Fighting Cancer

Click here for testimonies of success against cancer using the Beck blood electrifier.

What is the best approach against Cancer?
Wholistic, which implies taking the whole body into consideration instead of just relying on one device or method to fight cancer. Since it's usually a combination of cancer viruses and toxins or radiation that transform normal cells into cancerous ones (and research shows that the combination of the two has more than a twofold effect), I would recommend fighting the viruses, fighting the tumors, detoxifying the body, and strengthening the immune system.  

Fighting the viruses can be done with the Microbe Electrifier which is our version of the Beck blood electrifier/purifier. Fighting the tumors can be done with the DC Electrifier with 5 milliamps of DC current applied to the skin across the tumor to acidify the tumor to death and disable an enzyme the cancer cells need to multiply. Detoxifying the body can be done with grape juice fasting, drinking vegetable juices (fresh from a juicer) and spring water, and taking supplements such as MSM, Blue Green Algae, Green Barley powder, and blood and lymph purifying herbal teas. Strengthening the immune system can be done by ingesting pills of Beta Glucan, Colostrum, Echinacea, Shitake mushrooms, and Astragalus, and maintaining positive mental/emotional energy. Click here to read about these things and more as a wholistic approach against cancer. 

Does it matter what type of cancer someone has?
People are always asking me about specific forms of cancer. My take on that is Cancer is just cancer. It manifests slightly differently depending on where it forms but still it is just cancer. So no matter what 'type' of cancer it is the treatment is basically the same with some small variations.

What role does diet play in cancer therapy?
It is very important because diet either supports bodily systems or drains them. With any disease you definitely want to give up your bad habits and eat for your health (not your palate). You especially want to strengthen the immune system and not detract from it (which is what happens when you eat something your body considers a 'toxin'). One way to detect whether or not you are molesting your immune system with your food and drink (and anything you put on your skin) is to monitor your heart rate before and after ingesting something. If your immune system reacts negatively to it then your heart rate will increase by at least 6 beats per minute. Of course the body must be in a complete resting condition for 5 minutes before taking your pulse so that you won't be reading a pulse increase due to normal physical activity. At the side of your adam's apple is a good large artery that you could feel for the pulse. Count the pulse, eat or drink something you want to test, then later retest your pulse to see if it increased. (wait 15 minutes for drinks or fruits, but 1 hour for anything that is harder to digest.) This will tell you your food allergies and sensitivities. You can also test perfume and anything else you put on your body (which is absorbed into the body through the skin.) To eat correctly to reverse a disease condition you will want to eat nourishing foods that aren't too hard to digest that don't congest and slow down the bodily fluids (blood and lymph). The worst offenders as far as slowing down your lymph fluid (which is just as important as blood) are dairy products (cheese, milk, yogurt, etc), meat (any muscle protein from animals), and fat or oil which has been subject to temperatures over 350 degrees F (which turns it into something that sticks like glue inside the body and generally congests body fluids). If body fluids flow normally then they can deliver nutrition to your cells and carry away disease-causing waste products and toxins. The best fluids to put into your body are fresh vegetable juices (especially celery and carrot juice) and fruit juices (especially red grape juice). Go to your health food store and buy a good vegetable juicer and a book about juicing. The water of these juices is especially cleansing because molecularly it is not in 'clusters' which water (tap, bottled, distilled) normally is. If you drink juices instead of water then the water in the juices can travel into the tiniest of spaces (intra and extra cellular) which normal water clusters can't access due to their size, and so deliver nutrition and carry away waste. This in itself is a health secret worth its weight in gold. Also please get accustomed to eating whole wheat bread instead of white bread which has no fiber (and therefore contributes to fecal impactations in the colon (large intestine) which toxify the body), little nutrition, and too much milk and sugar. Last but not least I want you to know that milk is for babies, not adults. Only babies have the enzyme necessary to digest milk. Undigested milk protein serves as glue inside your intestines which also contributes to fecal impactation in the colon. And the calcium is bound to this protein which means it also is unusable. The countries that have the highest consumption of milk are also the countries that have the highest rate of osteoporosis (calcium deficient bones). The best source of usable calcium is green leafy vegetables (which you can also juice).

skull and cross bones

The idea behind both of these 'treatments' is to kill the group of cancerous cells, but is that the most intelligent approach? It doesn't address the cause of cancer which is a combination of toxins and cancer-causing viruses. So even if they are successful at killing the tumor, they still haven't addressed the cause, and then another tumor just materializes and the whole stupid cycle just repeats itself at great cost ($ and pain) to you. They'll be cutting and drugging and radiating you until the day you die because you haven't addressed the cause. Is that what you want?

