Amazing! After a sleep, please take a look at what the result I got for the eczema.
This process never ceases to amaze me! Truly. Why does the end result leave such a nice uniform hole behind?
This one took exactly 10 days. It was the most painful, and you explained the why of that. There was sort of a
scab there, and I never really know when the process is over. I figured this one was over.
In the past what I do
is put some H2O2 on a cuetip and start to clean the site. Upon doing that, if the process is over, the light pressure
is usually enough to move the scab off. It has worked that way for me every time. I suppose it I
just left it alone, it would fall off by itself.
[ Editor's Note: As is evidenced in the
Cansema testimonial section, we get sequential
series of photographs from time to time, but seldom do they possess the clarity,
resolution, or detail contained with this one. There are 45 photographs in this
series, and therefore we have created a separate
pictorial related to this . . . Case #042715.
Hi Greg,
Attached are photos of what is going on with the area on my penis.
I had an area on my left leg which was biopsied. I'll receive the results on that next week. I have included
a photo of how that reacted to the salve.
The other photos are of the area on my penis. I put some full strength salve on the area -- no problem with
pain at all. The area reacted as you will see in the photos. It's difficult to keep the area bandaged, so
there is frequent occasion to take a photo if I choose. After the first application I noticed other areas
reacted to the salve, so on Apr 26 I reapplied to those areas. All the photos are attached. I photoshopped
in the necessary text details so that the photos are more or less self explanatory.
Name Withheld
California (USA)
Rec'd : April 27, 2015
Case #061515: Cansema® Salve & Skin Cancer
I want to thank you for you product and give you a big thank you.
Your salve removed a cancer from my skin. I love how if the skin is okay, there is NO reaction.
This was a few years ago. This was a spot on my nose that had be removed earlier via a mohs surgery.
Rec'd : June 15, 2015
Case #061815: AO Herbal Toothpaste & Toothache
[ Most people don't know that our
AO Herbal Toothpaste is a mild escharotic. It not only does a phenomenal
job of cleaning teeth, but it also clears out gingivitis, many forms of periodontal disease, and
a wide variety of bacterial conditions that can lead to toothache. The testimonial below is one
of many along these lines . . . ]
I think we’ve been using the toothpaste since October of last year.
It took away a toothache . . . The toothpaste leaves our mouths feeling cleaner than other fluoride-free
toothpaste on the market. My husband finds that his throat doesn’t get so dry
when he uses it at night and he has sweet kisses for me in the morning.
Janice -- (S. America)
Rec'd : June 18, 2015
Case #061915: Oje & Parasites (non-specific)
[ For most intestinal worm problems,
Worms-B-Gone (formerly Old Amish Dewormer) does a very
good job. But for more serious parasitic infections, Oje
is the product of choice. See testimonial below. ]
We finished our 8 day OJE cleanse (4 bottles each person).
Yes, it does work for ridding the body of parasites. ...finally found something that actually works!
Just want to thank you so much for
making this available to us here in Canada!!! Thanks again . . .
P.S. --- You were right about sensitivity from the sun -
I feel when I spend a bit of time in the sun that I have heat stroke like symptoms (funny feeling in my head thereafter).
Otherwise, there wasn't too much die-off healing crisis for which I'm glad,
but even if there was, it would be worth it IMO. Mind you I have been on various parasite cleanses on and off
for the last little while before this one. I realize those ones did nothing much in comparison to Oje.
Rec'd : June 19, 2015
Case #062515: Cansema® Salve & Advanced SCC
(Click images to enlarge)
During the winter I had squamous cell carcinoma surgically removed from the
outer side of my leg between my ankle and calf, using Moh's surgery. I then started researching skin cancer and
came across your site/Cansema. I purchased the salve and
ant venom to try if I ever had any more issues with my skin.
About a month ago I had something the size of a pencil eraser that
I was sure looked like the squamous cell, so I put the salve on for 3 days in a row. (I have to admit
I was going on the directions I read before I purchased the salve and never mixed the salve.)
I put the salve on 3 days in a row ... then let it just do its thing. I did have to use the ant venom for pain,
put it worked well to relieve it without having to use ibuprophen.
I attached 3 pics. (1st one is with black dot, then the white bulbous one,
then the one that looks deflated). It seemed to be progressing well. Yesterday it looked like it opened up where
you can see in the pic and the "eschar" has been deflating since . . .
