Alpha Omega Labs'
What you should know about these devious internet companies and their services -- some of
them among the best known in the industry, and
why we created out own Black Lists .
Background: Since the summer of 2019, we have been talking about the problem of
internet censorship, because we ourselves have been victimized so many times by it, and we continue to be. This prosecution isn't
just directly towards us. There are thousands of small businesses, many of them like ourselves, which work in the natural products
industry, who are similarly treated.
 This is not a minor problem. For example, if you write us an email to our customer service
department --, regardless of topic -- you will not get a reply from us if your email address is with a service
that is blacklisted here. Why? --- Because the companies on our Email Black List will not permit mail from our server to be delivered to
their companies. Most people have heard about the problems of censorship with the Social Media companies, but they have no
idea how out of control the situation is throughout the internet. These companies have black listed our company, and thousands of other
companies, which provide products or services that compete with their largest advertising customers. In our case, we are viewed as a threat because
we sell effective natural products that compete with pharmaceutical drugs from Big Pharma.
 Below we provide our internet Black Lists, providing a reason why each company is black listed,
and offer solutions, using companies that are not in the censorship business.
Internet content and email blocking are among the things
I urgently discussed in my July, 2020 general update video.

Below we divide our Black Lists into categories. We indicate why each entity on our Black List has been placed there,
and -- where possible -- we provide important alternatives. Know that there ARE blacklisting services, and anyone can find out
if their domain, server and/or IP address has been blacklisted because of spamming, phishing, etc.
by going to MXToolBox.
Alpha Omega Labs, nor any of the entities connected to it,
is on a BlackList. What this says is that we have been Black Listed (blocked) by the entities below for political or economic reasons,
and their actions have no legal or legitimate foundation.
- -- Blocks our entire server. Notorious in its interference with email traffic. The funny thing is that I've had an account
there for the better part of 30 years. An associate recently asked me, "Why do even keep an account there anymore? I think you and buddy of
mine are the only ones keeping the lights on over there."
- -- Blocks our entire server in Australia.
- -- Blocks our entire server. Horrible blocker.
- -- Blocks our entire server.
- -- Blocks our entire server.
- -- Blocks our entire server.
- -- Blocks our entire server.
- -- Blocks our entire server.
- -- Blocks our entire server. Occasionally something gets through and ends up the Spam folder.
- -- Sends our email to the Spam folder half the time, even with email accounts that we have been
talking to successfully for many years.
- -- Secure, encrypted, an opening account is free. Based in Switzerland. They've never blocked us or put our email in the
Spam folder.
- Private domains -- Let's say you own a construction company. We'll call it Southwest Construction Co..
You are used to getting mail at Our email will arrive to THAT email address because it is a private domain, and you're
probably not in the business of censoring your own mail.
- -- 2020 Election Voter Fraud Co-Conspirator --
One of the most invasive, overreaching creatures to ever inhabit the net. Yes, I have an account.
Somebody set up an account for me in 2011 while I was in the U.S. doing hand-to-hand combat with a major crime syndicate (FDA).
I almost never post anything, because I know if I did, it risks getting taken down.
- -- 2020 Election Voter Fraud Co-Conspirator --
The heavy hand of censorship is worse at Twitter than almost anywhere else. I've had an account since April, 2009, but in 11 years,
I think I've put up less than 8 posts. Alpha Omega Labs has had an account for a couple years (@alphaomegalabs1), but we rarely
use it. Point being: we won't devote any resources to a platform that is so contemptuous of our personal values.
- -- 2020 Election Voter Fraud Co-Conspirator -- Again,
I have an account.
Haven't posted personal pictures, but I did post my recent video, "The Truth About 2020 (People Are Still Having Sex)"
in the middle of October. My one and only poste.
A friend of mine in Guayaquil loved it and sent it to all her Instagram friends. The result? Instagram then closed her
account as punishment. We're done with the leftist, communist fascists.
 We don't have a great deal to offer on this because we are not social media aficionados,
nor do we pretend to be. Customers who need personal service can always email us at, and if they
are writing from one of the Black Listed email vendors above, we just reply from an alternative email address. It's a pain,
but we do it. Nonetheless, we'll share what we use and what we've learned:
- MeWe -- This is an easy to use social media platform that has elements
similar to both FB and Twitter. Our site there is AlphaOmegaLabs.
Admittedly it has few posts because most people just prefer to email us at and get private, personalized
service, as we do not charge for our professional consultations.
- GAB -- My personal account is @gregcaton. It's like Twitter, but censor-free.
It's very feature rich.
- Parler -- This and GAB look to be the best candidates to be "Twitter-killers."
More than 10 million have joined, and most of that has been within the past month. We have not joined yet, but we plan to.
It's like Twitter with absolutely NO censorship, no delisting, no getting your pee-pee spanked because you're failing to be the good little,
left-wing, communist extremist the media and Big Tech expects you to be. You can share your views freely without fearing reprisal.
Twitter Alternatives Guide: How (and Why) to Avoid Twitter -- This is a long article with a very thoughtful analysis.
Recommendations are made for four viable alternatives: Mastodon,
and Aether. We don't have accounts on any of them -- as yet.
- Rumble -- Censorship free video platform.
- Brighteon -- Censorship free video platform founded by Mike Adams (Health Ranger),
founder of NaturalNews.
- Bitchute -- Censorship free video platform.
 Any additional questions on this subject
can be addressed to:
Greg Caton
Alpha Omega Labs
Guayaquil, Ecuador