Initial Testimonials
on Raiza Creme ---- (Beta Testers)
One should note that results vary. While many have
reported what appear to be overnight miracles, others notice
no instant benefit other than they love the light scent,
texture and feel of the creme. Ifyou have a 10X
mirror, check closely in the first few days and you may
clearly see improvement. Reports from real people are
anecdotal and do not represent acceptable evidence that
Raiza Creme has efficacy in the cure or treatment of
any disease.

Dear Alpha Omega Labs,
I recommend you use the new testimonials with complete contact information on your site to increase credibility but I wanted you to have these so you can see the range of favorable comments from the beta testers. ---- ~J.
Subject: Raiza Creme Testimonials by Category
I took all of the testimonials I could find and put them in one place by topic. It's a great resource. ~ J
Unedited reports from beta testers after only a few days or weeks.
- First impression: Outstanding!!! We have everyone in the house using it....including an 18 month old baby. She has incredibly sensitive skin. So sensitive that she breaks out in a red, angry rash if the dog licks her face. He licked her last night and she broke out. We immediately put Raiza Creme on her poor welted face, and the redness and angry blotches disappeared completely within 5 minutes. Wow!! Before the Raiza Creme, she suffered waiting for the rash to go away.
On us "slightly older" folk, the creme went of so smoothly. It absorbed quickly and left the skin so soft. It softened the lines on the women as well as the men. As we continue using it, we will keep you updated. ---- Lora, Prineville OR
- I have a 10X mirror. I see my reality in real time. I was amazed to see on my décolletage a smoothness and refining of the pores instantly. Hitting age 60 last year I noticed this area got rough looking. The smoothness up til then was unchanged. But with one application of the crème I couldn't believe my eyes. My freckles looked smaller and pores were amazing. My face felt tight and good but need more applications. Will keep you posted. My initial response is a thumbs up. Have a nice day. I can wear open tops again without feeling self-conscious and old.
- Initial impression - this is the most marvelous stuff we've ever put on our faces whether it does the job or not! Feels so good. Now I'm looking to buy a spritzer.
- Like you, I am 50 years old and people are shocked when they ask and I tell them my age. I've used my creme for only two days, but it feels wonderful on my face. Other moisturizers feel dry after a couple of hours, but this is smooth and creamy all day. I started something today combined with the raizacreme of which I will let you know the results in a about a month.
- I live in northwest Florida, so our climate is similar to the one in which you live where the humidity is high and the sun is hot. All in all, the creme, in my opinion, is great! I love the creamy richness without the heaviness of some moisturizers that I've tried. The fragrance is also a fragrance one can live with daily. Meaning it is unoffensive.
- Oh, my! What a nice feeling! I just received my creme two days ago and already my skin feels softer and smoother. It was an "experience" just applying it - I love the light fragrance, it isn't greasy or watery, it is, in fact, just perfect. I love it! It makes me feel good even without knowing if it will "fix" my wrinkles. I have old skin - I"m 72, but even I can still improve. Please do some arm twisting on Jon (or twist whatever you have to!)
- Received the RaizaCreme late yesterday, used in just on my wrists, and loved the way it absorbed right in without any greasy feeling! Most of my cosmetic purchases are unscented, but this crème's scent is so light, it is hardly noticeable.
- My husband, an optometrist, and I, an RN, are both 49 years old and have been married 24 years. As I was putting Raizacreme on my hands early this morning, I raved about it to my husband, putting some on his hands. Seeing me apply it to my face, he asked to try some on his face, which has always been very dry. His next request, "Can I have my own jar?" He has never made a request like that! He loves the price, too!
- I LOVE IT!!! It smells heavenly. I first put it on my wrists and couldn’t stop smelling it. When I put it on my face it felt softer immediately. It was absorbed very quickly and I wanted to keep putting it on! I do not use crèmes regularly but if Raizacreme continues to be available I will be a steady customer. Plus I work for a company that sells products to the Spa Industry so you never know.