This stuff is truly amazing. I am sold on it and telling everyone who will listen.
I am a holistic health coach and would love to teach people about these products . . .
Rec'd : June 26, 2015
Case #071815: Cansema® Salve & Squamous Cell Carcinoma
(Click images to enlarge)
[Editor's Note: Testimonial submitted by caretaker.]
(I'm submitting) the case of a cancer patient, who was told that a second
surgery would be required to remove an advanced SCC, but that he could lose his eye in the process.
Not wanting to lose his eye, he opted to remove the growth in its entirety with Cansema, instead,
which he subsequently did.
(name withheld)
Rec'd : July 18, 2015
Case #072015: Cansema® Salve & Breast Cancer
(Click images to enlarge)
[Editor's Note: In fairness, the majority of our breast cancer cases don't respond
with this level of rapidity, but it does happen.]
Last, I am not exaggerating at all, but the lump between my breasts has already shrunk.
It feels between 1/2 and 2/3 the size it was several days ago. Just look at my pictures! You can see white, and reddish mottling
with black specs. But do you see a large lump there? I think not.
Jennifer (USA)
Rec'd : July 20, 2015
Case #082515: H3O & Athlete's Feet
I got Athlete's Foot around 3 or 4 times over the past few months,
and the recent one is around last week. Using the H3O, I got rid of it. I got no itch and for the first day
when applying the H3O on my toes, 3rd day or 4th it becomes like "dry skin" and the fungus were drying up.
Now, my toes got the "dead skin" and it is peeling off gradually. H3O works for Athelete's Foot.
Eric Tzu (Hong Kong)
Rec'd : August 25, 2015
Case #083015: Cansema® & Unspecified Skin Cancer
Small breast lesion
Area under (the) eye. Three weeks this time. The most stubborn spot.
Treated ten different times over past five years. First time whole neck and lymph nodes swollen up.
This was only a little pin prick about ten years ago but kept bleeding . . . This time treated with
(Cansema) Deep Tissue and put some in gelatin capsule about size of pea twice daily. I realize that
this (testimonial) would be more useful to you if I had got official diagnosis from powers that be.
I wouldn't have had a face if they had hacked them all off. Interestingly enough, my husband who opted
for (an) MD has had quite a few and thousands of dollars lately they always come back. Last week he finally
caved and asked me for Cansema. It's ironic that he was the one who recommended Cansema to me (in the first place).
Update -- October 28: Lesion under eye gone with very little
scarring, which I could minimize by using silicone strip . . . Found the big one on breast which
is in process of healing. Last time I put on face was very careful with scab to leave on as long as possible.
One on breast is healing nicely, having oral surgery today so in another week I will reapply.
Thank you for all your support and will update.
Kim Murdoch Downs (USA)
Rec'd : August 30, 2015
(Editor's Note: "Sangre" is used throughout the Amazon
to quickly heal up cuts, wounds, and burns. We even advise its use for
"after care" in accelerating wound healing when using Cansema.
It is something that's taken for granted here,
but occasionally we get a letter like the one below confirming what is common knowledge in the "oriente.")
I got a little burn today, stupid me.
When I checked your website about the application of Sangre,
I iced my thumb with the frozen food. When I applied Sangre to my thumb,
around 1 hour or 90 minutes later I didn't feel the burn again and now it looks healed up.
(name withheld)
Rec'd : September 16, 2015
I had remarkable results previously, removing a lump (cyst or cancer)
from my cat's torso, with your Oleander Graviola product. Within 2 weeks of starting him on a small amount of
your Oleander Graviola (orally or in food) his lump expelled itself right through his skin and is now complete healed / gone. THANK YOU.
S. Tolmie (USA)
Rec'd : September 18, 2015
Case #092215: Cansema® Salve & Mast Cell Canine Tumor
Wow, sorry about not providing any updates.
My dog is cancer free according to the vet. The mast cell is gone. A painful process, but the meds helped
with the control of the pain. Thanks for all your help; my vet is amazed. At last he was open minded,
and helped me with the treatment. Keep up the great work, best regards,
Justin Wilson (FL)
Rec'd : September 22, 2015
Case #092415: Cansema® Salve & Mesothelioma
[Editor's Note: This was submitted to us,
showing the removal of a mesothelioma through the back using Cansema -- Deep Tissue.