The current and long-standing 3% long-term survival rate of cancer patients using orthodox therapies remains abysmal and the statistical reportage is obfuscated. Refer to : New England Journal of Medicine, 'Progress Against Cancer,' May 8, 1986 by John C. Bailar, III and Elaine M. Smith, and a ten-year follow-up 'The War on Cancer' which appeared in Lancet, May 18th, 1996, by Michael B. Spoorn. In 'Health United States', an annual publication by the federal government, our national death rate from cancer is approximately 2,500,000 people per year and the rate is rising. In addition to the trauma and suffering to the patients and their families and the productive work force, it comes with a hefty price tag. Assuming a cost of $80,000 to $160,000 per person over the last 20 years, that figure represents $200,000,000 to $370,000,000 per year and 50,000,000 lives, or $4 TRILLION to $7.5 TRILLION dollars funneled from our collective economy into the hands of the medical pharmaceutical cartel. Is it any wonder, then, why they cannot find a cure? 

First off, radiation itself damages the DNA in cells which makes them cancerous because the definition of a cancerous cell is a normal body cell that no longer reproduces itself to be a normal cell with its assigned function of service in the body. When the DNA is damaged then the cell reproduces itself abnormally and then the cell usually loses its normal function and then is only self-serving instead of contributing to the body by carrying out its God given function. Radiation therapy can kill cancer cells if strong enough, but at the same time cause more cells in the path of the radiation to become cancerous. Click here to read evidence of higher incidences of cancer as a result of a greater number of Xrays received from doctors taking their deadly snapshots.
Secondly, chemotherapy is equally toxic to all your normal cells as well as the cancerous ones, and it is especially damaging to your immune system which is the only thing that can remove the cancerous cells from your body. You probably have cancer because your immune system is weak anyway, and now you want to injure it more? You need to strengthen the immunity, not weaken it. In 1987 Dr. Lana Levi, of the University of California wrote, “Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy... It does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancer. This fact has been know for over a decade.. Women with breast cancer are likely to die faster with chemotherapy than without it.”
There are no statistics that show that radiation and chemotherapy are successful against cancer. period. If a doctor says there are then just walk out on him because he is either lying to you or has believed the propaganda that the medical system has fed him. Some people get over a cancerous episode in spite of their conventional treatments, not because of them. They totally don't make sense and they are against nature. Nature wants you to aid it in removing toxins and cancer-causing viruses and boost its immune system so you can get rid of cancer. The perverted medical system wants you to spend all your hard earned money on their counter-productive anti-nature stupid treatments so that they can stay on the gravy train. You may not know this but the world is controlled by rich people who only want more riches and want to continue their underhanded methods of population control so that there will always be enough space and resources for them to enjoy. The world isn't controlled by governments or social systems. They are merely puppets. You are only a sheep for the slaughter until you wake up and claim your independence. Every time an alternative healer starts having success against cancer and AIDS then the FDA imprisons them or runs them out of the country. The FDA is the strong arm of the drug companies which are owned by those greedy rich people I mentioned. People, wake up and smell the shit! It's all around you! Did you know that cancer is an infectious epidemic? Read below to find out how the polio vaccine was contaminated by a cancer causing virus and how the government let it pass although they knew about it. Also there is much evidence that the AIDS virus was a genetically altered monkey virus. Sheep for the slaughter. That's all you are till you start to think for yourself and divorce yourself from the demonic world system that only considers you an economic digit.

Cancer Virus in Polio Vaccine
I have read an extremely interesting book called "Mary, Ferrie, and the Cancer Virus" which is a first hand account of how the author found out that the cancer epidemic we are in right now was caused by the polio vaccines which were tainted with cancer-causing monkey viruses which the government found out about and thus secretly tried like hell to come up with a vaccine, but unsuccessfully. Instead they may have
inadvertently created the AIDS virus because they were experimenting with haphazardly changing the DNA of monkey viruses (which is the closest type of virus that the AIDS virus is). Well worth reading and told in an interesting way. To order send $20 to Wordsworth, P O Box 20202, Albuquerque NM 87154.