- I received my creme today. I immediately was impressed with the packaging. Having the pull tab is a nice convenience. Trying to slide off protective covers without a tab can make a mess. The fragrance is light and pleasant. It doesn't interfere with the fragrance I wear. The texture is good, feels creamy but not greasy. Absorbtion is terrific, quick and no greasy feeling. After a minute or two, I felt my face tightening. It tingled a bit. It feels relaxed now, about a half hour after application although I am not sure if it is due to my becoming accustomed to it or the effect is wearing off. My overall initial impression is very positive. Thanks for this opportunity.
- "What did you do to your feet?", asked my husband. My feet have been so abused from wearing sandals on the nearby beach. They looked awful-all dry and discolored. My face loves your creme. Tried it on my feet. They love it too! You are selling much too cheap. ---- Marge
- I received the cream a couple of days ago and used it that evening. I really like the consistency and the fact that it makes my face feel firm, not dry. I have oily skin on my forehead and dryer skin around my nose and mouth but the cream seems to do fine on both areas. I love it!
- Got the creme Thursday, tried it right away. Loved the fragrance and texture. I could feel a difference in my skin right away, it felt so smooth.
- This creme is totally thumbs UP!!! Great consistency, wonderful fragrance, not greasy, firming feel to my skin, kind to sensitive skin...keep it coming
- Received the creme yesterday and began using it last night. There was no skin reaction and it smells wonderful. My husband even commented that he liked the fragrance. Its consistency compares with another creme that I have used which retails for $55. I have had good results with the other creme, but do have a problem with paying so much for such a small amount. I'll send my follow-up report in a few weeks.
- Just got my two jars yesterday and used it last night. I Love This Stuff!! My skin feels so smooth and firm - it's going to be an effort not to just slather it on. I am almost 70 and do not expect miracles, but it sure would be nice not to lose any more ground!! Thanks for this great opportunity.
- I received my shipment yesterday. I was so anxious to try it that I went right in and applied it to my face. I love the texture and the nice fragrance. What I noticed right off was that it blended into my skin. I had been using a vitamin E based facial creme but it seemed to just stay on the surface of my skin, instead of being absorbed. This morning, my face felt softer. My skin in normally dry and living in northern Ohio, it is very cold and windy here, which only adds to my dry skin. Then of course, there is also the dry heat of the furnace and that doesn't help matter either. Thanks so much for talking Dr. Jon into funding this study. I could never afford the high priced cremes that were offered at the department stores, so I am looking forward to this study being a success. I hope you and Dr. Jon will be able to find a reliable source to sell this product. I am looking forward to the next few months to see if my wrinkles and lines start to look smaller, but even if that doesn't work, at least my skin won't be as dry.
- I received your cream on Friday, 3/7/03. I immediately opened it. The smell is so refreshing and the texture is divine. I put some on the back of my hands as I already had my makeup on for the day. I must say this year I will turn 50 and my hands are starting to look like my grandmothers did. My face looks younger than my 50, but my hands are a dead giveaway. Well, it tightened the surface of the back of my hands and even after washing them during the day they still stayed soft and subtle and the pours seemed tighter. I used the cream on my face last night for the first time and (my husband even commented on how good I smelled when I got into bed). My skin loved this stuff. This morning my skin was still soft and subtle and reflected no dryness at all. Also, the texture of my skin seems smoother and not blotchy. The raizacream is wonderful!! I hope Dr. Jon will consider producing it for you. It is a winner!!
- Was out of town this weekend so am reporting late ... sorry! I picked up the mail on our way out of town on Friday, and your creme was in the mail, so I used it on our trip. I am so glad I did! I have always had very smooth, soft skin, but as I approached 40, things changed (all over, but we'll just talk about my face :oD) . (I am now 41, by the way). Rough patches, wrinkles and "crinkles" around the eyes, between eyebrows, smile lines from nose to mouth, a loss of elasticity .... you get the idea. And no matter what products I tried on my face, I could never reverse these changes, only slow the "decay" so to speak. But after using your creme for 5 face-washing routines (fri pm, sat am&pm, sun am&pm) I am amazed at the texture of my skin. When I started this "guinea pig" test, there was no expectation on my part of it working miracles, but I was immediately impressed with the texture (not heavy or greasy) of the creme, and also how well it absorbed into the skin without leaving a residue behind. I do like this fragrance, but would also be just as happy with it if it was scent-free. As I write this email, I can't help but feel the skin on my neck and face, because I can hardly believe how soft, supple and smoothe it is. My skin has not had this feel and appearance (clear, radiant, etc.) for at least 5 years, maybe more. It has that "smoothe as a baby's bottom feel..."
