with Biden's, giving Biden a spontaneous "win" --
Again, they promised to steal an election, and that's what they're trying to do.
- The Media Know There Was Vote Fraud So Why Do The Presstitutes Deny The Obvious? --
Because journalism has degenerated into tawdry, scurillous gaslighting. Pure and simple. You're a sucker to believe anything the MSM says.
EXCLUSIVE: MICHIGAN WITNESS Says Many Faked Ballots in Detroit, ZERO Trump Ballots, Even Among Military! --
It's getting ridiculous.
Father Frank Pavone: "Contrary to Media Manipulation, Joe Biden Has Not Won the Election" -- Let's start going after the
"voter fraud denialists."
Biden Covid Advisor Calls For Unconstitutional 4-6 Week Nationwide Lockdown to 'Revive Economy' -- Yeah. Sure.
Great for business.
November 11, 2020
November 10, 2020
Trump Win Validated by Quantum Blockchain System Recount of Votes -- I've touched on this previously. Either someone
is blowing smoke up our nether regions, or some miraculous is about to happen.
HUGE: Trump fires deep state Defense Secretary Mark Esper, indicating a likely plan for military involvement in a declaration of insurrection --
It's coming. Plan for it.
Left-wing cowards threaten to put conservatives and Trump supporters on "lists" to deal with at a later date --
just like the Nazis dealt with Jews -- Just as surely, patriots are making their own "lists" of those leftist Democrats who want
to murder those who have a difference of opinion.
Stop the silence: Big Tech continues to SILENCE critics of 5G technology -- They have no choice but to do this because 5G is
intimately linked to the CoVid phenomenon.
We need an election redo, not a recount -- In a world where real justice prevailed, we'd do the whole thing over again.
With election rigging via mail-in ballots, the real purpose of the COVID bioweapon now becomes clear -- CoVid, Antifa, BLM,
fraudulent election -- these have all been distinct acts within the same 2020 theater play. They're all interrelated and pre-engineered.
Trump campaign sets up hotline and website for reporting voting irregularities as officials express confidence in eventual reelection --
The thing about playing chicken is knowing when to flinch.
- Michigan AG Dana Nessel Sends Cease and Desist Order to Journalist Demanding He Erase His #DetroitLeaks Video Showing
Voter Fraud Training -- OR FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION -- You will remain silent while we rape you!
Why SCOTUS will vindicate Trump's victory -- We'll see. Just like we'll see if there's anything to the "watermarked ballots" story.
- Letter from a neighbor. I don't know what to think about this one, so I'm just going to reproduce the letter and you
can formulate your own opinion. Like the "watermarked ballots," I'd like it to be true, but we are surrounded by disinfo on all sides.
Here goes:
This is from our PERSONAL friend.
One of my close friend's international business partners is well connected and wrote the following:
"Info from some of the lawyers from my group:
"Ok in a nutshell. This is going to the Supreme Court. Where they will rule that the election is invalid
due to fraud or mistakes on a country wide scale.
"It will go one of two ways, either they will rule that all the unconstitutional
mail in ballots will be removed and the states ordered to recount without them, or they will simply rule the election is invalid due to
mass voter fraud and at that point it will be sent to the congress and senate for a vote.
"This is where it gets good. The house/congress votes on who the President will be. It has nothing to do with
what party that has power. Every State gets one vote, and 30 States are held by Republicans.and 19 by Democrats. They have to vote down party lines,
they have no choice due to the 12th Amendment of the Constitution and the Senate votes for the Vice President where a similar even will take place.
"This is The law. This is why the Democrats are so mad at Nancy Pelosi. This will all happen in January.
The only way President Trump won't be President is if he concedes the election and that will never happen.
"So stop watching the fake news and don't let your heart be troubled and live your life knowing this will
all work out.
"President Trump will remain President. I have researched all of this, and it is fact!
"Another fun fact: they called Gore the President Elect for 30 days in 2000, until the courts ruled against
him and declared Bush the winner. And two people that were part of that decision was none other that new Supreme Court Justices, Brett Kavanaugh
and Amy Coney Barrett. Why do you think the Democrats tried so hard to keep them from being confirmed."
November 9, 2020
- UPDATE: Benford's Law Has Been Used to Prove Election Fraud in the Past -- Joe Biden's Numbers in Michigan are 99% Flawed
-- No Surprise that Tech Giants are Banning This Information -- Read this article.
- Self-Described Dem Party Worker, Detroit Resident, Brags On Facebook: "I work for Wayne Co, MI and I threw out every Trump
ballot I saw. Tens of thousands of them and so did all of my co-workers" -- For every confession like this that surfaces, there are 99 that
did not.
- BREAKING: Twitter and Facebook Are SUSPENDING Anyone Who Retweeted Our Tweet on Benford's Law That SHOWS IMPLAUSIBILITY OF BIDEN VOTE
DISTRIBUTION! -- You don't even need this analysis to show that cheating was massive and overwhelming.
