Legal Disclaimer: Power Guard (tm) is an experimental product
and is not herein represented as being a prevention, diagnosis,
treatment, or cure for any disease. It has not been approved by the
U.S. Food & Drug Adminitration (FDA), Australian Therapeutic
Goods Authority (TGA), or similar governmental body anywhere
in the world. Additionally, its mechanisms of action are not
sufficiently well-established within any of the orthodox
scientific disciplines to provide a basis for approaching
the conventional approval process.
Instructions For
Experimental Use
 Like our formally
available North Polarity Magnetic Health
Products before them, the Power Guard unit works while you're
sleeping. However, instead of being placed on the surface of the top
mattress, it should be placed in one of the following three locations:
( 1 ) Centered Beneath the Pillow.
This position provides the strongest "field strength." It most directly
affects the dream state, as users report not only deeper sleep, but
greater lucidity in and remembrance of their dreams. There is a perceivable
difference between the strong effect felt above the chest and the relatively
weaker affect noted in the torso and extremities.
( 2 ) Between Mattresses.
The Power Guard has a scalar field that projects out approximately
three feet from top and bottom of the plate. The effects in this position
are less intense than in Position #1, but they radiate out to the entire
( 3 ) Below the Bottom Mattress.
This position provides a weak field strength, but affects a broader area.
It may be chosen when a broad effect is desired on the surface of the
top mattress -- (for instance, where you want equal radiated effect over
two people).
AO Labs'
"End users are claiming that this experimental,
passive technology works and gives a feeling of wellness across a broad spectrum of common health complaints.
We have tried our best on this product summary page to describe how the product works, but no product
of this kind that is this new can be fully understood as to the subtle energies involved.
"Read about it. Study the testimonials. Make your
decision about whether to try the product. If you want to try it, I'd be happy to hear
about any changes you notice. If -- for any reason -- you are unhappy with the product,
please send it back to our Miami address for a full refund. Take a year to try it.
I'm not putting a time frame on the refund guarantee.
"Although I have no reason to believe that any
of the testimonials we have received on the Power Guard are in any way slanted,
end users should know that customer testimonials are highly subjective. They do not
constitute clinical study. Although my own sleep has improved since using
Power Guard, even this experience should not be interpreted as a
formal endorsement of a product of an experimental nature. Unlike a product
like Cansema®, which, as we make clear in
Meditopia®, has
been used successfully by thousands of users for more than 20 years,
Power Guard has no such history.
"Our Guarantee for Power Guard
is simple: try it and if you aren't 100% pleased with the results, please return
it for a full moneyback refund."
 Greg Caton
Alpha Omega Labs
Top of Page

In 1990 I introduced the forerunner to Cansema (1),
a product so remarkably effective that it has spawned an entire industry of imitators. (2)
Despite the fact that outside the U.S. and Canada, Cansema is used for both the diagnosis
and treatment of all skin cancer types, as a topical – in practical terms – it lacks any
preventative capability. Our internal version, Cansema (Amazon) Tonic III, can be used
for prevention, in addition to its normal therapeutic purposes (again, outside the U.S.
and Canada); however, it does nothing to mitigate the effects of modern civilization’s
biggest carcinogenic contributors – smoking; FDA-approved carcinogenic agents in foods
and beverages; modern agro-related chemicals and technologies; immunosuppressive
pharmaceutical drugs; chemtrail emissions; and, perhaps the biggest contributor of all:
electromagnetic (EM) pollution.
 Prevention is an important subject when it
comes to any disease, but this is particularly true of cancer. Many of our customers come
to us only after they have been diagnosed with a progressed Stage III or IV growth.
Although it would be easy to say that our job would have been made easier if these
cases were caught at an earlier stage, the truth is that a clinically-proven course
of prevention would have been the best course of all.
 In 2002 Alpha Omega Labs introduced a product
called AO Techno (3), which mitigated the effects of harmful cellphone emissions.
Even then clinical trials of devices that countered the effects of EM pollution were
showing tremendous promise and manifesting themselves in the form of consumer products.
Over the years, because of our sizeable base of customers, we have had several parties
ask that we carry their tested “anti-EM pollution” product. Since AO Techno, we have
always demurred.
