arlier this year,
I wrote a brief essay, entitled "Acceptance,"
about three friends who passed in 2019.
They all had several things in common: they were all accomplished in their fields; they all had fans and a following; and they were all
sick and tired of being here and showed signs of being less than enthusiastic about sticking around anymore.
None were remotely suicidal. They simply found the direction the world was headed in as sitting somewhere between distasteful
and vomit-inducingly revolting. It is a sentiment to which I can relate.

I'm writing today to talk about another friend, and this one passed two weeks ago. I'm talking
about the famous political illustrator,
David Dees. Lately, I've gotten
emails about it because many people know that we were friends -- and, in fact, David did the illustrations on two of my last three
The Joys of Psychopathocracy (2017) and
Black Salve (2019) -- a book that is every bit as controversial as David was. (It was censored
Amazon after just one complaint from a SJW/shill reporter from Buzzfeed,
Amazon continues to carry three of my other books.

Born July 9, 1957, David was for years a freelance illustrator
before creating the artwork that would make him famous -- (or infamous, if you're one of his detractors).
He brilliance was evident quite early. The son of an advanced mathematics teacher, Dees won numerous math
awards and was given a free scholarship to Emory University. However, David's initial awakening came from a place
completely divorced from the world of mathematics or illustration.
In 1992 David was put in contact with a gifted spiritual healer in the Philippines, named Rev. Alex L. Orbito.
Wrestling with a growth for which conventional doctors were not able to offer any meaningful cure, David
flew to the Philippines to seek out Orbito. He was 35 years old.

Orbito was one of a rarified breed of practitioners that are
variously referred to as "psychic surgeons." While performing this art, Orbito was able to remove the
growth without use of a knife or other surgical instrument -- and it is a growth that never returned.
David did, however. He came back to the Philippines just to visit in 1994, ever grateful for Orbito's miraculous assistance --
using an art that the censors at Google, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram will insist does not exist
and never has.

Later, Dees worked for
Sesame Street Magazine in the early 2000s, and then started researching the events
surrounding "911." Aghast at how completely absurd the official narrative was -- and even more that the
majority of people were gullible enough to believe it -- he felt inspired to turn his considerable talent as an
illustrator into posting "political art." At the time, David was living in Sweden, having moved to Europe
in 2003. As his political hobby progressed and his artwork became popular, David was eventually targeted.
In 2010 he began to experience unusual events that are common to "truthers" who become popular and attract
too much attention.

In 2012 political pressure was applied to kick David out of Sweden
entirely, and in fact,
he was. But just prior to that,
in 2011,
I was introduced to David through a mutual friend, Jeff Rense.
Fast forward nine years later,
Jeff faithfully attended to David at a hospice facility until the very end -- and, in fact -- Jeff visited David the night
before he passed.
Rense has set up a David Dees tribute page,
with 97 high quality, expandable illustrations -- a small selection of David's vast creations.

In late 2018, a mutual friend in New Orleans called me to ask if I was concerned about
unusual comments David was making about his diet. Despite the fact that David and I chatted all the time on Skype, he had not
made these particular statements to me. As one example, he noted that whenever he ate fruit, he'd have a horrific candida outbreak --
which, of course, is not normal. I had been aware for some time that David was being "targeted," and I stated above, this
is something that began in 2010. One of the telltale signs that someone is being "targeted" is that you see pathogenic
anomalies that are rare -- if not non-existent -- in naturally occurring diseases.

At about the same time, David began reporting that he felt he was being targeted, perhaps
via direct energy weaponry, with which I am very familiar. At the end of 2018, David made plans to visit us in Ecuador.
He said he felt "they" were going to soon kill him. He sent letters out to all his fans talking about moving to Ecuador.
Now you know the real reason. He was already experiencing "voices inside my head," which you can't
discuss with too many people, or they'll think you're crazy, but I'm quite familiar with that technology, as well. In fact,
I have encountered several people who were either whistleblowers or had held very sensitive information, who were so victimized
by this technology.

