The common cold (as opposed to the "chest
cold" or bronchitis) is usually viral in original:
rhinoviruses, coxsackieviruses, or coronaviruses.
Though seldom fatal, colds constitute the single most
ubiquitious source of viral infection in man, and
is the greatest cause of absenteeism in education
and industry. Technically, the common cold is an
acute inflammation of one or more parts of the respiratory
tract -- from the nasal mucosa to the nasal sinuses,
throat, trachea, larynx, and bronchi. It spreads
by nasal secretions and has an incubation period of
anywhere from 12 to 72 hours. Children tend to have
more colds than adults, because the body develops
immunity to each virus on exposure.
Symptoms include
congestion of the nasal mucosa with partial or complete
occlusion of the nostrils. Sneezing, tearing, chilliness,
irritated nasopharynx are common, as is a continuous,
fluid discharge with sniffing and blowing of the nose.
Cold fever is uncommon in adults; however, if present,
influenza or another cause is the usual diagnosed cause.
Patients with chronic diseases, including heart disease
and diabetes, should consult a physician if they have
a cold -- especially if the cold lasts more than 10 days,
is accompanied by a fever, or is particularly severe.
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Common Cold
here is said to be "no cure" for the common cold, and
in one respect this is true: once symptoms have well-progressed,
you can alleviate symptoms, but the course of the viral
infection is rarely halted abruptly. There is a "healing
There is, however, something
you can do if you catch the infection "early." And in this
sense, certain herbal combinations do provide an early "cure."
The early signs (or
may include a headache and inflammation of the lymphatic
glands in the neck. We've all experienced the
enlargement of glands just under the jaw right before
a cold sets in (called "prodromal"). After reading reports
that the ingestion of
8 g. of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) on the first day of a cold
would greatly reduce symptoms, we decided to experiment on
our own. We discovered (through use on ourselves and with the
cooperation of select Alpha Omega customers) that if you took
one tablet of Cansema Capsules,
morning and evening with a full meal, upon discovering a pre-cold
inflammation of the lymphatics, that you could "knock out the
Although this does not
constitute a "double blind" study, we are amazed ourselves that
the use of this formula, which contains strong anti-viral herbal
concentrates, has been successful with every person to which
we have made this suggestion to date. Our liberal
Money Back Guarantee applies to this product.
This information is provided for educational purposes only
and is not intended to replace the use of a qualified
health care professional. We strongly recommend the use
of a physician for the diagnostic phase of any treatment.
With an accurate diagnosis in hand, we believe the consumer,
at that point, has a basic, unalienable right to seek out
factual information on all therapeutic approaches, both
orthodox and alternative, and choose those approach(es)
that are right for them. Nonetheless, a "good doctor"
should be considered a requisite starting point.