Cansema ® & Related Products --- 2014 (Human)
![](space.gif) The testimonials below are just a few that have been collected on the effectiveness of Cansema® (both black topical salve and our internal version - Amazon Tonic III), which carry both human and veterinary applications. (See also animal use). The testimonials on this page are a small sampling of those received by Alpha Omega Labs for the year 2014. See links above for testimonials submitted in prior years.
![](space.gif) As always, we have made no attempt to alter any of the language (syntax, punctuation, spelling, etc.) of these written letters and/or email missives, excepting minor spelling errors. Thousands of other individuals have been helped who did not take the time to sit down and write letters or send email. You may contact these individuals directly, if you wish, where contact information is provided.
![](space.gif) Some portions of this page have little graphics, but are text heavy. We have a pictorial testimony page, if you want a more visual representation of how Cansema® works.
Disclaimer: The purpose of these testimonials is to provide you with an insight as to what other Alpha Omega users have reported, and to provide a foundation for the legitimacy of our research and overall work. No responsible maker of herbal products, Alpha Omega included, would infer that testimonial inputs carry the same weight as well-constructed clinical studies. To U.S. Users: None of the Alpha Omega Labs' products mentioned in these pages have been evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. Therefore, they are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease in your country ---- even if that is the manner in which they are used in virtually every other country on earth.
[ Click to enlarge ]
Case #091414: Cansema & Unspecified Cancerous Moles
![](space.gif) This testimonial deals with a Cansema® case that actually became a mainstream media sensation in Australia and the UK -- but not how you think. One of our customers went to his physician to get pain medication, only to find himself railroaded (without his permission) into becoming a "poster boy" for why escharotics are bad. (It must be true! Ask any oncologist!)
![](space.gif) This attempt to smear Cansema® (no pun intended) and its reputation has backfired with a full description from the customer involved as to what really happened: another successful outcome.
![](space.gif) This case is described in greater detail in the September, 2014 edition of the Ashwin.
Case #070214: Cansema® & Skin Cancers (Unspecified)
[Editor's Note: Above and below are pictorials of several sizeable skin cancers which this UK customer removed. The text that follows begins with a thank you letter to Alpha Omega Labs, followed by a letter to a friend that "Nigel" cc'd to the company.]
![](space.gif) I had skin cancer in six places and I used YOUR black salve. It was a painful process, and I am delighted to tell you my dermatologist took biopsys of the cancer, after they turned to scars and the results came back 'NEGATIVE' .... they only saw (residual) 'scar tissue' in the biposys and I was delighted . . .
[Letter to Friend]: Here are a few images of my fight against skin cancer of the face, shoulder and chest. Thanks to Cancema medication, I destroyed the skin cancer. They have all healed. Scars were biopsied by my cancer specialist . . . all came back NEGATIVE! . . .
![](space.gif) It goes without saying I have the Cancema mediation in the fridge, ready to fight another should I get anymore! This whole episode in my life has been a great adventure. I could have poo pooed this Cancema medication as just hog-wash, a fake! . . . a con trick! BUT IT WASN’T!! I did my research into other peoples' testimonies and trusted what my gut instinct told me.
![](space.gif) Anyway, after being diagnosed with skin cancer, I was told by the cancer surgeon I had to have huge chunks of flesh taken out of me ’to catch it all’ . . . I refused! Instead, I decided to trust Nature, Greg Caton, and his Amazonian Black Salve treatment. The rest, as they say, is history. This was proof to me modern cancer treatments of ‘cut, slash and chemo’ was cloak and dagger, fake, and totally money driven by the sinister FDA and other shadowy forces in world governments. To those evil bastards, cancer, pain and misery are good, because to them, they have domination over the mind and heart of the submissive, fearful patient. They control us through fear and helplessness. Seeing THEM and their fake machines as being our saviours . . . but they are not.
![](space.gif) I was so proud of myself, brother. The whole process hurt like hell, and the pain had me almost in tears most nights. Unable to lie on my back, unable to breath deeply without feeling like my chest was being torn out. I didn’t take pain killers, no drugs . . . just endured with lots of fruit and vegetable juicing. I stopped drinking tap water and milk and sugar (foods for cancers).
Nigel Humphreys
![](space.gif) United Kingdom
![](space.gif) Rec'd : July 2, 2014
Case #020614: Cansema & Skin Cancer (Unspecified)
[Editor's Note: This testimonial came to us in a DOC file -- which not everyone can open. So we break down the picture captions below, beginning with the top left hand corner and working from left to right.]
Photo #1: (Jan. 27, 2014) : I put on CBS (Cansema Black Salve) and within 30 minutes, the Salve (produced) burning pain for about two hours, but not bad enough to take any pain pills.
Photo #2: (Jan. 28, 2014) : We washed off the CBS, and it has a brown spot with a ring around it, plus the skin (was) red about two inches out from the center of the spot. We put some Vitamin E on it and at 11:45 a.m., there is still a little pain (in the area) today.
Photo #3: (Jan. 29, 2014) : We took a picture of the spot on my face. It is still having pain, if I touch it, but not bad. Also, there is still (some) red around the (eschar).
Photo #4: (Jan. 30, 2014) : I took off the bandage and washed it. Still looks the same with a black 1/4" spot on my face with redness around it. Little to no pain.
Photo #5:It changed today by coming off when I washed my hair. Its size is small, as you can see. No pain and it looks good. We just put a bandage on it and to keep it covered and clean.
Photo #6: A picture of the ejected eschar next to a penny, to get a sense of relative size.
![](space.gif) "John S."
Rec'd : February 6, 2014
Case #021114: Tonic III / Botanical Support / Lugol's Iodine / Milk Thistle
Advanced Colon Cancer with Metastasis to the Liver
[Editor's Note: Occasionally we get testimonials from different countries involving people who are relatively "high up" the political structure or who are very connected to the elite there. In these instances, it is usually the case that we are asked to modify some particulars of the testimonial so that the identity is protected. The testimonial below is one such case. The testimonial is told through the first-hand account of the woman's cousin. The medically relevant portions of the testimonial and the chronology remain untouched.
One of the things that struck me about this case is the fact that even the elite in different parts of the world are not beyond being pressured to go the conventional route, if only to support the legitimacy of the orthodox medical system. Going with alternative therapies, in many sectors, is something akin to keeping an illicit cocaine habit private. Ridiculous? Absolutely. Is it common? Surprisingly so.]
![](space.gif) You had asked during our Skype call that I provide to you a diary of events surrounding the apparent cure of my cousin's cancer through the use of your products.