The patient was originally declared to be terminal, and yet Cansema was able to get the entire tumor
removed. Subsequent testing showed a complete absence of lung cancer. I spoke to a family member
about nine months later, and apparently a concatenation of other unrelated health challenges converged
to bring about the patient's passing. Nonetheless, this pictorial is as good I have ever seen
for using Deep Tissue to pull internal malignancies directly out of the body through
the skin. Though the patient initially coughed constantly due to irritation created by
the mesothelioma, the family told us that coughing ceased shortly after the very first
application of Cansema.]
Case #101415: Cansema® Salve / Unspecified / No Scarring
I just wanted to share the good result. My scar has healed nicely
and I am sure it is smaller than what would have happened if a doctor cut it out . . . actually I know
because a doctor did the last one and it was big.
So thank you for that.
J. Wysong
Rec'd : October 14, 2015
Case #101715: Cansema® Salve & Unspecified Skin Cancers
Letting you know that my wife and myself have so far successfully
eradicated 27 skin cancers from our face, upper back, and legs over the last three years. All but two leaving
no scarring, the process of decavitation and healing happened just like we were informed, and are more than
happy to pay the $30 for our tiny tub, instead of opting for expensive surgery and chemo creams we previously employed.
Still chuckling to ourselves at orthodox medical ignorance,
not just in skin cancer, but many misunderstood, outdated and irrelevant concepts of health
and chronic metabolic diseases.
P.S. --- Very tempted to send this email to Quackwatch,
but instead we’ll keep spreading the good news amongst friends.
[Editor's Note After receiving this we went ahead and
sent an email, request to use the customer's comments. This is what came back in return : ]
Yes, we have been well aware of Stephen Barrett’s level of integrity
and disingeniousness since the early 2000’s. In fact, we have him to thank for discovering your products,
as I came across his Quackwatch rubbish while conducting other cancer research back then, to find Cansema which,
of course, prompted another leg of our health education journey.
We figured why waste time emailing another destructive person,
when we could simply help spread the good news on better options. Consequently, you are more than welcome
to add my previous email to this years’ testimonial page, and when our current spots have healed,
we'll send the photo sequence to you. Honestly, I’ve only got my first confirmed cancer spots last week
using ‘Amazon’ as 15 previous test spots two years ago yielded no reaction. So I’m pretty excited
with the two spots on both temples. My wife has the fair freckled problem skin with several
family members passing away or suffering unnecessarily from skin cancer, and she’s been dropping cancers
off the last three years for fun.
One thing we are interested in working with, is how we can incorporate
your products legally in Australia to help others. Currently, we’re approximately two years away from moving full time
toward a philanthropic Patch Adams type, not-for-profit self-funded concept, in improving people’s health
by sponsoring their treatment and super nutrition for 3-6 months. Taking measurable results before, during,
and after for their specific health condition, making no claims, of course, except the phrase
“this may improve your health”, and zero profit while proving results during this sponsorship period to
minimise TGA interruptions.
Through doing this successfully on a small scale among friends and family
since 2007, we’ve been building up resources and networks to expand our circle of influence, with the intention
to demonstrate simpler, cheaper, safer and often more effective health modalities than the majority of our
orthodox medical pathways. This stems from our understandings that a significant portion of western “health” care
is either unnecessary or irrelevant.
It’s been a big undertaking, and lots of thought, sweat and effort to get
to a stage where we can help people legally without getting into trouble from authorities, and hopefully not have
to experience what Greg and your family/friends circle went through.
( name withheld )
SA, Australia
Rec'd : October 17, 2015
Case #101915: Cansema® Salve & Breast Cancer
This is a follow up to
Case #101314 ---
again, the most thoroughly documented pictorial on using Cansema Salve to get rid of breast cancer
that we've ever seen. See
Case #101915 doc file.
( name withheld ) -- Indiana (USA)
Rec'd : October 19, 2015
Case #102215v: Cansema® Tonic III & Feline Leukemia
Greetings, my name is Jazmin and I've heard wonderful testimonies about your product.
A really close family friend referred my boyfriend and I to your Amazon Tonic III product. Cathryn --
[not OUR Cathryn]
has been using your products for her cat, Habibbi, who was diagnosed with leukemia. Her testimony has really shocked me,
since her cat was only given a few weeks to live. With this product, it has shocked the vets themselves . . .
