Older Cansema Testimonials - 1995-2000
(Human Use Only)

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Bloodroot Paste Testimonials
This page contains older testimonials collected on the
effectiveness of Cansema (both
black topical salve and our
internal versions - human use only,
see also animal use).
We have made no attempt to alter any of the
language (syntax, punctuation, spelling, etc.) of these written
letters and/or email missives, excepting minor spelling errors.
Thousands of other individuals
have been helped who did not take the time to sit down and write
letters or send email. You may contact these individuals directly,
if you wish, where contact information is provided.
This page has little graphics,
but is text heavy. We have a pictorial testimony
page, if you want a more visual representation of how Cansema works.
Disclaimer: The purpose
of these testimonials is to provide you with an insight as to what other
Alpha Omega users have reported, and to provide a foundation for
the legitimacy of our research and overall work. No responsible maker of herbal products,
Alpha Omega included, would infer that testimonial inputs carry the same
weight as well-constructed clinical studies. To U.S. Users: None of the
Alpha Omega Labs' products mentioned in these pages have been
evaluated by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. Therefore, they
are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Case #121700: Cansema Salve
Just a note to say thank you for your Cansema salve.
This product does exactly what you present. I have had a peel of both
arms by a plastic surgeon and multiple surgical interventions for basal
cell carcinoma. Your product has removed three sites now. The
third was the largest and now after only three weeks is only a reddened
site with a small scab. The initial two sites I used the product on
are now almost indiscernable when I am proudly displaying my "healed"
locations. I love this product and am sharing with my tennis playing,
sun loving, southern California buddies! Virtually no scarring and
for me minimal pain and discomfort to say nothing of no M.D. appointment
and the endless scheduling and waiting. My chiropractor was my
medical support person and the result is great. Thank you so much!
(name withheld) @aol.com
Sent via email
December 17, 2000
Case #112000: Cansema Salve
I ordered your Cansema salve a few months ago to treat
a diagnosed skin cancer on my forehead. It was 100% effective
and the cancer is gone. Thank you for your product!
I have been telling my friends about this marvelous product
and your company. Expect several orders...
Mr. D.W. (via email)
November 20, 2000
Case #111600: Cansema Salve
I've used your Cansema to remove two necrotic
skin conditions that I had for decades. In both
cases, a self-contained cyst or tumor was
lurking beneath the hard, bumpy skin. The first
growth took 5 days to come off; the second,
which separated this morning, took 7 days.
My brother also used the Cansema to remove
a mole that didn't respond to the bloodroot paste.
In 6 days, it was gone.
Mr. O.M. (via email)
November 16, 2000
Case #101100: Cansema Capsules & Salve
[Editor: Few of the cases
we encounter are this serious, but they are worth documenting.
(Click on photos above to view enlargements.)
Granted, it is a case in progress; nonetheless,
the results are so dramatic, that we have elected to publish the
results as they happen. The following note comes from the
attending health care practitioner] .... Enclosed are two
photos of [patient's name deleted]. It took her 30 years
to grow the melanoma shown in the first picture. After using
Cansema Salve and (Cansema) Capsules for 7 months, you can
see the results. She says that she feels like a million
bucks. I will be going up to [home location deleted] ...
and then I will take new pictures of her and send you some
more recent ones.
Dr. J. Thomas
Oct. 11, 2000 (via hard mail)
Case #092000: Cansema Salve
About a month ago I ordered the Cansema ointment
and just last week used it on a previously biopsied
and conventionally treated area on my forehead.
The skin cancer was of the squamous cell type and the
doctor had assured me there was no trace remaining
after his Nitrogen treatment.
This treatment was done about a year ago and I subsequently
complained to him about the same area itching at times,
getting red, sloughing small amounts of skin, and even
disappearing entirely at times. He examined it about
3 months ago with the same proclamation that there was
nothing there and not to worry.