![](space.gif) In early 2011, my cousin, Anastasia, living in St. Petersburg (Russia) was diagnosed with an aggressive form of colon cancer. She had been experiencing stomach pains for sometime; however, being a busy member of the local political apparatus with family, she chose to ignore them until she couldn’t any longer.
![](space.gif) After several tests and X-rays it was determined that not only did she have colon cancer but the cancer had spread to the liver, as well, manifesting itself in three tumors on the liver itself.
![](space.gif) Because of her strong political ties, she was able to engage the best military surgeon with the most experience in this field to perform the required surgery. He cut out three feet of colon and found that he had to remove three quarters (¾) of her entire liver. The prognosis for a reasonable recovery was not good. They attempted to subject her to x-ray and chemotherapy treatments; however, Anastasia would not agree to the x-ray treatments. We kept telling her how deadly both treatments are; however, her doctor leveraged his willingness to continue caring for her based on her agreeing to at least subject herself to the chemotherapy treatments. At this time my wife lectured her on the situation and the ability to address the matter holistically. She agreed along with the doctor; however, still wanted to proceed with the chemo treatments.
![](space.gif) After discussing the matter with your staff we ordered:
![](red.gif) 3 x Amazon Tonic III -- (½ - 1 Teaspoon 3 x times /day)
![](red.gif) 2 x Lugol’s Iodine (15%) -- (4 -8 drops/day / 2-4, morning / 2-4, evening)
![](red.gif) 3 x Botanical Support - Colorectal -- (4 per day / 2, morning / 2, evening)
![](red.gif) Certified European Milk Thistle -- Milk Thistle (Silybum marianum) Extract (Seed) [std. to 80% Silymarin (600 mg) by UV, 30% Silibinins (225 mg), and 8% Isosilybin A and Isosilybin B (60 mg)], 750 mg 2 / day 1 – morning, 1 - evening
![](space.gif) Anastasia took and followed this protocol religiously between chemo treatments. Finally she had to quit taking the chemo at the end due to her arms turning purple.
![](space.gif) It has been approximately three years since her being diagnosed and as of now she has been determined to be cancer-free and experiencing full remission. She has returned to her full work schedule, raising her family and is very happy with lots of energy . . .
![](space.gif) [ Name withheld by request ]
![](space.gif) Moscow, Russia
![](space.gif) February 11, 2014
Case #022014: Tonic III & Advanced Ovarian Cancer
[Editor's Note: Similar to the previous email this testimonial was submitted by a close relative. I attributed the indirect communications to language issues, which are common. Obviously we are fluent in English, and with the help of our staffers, Spanish. In all other languages (including Tagalog) we are dependent on translators and/or online language programs or sites. This testimonial elucidates something we have known for some time now : the performance of Tonic III is enhanced by adherence to a vegan diet.]
![](space.gif) My sister-in-law lives in the Philippines, and she had a tumor in her uterus that made her look 8 months pregnant. She went to the doctor and he said, "You've waited to long. There's nothing we can do. It's all over." (Interestingly), they never did a biopsy to see if she had cancer. She did not want to be cut (her) open, and she was in really bad shape. Her hair was falling out. Her vision was blurry. She had no energy, and could not sleep. (She) lost her taste and appetite for food, could not go to the bathroom, and all her neighbors said she would die before the end of the month.
![](space.gif) So my wife and I got the Tonic (III) and told her to go on a vegan diet and right away she improved greatly.
![](space.gif) Now she says she feels almost normal and her neighbors think it's a miracle.
![](space.gif) "Mark"
![](space.gif) Writing from the U.S. ![](space.gif) Rec'd : February 20, 2014
Case #022814: Cansema Tonic III & Melanoma
![](space.gif) Cathryn . . . I have almost completed the new version of AMAZON TONIC III and have showed great improvement with my melanoma. On the Asyra Pro (Electro-Dermal Screening), it is showing I no longer have cancer in my lymph system, just in my skin . . .
![](space.gif) Thank you so much for this product.
![](space.gif) [ Name withheld by request ]
![](space.gif) Rec'd : February 28, 2014
Case #031214: Cansema® & Recurrent Skin Cancer
![](space.gif) I first applied the Cansema paste on the morning of 25/02/2014 to cover the cancer growth by my right ear. I emailed you on 11/03/2014, asking if I was applying the Cansema the correct way as one could see it had started to lift the growth away, but it looked to me as if it stopped working half way through the treatment.
![](space.gif) I am very pleased to say that I woke up on the morning of 12/03/2014, I touched the area of the growth with my finger, and felt a little ting and the scabby growth fell off. (Hurray!)
![](space.gif) I previously used garlic to kill previous cancer growths, but that failed to kill this one, then I tried freezing it off and that also failed.
![](space.gif) Then I was told about your Cansema: I tried it and that has done the job where the others failed.
![](space.gif) [ Name withheld ]
![](space.gif) Croydon, UK
![](space.gif) Rec'd : March 12, 2014
Case #031314: H3O & Eczema
![](space.gif) I purchased (your) hydronium concentrate [H3O or "Calcium Sulfate Hydronium Concentrate"] to use in association with Cansema. I saw the comment that it might help with eczema, and I have suffered from eczema of the scalp and forehead for years. I tried many different treatments for it, but without lasting results. I'm happy to say the H3O cleared it up in just a few days.
[Editor's Note: We learn as much from our customers as they learn from us. So, knowing this, we followed up by asking what protocol the customer used to get rid of his eczema. It wasn't something we could "leave along," as we ourselves to not have a specific protocol on the site FOR eczema sufferers. Here was his response:
![](space.gif) At first I used it straight - dabbing it on the sores and scaly areas with a cotton ball. It itched and had a mild stinging in the worst areas but that lasted for only a few minutes. Seeing improvement in a few hours, I returned to the website to read more about it. I diluted it 20-to-1 and used it at this concentration two to three times a day for a week, and the sores and scaly areas cleared up nicely. There is still some discoloration in some areas and I am continuing to use it morning and night at 50-to-1 dilution.
![](space.gif) Keep up the good work!
![](space.gif) [ Name withheld ]
![](space.gif) Cedex, New Caledonia
Rec'd : March 13, 2014
Case #040214: Sangre de Drago & Accelerated Wound Healing
![](space.gif) Soooo! Greg and Catherine! About the Sangre de Drago . . . . . . I first used it on my own skin to aid in healing the eschar. Then I passed it to a friend who had some type of non-healing sore on the tip of his nose and it healed right up! Then I passed it to a fellow who had serious sores from some drug reaction, and his skin healed right up, too. THEN I took it to work and was able to use it on five of my electrolysis clients and they ALL said it speeded up their healing process!!! (Electrolysis is actually a type of mini burn under the skin and some people don't heal well, or very quickly).