Sunday Live: Massive Election Fraud Confirmed In 5 States "Lost" By Trump -- Meanwhile Biden Calls For Permanent Lockdown --
Everything the communists do simply confirms the authenticity of the fraud charges.
- Wisconsin Election Clerks May Have Illegally Altered Thousands of Ballots -- Naturally.
Rate of rejected mail-in ballots almost 30 times lower in Pennsylvania this year than in 2016 -- More evidence . . .
'Like Flipping A Coin And Getting Heads 100 Times': Stats Boffs Scrutinize Biden 'Victory' Numbers -- Impossible.
Cruz: Prepare For "Socialist Abyss" If Dems Win Senate -- In an appearance on Fox News, which has already called the presidency for
Joe Biden much to the disgust of many Republicans, Cruz demanded that the rule of law be followed.
"At this point, we do not know who has prevailed in the election," the Senator said, emphasising that
"The media is desperately trying to get everyone to coronate Joe Biden as the next president, but that's not how it works."
"The media does not get to select our president. The American people get to elect our president," Cruz urged.
Censoring Donald Trump Is More "Dangerous To Democracy" Than Anything He Could Ever Say -- "Oligarchs and social media giants are now
claiming a monopoly on "the truth", that should worry everyone.
"I Am Done, I'll Not Vote Again" -- One Middle-American Mom Rages At 'Real-Life Idiocracy' --
" 'I've been called a racist and a xenophobe and a chump and even an 'ugly folk' -- I've been told that I have privilege, and that I have inherent
bias because of my skin color...' "
The March Of Wokeism Is An All-Pervasive New Oppression -- "Our institutions are gripped by a dogma that tells white men to feel shame and does
nothing to promote minorities."
November 8, 2020
- Election over. Trump wins. -- Oh sure, you won't see this announcement in the MSM, or even most alternative
media. But more evidence is emerging that Operation Hammer and Operation Scorecard were real CIA operations aimed at taking Trump out,
more minions will fall and fess up, knowing they'll end up in prison if they don't. It's a tidal wave of exposed corruption. You can
feel it -- like you feel an impeding storm coming, about to beat down on your city.
- BREAKING: "Operation Scorecard" CIA-run vote theft software was running in EVERY swing state.
"Glitches" switched votes from Trump to Biden. -- The Dems are . . . what word shall I used? . . . I was going to say f**ked, but
somehow that one just doesn't encompass it -- but that doesn't mean that the gaslighting will end any time soon. See next post:
- Trump Attorney: Manual Recounts May Be Necessary in 30 States After Software "Glitch" Is Caught Erasing 6,000 Votes for
Donald Trump in Just One County -- It wasn't a glitch. Democrats got caught. They've been doing this for years. However, because of the
implications for the entirety of civilization with this election, the fraud stops. Now.
Biden wins presidency, Trump denied second term in White House, Fox News projects -- Are these people ever going to have egg on their face.
Epic Voter Fraud Compilation: All Election Theft Caught On Tape In One Place -- "This video compiles videos and pictures exposing the
cheating Democrats as they attempt to steal this election from the American people." (102 min.) --
"All these commie pos's need to be sentenced to death for their treason. Dr. Proctor is correct. We are in a state of war and treason is the crime
they are committing, trying to help China and the DNC to end America and kill our economy."
If Trump doesn't concede election to Biden, BLM-tied group plans to take over government buildings -- Good luck with that.
Even Alpha Omega Labs doesn't have a cure for multiple bullet hole wounds.
Mystery vehicles made 4am ballot drop at Detroit counting center, says observer -- And the voter fraud hit machine just keeps churning out
your favorite tunes!
Michigan Republican Wins Reelection in Oakland County After Technical Glitch Corrected -- The first of hundreds of reversals
in results. The process of judgement, punishment, and regeneration have been initiated under a Scorpion sun.
- SAVE THE REPUBLIC: Trump may invoke the Fourteenth Amendment to strip Electoral College votes from states engaged
in an illegal INSURRECTION against our republic -- This would be for effect. Trump doesn't have to do this to win. He only
needs to have an accurate vote count -- one that isn't fraudulent. Mike Adams comments (Natural News) comments:
"Two months ago, I detailed Trump's powers under the Fourteenth Amendment, which grants the President the power to declare an illegal
insurrection against the United States of America and strip Electoral College votes from states which are engaged in a coordinated
- If you say something against the democrat / communist narrative, Big Tech and the MSM will label it: MISLEADING!
- More Democrat Corruption -- Swing States Show Biden Votes Suspiciously Far Exceeding Democrat Down-Ticket Votes
-- Statistically Improbable -- It's not possible.
This is the guy they want you to think was capable of winning an election -- this is the ultimate in gaslighting..
