![]() Since the beginnings of time, disease has been one of humanity's greatest scourges. Although science has made progress with the creation of vaccines and antibiotics, we still have many untreatable diseases, some of which are due to new strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Some of these are responsible for Tuberculosis, Cholera, Pneumonia, Meningitis, Scarlet fever, Strep throat, and untreatable infections of the ears, skin, and blood. On top of that we have many incurable viral diseases, including AIDS, Ebola, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Herpes, Hepatitis A and B, some cancers, and killer flus. Science is still looking for a magic bullet, but unfortunately not in the arena of electromedicine. That's because electromedicine was "discredited" back in 1910 by the Flexnor Report , which was subsidized by John Rockefeller (who had just purchased stock in pharmaceutical companies.) Despite this major setback, a great step was taken in the war against viruses and bacteria when doctors William Lyman and Steven Kaali made an astonishing announcement on March 14th of 1991 at the First International Symposium on Combination AIDS Therapies. Lyman and Kaali, researchers from the Albert Einstein School of Medicine, reported that a small amount of electric current, flowing through a dish of fluid containing the HIV virus, reduced its ability to infect cells by up to 95%! The electric current used was very small, (only 50-100 microamperes) which is safe for blood cells but harmful to viruses and other pathogens. The announcement of this electromedicine was reported in Science News, Longevity Magazine, and the Houston Post . Unfortunately, further media coverage of this breakthrough was suppressed. Other than the publications mentioned and the March '91 AIDS conference, nothing again appeared in print, radio, or TV about this important discovery as a potential treatment and cure for AIDS from Kaali and Lyman. Most knowledgeable observers feel that their discovery was intentionally suppressed following the AIDS conference presentation. If AIDS research was on the level and not the sham that it actually is, this should have made front page news around the world. (In 1999, a woman with AIDS had managed to reach Dr. William Lyman over the phone. She asked him about his experiments with Kaali regarding blood electrification and if she could obtain the treatment through them. Lyman denied any knowledge of any AIDS treatment or cure. He said he never heard of Dr. Kaali and he had no idea what she was talking about concerning blood electrification and then hung up on her. He obviously had been 'leaned on' in order to shut him up permanently.) In 1992 Dr. Kaali & Peter Schwolsky created patent #5139684 , which describes two blood electrification methods as being able to: "provide electric current flow through the blood sufficient to render the bacteria, virus, parasites and/or fungus ineffective to infect or affect normally healthy cells while maintaining the biological usefulness of the blood or other fluids." Their electromedicine patent described blood treatment which involved extracting the blood, treating it with electricity, and reinjecting it back into the body. Also another method was described which required implanting an electrical blood treatment device into an artery. Both of these electromedicine procedures would be lengthy, painful, and available only at considerable expense from hospitals or clinics. To create a simpler and less invasive electromedicine treatment, a health researcher by the name of Bob Beck came up with the idea of electrifying the blood by placing two electrodes on the skin directly over arteries in the ankles or wrist, and wired to an electronic device capable of painlessly injecting current into the bloodstream through the skin. A controlled amount of electrical current thus passes through the circulatory system while the patient rests or undertakes a quiet activity. Even though the electric current apparently does not kill the viruses, research has shown that it deactivates all of them, so that they lose the ability to infect cells. Viruses that can't penetrate (infect) cells are fair game for removal by the immune system. Therefore, during the period of treatment, the immune system can successfully remove these deactivated viruses from the body. Bacteria, fungus, and parasites in the blood are also neutralized or killed by the electric current. Because this device was not FDA approved, Bob Beck left the U. S. for two years to test it on people with viral diseases and observe the results. He needed to determine not only the efficacy of this treatment, but its absolute safety. His experiments consisted of 1 to 2 hours of treatment per day over a 5 to 8 week period. As a result of these experiments, he concluded that anyone with any known or unknown virus, using the blood electrifier device exactly as directed, would invariably become virus free and experience remission from their illnesses. However, he also observed that some of his test subjects would experience a reinfection by the same virus, after a year or more of apparent freedom from it. He then realized that some viruses also remain in the lymph fluid and would eventually make their way back into the bloodstream, where they could infect cells, multiply, and once again bring back all the old disease symptoms. So, being the genius inventor that he is, he then created another electromedicine device which he called the Magnetic Pulser. Using a magnetic pulse, it creates a momentary electrical current which causes increased movement of the lymph fluid, moving microbes into the bloodstream where they can be zapped. He then proceeded to use the Pulser on test subjects along with the blood electrifier. This combination usually proved to be completely effective at eliminating 100% of viruses from test subjects! For instance, in one study with 8 AIDS patients using his devices, all of them were returned to health! Once he was satisfied with the results of his research, he was faced with the question of how to bring this electromedicine technology to humanity for the benefit of all. He chose not to sell these devices, nor to associate himself financially with the manufacturing of these devices. Instead, he dedicated himself with humanitarian fervor to lecturing and writing about the benefits of this type of electromedicine. His goal in creating the devices and disseminating the information has been to give the people an alternative to the dangerous, costly, and mostly ineffective drug therapies of the medical-pharmaceutical cartel. He charged nothing for his articles and lectures where he also gave out the schematics so that people can build their own. |