Maxi-Pulser instructions

Patent 6,675,047 states that pulsed electro-magnetic fields are useful to increase the mobility of lymph. If that holds true for this device then it could be a very important aid to increasing the number of immune cells delivered from the bone marrow by the lymph fluid to the bloodstream. If the lymph fluid becomes more liquid then the congestion in the lymph (such as mucous) can be moved on out and into the bloodstream where the liver can break it down and get rid of it. But that process can leave your animal feeling toxic until it is all cleared out. 

This is only a theory but I believe an important pulsed magnetism effect is the dislodging of microbes from where they are 'stuck' in the body due to electrical attraction. A blast of magnetic energy which creates a pulse of electrical energy in the body is believed by me to break up electrical attractions by equalizing electrical charges. I believe that if a microbe and a cell of your animals body suddenly have equal electrical charges then there is no longer any electrical reason for the microbe to stay there and so it is freed to recirculate back into the bloodstream or lymph system. 

Mechanics of Usage

For the first day use the Maxi-Pulser on half the body (only along the sides of the spine and inside the front limbs). Do this daily for 3 days. Then start pulsing all body locations daily. If your animal gets too toxic from junk coming out of the lymph system then don't use it for a day. When the cleansing becomes barely noticeable your animal can start using the Microbe Electrifier daily also. Use the Maxi-Pulser every day while using the Microbe Electrifier.

Plug the Maxi-Pulser in and switch the unit ON. With one hand hold the cloth covered coil so that the negatively marked north pole side is facing away from your hand. Place that marked side of the coil onto your animals body. Wait for the red light to flash, which indicates that the coil just sent out a burst of magnetic energy (within 4" of the center of the coil). Start pulsing on the inside of each leg just above the ankle. After 2-3 pulses move the coil 4" up the leg and apply another set of pulses. Keep ascending the inside of both legs and then pulse at the left and right groin crease. Then start pulsing along both sides of the spine, starting at the top of the pelvis. Ascend all the way up the spine. Then start at the inside of the front limb "wrists" and progress along the inside of the limbs and then pulse the armpits. Pulse along the bottom of the collarbones. Then pulse the sides of the neck.
You should also pulse all the rest of your animals body to try to dislodge microbes so they can start circulating again in the bloodstream so they can be affected by the Microbe Electrifier.

Additional Uses: Pulse water in containers with the negative side to enhance the water (making it more bioavailable by breaking up molecular bonding due to electrical attractions). Pulse your scalp if you are lacking hair. Also massage in colloidal silver water. Pulse the sides of plant pots containing plants that are sickly or are growing too slowly. This promotes root growth.

Precautions: Keep all magnetic media at least 6" from the pulsing coil when unit is on. Magnetic media includes cassettes, computer disks, plastic cards with magnetic strips, etc. Don't keep the Maxi-Pulser switched on when not using because the coil can get real hot. Control the heavy cloth covered coil by handling it and not the wire. The connection there is prone to breaking if bent or pulled too much. If broken there have someone resolder it or send it back to us. Radio Shack sells heat shrink tubing useful to insulate the soldered location afterwards.

Maxi-Pulser warranty: 1 year. Look at our warranty page for shipping instructions to us.