any factors play into the formation and advancement
of internal cancer growths. One area that is quite overlooked are emotional, psychological,
and stress factors. These are "thought patterns" that, by their very nature, feed cancer
growth. I touched upon this, giving additional references, in my book
Black Salve.

Chapter 8 of that book is entitled,
"Carcinogenic Thought Patterns,"
and in that chapter I discuss the work of Dr. Ryke Hamer, M.D., who came to the conclusion that most cancers
could be cured if you just got rid of carcinogenic mental inputs.

I'll be the first to admit that many alternative practitioners might
take issue with such a tall claim. Unquestionably, almost all conventional practitioners would. Nonetheless,
anyone who has worked with cancer patients for as long as we have must be blind not to see the correlations.
Examples abound. The sheer number of people who acquire cancer as a result of the grief from losing a
beloved spouse. The observation, confirmed by Dr. Neville Solomon in Guayaquil, Ecuador, that a proponderance
of women who have breast cancer have heavily emotional issues. If the cancer is in the left breast,
one or both parents, usually the mother, is often involved. If the cancer is in the right breast, the
conflict is with a boyfriend, husband, or one or more offspring.

A book that deals with this subject in far greater detail
-- exhaustively so -- is
Carcinogenic Mind: The Psychosomatic Mechanisms of Cancer
(contribution of chronic stress and emotional attitudes to the onset and recurrence of disease,
how to prevent it and help the treatment) by Vladislav Matrenitsky, M.D., Ph.D., a 648 page monolith, written
in 2019. Although the book is designed to help serious querants, it has been my experience that most
people will have enormous difficulty trying to root out these psychosomatic factors on their own,
without professional help.

We frequently discuss these psychosomatic factors with customers,
and many have benefited from it. However, it is our opinion that more serious cases, or those with deeper
issues, should make use of a professional.

For this purpose, we work with Robert Higgins, LMFT, a professional
psychologist, who has 18 years of experience in working with cancer patients and their psychosomatic issues.
See Curriculum Vitae.) In our stores, we have a new category,
Counseling, Specialized -- which can be found on
both the Herbhealers.com site (for U.S. customers) and AlphaOmegaLabs.com site (for all other countries),
where reasonably priced blocks of time can be purchased for consultations. Our core consultations, pertaining
to our products and their usage, will continue to be free, but for those needing professional assistance in
this area, with specialized education and experience, we recommend that our customers consult with Mr. Higgins.

If you are interested in talking to Mr. Higgins, please complete
Online Patient & Disclosure Form, and we will assure that you
are promptly assisted.
Greg Caton
Alpha Omega Labs
April 3, 2021