We are sometimes asked if
Amazon Black Topical Salve
is the same as
Cansema® ---
our original black salve, the first to be
on the internet (1995), and our
U.S. registered trademark.
The issue has become important to many users, not only because we've
emphasized the proliferation of
counterfeiters using
our name, which persists to this day, but because conscientious
users want to ensure that they're "getting the original," for
which there are
hundreds of
pictorials and testimonials online attesting to its efficacy. These
testimonials run from the early 90's to the present.

The decision to use alternative labels in
select jurisdictions is rooted in the fact that the "orthodoxists" have worked
assiduously to associate
black salve in general, and
Cansema® in particular,
as veritable concoctions of cancer quakery . . . this, despite the fact that with
Meditopia, we've explored
over 500 years of suppression of this valuable modality of treating a wide variety of malignancies.
Just as the mainstream media lies about
all things related to politics, it is even more obnoxiously propagandistic when it comes
to anything contrary to the standing doctrines and principles of the Medical Industrial
Complex. For examples, see Wikipedia's
of Black Salve, or Quackwatch's
ridiculous arguments and
our subsequent rebuttal.

In every respect, our
is the same as our
Amazon line of black salve products. Same formulas. Same ingredients. Made by the same
people since 1990. The only difference are the names we use.

If you have any questions about this issue, please write to us at
Cathryn Caton, N.D.
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, Ecuador