Basic Science Studies Spark Our Interest
Power Guard(tm) is built upon the previous technology
of a biofield stabilizer. Several basic science studies were conducted
on controlled target systems to establish its effects. These areas include:
(1) bacterial growth following heat shock; (2) measurements of electrical conductivity
of DNA in aqueous solution; and (3) effects on water droplets.
- Bacterial Growth Study: This test, performed by Beverly Rubik, Ph.D.,
and Harry Jabs, M.S. (physics) at the Institute of Frontier Science in
Emeryville, California, is a randomized blinded sham (i.e. placebo)
controlled study. It is the “gold standard” in controlled study designs.
In brief, this test produced a 13.7% increase in growth of heat-shocked
E. coli bacterial cultures that had been treated with this
biofield stabilization process.(4)
- DNA Electrical Conductivity: An initial study, conducted by
Glen Rein, Ph.D., in Colorado, produced results suggesting that this
biostabilization technology works by interacting with the electrical
properties of DNA, especially at its key resonant frequencies. One
theory is that a type of sympathetic resonance is created, where
electromagnetic bioinformation of key DNA frequencies imprinted within
(the device) are somehow interacting with the DNA to promote frequency
resonance – which in turn increases its electrical conductivity.
If you significantly improve DNA function – DNA being the key molecule
in the genome of all life – you improve the overall functioning of
the organism.
- Water Study: The effects of Power Guard’s underlying technology
were tested on distilled water and a commercial bottled water (Fiji).
The testing device was the Gas Discharge Visualization Camera (GDV),
a type of digital high voltage electrophotography, using the “hanging
drop method.” (5) Initially results showed that our type of biofield
stabilization induces greater responsiveness on water with dissolved
minerals (Fiji), which more closely mimics serous fluid. (6)
 This brings us to human clinical trials . . .
Human Clinical Trials of Power Guard's
Predecessor Show Astonishing Promise
 Over the last couple of years,
studies of biofield stabilizers have showed impressive clinical results and
tremendous promise. Several are worth nothing here.
 Mr. Josh Musick was an athletics coach
and Head of Strength and Conditioning at SWOSU (Southwest Oklahoma State University).
Working with our preceeding technology, Mr. Musick drew upon the assistance of one of his
former professors at the university, the now-retired Dr. Don Wilson, Ph.D.
In preliminary studies involving 5 to 6 human subjects, Musick sought to test
the effects of this biofield stabilizing technology on balance, agility, and
the broad jump in trained athletes. Unexpectedly a 59% improvement in balance
was found using a standardized balance test. (7) So positive were the results that
Mr. Musick expanded his investigation to a pilot study with 100 subjects.
 Well-structured in terms of conventional
testing protocols, this double-blind study – wherein neither the examiner nor the
subjects knew which device was the stabilizer and which was the placebo – demonstrated
a 80.6% improvement in balance and a 16.1% improvement in endurance. (8)
 Using the same stabilizer,
Dr. Gaetan Chevalier et al. at PsyTek of Encinitas, California, conducted tests
with three adult subjects for “biophoton emission.” (9) The preliminary study,
though small, produced results that clearly suggested that the underlying
technology produces anti-aging effects. (10)
Conclusion of Initial Reports
 The initial tests on our predecessor’s
properties were conducted by various scientists from different laboratories
in different regions using a variety of test methods. As stated above,
the methods employed vary in validity, reliability, and degree of acceptance
by the scientific community. Some of the testing methods are accepted and
standardized; others, novel and cutting-edge. Nonetheless, taken together a
clear image emerges supporting the contention that this particular foray
into biofield stabilization provides systems that increase
balance, endurance, and strength.
Power Guard : The Addition of Scalar Electromagnetics
 In 2001 I happened to visit the home
of Dr. Tom Bearden in Huntsville, Alabama – one of the world’s leading
authorities on alternative energy sources and their properties. (11)
I came to interview him and discuss the scalar wave properties of
H3O. (12) His keen insights were utilized when we began making our
own proprietary version of H3O in Ecuador years later, but what
also came out of that interview was a series of eight video segments
that has been viewed by well over a million viewers on YouTube. (13)
 When analyzing the results of
the preceeding technology with its creator and associates, we proposed the
following: What if we were to further enhance the biofield
stabilization technology to date with the addition of our scalar
wave technology? Could we improve its capabilities in the following ways?
- Negate the effects of manmade electromagnetic pollution that is a
driving force in the escalation of so many “diseases of civilizations” – particularly cancer.
