Over the past few days, the riots and protests
in Ecuador have made international news.
The purpose of this emailing to inform our wholesalers, retail customers,
and stakeholders what's going on and to produce assurance that this event,
like the many that have preceeded it in the past, is of short duration.
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way
to the Debt-Enslavement Forum
(What's happened in Ecuador the past few days, and will continue for
a couple more, is a cautionary tale. It's a microcosm of the debt
enslavement phenomenon that is plaguing the entire world.
Our packages are being delayed a few days -- but apologies are
still in order, as well as an explanation.)
Well, we knew it was coming. We just didn't know when. I'm talking about the consequences of an IMF loan of over
$4 billion that was taken out earlier this year and which
plunged the popularity of the current administration here to under 30%.
The result of any IMF loan is quite predictable and there is historical precedent to show us what one can expect.
The mechanics are quite well articulated by John Perkins in his popular book, Confessions of an Economic Hitman.
We knew from the start that the nation's workers would be upset because the loan conditions
undermine their rights
and cripple national development -- the very means by which
loans are repaid in the first place. They also dismantle national sovereignty, the wet dream of globalists everywhere. In a nation where the majority of people are either living
below the poverty line or living extremely lower middle class existences, the reputation of these loans and their effects precede them.
While the benefits accrue to the political class,
they absolutely
ensure increased poverty and unemployment for the majority of everyone else.
Adding to the popular unrest is the view that the loans
could have been avoided entirely.
Not to mention the intrigue created by former Ecuadorian President, Rafael Correa's assertion that
Julian Assange was a bargaining chip to secure the first installment. On a more practical level, these protests provide a first hand
view of their effects on supply chains. Yesterday, I went to a branch of SuperMaxi, the most popular grocery store chain in Ecuador --
and the best stocked. Well . . . except for yesterday. After just two days of no "just in time" deliveries, shelves for essentials were bare.
No bread. No eggs. And nearly no vegetables. This is what happens to any "developed" market system in the world that goes
two or more days without regular truck deliveries. They call this progress. I wonder sometimes.
In a sense, this global oppression is
just a manifestation of the conditions I talk about in two of my previous books,
The Joys of Psychopathocracy and
Living on the Precipice. Try as people
may, the solution never rests on policy changes. George Orwell, no friend to capitalism or
free markets, was puzzled that he could find no historical examples to support his quest for
equitable socialist democracy -- and not because he lacked the resources to do a thorough search.
Such examples can't be found because they don't exist. They never have and they never will,
because government itself is a function of psychopathy, regardless of type. Only when
collective consciousness is raised -- and with it a reconciliation with the forces that bind
us to the Natural World, with its infinite layers of reciprocal connections and relationships --
will we ascend from this Dark Age of endless exploitation and unforgiving, relentless
"negaprocity" (negative reciprocity) -- the idea that life's goal is to improve our lives
at the expense of our neighbors and the pillaging of our environment. The change will occur. It has to.
Any concept of "One World Order" is even more destructive and entropic than what we suffer with now.
But it won't come without people speaking up. Voltaire eloquently expressed the essence of free
expression when he declared, "I may not believe a word you say. But I'll fight to the death
your right to say it." Nothing short of an insistence on social structures that operate in
tune with Natural Law with bring real change. In the meantime, expect more
signs of unrest as a better world goes through its birth pains. And to our customers: shipments
resume later this week -- ending one week of turmoil. [We stopped shipping out last
Thursday, October 3, and expect to resume either later this week or early next week.] We deeply appreciate your patience, loyalty, and understanding.
Other recent articles / offers you may have missed
Black Salve:
Paperback Version Released
Last month we announced the release
of Black Salve, the most instructional book on the use of escharotics ever written.
The digital edition has been available on the author storefront
since the end of July. We have now released the paperback edition, which is available
on my personal storefront.
In mid-September, we are releasing a second edition in both digital and print editions.
(This is a updated version, which includes Appendix F, which is an extensive personal pictorial of my
removal of skin cancers and actinic keratosis through the years.) Black Salve is coming out at a particular crucial time now.
There are now numerous parties on the internet offering advice on how to use to the salve, and
much of this information is incorrect and even harmful. It is my hope that Black Salve
will help restore a proper footing on the best way to use Black Salve to treat
diseased tissue. The book begins with an introduction by
Bradford S. Weeks, M.D. -- an integrative physician in the States whom we have
known for many years, an is illustrated by the famous political illustrator,
David Dees.
I dare say it is a must read for anyone interested in escharotic medicine.
Questions about the book can be addressed to greg@gregcaton.com.
Learning About An Effective Method of
Removing Cancers --- The Descent Down the Rabbit Hole:
A Brief History of Alpha Omega Labs
Use the following Discount Code on the checkout page of either of our web stores
to get the indicated discount on your product purchase. Only one discount code per tranaction. 10OCT2019 = 10% off any purchase over $100 SALVEBOOK9_2019 = Free digital copy of BLACK SALVE on any purchase over $75 FLOR1019 = 20% off Flor de Mashua (8 fl. oz.) Questions? : Write to us at support@herbhealers.com
Blessings . . .
Questions and comments can be addressed to me personally at:
greg@gregcaton.com -- (for personal questions or book queries) support@herbhealers.com -- (to talk to our doctors concerning products or case particulars)
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