( additional particulars withheld )
Rec'd : October 22, 2015
Case #102215: Alma de la Planta Oils & Muscle Problems / Hair Coloring
Hi Cathryn . . . Thanks for answering me. I am beside myself with trying
to figure my hair out and do not want to resort to colouring my hair. I had this happen once before to my hair
when I started taking more magnesium. Hence, I am making the connection to the essential oils.
I have been using essential oils mostly for relief of very sore muscles.
I have used them in a diffuser, internally but mostly use them in my bath. I must say that I think the oils have helped me considerably.
The oils I have been using mostly have been:
Basil, Bergamot, Orange, Peppermint, Lavender, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Tumeric, Lemongrass, and Grapefruit.
Rec'd : October 22, 2015
Case #102315: Cansema® Save & Unspecified Cancer / AK
Just got my biopsy results, and it was negative for cancer.
They wouldn't tell me anything else about what it was, so apparently if at one point it was cancer, or actinic keratosis,
the salve got it out. Thank you for your help!
[ name withheld ]
Rec'd : October 23, 2015
Case #102415: Cansema® Salve & Unspecified Cancer
Just wanted to thank you for your products. Removed a tumor that was almost the size
of a half dollar and another sizeable skin cancer on my face. I'm very pleased with the results considering the radical surgery
I would have had to undergo. People are literally amazed at the results and that it was done at home.
No M.D. (know what I mean). Thank you so much.
Lance Fryer
Dana Point, Calif.
Rec'd : October 24, 2015
Case #102815: Oje
& Colitis
The aching in my descending colon is greatly reduced in the fire.
I'm noticing a little less fatigue, as well. It feels like some of the load is off of me. I have done it twice
and plan to do it two more times. I hope this will accelerate the healing of my number one enemy.
Michael Schmitt (U.S.)
Rec'd : October 28, 2015
[Cathryn Caton, N.D. and Christine Breese, Ph.D. -- Nov. 2014]
Case #110815: Cansema Salve & Breast Cancer
Thanks Greg!
I have a newfound appreciation for what it is you do!
You just saved my life!
It's me who suddenly had a lump on my breast, and only in three aplications has it started pussing and scabbing and moving
in the right direction. It's small. I caught it right away, and as soon as it appeared I knew what it was. I'm just starting
menopause so this is a normal time for this to happen. I compared with pics online, so I knew, it's really small still,
and I'm so glad I had your cure right in my hands. This could have been a death sentence for me if I didn't know about you!
You saved my life and a lot of grief trying to figure it all out.
Gosh, I cannot even imagine how many lives you have saved. You really are an angel, Greg.
You came across this miracle, and hand it out in such a non greedy way. You make a price everyone can afford, and you are such a good person.
I'm so sorry you had to pay such a high price to make this possible for all those people, including me, whose lives would have been lost.
I'm so sorry you have been so harmed to do this work. I really admire you.
I just want to say "Thank You," Greg, for everything you offer to the world.
Thank you for saving my life and the tens of thousands of lives you have saved. And thank you Cathryn for being his support
and for being such a believer in this work. Without you, Greg could have never done this. Just the way I couldn't have done
what I have done without Bruce, Greg wouldn't have made any of this happen without you. You are so crucial to this miracle
in the world, such an integral part of it all. You have an incredible value in your part of being this dynamic duo that you two are!
I have tears in my eyes as I write this. I love you both and have such a huge gratitude
for your existence in the world and your presence in my life! Bruce, too, as he didn't want to lose me! I am so honored that I know you both.
Love . . .
Christine Breese
Founder / President
University of Metaphysical Sciences
Rec'd : November 8, 2015
Case #111015: Cansema® Salve & Ear Cancer
All the spots have fallen off! . . .
[ name withheld ]
Rec'd : November 10, 2015
Case #111115: Cansema® Salve & Melanoma
It dropped out just now . . .
Feeling really excited about it . . .
[ name withheld ]
Rec'd : November 11, 2015
Case #111615: H2O2 & Breast Cancer Treatment
I just thought I would send you an email to say thank you
for recommending the hydrogen peroxide baths. I have now had three of them using 35% hydrogen peroxide
(which is sold under license here in the UK). It has been amazing. My breast is no longer leaking green
gunk and smelling terrible. It has reverted to pale yellow and smelling of the hydrogen peroxide.
It is really amazing that it could make such a difference after
so few days. I am going to contine to use it till I am healed.
Best wishes . . .
Ruth (U.K.)