- Mitigate the damaging effects of environmental stress which serve as disease triggers.
- Reduce disease-driven and subclinical aches and pains by improving
neurophysiological response to injury . . . in other words,
create a “scalar-based analgesic” (pain killer).
- Neutralize the effects of geopathic stress – a contributing factor to over 85% of patients who die from cancer.
- Improve sleep function so that our product could, over time and with additional clinical testing,
be accepted as an safe, cheap, and effective therapy for insomnia.
- Mimic the regenerative effects of Uberman polyphasic sleep,
so that the body only needs four hours of rest a night – a feat accomplished by Russian scientists
in the 1980’s which has not yet been commercialized (see sidebar).
- Improve dream function, so that dreams were more lucid, clear,
and contributory to the body’s nighttime regenerative processes.
 These are not our claims.
These have been our goals, because we know that the technology possesses
this untapped potential. Our counterparts listened and out of our mutual
technology sharing has emerged what we believe is the most potent
biofield stabilizer on the world market: Power Guard (tm).
Ease of Use / Our Personal Experiences
 For several months now we have been
sharing prototypes of Power Guard (tm). The instruction is incredibly simple.
You just place the Power Guard plate under your mattress so that it is directly
beneath your torso, and the longer sides run parallel to the body.
(The effective field area of Power Guard is two to three feet). You can also
place the Power Guard plate on the floor beneath your bottom mattress if its
effects prove too intense, or – if you’re like me – you can place underneath
your pillow for both a more regenerative sleep and more lucid dream segments.
 It’s so easy to use. There is nothing to
plug in. Nothing to maintain. Once you place it between your mattresses,
you can forget about it. Like all of our products, it carries a liberal
moneyback guarantee. (14) Additionally, we have made special drop-shipping
arrangements with a sub-contracted manufacturer in the U.S.
for rapid worldwide delivery.
My Promise to You As the Founder of Alpha Omega Labs
 Those of you who are familiar with the
work that Cathryn and I produce know that we will not given to marketing hype
and unfounded hyperbole. Just as we wrote the free, online book,
to heavily document our amazing findings concerning escharotics preparations
and the suppression of legitimate cancer cures, we are in the process of
doing the same with “scalar-based electromedicine.”
 But we need your assistance.
 To help publicize this cutting-edge technology,
you will find special offers – “bundles” – at both of our sales sites, with a limit
of one bundle per family. (15) If after three days of use you aren’t experiencing
the most restful experiences of your lifetime – not to mention the many other
positive effects I won’t enumerate here – please write us at
to get a refund.
 Conversely, if you are experiencing any of
the enormous benefits from this technology that WE are, please write to us at this
same address. If there was ever an emerging technology in health care that was
worthy of a revolution, this one is it.
 I stake my reputation on it.

Greg Caton --- Founder
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, Ecuador
- The product was called “Formula G,” and the name of the company was Lifeline Sciences, Inc.
It would be another three years before Cathryn and I created Alpha Omega Labs, which later
became an online company in the fall of 1995 with the first of our internet domains devoted
to the sale of herbal products, Cansema® is a
U.S. registered trademark of our
U.S. company, Herbologics, Ltd. The history of Cansema’s predecessors is covered
in Chapters 1 and 2 of Meditopia® (
- This issue is covered in Chapters 1, 2, and 7 of
Meditopia® (see
- See Our entire inventory of the product was stolen by
FDA agents when our U.S. lab was destroyed on September 17, 2003 as described in Chapter 3
of Meditopia® ( A product we never manufactured ourselves,
Techno AO was not restocked when we reopened in June, 2008 in Ecuador.
- Stress duration: 3 hours; p<0.007 (statistically significant). A research methodologist
and consulting, Dr. Rubik concluded: “These results were obtained using a real-time data
acquisition system of monitoring bacterial growth optically over time as well as performing
the standard plate count assay for bacteria that has been widely used and accepted for over
100 years worldwide. These results, which stand on the most rigorous study design as well as
conventional laboratory testing, irrefutably point to a beneficial effect of the (this)
technology to combat the ravages of stress at the level of cellular and/or biochemical
physiology. As E. coli bacteria are not only present in the human body (about 6 pounds by weight),
but are also historically the model organism for testing any and all biological effects,
these results are highly significant. The point to a clearly documented beneficial effect
of combating stress on a simple, well-characterized organism. This anti-stress effect
may carry over into humans as well, although this remains to be tested.”