Soft tissue cancers are of skin, breast, prostate, lymph nodes.
All other sites combined includes leukemia, Hodgkins disease, cancers of the brain, bladder, colon, cervix, esophagus, kidney, larynx, liver, ovary, pancreas, rectum, stomach, testes, thyroid, uterus.

Quote from the book: "Today, however, there is copious evidence of a variety of simian (monkey) viruses found in the tissue of sick humans. Of particular concern is the DNA from SV-40 (simian virus #40) repeatedly extracted from several types of tumors, including brain, bone, and previously rare chest cancers." In the words of former FDA virologist John Martin, M.D., Ph.D., "SV-40 infection is now widespread within the human population almost certainly as a result of a polio vaccine."

Scientists from the ICRF have found that up to 50 per cent of immunosuppressed kidney transplant patients develop skin tumours and all of them are indeed with a new human papilloma virus. They believe the virus may predispose cells to being damaged by UV sun rays.

Women with cervical cancer have been found to lack antibodies to a protein (E2) produced by H.P.Virus type 16 which is found in 95% of cervical tumours. Their immune system thus does not recognize HPV-infected cells as foreign. Smoking, which increases the risk of cervical cancer is also thought to reduce immune system ability to eliminate HPV. US researchers have launched human trials of an HPV vaccine.

The Institute of Public Health in Cambridge reported last month that Lymphocytic leukemia - the commonest type of cancer in children - could be caused by a seasonal virus. After studying 4,000 cases, they found people were 40 per cent more likely to be diagnosed with the condition between May and October.

Multiple Validation that Cancer is caused by a Virus
from :
Rife was not the only researcher to find a microbial cause for cancer. Many others have also. Nor was Rife the only one to build an optical microscope that could see the BX cancer virus. Currently in Canada the biologist Gaston Naessens uses an ultraviolet microscope which can easily view the BX cancer virus in living blood from cancer patients. Naessens' microscope uses an ultraviolet light source which is first polarized, then focused down and sent through a frequency doubler crystal and finally sent into a special condenser section for dark field microscopy. Looking at live blood from cancer patients, Naessens has found and made videos of at least sixteen different forms the BX cancer virus can be transformed into. I have viewed some of these videos and the antimated ( motile ) BX and BY cancer viruses are clearly visible and look just as Rife described them.
As for the other researchers who have found the same microbial cause for cancer as Rife, they have all been persecuted, while their work has been maligned and discredited by the corrupt higher ruling circles of what currently passes for legitimate medicine and microbiology. Perhaps a brief review of the work of one victim is in order.
Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler in 1947 while studying tumors found the same organism in all of them. Her findings were published in August 1948 by the New York Microscopical Society Bullitin. Later in Dec 1950 Wheeler had an article published in the American Journal of Medical Sciences on microbe cultures taken from both human and animal tumors. On Sept 10, 1953 the Washington Post reported the discoveries of Dr. Wheeler and her team from Rutgers-Presbyterian Hospital Laboratory which were disclosed at the 6th International Congress of Microbiology in Rome. They had found conclusive proof of a microbial cause for cancer. When Dr. Wheeler and her group returned from Rome to Rutgers-Presbyterian Hospital they found that the funds for their laboratory were being cut off. The laboratory was closed. This was the behind- the-scenes work and doings of Dr. Corneluis P. Rhoads, the head of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. The fear of the cancer industry elite is and was immense. If the truth about the true cause of cancer becomes known then a cheap cure will be found shortly thereafter. This will kill the cancer goose which lays tens of billions of dollars worth of eggs a year.
The San Diego Union of July 31, 1949 reported on the work of Dr. Gruner of McGill University, Montreal, Canada and Dr. J.E. Hett of Windsor, Canada. They were in agreement with and had experimental proof that Dr. Royal Raymond Rife's discovery that cancer was caused by a microbe was correct.
In 1950 Dr. James Hillman of RCA Labs in Princeton, N.J. found the BX cancer virus using an electron microscope.