- Buenas noches, Raiza! So far, so great!! As I told you before, I previously worked for [and used many products manufactured by] Key West Aloe, so I was familiar with quite a few of the ingredients in your creme. I had my favorite face cremes, but they all sold for $45 for a 2 oz jar. Like almost everyone else reporting, I am amazed at how LONG LASTING the feel of softness is. I applied the creme to my face, neck, decotege, shoulders, and arms & hands before going to work this morning & I just got home. Everything is still soft, as if I had just applied the creme. This is a much better creme than what KW ALoe makes. I am looking forward to many great results!
- I love this cream!!! What I like best about it is that it absorbs into the skin and there is no greasy feeling left. I also love how it feels, looks and smells. The packaging is also appealing. I am 60 and do not have many wrinkles, but I want to avoid them as long as I can. If this cream will help with that I will use it until my dying day. After 6 applications my face feels naturally soft and smoother than before.
- OK Raiza, I'm ready to give you my evaluation of "our" creme (because I have in fact adopted it!) I did not want to give you any report for at least a week because I wanted to see if there would be even a minute difference in my face. I love the scent and all of the things others have said about the product. My husband actually told me I smelt pretty today!
- The truth of the matter is this... it works. Please understand that my face is very wrinkled... from being 60 and from having emergency major surgery on my lower
face some years ago. I am very self conscious of it. My evaluation was set around this. When I sleep at night, I literally push the flesh of my cheeks back and then lay my head down. I have religiously used the creme exactly as you instructed and watched these groves in my face. I actually expected nothing to happen. Last night when I went to bed, I didn't do that. When I realized I hadn't pushed the flesh back I jumped out of bed and ran to a mirror and they are different. They have "shrunk!" or something!! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!!!! Ask and you shall receive!!!! I will continue to apply the creme twice a day and maybe by the time a month had passed I'll look 20 again (just kidding!)
- The creme arrived yesterday. I ordered two. It would have been more except I didn't want to be excessively greedy. A little greedy was okay. Love the silky texture. No greasy feel! Waited impatiently for results of the test reaction, and I am allergic to everything. The first bit went on my hands and all those tiny "alligator" creases disappeared. Will let you know how my face looks in a week or two.
- I received my cream yesterday, I applied last night. I like the fragrance and the feel of the cream, I can't say that I saw immediate results like some of the posts proclaim. I certainly give it a thumbs up and will continue to use it.
- I received my cream yesterday and tried a dot of it on my wrist to check for allergies--so far so good, and today I had my daughter (age 39) and 7 year old granddaughter give it a try. We all experienced a slight tingle after application and then that goes away to the smoothest softest skin we have ever experienced--even the 7year old remarked on it making her skin softer. We love the scent and the texture of the cream, and it doesn't trigger any allergies either.
I will give myself a facial with it this evening if i still have no reaction--and I tend to be allergic to everything so I am really hopeful, since i have no reaction so far--and I will buy a spritzer today, so I can add additional moisturizer in the form of water with MSM dissolved in it. Since my granddaughter seems to have my allergy pattern i have been trying to figure out how to get some MSM into her, and this may well be a way to do both--teach her how to care for her skin so it stays baby soft and smooth, and to nourish her collagen and reduce allergies as well with MSM.
- I received the Raizacreme yesterday and I am looking forward to trying your product. The first thing I noticed and was very impressed was the container. I loved it. Next when I open the razacreme I was again impressed with the little tab to remove the inside lid. (I can see Jon's facial expression and he probably does not have a clue what I am talking about. {:-) Men just do not understand about how little extra things make you feel feminine. Oh yeah, I loved the smell and texture also. Raiza, I have sensitive skin and eyes and a lot of lotions, cremes and makeup I can not use for this reason. If my eyes do not start reacting immediatly, usually the next morning they are swollen. With the Raizacreme I did not have any reaction with my skin or eyes. Also I like the fact that it is not oily - yet after application your skin does not feel "dried out". I plan to use your creme also on the top of my hands where I have age spots. I am taking a picture of my hands tonight and then again every seven days. Thank you again for sharing your product with us and hope we are successful it convencing Jon to continue with the product.
