April 21, 2009 -- Within the last few weeks we have received
an inordinate number of email letters from Alpha Omega customers who indicate
that although they received all the product they ordered, there was
(is) at least one item where a cap wasn't sealed properly on
a bottle, or in the case of liquid product, there is some indication of leakage.

This is something we
had to research because we've never received these kind of
emails before -- in our nearly 20 years in business --
except for a very occasional package which is damaged during shipment.

But these are not cases where
the package is damaged. These are cases where it is obvious that
Customs officials (primarily in the U.S., Canada, and Australia)
have opened the product
for inspection and then failed to reseal or otherwise secure the
product so that it proceeds in the same pristine condition in which
it left Ecuador.
The first question that
most customers will ask if they receive such product is:
"Is this product still safe to use?" Our belief is that although
this reflects a new level of carelessness we have not seen before
on the part of Customs personnel, the product is still safe.
We cannot do anything about the phony "War on Terror," which is turning
"free nations" that used to have civil liberties into virtual police states,
but we can do everything possible to ensure that the items you order
arrive safely and professionally packaged.

We believe this problem is
systemic, since officials with the Ecuadorean postal service
Correos del Ecuador)
tell us that they a large number of complaints about U.S.-bound
postal traffic -- both in the way that packages are handled and
delivery times. It is our hope that the complaints they have
lodged with U.S. Postal and U.S.Customs will resolve some of these
issues over the coming weeks.
Cathryn Caton, N.D.
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, Ecuador