The term "opthalmia" (Gr. "ophthalmos,"
eye) is generally used to describe a severe
inflammation of the eye, which includes the
Most mild to severe infections of the eye involve the
conjunctiva, in which case the term
conjunctivitis is used. The more common layman's
term is "pink eye."
It is this later class
of infections we wish to focus on -- and we wish to point out
that our discussions do not incorporate "neonatorum" or other
infant or child forms of this infection. This is because it
is our preference that our products not be used in pediatric
applications without the involvement of professional medical
practitioners. All the customers who have used the protocol
at right in connection with their conjunctivitis were adults.
Other forms of ophthalmia
that we do not directly address on this page include "electric" -
where the cause of damage is exposure to intense light
(a occupational hazard for arc welders); "metastatic"
ophthalmia, where inflammation has its roots in
spread sympathetically from the
"neuroparalytic" or other conditions caused by injury or disease
of the ophthalmic (5th cranial, or "trigeminal") nerve; "spring"
(or "vernal"), a form stemming from allergic reaction to pollen;
or "catarrhal" conditions related to heat, cold, or chemical burn.
All other forms, microbial in
etiology with little exception, would pertain to our discussions
at right.
For more specific information on conjunctivitis alone, see the Conjunctivitis page in the Ailments section.
Top of Page
(includes conjunctivitis,
or "pink eye" - read
"Fundamentals" (left))
phthalmia has a number of causes (read "Fundamentals"
at left), but the most common forms are viral or bacterial infections
of the conjunctiva - called "conjunctivitis." This condition, also
commonly known as "pink eye," is usually treated with a topical
anti-microbial solution.
Our approach is directed at
pathogenic micro-organisms that cause the most common forms of
opthalmia of the conjunctiva and cornea. In other forms, this
is standard, orthodox treatment: Erythromycin opthalmic ointment is standard
to attack the Neisseria gonorrhoeae or Chlamydia trachomatis
that are behind the majority of neonatorum opthalmia cases.
Likewise, 1% silver nitrate is used as a prophylaxis for
chlamydial conjunctivitis - with tetracycline or sulfonamides
employed if the disease develops in earnest.
It has been our observation
(though limited and still being investigated) that
H3O solution, with pH adjusted
to 2.0 (non-caustic), will eliminate the organisms that
cause eye infection, without irritation to the eyes
(aside from healing response sensations). This is made
possible by the fact that H3O can hold very acidic pH
ranges that kill a very wide range of micro-organisms
WITHOUT being caustic or irritating. It has physical
properties that defy conventional chemical explanations.
(You can take our pure H3O hydronium at pH 0.3 and
combine it with our super-alkaline
HRx which has a pH of 13.8,
testing both first -- and get NO exothermic reaction
when you mix them. This isn't supposed to happen.)
It is important to
follow instructions for using H3O,
but with proper preparation, you only need to apply
using a half dropperful, two or three times, on the
average. If you have questions, you can always
email us.
This information is provided for educational purposes only
and is not intended to replace the use of a qualified
health care professional. We strongly recommend the use
of a physician for the diagnostic phase of any treatment.
With an accurate diagnosis in hand, we believe the consumer,
at that point, has a basic, unalienable right to seek out
factual information on all therapeutic approaches, both
orthodox and alternative, and choose those approach(es)
that are right for them. Nonetheless, a "good doctor"
should be considered a requisite starting point.