Date Issued: May 30, 2024

The following information is believed to be correct
but is not warranteed as such, nor does it
purport to be all inclusive.
Product Identification
Manufacturer's Name & Address:

Herbologics, Ltd.
8345 NW 66th St., #7093
Miami, FL 33166-2626

Phone: 1-305-851-2308
Fax: (888) 450-7909

Product Name:
Lugol's Iodine  
Product Code: 565  
Product Description: A aqueous solution of iodine and potassium iodide in water.
Health 2
Flammability 0
Reactivity 1
Physical Hazard None
Section 1 - Shipping Data
DOT Shipping Name:*
Not applicable
Tel. # for information:
(305) 851-2308
DOT Hazard Class:
Not applicable
Prepared by:
DOT Identification:
Section 2 - Hazardous Ingredients / Identity Information

iodine 7553-56-2 5.0% w/v 1.0 mg/m3 TWA ceiling 1.0 mg/m3 TWA ceiling
potassium iodide 7681-11-0 10.0% w/v ------ ------
Questions have arisen concerning the purity and source of the raw materials used in our Lugol's. Both iodine ingredients are USP (pharmaceutical grade). The potassium iodine is made by Amphray (see MSDS -- also the Certificates of Analysis for the last two batches used: P25407 and P25309) and the iodine crystal is made by Malinckrodt (see MSDS), inventory # Baker 2211, 99.8% pure, USP.
Section 3 - Physical / Chemical Characteristics
Boiling Point: 101° C Specific Gravity (H20 = 1): 1.1
Vapor Pressure (mm Hg and Temperature): 18 @ 20° C Evaporation Rate ( n-butyl alcohol= 1): 1
Vapor Density (AIR=1): 0.6 Solubility in Water: 100%
Appearance and Odor: An opaque purple solution with the characteristic odor of iodine.
Section 4 - Fire and Explosion Hazard Data
Flash Point (Method Used): Not applicable Flammability Limits: Not applicable
Extinguishing Media: Not applicable
Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Not applicable
Unusual Fire and Explosive Hazards: Pyrolysis will release corrosive iodine vapor.
Section 5 - Reactivity Data
Stability: Stable Conditions to Avoid:Heat
Incompatibility (Materials to Avoid): Nothing unusual.
Precautions to be taken in Handling and Storage: Store at room temperature.
Section 6 - Health Hazard Data
Routes of Entry
Skin Absorption?
IARC Monographs? 
OSHA Regulated?
Health Hazards  (Acute and Chronic): Large doses of iodine cause sever vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, thirst, shock, fever, delirium, stupor and death. Prolonged exposure to iodine compounds may produce iodism and deficiency of thyroid hormone.
Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: May cause contact dermatitis. Repeated, excessive exposure to iodine compounds may cause rash, swelling of the vocal cords, severe generalized allergic reaction, joint pain and swelling. Iodine is absorbed through intact skin.
Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure: Individuals with thyroid, lung or kidney disease may wish to consult a physician before working with iodine compounds.
Emergency and First Aid Procedures:
Seek medical assistance for further treatment, observation and support if necessary.
Eye Contact:    Flush with water at least 15 minutes and get medical attention if irritation persists.
Skin contact:   If exposed to more than five drops, remove contaminated clothing and flush with water. Get medical attention if irritation persists.
       If four drops or more are ingested at one time, immediate steps should be taken. Do not induce vomiting if patient is unconscious or extremely drowsy. Otherwise administer 2 glasses of water and induce vomiting. Get immediate medical attention even if symptoms improve.
Section 7 - Precautions For Safe Handling and Use
Steps to be Taken In Case of Spill Or Release: Absorb with a suitable absorbent (such as a paper towel) and dispose.
Waste Disposal Methods: Usually not restricted, but local ordinances vary. Iodine may often be neutralized with thiosulfate and flushed down drain with excess water. Insure compliance with all government regulations.
Section 8- Control Measures
Respiratory Protection (Specify Type): Not required.
Ventilation: General ventilation is usually sufficient.
Protective Gloves: Not required.
Eye Protection: Not required but laboratory safety goggles or similar products are recommended as part of good laboratory practice. 
Other Protective Clothing And Equipment: Not required.
Hygienic Work Practices: Wash well after handling, especially before eating and smoking.

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