After my positive experience with your Bloodroot paste
about which I previously wrote), I decided to try the Cansema
Immediately after applying the ointment there was some pain
and a burning sensation. By morning the area was quite red
and actually a little swollen. I removed the product from
the area with alcohol 24 hours after application and the
process continued pretty much as described in your pamphlet
and on your web site. Seven days after the single application,
the eschar was ejected. It was diamond-shaped,
approximately 3/8" in diameter and about the same deep!
The "divot" is healing nicely and the swelling is gone.
I am pleased to report the above for several reasons:
- The ointment was generously applied to an area the size
of a quarter, but it only produced a reaction of the size
mentioned above.
- The "action" of the product was far less invasive (and less painful)
than my previous experience with freezing.
- I cannot see how any "conventional" treatment would have accomplished
any more in terms of removing unwanted (cancerous) tissue.
- I will be continuing to treat other known or suspicious areas on
both myself and my wife. I am more than pleased to have discovered
this product. Not only do the results seem to speak for themselves,
but there is no comparison to the outrageous cost of less effective,
and more painful conventional treatments.
Thanks for your product!
D. Hall (via email)
Sept. 20, 2000
Case #071800: Cansema Salve
I am a red-head with fair
complexion and your Cansema salve has been a real blessing for me.
I have used it on all of my pre-cancerous and cancerous spots
and have had nothing but success.
Sue H. (via email)
July 18, 2000
Case #071700: Cansema Capsules & Acne
Sirs; My 15 year old
son has discovered that taking one
capsule two times per day is helping his acne tremendously.
Do you think this is ok? ... I realize this isn't a
recommended use. I am just curious. I really think it
is working for my husband's cancer. So I am very interested
in it. Re: the son--he is very happy with the way his skin
improved from the first capsule. Within the hour his skin
looked better and has continued to improve. I read about
your Neem Cream, but the capsules have given very dramatic
improvement and very quick, too. It will be difficult to
persuade him to change to something else. Thank you.
[Editor's Note: We've heard this before, and it is
our belief that it relates to the antimicrobial action of
Cansema. But because of the etiologies that cause or
contribute to acne, we feel it is unsuitable to make
specific claims for this application. Nonetheless,
those who find it successful for this skin condition
swear by it.]
(Name withheld by request)
July 17, 2000
Case #071300: Cansema Salve
Your product Cansema is awesome! I had 3 moles on my face
since childhood and 2 on my upper arm that were all dark and some
even itched. After applying your product they were off and healed
within a week! There is slight scarring that is going away
each day. Thank you so much for providing such a miracle
product! (P.S. - A neighbor told me that she had 3 moles
removed for $125 each! What a savings for me!)
Barb S. (Louisiana, USA)
July 13, 2000
Case #071100: Cansema Salve
I have been using Cansema for several years now and
have had remarkable success.
Ervil M. (with citynet.net)
July 11, 2000
Case #111699: Cansema Salve: Internal Application
Kent Estes' Remarkable Story
After discovering he had advanced cancer of the
tongue and mouth, Kent Estes had to make a decision:
do I follow the doctor's recommendation and have my
tongue & palate removed - meaning irreversible
disfigurement? Or do I seek alternative treatment?
Find out, through email transcripts and an extensive
photo journal, how Kent Estes beat his cancer with
the help of Alpha Omega Labs (less than $300 in purchases)
- to the amazement of those who said he had no other
Case #042000: Jim Coleman
(Cansema Salve - Extensive Multiple Use)
[Editor: This case is extensive,
both in content and in pictorials. It has it's own separate
Case #030200: Cansema Salve
I am 63 years old and
have had what is commonly termed “Skin Cancer” most
of my life. As of this date, you that have the same, understand that
there is no “Cure”. Today, all that the dermatologist has to say to
you is “Put on your #35 block out” and see me in 6 months.
As I grew up at the
end of the World War II, my family ended up in
Phoenix, Arizona. I ran around in a pair of levies. No shirt, no shoes
and no one said a word. I would sun burn, and all that was said was,
"Red heads do that" . . .
Now, when I see the dermatologist, he says, “Oh my, you have a problem."
Well folks, we can fly to the moon, but we do not have a cure for our skin
cancer problem. I have had surgery so many places I will not begin to tell you.