![](space.gif) Then I got into an auto accident and was attacked by the airbag! My face was really full of deep abrasions ...on my nose, my lips, my chin, cheeks..and my hands. Well, on went the SDD and the healing started immediately! It was totally embarrassing, with bandages in all these different places, but in 6 days it was ALL healed.....except on my hand, because, I DID'T PUT ANY SDD ON IT! and my hands had the most superficial abrasions of the whole lot!!!
![](space.gif) Anyway...I LOVE this product! And I have told a lot of people about it along with the info on how to get it.
![](space.gif) [ Name withheld ]
![](space.gif) Hayward, California
![](space.gif) Rec'd : April 2, 2014
Case #040614: Cansema & Melanoma
![](space.gif) . . . And while I am here, I cannot thank you enough for Cansema. I have used it many times over the past few years. Being nearly 60, with freckly skin and living constantly in the New Zealand sun without any protection all my youth, I am prone to skin cancers and have successfully treated many. But more importantly I am now unconcerned about the thought of melanoma.
![](space.gif) It was always a chilling thought: the possibility of this dreaded disease, but because of Cansema, I now do not entertain any fears.
![](space.gif) Kind regards,
![](space.gif) [ Name withheld ]
![](space.gif) Auckland, New Zealand
![](space.gif) Rec'd : April 6, 2014
Case #041414: Cansema® & Skin Cancers (Non-Specific)
[Editor's Note: We decided to include this "testimonial," because even though it is short on details, it emphasizes the extraordinarily long shelf-life of Cansema. Incidentally, the email states, "when it was called Cansema." Strangely, Cansema remains our U.S. registered trademark to this day, and it is ironically used more by counterfeiters than it is by we, its rightful trademark owners . . . such are the bizarre regulatory times we live in.]
![](space.gif) Thanks Cathryn, My husband has so many skin cancers -- and has had more, so I was thinking that maybe it would be good for him to take something internally while we are treating all of them externally.
![](space.gif) By the way, we bought our first jar when it was called Cansema -- probably about 15 years ago. I have lost count of how many skin cancers we have taken care of with that one bottle and it is still effective. We just treated another one this week. We are almost out so I will be ordering a new jar soon.
![](space.gif) [ Name withheld ]
![](space.gif) United States
![](space.gif) Rec'd : April 14, 2014
Case #042714: Cansema® & Skin Cancers (Non-Specific)
![](space.gif) I have to say that i am thrilled with your product. I had 5 pencil-sized cancers on my shin of my left leg and one that developed into a 25 year old scar on my head. I've most likely had the ones on my leg for about 5 years, but they never appeared on the surface until about a year ago.
![](space.gif) My lower left leg had severe pitting edema and several MD's didn't know what was wrong. The leg itched like crazy and swelled but was non-tender and had no evidence of any skin lesions. I put clay packs on it for about 6 months, and it pulled out all kinds of garbage and several lesions showed up but then plateaued, so i thought i'd try your salve.
![](space.gif) The results were amazing . . . I do have to say that i am not through with the process but two have fallen off so far. On one small one, on top of my shin bone, there was a large superficial vein that led right to it and that one is so painful I can barely walk. I can, however, see the core of it beginning to die. I did use two applications on it.
![](space.gif) I can't thank you enough . . . sincerely,
![](space.gif) [ Name withheld ]
![](space.gif) Rio Rancho, New Mexico
![](space.gif) Rec'd : April 27, 2014
Case #042814: Cansema® & SCC
![](space.gif) I successfully cured a rather aggressive bad case of squamous cell carcinoma on my cheek with Cansema Black Salve from Alpha Omega Labs. This probably saved me about ten thousand dollars in operations, repeated trips to the dermatologist, skin grafts, etc ......
![](space.gif) The scarring is now filling in with new skin and flesh and looks as though it may completely heal over in as little as 18 months! Love your product. It was a life saver as well as a bank account saver at 25 dollars! Amazing.
![](space.gif) "Tom"
![](space.gif) Rec'd : April 28, 2014
Case #063014: Cansema® Tonic III & Polyps (Non-Specific)
![](space.gif) I have been a long time customer, and have ordered alot of products for my dogs, and have referred all my friends to you. Thank you for helping so many people and pets with your products.
![](space.gif) I had a question I hope you might know the answer to. I have been having these white polyps on my tonsils for the past 2 years. I had gone to my doctor, and he said they are not 'strep' spots, that they are something different and suggested that I see a throat specialist. He said they could possibly be cancerous polyps, if they don't go away with antibiotics. So, I tried a few rounds of strong antibiotics, but the two white polyps didn't go away. I didn't want to go to the specialist, so I just ignored the polyps, and they just remained the same size, and didn't really hurt.
![](space.gif) Then, I ordered the Tonic III, for my dogs, and decided to try it for myself, out of curiousity. To my amazement, the Tonic III has made the white polyps disappear in less than one week. I stopped taking the Tonic III, and 6 months later, a new white polyp appeared. So, I started back on the Tonic again and now the polyp is fading away.
![](space.gif) My question is, since the Tonic only 'reacts' to cancerous cells and doesn't do anything if there is no cancer detected, do you think it might mean that these white polyps might be cancerous? Whatever it is, they are eliminated by the use of the tonic, which is pretty amazing!
[Editor's Note: The answer is more complicated than the question. Cansema (both the external black salves and the internal, Tonic III version) will target "cell cancers," but we have learned over time that "Cansema's definition" of cancer doesn't necessarily coincide with modern medicine's. For example, Cansema will escharize growths that are diagnosed as non-cancerous phyllodes tumors, sebaceous cysts, sarcoids, actinic keratosis, and pre-cancerous lesions -- none of which are technically cancers. Cansema will target and remove most polyps of the oral cavity, nose, and colon areas -- regardless of whether or not they were diagnosed as cancer or not. The testimonial above is an example.]
![](space.gif) [ Name withheld ]
![](space.gif) United States ![](space.gif) Rec'd : June 30, 2014
Case #070814: Cansema® / Bloodroot Paste / Tonic III
Lung Cancer / Skin Infections / Poison Ivy
![](space.gif) Crazy wonderful things I've seen Bloodroot Paste and Cansema / Amazon Tonic III do: Take my mom's stage 4 lung cancer OUT of her body. I smeared an amount the size of a fifty cent piece onto her back. At first, it seemed like nothing happened. A few days later, there were a smattering of blisters that looked like canker sores all over her back. Gradually, over a period of probably 12 weeks, they moved together!! Eventually they formed two quarter sized scabby blisters --- intensely ugly and slightly smelly. Then they came off! They still smelled and looked kinda gross, but not the leper/rotted look they had for a couple of weeks. Her skin changed almost daily and is now completely and totally scab/eschar/lesion free, with pink divots where the heinous bumps had been.
