Dual Purpose Anti-Viral, Vermifugal Formula
Veterinary Formula with Experimental Uses
Contains Botanicals With Ivermectin
Anti-Paravites IITM
Code IVY-1 / 90 Capsules x 420 mg. / Price: $44.95
Each capsule contains 25 mg. of Ivermectin
[In jurisdictions where allowed for adult use:
Frontline Doctors recommended dosage: about 2 caps,
depending on body weight -- see below.
For ages 12 years and older. Keep out of children's reach].

(Sent by courier direct from Thailand)

vermectin is a broad-based, anti-parasitic medication that is approved worldwide for treatment in both humans and animals. In fact, it is on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines.
In early 2021, we introduced Anti-Paravites, the forerunner to this product, which contains 3 mg. of ivermectin per capsule -- where 3 mg. is a broadly used incremental unit for dosing this compound -- especially for the broad range of parasites it has been traditionally used to treat.
More recently, a prestigious group of physicians, Frontline Doctors, (which has been predictably vilified by the vaccine lobby) has been recommending "0.4-0.6 mg/kg per dose (taken with or after meals) -- one dose daily, take for 5 days or until recovered" for CoVid-19 patients. Since our customers, on average, weigh about 80 kg., 50 mg. would be an approximate adequate dosage using this protocol. That would be two capsules of this product. It would be over 16 capsules of the original Anti-Paravites, which is completely impractical -- nor recommended because of the strength of the botanical components in the product.
We recommend that anyone considering buying this product read the original Anti-Paravites product page first, and familiarize themselves with the Frontline Doctors protocol.

When a medication becomes
a political football

This ivermectin product is sold over the counter in pharmacies throughout Ecuador. It is made by a small pharmaceutical company in Guayaquil, named Indunidas. It retails for a whopping $2.08 and it contains four tablets, each of which contains 6 mg. of ivermectin. Nobody here is trying put the people who created it behind bars. There are no embarrasingly ridiculous pieces of medical propaganda in the margins to confuse the consumer. Everybody here knows what this product is and what it's used for.

Original Anti-Paravites
lower-dosage version of this product

Anti-Paravites II Ingredients: Pau d'arco (Handroanthus impetiginosus), chanca piedra (Phyllanthyus niruri), anamu (Petiveria alliacea), samambaia (Polypodium decumanum), pharmaceutical-grade ivermectin (25 mg. or about 6% per 420 mg. capsule).
Proof of Ivermectin Purity: Many ivermectin products rely on falsified Certificates of Analysis. Since most people buy this product for its ivermectin content, we third-party test all our pharmaceutical-grade ivermectin for purity. We never rely on a manufacturer's Certificate of Analysis. See: latest ivermectin lab analysis.

The label is marked as veterinary vermifuge.