Naturally Killing Cancer

Cancer exists when the DNA of your body's cells are damaged enough to nullify the normal purpose of the cell so that it no longer works for the common good of the body, and only wants to consume nutrients and reproduce. As these cancerous cells reproduce they form a tumor which is a mass of cancerous tissue which can interfere with bodily functions (depending on the location) which can lead to death. The 3 things which can damage your DNA are toxins, cancer causing microbes (viruses, bacteria, etc), and radiation. (It's almost funny how the backward medical system tries to use toxic chemotherapy and radiation, which are cancer- causing in themselves.) The natural approach for reversing cancer consists of improving your immunity, cleansing out toxins, and eliminating microbes . By eating healthily and taking supplements you will improve your immunity so that your immune cells will more successfully fight cancer by killing the cancerous cells. By doing the listed grape juice cleanse you will cleanse the body of cancer causing toxins. And by doing blood electrification you'll be deactivating the microbes in the bloodstream so that your immune system can easily remove them. The only toxins the grape juice cleanse can't eliminate is the anaerobic (oxygen-free) ones in dental infections and root canals. These are actually the most common ones that cause cancer according to Dr. Dowling of the North Carolina Institute of Technology who has done 30 years of cancer research. Anaerobic bacteria suppress your body's immune response to the presence of cancerous cells.

Let me give you a quick example of this therapy. A friend of mine in Paraguay, when he was 27, had a party lifestyle and got a quickly growing cancer with tumors in various parts of his body along his lymphatic system. I taught him how to eat and drink to support the healthy functions of his body and how to use a Blood Electrifier which I loaned to him in order to eradicate all microbes in his system that directly or indirectly contribute to the cancer. In only 2 months the tumors were almost completely gone. Of course a young man has much potential immunity which was being suppressed with alcohol, smoking, and too much partying. Evidently his system was really full of viruses and the usual microbes that multiply when the body is dying. This is evident because he couldn't do blood electrification for more than 10 minutes without getting a headache and becoming sleepy which is what happens when the electricity destroys bacteria and deactivates viruses in the blood. (Healthy persons can do blood electrification for an hour or more without any bad side effects.) Various researchers have noticed that cancer patients have tube or worm-like bacteria in their blood. This creature is either inside or on the outside of red blood cells and may not be visible unless the blood is traumatized by pressing down on the cover glass with a toothpick or other instrument. Then large numbers of them appear and swim around. This has been called Siphonospora polymorpha, Leptotrichia bucallils Robin, or other names. Enderlein considered this to be the 'ascit', an advanced and dangerous stage of mucor racemosus, a normal creature found in everyone's blood. See Michael Coyle's book 'Advanced Applied Microscopy for Nutritional Evaluation and Correction' for more on this.

Click here for many anti-cancer suggestions.