I have spent enough money for Liquid Nitrogen burn treatments that I could
build a new house. But, isolating red spots (basal cells) with liquid nitrogen
is like taking your 22 rifle out and start shooting stars. I can see about
1,000 every time I step out of a hot shower.
Next, as you who have this know, is “Effudex”. Takes a prescription, cost
today is $150.00 a tube (2 oz.). You apply for 6 to 8 days, twice a day
until you have what is effectively a 3rd degree burn. Then, when the burn
cures the surface cancers leave with the scabs.
Two (2) problems with Effudex. (Besides being very expensive and
hurts like hell. First one is that you can only take in the winter when the sun
is at its weakest. Second is, hardly effective at all on the arms. The skin
apparently from sun and weather exposure is too tough.
Cansema Salve: A friend saw me and told me what happened. (I had
just finished surgery on the forehead of three squamous cell lesions, and
on the other side a basal cell and two skin grafts.) I said to him,
"Oh, just the usual skin cancer." He said, "I have an article describing
a naturopathic herb, you can find it on the Internet." When looking
I came across Alpha Omega Labs at altcancer.net. James Carr, an herbalist
who works with them told me, "We guarantee satisfaction, or your money
will be refunded."
So, I bought a jar and have applied it to the back of my
right hand, and...
But, you do not need 16 applications. Usually just one. The results
are astounding. The salve “attacks” the cancerous cells only, (as does Effudex)
and, if you have not been thru this experience, rest assured your hand will
not fall off.
Yes, it will hurt like hell (so does liquid nitrogen, burning a
cancer). Yes, it will look like hell for a while. But, you can cover with
a bandage. No, I am told it is not sun sensitive, so you can use all year
round. I made the mistake of coating the entire area of the back of my hand,
and it was hard to bandage... I will now start treating small areas that I
can bandage. (For me, only to protect the public eye, as at my age, who cares,
it is to late with all the [previous] operations to worry about appearances.)
Hank Hassan (via email)
March 3, 2000
Case #013100: Cansema Salve
A note of thanks and inquiry. I recommended your product to my father
who has had Effudex prescribed in the past for facial skin cancer (non-melanomous)
with little or no effect. The Cansema has done wonders for him.
His condition is gone and his facial skin actually looks much younger....
Many thanks.
Mark (mark.sergas@decisionone.com)
Case #020500: Cansema Salve
I bought Cansema originally for what turned out to be diagnosed by a
doctor as Eczema on my back. Then my girlfriend and I noticed a dime size
blueish-brown spot on my penis shaft. I tried Cansema on it last weekend and it
turned black and was painful, then it started to separate and was white
underneath. Than eventually fell off leaving a tender pink crater on the side
of my penis which is now bandaged. Definitely puts a damper on sex life
for awhile, but the point is - it got rid of that spot in just a few days
and my guess is it wasn't healthy tissue. It never did hurt but it looked
weird and I am glad it's gone! Also, it looked just like the pictures
on your website. Hurray for alternative medicine (while traditional doctors are
hell bent on killing us all).
Name & Email Address Withheld
Case #112299: Cansema Salve
Has anyone ever used Black Salve on plaque psoriasis? If so, how effective
is it? I have wondered about this for a long time. I have personably witnessed
removal of a nickle sized skin lesion with amazement with (Cansema) Black Salve
but I know of no one using it on plaque psoriasis. I am asking on behalf of a
woman who has suffered from plaque psoriasis for 30 years. [Editor's Note:
we appreciate the testimonial on Cansema. The answer, though, is no: Cansema
was not designed to work on psoriasis. There are other products
for which users get better results.)
Name Withheld
Case #103199: Cansema Salve / Cansema Tonic
Just wanted to thank you once more for your help. The area where
the cancer was on my back completely healed over about 2 1/2 months
after applying the Cansema paste on July 16, 1999. I took the Cansema Tonic
as an internal clean-up agent. The honey didn't help the taste, but
holding my nose while drinking the tonic did.
Trust you all made it through the hurricanes alright. You were
in my prayers.