- Sekulow: Campaign Should Be 'Demanding a Manual Recount' in Places with Software that Glitched in MI -- These horribly
embarrassing instances of voter fraud are just raining in now, demanding that nothing short of a manual count and checking voter registrations to
find real people who are actually alive, are included.
Keith Olbermann Calls For The Arrests Of President Donald Trump And Tucker Carlson -- Ain't gonna happen.
Nevada Republicans Send Criminal Referral to AG Barr -- "Our lawyers just sent a criminal referral to AG Barr regarding at least 3,062
instances of voter fraud. We expect that number to grow substantially," the Nevada GOP said on Twitter. "Thousands of individuals have been identified
who appear to have violated the law by casting ballots after they moved from NV."
"We Have Lists!" Democrat Politicians Call For The Political Prosecution Of Trump Followers -- "The guillotines are out already for Trump
supporters, and apparently blacklists are being made as we break it down."
Kill those who disagree with you! This is the calling card of good, little communists
everywhere. Guest's counter comment: "Trump should have done it this last summer long before there was even an election. But now that we've had one,
Trump has no choice. He needs to drop the hammer, call it the insurrection that it is, and take military action."
Intelligence Insider: President Trump Setup Democrats In "Sting Operation" To Catch Them Stealing Election! -- I posted this previously,
but this is a more secure platform, for when it's removed.
The Galactic Federation Confirms: The Light Forces Are Taking Over -- Be nice. Just read it with an open mind.
World Champion Boxer Joe Frazier Voted this Year in Pennsylvania -- But He Skipped Campaigning for Joe Biden Because
He's Been Dead Since 2011 -- The voter fraud is reaching hilarious proportions.
- Twitter gods Censor a Stream of US President Trump's Tweets -- The Sheep Are Not Allowed to Challenge the Stolen Election
-- Not Even the President! -- Big Tech and the MSM have a message for you: "Only we have the right and the power to determine election
results. No Russian entity could possibly compete with our ability to interfere with a democratic election."
Trump Heads Out to Golf as Biden's Hopes to Become President Fade Despite His Amazing Charisma -- With each passing hour,
the screws of truth press down on the fraudsters as the whole world watches in disdain.
Even leftists are speaking out! Everybody knows far-left Democrats and corrupt Joe Biden Are Trying to steal this election! --
It is becoming so embarrassing that many Democrats are now coming out and saying, "Give it break. Any monkey can see that Biden lost."
- OUTRAGEOUS! Turncoat GOP elections board members resign in North Carolina After Siding with Democrats on "Fixing"
Flawed Ballots -- This shows that no party has a monopoly on traitors.
Nolte: America Now Has Two Medias, and the Corporate Media's Losing -- And by supporting the contention that Biden won,
the MSM are only digging a deeper hole for themselves.
- Inslee: Biden Will Spur 'Commitment' from Americans to Get Them to 'Start Wearing Masks at Home,' 'Reconsider'
Thanksgiving Plans -- This is only a small taste of the tyranny to which Americans would be subjected if Biden ever were president.
It can't happen, and it won't happen. The "Stop the Fraud" movement will prevail. The alternative is civil war. There is no other alternative.
- Marsha Blackburn Stares Down Radical Leftists Seeking to Target Trump Supporters with Hit List --
Without maximum pushback, millions could die. Evil only understands immovable, unflinching resistance and opposition. There can be no doubt
or wavering faith that the Good will win this war.
Wall Street Journal: Biden and his progressive ideas 'lost' -- The editorial board of the Wall Street Journal has concluded that
while Joe Biden may win the White House, "his party and progressive ideas lost."
The WSJ -- a publication that I subscribed to religiously from 1976 to 2004 -- is hedging its bets.
It cannot stray too far from the official mainstream media narrative. After all, the WSJ is mainstream. But even their editors must see the
handwriting on the wall: Biden got his butt kicked, and after all the fraudulent ballots are removed, the rest of the world will know, too.
WATCH: Trump campaign news conference lays out fraud evidence
-- Committed leftwing media pundits don't get to call elections.
- Letter from a Friend Talking About the Current Election Mayhem:
"My twitter response when someone asks just how stupid are we?
"Really stupid. Acceptance of JFK, Moon Landing, 911 and Sandy Hook prove it.
Watch this and get back to me. Everything is a Rich Man's Trick.
"I am have serious problems reflecting on how useless my more than 50 years of truth work has been . . .
Hope you are in better spirits than me."
Adronis of Sirius: 2021 -- The Year of Transition & The Point of No Return -- Posted yesterday (Nov 6). Runs: 1:42:00.
Reading starts at: 14:50, and he starts speaking at 16:30. Brad Johnson channels "Adronis." Before you write this off as "New Age" claptrap,
listen to it, because I found it very insightful. Might help you hone your "co-creation" efforts. Some highlights:
- Spiritual importance: "the wheat is being separated from the chaff."
- Importance of Dec. 21, 2020 -- (Interesting -- were we off by 8 years).
