Herbologics S.A.

DC Electrifier
(Tumor Electrification Device)
B100 - $150 | Order


An electronic device created as a result of research of direct electrical current against cancer in animals. Researchers found that the current kills tumors by these means;
1) changing an enzyme that the cancer cells need to reproduce,
2) toxifying the tumor with oxygen that is produced by electrolysis,
3) changing the PH in tissues close to the electrodes,
4) changing the transmembrane voltage in the cancerous cells,
5) producing tumor-damaging toxins from the electrochemical reactions, and
6) stimulating the cellular and humoral components of the immune system. 

It attaches to 2 cloth/metal electrodes which are to be made wet with water and strapped onto the skin over the tumor and onto the skin opposite of the tumor area. Typical usage for tumor electrification is 2 to 4.5 hours daily for 2-3 weeks. This unit allows you to set the electric current output to the correct amount (5 milliamps) for fighting cancer tumors or treating wounds, or a lower current level to kill bacteria and fungus. It's battery powered with a one year warranty. 

The DC Electrifier can electrify tumors to shrink or kill them. It has an indicator light which comes on when there is at least 5mA electrical current flowing into the user. The "auto" switch setting allows your animal to automatically receive a regulated 5mA current or you can set it to "manual" to use the control dial to set the current to a level less than 5mA or higher up to 8mA. Although we don't sell this to the USA for human use, Health for Humanity Ecuador is using this device on all their cancer patients after sending them to a good dentist to get all dental infections removed (because bacteria stops the body from fighting cancer). (The DC Electrifier can also kill the bacteria in dental infections.) They say it's their most effective tumor fighter. Click here for device usage instructions. Please see our usage considerations page

For a more systemic effect against cancer in general, not just against tumors, please see our Microbe Electrifier.