First posted Jan. 5, 2002; Updated Jan. 8, 2014 / Sept. 6, 2016

Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide 35% - 50%

Bathing Solution for Bio-Oxidative Therapy
Practitioners & Their Patients *
The Information contained in this booklet is for educational purpose only.
It is not to be considered medical advice -- diagnostic or prescriptive.
See your doctor for qualified health care professional care.
aking hydrogen
peroxide as a bathing solution presents, for many who are
concerned about the risks involved in taking H2O2 internally,
a sound alternative for obtaining the benefits of "bio-oxidative
External use of H2O2 is
approved in even the most "health care repressed" countries
of the West (including the U.S., Canada and U.K.) The
technique is very simple: carefully pour 8 fl. oz.
(about 240 ml.) into a full bath of water. Even if you
have a small tub, the resulting solution will be far lower
than the H2O2 3% available in most drugstores. The user
soaks in this warm water for 30 - 45 minutes per bath (you may
wash up as you normally would when taking a bath after this
30 - 45 minute soaking). This is also cost effective:
one bottle (at $9.29) compares favorably with prices
elsewhere on the internet at $20 or more for a quart -
of H2O2 35% (which is 15% more diluted with water).
At 8 fl. oz. per bath, this is enough for 4 "treatments."
Understanding dilution:
To grasp the dilution factor involved in "store bought"
H2O2 products: One bottle of our H2O2 35%
is the equivalent of 4 gallons (512 fluid ounces, or
over 15 liters) of H2O2 3% -- or 32 standard 16 fl. oz.
bottles, which normally run well over $1 USD each!
The retail bottles would have to sell for $ .35 each
to be comparably priced.
What You Will Experience
When You Use H2O2 For Bathing
There isn't a member of Alpha
Omega's staff of herbalists who hasn't used this H2O2 product
per our instructions. There are certain nearly universal experiences
that users should be prepared for in using this product:
(1) Emergence of Worms /
Softening of Stool.
Even a casual examination of one's stool following one or two
H2O2 baths will reveal the presence of dead intestinal worms, or
other parasites, in the stool. These are usually identifiable
by shape and color. The most common, identifiable parasites
will appear shaped like polywogs. Colors can vary from white
to a reddish-orange. Even if you can't identify specimens,
as such, you WILL notice changes in the color and texture
of your bowel movements, as parasites as well as toxins are
released that have been unexpelled, sometimes for many years.
(2) Signs of "Healing
Reactions". People who have not bathed with hydrogen
peroxide before will encounter "healing reactions," which,
without a thorough understanding of peroxide's healing
effects, may be mistaken for
prodromal, or early disease symptoms, if not
the onset of sickness. These may include fever,
diarrhea, or other flu-like symptoms; skin rash, boils, red
spots or botches on the skin that can, in extreme cases of
detoxification, take the appearance of a form of
Many healthy people will experience none of this.
But others, particularly those with advanced diseased states -
and this includes many cancer cases, will experience
healing reactions. Sometimes these reactions will not
appear after one or two baths -- they may appear after
using the product for a month or two. Some of the
staff at Alpha Omega Labs use H2O2 for maintenance
purposes only, and sometimes healing responses will
"kick in" after three or four months of use. There
are no patterns here, as response to peroxide bathing
is highly individualistic. The important thing to
remember is that serious detoxification, which brings about
the purification of physiological systems, will almost
always be accompanied by healing reactions. Try to
keep in mind that "something good is happening."
As always, if conditions persist, you can always
consult with the physician of your choice, if you
so choose. It usually takes years of abuse for your
body to reach a disease state, so give it at least
a little time to restore you to health.
(3) Changes in the Skin.
Apart from "healing reactions," less dramatic changes may be noted
in the skin: some people feel their skin become temporarily "drier"
in the early stages of use. Most people notice that, in time, the
skin is generally softer and feels "cleaner" after they have
used H2O2 for a few weeks. As with healing reactions, these are
nothing to be concerned with. The skin is the largest organ of
the body. It is your first line of defense against a hostile
environment of airborne toxins, microbes, parasites, and filth.
Some people observe small insects coming out of their skin during
some of their baths. Remember, you can pick up parasites even
from your house pets - and many parasites, such as lice, make
their home in your skin. So getting rid of these pests should
be a welcome sight, and not something to frighten you.
(4) Long-term Responses.
Some responses you may observe that occur with regular use
of H2O2 bathing over a longer period of time (i.e. over 3 months)
will include: the elimination of scar tissue; the return of
your regular hair color (i.e. gray color going away); or
even the elimination of chronic problems (i.e. backaches,
ulcers, etc.) that exist at sub-clinical levels - conditions
you may have just tolerated for years because no permanent
solution was available. It should be quickly noted, however,
that these responses are widely reported but are, by no
means, universal. Some individuals get all or some of
these responses from longer term use, but there is no way
to predict in advance who will and will not experience
Speeding Up The Process:
About Taking H2O2 Internally
In answering this question,
please be aware that laws concerning H2O2 usage vary from
country to country. Generally speaking, the U.S., Canada,
and most of the countries of the British Commonwealth
(i.e. Australia, New Zealand, etc.) discourage the
medical uses of H2O2 as anything
but a topical antiseptic - and even then at a diluted
concentration of 3%. In fact, they "poo-poo" the entire
field of "bio-oxidative therapy," and many doctors
are taught to view it as pure quackery. On the other hand,
as we've noted elsewhere, countries such as Russia, Germany,
Austria, Switzerland, and Cuba have medical communities
where it has not only been accepted, but on a governmental
level, it has been pursued openly and with enthusiasm.