- Around 30:00 -- neither candidate wins. Not Biden. Not Trump. Somebody else.
November 7, 2020
Correia: "F**kery Is Afoot" -- "I am more offended by how ham fisted, clumsy, and audacious the fraud to elect him is than the idea of
Joe Biden being president. I think Joe Biden is a corrupt idiot, however, I think America would survive him like we've survived previous idiot
administrations. However, what is potentially fatal for America is half the populace believing that their elections are hopelessly rigged and
they're eternally fucked. And now, however this shakes out in court, that’s exactly what half the country is going to think.
People are pissed off, and rightfully so.
- BREAKING: Michigan 'Computer Glitch' Fixed Switching 6,000 Votes from Biden to President Trump -- GOP Demands
47 More Counties Corrected -- And it's really just the tip of the iceberg.
BREAKING: 11,791 Ballots Released by 3 Arizona Counties -- 66.3% For President Trump -- It's only starting because there's
a whole lot of ballots in dumpsters that have to be unearthed.
- A List of Important Dates and Links to State Legislatures to Call to Demand Democrats Don'tabindex
Get Away with Stealing the Election -- Important for activists that can participate.
- BREAKING: Project Veritas: 2nd Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower Claims Postmaster Ordered Late Ballots Picked Up and Separated
to be Backdated -- Willing to Testify Under Oath (VIDEO) -- More and more of these cases are going to pop up.
- JUST IN: President Trump Vows to Use "Every Aspect of the Law" to Fight Against Corrupt Democrat Machine Trying to
Steal Election -- We'll see where that takes us.
- WATCH: Nancy Pelosi Calls President Donald Trump a Domestic Enemy and Refers to Biden as
'President Elect' -- An obvious coup.
Breaking: Biden Campaign THREATENS TO ESCORT TRUMP FROM THE WHITE HOUSE -- Tell me this isn't an open invitation to civil war.
- Chicago Democrat: Yes, the old party machine is stealing
the election -- Rod Blagojevich said Friday that as a Democrat born in Chicago who served in Congress and as governor of Illinois, it's clear
to him that the old Democratic machine in key battleground states is trying to steal the election from Donald Trump.
Political guru Dick Morris says GOP state legislatures can declare Trump winner of stolen election -- Bill Clinton's former political adviser
weighs in.
- Philadelphia Registered Democrat Observer: "This Is Coup Against The President Of The United States Of America" --
It's beyond obvious.
Top coup experts training Left with revolutionary tactics ahead of election -- This was actually posted on the 4th, but it
intimates the level of planning that went into this stolen election.
November 6, 2020
Trump Sting w/ CIA Director, Steve Pieczenik: The Biggest Election Story in History
This began circulating yesterday. If any of it's true, Trump -- strange as it seems -- might
be the smartest military tactician in history. We'll soon see if it is true or not.
Interestingly, the MSM and Big Tech is doing everything they can to bury this information.
I had a friend send me a different link on the same news info via email.
The email was 15 minutes old and already the video had been taken down.
So if you can download this, do it. Enormous effort is being made to
prevent it from getting out. I do, however, find it strange that Trump
himself has not addressed this.
Pres Trump Just Trapped All the Elites Into Committing Voter Fraud: Trump Landslide Incoming! --
This came out on the 4th, and covers the same subject as the post above. Again -- if this is true, it's a miracle.
November 5, 2020
November 4, 2020
2020 Election -- It ain't over under the fat lady sings -- Only civil war can bring about a resolution to election fraud
that is this obvious, this aggregious, and this ubiquitous. In the absence of civil war to resolve this, only tyranny wins.
Trump Claims Victory in 2020 Election: Says Dems Are Trying To Steal It -- You can't blame them, really.
The Democrats are cheating just like they promised they would -- as I have posted repeatedly.
Trump Campaign: If We Count All Legal Ballots, President Trump Wins -- Yes, but it's not about legal ballots.
How about all the illegal alients, dead people, dead cats, dead dogs, etc? As I've been documenting this chaos was predictable as soon as
"mail-in" ballots were approved.
Pollsters repeat 2016 failure in 2020 disaster -- It's not a failure or a disaster. It's well-scripted propaganda that people
shouldn't listen to.
Where The Vote Stands: Trump Demands Wisconsin Recount As Michigan Reviews Votes On "Skewed Results"; Susan Collins Wins --
I thought that Mark Levin's comments were on the mark:
- I thought about waiting until my radio show to state this, but it must be said now: All night and this morning, the media are playing
with the electoral map and their declarations of who won what states, and in virtually every case it assists the Biden campaign.
- North Carolina, Georgia, Alaska should all be called now for President Trump. There was no legitimate reason to call Arizona early for Biden with
so much of the vote out. There was no reason to sit on Florida and Ohio for hours when those outcomes were quite clear.
- The purpose is to make it appear that the President is not close to the 270 electoral vote number to win the presidency and to make it appear that
the President was never going to be re-elected.
