Considerations for use of the DC Electrifier Current Density Consider the fact that most of the highly successful tests were with rodents (mice, rats, hamsters). This is important because the bodies of rodents are no more than a few inches across which differs dramatically with larger bodies (horses, cows, etc). The reason this is important is that electrical current will spread itself out more the farther it has to travel to reach the other electrode. This means that the electrical current density becomes less in tissue the further away it is from either electrode. So it is very likely that if a tumor is not within 1.5" of the skin ECT will only halt tumor growth (by halting the RR enzyme) instead of killing the tumor. That's better than nothing although not ideal. Halting its growth gives the animal a chance to cleanse the body and strengthen the immune system with good habits and immune boosting supplements, and take cancer fighting herbs. 5mA through the small 1.5" electrode gives a current density of 2mA per square inch surface area of the electrode. Current densities of the various research tests differ, but greater current densities usually give better results. A distance of just a few inches from the small electrode will allow the current density to be around 1/9th of what it is right under the electrode which is really weak. It won't be enough to change the ph of the tumor (to kill it) but will be enough to restrict the cancer cells ability to reproduce. pH (acid or alkaline) The ph of the tissue within 1.5" of the small (positive voltage) electrode will become more acidic (ph=1) whereas the ph of the tissue close to the large (negative voltage) electrode will become more alkaline as it pulls minerals towards it. Both extremes of acidic or alkaline can kill cancer cells but acidic is more effective because the tumor is already slightly acidic. ACID: If the tumor is less than 1.5" from the skin then do not hinder the acidifying effect of the positive electrode with alkalinizing routines listed on the internet. Don't take mineral supplements, don't be a vegetarian, don't live on vegetable juices, don't take sodium bicarbonate. They are a good route to go by themselves, but not with this treatment scheme. To acidify the tumor you should also take as much vitamin C as is comfortable (up to 20 grams daily if it donīt cause diarrhea or stomach upset). People have assumed that because a tumor is acidic that it prefers to be so and that an alkalinizing therapy will have an anti-tumor effect. That is only true when the therapy is highly alkalinizing. Something that's only slightly alkalinizing may actually contribute to its growth by bringing it closer to pH balance which is more favorable to its health and growth. The reason tumors are more acidic is that tumors occur at sites that are toxic, such as where there's parasites or bacteria that are causing tissue damage. For instance, the damage done from excessive sun exposure allows skin cancer. As a tumor becomes more toxic and more acidic it limits its own health and growth. Excess acidity in the tumor is self destructive. Putting the positive electrode close to the tumor causes it to be more and more acidic until it dies. ALKALINE: You may ask; "Why not just switch the electrodes so that the small electrode is negative with an alkalinizing effect?". That would work except for the fact that the negative electrode needs to be more spread out since it will bite and burn the skin if not. If the tumor is large and close to the skin then you could apply the large negative electrode to the tumor area and and also take Ionic Cesium ( to increase the alkalinity of the tumor to kill it. Oxidizing the tumor The electrical current causes water between the electrodes to break up into oxygen and hydrogen molecules. The positive voltage at the small electrode attracts the oxygen molecules, and the negative voltage at the large electrode attracts the hydrogen molecules. Oxygen is more damaging to cancer cells than hydrogen is. So the small electrode with the positive red clip attached to it should be placed on the skin over the tumor. Staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water is important. Helpful also is an ozonator to ozonate your water which basically puts more oxygen into it. If you can it is helpful to walk every day to keep your respiratory system strong and pulling in plenty of oxygen. A good cheap ozonator is the OZX-300AT Ozone Generator from for $110. Ozone/cancer research has revealed that only when human cells are deprived of 60% of the normal oxygen they then turn cancerous. (