We are frequently asked how
works -- in other words, how does it eliminate cancer cells while leaving
healthy cells alone.

Expressed in its simplest terms,
Cansema affects the cell membrane of cancer cells in such a way that
the body's immune system (in both human and veterinary cases) recognizes
the cancer as invasive. When cancer cells are so identified, the immune
system initiates a process to kill the "invading cells."
Cansema does not have this effect on normal cells.

This explains why the "application
area" is so immunologically active -- with an inflammation response,
slight edema, rubifacience (reddening of the skin surface), and a warming
of the area. An laboratory analysis of an ejected eschar will show that in
addition to dead cancer cells and dried serous fluid, there is the
detritus of dead immune cells as well (i.e. granulocytes, neurophils, etc.)

This also explains why the internal
protocols for Cansema do not work as well on patients who have highly
compromised immune systems -- most notably those who have been through
extensive chemotherapy and radiation, which are both incriminate killers
of cells.
Cathryn Caton, N.D.
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, Ecuador