- And you can see all the delays through the night and beyond, waiting for mail-in votes -- Philadelphia, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Detroit, etc.
This is followed by commentators telling us that there's nothing unusual about all of this. Delays in counting votes happens all the time.
- Really, we've experienced this before? In all these states? Nonsense. Meanwhile, the Democrats have been litigating in states for months to
change existing election laws to help Biden and the Democrats.
- They set in place the mail-in voting chaos, some states literally a few months ago.
Biden Campaign Prematurely Declares 'We've Won the Election' While Slamming Trump for Doing the Same -- Again, they promised fraud, and
in this one area, they ARE delivering.
Trump campaign wants 'only one vote per person' -- One vote per person? What an original concept.
'Livid' Limbaugh confident 'Trump is going to win this' -- Now begins the hand-to-hand combat.
Giuliani: "En route to Philadelphia with legal team. Massive cheating. @realDonaldTrump up by 550,000 with 75% counted.
Will not let Philly Democrat hacks steal it!"
- Blatant fraud in Michigan -- Trump Campaign Files Suit in Michigan After Massive Dump of Ballots For
Biden Suddenly Appear Overnight. -- Massive fraud occurring wherever voting processes are controlled by a Democrat establishment.
Not a single such claim has been made by anyone where Republicans are in charge. Coincidence?
November 3, 2020 -- Evening | U.S. Election Day
Trump Support Pours in From Around the World -- They're not supporting Trump. They're supporting very simple principles
of human expression: liberty, protection from radicals (i.e. BLM), freedom to practice one's faith, etc. Trump is just the flashpoint.
Jesse James: Trump Is Going To Win In A F*cking Landslide -- It's certainly looking that way.
- WTH? Unidentified Civilian is Filmed Taking Official Ballot Box Away from Philly Polling Place --
Stuffing it in his Car -- Again, they promised they would cheat, and boy, are they ever!
If Biden is a Certainty, Why Are the Democrats Boarding Up Their Cities? -- Because it really is that obvious who's winning the real vote.
IT HAS BEGUN! Liberals Prepare For Violent Riots As Hopes For Biden Victory Vanish -- Stay Tuned For Updates -- The tide is turning.
- Joe Biden Introduces His Granddaughter, "This is my Son Beau Biden. This is my Granddaughter, Natali.
No Wait, No Wait. We Got the Wrong One” (VIDEO) -- Can't make this up.
- MASSIVE Rally for Trump in Nigeria -- Hindu Sena hold Fire Rituals for Trump in New Delhi -- Jews in Surfside, FL Hold Prayer
Vigil for Trump -- The whole world is watching.
If Trump wins, it will be the greatest political miracle in U.S. history -- To have the force of the entire MSM, Big Tech, Democrats
and other leftists, etc., and still win? I'd all it impressive.
Tucker Carlson: You're Either With Trump Or You're With The 'Disgusting Ruling Class' -- "Those Trump is fighting against are
'incompetent and narcissistic and cruel and relentlessly dishonest'"
Google Caught Trying to Hide Trump's Popularity Over Biden -- I'm almost giddy at the prospect at how this will affect the reputation
of the MSM and Big Tech.
Report: Biden planning aggressive moves to seize control if news outlets declare him winner -- And good chance they will --- no matter
how badly Biden is losing.
Report: If Media Declare Biden Winner, He Intends to 'Address Nation' as 'New Leader' -- It's only fair that once in a while
the loser is made the winner!
Trump: 'They Say You Cannot Win Without Big Tech, We're Going to Find Out' -- I believe Big Tech and the MSM
will never be viewed the same way again. Their influence will never be what it was before, because now there is a critical mass of citizens
who understand that they are enemy combatants of the Republic.
- Twitter Bans Retweeting Official Statement From Erie County Election Board on Viral Post From Man Claiming to be Poll
Worker Throwing Away Trump Ballots -- (5:03 pm EST)
November 3, 2020 -- Morning / Afternoon | U.S. Election Day
2020 Election Coverage -- Yes, I know. It's one of Alex Jones' sites. You really didn't think I would provide a link
to a Big Tech or MSM controlled site -- one that would proclaim Biden the winner even if he only garnered 15% of the popular vote -- did you?
On Eve of 2020 Election, Trump Set to Win in Historic Landslide - FULL SHOW 11/2/20 -- Latest update up to last night.
Biden Campaign Manager: "Under No Scenario" Will Trump Be Allowed To Declare Victory --
THE STEAL IS ON IN PHILLY: Man Caught Handing Out Democrat Literature to Voters IN LINE TO VOTE --
They promised they would do anything they could to cheat, and -- sure enough -- they are not disappointing.
- HUGE: Helmut Norpoth's Election Model Shows 91% Chance Trump Will Be Victorious with 362 Electoral Votes! --
"Helmut Norpoth from Stony Brook University released his final predictions for the 2020 election. Norpoth correctly predicted President Trump's
historic win in 2016."
