(C60) refer to spherical carbon allotropes in which 60 atoms are put together in hexagon/pentagon like structures.
They belong to a larger group of carbon allotropes called
which is now its own discipline when studying nanomaterials. The purpose of this page is to focus on the product itself,
C60 Black Gold, of which C60 is the most important contributor to the functions which
this product provides its users. It is the most medicinally active by weight of the product's four ingredients -- all of which contribute
to its composite benefits:
Ingredients: Organic, non-GMO, avocado oil; C60 (99.95% pure);
astaxanthin, rubusoside 70% (a Chinese tea extract).
Established Medical Properties of C60: Hundreds of studies have been conducted
on the medical properties of C60. Below are benefits that been documented. Note that these studies vary in their use of C60's
delivery mechanism, nor are the references cited intended to convey that any of this research involved the direct testing of
C60 Black Gold, per se. Even if they did, a presentation of conclusive claims would be prohibited in most countries:
- Supports Overall Health by Controlling Pathogens 1
- Boosts the Immune System / increase lymphocyte production 2
- Acts as a Free Radical Scavenger and Antioxidant 3
- Helps with allergies 4
- Promotes UV Protection 5
- Attack dermatitis and other skin conditions by arresting both pathogenic etiology and inflammation 6
- Treats acne 7
- Potentiates hair growth 8
- Overcomes male infertility 9
- Improves immune and mitochondrial functions 10
- Assists in weight management 11
- Fights arthritis / promotes flexility and less stiffness in joints 12
- Attenuates liver fibrosis / cirrhosis 13
- Is non-toxic when property prepared. 14
- Enhances strong bones & cartilage 15
- Promotes Anti-Viral Activity 16
- Brain Activity: Enhances Memory, Concentration, and Cognitive Function 17
- Expands longevity 18

The combined effects of C60 have contributed to the following
anecdotal reports:
- Easier workouts
- Feeling less tired
- More energy
- Better physical functioning
- Pain relief from arthritis and other conditions
- Increased endurance
- Better sleep . . . and more 19
C60 & Astaxanthin:
The Synergism of Two of Nature's
Most Powerful Anti-Oxidants

Early in our formulary work with C60,
we decided to maximize the antioxidant effect by adding
astaxanthin -- a naturally occurring
compound that is 6,000x more powerful than Vitamin C in terms of it
anti-oxidant potential. We found that it mixed well with our
base C60/avocado oil blend, even after three weeks of stirring.
We encourage you to read
ingredient page on astaxanthin. Also note that we have
reproduced leading studies on astaxanthin's properties in the
right column.
Amplifying the Effects

The final ingredient we formulated into
C60 Black Gold
rubusoside, an extract of
the leaves of
Rubus suavissimus S. Lee (Rosaceae), Chinese green tea.
We use rubusoside as a blending, sweetening, and liposoming agent.
It has distinctive medicinal properties of its own which are discussed
in the right column.
The Finished Product

After three years of research, we are proud to
C60 Black Gold, a powerful antioxidant product that
amplifies the best features of C60, the nutraceutical.