Alpha Omega Labs:
Shipping Costs
We are sometimes asked why we use primarily express delivery, thus making shipping costs more expensive. This stands out in contrast to, let us say,, which offers free shipping once a certain dollar threshold has been met.
Up until 2012, we actually did use international parcel post extensively. Over time, this service began to deteriorate in quality -- to the point now, where packages even to the United States can take a minimum of three weeks. To Asia or Australia? Up to six weeks. This simply is not acceptable service. Moreover, the number of lost or stolen packages is greater with international post from South America.
To commensate for the the extra cost, we have cut the prices of our manufactured goods -- often quite dramatically, wherever and whenever possible. For example, the prices for our salves are dramatically less costly than that of our competitors. You can check for yourself on our major sales sites:
We explain on a separate page how the trick to lowering shipping cost per unit is to take advantage of high weight thresholds . . . Any additional questions on this subject can be addressed to:, or you can call our U.S.-based number: (305) 851-2308.

Cathryn Caton, N.D.
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, Ecuador