Peter Ritchie
Case #080299: Cansema Salve
Back in January 1999 I obtained Cansema. My mother had a
10 square inch tumor of Malignant Melanoma on her head and the doctors
had nothing curative to offer her. We applied a test patch of Cansema
on healthy skin and 24 hours later when there was no response, we applied
the product to the tumor. In retrospect, we might have only treated a
bit of the tumor at a time, but as the tumor was racing towards her
eyes - from 1 square inch to 10 square inches of visible tumor in
30 days, we treated the whole tumor at once. There was massive inflammatory
response that went away in four days. A large wound resulted. She
continued with two months of Cansema capsules, 2 twice a day. Although
heavy pigmentation remained, the tumor ceased to grow. They have
been unable to detect any enlargement in her neck lymph nodes and
ultra sounds of the abdoment and chest xrays have continued to turn
up negative. She did go ahead with 30 radiation treatments to her
head and now she suffers from a runny nose and dry eyes.
In June we applied small amounts of Cansema to several small
areas of pigmentation to her scalp which looked like the cancer was
returning. There was no response to the paste at all! What wonderful
Thought you would appreciate hearing this.
Ian Roe (ianroe@aol.com)
Toronto, CANADA
August 2, 1999
(Editor's Note: Alpha Omega does not recommend attacking
a large tumor all at one time, primarily because of issues involving
pain management. However, neither do we alter testimonials which
we receive from our customers.)
Case #073099: Cansema Salve & Cansema Capsules
Have been using your (Cansema) Salve on three spots of basil cell
carcinoma. Worked just like (you) described on the web site... Next
I put some on a spot which looked like a wart in an area of skin where
I was badly burned 30+ years ago (and sun burnt many times since).
The reason scared me. What the doctor had looked over several times
turned out to be a large reactive site. In a 3 square inch area at
least 43 eruptions of puss developed along with the wart-like growth
being destroyed. Scares me to think what would have been the result if
I had waited for the doctor to react. ... (In addition) I have now
used one bottle of the capsules and started on my second round. There
is a noticeable increase in energy and a general feeling of well-being.
Thanks so much. Keep up the good work.
Jim Miles
Graham, NC
July 30, 1999
Case #072999: Cansema Salve
Praise Jesus! This morning the 1 1/2" x 2" eschar (scab)
separated from the healthy flesh after 10 1/2 days. Right on schedule.
I took a picture of the area last night with the scab still attached.
I'm sorry I didn't keep a pictorial journal from the start. After
applying aloe vera this morning the area is looking healthier by
the hour. God bless you for your help and a product that works!
Peter Ritchie
July 27, 1999
Case #031299: Cansema Salve
First of all, let me share with you the astounding results
I had when I used Cansema Salve for a pesky sore that wouldn't heal.
This sore was in my chest area and about the size of a pencil eraser.
It had been active for over two years. It would become sore and
bothersome, then crust over and start to heal, and then the cycle
would start all over again. It got to the point where I had to
wear a bandaid at all times to limit my clothing rubbing against it.
I used your miraculous Cansema Salve according to directions and it
healed like magic. Thank you very much.
P. Marshall
Desert Hot Springs, CA
March 12, 1999 (rec'd via email)
Case #111798: Cansema Salve
I have been an esthetician for 26 years. Three years ago one of my
clients enthusiastically recommended Cansema cream to me. I didn't pay
proper attention to the subject because so many clients bring me so many
things to look at. However, last year I witnessed an example (and heard
of another) of the efficacy of Cansema cream. I ordered some and applied
it to 6 areas of my body, two of which I knew had cancerous growths. Of
the six, the only two that reacted to the cream were the two skin
cancers. The results have been astounding. I am pleased and surprised.
I have been into nutrition and herbs for 22 years, and have found the
incidence of harmful viruses rising on a steady basis. I feel that
viral diseases are replacing bacterial diseases. It is imperative that we
find means to combat them effectively. I have learned how to treat
myself and my family with herbs, minerals, vitamins, etc. For the time
being, we have kept these diseases under control. The focus of the Alpha
Omega Lab, with the creation of their Cansema Tonic and Capsules, makes
me optimistically curious--and excited about the rest of their products.