- I NEVER EXPECTED THIS!!! For 40 years I have suffered with psoriasis. After two weeks the crusted lesions are almost gone. I have spent a fortune on prescriptions which did NOT work. Your creme has a wonderful scent and my face loves it. Even if it smelled like pooh I will never be without it. ---- Gladys, Rochester
- I just wanted to say a big "Thank You" to you. My three year old son has suffered for most of his short life with an awful case of eczema. He scratches constantly. The skin on his legs looks raw most of the time. It is dry and scaly. I have tried just about every prescription available; most are steroidal. Nothing has worked.
My parents kept the kids for the weekend and after watching my son claw at himself all day, my mom tried your Raizacreme on him. This was after his Protopic (prescribed by his dermatologist) and a big rub down with Aveeno did not work (it never does). Within minutes, my son stopped scratching. His skin stayed soft and supple. He did not start to scratch again until the next day and it was minor at that. There is nothing worse than watching your child suffer. ---- Cindy Plaue
- This is my second day of using the creme. I LOVE it. The tiny lines under my eyes disapeared immediately. My pores already seem tighter and more refined. Can this be?? It is almost too good to be true.
Now, I'm worried that with such powerful results, the price will go through the roof. Please keep it affordable. Thanks so much for developing this wonderful creme. And please keep making it!!
- As for the cream...I adore it. It felt wonderful from the moment I put it on my face. I like the scent, consistency, non-buttery feeling, and soothing quality to it. I, like many others who have reported, often get allergic eye reactions to cosmetics, but I can slather this even on my eyelids and have no burning, redness, or other problems. Best of all, my skin feels different to the touch. I am certain about this, because several times now I have unconsciously put my fingers to my face and get a shock, like..."Who's skin is this? This isn't mine!" Then I bring into awareness the fact that it is my face, but I've been using Raizascreme.
Furthermore, after about four days of using it, I do believe my face looks different--a bit fuller (hydrated?) and more relaxed. For that claim, though, I will await confirmation from others. Anyway, thank you, and please keep it coming!
- Dear Raiza, This creme is fantastic! I rec'd it last Saturday and was immediately impressed by the shape of the jar and the little inner lid. Then when I opened it, the fragrance was absolutely wonderful, so light. I'm not allergic but I hate heavy flower scents. this fragrance can send me into an alpha state immediately. Please keep this fragrance exactly as it is. I read the contents and instructions, got into a conversation with my daughter, and washed my face and immediately applied the creme - completely forgetting to do the test swatch on my wrist! After using it 4 times, my facial skin is already softer and the little lines at the corners of my eyes are less obvious. I love it! I'd never used face creams much because I disliked the greasy 'feel,' but my skin swallows up this cream so fast that all that is left to feel is the softness. Today I decided to try it on my hands and already I am expecting another pleasant surprise. I had ordered 2 jars of Raizacreme, underestimating the size of 2 ounces. I decided to give one to my daughter and she loves it, too.
- I'm one of the men who snuck into your test. As I'm seventy years old, I wanted to back off some of the age lines I've acquired. I like the results so far. The crinkle lines around my eyes have noticiably diminished. My hands are softer.Also putting it on my neck below my beard with good results.
- I received the creme on Sat. Mar, 8th and used it in the evening and again on Sunday without the test. When I came in from being out and about my daughter told me how pretty I looked. A rare compliment from her. After misting my face the creme spreads well. Giving a close look this morning, the lines around my eyes are softer, brown spots on hands are fainter. Could be this is all in my head, whatever, Makes me feel good.
- I am a late reporter. I wanted to try it for several days first. I didn't receive mine until this past Saturday. I impatiently did the test patch on the wrist. Started using it on Sunday. This is Wednesday. I can certainly tell a difference already as many others have reported. Softer, smoother, plumper skin. Lines on the cheeks are diminishing, but the ones around my eyes were deeper, so they will take longer. I'm hoping it will get rid of the "crepey" eyelids. All the other products I've used were so "specific." One for the face, one for the body (chest and arms, etc.), and another for around the eyes. This "one product fits all" concept is GREAT! Most other eye gels and products I've used irritated my eyes so badly and actually INCREASED the puffiness, that I couldn't use them. So far no such reaction to RaizaCreme.