- The Democrats' 'Color Revolution' Campaign Begins -- Biden Campaign Announces No Winner Tomorrow
-- Big Tech Ready to Assist -- "The Trump Administration just released a statement accusing the Democrats of ALREADY cutting election day ads
of a "Red Mirage" in order to excuse Joe Biden's massive loss on Tuesday and to foment chaos. The Trump campaign said."
FINAL 2020 RALLY TALLY: President Trump Had Largest Crowds at His Rallies in US History – Biden Had Some of the Smallest
- FREAK SHOW: Joe Biden's Final "Rally" in Scranton, PA on Tuesday Morning Is as Awkward and Empty as His Entire
Campaign (VIDEO) -- Unreal.
Varney and Co.: Stock Market Trends Show a Win for President Trump (VIDEO) -- The financial markets weigh in.
- President Trump Highlights Hilarious Joe Biden Gaffes One Last Time In Final Rally of 2020 Campaign --
Hard to believe that someone this completely debilitated could get this far. As I've said many times, he's the ultimate puppet.
- Portland Rioters Give Trump One Last Free Campaign Ad Before Election Day By Trying To Burn Down An Apartment Building,
Smash Up University -- Leftists are so insane, they've given Trump free advertisement that no amount of money could pay for.
- Unhinged Leftist with Swastika Sign and Confederate Flag Arrested -- Tried to Make Trump Supporters Look Like Nazis by
Association at Florida Trump Rally -- Micro false flags. We're going to see a lot more of this in the coming days.
How 2020 races will be called and why winners may not be announced Tuesday night -- The left is trying to get us ready for Harris.
NJ won't start counting votes cast in person until a week after Election Day --
The intent could not possibly be clearer.
Dead people caught voting in NYC, elections records show -- And dead cats, dead dogs, illegal immigrants.
Maybe dead cockroaches in Joe Biden's house will be voting.
Scarborough Brags: We'll Censor Trump If He Declares Victory! -- "A new low for the liberal media. A major American network
censoring the President of the United States on election night!"
Biden Campaign Manager: "Under No Scenario" Will Trump Be Allowed To Declare Victory -- This is the same as saying,
"Under no scenario will we respect the democratic process."
- Michigan Governor: Up to Six Months in Prison if Businesses Don't Surveil Customers for Contact Tracing --
I covered this development previously, but here's an update on the latest from Michigan's Globalist, Nazi governor.
Trump campaign 'absolutely ready' to challenge invalid ballots: Lara Trump -- They have their work cut out for them.

November 2, 2020 -- Afternoon / Evening | U.S. Election Eve
Big Tech Panics As Web Metrics Show Massive Trump Landslide Tuesday! FULL SHOW 11-1-2020 -- Landslide for Trump.
The only question is this: will the cheating overcome the landslide and hand the election to brain-dead Biden: see next post.
Dems collude with CIA to launch intelligence operation that ALTERS voting machine results in Pennsylvania and other swing states --
"Dave Janda of Operation Freedom ( has unleashed a bombshell story with huge implications for Tuesday's elections. Janda's guest in his
latest broadcast is a former high-level intelligence official (Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney) who warns that the Dems and the CIA have put in place a mechanism
which can alter the voting results of electronic voting machines in key swing states (like Pennsylvania) that will determine the outcome of the
election." [One has to wonder: if they have this technology -- and it's nothing new -- why didn't they use it to get Hillary elected in 2016?]
Kamala Harris publicly endorses COMMUNISM! -- says all outcomes must be equal, embraces core demand of authoritarian government --
True colors are showing.
Kamala Harris Blasted For Going 'Full Marxist' In Campaign Video -- "Just hours before the election, the Democrat candidate for
Vice President has been blasted for releasing a video boiling down literal Communism into a cartoon and apparently giving her endorsement to it."
This is Alex Jones covering the same incident as is cited in the previous post.
Trump Campaign Adviser Predicts Sunbelt Sweep on Election Day -- "Trump campaign senior adviser Jason Miller said President Donald Trump offered
an optimistic outlook, saying that several battleground states in the Southern United States will back the president's reelection."
The Biden Five: Profiling one of America's most politically corrupt families -- Never before has it been so obvious that a vote for
Biden is a vote for the most aggregious mafia family in U.S. history.
Giuliani: Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey "covering up child pornography" -- In the minds of leftists, raping and brutalizing
kids is a virtue. Why? I'll say it again: they're demon-possessed.
White Coat Summit: Health Expert Exposes The Myths About Masks -- "Dr. Lee Merritt breaks down the science behind masks and exposes their lack
of efficacy in preventing the spread and how they actually accelerate viral and bacterial growth."
Doug Casey On Whether Your Vote Can Prevent A Civil War? -- "It's likely to be the most important one in the country's history, including that
of 1860. Unfortunately, no matter how you vote, it's unlikely to head off what history likely has in store for us.