At $ .25/pill for a period of treatment of 14 to 21 days, Cansema products
certainly put treatment of viral illnesses more within the economic grasp
of many more patients than the current standard, expensive chemical
Ruth Woodruff
Jerri Siegel, LMT
Cocoa Beach, FL
November 17, 1998
Case #11698: Cansema Salve
Just a short note to let you know how well Cansema has worked
for me. I first bought one jar of it about two years ago, I believe, at
the suggestion of a friend who had used it. So far I have treated three
lesions, one on my wrist, one on my right shoulder and currently one on
my left shoulder. Each one went through precisely the stages you
described in your brochure. The first time I tried it, when I removed
the band-aid after 24 hours, I was sure I had made a bad mistake. It
looked awful. But in exactly the sequences you described, it healed and
left no mark at all. I can't even find where it was now. The second
time, the same thing. Now I am treating the third lesion and it is
about to form a scab and I assume the eschar will come out in due course
and I expect that it will heal, as before, without a trace. I recently
purchased another jar so that I have one at home and one on my boat in
case it is needed. Keep up the good work.
Jim La Fleur (jklafleur@earthlink.net)
Toluca Lake, California
July 14, 1998
Case #0198: Cansema Salve
I have been using Cansema now since mid-December and
have had some pretty astounding results. I have applied it to
about 50 suspicious spots of which 40 have been extremely active...
I have a few doctor friends who are now using Cansema
and they are truly amazed at the results. It is quite an extraordinary
solution to an otherwise potentially fatal disease. I am so
fortunate to have come upon it and I thank you so much for making
this available to me...
Samantha M. Jewett
Allergy Research Group, Inc.
Home E-mail: smjewett@ix.netcom.com
Case #11598: Cansema Salve, Melanoma
Thank you for being there and for your wonderful Cansema Salve.
My name is Sheila King from Carlton, GA. My Dad has used the
salve on a large melanoma in his ear and he is now taking the capsules.
His ear looks like it is doing what it is suppose to do. I am
looking forward to the day when the scab comes off and his ear is
The reason I am emailing you is because of my husband's
experience with Cansema. He had a small pimple appear on the back of his
ear lobe. He mentioned it to me and I said "put some alcohol on it
and see if it goes away." Well about four days later he said "take a
look at my ear and see what it looks like. The pimple is bigger."
When I looked at the ear, the pimple was triple the size it was and
was a purple/black color. I told his that it looked like Daddy's ear
(melanoma). So I applied one application of Cansema salve to the
area and it immediately started to itch. Within 10 minutes the
area started to turn white and fester. This was Sunday, Feb. 8,
1998. The area scabed over and several smaller pus areas formed on
the back of his ear lobe. Saturday, Feb. 14, the scab came off and
the area was healed underneath. The small pus areas are scabbing and
healing as well.
I want to thank you for making this product available.
Keep up the good work. God bless you.
Sheila King
Email: sking@cbacc.cba.uga.edu
Case #0197: Cansema Salve
This stuff is amazing! I've been having skin cancer
cut out for 30 years, every year or two. I am ordering a
spare jar of salve plus the capsules...
Mr. Gerald D. Lee
Los Angeles, CA
August 13, 1997
Case #0297: Cansema Salve
Well, you can add another name to your list of
satisfied Cansema customers. After trying it on several
suspected cancerous areas, and on healthy skin as well,
I'm happy to say your product did everything you said
it would. It's rare to find anything these days that
lives up to the promises of sales hype.
I must admit I didn't believe it would work, being
the devout skeptic that I am, but the only other option
was to start dumping money into some dermatologist's bank
account; something I really can't afford anyway, even if
I wanted to -- which I don't. My mindset at the time of
sending you the money was that it was just a gamble, like
a trip to Las Vegas. I'd go in with $56 and not be concerned
if I came out with nothing. I'm happy to say, I hit the
jackpot instead!