![](space.gif) She feels great, looks 15 years younger and will see the doc and have a cat scan in a couple of weeks. They (chemo doctors) had said they could get it to 85% gone but it would come back. I know whatever was in her lungs, is OUT because I saw it every other day. I changed the wounds (myself).
![](space.gif) My daughter's horse trainer had a small volcanic looking skin cancer on her face, where sunglasses rested on her cheek. She'd had it for 14 years. We put Bloodroot Paste on it a few times and let it sit. We put Nexcare tape over it. It looked awful after a few days. Like ER, scary, awful. Now her skin looks just like a 5 yr olds! PERFECT! No scarring, no problem --- after 14 years with a constant scabby volcano.
![](space.gif) I had an infected finger, truly painful. There was a deep splinter in it, and it couldn't stand to dig for it, because it hurt so much. It woke me up in the night if it touched my sheets, it was so tender. I put the Paste on it and the next morning, the entire infection was gone; the splinter was gone and all that was left was a little peeling of dried skin.
![](space.gif) My son had a huge patch of poison ivy, rapidly spreading, before our very eyes. It appeared to be spreading all over his lower extremities. The following day was year end finals, so I knew we needed to stop the spreading! I put a large patch of Bloodroot on his leg and a patch on his face. The following morning, all the poison ivy blisters were dried up! He had it from one ankle, all the way up to his belly button and down the other leg, to his ankle. All that was left of all those pink blisters was a large scabbed over place, the size of a man's palm! NO ITCH! No pain! His neck and face was dried as well, with just a scab the size of a quarter. Rather than itching and blistery all over, he simply looked like he'd fallen off his bike. He got through finals beautifully.
![](space.gif) "Juliana"
![](space.gif) Rec'd : July 8, 2014
Case #070914: Cansema & Numerous Skin Cancers
![](space.gif) We have our family hooked on your Black Salve. Even I've used it to remove a few skin cancers. I just want to say thank you.
![](space.gif) David Clarkson
![](space.gif) Queensland, Australia
![](space.gif) Rec'd : July 9, 2014
Case #071314: Oral Hygiene
AO Herbal Toothpaste & Calcium Sulfate Hydronium Solution (H3O)
![](space.gif) I love the Toothpaste and used the Calcium Sulfate, diluted as directed, and swished my gums for a minute and then brushed with the paste.
![](space.gif) OMG... my teeth have never felt cleaner!!!! Love this stuff..
![](space.gif) "Cheryl & George"
![](space.gif) Conyers, GA (USA)
![](space.gif) Rec'd : July 13, 2014
Case #072914: Cansema® & Skin Cancer
![](space.gif) WOW! Just an update. What a process this has been!
![](space.gif) I opted NOT to reapply any salve, and let it proceed. The literal HOLE it created was so deep (better part of 1 cm), and right at the base of my spine, that I was very concerned. Kept wondering how much farther down it would dig! I don't have a lot of body fat, so my spinal column wasn't far away. Not to mention the PAIN. Because of the hole, I thought I'd either missed the "plug"/eschar coming out (shower, etc.), or that this was a different type of growth that wouldn't produce one -- just dig a hole and then heal, I'd hoped.
![](space.gif) WELL! As the days progressed, the Hole started filling in a tad, getting shallower instead of deeper, with some pus and fluid. It got a tad less painful as some of the swelling abated a tiny bit. And by yesterday, I actually saw the soft white "plug" start to pull away from the sides!!! It DID indeed form as eschar after all, and seems well on its way to ejection. I'm blown away by this . . .
![](space.gif) I have so many questions, but perhaps the primary one would be how in the world I had this for YEARS with absolutely NO symptoms of anything??? It was just a tiny little growth/bump (~1.5 mm, like a small pimple) that wouldn't go away . . .
![](space.gif) Thanks so much for your guidance and these products!
![](space.gif) Mary ________
![](space.gif) Untied States
![](space.gif) Rec'd : July 29, 2014
Case #073014: Cansema® & Inflammatory Breast Cancer
![](space.gif) Greg & Cathryn, ![](space.gif) Just wanted to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart!
![](space.gif) After using the Amazon Black Salve [Cansema], Tonic III, Ajo Te, and Sangre De Drago, I am fairly certain that I am cancer free.
![](space.gif) Attached is a graphic picture of what I assume was Inflammatory Breast Cancer (a rare cancer with little hope of being cured) that I had in March / April of this year.
![](space.gif) As you can see in the picture, it was like a war zone! I ended up and just smeared the black salve (after much prayer) on the areas that kept popping up out of nowhere. A rash was down between my breasts, which I assume was in the lypmph system. IBC starts as an open sore like a bug bite that never heals and then the breast becomes swollen and pitted. Horrible!
![](space.gif) Within 15 minutes of putting black salve on open sore... I knew it was cancer. Of course, I don't want to go get nuked with a mammogram, so I am trusting I am healed. Only have scars from where the cancer came out with black salve.
![](space.gif) THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! . . .
![](space.gif) I have to admit at one point in the treatment I almost went into the hospital, thinking it was hopeless because it was so scary and graphic, like a horror show. But..... my daughter was going to her Senior Prom and I didn't have the heart to ruin her weekend, especially since her dad passed away 15 years ago, and it was up to me to take pictures for prom. Thank God for the Prom, because the next day, I had a turn around.
![](space.gif) All I can say is WOW! You both are amazing people, to continue with your mission after all that you have been thru . . . and I have good news! I am going to be a Grandma in January, my son and his wife are have a girl. And I am going to live to see it.
![](space.gif) I continue to drink at least 1/2 cup Ajo Te every day and 5 drops of Sangre De Drago daily for cancer prevention . . .
![](space.gif) Many thanks for my extended life!
![](space.gif) Love and prayers . . .
![](space.gif) Ms. M.W.
![](space.gif) Huntington, WV (USA)
![](space.gif) Rec'd : July 30, 2014
Case #080114: Cansema® & Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC) --- (just below the elbow)
![](space.gif) Hi, Cathryn:
![](space.gif) I always meant to tell you how I fared with the tumor on my arm: It, and the treatment, all happened at a very busy time in our life, including a fairly strong cyclone, and having to rush off to New Caledonia with Stephen (my husband), to get him medical help for a kidney problem. So my journal stopped for a while - but reading over what there is, I see that we used 50/50 Cansema and fresh aloe vera, also a certain amount of Aleve for pain control.
