The word "herpes" (Greek for "creeping skin
disease") describes a class of viral infections known for
the periodic vescular skin eruptions that persistently
plague most sufferers. The class is so broad that
for the our purposes, we are restricting our discussion
to the two most common kind: herpes simplex (which
includes genital herpes, or "Type 2") and
herpes zoster (shingles),
which although not life-threatening,
is a regular source of irritation to those who have it.
(So as not to confuse simplex with its herpesvirus cousins:
one strain of herpes, called
"herpesvirus simian encephalomyelitis" or "B virus," occurs
among veterinarians and laboratory workers who come into
contact with infected monkeys. It is almost always fatal.)
Herpes simplex is
marked by thin-walled vesicles that tend to frequent the
same area -- often where the mucous membrane joins the skin.
Herpes zoster causes the inflammation of the posterior
root ganglia of just a few segments of the spinal or
cranial pheripheral nerves. The trunk is most often affected,
but the face may also be involved. Incubation lasts 7 to 21 days;
recovery varies from 10 days to 5 weeks, where children tend to
recover faster than adults.
Conventional Links:
Genital Herpes - Summary
Oral Herpes
Herpes Simplex
erpes, for our purposes, means the most common types:
Herpes Simplex, Type 1 and 2, and Herpes Zoster (shingles).
The sores created by both
types of herpes can be quickly eradicated in a day or two
with H3O, adjusted to a pH of
about 2.0. (Genital herpes sores can last a week or more.)
As good as this is, it does nothing to address the underlying
problem, however.
There are a number
of herbal approaches, indigenous to
Asia and North America, that work remarkably well in
dealing with herpes.
Herpes has been successfully treated for
thousands of years using neem.
(See page two of our Neem
Common Use Table.)
Using herbs common to the Western hemisphere,
our Cansema Capsules have
repeatedly been reported by our users to be useful in
dealing with herpes systemically.
Our Neem Extract (Code 1450), combined
with the Cansema Capsules (Code 820), provides the
strongest combination of topical and systemic herbals
in dealing with herpes, of which we are aware.
Our liberal
Money Back Guarantee applies to these products.
This information is provided for educational purposes only
and is not intended to replace the use of a qualified
health care professional. We strongly recommend the use
of a physician for the diagnostic phase of any treatment.
With an accurate diagnosis in hand, we believe the consumer,
at that point, has a basic, unalienable right to seek out
factual information on all therapeutic approaches, both
orthodox and alternative, and choose those approach(es)
that are right for them. Nonetheless, a "good doctor"
should be considered a requisite starting point.
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