Something wicked this way comes..."
Anti-Lockdown Epidemiologist Intimidated, Shamed By Contagion Of Hatred And Hysteria -- "Lockdown is a blunt, indiscriminate policy
that forces the poorest and most vulnerable people to bear the brunt of the fight against coronavirus. As an infectious diseases epidemiologist,
I believe there has to be a better way."
November 2, 2020 -- Morning
The Complete Election Cheat Sheet: What Happens On And After November 3 -- It's going to be a wild 78 days.
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganó's Open Letter to President Donald J. Trump -- Anyone who understands that this is spiritual warfare
owes it to themselves to carefully read this letter. This letter has a great deal to say about the "Great Reset" -- read it. Speaking of which,
the next post addresses the same topic:
Delingpole: Only Donald Trump Can Save Us from the Great Reset -- I'm sure that's what Viganó had in mind.
Did you know that American Muslims have a moral responsibility to MURDER all non-believing fellow citizens? If they do not, they are failing to
practice their religion? -- (I knew this already, but you may find this Facebook post revealing. Maybe it will help you wake up.)
ROGER STONE: How the Democrats Plan to Steal the 2020 Election -- Democrats engaging in widespread voter fraud, including mail-in voting abuse,
illegal ballot harvesting, multiple votes cast by one individual, votes cast in the name of deceased persons, manipulation of computerized voting machine
Two Pollsters Who Called 2016 Make Huge Prediction: 'People Are Going To Be Shocked' -- They're calling it for Trump.
China is using the coronavirus pandemic to speed up its plans for global DOMINATION -- A U.K. minister of parliament party warning that the
Chinese Communist Party will achieve global dominance sooner thanks to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). This warning was written by Iain Duncan Smith,
the former leader of the Conservative Party.
Must-see interviews with Steve Quayle, Matt Bracken and JR Nyquist, detailing the post-election CHAOS now just
three days away --
"Democrats are going to lose big in the 2020 election, and the post-election chaos will begin almost immediately after the polls close on Tuesday.
The goal of the left-wing extremists? Plunge America into total chaos and disperse a cloud of confusion over the results of the election."
All employees of Big Tech are hereby designated enemies of America -- "DHS Acting Secretary Chad Wolf has now called out Twitter for its
censorship, claiming the social media platform "endangers national security" with its outrageous, never-ending censorship spree."
- Antifa Protester Screams at Police, 'I Hope All of Your Children Get Raped and Killed' -- Put these people
in charge? Yeah, sure.
- Dr. Robert Epstein Tells Tucker Carlson: Big Tech Could 'Shift 15 Million Votes' in 2020 Election --
"Dr. Robert Epstein appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss the 2020 election and the influence that the Silicon Valley Masters of the Universe have
over voters. According to Epstein, Google and other companies could shift 15 million votes in the upcoming election, "without leaving a paper trail for
authorities to trace."
Conflict Expert on Possible Trump Win: Thousands Could 'Storm White House' -- ". . . federal officials should be prepared for
violent mobs on the streets of Washington, DC, that could attempt to attack the White House if President Donald Trump is victorious in winning
a second term."
Leaked Zoom calls: Federal workers conspiring to shut down White House in contested election -- "'It's a coup. Don't let anyone tell you
it's not'"
Michigan governor: Up to 6 months prison if businesses don't surveil customers -- "Hello, how many in your party and may I please
have their full names and phone numbers?" Unbelievable, this woman Nazi.
'Orwell could not have written a more pessimistic ending' than a Biden win -- Hard to refute in my book.
University offers mental-health services to cope with election results -- Guess the "safe rooms" aren't doin' it anymore.
Maybe we can get China to quickly come up with 50 million baby blankets for these left wing wimps.
Joe Biden Gets Confused Again in Philadelphia: "I Am Finnegan Biden's Grandma" (VIDEO) -- You can't make this shit up. For real.
Listen to the video. Millions of Americans have already voted for this guy to be President. Hard to believe, isn't it?
November 1, 2020
- IT'S HAPPENING: Trump Up 7 Points in Final Selzer Iowa Poll -- Latest States Poll Has Trump Up 322 to 216 for Biden in National
Electoral College -- I believe it was Mark Twain who said, "If you think your vote counted, do you think the government would let you
have one?" But I'm not so sure. Not this time. We may not know what a second Trump administration would mean for the U.S., and indeed, the world.
But we sure as hell know what a Harris administration would bring after brain-dead Joe steps down. They are promising what amounts to hell on
earth, and we should take them at their word.
Escobar: A Dem Presidency Means The Return Of The Blob -- A nightmare from hell --- and, in coded language, the left doesn't deny it.
Why Trump will win (and you may not like the answer) -- It's a different perspective -- much of it evangelical.
I don't necessarily agree with everything in it, but it's well worth watching and thinking about.