![](space.gif) It never formed a classic eschar, since I have almost no body fat. So the action remained on the surface. It finally formed a huge scab about one and a half inches across, and when that came off (with some help), the surface was a bit like a sponge. So we covered the whole thing, this time with the Cansema and aloe, put a bandage over it - and then I promptly forgot about it with the events mentioned above.
![](space.gif) Next inspection revealed a much thinner scab, some days later, (or maybe a week or two?) which washed off, and then we left it to its own devices, and within a few weeks there was no longer any sign except slight scarring.
![](space.gif) I am, needless to say, delighted, since our doctor wanted to cut it out, which would have left much more of a scar. So thank you, your husband and your company for a wonderful product, which has served both of us now so well over the years.
![](space.gif) You have our blessings and warm wishes that you will prosper in the future, without aggravation such as you have had to endure. Thank God for those who can stand up to such bullying and prevail against such odds.
![](space.gif) In Loving Kindness,
![](space.gif) Ms. R.Q.
![](space.gif) Australia
![](space.gif) Rec'd : August 1, 2014
Case #080214: Cansema® Salve & Undiagnosed Skin Cancer
![](space.gif) Hello again. Victory this morning. Was dabbing the location to clean it up and out it popped! Here are some pictures. Day 4 and day 12, I believe. Guess it was faster than I thought.
![](space.gif) Feel free to use these pictures if you like. Absolute miracle in my opinion!
![](space.gif) Patrick
![](space.gif) Costa Mesa, Calif.
![](space.gif) Rec'd : August 2, 2014
Left to right: ( 1 ) After 30 hours, ( 2 ) two days, ( 3 ) four days
( 4 ) After five days, ( 5 ) six days, ( 6 ) seven days
( 7 ) After eight days, ( 8 ) nine days, ( 9 ) ten days
( 10 ) After eleven days, ( 11 ) twelve days, ( 12 ) thirteen days
( 13 ) Still after thirteen days, ( 14 ) fifteen days, ( 15 ) eighteen days
( 16 ) After twenty-one days.
Case #080514: Cansema® Salve & Skin Cancer
![](space.gif) Dearest Family,
![](space.gif) Heartfelt Gratitude! I have great news! The skin cancer on my arm is finished. I put the black salve on my arm for the 12th treatment. The following morning there was no reaction. This means the cancer is no longer there, it is finished.
![](space.gif) I am happy! I only have one more spot where my nose meets my face on the left side. It is not so big or deep and on it's 6th heal over. It may need a few more times to be finished but I am certainly confident. Attached please find my final MP4 video on the matter showing how exactly the healing took place.
![](space.gif) Much Mahalo and Aloha,
![](space.gif) Dayna Gay ~ Kusha Devi
![](space.gif) Costa Mesa, Calif.
![](space.gif) Rec'd : August 2, 2014
Skin Cancer Treatment with Cancer (July 15th to August 2014)
Day One —
The eschar/scab is smaller than I imagined. Opps I forgot to stir the medicine. There are two main ones and one small one. I am happy to see them scab. I put betadine and Neosporin on it and covered it with a bandaid. I have been changing the dressing and meds twice a day because it is so hot here and I take two showers a day to cool down.
Day Two —
I stirred the medicine, and sure enough, we got the tingling burning aching response and a better eschar formed.
Day Seven —
We had a really hot day here in India so the area got really swollen and bruised, and was burning and throbbing. I wrote for support to Alpha Omega and they asked specific questions and reassured me to simply keep the area clean and covered. I iced it for comfort. They said, “Well, the important thing to understand is that the pain or 'sensation response' is itself an indicator that the Salve has 'found' cancer cells. If you apply the Salve to healthy tissue, you will get little more than slight irritation." At this point, I would let this area heal over, which may take two weeks, and then after you reach the 'heal over' stage, reapply to Salve to make sure there is no remnant cancer activity left behind.”
Day Ten —
Seems to have settled down considerably. Today it itches, yahoo. I think the heat brought it out more here in Vrindavan, India.
Day Thirteen —
Last night the plug fell out of my skin cancer thingy, it had three stems attached to a deeper spot. The plug was moving around like anything with the shower water running on it so I plucked it out. It was so deep about 1/3 of an inch and it filled up with blood. I am no nurse so I almost passed out at the sight of the blood, so I lay down. Then I got up filled the hole with betadine and lay down again. When I stabilized, I got up photographed it, slathered neosporin on it covered it with a ninth of a cotton square and slapped a bandaid over it...and lay back down. Gag! I am NO nurse. I get queezy at the sight of blood. This operation took all I had! I am supposed to let it heal over and do the whole process again. I can see I need to by the three yellow stems still feeding the thingy. They need to go! ? Day 21— The heal over process is complete. There is not wet spot. Tomorrow I apply the medicine. Day22— Apply medicine to the healed over spot. It reacts and gets a pus spot. I apply the medicine once more because it is only 12 hours of medicine on the spot. Day 23— The eschar is burning but the pain is manageable. The eschar falls off in only 5 days and heals over quickly in 9 days from the start of the second process. It is not as painful as the last time and not as deep. The third time I applied the black salve it did not burn at all but a small eschar came up and fell off in only three days. It is healing over now. I am expecting soon an eschar will not form. Thanks for all the supportive help from Cathryn ND at Alpha Omega
Case #080614: Cansema® & Misc. Cancer Growths
![](space.gif) Since contacting you in May 2012, I have used the [Cansema] salve on many more lesions with great success. It would not be practical for me to see a doctor to have biopsies done to ascertain the type lesions namely BCC, SCC or melanoma as I have too many lesions on my skin to do this.
![](space.gif) Bob Napier (USA)
![](space.gif) Rec'd : August 6, 2014
Case #081414: Cansema® & BCC's
Case #081514: Cansema® & Misc. Cancer Growths
![](space.gif) Cathryn, thank you. I will start immediately. I appreciate you guys so much. I have told SOO many people -- and even my associates -- about your products and how my own cancer was cured twiced superficially. Keep up the good work!
![](space.gif) Rev. Kevin Lee (USA)
![](space.gif) Rec'd : August 15, 2014
Case #082114: Cansema & Vet Case; & Bone Cancer / Vet
![](space.gif) Hi Cathryn . . . I said I'd send an e-mail with our thoughts about how the Cancema and the graviola tea helped with Red. I've also attached 2 photos, one with us, with Red on the right of the photo, and the other photo with Red - the brown dog at the front of the photo. After so many months of e-mails I thought you may like to see who we all are.
![](space.gif) We were told we had about 6 weeks for Red to live on 6th March this year and that the bone cancer Red had was very aggressive and worked very fast and very painfully.
