USA Today Refuses To Run
More Full Page 'We The People' Ads

From Devvy Kidd
From ICE

As regular readers of this web site know, Bob Schulz and his We the People Foundation, have been running a series of very expensive, full page ads in USA Today. This morning Bob appeared on CNN's financial network. While I was unable to speak with Bob, I was able to talk to Mike Bodine for quite a while. It seems the "stuff" has hit the fan back there.
Someone has hacked into their web site,, and turned things around so their site was sending out huge volumes of "spam." A half dozen people complained to Bob's ISP carrier and they are threatening to shut them down. Didn't we hear echos of this last week during the phony senate hearings presided over by the un-American duo, Charles Grassley and Max Baccus?
We did and you can read Grassley's arrogant, shrill rantings at:
The idea of shutting down web sites that the government doesn't like was bandied around this hearing like the First Amendment never existed. What arrogance. How Nazi-like.
Second, USA Today has informed Bob Schulz that they will no longer accept Bob's money for these full page ads. Their justification is that their legal department has advised them they cannot continue to run ads from an organization that encourage people to break the law! Let me tell anyone who hasn't seen these ads, the only thing they contain is specific passages from Title 26, other government sources and personal stories about certain individuals. These ads may be viewed at:
Bob's organization has never encouraged or advocated anyone break the law. Bob Schulz is a gentleman and very mild-mannered - until something like this happens and then he fights back. After a conversation with the folks over there at USA Today, they still said no, but would go back to their legal department to exchange more spit. Bob isn't going to just walk away without standing up for what he believes is right.
It's pretty obvious that the pressure is now starting to get intense. The shadow government that yanks the strings of these "elected public servants" back in Washington, DC and our "free press" are now starting to realize that this isn't some fringe element of kooks, and that they had better do something to stop the flow of truth. For USA Today to kiss off $62,000+ for one ad, should tell people that someone is leaning real hard on the honchos at that newspaper. Four million two hundred thousand people read USA Today - everyday. That's 4.6 million too many for the cartel running this country.
I would ask everyone to climb right in the face of USA Today, politely, and remind them what the words "free press" mean and if they don't get it, inform them that you and everyone else you know will boycott their newspaper.
I told Mike that in a way, all this grief is good news. If what we've all been doing wasn't working, USA Today would be happy to take their money and their computer system wouldn't have been hacked into by "someone." The holes in the dam are getting bigger all the time. It's time to put some pressure on the media. Please join me.
At about midnight, April 13, ICE posted the following "feedback" on the U.S.A. Today site shown above:
"I am stunned and sickened by the cowardice you have shown in refusing to run any more ads from Robert Schulz's organization. Your legal department apparently made the claim that U.S.A. Today could not run ads which advocated breaking the law. Would you be so kind as to provide for me one sentence in any of these ads which ADVOCATED the breaking of any law? If you believe there was any such advocacy, would your legal department please provide for me the specific language from the ad and the specific Statute at Large involved. As you legal department should be aware, Title 26 United States Code has never been enacted as "positive law". As such it is merely prima facie evidence of the law -- specifically the Statutes at Large. Of what specific language in the Statutes at Large have Mr. Schulz and his organization been advocating violation? Has your legal department investigated the claims and concerns of Mr. Schulz and his organization? If so, will you have the courage and decency to show your fellow Americans where Mr. Schulz and his associates are incorrect? What a black day for American journalism!"

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