- I am used to creams without fragrance but the fragrance has grown on me. I'm very pleased with the creme. It makes a nice base for my makeup, which is a crushed mineral foundation. My face looks very smooth with the makeup. The two things that really make this creme special for me are, the price (I have used several different products over the past year, most of which are $35 or more.) and that I can use one product for everything, around eyes, face, neck, hands. From reading other reports, it sounds like you might need to start producing it in gallon jugs. Keep up the good work Raiza
- I have used the creme now since friday the 8th. Wonderful scent--my skin is so soft and i have a brown spot on my face that is fading. Patrick my husband is sneaking the creme now for his lines around his eyes...caught him just a moment ago.
- As a side note, I had some bug bites (South Florida), and I dabbed a little creme on them. The itching went away IMMEDIATELY, and the bites faded much more quickly, like in one day!!!
- After only three applications (I apply to my lower tummy when I do my facial routine) they have lightened in color and become much less "shiny" ... I can't believe it! My stomach is starting to look like a normal stomach! After four children and being 41 years old, I never thought I'd see this day!!! YAHOO!!! I am also applying it to my C-Section scar, but haven't seen much change there yet ... will keep you posted.
- I received my creme yesterday, and couldn't wait to try it, but thought I'd better go along with your 24 hour test. So I put some on my left write and reluctantly put the lid back on the jar. A few hours later, when there had been no reaction, I lost my resolve to wait and went ahead and tried it on my face and the backs of my hands. It felt great and the aroma is fine. This morning, I am very surprised to see that the light brown age spots on the backs of my hands are lighter already, and the edges less defined. And comparing the inside of my left wrist where I applied the creme, to my right which had none, I can see an obvious difference in the firmness and smoothness of the skin. Amazing!
- This creme is FABULOUS!!! I have been using it primarily on my hands, which have age spots, and i can't believe how much softer and nicer they look and feel. I am a my hands are in water all the time and they still remain soft and moist. Blesings to you and Dr Jon for doing this wonderful thing. Thanks!!!
- Thank you, Raiza. This is my 3rd day using the creme, my liver spots (on the back of my hands), like so many others', have lightened considerably. I have a spot on the lower part of my cheek, about 1/4 -1/2 inch in diameter, that also appears to be fading. I haven't really been worried about these liver spots, but I figure if they are changing so must the rest of my skin be gaining some beneficial nutrients. My really hard test will be the smile wrinkles around by mouth...we shall see. Even if those never disappear, the creme is so comfortable and affordable that I plan to use it .... forever???
- Just wanted to tell you that now I can see obvious changes in my skin. I've had a liver spot on my cheek for years. It's almost gone! The laughlines I've had near my eyes are also almost gone. I always expect the best, but sometimes am surprised when it actually happens! Thank you so much!. ---- Bonnie
- I decided to try some on the heels of my feet. I go barefooted quite a bit of the time and the heels lately had become very dry and crusty. There were large pieces of skin just hanging loose so I rubbed a generous amount onto both heels. Wonder of wonders!!! Within just a few minutes of rubbing, the first heel felt absolutely smooth all over. No more rough "hills and valleys." The second heel also responded remarkably well to the cream becoming very soft and greatly diminishing the rough jagged pieces of hanging skin. As I sit here now writing this to you, it's about an hour later and the skin on both heels is still smooth and there is absolutely no trace of grease or oil. This is really a super product. Thanks so very much for allowing us to try it out.
- It seems to be working for me, I did receive it last Friday. And I, too, love the scent. It definitely makes the skin soft, and I think it is working on my chicken neck also. I was going to wait untilI definitely saw an improvement before writing, but even for these few days what I have seen is an improvement. Almost forgot: I am a nurses's aide in the hospital and work hard for my money so being able to purchase something that works for a reasonable price is great. What I was going to say is that using it on my hands after work, when my hands have become like sandpaper from so many washings between patients, is wonderful, as after being on all nite my hands aresmooth again in the morning. I have not found any product to do this in an 8 hour period.
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