![](space.gif) Before we started the Cancema, he had multiple lumps of varying sizes, his coat was dusty and unhealthy looking, he had quite a nasty cough like something was stuck in the back of his throat and he had big red veins in the whites of his eyes. He also had a big lump on the side of the joint on his right lower leg.
![](space.gif) Apart from the lump on the leg all of the other lumps reduced to very small lumps, or completely went away. The veins in his eyes disappeared, the cough went away and his coat was healthy and shiny again about a month after the treatment started. He did develop tumours in his lungs and some laboured breathing about 6 weeks after being diagnosed. Once we introduced the graviola tea the breathing went back to normal, and some lumps in the lungs went away and the rest didn't get bigger over 3 sets of x-rays (6 weeks apart). We didn't do an x-ray with the last vet visit but we could tell by his overall health his lungs were holding up fine right to the end.
![](space.gif) We were also very surprised to find he loved the graviola tea and happily lapped it up every night an hour before dinner.
![](space.gif) He was originally meant to last for 6 weeks with a very nasty and painful time.
![](space.gif) With the Cancema we got 5 months of a happy dog who was still full of life and very interested in everything around him. He was on painkillers all this time, but the pain reached a plateau and never got worse. We know the cancema and graviola tea gave him a real quality of life and extended the time we had with him, and this made an enormous difference for us and for Red.
![](space.gif) It seemed to us that the Cancema and graviola tea was making headway with all the secondary things going on within Red and was definitely killing off tumours. The problem was that the main area of bone cancer on his leg was too far advanced at the start, so we never managed to get on top of the damage it had started to do to disintegrating the bones in his leg. We do know though that the destruction of the bone was much slower than was expected and much slower than what usually happens, and again we are sure the Cancema slowed this whole process down, giving us precious extra time with our boy.
![](space.gif) Obviously we would have loved for Red to be a success story and to have survived his bone cancer, but we accept that wasn't the case. We are so grateful though for your products which gave us at least another 3 months with our boy that we would not have had.
![](space.gif) Thank you so much for all your support, advice and suggestions for the many months we were using the cancema. You made a very tough time for us a whole lot better and easier to deal with.
![](space.gif) You gave us hope and a quality of life for our boy that the vets could not give us,\ and we wouldn't have got any other way, so thank you so much for that.
![](space.gif) Sheridan and Richard, on behalf of Red (New Zealand)
![](space.gif) Rec'd: August 21, 2014
Case #082814: Cansema® & Unspecified Cancer Growth / Vet
![](space.gif) Thanks for your support and the links, Cathryn.
![](space.gif) All seems to be good with Phoenix. I have attached a pic from last night and see the hole is closing up - even within 24 hours. My confidence in him fully recovering/not suffering is much stronger now. I continue with the daily bandage changing and cleaning the wound.
![](space.gif) In gratitude,
![](space.gif) Leonie (USA)
![](space.gif) Rec'd: August 28, 2014
Case #082914: Tonic III & The Prostate
![](space.gif) Hi Cathryn . . . I thought I would give you an update on my progress and also to tap into your experience and knowledge.
![](space.gif) I am about to start my last bottle (5th) of Amazon Tonic III, and I am pleased to say my progress is excellent. The symptoms I reported earlier have all but gone. I am pain free, urination frequency is back to normal. (I now sleep right through or only one bathroom visit per night – although it is winter here and I find I am drinking less than [during] the hot summer months); no backache and there is no blood in my urine. We have decide to abstain from intercourse until the course is complete so are unsure about blood in my semen, but I am confident that is also ok. I have to admit I am ecstatic and positive I (with your help) have eliminated the intruder and am on my way to a full recovery and long life....
![](space.gif) I would like to sincerely thank you for making your fantastic products. Over the last few years of combating this intruder I have tried many alternative treatments and supplements. I am sure they have all helped but I am convinced that your herbal mixture has really been the success story . . .
![](space.gif) It is only when life is threatened does one start to appreciate one's place in this world. I still have a lot to see and do and am confident, thanks to your years of dedicated research and product development, that my future is rosy.
![](space.gif) I wish you all good health and happiness.
![](space.gif) Rob (USA)
![](space.gif) Rec'd: August 29, 2014
Case #090114: Cansema® & Misc. Cancer Growths
![](space.gif) Two more anecdotes about the salve.
![](space.gif) A lady had a melanoma on her nose. My friend, Shawn Wolking, ordered a jar for her. She applied it, and said it burned like the dickens. Afterward she put some dinosoil on as a paste. When the scab fell off, it was baby skin with no scarring. Shawn just called me. Another friend Mr. Riley has three big melanomas on his head scheduled for surgery in three weeks. Shawn told him to get some salve ASAP.
![](space.gif) Peter Triskell (USA)
![](space.gif) Rec'd: September 1, 2014
Case #090914: Cansema® & Misc. Cancer Growths
![](space.gif) Hello,
![](space.gif) Just checking in. Have to compliment you on the Amazon external salve [Cansema]. See attached; good escharation. Pain was less than with product I was using; less than 4 days from application to eschar removal... I'm starting into my third week with the internal salve. Occasional light headedness and morning nausea, but easy to tolerate. I'm at 1 tsp., 3 times a day.
![](space.gif) Jimmy (USA)
![](space.gif) Rec'd: September 9, 2014
Case #091114: Cansema® & Merkel Cell Carcinoma
![](space.gif) I am still alive! Almost 3 years after discovering I had Merkel Cell ALL OVER MY BODY. I am still alive even though Doctors said I would die. Why? I have killed literally 100's of Merkel cancers on myself with Cansema. And slowly my energy is coming back, too! People do not have to die with Merkel cancer.
![](space.gif) I am now also addressing the reason I got the cancer and cleaning out my entire body system with the use of 'About Your Body' herbal remedies. They work! You may need a complete body analysis blood test to determine what to do to keep your cancer gone and to prevent other diseases from cropping up. You can email for excellent affordable help.
![](space.gif) Do not panic when you get a diagnosis of Merkel cancer or skin cancer. Stay calm and order from this site. Get the blood test from Leber's. You will be so happy you did. I am happy to coach people through the process of killing Merkel cancer; just get my email from this website. My very best to you all!