Rec'd : November 16, 2015
[Editor's note: This brief email was sent by
a case we were following of low grade lymphoma since Aug., 2015.]
Blood was good and no lymph bumps - my doc was happy and
cut me loose for a year. Thanks for the Tonic III and cat's claw!!! I finished my second bottle
of the tonic back on Oct 16 . . . (I daily do a lot of supplements and meditation) Thanks!!!
Cambridge, MA (USA)
Rec'd : November 20, 2015
Case #112115: Cansema® & Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Hi. I just want to tell anybody with an obvious SCC to not hesitate
with the use of Cansema - living in Thailand and Australia had head skin cancer 18 months old 1st one,
cansema did the trick. Just had another and after 11 days it was dead and popped off. Even convinced my
local skin cancer clinic doctor she is now telling patients to go on line and use -- cheers john.
Cheers. John.
"Thai John"
Rec'd : November 21, 2015
Case #112215: Cansema® & Unspecified Skin Cancers
Have been using Cansema cream now for about 3 years.
Australian sun taking its toll after 72 years. My daughter first introduced me to it.
I have just ordered another but with Nuwais as i have one on upper lip.
Will also try this one on one near my eye socket. Will send feedback . . .
Wonderful products, hope we can still obtain them if
the Trans Pacific Partnersnip goes up.
K.F. Ham
Queensland, Australia
Rec'd : November 16, 2015
Case #112315: Cansema®, H2O2 & Basal Cell Carcinoma
I wanted to share this with you and feel free to use pictures.
I will send you pictures when fully healed if you like.
Thank You So Much.
[Editor's Note: Then came the following letter with
pictures posted above, along with the
a professionally prepared video showing the entire process.]
When I watched this I couldn't help but cry
and think about Mom. I'm ashamed of myself for trusting the medical system:
Cancer: The Forbidden Cures [YouTube]
The Dermatologist here in Kingston wanted to cut out
a silver dollar sized section of my shoulder to remove the Basal Cell Carcinoma that I had.
Cutting into or around cancer just didn't make sense to me. I researched and found "Black Salve"
made from the Bloodroot Plant and other Herbs. I ordered it from Alpha Omega Labs and followed
this (very old) method of extracting skin cancer from the body.
I first tested the Black Salve on a different area of my body.
There was no reaction, not even a mark after 12 hours. Black Salve only reacts to Cancer Cells.
I applied the Black Salve on my carcinoma, covered it with a bandage. 24 hours later I removed
the bandage. The Black Salve was gone, it was completely absorbed into the area that had the carcinoma.
Dominic Merlo
Maple Ridge, BC (Canada)
Rec'd : November 23, 2015
Case #112415: Amazon Tonic III & Overall Better Health
[Editor's Note: Often times, people use
Amazon Tonic III as a general, health management tonic,
as opposed to using it to address a specific medical condition. This case would apply.]
Since my email on the 17th, I've had several days of acute pain in the central sternum area
about 1" below my rib cage. Breathing deep caused sharp pain and reaching side to side caused sharp pain.
Today is the 23rd. I'm feeling much better with very mild pain when I cough or turn side to side.
My blood pressure from 3wks. ago was 212/102 is now at 132/80. Not great but better then the other.
I do not drink alcohol, smoke, use or take drugs or consume soft drinks or pasteurized fruit drinks.
I've lost 54 lbs. in the last 3 months and am now down to 131 lbs. I've slowed down on my detox drink
as I believe I tried to hit it a little too hard.
I'll be 70 years young on April 24/2016 and am in better shape than most 18 year olds.
My Father-in-Law was a medical doctor and just about killed himself and his wife by taking flu
shots every year and other toxic waste. I got my mother-in-law out of the wheel chair and
walking again and the last 5 years of their lives were drug free. He said, "Allan, I've been practicing
medicine wrong all my life." Then he understood what real healing was all about. I got him to
understand that the body did the cure as long as we provide it the foods of its natural biological adaptation!
Mount Airy, NC
Rec'd : November 23, 2015
Case #112815: Cansema® & Malignant Mole
How are things going with you? I've just returned from a 2 week trip to Delhi, India.
I went there especially to have my hernia repaired by a recommended surgeon there. He used a mesh-free technique
which was not possible in the UK. So far, so good. Am recovering well and should be 100% within 3 months.
I was mobile enough to see the sites of Delhi, and I also visited Rishikesh and Agra (to see the Taj Mahal).