Of particular importance is the last half
of the video which shows quite conclusively how 5G was put in place to rachet down restrictions even further and kill of most of humanity.
Even at low levels, 5G frequency exposure makes normal human behavior almost impossible. We'll see this wherever they've installed 5G. And if you
live in civilization, for most of us the relevant question is: "Where have they NOT installed 5G?" Dana's website -- good in show in case
they continue to ban her everywhere -- is
Last of all: most of the principles in this video are given artistic expression
in my latest video.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Endorses President Trump, Marking First GOP Endorsement In Almost 50 Years -- Unusual,
because Pennsylvania, like New York, California, Virginia, and Michigan is a Democratic Party as it gets.
- Officials OUTRAGED After Trump Campaign Asks
for Names of People Transporting Ballots and Locations of Where Ballots Are Stored and Counted --
"Crooked politicians are OUTRAGED that the Trump Campaign is not letting them get away with their Dirty Tricks."
- "Our Numbers Are Looking VERY Good All Over" -- FIRED UP! President Trump Is Up at 5:34 AM After Late Night Rally and
Ready for 5 More Rallies Today --
"On Saturday President Trump held 4 separate rallies in Pennsylvania. Trump held rallies in Bucks County at 1:30 p.m., followed by rallies
in Reading at 2:30 p.m., in Butler at 5:30 p.m., and in Montoursville at 8 p.m. The crowd in Butler, PA alone numbered 57,000 -- with about
25% registered Democrats.
The Mother Of All Market Bubbles, Part 2 -- "Easy money, market manipulation, deregulation, reckless speculation, counterproductive fixes,
unsustainable debt, and evil intent pushed things toward economic collapse. . . In 2020 alone, the Wall Street owned and controlled Fed poured over
$9 trillion dollars into the hands of unnamed trading houses that's been used for rampant speculation."
Quantifying The Left Wing Bias Of Wikipedia -- "Is Wikipedia's neutral point of view truly dead?... analysis shows that editors favoring
right-leaning views were six times more likely to be sanctioned than those favoring left-leaning views." I've been complaining about this for a
long time. For reasons that are not clear to me, Wikipedia thinks I'm famous enough to have my own biography there.
It reads like I'm the devil incarnate, and it contains so many factual
misstatements, that I posted a refutation five years ago (Nov., 2015).
Paul Craig Roberts claims that Wikipedia
is swarming with CIA disinformation trolls. This much is certain: Wikipedia is clearly a left-wing propaganda outlet.
"A Lot Of People Are Leaving": COVID Shutdowns Have Turned San Francisco Into A Ghost Town --
"San Fran" doesn't seem quite so gay anymore -- no pun intended. "One tech executive, who moved out of his $4,000/month apartment last week, told AP:
'San Francisco can say, 'Hey, it's cool to open back up.' But what's changed? The virus is still there, and there's no vaccine.' He said of the move
with his partner: "We're both extreme extroverts, so the working from home thing makes us miserable."
Twitter's Censorship "Endangers National Security": DHS Acting Secretary -- It endangers much much than that. Twitter endangers principles
which are at the bedrock of the First Amendment. It's a propaganda monster.
Martenson: We Are Pawns In A Bigger Game Than We Realize -- "Is it possible to make sense out of nonsense?" No --- no more than it is
possible to defy the Laws of Thermodynamics and get order out of chaos -- strangely, a false truism found on the U.S. one dollar bill.
- There is a MASSIVE CROWD lined up in Macomb County Michigan to see Trump on Sunday.
He's holding FIVE RALLIES in FIVE STATES today (Sunday).
BIDEN TRAIN WRECK: With Only a Few Hundred Supporters at Detroit Biden-Obama Event, Obama's Mic Goes Out -- Since picking a brain-dead
candidate -- Biden -- you almost have to wonder if TPTB "instructed" the Democrats to act as incompetently as possible to ensure that they'd
lose the election. The Hunter Biden laptop scenario is particularly troubling. It causes a thinking person to pose the question:
"Is there really another member of my own species that could possibly be this fucking stupid." I believe the next post makes this even
WTF? Joe Biden Tells Voters: "I Don't Need You to Get Me Elected" (Video) -- At one rally Joe left Barack hanging on the stage.
A couple months back, as I posted, Obama is reported to have said, "If Biden gets nominated, never discount his ability to royally fuck
things up." Wasn't that good advise.
- Trump plays the best closing video of all time --
The title of this video sounds like pure exaggeration. It isn't. The vision of a president that Biden himself has presented is nothing short
of frightening. In this YouTube, taken of a video that Trump showed in Butler, PA, Biden looks more grossly incompetent than any person to
ever run for office in the history of democratically-held elections.
How was it that this wasn't done on purpose? On how many different levels are we all being played?
Could you possibly name any public figures in human history who have worked so vigorously to portray themselves as complete morons as
Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. I know my history, and I absolutely cannot.
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1 Nov 2020 @ 12:00 pm (noon)