As for the apparant small amount of cansema delivered
in one jar, I can say only after using it on half a dozen
areas so far, two of which were fairly large (1"x2"), I
haven't even put a dent in the contents yet. At this rate,
one jar will probably last the rest of my life, even though,
because of my lifestyle, I expect to be using it regularly;
being light complected, and having worked outdoors for the
last 30 years without the benefit of sunscreen or a hat.
Thank you for providing this amazing product.
August 15, 1997
Case #0397: Cansema Capsules
Dear Friends,
I do not know what it is about the Cansema (capsules)
that has helped my spouse during this very trying time of
chemotherapy, (treating an AIDS related cancer), but it has
definitely kept him stronger and healthier. Thank you for
providing it.
All my best,
With deepest gratitude,
Steven J. McCarthy
12444 Erwin St.
N. Hollywood, CA 91606
May 1, 1997
Case #0497: Cansema Salve
This is to report on the success of Cansema Black Topical
Salve. For years, I had two moles around my shoulder blade.
I had them checked in 1996. The dermatologist said they weren't
skin cancer. However, this year, one grew in size and the other
got crusty. My niece had the salve, which got rid of her skin
cancer three years ago. I borrowed some, and now they are almost
faded away.
What a wonderful product. I have asked for a catalog
of your products.
Marjorie Singleton
700 W. 4th St.
Mansfield, OH 44906
April 3, 1997
Case #0597: Cansema Capsules
Mr. Joseph L. Atkinson, Jr. (my husband) had Hodgekins [sic]
Lymphoma in 1975. (He) had radiation and some chemo in 1993.
It returned. (He) could take no more radiation, so he had
lots of (additional) chemo. (He) was very sick and had lots
of blood transfusions. (He) had tumors on tumors on the aorta and
the stomach area, and one on the pancreas. In August, 1996
he started taking Cansema, chlorophyll, geneflora, hawthorn berry,
Sea Cleanse, and echinacea... In February, 1997 scans showed
(a) tumor on pancrea had dissipated, (as had) scar tissue on
aorta and stomach area. (My husband) goes for (his next scan)
in July.
Presently, he is taking Diflucan, Deltasone, Cansema
Capsules and barley greene... also lots of prayer. We really
believe the Cansema capsules are helping.
Mrs. Joseph Ackinson
142 Wild Rice Rd.
Crowley, lA 70526
June 10, 1997
Case #0697: Cansema Capsules
Greetings from Guam!
I have both good and bad news to report!
(1) The first application of Cansema created an eschar,
as I described to you initially. Then the thing healed and began
getting larger.
(2) Second application was done. This caused pain and
irritability, some small leaking of the area and then stopped
working. This was now going on 23 days from first application.
Being determined, I did a little reading... and asked questions
of a local doctor...
(3) Made a poultice... big scoop on the area and a little
scoop in the gauze. Well, the pain was not as great, localized
but still intense. As each day passed, i felt better than with
the other applications. Remember, the area to be treated was on my
back in the T7 to T9 range two inches to the left of my spine.
I could not see what was being treated, but my wife could.
Seriously larger than they were telling me. On the 11th day,
the bandage was removed and the area was leaking massively.
On the 12th day when the bandage was removed the tumor came out...
get this... it was over 1/2 inch in diameter, over 7/8 in
length. Nearly to my lung. If I were not fat it would have made
it, only good thing I can say about my weight. The hole was
large enough to put your little finger into it, up to my first
In the days to follow I have had greater energy than in
the past 6 months. My health seems to have been energized!
The Doctor who has looked at the hole is amazed but prefers to cut
on people, anyways. He said this product saved my life!
That is the point of my writing today. I will add that the
hole in the past week has closed and is healing quickly, faster
than any other cut has healed on my body. It is only a small
dime sized scab now and shows very little indentation.
This product saved my life... simple and grateful...
Thank you. I shall spread the word. Pictures were not useful...
most were ruined in the recent typhoon... sorry... I did try.
I and my family thank you from our hearts.
God Speed to all of you.
Rick (from Guam)
August 19, 1997
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