It was an enjoyable trip.
Before the India trip I made and bottled my first batch of Lugol's
Iodine using the materials I got from you. That went well and I have started distributing the bottles and
educating people about the benefits of iodine. An aunt of mine (a retired doctor) has also just been diagnosed
with early stage breast cancer, and I have sent her some information on how she might be able to recover without
surgery (which she is considering after recommendation by her consultant).
My father had an ugly-looking mole on the back of his leg for many years,
and after two applications with Cansema, ten days later the mole peeled off cleanly. He has asked me to
thank you for providing a way to remove a mole that he thought was impossible to get rid of without surgery. :-)
"Oliver" (UK)
Rec'd : November 28, 2015
Case #113015v: Cansema® & Equine Skin Cancers
Hi guys. An associate has has great success treating skin cancers
in her horses using your Cansema topical salves.
Nic Steding
Perth, Australia
Rec'd : November 30, 2015
Case #120215: Cansema® Salve & Skin Cancers (unspecified)
[Editor's Note: We include this belated submission -- (and
many of the reports we get are belated) -- to show that even the elderly, those for whom conventional
treatment becomes increasingly dangerous, can be successfully treated naturopathically.]
Hi Cathryn . . . Praying all is well with you and your loved ones.
I’ve communicated with you & Alpha Omega Labs in the past -- years ago with my successful use of the
Cansema Black Salve & most recently (2014) concerning my 89 year old Mom, who did overcome the
Metastatic Squamous Cell Carcinoma with the help of the Amazon Tonic III, Ajo Te, Cat's Claw,
cancer diet, and faith & prayer . . .
P. Richie
Seaforth, Delaware (USA)
Rec'd : December 2, 2015
Case #120715: Cansema® & Actinic (Solar) Keratosis
I had the surface of my lip burnt off with laser surgery 15 years ago,
and the keratosis came back within 9 months Three very small applications of black salve and its gone!
Changed my life as I was very self conscious of this ugly sore on my lip :) .
E. Warren
Western Australia
Rec'd : December 7, 2015
Case #120815: Cansema® Salve & Unspecified Skin Cancers
Good evening, Cathryn,
It has been awhile since I have wrote to you.
My family and me are still having great results with (Cansema) Black Salve. Skin cancer is like Nut Grass: keeps on popping up as we get older.
This is a thank you letter to you and your staff. Have a wonderful Merry Christmas. All the best in 2016 and beyond . . . Regards.
E. Moran
Queensland, Australia
Rec'd : December 8, 2015
Case #121215: Cansema® Salve & Basal / Squamous Cell Carcinomas
Hi, Cathryn,
Thanks for your prompt reply . . .
As I mentioned I have
used black salve for a number of years and have removed many BCCs and SCCs. [Emphasis added --- with the
balance of the letter inquiring about unrelated conditions.]
Mr. L.K.
Western Australia
Rec'd : December 12, 2015
Case #121615: Cansema® & Basal Cell Carcinoma
Case #121615v: Cansema® Salve & Canine Cancer
We raise high end German Shepherds (
and recently used an older jar of Cansema, left over from a close relative who had cancer,
on a small growth one of our males had developed.
The affected area was clear within a few days.
Amazing stuff.
[Later on the same day, Greg DeBré submitted the following separately.
It was a statement from his current wife, Kari Satterfield] --- "I have been a fan of Cansema Black Salve
since 2004 when my (then) husband, Kirk, developed a basal cell carcinoma on the side of his nose.
We had heard a testimonial of this salve’s incredible healing power from a neighbor who had seen it
rapidly remove a tumor from her friend’s arm. My husband ordered a bottle of the Cansema Black Salve
and applied it to the wound site. It showed almost immediate reaction. The next morning the sore appeared
larger as the tumor was drawn out. Kirk had two black eyes, presumably from the Cansema’s action internally.
They were gone quickly. The tumor was also quickly and completely eradicated. Kirk applied vitamin E oil
to the site where the sore had been and it healed very well, leaving clean, healthy tissue in its place.”
Greg adds: "Unfortunately, in 2011, Kirk passed away from lung cancer,
as he was a heavy smoker. My wife passed away in 2010 -- before Kirk.
Kari and I met and have been together now for 3 years . . . "
Greg S. DeBré
German Shepherd Dogs Von DeBré
Rec'd : December 16, 2015
Case #122015v: Cansema® Salve & Epitheliotropic Lymphoma (Canine)
Just wanted to give you an update on (our dog), Nelson.