When I asked what these programmed "voices" were telling him, he indicated that the "voices"
were telling him that if he didn't stop producing political artwork, he would be eliminated. (Earlier, David had taken a "hiatus"
from producing political art, claiming that he was tired of the harassment. Once he stopped producing art of a politically
sensitive nature, the harassment stopped. Nonetheless, the siren call to create more "enlightening artwork" never left him.
Next, he used my
Cansema Black Salve to get rid of a skin cancer that had been bothering him,
which provided part of the inspiration for my next project -- speaking of which:

About the same time that he began working on the artwork for my book,
Black Salve,
he began producing more political artwork for other clients. And so the harassment resumed. David wasn't willing to "listen"
to the voices anymore. Now you know the end result.
My good friend and NASA astronaut, Dr. Brian O'Leary,
died in the same manner -- namely, electromagneticallly induced cancer. There are a variety of electromagnetic
agents -- a form of DEW (direct energy weaponry -- the same technology used to create these horrific fires we've
been seeing on the West Coast over the past few years -- which they employ to take out selected individuals,
families and even entire communities). For these types of cancers, there is no cure. Nor will there ever be a cure.
No more than there would ever be a cure to getting shot in the heart with a 45 calibre bullet. These are not
naturally occurring diseases.

David then said he wanted to get out of the U.S. and didn't feel safe there anymore.
So he took a flight down to visit me in January (2019), at which point he stayed for a week. I went with him personally to visit
my Ecuadorian immigration lawyer to get the paperwork started. The trip seemed strained, and my wife and I got the distinct sense that
he felt out of place. He found the prospect of having to learn a new lanugage (obviously, Spanish), at the age of 61 to be
an unexpected challenge. (He had already become functional in Swedish while living in Sweden -- a skill not terribly useful
anywhere else.)
In David's defense, he had placed so much focus on trying to find a place on earth where he'd just be
left alone, that details that would have occurred to most other people hadn't occurred yet to David. Knowing the burden that
David was living with, I completely understood. Additionally, David was informed by my immigration lawyer that new rules were
in place that would require him to go back and forth between the U.S. and Ecuador on repeated trips. This was because there were
responsibilities that David had back in Oregon that would not allow him to stay in Ecuador until he got his permanent visa.

When David got back to the States, he underwent an internal dialogue where -- as he put it --
he knew "I'm just going to stay here and go down with the ship." We worked intermittently throughout the rest of 2019, staying
in regular touch, while I put the finishing touches on
Black Salve.

In early 2020, David began complaining about back pain. It wasn't until March -- just three
months ago -- that he went in for extensive testing. It was then that he discovered that he had extensive melanoma which had
already metastasized throughout the back. Because I already knew the signs of cancers that are not naturally-occurring,
I had serious concerns about David's prognosis. Nonetheless, I had an assortment of naturopathic products shipped to David
on the hope that the cancer could be arrested. In late March, David began calling one of our M.D. associates, indicating that
an oncologist was highly recommending radiation therapy. Despite the reservations expressed by our associate, David relented anyway
and went ahead with radiation therapy. His attitude was, "I'm in horrible pain now, even with pain medication. Radiation therapy has a
horrible track record, but how much worse could the pain get?" He wasn't thinking about getting cured of cancer. He knew that wasn't
going to happen. He was hoping that the pain might be alleviated.

David's decline was quite predictably rapid thereafter. After March, it became too difficult
for me to discuss what was happening. I got sucked up into the vortex of trying to preserve what was left of our business, and David
was consumed with wrapping up his affairs -- knowing that he had accomplished the mission he came into this life to fulfill -- knowing
that his life had been filled with meaning and purpose, and that others, like Jeff, would continue spreading the messages contained
in his art. Our final Skype conversations are a testament to David's knowingness. That he knowingly gave his life so that others, through
true knowledge of how the world works as revealed in his art, would be able to renew theirs. That there is nothing more essential to our
humanity than seeing through the fake narratives that surround us -- and standing by our truths. That all the censorship in the world will
not change reality. And most importantly -- as Socrates taught us more than 2,400 years ago -- "the unexamined life is not worth living."

