Cancer Tutor &
Its Advisory Against Tonic III and
Other Products to Reduce Tumors

Recently, we've received a number of queries about some warnings made on a page at the Cancer Tutor website, on a page entitled Shrink Tumors.
First of all, for those of you who don't know, Cancer Tutor is a site devoted to providing free information on alternative cancer therapies to the general public. I have spoken to Webster Kehr, its current director, in the past and I feel that their heart is in the right place in everything they do.
That said, even the most informed people in our line of work cannot be in total agreement on all points. I want to focus on one set of comments that is the purpose of this web page:

Amazon Tonic III, Botanical Support, Etc. (i.e. Herb Healers)
WARNING: This product is so powerful that it can create a large hole where the tumor used to be!!! Do NOT use this protocol for tumors in the throat or any other dangerous location!!!

Our view is that this is a form of a self-protective, legal disclaimer, because the simple fact is: after pioneering the escharotic field since 1990, we have yet to encounter a single case where either Tonic III, or the Botanical Support products (which we no longer carry and they weren't escharotics to begin with) ever created a decavitated area that did not quickly heal over -- which the wording on this advisory implies.
We are in touch with someone with Cancer Tutor now to find the source of this text, but for now, it remains a mystery . . . after all, if there were any basis for this advice, it would be dangerous to use Tonic III for ANYTHING internal, which is the very purpose for which people have been taking versions of our Cansema (Amazon) Tonics for 25 years.

Greg Caton
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, Ecuador
October 30, 2015