Could Root Canals be the Root Cause of Your Cancer or other
Illness? by Bill Henderson
The principal lesson I've
learned from ten years of trying to help people heal their cancer is that
there are literally hundreds of ways to kill cancer cells and get the body
back in balance. What all cancer patients and us authors need to
understand, however, is that none of these will heal us until we address
and treat the CAUSE of the cancer.
All my work with hundreds of
people on the phone proves to me every day that there are two major causes
of cancer that no doctor (or researcher) pays enough attention to. The
first is emotional events and stress. The second (which I think is the
really big elephant in the room) is root canal teeth and cavitations in
the jawbone. Think about it. No doctor ever explores the patient's dental
history. Yet it has been proved by many dentists and oral surgeons I
respect that virtually all degenerative disease starts in the dentist's
chair (see "The Roots of Disease" by Robert Kulacz, D.D.S.).
have worked with hundreds of people who have struggled with all kinds of
conventional and alternative treatment. Nothing seems to work to heal
them. When these people finally wake up to the above and get their mouths
cleaned up, they get well in weeks -- not months. Almost everyone (85-90%
of the people I work with) has root canal-filled teeth. One lady had 13 of
'em. They are ALWAYS related to the cancer. No exceptions.
Thomas Levy, one of the world's experts on dental toxicity, told me he had
done a study with Dr. Hal Huggins from 1994-2000. They removed "over 5,000
root canal-filled teeth." He said they took every one of them to the lab
and tested it. Every one of them had toxins coming out of it "more toxic
than botulism." His exact words. You can see on a thermogram the root
canal tooth with its inflammation on the exact same meridian as the cancer
tumor in the breast, colon, prostate, etc., etc. There are over 40 million
root canal fillings done in the U.S. alone every year. Is it any wonder we
are all getting sick?
I don't want to rant. But rather than trying
to find the magic substance and protocol to kill off the cancer cells, we
should all concentrate on helping people deal with the cause of their
You might also want to pass on a couple of references to
newsletter articles by me on the subject of root canals and cavitations.
They were both written after the last update to my "Cancer-Free" book so
this information is not all in the book. Here are the links:
Bill Henderson Author, "Cure Your Cancer" and
"Cancer-Free" "How to Live
Cancer-Free" Listen anytime.