- GDV photography has been employed in numerous studies by a growing number of scientists
worldwide who conduct research on subtle energy phenomena and energy medicine.
- A parametric analysis of the induced light patterns emitted from the water droplets
under the influence of biostabilization technology compared to control conditions show
differences between the two types of water. Whereas distilled water showed reduced intensity
of the induced light emitted, Fiji water (with dissolved minerals) showed reduced intensity
as well as entropy. It should be noted that this was not a blinded study. Moreover, since a
small number of samples and types of water were evaluated, further investigation is warranted.
- It should be noted that Mr. Musick is not a researcher, either by education or practice;
thus it was no surprise to find that these preliminary studies were not well controlled.
Nonetheless, the bulk of his findings have been supported by subsequent, more rigorously controlled tests.
- Musick’s 100-subject study was done informally and was not meant for publication. Therefore,
the parameters of the study should be identified. Firstly, the test population was a “convenience
sample” – that is, subjects were those who Mr. Musick was worked with as a coach and trainer and
had volunteered to be in the study. There was no written consent by subjects, nor was Institutional
Review Board approval sought, something typically required for research with human subjects. The
sample population was under 30 years old; 90% from 18 to 24 years old; 70 – 75% male, 25 to 30%
female; consisting primarily of trained athletes. Presumably for privacy reasons, no names of
subjects in the study were retained. Each subject was subjected to two separate sets of test
measurements. Devices were randomized by an assistant examiner who maintained the key, such
that no ordering effect would confound the data. The Balance Error Scoring System (BESS) was
employed in the balance tests, with Musick himself using a quantitative score based on the
number or errors made by subjects. BESS is has a well-established protocol and is the accepted
standard in athletics. Musick was blinded as to the stabilizer/placebo ordering, thus eliminating
experimenter bias. The Bench Press Endurance Test (BPET), another officially-sanctioned and
objective test used in athletics, was employed for endurance. Between the BESS and BPET tests,
a total of 400 data points were obtained. Statistically analysis was made using the “t-test,”
where the final report showed both the descriptive statistics and the calculated t-test results.
With both tests, p<0.0009 – significant since p<0.05 is regarded as the threshold
value of statistical significance.
- This test measures extremely low level natural light emanating from the human fingers.
Normally, the greater the biophoton emission, the less biochemical and physiological coherence,
signaling weakness in biological regulation. With most organisms, biophoton emission increases
with age, and so, conversely, physiological coherence diminishes. Thus it was not so surprising
that a 28-year-old subject experienced no change when subjected to the stabilizer, whereas
subjects who were 43 and 58 years old, respectively, showed a drop in biophoton emission
with p<10(-10). This is VERY statistically significant.
- Though such a preliminary study with such a small sampling (N=3) should be enlarged for
further verification, the results suggest that this stabilization technology provides
a rejuvenating effect.
- See . . . For a more basic introduction, read
“Scalar Energy – A Complete New World is Possible”
at: (July, 2003).
- See Note: The resulting product, which used to be
called H3O in the U.S. and Canada, is now called Calcium Sulphate Hydronium Concentrate
in those countries.
- The original video clips, as first posted on the internet, can be found in our
original Video Gallery
(see; however, numerous other parties have copied these
clips and made them available on YouTube. Eventually, we did this ourselves –
(see However, for lack of exposure, the
vast majority of viewings have taken place on other people’s YouTube channels.
Incidentally, if you listen to any of these clips, the unseen interviewer
behind the camera whose voice you hear is yours truly.
- If, for any reason, you are not happy with our product, call or write us
(at and we will provide a cheerful refund of your purchase.
- Again, for the U.S. and Canada use :
For all other countries,
Vital Readings
 Brief and to the point (104 pg.),
Dr. Milham's Dirty Electricity: Electrification and the Diseases
of Civilization provides compelling proof that there are a
range of common Western ailments that are aided, if not created,
by the proliferation of EM pollution. These include cancer, heart disease,
diabetes, depression, and suicide.
 Now 80 years old and retired, having spent his
entire medical career as a professional epidemiologist, Dr. Milham shows what
extraordinary lengths the orthodox establishment has gone to suppress this
correlation. Strangely, he found that among those at greatest risk were
those who worked at hospital emergency rooms and oncology clinics (p. 91).