This has done little
to deter the principle-bound, civil disobedient: in the
U.S., for instance, you have many web sites that prescribe
taking as many as 25 or more drops of H2O2 35% per day
(usually in a flavored beverage) to quicken
the bio-oxidative benefits of H2O2. (Not everyone can
do this, by the way, as hydrogen peroxide, at even low
concentrations, can provide a most disagreeable taste to many.
There are those who are aware of the benefits of internal
use and restrict themselves to H2O2 bathing on the merits
of its bad taste alone.)
We have chosen the
middle ground in this debate. Our view is that the
internal use of H2O2 and other bio-oxidative products should
be left to medical practitioners. We choose this view for two
reasons: first, an experienced practitioner can fine tune
the proper protocol that will be right for you, based on
their experience; secondly, you may have reactions that would
best be monitored by a medical professional, thus avoiding
potential pitfalls of "going it alone." The choice, of
course, is up to you and your decision will also be
dictated, in part, by where you live and what level of
professional care is available in your area. At the least,
however, our view should be taken into account in whatever
you decide to do.
Special Precautions
andling any
high concentration H2O2 (or even above 10%) demands attention
to safety. There are "safety guidelines" you can read in
the links and article in the right column, but because of
the importance of stressing this point, we will bring it up
We advise customers to use
both goggles (to protect the eyes) and rubber gloves (to
protect the hands and arms)in handling even the H2O2
bottle. You should not pour the H2O2 into your bathtub
until it is about halfway full - in doing this you are
ensuring that upon pouring H2O2 35% into the water,
you are getting a quick dilution down to a safe,
non-caustic level.
the (U.S.) FDA has gone after distributors of H2O2 products is
that a number of children have been seriously hurt because
H2O2 has been carelessly left out. We shouldn't have to say
this, but we will anyway: H2O2 is a clear liquid. It can
easily be mistaken for water if not inspected. The ingestion
of H2O2 35% is potentially FATAL, so special care should be
taken to keep the product storaged in a secure place, high
enough that children cannot get into it. (It should be noted
that many antibiotics, sleeping pills, and analgesics are
also potentially and equally fatal if not taken according
to directions - but we suspect there will be a lesser cry
to ban them.)
What Do You Do If You
Spill, Swallow, or "Get It In Your Eyes"
Maybe we're just uncoordinated klutzes, but
our own people, even those who have used highly concentrated H2O2 for years,
find spills on their hands to be fairly common. This is no big deal.
Just submerge your hand or other exposed area in water
for about 15 minutes or so.
Dilution to non-caustic levels takes care of the problem and you will
notice the "white spots" that H2O2 exposure creates go away - usually
quite quickly.
What is far more serious is accidentally swallowing
H2O2, in which case you should seek immediate professional care (see
panel at right), or getting it in your eye, in which case you should
IMMEDIATELY wash your eyes with water to dilute the peroxide down.
Whether you will need medical attention is largely dependent on what
amount of H2O2 you managed to get in your eyes. Want to play it safe?
Wear those goggles & gloves!
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User Instructions
(as printed on the label):
This product is over 16 times more
concentrated than the 3% hydrogen peroxide available in most drugstores.
It is VERY caustic and container should be handled with rubber gloves
and goggles to protect the eyes and hands. After proper dilution with
water (see below), these precautions need not be observed.
INDICATIONS: Dilute this solution,
one part 35% H2O2 to fifteen parts water to make a 3% H2O2 solution suitable
for use as a topical antiseptic to help prevent infection in minor cuts,
burns, and abrasions, or to cleanse the mouth. DIRECTIONS FOR BATHING:
Pour 8 fl. oz. (about 240 ml.) into a bathtub of warm water. Relax in the
bath for at least 30 minutes prior to any cleansing. See for further info. PRECAUTIONS FOR EXTERNAL USE:
Do not use in the eyes. If redness, irritation, swelling or pain persists
or increases or if infection occurs, discontinue use and consult your physician.
KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN! In case of accidental ingestion,
seek professional assistance or contact a poison control center immediately.
STORAGE: Keep bottle tightly closed and at controlled room temperature
59-89° F. DO NOT SHAKE BOTTLE. Periodically loosen cap to
release free oxygen and relieve pressure on the container. Store in a
cool, dry place. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Stabilized Hydrogen Peroxide 35%.
ALSO CONTAINS: Purified water.
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