Recommendations for the Treatment
of Specific Disorders
Neurotropic therapy is used for local and general treatment.
The principle of the therapeutic action of the apparatus is that the body's reserves are activated with automatic regulation of the parameters according to the biological feedback. As a result of the application of the short electrical impulses of a nerve-like form on the dermal projection of the pathologic and/or reflexogenic zones, the corresponding regulating mechanisms of the body are activated, which brings about a partial or complete recovery of the weakened or absent function.
The comprehensive effect on the neurophysiological, neurochemical, psychic and energoinformation levels reduces and eliminates pain syndromes, improves blood and lymph circulation, including collateral, stimulates the formation of vasodilatory substances, normalizes blood vessel tone, assists in the disposal of the products of pathological metabolism and normalizes the body's natural defenses.
Automatic tuning (adaptation), the specific form of the impulses, variable and fixed frequency modes, continuous and interval treatment modes, and automatic dosing not only simplify operation but, together with its high neurotropic and adaptive abilities, significantly distinguish this apparatus from its competitors and make for a high efficacy in the treatment of a wide range of disorders.
Clinical practice has confirmed that the effect of medications, in particular homeopathic, is strengthened when used in combination with the apparatus.
Treatment serves to improve the general condition and mood, to normalize sleep, to increase physical possibilities and normalize the patient's psycho physiological condition.
The apparatus is equally effective in the treatment of acute and chronic disorders.
A course of treatment will strengthen the effect of the treatment.
The apparatus is designed for direct application to the painful areas, to the corresponding regions of the spinal cord, to the projection of the peripheral nerves, to locomotive, acupuncture or trigger points, to the pathological source.
Carry out treatment in accordance with this appendix "Recommendations for the Treatment of Specific Disorders," the symptoms and possible contra-indications described in sections 3 and 4. Treatment methods are described in the tables, which give information on the recommended application zones, application modes and courses of treatment. Sketches showing the recommended application zones are also included. Observation of these recommendations will help you to avoid mistakes whilst learning to use the apparatus.
Selection of the treatment intensity during treatment is carried out individually for each patient and zone. The patient's subjective assessments may be divided into three categories.

Below threshold (no clear feelings);

Threshold (slight pricking, burning or vibration sensations);

Above threshold (strong pricking, burning or vibration sensations, but without clear pain);
However, in all cases, use the rule that treatment should not be unpleasant - this will exclude the possibility of a negative reaction from the patient, who should always feel comfortable.
The desired effect is achieved by the direct contact of the electrodes with the skin in the zones recommended in the treatment procedures.
The electrodes may be fixed relative to the skin (procedure "stationary") or may make massaging movements (procedure "labile"), with light pressure on the skin or with heavier pressure (procedures "with light pressure" or "with pressure"). The optimum speed of movement of the electrodes for most disorders during labile treatment is from 0.5 to 1.0 cm/sec. Poor or periodic contact with the skin gives rise to an unpleasant sensation.
Treatment is carried out as indicated below:

Switch on the apparatus and make sure that there are no output impulses, which is confirmed by a slowing flashing of the intensity indicator;

Choose the required frequency in accordance with the recommendations for treatment. If you are well-acquainted with the apparatus, other modes which you consider to be appropriate may be selected;

Press the electrodes to the skin in the treatment zone with the required pressure according to the treatment procedure;

Set the treatment intensity according to the patient's sensations;

Carry out the treatment with fixed and/or moving electrodes, as specified by the treatment procedure, for the required time. Or, if the automatic end-of-treatment mode is activated, until the double signal every 8 secs. Starts;
The treatment procedures give the average recommended treatment parameters. The doctor is authorized to change the treatment zones, the duration of the treatment, the treatment mode, the number of sessions, etc.
Several zones may be treated during one session;
The majority of zones are treated using the low impulse frequency. High frequency impulses are generally used in the treatment of the front surface of the rib-cage, the neck and collar zone, Zakharin-Head's zone, acupuncture areas, spinal segments, nerve trunks, reflexogenic zones and soft tissues. To relieve pain syndromes, in many cases the 100 Hz frequency is best.
Warning! Treatment in the region of the heart is allowed only if there is no change in the cardiac rhythm and no implanted cardiac pacemaker is present. It is recommended to avoid treatment close to the heart at low frequencies.
The total time of treatment during one session should not, as a rule, exceed 15 minutes. If several zones are to be treated, the total treatment time may be increased to 25-30 minutes per session. For children up to 12 years old, it is recommended to halve the treatment times.
Treatment of acute disorders is more effective when carried out daily. In some cases (e.g. contusions) the doctor may prescribe more intensive treatment (3-4 sessions per day). For the treatment of chronic disorders of a sluggish nature, sessions are recommended every other day. Breaks in the treatment are allowed, but not more than two days, otherwise the effect of the treatment will be reduced.
As a rule, the number of sessions should not exceed 10. in specific cases the doctor may increase the number of sessions to 15-20. the course of treatment should be sufficient to secure the results achieved.
It is not recommended to repeat a course of treatment within 3 weeks of having completed the previous course.
In cases where the skin in the treatment zone has a thick covering of hair, it is recommended to remove the hair in order to achieve good contact between the electrodes and the skin.
If treatment mode is to be moved to a new zone,
it is recommended to begin treatment of the new zone with the minimum intensity in order to avoid subjecting the patient to uncomfortable or painful sensations.
It is also necessary to exercise care when moving the electrodes, since pathological and reflexogenic zones are, as a rule, more sensitive to electric currents than the surrounding skin areas.
During the treatment of one zone with stable parameters for a lengthy period, the patient may start to experience discomfort. In this case, the treatment intensity should be reduced until the patient's sensations correspond to those recommended in the appropriate treatment procedure.
In the case where treatment of several zones at different frequencies is required, it is recommended firstly to treat all the zones at the low frequency and then move on to the higher frequency.
Since the choice of treatment intensity is based on the patient's reactions,
ask the patient to keep you informed about his sensations, which will free him from uncomfortable or painful sensations during treatment.
It is not recommended to combine treatment with Para vertebral pain-killing blockades.
The apparatus allows treatment with variable output impulse frequencies. In many cases, this mode give the best results because of the wider frequency coverage and the reduction of the patient's negative reaction to monotonous treatment.
The apparatus allows changing over between the continuous treatment and interval therapy modes. The interval therapy mode gives periodic bursts of impulses broken by pauses. This mode is recommended for the stimulation of nerves and muscles, during treatment of internal organs, particularly with an athonic background. The pauses allow the necessary relaxation to occur.
The apparatus allows changing over between the constant and variable amplitude modes. When the apparatus is switched on, the variable amplitude mode is activated. (For changes in treatment intensity, but the duration of the rectangular part of the impulse and the amplitude are changed). This is the main operation mode. In the constant amplitude mode (for changes in treatment intensity only the duration of positive part of the impulse is changed, the amplitude remains constant at its maximum level) the physiological ratio of the positive and variable parts of the impulse is changed. Usually (treatment of nerves and muscles, pain syndromes), the constant amplitude mode better results. However, if treatment in the constant amplitude mode gives rise to pain even at the lowest intensity, it is recommended to try the variable amplitude mode (being more physiological) and after a few minutes or during the next session to try the constant amplitude mode once more.
The apparatus allows special detachable electrodes to be used.
If you have forgotten to switch off the apparatus or if it has switched itself on by mistake, don't worry - if no buttons have been pressed for 10 minutes, it will automatically switch itself off thus protecting the battery from discharging itself.