He is doing brilliantly with no new lesions appearing since we last spoke in April/May.
After giving him the salve internally, he’s been consistently bright and healthy.
After being told in November, 2014 that he’d likely only live another 4 weeks, he’s
certainly proven the vets and cancer specialist wrong. I’m so glad we never went down
the path of radiation therapy. Not only has he lasted 13 months, but he’s never
appeared to really suffer during treatment apart from some local soreness for a
couple of days when the Salve was first applied. I’m pleased to say he’s still
full of energy (too much sometimes) and runs circles around our other dog who is the same age.
Background on this case: (submitted earlier)
Nelson: 10 year old Cocker Spaniel
He had a mouth tumour removed from the front of his gum on
Nov. 3 and was given the diagnosis on Wed 19th Nov that he has epithiliotropic lymphoma.
The cancer is supposedly rare and very aggressive - with known cases which have been left
untreated, the maximum life expectancy after diagnosis is 6 months, but more likely only 1 month.
However, because there are such few cases they haven’t been able to give expected life span for
treated dogs either (when I say treated, they are referring to radiation and chemo). Nelson
was then given a chest xray and stomach ultrasound to assess whether it had spread. Fortunately it
hasn’t and the mouth seems to be the only location at this stage. That being said, the mouth
tumour had started growing back within 3 weeks of removal. The cancer clinic has recommended
radiation as the best treatment, however, we’ve decided to not proceed with this due to potential
side effects/quality of life.
My mum put me in contact with a supplier of natural
health products and he advised the following treatment, which we’ve been doing since the 28th November:
(Cansema with) Nuwais: applied to the tumour
MSM: 1 teaspoon daily in his food/water
Chaga: 10-15 drops twice per day
In addition to the above, I’ve also been giving him the following:
Essiac Tea: 1 tablespoon, 2-3 times per day on an empty stomach
Turmeric: ½ teaspoon, twice per day
Changed his diet from commercial pet food to home slow cooked
meat & veg stews, also only giving him filtered water.
I have also just ordered this product to replace the
Essiac & Chaga, as it has these same herbs included and gets good reviews: . . .
To give you an update on the treatment so far… I wasn’t quite sure of how frequently the Nuwais should be applied
and the supplier was a little hard to get hold of for guidance, so I gave him approx 3 applications
(rubbing on the tumour/gum) over the first 1.5 days. This had a reaction and the surrounding gum
went very red and a little blistery, but the tumour itself didn’t blister, nor did anything fall out.
Nelson coped very well with the pain, however, I did give him some pain killers just in case.
Late last week I gave him additional applications (twicer per day for 3 days), and it had a milder response
than the first round, however, the tumour appears to have shrunk . . .
Anna Hosking
Victoria, Australia
Rec'd : December 20, 2015
Case #122315: Cansema® Salve & BCC
About 5 years ago I was diagnosed by my dermatologist
with a skin cancer on my nose. He called to say the biopsy showed that the cancer was deeper
and broader spread than he anticipated. He prescribed Aldura ($132 per tube) to be used.
I looked online for the patient's responses to the drug. Many Australians had used the drug,
not always with good results. One woman reported that Aldura had destroyed her immune system.
With that information, I consulted with the owner of my local health food store and told him
that I did not want to use that drug and what did he recommend. He told me about Cansema
which I then ordered and used. I followed exactly the instructions that were on the internet.
After about 6 weeks, all signs of the cancer had disappeared. When I went to the dermatologist
for a follow-up examination he said that my nose looked good.
I am sure that he knew that I did not use Aldura,
but he never asked me what I did use. I keep Cansema on hand in case another cancer appears.
My nose healed, the pit filled in nicely, and there is no indication that a cancer was there.
About every year I put Cansema on the spot on my nose and the response shows a clean slate.
(Name withheld by request)
Rec'd : December 23, 2015
Case #122815-1: Cansema® & Unspecified Skin Cancer
In September, 2012, I was diagnosed with skin cancer by our
general practitioner. An appointment was made with the dermatologist for several weeks away.
In the meantime, I obtained Cansema and used it as instructed. At my appointment, the dermatologist
told me I did not have skin cancer.
Thank you so much for real help with something that works.
