Importance of
Photos & Journals
e are in for the fight of our lives.
As more and more people are cured by the Cansema program,
we expect more and more political confrontations with the AMA,
FDA, FTC, and other policing bodies of the Medical Industrial
The only defense we have is pure science. Cansema works.
We know it works, and we have physicians who work with us who have
successfully used the product on hundreds of people. In their
attack on alternative treatments the MIC calls such evidence
merely "hogwash," saying it takes double-blind studies to know
if something is really effective or not.
Hogwash... The entire system of medicine from the time of Hippocrates
right through to the homeopathic "provings" of Hannemann in the
last century were all based on observations, by the ascertaining
that something was an effective treatment because it repeatedly
produced the same response in patient after patient after patient.
We need your help to prove our case and we want thousands of
case studies catalogued so that when the war really heats up,
we'll be ready.
You can help us by keeping a daily journal of what happens following
your application of Cansema, and taking period photos of the
affected area. In fact, we will send $10 to every user who sends
us their journal and photo case history. For pictures we recommend
that photos be taken before applying Cansema, 24 hours later,
and then at 5 day intervals until cured -- (eschar removed and skin
has healed over).
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