It is a sign of the contradictions inherent in Modern Civilization -- that those who
would claim to offer the best therapeutic options for treating cancer
are, at the same time, among those who create the toxic environments that
are best at promoting cancer.
Power Guard stands at
the vanguard of a technology devoted to countering the harmful
effects of EM pollution.

 Human beings probably need
no more than 3 to 4 hours of a night. A variety of claims have been made over
the past 70 years by those who were able to achieve this using
polyphasic sleep cycles,
though the long-term effects have been disputed. Dr. Robert O. Becker's
The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life brought
to light the practice of elektroson, wherein electrodes on the eyelids and
behind the ears deliver weak direct currents "pulsing at calmative brain-wave
frequencies (p. 86). Russian doctors claim that this technique imparts "the
benefits of a full night's sleep in two or three hours."
 Many subjects who have used Power
Guard report that not only is the sleep state deeper, but with sustained
use they find themselves sleeping no more than four hours per night. Only
with years of additional research will we be able to ascertain the
mechanisms by which this is possible.

 Twenty years before Dr. Milham
published his autographic exposé as seen from the epidemiological point
of view, Dr. Becker suggested the very same thing in Cross Currents:
"Recent scientific data indicates that many cancers are the result of acquired
genetic abnormalities that produce activation of oncogenes, which program cells
to become cancerous. Because abnormal electromagnetic fields can produce genetic
abnormalities during cell division, it is quite possible that chronic exposure
to such fields is a competent cause for the origin of cancers." (p. 215).
Moreover, he, too, found that the toxic environment of the modern medical
facilities was an unavoidable subject. (p. 249)
 This is one of the most exciting feature of
the early research on Power Guard -- the reported positive effects on
Electromagnetic-Hypersensitivity Syndrome.
 Incidentally, both Milham and Becker
site compelling examples of audacious suppression of scientific research
that point to the strong links between electropollution and "Western diseases."

 Thomas Valone's Bioelectromagnetic
Healing: A Rationale for Its Use is study of the benefits of bioelectromagnetic
(BEM) devices, based largely upon high voltage Tesla coils. Valone discusses the
physiological mechanisms which could explain why such devices, though many are
quite expensive, have shown such promises in cancer therapy.
 One of the contributors to this book is
a co-creator of the Power Guard, which attempts to obtain the benefits
of BEM devices, without the high cost of purchase, maintenance, and the
effort involved in employing its regular use. With Power Guard you
simply insert the device between the upper and lower mattress of the bed.
It works while you sleep.

Vibrational Medicine
(Dr. Richard Gerber, M.D.) is an excellent work in helping to dispense
with the notion that orthodox medicine -- with its overwhelming support
for all things pharmaceutical -- incorporates the best healing modalities.
Instead, the most proven, effective healing techniques and modalities
tend to be those that operate on the body's subtle energies.
 Biofield stabilization, which is
at the very foundation of the Power Guard device, is a modality
unto itself, so new that its benefits have been proven in the clinical
studies enumerated in the center column before its mechanisms of action
have been fully understood.

 Donna Eden' Energy Medicine covers
much of the same ground as Gerber's work, although it contains clues that would
help explain the early clinical results of Power Guard.
 Eden notes the importance of the earth's
natural electromagnetic field is maintaining health. A lack of exposure to this
field is called Magnetic Field Deficiency Syndrome, which products symptoms
including insomnia, decreased energy, and generalized aches and pains (p. 296). These
symptoms are the same ones that are most noticeably and positively affected in early
research into Power Guard.
 In 2002 Alpha Omega Labs became
involved in promoting the benefits of magnetic therapy with
North Polarity
Magnetic Health Products. The benefits of "magnet therapy" produced
by this product are the same we have observed in our research with
Power Guard. Is it possible that by negating the effects of
artificial electropollution, Power Guard strengthens the positive,
healing effects of the earth's own electromagnetic field?
 Or does Power Guard, by
strengthening the body's underlying scalar field, allow the body to
reinvigorate its own morphic field (p. 318)?
 These are the theoretical challenges
that lay ahead for those exploring biofield stabilization. But in the meantime,
researchers are free to use the technology to get its own practical