Below I have chosen three relatively recent excerpts taken from the many hundreds of written
conversations I had with David over the years (to say nothing of our many phone converations). These excerpts support the more vital
claims I have made in this essay:
Above -- November 23: This is an excerpt of a conversation we had last November.
On multiple levels, David felt that he would be "leaving" soon, although he didn't know how and it would, in fact,
be three and a half months before he was diagnosed with cancer. [Like all the images in this essay, click to enlarge.]
Above -- March 8, 2020 This is the message I received from David right after he got diagnosed.
By now, David demonstrates a keen awareness that he's dying, that it is artificially induced --
("I failed to consider how the
parasite controllers cancer out people all the time."). Spirits on the other side are aware as well, as David is being visited
by deceased friends from the other side -- something that occurred to numerous, now-deceased members of my own family prior to passing.
Above -- March 9, 2020: Around the same time that David was diagnosed, I became
deathly ill with a flu with a completely uncommon symptomology. It wouldn't be until a little later that I realized that
I had managed to get fully-blown CoVid. The worst of it lasted only two days in the beginning (March 5 and 6), and I never lost a day of work.
The reason for this is
because I already knew how to cure CoVid and had the good sense to
know that the public was being scammed into "vaccine mania." This is our second to final communication. On March 13, David wrote
to thank me for sending the products. I asked him to get back to me if he had any questions. A return reply was never received.

Strangely, reports of David's death appeared almost immediately in varous mainstream outlets
upon his passing, as if they were monitoring his situation. For example, it appeared right away in David's
bio, which attempts to portray David as a complete nutjob with its usual cringe-worthy, sophomoric style.
It's even worse than
the politically-motivated, hatchet job they did on me
in my Wikipedia biography.

A couple points are worth noting in this regard.
"Antisemitism" -- First of all, David Dees was NOT
anti-Jewish. (I won't use the term, anti-semitic, because it's just another bullshit intel agency word. Antisemitism actually means
hostility towards Semites -- that is, those who speak a Semitic language. Since there are only about 9 million speakers of Hebrew in the
world, compared to over 300 million speakers of Arabic -- both being Semitic languages -- you are actually indicating greater hatred towards
Arabs when you call somebody an antisemite. Israel is the only country where Hebrew is the official language. By contrast, Arabic is
the official language of the
Arab League, which consists of
22 nation states, to say nothing of all the
Arabic speakers in other countries.
The very use of the term is an imbecilic negation of its etymology. If somebody has an irrational hatred of Jews, they should just
be called anti-Jewish.)

Though David could at times be fast and loose with his use of language, what his artwork targeted
specifically was the Luciferian manifestations of Zionism. As Joe Biden so famously declared, "You don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist.
I AM a Zionist," which is another way of saying, "You don't have to be a Jew to worship Satan."
Go to 0.56 to hear Joe Biden make this declaration -- note that this
is before he began suffering from severe dementia and could barely remember his own name.)

Conversely, just because you're a Jew doesn't mean you're a worshipper of Lucifer. I discuss
this in my book,
The Joys of Psychopathocracy, Chapter 5. The first woman I was ever engaged to, my first wife (a different woman),
my business partner in Guayaquil from 2007 to 2011, my current business associate in Poland, and NUMEROUS personal friends are all Jewish.
Jews are woven into the fabric of my entire life and have had a huge impact on my career. None of them were Zionists, none of them
were Satan worshippers, and all of them were good people. If anything, my critics are more likely to label me an incorrigible Jew-lover.
My personal opinion is that Jews have gotten a bad rap -- with Satanists using the Jewish race to shield themselves from criticism.
If pressed on this point, I do not believe that David would have disagreed, and I knew him well.
"Dees believes in all conspiracies." If the shoe fits, wear it.
So called "conspiracy theorists" are not wacky.
Throughout my career, I have seen that the "conspiracy theory" of one generation is the "indisputable historical fact" of the next.
Moreover, to say that David embraced all conspiracy theories is patently untrue.
There are plenty of unsubstantiated conspiracy theories that David would not have supported.
However -- yes -- the more widely circulated conspiracy theories, the ones that Big Tech is working so assiduously to suppress and
censor, are on the money. Are most of them confirmably true? Absolutely. The fake conspiracy theories are the ones that Big Tech
does NOT suppress and which Dees left alone.

David Dees tribute.
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