![](space.gif) [ Name withheld ] -- (USA)
![](space.gif) Rec'd : September 11, 2014
Case #091414: Tonic III & Neck Tumor
![](space.gif) Hi,
![](space.gif) I have ordered another 2 bottles of the tonic. I thought I would update you on my progress. I have a tumour in my neck, lymph node. It was the size of a golf ball and hard before I started the tonic. Now it is the size of a pea and the swelling around my neck has gone down. I had a rash from the chemo that resembled elephant skin, supposedly due to a sensitivity to the chemo, it has now gone and my skin feels fabulous. My eye whites are brightening, they where an ugly grey colour. I have been having a lot of rib pain so I am not sure what is going on with my liver. I am due for a CT scan early next month.
![](space.gif) Having a look at the products on your site I do not know what else is best to use with or compatible to use with the tonic. Any advice would be appreciated. I want to make sure this is knocked on the head. I do not trust conventional medicine to make my life any better. They have cut me, poisoned me, nuked me and burnt me just for the tumour to grow back with vengeance 6 months later.
![](space.gif) Thanks again for making such an awesome product and delivering it to Australia.
![](space.gif) Sandra Muller(Australia)
![](space.gif) Rec'd : September 14, 2014
Case #091914: Cansema® & Misc. Cancer Growths
![](space.gif) Dear Friends!
![](space.gif) Thank you for this wonderful product, works great! I eliminated a 4 year old mole on my cheek in 1 week!
![](space.gif) Much Thanks.
![](space.gif) William Priebe
![](space.gif) Rec'd : September 19, 2014
Case #092014: Cansema & Vet Case; & Cancer of the Gums
![](space.gif) Cathryn,
![](space.gif) Jane's dog, Neiko, is doing amazingly well. They have run scans, blood work and other things and cannot find the cancer. They did an x-ray and supposedly the mass is decreasing. It is either a miracle or a misdiagnosis but she has her regular vet and a cancer vet. She has done other things including cansema Tonic III. I will try to get more details. I told her she needs to do a blog to help other people and spread the word.
![](space.gif) I will get you more information. Thank you and God Bless.
![](space.gif) Frank
Rec'd : September 20, 2014
Case #092114: Cansema® & Skin Cancer (BCC, SCC & Melanoma)
![](space.gif) Hi . . . My name is Allan Watts. I'm a 64yr old New Zealander and have had more than my fair share of sun exposure during my working/recreational life. Over the last 5yrs I have used cansema salve to successfully remove many bcc/sccs' and 1 melanoma. 2 months ago I was treating a small lesion less than 1cm dia on my left temple that had been slowly developing over several yrs. It grew into an eschar 3+cm with a lot of swelling and pain. It also went deep, to the bone I think. Anyway, the eschar took a long time to detach and before it did I received a slight knock to the lesion, (a pet dogs' paw) and my temporal artery burst. I lost a lot of blood and ended up in the A&E ward of Christchurch hospital. I had micro surgery on the artery and all ended well. However the surgeon could't understand how such a deep cavitation had occurred (I was under local anesthetic) and took a biopsy to test. It tested clear, so mission accomplished!
![](space.gif) Allan Watts -- (New Zealand)
![](space.gif) Rec'd : September 21, 2014
Case #092214: Ajo Te & Blood Pressure
![](space.gif) Let me take this opportunity to THANK YOU for the herbs that are helping us a lot. My BP is down to a "normal" or even lower level without taking any Western poisons so all is well.
![](space.gif) Norbert (Poland)
![](space.gif) Rec'd : September 22, 2014
Case #092514: Cansema® & BCC / “No hair loss”
![](space.gif) Good to hear the salve is doing the job. You can add another point for the salve. Charlotte had a basal on her head. She cured it with no hair loss.
![](space.gif) Wayne
![](space.gif) Rec'd : September 25, 2014
Case #092814: Cansema® & Misc. Cancer Growths
![](space.gif) I got the blood test back a weeks back and no cancer was found. They even said I am very healthy and all my other organs are working fine, but they also said some time cancer cannot been seen in a blood test even when (testing) was for that reason. It was good to know all the other organs are good.
![](space.gif) Margaret Dore
![](space.gif) Rec'd : September 28, 2014
Case #100614: Tonic III & Node on Thyroid
![](space.gif) Thank you very much, Cathryn! I'll report back after the blood tests and scan results on the node on the right thyroid . . . It (Tonic III) fixed some things for sure in my throat region and now I'm on the Copaiba and that works well, too . . . You're doing great work, you people.
![](space.gif) Annie
![](space.gif) Rec'd: October 6, 2014
Case #100714: Cansema® & Actinic Keratosis
![](space.gif) The eschar left by the Cansema was pretty close to the same size as the original lesion (an ulcerating lump) which had been biopsied and diagnosed as 100% keratosis, zero cancer. But after the biopsy, it immediately grew back the same only maybe slightly larger. The Cansema was spread over a larger area than the lesion and did nothing but a bit of reddening to the healthy tissue, only the lesion. So apparently the keratosis was only the size it appeared to be. Sorry if I did not explain clearly before but no hidden iceberg mass, only the visible size.
![](space.gif) But now the entire area Cansema was applied to is smooth as an egg. Glad to hear it might grow back in time though I'm fine either way; it is a small area and not in a cosmetically compromising place.
![](space.gif) Geoffrey
![](space.gif) Rec'd : October 7, 2014
Case #100814: Cansema & Misc. Cancer Growths
![](space.gif) Just finishing healing phase from treating small lesion on my scalp. Worked "text book" perfectly. Quite amazing to me really. Odd thing though, wonder if you have ever heard of this... I put the salve on an area a bit larger than the actual lesion and when I put bandaid over that it spread a bit more. I had shaved the area as prep so I could easily access it. No harm at all to healthy skin, just a bit of redness and mild edema as predicted. The odd thing though is that it seems to have killed the hair follicles wherever it touched. Not a huge deal to me but interesting as there was nothing to indicate that it was really doing much there until now when hair growing back in the shaved area.
![](space.gif) The eschar left by the Cansema was pretty close to the same size as the original lesion (an ulcerating lump) which had been biopsied and diagnosed as 100% keratosis, zero cancer. But after the biopsy, it immediately grew back the same only maybe slightly larger. The Cansema was spread over a larger area than the lesion and did nothing but a bit of reddening to the healthy tissue, only the lesion. So apparently the keratosis was only the size it appeared to be. Sorry if I did not explain clearly before but no hidden iceberg mass, only the visible size.
![](space.gif) But now the entire area Cansema was applied to is smooth as an egg. Glad to hear it might grow back in time though I'm fine either way; it is a small area and not in a cosmetically compromising place.
![](space.gif) Thank you for providing this wonderful product!
