Is Cansema Legal?
"For the medical profession this era may well
be one of the most shameful and ethically questionable periods of
its history."
Stanley Wohl, M.D. - The Medical Industrial
Complex (1984)
he issue of legality is a complex issue. In most countries of
the world, Cansema is completely legal as an herbal preparation.
In most Western countries of the world, however, Cansema can
be sold as an herbal preparation, but one cannot say what it does
or what it's for. That is, one cannot make a "claim."
Why? An effective topical skin cancer salve,
such as Cansema, poses a serious threat to orthodox
treatments for skin cancers that are far more expensive, but
far less effective. It is truly ridiculous.
"When was the last time you went to a doctor, received treatment that was
not effective, and was able to go back for a cheerful money
back refund? And yet Alpha Omega makes just such an offer on
all its products. Such a supreme statement of confidence on
the part of an alternative product vendor is a threat
to an establishment that charges princely sums for treatment
approaches that simply do not work..."
So this point should be made quite clear: Cansema is not
an approved drug, as defined by the U.S. Food & Drug
Administration, or any of its European counterparts. That is,
it is illegal for a company inside the U.S.
to sell a product like Cansema and have the
audacity to say what it does, despite its history of effectiveness.
In fact, there will
never be a time when the FDA, in its current state of operation
as a strong arm for the big pharmaceutical companies, approves
an escharotic formula such as Cansema. And there's good
reason for this: no sane person would invest the $100 million and
15 years in clinical trials to get a "drug" approved that cannot
be truly protected by patent law. And there is no set of patent
laws on the planet that will truly protect the owner of an herbal
formula. Only chemical compounds with unique empirical formulas
not yet patented can get meaningful patent protection. Without
this protection there is no intelligent reason for filing a
New Drug Application (NDA), investing $100 million and
waiting for 15 years to get a government to approve a claim on
a life-saving product that has already been curing people of cancer
for well over 100 years.
There can be no greater example of corruption in government than
an instance of a federal body suppressing compounds that save
lives just so a select group can milk the citizenry for the maximum
amount of health dollars with second-rate, but "approved" drugs
and deadly, questionable therapies, such as chemotherapy. Nonetheless,
that is exactly what has been going on. And it has been going
on for a long time: in the United States, it's been going on
ever since the enactment of the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act (1933),
which gave the U.S. Food & Drug Administration its authority.
(See Cancer Bureaucracy:
How The Real Cures Are Suppressed.)
Sure, we have a very difficult time
explaining to some people how a product
that is proven to be safe, effective, and inexpensive would get into
trouble in countries that boast "free trade," and in the case of
the United States, a 200-year-old "Bill of Rights." But only
the uninitiated are unaware that there is an all-powerful
consortium of interests in the U.S. and elsewhere in the West
called the Medical Industrial Complex ("MIC"). It involves
powerful interests both within the drug industry, the orthodox
medical industry, U.S. government regulatory agencies and even in
academia. It involves the Federal Trade Commission and the Food
& Drug Administration. It involves the American Medical Association,
the National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, the
National Academy of Sciences -- in short, it involves all those
who benefit, directly or indirectly, from the highly lucrative
franchies that comprises the $200 billion a year "U.S. cancer care
To be sure, this is no news to many people. Very little goes on
in Washington that is not politically motivated. The widespread
introduction of something as simple as "margarine"
in the 1940's created years of hurdles for its backers. The dairy
lobby (which rightly saw margarine as threatening to the market
share of "butter") created so many hurdles that it was not
until 1958 that margarine clearly gained the upperhand as
the edible fat of choice for consumers worldwide. (We use this
as a historical example of political dynamics, by the way,
margarine is one of the worst things you
can eat.)
Can you imagine, therefore, how threatened the MIC, a far more
powerful lobby employing millions, must be with a product, such as
Cansema, which takes care of skin cancer. Are they really
threatened? The facts would suggest that they are.
The bureaucracies manning the FDA, FTC, AMA and throughout the
MIC, are anxious to label providers of effective, inexpensive
remedies for cancer as "quacks," "con men," or "cheats," and make
sure that you remain ignorant of how easy it now is to manage
skin cancer -- something that would otherwise call for expensive
surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and/or whatever else can pump
your bill into the thousands, yet not guarantee that your
problem has been completely eliminated. Who knows, maybe this
is the greatest irritation of all: we have and do honor
a money back guarantee. That would be
disastrous policy for someone who sold something that did not work.
Compare our policy to that of the medical establishment.
When was
the last time you went to a doctor, received treatment that was
not effective, and was able to go back for a cheerful money
back refund? Get the picture?
(Nevertheless, if anyone thinks that Cansema is not
exactly, and we mean exactly, what we propound it to be,
we highly recommend not using the product.)
There are many books on the market which deal with this unique
area of corrupt American politics. Many of the major book dealers
have been pressured by the MIC into not carrying at least
some of the titles we list,
so you might have problems finding them,
depending on where you live. The best book we have come across on
the topic is The Cancer Industry:
The Classic Expose on the Cancer Establishment.
It is written by Pulitzer-prize
medical author, Ralph W. Moss, and it's an excellent work.
"This is a shocking, disturbing book," wrote a reviewer at the Baltimore
Evening Sun. We would add "vital and highly informative."
For a list of other books that provide
insight into the current corrupt state of orthodox medicine, and other
effective remedies and approaches besides those offered by Alpha Omega
Labs, see our other article on government suppression of medical
discovery: Cancerolytic Herbs: A History of
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