Frank Hayhoe (Canada)
Rec'd : December 28, 2015
Case #122815-2: Cansema® & Unspecified Skin Cancer
Greg and Cathryn,
Thank you so much for your note. I am so happy with my healing
with your black salve, and I have told many people about your products. I carry my jar of black salve
and photos of my facial skin cancer (basal cell) healing in my purse to show everyone.
Thank you once again and keep up the great work . . .
Thank you so much for real help with something that works.
Ms. L.L.N.
Ontario, Canada
Rec'd : December 28, 2015
Case #122815-3: Cansema® & Unspecified Skin Cancer
Thank you, Greg and Cathryn, for the well wishes . . . without
this amazing herbal treatment, I would more than likely be a mass of scars all over my body, especially the face.
Every skin cancer which had been cut out had returned so instead of going back to the specialist I treated it
myself - thereafter it didn't return. I took photos of the various treatments after the escar had departed
but didn't take photos of the progression of the treatment. Our interested friends are completely gobsmacked
at the core or sometimes a seed like thing with a root that comes out and the hole it leaves prior to healing over.
I am most hesitant to go have a skin checkup with the medical experts as they try their hardest to convince you
it's illegal to use such products, and they don't work.
I wish you the very best in the coming years, and we can all hope that
all the relevant governments authorize proper testing and approvals of the best products out there . . .
( name withheld)
Rec'd : December 28, 2015
Case #122815-4: Cansema® & Unspecified Skin Cancer
I have been treating myself with remarkable results.
I have found that when using the Deep Tissue version that it often finds lesions lateral to
the application point sometimes inches away that were otherwise unnoticeable.
[Editor's Note: This is a
common occurrence.
M. Huey
Palm Beach Gardens, FL (USA)
Rec'd : December 28, 2015
Case #122915: Cansema® Salve & BCC's
Your products are an absolute Godsend. They eradicated a large basal cell
on my right arm and one on my nose. Surgery was advised and offered nothing but disfigurement and expense –
and then I found you guys! I also have a bottle of Tonic on hand should it ever be needed for an internal cancer.
Every time I meet or know someone who is diagnosed with cancer
I immediately inform them of your enterprise and ensure they visit your website. Very few listen, and
many of them have since died prematurely and painfully at the hands of doctors and oncologists
– you can lead a horse to water? I will persist, however.
So, thank you once again for your perseverance and courage!!
M. Claydon
Adelaide, South Australia
Rec'd : December 29, 2015
Case #123015: Cansema® Salve & BCC's
It is not you who should be thanking me but I who should be thanking you.
Cansema saved me from a gung-ho plastic surgeon who was intent on honing his skills by removing half my face.
I have now been completely cured by Cansema, unwittingly confirmed by the very people who condemn it!
Mystified by my recovery, yet the top specialists at the Melanoma Institute of Australia ask no questions,
and I give them no answers. They just seem to accept that my immune system has been working overtime.
That’s fine with me because there is no way I’m going to risk the removal of the use of your product
in this country by discussing what I did with them.
(name withheld)
Rec'd : December 30, 2015
Case #123115: Cansema® Salve & BCC's
[Editor's Note: We don't win all our cases, and this is
is particularly true of customers who are in the 90's, suffering from other ailments. Of particular
note, however, is the case below, since it shows that even in advanced age, we can do wonderous things,
if we cooperate with nature, to extend our quality of life.]
"Thank you for your skin cancer treatment and other products.
Your survival of the FDA attack has given us a most valuable treatment for skin cancer, for ourselves
and loves ones. Just today, I was sharing holiday greetings with a fellow golfer, reminiscing my sharing
info about Black Salve. He is using it on himself now and sharing his experiences with others, after a first
successful treatment on his several skin conditions by me.
I am not sharing this in hopes of some kind of reward, just to let
you know how important your Black Salve has been to those who believe in it and trust its continued effectiveness.
I have attached pictures of treatments I did on my Mom before she left us. Your Black Salve made it possible
to end some of her suffering in her last years.
Thank you! Keep up the good works! "
Subsequent to this, we asked for an update on the case:
Mom died generally of old age ... organ failure.... brought on initially by a UTI......
she wanted to go....stopped eating, etc..... she almost made 101..... 6 weeks short. We had a wonderful 100th Birthday
Day Party for her. She had a full life and I was lucky enough to be her son and be at her side when she passed.
Stan D.
Niverville, NY (USA)
Rec'd : December 31, 2015