![](space.gif) Mr. G (USA)
![](space.gif) Rec'd: October 7, 2014
Case #101314: Tonic III / Cansema® Salve & Breast Cancer
[ Invasive Cell Carcinoma ]
![](space.gif) We frequently are asked about breast cancer, for which we provide a standardized breast cancer protocol. Occasionally, we get pictorial inputs, but no one in our entire history has taken the time to document their case as well as this one. See DOC file --- [8.5 Megs]
![](space.gif) [ Name withheld by request ]
![](space.gif) Rec'd: October 13, 2014
Case #101714: Cansema® & SCC
![](space.gif) Your Amazon Cream has worked to treat (cancers) for myself and a friend. He was diagnosed with 3 SCCs by our melanoma clinic, when he presented himself again they said there are no SCCs to remove. He didn't tell them what he did.
![](space.gif) Rudy
![](space.gif) Rec'd : October 17, 2014
Case #101914: Cansema® & Misc. Cancer Growths
![](space.gif) After about 12 hours the area under the bandage started to be mildly painful in a very different, more burning way. So I pulled the bandage and washed of the Cansema to have a look figuring I could redo it if I felt it needed it. The skin skin was being much more irritated but in a very different way it seemed than forming an eschar, more of a generalized "burn" and both that pink are plus skin around it. So I cleaned area thoroughly and taped a slice of fresh cut aloe (gel side down of course LOL) over it. Very pleasant relief from the that. (Figure I will change to fresh slice 3 or 4 times during the day since not going anywhere.) No harm done and the eschar seemed unchanged really from the extra 12 hours or so. Done with killing and on with regeneration! I am quite impressed.Thanks again!
![](space.gif) Geoffrey
![](space.gif) Rec'd : October 19, 2014
Case #111514: Lung Cancer Survivor
![](space.gif) Hi Cathryn, just want to inform you of a man that had a very bad lung cancer that gave him cachexia, a wasting disease that no matter what he eats, he loses weight going from 60 kg down to as low as 49 kilos and very sick with a 16% chance of survival with 12 months to live ... this was December last year. He started on your products. His cancer was inoperable with his lymph nodes swollen. I put him on a diet taking away meat, chicken, and all processed foods (including) anything with preservatives -- all organics, if possible, also taking away all dairy foods . . . to date he has made a full recovery from 49 kilos to now a healthy 62+ kilos.
![](space.gif) He also has started back at work . . . he says, thank you, for all what you have done for me. I cannot thank you enough for all the wonderful work that you keep dedicated to.
![](space.gif) Thank you a million . . .
![](space.gif) Matt Slibar (Forster, NSW, Australia)
![](space.gif) Rec'd : November 15, 2014
Case #120214: Cansema® & Misc. Cancer Growths
![](space.gif) Dearest Family,
![](space.gif) Heartfelt Gratitude's! I have great news! The skin cancer on my arm is finished. I put the black salve on my arm for the 12th treatment. The following morning there was no reaction. This means the cancer is no longer there, it is finished. I am happy! I only have one more spot where my nose meets my face on the left side. It is not so big or deep and on it's 6th heal-over. It may need a few more times to be finished but I am certainly confident. Attached please find my final MP4 video on the matter showing how exactly the healing took place.
![](space.gif) Dayna Gay
![](space.gif) Rec'd: December 2, 2014
[ Click to enlarge ]
Case #121714: Cansema® & Wart Removal
![](space.gif) Good morning, Mrs. Caton,
![](space.gif) I looked at my wart this morning, and when I removed the duct tape and the gauze, I noticed a whitish-greyish gooey think inside the wart. I was able to take it out very easily, then I saw a big hole on the bottom of my foot, there was no bleeding. The bottom of the hole is whitish-pinkish that I washed out with hydrogen-peroxide, and covered it with gauze and duct tape.
![](space.gif) To the best of my knowledge I think this "wart" or whatever it was, \ is gone, in merely 10 days. Please review the pictures, I'm so happy with the results. Hopefully there is nothing left inside the hole.
![](space.gif) Thank you.
![](space.gif) Csaba Drozdovski (USA)
![](space.gif) Rec'd : December 17, 2014
Case #121914: Cansema® & High Grade Papillary Serous Carcinoma
![](space.gif) On March 31, 2014, a cat scan revealed ovarian cancer about the size of a walnut; metastases to the peritonenm and acites (huge fluid build up).
![](space.gif) On May 14, tumor about 20cm in size. Dr. "F" offered Joann hospice. She was down to about 90 pounds. Joann had been taking protocel as a natural remedy. She refused chemotherapy, as it might have accelerated the cancer. In late May Joann started taking black cumin seed oil and lp-6 inisitol, doing coffee enemas, continual prayer, nonprofessional therapeutic massage, and other natural high nutrition things like Garden of Life products. (I'll elaborate on this as I get more information from her)
![](space.gif) July 28, CA125 = 1340
![](space.gif) August 8, CA125 = 720
![](space.gif) September 5, CA125 = 156
![](space.gif) The tumor was Stage IV cancer, and now even the doctor admitted that it was a miracle. Joann began taking a bloodroot product in September (blood root, sheep sorrel, red clover, galangal) and took it aggressively. I don't have the actual written records, yet but will as soon as they are made available to her.
![](space.gif) Late September, CA125 = 60
![](space.gif) October, CA125 = 30 (note the average healthy lady has an average CA125 of 35)
![](space.gif) November, CA125 was 17.
![](space.gif) Joann will do another CA125 in January and get copies of all of her records. She is now 125 pounds, very vibrant and healthy but still gets tired quicker. I'm sure that she will be delighted to talk with you at some point.
![](space.gif) Bob Gilbert
![](space.gif) Rec'd : December 19, 2014
Case #122914: Cansema® & Breast Cancer / Bursitis
![](space.gif) Thank you, Cathryn,
![](space.gif) I appreciate the information. I ordered products from you in the past, and Cansema from your husband in early 2000, a couple of times. He could not have been nicer. Once I called with questions. I had a very larger tumor on my breast. It was beginning to bulge out. I applied Cansema, and it lit up like a Christmas tree. Then, secondary eschars emerged on my neck/shoulder area, so I put some black salve there, too. I've never had a larger reaction since the neck thing. The Cansema pulled a 2" x 2" disk/tube shape thing that rose up on my shoulder. It took a long time for the process, beginning to end. There was a part of my head/brain that would fall asleep, that's the only way I can describe it. After the Cansema did its thing, I never had that happen, again.
![](space.gif) From swimming competitively for years, I also had bursitis in my shoulder. That also went away after the Cansema process. All very scary. My husband and I have used a cancer salve on many areas and growths. I'm happy I found your site, and that it is legitimate. I was afraid it was someone else, not you and your husband.
![](space.gif) Codelia Mendoza
![](space.gif) Rec'd : December 29, 2014